The Board of Elko County Commissioners met in regular session on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 1:30 p.m., in Room 105 of the Elko County Courthouse, 571 Idaho Street, Elko, Nevada.

There were present: County Commissioners Charlie Myers, Chair

Sheri Eklund-Brown

John Ellison

Warren Russell

Mike Nannini

County Manager Robert Stokes

Deputy District Attorney Kristin McQueary

Deputy County Clerk Marilyn Tipton

Public Work Director Lynn Forsberg

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The proceedings were as follows:


Chairman Myers called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m. He noted that all Commissioners were present.


Commissioner Eklund-Brown led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Ellison suggested the County host a parade on Veterans” Day to welcome home the troops. He had spoken to the Elko Daily Free Press about possible media coverage. Commissioner Myers noted they would need a permit from the City. He suggested that they have the VFW Honor Guard in the parade and open it up to all the veterans to participate. Commissioner Ellison suggested that the Navy League also become involved. He asked Lori Lynch to help with the parade. Commissioner Myers noted the Spring Creek High School or the Elko High School bands should be invited to attend.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that Bob Williams would have a stakeholders’ meeting in Jackpot on December 1st regarding the Rehabilitation/Recovery Program for the bull trout. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted the US Fish & Wildlife had been working with the Bracketts and the BLM in Idaho. She suggested that Jack Creechley’s number be given to Bob Williams.


The Board considered a request for $1,000 to replace the Christmas lights on the tree in front of the courthouse for the Holiday Season and Snowflake Festival to be held on December 10th.

Lori Lynch, of DBA, introduced the DBA President, Begona Hull; Hayley Bammesberger, DBA member; and Robert Lino who was representing Elko VFD and Sierra Pacific. Lori Lynch noted that DBA for the last 30 years had been working with the Elko VFD on lighting the Christmas tree as part of their downtown kickoff for the holiday season. She stated the Snowflake Festival and the Parade of Lights were incorporated in that tradition. Lori Lynch noted the older tree lights were in bad condition and blew the County’s fuses. She asked for the County to partner with them in the tree lighting. Lori Lynch noted there were cost quotes for new lights inclusive of a 1000 feet spool of wiring and 2,000 lights for the bulbs. She stated that the DBA were able to raise $350.00 of the $1350.00 needed.

Lori Lynch commented that the DBA would do a memory tree this year and they would have a hundred steel stars with name plaques to be placed upon the tree. She noted the college had cut out the steel stars.

MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to approve the request for $1,000 to replace the Christmas lights on the tree in front of the Courthouse with the fund to be determined by the Comptroller. Commissioner Russell seconded the motion.

Commissioner Myers inquired how the string of 1000 lights would be hung. Lori Lynch replied they would speak to the Volunteer Fire Department. Commissioner Ellison stated they had talked to Robert Stokes about trimming the tree and the Elko Fire Department had responded with a letter. Lori Lynch reported that the VFD was holding their monthly meeting tomorrow night and the DBA would speak with them on this issue. Robert Stokes stated Ron Eastwood was trying to speak to Charlie See about trimming the tree. Commissioner Ellison noted they had discussed lighting the top of the courthouse. Robert Stokes stated that there were electrical upgrades for the last three years in preparation of this annual event.

Lori Lynch commented that they were seeking donations to put a big banner across Idaho Street from light pole to light pole and also for the pole lights.

Robert Stokes had spoken to the City Manager about putting the parade permit application on the City’s Tuesday meeting agenda.

The motion was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired when Court Street would be landscaped. Begona Hull, President of the DBA, replied that they were working with the Garden Club. In the spring, they would get the benches put in and there would be a perennial garden.

Begona Hull inquired if they had any suggestions of who should be the person to throw the light switch to light up the Courthouse tree during the Parade of Lights on the 10th of December at 5:00 p.m.


Buck Boyce discussed County financial participation in the building of a new restroom facility at the Elko County Fairgrounds including support for the request of an extension of the Fairgrounds lease with the City of Elko. Buck Boyce and Jim Elliott were present representing the Elko County Fair Board. Commissioner Myers noted the City had agreed to a three year extension. Commissioner Nannini stated the City of Elko was on board with them in their negotiations. He noted that the contract was up in August so it would be extended actually for four years beyond the ten years. He felt they could go ahead with any financial output.

Commissioner Ellison inquired if that would be put into their budget. Commissioner Nannini understood that there was another donation but there was concern about the time period. He felt it could be done within the budget process. Buck Boyce stated they hoped to have it done before the next fair. He commented that Ron Torell had estimated $120,000 but those figures were from construction of four or five years before. Commissioner Nannini asked to know the exact amount of donations so they could plug that remaining amount in at budget time. Commissioner Myers inquired if there was any financing. Jim Elliott relied that they could get AG loans but what time was left on the existing lease that was not possible. He noted with the extension of the lease they may qualify. Commissioner Russell asked if they started today what was the time period on the new lease arrangement. Commissioner Nannini stated that they would have a full ten years with the possibility of a ten year option.

MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to approve financial participation with this improvement on the fairgrounds and to make the request to the City of Elko for the extension of the lease. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the Fair Board was participating. Jim Elliott replied in the affirmative. With the rise in construction costs, Buck Boyce felt that whatever odd amount was left over after the actual construction the Fair Board would have to pick up.

Commissioner Ellison had received an e-mail about a meeting in Mesquite next month on a Farm Bill presented. He stated this Farm Bill was coming through Washington. Commissioner Myers asked that the County Manager send the Fair Board a copy of that Bill. Commissioner Ellison felt that a Fair Board member should be present at that hearing.


Laura Oki reported the Board had met on October 11, 2005, and was informed they were losing staff members who were moving from the State. She stated the Bookkeeper’s position was advertised and Debbie Armuth would help with the interview process. She had spoken to Ron Eastwood and a contractor would look at the roof on Friday. Robert Stokes stated that contractor was concerned about the ongoing issues on the warranty. The contractor did not want to be liable for the previous problems with the roof.


The Board discussed County support and participation in the Metropolis Irrigation Restoration Project that would make improvements to the Metropolis Irrigation District structures including the Bishop Creek Dam and a new Recreation Facility consisting of road access, campsites, picnic tables and a dock on the Bishop Creek Reservoir. Vernon Dalton, Manager of the Metropolis Water District, stated they would meet with the Board of Water Commissioners tomorrow in Carson City. He stated they had a 6.4 million dollar grant but they would have to come up with a 15% match. He stated the actual members of the Metropolis Irrigation District had contributed up to $85,000 to this project but they have to have the County and the City of Wells participation on this project. He understood that work in-kind would be accepted on that. However, in-kind would have to be done prior to the State granting the funds. He suggested that the road be done as their in-kind match. In their discussions with NDOW, Vernon Dalton stated that they wanted a fishery and recreation established there. He could not commit whether the Water District would accept the NDOW conditions. Commissioner Myers reported that he and Commissioner Nannini met this morning at 9:00 a.m. with the NDOW and the other participants. He noted that during that discussion they were informed they may lose the Crittenden Reservoir to public access and fishing. Commissioner Myers believed that NDOT would stock the Bishop Creek Dam with bass and catfish. Commissioner Myers noted Robert Stokes had drafted a letter of support and pointed out it was not a financial commitment at this time. Commissioner Myers reviewed the letter from the City of Wells committing $20,000.00. He believed the County participation may be in-kind such as some road construction. Commissioner Nannini noted the BLM, NDOW, the City of Wells and the State of Nevada would be coordinating with them on this project. Commissioner Nannini stated Assemblyman Carpenter and Senator Rhoads had helped secure the grant in the amount of 6.5 million dollars.

Commissioner Russell inquired if part of their negotiations with NDOW and the State Engineer would be upon a minimum depth of the reservoir. He inquired who would be the controlling entity and what would be the minimum depth. Vernon Dalton stated that would have to be within an Agreement with the Irrigation District. Commissioner Russell noted that they were talking about a recreation facility and a boat ramp but two feet minimum depth would severely limit the use on that reservoir. Commissioner Myers believed that NDOW participation would depend upon a substantial minimum depth in that reservoir. He stated there was funding available through the BLM for the boat ramps and facility improvements. Commissioner Myers asked Vernon Dalton to come back and give the Commission a brief overview of the project after the Agreement was signed. Commissioner Russell noted there had been outstanding litigation upon the use of that dam and the water ownership. Vernon Dalton replied that was resolved to the Supreme Court of the United States. Commissioner Russell inquired if they had discussed future commitment on maintenance of that facility and removal of the solid waste generated at that site. Commissioner Myers noted that BLM had funding available for the campgrounds and for yearly maintenance. Commissioner Russell inquired if they were investing in private property. Commissioner Nannini noted they would be infringing on private property if there was a good water year. He noted Vernon Dalton and the Winchell family would allow the water to lie upon their private property. Commissioner Nannini stated the new dam would be built upon BLM property. Vernon Dalton stated the BLM would sell the land to whoever developed that land for recreational purposes. Commissioner Ellison inquired if the grant would be large enough to restore the dam and build the road. Commissioner Nannini noted that they had to come up with in-kind participation for the match and hoped that the road could be part of their participation on the match.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired about actual numbers because their documentation displayed 7.5 million dollars for this project but their grant total was only 6.4 million dollars. She noted they were looking at eight miles of completed road and inquired if there was a road in there presently. Commissioner Russell replied that a County blade was on that road one day, out of each year. Kristin McQueary noted that the road was partially on private ground. Vernon Dalton stated 97% of that road would be upon private ground as designed now. Vernon Dalton felt they may have to change the design of the road. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated they would need rights-of-way deeded to the County if it was on private property.

MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to send a letter of support for the Metropolis Irrigation Restoration District. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


The Board discussed an application for the Aviation Trust Fund Grant program to help pay for the sponsor’s match for the parallel taxi way construction project that was now underway.

Lynn Forsberg, Public Works Director, stated they were invited to submit an application up to the amount of $50,000 for aviation fuel tax revenues.

MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to submit an application for the Aviation Trust Fund Grant. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

Commissioner Ellison left the meeting room at 2:33 p.m.


Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported on her tour of the Port of Montana which was City/County owned. She stated that Randy Brown had accompanied her since he would probably be participating in the planning of Elko County’s railport. She stated the Port of Montana was paid for by property taxes through millage. Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that the Port of Montana was 90% self sufficient. She noted they had an appointed port authority board that the County appointed. The board members served four year terms and held monthly meetings to manage that port. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated the Port of Montana had two huge engines and one was a $200,000 refurbished engine. She stated that the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern both provided services to the Port. She noted the types of products being stored at that port. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that the Port of Montana only leased their property and they controlled their rail lines. Commissioner Nannini received an affirmative response when he inquired if they purchased the land and leased it.

Kristin McQueary inquired if her contact person, Pat, could get copies of their operating documents and leases. Commissioner Eklund-Brown submitted the General Manager’s business card. Commissioner Russell informed Kristin that he had another set of documents from a different facility that he would submit copies to her. Commissioner Myers felt they should look at all the models. He hoped that they would get a copy of the Lockwood Green feasibility report soon.

Commissioner Russell had spoken to a person from the Union Pacific at the ECEDA meeting. He stated that some of the successful companies had paid up front for a twenty-year lease. Then, the port would give them twenty more years after the expiration of the first lease, if they stayed in the same location. He noted they could get their money back for paying for the property if they entered into similar lease agreements and it may help pay for some of the infrastructure.

Commissioner Nannini inquired how the Helena port tied in with the port in Butte, Montana. Commissioner Eklund-Brown replied that Helena did not have a port. She noted there were free trade zones at the airport in Butte, Montana. Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that the intermodal was taken away from them at the Butte port. She felt it would be expensive to be international here because they were so far inland. She expressed concern with retaining control and stated they could control what type of business came in through their leases. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stressed that they must keep good rapport with the Union Pacific. Commissioner Russell noted that a Union Pacific representative informed him that they may reduce the cost of installation of the rail into the port by putting down used ties because it was not constant high speed. He stated the Union Pacific could supply a list of suppliers that had used ties and a contractor that may be able to do that in Elko.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown believed they would have to have inside storage due to the inclement weather conditions in this area. Commissioner Russell noted other users could use different locations for loading specific materials at the facility. Commissioner Myers stated that the users may not be located in the park and may have a separate transloading area within the port. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted at the other ports there were huge bladders for temporary storage.

Commissioner Ellison returned to the meeting room on 2:50 p.m.


Ralph Sacrison gave a presentation on further ideas developed as a result of the formal Environmental Impact Statement public comment submittal to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Ely Field Office, with the potential financial costs to taxpayers. Commissioner Russell expressed his appreciation to Ralph Sacrison for giving this presentation to the Commission. Ralph Sacrison stated he had submitted a letter under the Public Comment period in May on the EIS for the SNWA proposal. His alternatives in general were desalination, the original ground water proposal and also surface water transfers. Ralph Sacrison believed they should study the alternatives very thoroughly.

Commissioner Myers felt the SNWA plan for White Pine County may be disastrous in the long term. He inquired if Ralph’s report was given to the White Pine County Commission or their Water Authority. Ralph Sacrison replied he had not forwarded that on to White Pine County but gave authorization to Elko County to forward his report on. Commissioner Myers noted it was common knowledge that Elko County was not in support of SNWA’s entire project. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if his report was submitted under the EIS public comment period. Ralph Sacrison noted his EIS submittal in May was not a quantitative report at that time. Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked that he submit copies of his report to the State Engineer, the State BLM Office and the counties within the Central Nevada Water Authority. Commissioner Myers asked that the report be placed on the next agenda for Elko County to accept so they could support this document and send it to the appropriate agencies. Commissioner Eklund-Brown requested a letter of qualifications from Ralph. She stated they want to substantiate the data that they were projecting or using and use valid research and standard techniques. Ralph Sacrison would submit a letter of transmission to the County Manager.

Commissioner Russell commented that Ralph had volunteered his services and had spent a tremendous amount of time producing this study. He reviewed the contents of the report inclusive of the operational cost of producing a gallon of water for Las Vegas under the desalination process. He stated that gallon of water could be placed in a holding facility such as the Hoover Dam and it would multiply its effect. He noted that water would be potable water. Ralph Sacrison stated the cost differential between the systems were relatively small. He stressed the essential issue was the fatal flaws in the alternatives such as the quantity of the ground water. He noted they were in the middle of the continent’s greatest evaporative basin. Ralph Sacrison stated fundamentally they had a deficiency of recharge. Commissioner Ellison stated he had observed a lot of construction in the area outside of Lund and Ash Spring. He noted within that space of 50 miles they had high cactus areas.

Jerry Parker stated in the Tilley Proposal, known as the Fourth Proposal, it did not have to be done at the same time. They could do the east side and then the west side of the state. He stated this would have a tremendous effect upon the earlier cost of proposal. Jerry Parker stated that there was comparison between a “v” ditch and a 10” tunnel in that proposal.


The Board discussed water resource management and water rights’ issues that may impact Elko County including possible discussion related to the Southern Nevada Water Authority pipeline project and the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority activities.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that at their Tri-RAC meeting they had a panel discussion on ground water applications. She reported that there were present a representative from the State Engineer’s office; Ken Albright of SNWA; Mike Strobel, U.S. Geological Survey; and Bruce Flinn, the present BLM Project Manager. She noted that Lake Mead has dropped 80 feet and had continued to drop 10 to 15 feet every year. She stated that they were looking at approximately 200 wells. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated that 2015 was the project start-up date. She reported that Bruce Flinn stated they had received 6,000 scoping comments on this project. At the meeting, Mike Strobel stated the north area was the primary study area, in Spring Valley and Snake Valley. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated water quantity, quality and flow systems would be analyzed. She stated recharge, discharge, and a water budget would be assessed. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated the SNWA would develop a modeling and impact analysis on basis of interest only off of this information and their information. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted Hank Vogler was a sheep rancher who lived in Spring Valley and sat upon the RAC board. She reported that he commented that existing rights should be held whole. Hank Vogler believed there should be monitoring and mitigation funding established. She stated Hank Vogler also felt there needed to be a balance by spreading the wells farther apart. She noted Mr. Vogler had interesting points in improving the watershed for better yield and he had pointed out that the pinion and juniper in that area affected the watershed. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted everyone was aware of Elko County’s and the Central Nevada Water Authority’s stance with regards to this proposal. She noted SNWA would be paying for the monitoring of the water wells and the State Engineer’s Office would facilitate administration. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the SNWA was looking at 75 years before they actually review this project and seek alternative sources. She commented that was a long time to drain the aquifers.

Commissioner Russell had attended the symposium for the users of the Colorado River Water Pact. He noted that at that meeting Pat Mulroy had stated SNWA would have to go to a major desalination facility or facilities to meet their needs in fifty years. He pointed out that the newspaper article this morning stated 75 years before desalination. Commissioner Russell understood from that symposium that the Colorado River was over allocated from the upper basins to the lower basins. He believed that Nevada would not get more water unless there was a deal with another state. Commissioner Russell commented that the Secretary of Interior had told them that they need to work this out so that the water was not over allocated from the Colorado River any longer. He stated the pact was working together but the consequence would be that Nevada would receive less water from Colorado River. Commissioner Russell felt that there would be a percentage drop in every one of the users from the head waters to Nevada. Commissioner Russell noted if growth in Southern Nevada continued, they would need more water. Commissioner Eklund-Brown commented that Nevada had a very small allocation presently on that river.

Kristin McQueary asked the Commissioners consider things in exchange for the agreement with the SNWA. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that the SNWA offered the agreement to them but now they were seeking considerations. Kristin McQueary stated she was still going through her analysis and had spoken to other civil counsel and would bring back her ideas at the next meeting. She noted the basic contract law was they need some considerations to have some sort of enforcement.


The Board discussed budgetary issues related to the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority.

Commissioner Russell noted they have come up with the idea of voluntary assessment of $1,500.00 until July 1, 2005. He noted that in the budget $5,000 was allocated for water issues. In 2005, they had allocated for acquisition of water rights and $2,000 was for the SNWA issues.

MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved for approval to allocate the budgeted amount of $1,500.00. Commissioner Eklund-Brown seconded the motion.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown requested an explanation on the funding allocation. Commissioner Russell explained there was $5,000 in the General Fund with an allocation of $2,500 for the purchase of water rights (permitting) and $2,500 remained to be used on SNWA issues or other water issues.

The motion was passed unanimously.

Consideration of approval of the Resolution 18-2005:

The Board considered adoption of Resolution No. 18.2005, entitled: “A RESOLUTION TO CREATE AN AGENCY FUND ENTITLED CENTRAL NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY FUND” to manage the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority account.

Commissioner Russell noted at their last meeting the Commission discussed Elko County being responsible for the Central Nevada Water Authority Fund.

MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to adopt Resolution No. 18-2005, entitled: “A RESOLUTION TO CREATE AN AGENCY FUND ENTITLED CENTRAL NEVADA WATER AUTHORITY FUND” to manage the Central Nevada Regional Water Authority account. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


The Board discussed sending a support letter requesting the President of the United States to meet with representatives of the Western Counties Alliance to discuss full funding of the Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funding for the coming year.

Commissioner Myers noted that there was also an education funding mechanism attached to that Bill. Robert Stokes noted that Elko County had always supported full funding of PILT. He had discussed this with Commissioner Russell and on the 17th of November the Western Counties Alliance would meet in Elko. Robert Stokes noted that Commissioner Russell would attend that meeting. He stated the Western Counties Alliance did meet with all the Counties at the NACO conference in Winnemucca. Robert Stokes did not know what their full proposal would be. Commissioner Eklund-Brown believed Commissioner Ellison should also attend the November 17th meeting. Robert Stokes stated the meeting would be from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the 17th of November. Commissioner Russell suggested it be on an agenda for a quorum setting at that meeting.

MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to send a letter of support requesting that the President of the United States meet with representatives of the Western Counties Alliance to discuss full funding of the Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILT) funding for the coming year and courtesy copies to be sent to our legislative representatives. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.



The Board discussed the second opportunity for comments on the proposal to make available for oil and gas leasing approximately 43,000 acres of National Forest System Lands within the Ruby Mountains. Deadline for comments was thirty days from publication in the Elko Daily Free Press.

MOTION: Commissioner Nannini moved to send another letter of support on the proposal to make available 43,000 acres of National Forest System Lands within the Ruby Mountains for oil and gas leasing. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.


Commissioner Warren Russell:

Museum Board – He stated this board met while he was in Las Vegas.

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) – He noted that Commissioner Nannini attended the meeting in his stead.

Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA) – He reported that Joni Eastley of Nye County was voted in Chairman and he was voted as the Vice Chairman of this group.

Humboldt River Basin Water Authority – They did not meet.

Library Board of Trustees Liaison – A report was received from the Library.

Recreation Board – No meeting was held.

Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board – They did not meet.

Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) Liaison – He would be writing a letter to the Assistant Director of the Department asking for long term planning on developing the bike path along the Lamoille Highway. He would ask them to consider enlarging the sides of the road so people could ride their bikes safely.

Northern Nevada Regional Transit Coalition- No meeting was held.

Water Planning – He commented that there was a prior report given.

Spring Creek Association – He did not attend their last meeting.

Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) – No meeting would be held this month.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown:

California Trails Center Board – No meeting was held.

Nevada State Land Use Planning Advisory Commission (SLUPAC) - She had missed that meeting due to scheduling conflicts.

Public Lands Use Advisory Commission (PLUAC) – The meeting was cancelled because there was no quorum.

Northeastern Nevada Stewardship Group – She stated there was a Recreational Planning Workshop on the 19th of this month. She stated there would be nine to ten speakers on travel management. She stated the Director from the Paiute ATV Trail System in Utah would be one of the speakers.

China Spring/Aurora Pines Advisory Committee – On the 17th of October she toured those facilities and discussed funding coming out of the last legislative session. She had discussed Elko County breaking away from these facilities next legislative session. She had also spoken upon the funding for the six additional employees hired after the last legislative session.

Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison (Alternate) - No meeting was held.

Central Nevada Regional Water Authority (CNRWA) – She went to the Eureka meeting.

BLM–RAC - Commissioner Eklund-Brown reported that the Tri-RAC meeting was held in Elko on the 20th and the 21st of October. She reviewed the various reports given to them. She commented upon the knowledgeable members that sat upon the Northeastern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council inclusive of Jon Hutchings from Eureka, Barry Perryman from UNR, who were looking at revising the Rangeland Management Monitoring Guide for the Bureau of Land Management. She reported there was buy-in with the Department of Agriculture, NDOW, and the Cattlemen’s Association. She stated water was a big issue.

Noxious Weed Liaison – She missed that meeting but there would be an annual weed summit held in February.

USFS Liaison – No meeting was held.

BLM Liaison – She reported that thirty people attended the workshop and they took public input on their OHV planning. She noted BLM was not mandated by Congress or Washington to do this planning but they initiated it due to the increased amount of users every year. She stated the Resource Management Plan update would happen in 2009. She stated that there were people from Reno and Salt Lake present at the OHV meeting. She stated that OHV planning would be ongoing for three years.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife – She reported that Bob Williams had called.

City of Carlin – She could not go to their meeting.

Commissioner Ellison:

Nevada Association of Counties (NACO) Board – There would be a special meeting to be held on next Friday and suggested that they attend via teleconference. He and Andrew List would campaign to get large agencies involved with the Unfunded Mandate Law and perhaps they could get some private funding.

Debt Management Committee – No meeting was held.

Nevadaworks – There would be a phone conference next Thursday.

Commissioner Ellison stated he had people in his office regarding road and garbage issues. He stated that Robert Stokes had looked at the garbage problem in the Elburz area. He noted there was still garbage being dumped out on Bullion Road.

Senior Citizens – No report was given.

Humboldt River Basin Water Authority – No report was given.

BLM Liaison – No report was given.

Nevada Fire Safe Council – No report was given.

Nevada Division of Forestry Liaison – No report was given.

Commissioner Nannini:

Hospital Board – He stated there would be a board meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m. and at 6:30 p.m. they would hold their second public hearing at the Hospital.

Fair Board – He noted there was a proposal from the City of Elko and would review that after the first of the year.

Juvenile Committee – No report was given.

Central Dispatch Administrative Authority – He stated they were having some employee issues.

Wells Tire Recycling Plant – He stated that project was going forward.

USFS Liaison – He stated Dan Dallas was back so they would set up a meeting to North Fork. Robert Stokes asked for them to submit days available to take the field trip to Jack Creek.

City of Wells – He congratulated Jolene Supp and the Wells’ city fathers on their paving projects. He stated with their grant monies they paved ½ of their industrial park.

LEPC – He had attended the meeting for Commissioner Russell and noted that the Fire Chiefs, the Sheriff’s representatives and Bill Webb showed a lot of enthusiasm. He reported that the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security was conducting a vulnerability assessment of this State’s security status. The University of Las Vegas had a team with federal security clearance conducting the assessment. He stated James Sudderth of the UNLV Institute of Security Studies would meet with LEPC and assess the County’s needs, utilities and resources. Commissioner Nannini reviewed the newspaper article regarding the transportation route to YUCCA Mountain. Commissioner Nannini felt they needed funding to prepare for those shipments through Elko County.

City of West Wendover – No report was given.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted they had discussed a corridor for the nuclear shipments which was to be ten miles wide. She felt that rail corridor would impact ranching, mining, etc. She did not believe that Yucca Mountain should have dominant right over the land. Commissioner Nannini voiced concern that they were waiting until the last minute and then they would not have an opportunity to prepare for this. He felt it would be under NSA security and they would shove it through. He felt they should have the funds to train and equip for that sort of transports through Elko County. Commissioner Nannini commented that Nye County had received 40 million dollars at the first of this project.

Commissioner Myers:

ECEDA Board – He reported upon the Nevada Commission of Economic Development meeting held in Elko. He stated there would be a workforce development meeting held on Friday at GBC to discuss workforce issues. He stated they were waiting for the appraisal and the Phase II environmental report on the Osino property.

Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) – No meeting was held.

Auditorium Authority Board - He reported they received nine applicants for the Executive Director’s position. He stated on the 10th of December the selection board would convene and there may be an interview process on the 22nd of November.

Commissioner Myers stated he would be at a Workforce meeting in Reno from the 16th of December until the 18th of December.

Wildlife Advisory Board - No report was given.

Wildlife Arbitration Board - No arbitration hearings were held yet.

Nevada Division of Wildlife Liaison – They met this morning on the Bishop

Creek Reservoir.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife – No report was given.

City of Elko – There was nothing to report.

Commissioner Nannini inquired about the local applicants for the ECVA Executive Director position.

Commissioner Russell stated that this Friday he would meet with some of the health professionals in Elko County for coffee and to discuss the Avian Flu. He noted they would discuss what type of planning measures should be taken. Commissioner Russell noted there was more news’ articles on this issue and suggested the establishment of a task force out of LEPC. He encouraged them to develop a plan and noted the President’s cabinet had developed a strategic plan.

Commissioner Ellison stated that Elko County was mentioned during the fuel tax allotments. He believed that they should discuss that situation.

Chairman Myers called a recess at 3:46 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 4:35 p.m.


The Board considered approval of a Certificate of Congratulations to the Elko 13 Year Olds’ Babe Ruth All-Stars for their state championship.

MOTION: Commissioner Ellison moved to approve the Certification of Congratulations to the Elko 13 Year Olds’ Babe Ruth All-Stars for their state championship. Commissioners Eklund-Brown and Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

The Board presented a plaque to the team and individual certificates to Nick Antonnucci, Zach Cooper, Andrew Cunningham, John Green, Tyler Marath, Kevin Montgomery, Ben Pearson, Jessie Rinaldo, Marty Shanks, Ben Suyematsu, Marco Torres, Mike Shanks, Will Antonucci, and Bob Hackler, Sr.

Bob Hackler, Sr., stated these guys played like men, and all the teams in the playoffs were equal. He noted everybody on the team had fought hard for the championship.

Commissioner Myers noted he had been involved with the Babe Ruth Association as a president and a coach. He thanked them for being good ambassadors for Elko. Commissioner Ellison commented upon the sacrifices on behalf of the parents.


Commissioner Myers understood that the Gardner Maps were to be overlaid on the Forest Service maps for the OHV plan. Robert Stokes stated Randy Brown met with them on that issue. He asked that Robert Stokes verify that had been done. He had received complaints from the public on the maps.

Commissioner Ellison stated that while he was in Las Vegas for the State Blue Ribbon Task Force there were comments made that two counties were not paying their fair share with regard to gas tax. He stated they were looking at a proposal to increase the state’s fuel taxes. He stated they specifically named Elko County. He felt there may be political retaliation to force Elko County to come to the plate. Commissioner Nannini noted that he had watched a report where Nevada had the highest gas prices in the United States. He reviewed the gas prices he had observed while driving around Elko today. Commissioner Ellison commented that Las Vegas was having problems with their infrastructure. Kristin McQueary asked that it be placed upon the next agenda for further discussion. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted that Nevada had high ranking on the condition of their roads. Robert Stokes noted that there were large expansions of roads in some areas which may affect that ranking.

Commissioner Myers felt part of the argument was there were only two counties left in the state that had not raised their gas tax. He thought it was seven counties who had not raised their gas taxes. He believed they were looking at reducing the importation of gas tax.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown disclosed that she was not eligible to be Chairman next year because of Randy Brown being a Department Head. She informed them that Kristin McQueary had performed research on this matter.

Kristin McQueary stated that she was sending them a copy of a public request she had received today. She stated an attorney was asking for copies of any correspondence from Triad Resorts to the various County agencies. She asked that if they received any correspondence from Triad, and if so, to submit a copy to her. Robert Stokes noted he would prepare copies of any correspondence that came through his office. Kristin McQueary stated she had just this day received a copy of a letter from Triad sent to the Jackpot Advisory Board asking permission to do an independent study and tax base analysis to incorporate Jackpot. Robert Stokes noted this had been brought up in a previous Jackpot Advisory Board meeting. Commissioner Myers inquired if they were big enough to incorporate. Kristin McQueary noted they looked at this about eight years ago. She stated they had a lot of growth since then. Kristin McQueary commented that Triad could do their independent study because all information was of public record. Commissioner Myers inquired if they realized the County Commission was the Jackpot Town Board. Robert Stokes noted Jackpot’s assessed value was larger than Carlin and Wells. He believed that Jackpot’s population was more than the City of Wells or Carlin’s. Commissioner Myers believed that they had hesitated to incorporate because of the cost of staff. Robert Stokes noted that large casinos increased the assessed value.


MOTION: Commissioner Russell moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned until November 3, 2005.






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