Recently-Amended: Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution (Public-Version)22 juillet 2014, 09:27Amexem-Moor-Empire: ConstitutionAnd Declaration Of The National-Submission Under The Most-HighAnd National-Independence From The Foreign-InfluencesBy The Emperor: An-Anu-El: BeyArticle Of The One (1) =History?Section Of The One (1)1.?? By the pursuing of the Circle-Seven:Holy-Koran for the lineage of the Moorish-????? Empire as the progeny of the Moabites/Moab of the son of the Lot of the nephew of ????? the Chaldean: Abram/Abraham of the Holy-Bible and Holy-Koran.2.?? By the Hebrew-document from the Papal-library for the believing of the Candice-????? Sheba by the sailing on the Mediterranean-Sea into the Atlantic-Ocean on the ninety-????? five-degrees towards the West by the easy-passage onto the Sypanso (North-????? Amexem, of the misnomer = North-America). For the referencing from the book by??? ????? The Maria-L-Ambrosini =The-Secret-Archives Of The Vatican on the page = 154. ????? For the meeting of the King: Solomon of the Israel = Nation-of-the-Sun-Moon-and-????? Star and Candice/Kandice:Sheba, around the 960: B.C.E., for the referencing by the?????? Holy-Qur-an/Holy-Bible of the ruler over the Yemen [Arabia] and Cush [Abyssinia] ????? by the Candice: Sheba (Empress of the Empire: Axum), during the first-millennium ????? of the B.C.E.. For the describing by the Herodotus in the Circa = 457-450: B.C.E. of ????? the Cochians, Kemetic (Misnomer = Egyptian) and Cushite (Misnomer = Ethiopian): ????? people with the thick-lips, broad-nose, woolly-hair, and burnt-skin. For the ??? ??referencing in the book-II: Chapters: 57 and 104, in the Histories By The Herodotus.3.?? For the knowing of the aboriginal/Moor-(Adena/Mound-Builders) through the ????? building of the ceremonial-mounds by the copper-hued (Woodland-People) from the? ???1,000 B.C.E. through the 200 C.E. (Christian-Era) for the referencing of the Grave-???? Creek-Mound in the location with the misnomer = Moundsville, Marshall-???? County, State-of-West-Virginia. For the referencing: history of the Marshall-???? County: West-Virginia: 1984 [Marshall-County-Historical-Society: 1984] and U.S. ???? Bureau-Of-Ethnology of the Twelfth-Annual-Report: 1890 C.E.-1891 C.E..4.?? By the settlement of the Moroccan (Moor)-Catholic/Monastic-Brotherhood in the?????? year = 480 C.E. at the location with the misnomer = Cockaponset-Forest, State-of-????? Connecticut. For the referencing of the inscription for the engraving on the Haj-????? Mimoun-Rock of the location = Figuig, Morocco on the continent = Alkebu-Lan ????? (Misnomer = Africa) For the referencing by the Moroccan-daily: newspaper: ????? Le-Matin-Du-Saharra-Et-Du-Maghreb:9-16-1995 C.E. and Permanent-????? Mission of the Morocco in the Han-Nah (Misnomer = New-York-City).5.?? By the Moors re-capturing of the Al-Andalus: Peninsula (Misnomer = Mons-Calpe????? Spain) by the Moor-General: Tarik in the year = 711 C.E. having colonized-parts-of ???? Al-Andalus (Misnomer = Iberia)-over-one-thousand-years-before (Golden-Age-???? Of-The-Moor: pages:110-111. By the establishing of the control of the North-Alkebu-????? Lan by the Moor: Sultan-I: Yusuf. For the referencing of the book by the Dr.:Yosef-????? A.A. ben: Jochannan. = Black-Man Of The Nile on the pages = 59, 263, and 399. By ????? the banishing of the three-million-Moors from the Al-Andalus with the exception of ????? the Granada-region by the so-called:Europeans in the year = 1285 C.E.. For the ????? referencing in the Stanley-Lane-Poole:book = The-Moors-In-Spain. By the driving-????? out of the Moors from the Granada in the year = 1492 C.E. under the flagship of the ????? Spanish-Navy = Santa-Maria under the command of the Cristobal-Colon ????? [Christopher-Columbus] under the authority of the Roman-Catholic: Pope-in-Rome, ????? King: Ferdinand and Queen: Isabela of the Spain. For the referencing of the J.A. ????? Rogers: books = Africa’s-Gift-To-America and One-Hundred-Amazing-Facts-About-????? The-Negro.6.?? Of the spoken-language of the copper-tone, woolly-haired: Moors (Misnomer =? ????? Native-American/Indian) in the Central-Amexem (Misnomer = West-Indies/????? Americas) in the 1490’s: C.E. = Arabic, Chaldean, and Hebrew. For the ????? referencing of the Christobal-Colon: diaries for the sending of the Arabic, Chaldean, ????? and Hebrew-speaking: interpreters before the King of the Cuba of the quoting in the ????? book = Africa-And-The-Discovery-Of-America by the Leo-Weiner.7.?? By the exterminating and replacing of the 12-25: million: Moors [Karibs] from the ????? 1492 C.E. through the 1500 C.E. under the order by the Bishop: Bartholomew-????? de:LasCasas of the Island-Haiti/Hayte (Misnomer = Hispaniola), King and Queen of ????? the Spain, and Roman-Catholic-Pope of the Rome. For the referencing of the book by ????? the Dr.:Yosef-A.A. ben: Jochannan = Black-Man Of The Nile on the page = 263 and ????? The-Devastation Of The Indies.8.?? On the Eastern-Seaboard of the North-Amexem (Misnomer = North-America/Terra-????? Nova/Merika for the recording of theestimation of the 3,000 of the Aboriginals with ????? the appellations = Ali, Melchor, Miguel, Manne, Juan, Pedro, Antonio, Juan-Amarco ????? of the false: classifying of the Moors asthe pejoratives = Negro and Blacks in the ????? Slave-Books of theSeville-Spain/Valencia/Catalina from the year: 1503 C.E. through ????? the 1517 C.E. for the referencing in theJack-D-Forbes: book = African-And-Native-????? Americans: page: 24. By the indisputable-Moor: phenotype of therulers of the ????? Morocco/Fez by the Emperor: Mulai:Rashid from the year: 1631 C.E. through the ????? 1672 C.E., by the next-ruler (Rashid’s-brother) = Emperor: Mulai: Ismael, and ????? Commander of the Army = General: Bassa.9.?? By the Aboriginals of the section of the North-Amexem of the Misnomer =? New-????? England for the finding by the so-called:Europeans in the year = 1676 C.E.,for the ????? referring of the Aboriginals as the“Black as the Gypsies” by the William-Penn. For ????? the referencing of the David-Macritchie:book: Ancient-And-Modern-Britons: Vol.:1 ????? on the pages = 357, 374 and 375. By theWampanoag, Fula, and Ottawa existing and ????? functioning as-a-few of the dark-skin, woolly-hair: Aboriginal:tribes of the North-????? Amexem in the 1700’s: C.E.. As the Naticote/Lenape: Moors (Misnomer = ????? Delawares) of the tribe of the Ben-Isma-El for the knowing as aMoor-Nation on the ????? Eastern-Seaboard before the displacing bythe so-called: European with the resulting-????? Traveling on the migrating-routes of the Morocco,Mahomet, and Mecca in the ????? section of the North-Amexem of themisnomers = Indiana and Illinois. For the ????? referencing of the Hakim: Bey: Journal OfThe Moorish-Paradigm: Issue: 1: page: 1. ????? For the referring of the Moors using ofthe Tobacco in the medicine for the curing of ????? the certain-cancerous-ulcers in theIvan-Van-Sertima: book = They-Came-Before-????? Columbus: page: 218 and Leo-Weiner’s:Africa-And-The-Discovery-Of-America on ????? the page = 151.10.By the Moors as the progenitors of the English, French, Dutch, and Belgian-Titles of ???? the Noble-Family with the coat of the armswith the appellations = Moor, Moore, ???? More, Moorison, Morel, Moorrees, Morand,and Moreau of the referring in the Ivan-???? Van-Sertima: book = Golden-Age-Of-The-Moors:page: 235. Under the mandate of ???? the Bey of the Moor-Empire of our forefathers for the paying of the tribute into ???? the Empire by the English, French,Dutch, Danes, Swedes, united: States towards the ???? late: 1780’sC.E., for the referencing in the RayW Irwin: book = The-Diplomatic-???? Relations OfThe United: States With The Barbary-powers: 1776-1816 and in the ???? 12-1-1789 C.E.: letter for the Emperor of the ???? Morocco by the ninth-president of the united: States: George-Washington ???? apologizing for the non-receiving by the Emperor of the regular-advices (tribute). For ???? the referencing in the Writings Of TheGeorge-Washington from the Original-???? Manuscript-Sources: 1745 C.E.-1799C.E.:Vol.30 and newspaper-article by the U.S. ???? Senator: Charles-Mathias.11.By the Moor-Ancestry of the first-president of the united:States:John-Hanson of ???? the North-Amexem: location of the misnomer= Maryland, serving as the first-???? president in the year = 1776 C.E.. By the Richard-Henry-Lee serving as the second-???? president, with the Elias-Boudinot serving as the third-president, with the Thomas-???? Miflin serving as the fourth-president,with the John-Hancock serving as the fifth-???? president, with the Nathaniel-Gorham serving as the sixth-president, with the Arthur-???? St-Clair serving as the seventh-president,and Cyrus-Griffin serving as the eighth-???? president. By the Moor = Ben-Bey-Emanuel-Mu:Ali (Benjamin-Banneker) as the ???? designer of the architectural,astrological, governmental-designing of the New-???? Jerusalem of the knowing as the Washington of the District Of The Columbia and ???? Government-Ordinance-Department-Of-Justice[Executive-Legislative-Judicial] for ???? the referring in the two-almanacs of the Benjamin-Banneker and George-Washington ???? of the National-Memorial-Museum in the North-Amexem: location of the misnomer = ???? Virginia-Commonwealth in the Alexandria-County.12.By the pursuing of the Bevans-Collection = over-200-letters from the Continental-???? Congress for the corresponding with the Bey of the Morocco. By the signing of the ???? Moroccan-Treaty Of The Peace of the1787 C.E. by the John-Adams and Benjamin-???? Franklin of the united:States with the Taher-Ben-Abdelkack: Fennish and Imperial-???? Majesty:Emperor of the Morocco. On the date = 3-6-1789 C.E. for the knowing of the ???? Massachusetts-Law for the binding of the Negro/Non-Subject of the Emperor of the ???? Morocco/citizen of the United: States for the tarrying in the North-Amexem: location ???? of the misnomer = Massachussets-Commonwealth. From the 1789 C.E.-1790 C.E. for ???? the non-trial under the Negro-Act of theSundry/Free-Moors by the petitioning of the ???? House of the Representatives of the South-Carolina-Press in the North-Amexem: ????location of the misnomer = Columbia-County, South-Carolina. For the ???? security/mutual-friendship between the free-inhabitants (Moors) and States of the ???? Articles of the Confederation: Article: 4.13.By the signing of the Treaty-Of-Tripoli of the 1805 C.E., by the Colonel:Tobias-Lear ???? as the Consul-General of the united: States of the America with the Regency: Jusuf-???? Caramanly: Bashaw and Mohamet-Caramanly: Bey.Section Of The Two (2)1.?? By the Bey of the Greater-Amexem (North,Central, and South-Amexem with the ????? Atlantis-Islands), Abzu/Alkebu-Lan, and the Harappa-Indus: region, Amexem-Moor-????? Empire: Emperor: An-Anu-El: Bey descending from the ancient-Moor: ancestors. ????? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Crown/Sovereign-Head/Grand-Sultan: Emperor:????? An-Anu-El: Bey existing and functioning as the Sovereign-Power of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire by the power, authority,and permission of the Grand-Architect-Of-????? Creation with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: existing and functioning as the ????? independent-sovereign-nation under the dominion, jurisdiction, and sovereign-????? authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Emperor: An-Anu-El:Bey: Justitia-firmatur-????? solium. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch: Emperor: An-Anu-????? El: Bey existing and functioning as the vesting-hereditary-successor in:toto as the????? possessor of the any and of the all ofthe incorporeal-hereditaments: birthright-????? claim: In:prender for-and-with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals for the all of ????? the treaties by the Moor-ancestors of the1600’s C.E. with the de:jure/de:facto-????? government of theAlbion/England/United-Kingdom/Great-Britain and 5-1-1787 ????? C.E.: Moroccan-Treaty-Of-Peace, 8-1-1797 C.E.: Tunis-Treaty-Of-Amity,and 6-4-????? 1805 C.E.: Treaty-Of-Tripoli with the de:jure-Union-Society-of-States of the ????? supplanting by the de:facto-United: States/UNITED:STATES: government, by the ????? power, authority, and permission of the Most-High. 2.?? By the laying of the claim by the Moors on the demarcation of the Cush across the ????? Alkebu-Lan, Great-Atlantis, North,Central, and South-“America” in the year = 1928 ????? C.E. by the Noble: Drew-Ali, in an Express-Trust and Torrens-Title/Deed in the????? chapter: 47 of the MOORISH-SCIENCE-TEMPLE-OF-AMERICA: Holy-Koran of ???? ?the recording in the Mecca and for the filing of the documentation from the proper-????? custody of the Religious-Corporation/Corporation/Trust-Document on the date: 8-1-????? 1928 C.E., in the North-Amexem: location of the misnomer = Illinois in the Cook-????? County at the Recorder-Of-Deeds with the document-number = 10105905 in the ????? book: 521: page: 579.3.?? For the referencing by the all of the natural-beings of the posterity of the Aboriginal-????? Title of the describing within the quasi-courts of the United: States of the specifying ????? in the Blacks-Law-Dictionary:Sixth-Edition = Yankton-Sioux-Tribes ????? (Lakota-Moors)-of-Indians-v-State-of-S.D.,C.A.S.D.: 796:F.2d: 241.243 “Such title? ?????? provides original natives of UnitedStates exclusive right to occupy lands and waters ?????? used by them and their ancestors before the United States asserted (usurpation) ?????? sovereignty over such areas” with the referring of the Zuni-Indian-Tribe-of-New-????? Mexico-v-U.S.Cl. Ct:16-670.671 "Nontracing of roots by written documents/land ????? grant for the establishing of physical possessions (Mounds)”.4.?? By the referencing of the Noah-Webster’s:original:1828 C.E.: edition of the ????? American-Dictionary of the English-Language: term: American with the definition = ????? “applies to-the ‘copper-color-races’ found by the Europeans presently applies-to: ????? Europeans: born-in: America (Correct-delineation = Amexem)”.5.?? By the referencing of the 16.Stat.419 and District-Of-Columbia-v-Cluss: 103 U.S.????? 705, 26 L.Ed.455 (1880 C.E.) for the federal-United:States existing as a for-profit-????? corporation through the creating of the name = District-Of-Columbia.6.?? By the referencing of the 1857 C.E. united:States: Supreme-Court: case of the Dred-????? Scott in the Blacks-Law-Dictionary:Sixth-Edition =? “The case in which the United ????? States Supreme Court held that descendants of Africans who were imported into this ????? country, and sold as slaves, were not ncluded nor intended to be included under the ????? word “Citizens” in the Constitution,whether emancipated or not, and remain without ????? rights or privileges except such as those which the government might grant them’.7.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-Monarch and all-Amexem-Moor????? -Empire: Nationals existing and functioning as Moors as the descendants of the ????? ancient-Moor: ancestors of theAbzu/Alkebu-Lan, Greater-Amexem, Harappa, Tibet,????? Angkor/Chenla/Champa, Ainu, Nippon,Scota/Scotia/Albion, Canaan, Yemen, ????? Lemuria, Mu-Atlantis, Agta, Orang-Asli,etc., not as the pejorative-misnomers = ????? negroes, negrito, ciuthachs, cairds,tartares, tartars, bairds, scythians, colored, black, ????? berbers, blackhorde, african, afrikan,africanamerican, afroamerican, amerigo, west-????? indian, indian, native-american, latino,latina, moorishamerican, gypsies, picts, ????? pictish, faws, tinkers, tinklers. blackdanes,melanochroi, limmers, bantu, nigger, ????? kaffir, dalit, burakumin, tasmaniandevil,tasmanian, pygmy, semang, africoid, ????? australoid, aeta, etc..8.?? By the indisputable-Moor: phenotype of the Amexem/Olmec/“Mexico”: colossal-????? stone: heads/artifacts for the finding in the Central-Amexem: locations of the ????? misnomers = Tres-Zapotes, San-Lorenzo,and La-Venta with the oldest-stone-head = ????? 1500 B.C.E. of the referencing in the Hakim:Bey: Journal Of The Moorish-Paradigm????? and Ivan-Van-Sertima’s:They-Came-Before-Columbus.9.? By the referencing of the David-Macritchie:book of the 1884 C.E.: publishing =? ???? Ancient-And-Modern-Britons: Vol:1: page:173 = “The fiercest division of these, and????? apparently the most recent in time, wasthat of the Danes or Cimbri, remembered by ???? the Christianized races (So-calledwhite-people) of Britain as the ‘black heathen’. But ???? although such invaders as these may beclaimed as, in some respect, the progenitors of ????? the mingled people whom we now call gypsies, yet-like their Continental (So-Called: ????? Europe) kindred-the gipsies of Britain had far earlier British ancestors than these. ????? Scotland was overrun, in one district, by Moors of the fifteenth century; but five ????? centuries earlier the Kings of Alban were Moors. But at any rate, the Moorish races, ????? were among the chief opponents of the Romans when they marched through Britain, ????? eighteen hundred years ago”, 242 = “And like the Moors of twelfth century Moray, or ????? those of nineteenth century America, they were killed, transplanted, or placed upon ????? reservations, to make room for people”, Vol.2: page: 25 = “But as we see the remains ????? of the ancestral stock in physique of the general population of Scotland, so we find ????? kindred evidence in the surnames common throughout the country. Of these, many ????? have already been given-such as Black,Brown, Dunn, Grey, Duff, or Dow, Dougal, ????? Glass, Douglas, and others (Carr, Murry, Mac, Mac Coll, Mac Donald, Mac Arthur, ????? Clark, Winter, Gunn, Graeme, Grim, Duncan, Ruthven, Heron, Gordon, Marshall, ????? Kennedy) all indicative of swarthy ancestors”, and page: 126 = “Their traditional ????? descent from Scota, the daughter of a Pharoah, may be discounted as worth little. But ????? their origin has been indicated in many ways. As regards their complexion-we saw ????? that they were slumped together with the Picts of Scotland whom Claudian calls ????? ‘nimble blackamoors, not wrongly named the Painted People (Woad stained ????? warriors)’. And these Picts and Scotswere spoken of by a ‘civilized’ South Briton as ????? so many ‘black herds’. The earliest British home of these Scot-Egyptians was Ireland; ????? and the conglomerate speech of that country is full of words and expressions that are ????? paralleled in Ancient Egypt;-while its soil has yielded up the emblems of Chaldean ????? priests, Whether there is a connection between the ‘glibbed’ locks (hair) of the Wild ????? or Black Irishman, and those of the sculptured Egyptian may be questioned. But, at ????? any rate, the hieroglyphics of the Early Scots-if not identical with the hieroglyphics of ????? the Ancient Egyptians-were at least, based upon the same principle”.? ??????10.Bythe referencing of the Ivan-Van-Sertima: book: African-Presence-In-Early-Asia: ???? pages: 126-128 = “The Chiang (Shang), who may have originally come from the ???? West, were black. A present day people, known as the Nahki/Nasi consider ???? themselves descendants of the Chiang. The name Nahki was apparently given to the ???? Chiang by the Moso people. These people currently live in the Tibetan mountains. ???? The Chiang is recognized as putting China (Ainu) on its history proper. Acquainted ???? with metal working in bronze, the making of a form of porcelain ware, and silk ???? weaving, the Shang people were credited with bringing together elements of China’s ???? earliest known civilization” and page:317 = “Meaningful indications of an African ???? presence in ancient Japan (Nippon) havebeen unearthed from the most remote of ages ???? of the Japanese past. To begin with, and as a significant example, a 15 February 1986 ???? report carried by the Associated Press, chronicled that ‘The oldest Stone Age hut in ???? Japan has been unearthed near Osaka. Archeologists date the hut to about 22,000 ???? years ago and say it resembles the dug outs of African bushmen, according to Wazuo ???? Hirose of Osaka Prefectural Board of Education’scultural division. ‘Other homes, ???? almost as old, have been found before, but this discovery is significant because the ???? shape is cleaner, better preserved’ and issimilar to the African dugouts”.??? ?11.By the six-hundred (600)-years of the ruling of the “ Holy-Roman-Empire” fromthe ????? Habichtsburg from the 1282 C.E.-1806 the “Black-Nobility” of the ????? Hapsburgs = Emperors, Dukes and Archdukes of the Austria, Kings of the ????? Hungary and Bohemia.?? ?????Article Of The Two (2) =Governing-BodySection Of The One (1)1.?? By the assembling and sustaining of the independent-sovereign-nation for the ????? knowing as the Amexem-Moor-Empire with the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Governing-Body by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch with the ????? bearing of the ultimate-overall-responsibility for the overall-welfare and sanctity of ????? the Amexem-Moor-Empire:National-Family by the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Constitutional-Monarch: Fiat-justitia,ruat-coelum under the power, authority, and ????? permission of the Most-High and the blessings-of-our: ancestors.2.?? By the granting of the reasonable and logical-latitude for the leading of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Governing-Body = Imperial-Government by the Amexem-Moor-????? Empire: Constitutional-Monarch by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution with ????? the exercising by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch of the virtues ????? of the love, peace, freedom, truth, and justice for the rooting in the more of the ?????? justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude in the leading with the good-?????? judgment of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Family and the Amexem-Moor-?????? Empire: Imperial-Government: representing-them under the Authority and Directing ?????? of the Grand-Architect-Of-All-Things-In-Creation:The-Most-High.3.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-Monarch leading of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government under the directing of the Most-High by the ????? setting of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Agenda(s) and National-Policies ????? through the proposing of the matter (s)for the considering and voting by the Imperial-????? Council = Council Of The Twelve (12) with the casting of the deciding-vote in the ????? deadlocking Council Of The Twelve (12):vote on the matter (s) of the concern by the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch.4.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Council Of The Twelve (12) serving as the check ????? and balance against the unwise-leadership by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: ????? Constitutional-Monarch on the matter (s)of the concern for the considering and ????? voting by through the Council Of The Twelve (12) voting for the approving/ ????? disapproving of the matter (s) of theconcern.5.?? By the appointing of the people for the Council Of The Twelve (12): positions by the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch for the serving of the two (2): ????? Amexem-Moor-Calendar: year-term for the Council-Member: duty with the non-????? interim: Council For The Twelve (12)voting for the approving/disapproving of the ????? appointee for the Council-Member: duty.6.?? By the appointing of the Ambassadors and vassals = Sultans/Kings/Candices by the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch without the Council Of The ????? Twelve (12) voting for the ratifying of the appointee. 7.?? By the appointing of the Imperial-Judge(s)for the serving of the four (4): Amexem-????? Moor-Calendar: year-term in the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court ForThe ????? Small-Claims, Imperial-Court (with the trial by the jury of the twelve (12)-peers), ????? Imperial-Supreme-Court by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-????? Monarch/Supreme-Judge of the Constitutional-Monarch’s: Bench: Coram-ipso-rege ????? with the voting by the Council Of TheTwelve (12) for the approving/disapproving of ????? the appointee.8.?? By the limiting of the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-????? Monarch for the issuing of the non-judicial: decree (s) in the non-emergency-status by ????? the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution through the Council Of ????? The Twelve (12) for the challenging ofthe un-logical/unreasonable: non-judicial: ????? decree (s) by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch through the ????? voting for the approving/disapproving ofthe Amexem-Moor-Empire: ????? Constitutional-Monarch’s: decree (s) ofthe concern by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: ????? Council Of The Twelve (12) (One-Council-vote-attempt-only: for the ????? blocking/voiding of the decree of the concern) with the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Council Of The Twelve (12) having no-jurisdiction over the Judicial: decree(s) from ????? the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-Monarch’s: Bench: Coram-ipso-rege.9.?? By the non-limiting of the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-????? Monarch for the issuing of the non-judicial-decree (s) in the emergency-status/war-????? status with the non-limiting of the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Constitutional-Monarch for the declaring of the emergency-status for the weather, for ????? the natural-disaster, for the defending-action for the protecting of the sovereignty, ????? sanctity, and Imperial-interest (s) of the Amexem-Moor-Empire.10.? By the non-limiting of the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-????? Council for the declaring of the emergency-status for the weather, for the natural-????? disaster, for the defending-action for the protecting of the sovereignty, sanctity, and ????? Imperial-Interest (s) of the Amexem-Moor-Empire in the absence = death of the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch, Crown-Heir: Apparent, and ????? Crown-Heirs11. By the leading and deploying of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: ????? military/defense/customs/investigation:forces/services by the Amexem-Moor-????? Empire: Constitutional-Monarch/Supreme-Commander for the protecting of the ????? sovereignty, sanctity, and Imperial-Interest(s) of the Amexem-Moor-Empire ????? without the voting for the approving/disapproving by the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Council Of The Twelve (12).12.? By the denying of the authority for the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-????? Monarch/Supreme-Commander of the Jus-belli-dicendi/for the declaring-war with the ????? authority for the declaring-war under the jurisdiction of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Council Of The Twelve (12) with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Council Of The ????? Twelve (12) voting for the approving/disapproving of the war-status by the authority ????? of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution.Section Of The Two (2)1.?? For the knowing by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals of the Amexem-Moor-????? Empire existing as a Constitutional-Monarch not as a democracy, republic, socialist, ????? communist, etc., governing-structure. 2.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Governing-Body under the leading of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch: for the maintaining and sustaining of the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: ex-rigore-juris under the directing of the Most-High with ????? the authority for the amending of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution under the ????? authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Council Of The Twelve (12) with the proposing of the matter (s) for ????? the amending by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch with the ????? Council Of The Twelve (12) voting for the approving/disapproving of the matter (s) ????? of the concern with the denying of the authority for the legislating into the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Constitution: unconstitutional-law (s) by the Amexem-Moor-????? Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Council Of The Twelve (12) with the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court:Chief-Judge having the authority for the ????? overturning/nullifying/voiding of the all of the unconstitutional-law (s) of the ????? legislating by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Council Of ???? The Twelve (12) by the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution.3.? By the hereditary-Monarchy of the Amexem-Moor-Empire with the Regal-Powers of ???? the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-Monarch descending in the immediate-???? manner from them possessor into the Crown-Heir: Apparent = next-heir: by-blood ???? upon the retiring/expiring of the sitting-Monarch or into the spouse (For the sitting-???? Monarch without-heir (s)/with-heir (s)under the twenty-four (24): years of the ???? manifestation. By the relinquishing of the throne/regal-powers-of by the spouse for the ???? transferring of the regal-powers into the dominion/jurisdiction of the Crown-Heir: ???? Apparent = rightful-heir of the twenty-four (24): years) by the authority of the ???? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution.Article Of The Three (3) =Lawful-Matters?Section Of The One (1)1.?? For the knowing of the all of the men and women of the Supremacy of the Grand-????? Architect-Of-All-Things-In-Creation: The-Most-High/Lord of the worlds/Master ????? of the Day of the Requital over the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Governing-????? Body and Nationals coming from the Most-High through the immutable: natural-????? universal-laws/principles and common/sharia-law with the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Constitution obligating of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals for the ????? existing and functioning within the basic-tenants of the common/sharia-law through ????? the virtues = love, peace, freedom, truth, and justice.2.?? By the holding of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals for the accounting ????? for the violating of the natural-universal-laws and common/sharia-law for the judging ????? of the matters of the concern in the court of the original-jurisdiction = Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court before the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court: ????? Judge through the species of the law peculiar into the Amexem-Moor-Empire ????? (immutable:natural-universal-laws/principles and common/sharia-law through the ? ????virtues = love, peace, freedom, truth, and justice):Justitia-nemini-neganda-est ????? (under the jurisdiction of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution) under the ????? authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch.3.? By the obligating of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals for the existing ???? and functioning as the positive-examples for the Amexem-Moor-Empire: ???? offspring/future-generations through the teaching of the love, peace, freedom, truth, ???? justice, faith, meekness, temperance, fortitude, mercy, harmony, equality, and ???? right for the keeping of the National/Collective-mindset in the harmony with the ????Grand-Architect-Of-All-Things-In-Creation:The-Most-High.4.? By the non-suspending, non-abrogating, and non-derogating in the any-manner of the ???? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution: in-toto in the emergency-status/war-status.?SectionOf The Two (2)1.? For the knowing of the all of the men andwomen and of the all of the Amexem-???? Moor-Empire: Nationals of the penalty for the finding of the guilt by the court of the ???? original-jurisdiction = Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Court for the crimes = ???? illicit/contraband-drug:possession/trading, terrorism, and treason against the ???? Amexem-Moor-Empire/high: leze-majesty = death-by-execution with the penalty ???? against the foreign-jurisdiction: citizen(s)/national (s) = death-by-execution/????????? deportation with the permanent-banning/prohibiting of the guilty-foreign-jurisdiction: ??? ?citizen (s)/national (s) from the entering into the Amexem-Moor-Empire:jurisdiction ???? = territory (lands, waters, airspace) with the penalty for the violating of the ???? permanent-banning/prohibiting by the guilty-foreign-jurisdiction: citizen (s)/national ???? (s) = automatic-death-by-execution.2.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitution requiring of the all of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Nationals for the standing for the accounting: against a party of the ????? injury within the court of the original-jurisdiction = Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Imperial-Court/any-common/sharia-law court with a common/sharia-law: judge (not ????? an administrative-judge or magistrate) in the any-foreign-jurisdiction (with the ????? exception of the ranking-members of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-????? Government) for the violating of thenatural-laws under the rules of the ????? common/sharia-law.3.?? For the warning of the all of the foreign-jurisdiction (s) of the non-applicating of the ????? political-code (s), statute (s).ordinance (s), colorable-law (s) of the all of the foreign-????? jurisdictions against the any-Amexem-Moor-Empire: National throughthe knowing ????? of the all of the foreign-jurisdictions of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Nationals existing and functioning under the Grand-Architect-Of-All-Things-In-????? Creation:The-Most-High not man/woman/governments/courts of the any-foreign: ????? jurisdictions.Article Of The Four (4) = Natural-Necessities1.? For the knowing by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals of the natural-right for the ???? obtaining of the food, water, shelter, clothing, learning-system, medical-assisting, and ???? dental-assisting under the basic-tenants of the common/sharia-law.2.? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Nationals possessing of the natural-right of the ???? engaging in the free-enterprise andworld-trade under the basic-tenants of the ???? common/sharia-law. ?Article Of The Six (6) = National-Money-Matters?Section Of The One (1)?? 1.? By the ninety-nine: point-nine: percent(99.9%)-pure: fine-Platinum, Gold, Silver in ???? the bar/coin: form existing and functioning as the lawful-money of the Amexem-???? Moor-Empire by the authority of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution for the ???? existing and functioning as the lawful-medium of the exchange within the all of the ???? Amexem-Moor-Empire: dominions/jurisdiction = territory (lands, waters, airspace).2.? By the permanent-banning and prohibiting of the any and all-forms of the currency ???? [paper, electronic, non-substance] within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: dominions/ ???? jurisdiction = territory (lands, waters, airspace) by the authority of the Amexem-???? Moor-Empire: Constitution with the denying/prohibiting by the Amexem-Moor-???? Empire: Constitution of the authority for the creating or legislating-into-existence of ???? the any and all-fiat-currency/currency and letters-of-credit by the Amexem-Moor-???? Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Council Of TheTwelve (12).3. By the permanent-banning and prohibiting of the any and all-forms of the fractional-??? reserve/fractional-banking within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: dominions/ ??? jurisdiction = territory (lands, waters,airspace) by the authority of the Amexem-??? Moor-Empire: Constitution with the denying/prohibiting by the Amexem-Moor-??? Empire: Constitution of the authority for the creating or legislating-into-existence of ??? the any and all-forms of the fractional-reserve/fractional-banking by the Amexem-??? Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Council Of The Twelve (12).?? SectionOf The Two (2)1.?? By the setting of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: fiscal-budget by the budget-proposal ????? from the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch with the Council Of The ????? Twelve (12) voting for the approving/disapproving with the implementing of the ????? fiscal-budget with the approval-vote from the Council Of The Twelve (12) by the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Minister For The Treasury And Budget under the authority ????? of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch.2.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitution compelling of the all of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Nationals starting at the twenty (20)-years for the making of the ????? donations = at-least-two-ounces of the lawful-money into the Imperial-Treasury for ????? the financing of the specific-Imperial-Needs on the sixty (60)-day: cycle within the ????? non-emergency-status and thirty (30)-day:cycle within the emergency/war-status ????? with the compelling of the paying of the donations of the stating-herein with the one ????? and ten (10): ounce-bar/coin: form of the lawful-money = ninety-nine: point-nine: ????? percent (99.9%)-pure: fine-Platinum,Gold, Silver.3.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution compelling of the paying of the one-????? percent (1%): tax in the ninety-nine:point-nine: percent (99.9%)-pure: fine-Platinum, ????? Gold, Silver in the bar/coin on the licensing-royalty of the collecting by the all of the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals and ten-percent(10%): tax for the businesses ?????? existing and functioning with the patent-product duly-existing and functioning with ????? the Amexem-Moor-Empire: sovereign-patent under the protection of the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: Department For The Copyright And Patent.4.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitution compelling of the paying of the one-??? ??percent (1%): tax in the ninety-nine:point-nine: percent (99.9%)-pure: fine-Platinum, ????? Gold, Silver in the bar/coin on the licensing-royalty of the collecting by the all of the ????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals and ten-percent (10%): tax for the businesses ????? existing and functioning with the copyright/trademark-productduly-existing and ????? functioning with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: sovereign-copyright/trademark under ????? the protection of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For TheCopyright And ????? Patent.5.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution requiring of the majority-ownership ????? and control of the all of the businesses existing and functioning within the Amexem-????? Moor-Empire: dominions/jurisdiction = territory (lands, waters, airspace) by an-????? Amexem-Moor-Empire: National (s) with the Amexem-Moor-Empire:? ????? Constitution prohibiting of the monopolyin a business-field/field of the endeavor by ????? the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National (s) against the other-Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? National (s) in the same-field.6.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitution requiring of the paying of the one-????? hundred-twenty (120)-ounces of the lawful-Silver of the stating-herein for the annual-????? operating-tax and twenty-percent (20%) of the net-amount of the accumulating-????? lawful-money on the thirty (30)-day-cycle(With the exception of non-profit-????? organizations) by the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The ????? Archives: General-Records: Division:registered-for-profit: businesses (Non-profit-????? organizations: annual-operation: registration-fee = sixty (60)-ounces of the lawful-????? Silver of the stating-herein).?Article Of The Eight (8) = Copyright And Patent?1. For the knowing of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Nationals and all-foreign-??? jurisdictions of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: National’s: natural-right of the ??? sovereign-copyright/trademark and patentfor the protecting of the writing, art, music, ??? natural-creative-work, scientific-designs,etc., with the natural-ability of the natural-??? beings of the posterity possessing-equal-abilities of the creative-works: possibilities ??? with the method for the obtaining of thesovereign-copyright/trademark-or-patent ??? consisting of the chronological-order by the owner of the item with the older-??? chronological: date obtaining sovereign-copyright/trademark-or-patent: status with the ??? protecting of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: registered: sovereign-copyright/trademark-??? or-patent by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Law And Justice.2.For the knowing of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Nationals and all-foreign-??? jurisdictions of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution requiring of the all ??? of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Nationals for the standing for the accounting: against ??? a party of the injury within the court of the original-jurisdiction = Amexem-Moor-??? Empire: Imperial-Court/any-common/sharia-law court with a common/sharia-law: ??? judge (not an administrative-judge or magistrate) in the any-foreign-jurisdiction (with ??? the exception of the ranking-members of the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-??? Government) for the pirating/infringing of the creative-works existing and functioning ??? under the copyright/trademark/patent: status: irrespective of the jurisdiction of the ??? jurisdictional-origin of the copyright/trademark/patent. 3. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government copyrighting/trademarking of ??? the all of the creative-works = government-forms, identification, pamphlet, brochures, ??? credentials, private works, etc., with the reserving of the right for the sovereign-patent ??? for the designs of the concern.Article Of The Nine (9) = LearningSection Of The One (1)1 .For the knowing of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Nationals and all-foreign-??? jurisdictions of the supremacy of the knowledge and wisdom of the Grand-Architect-? ??? Of-All-Things-In-Creation:The-Most-High, of the Beneficent, of the Merciful, of ??? the Lord of the worlds and Master of the Day of the Requital over the ??? insignificant-knowledge and wisdom of the man/woman/governments/courts with the ??? Amexem-Moor-Empire: National-Family and Amexem-Moor-Empire: ??? Imperial-Government existing andfunctioning under the power, authority, and ??? permission of the Most-High.?2.By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Imperial-Government and National-Family reserving ??? of the right for the teaching of the histories, cultures, arts, sciences, philosophies, ??? mathematics, etc., with the teaching of the“Amexem-Moor: Way” =? love, peace, ??? freedom, truth, and justice without the hindering from the any-foreign-influence (s).3.By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch authorizing and ??? implementing of the non-religious-method for the teaching of the Amexem-Moor-??? Empire: Nationals by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Learning-Agency: ??? certified/authorized-learning-centers with the knowing of the tying-down/restraining of ??? the learning through the dogma-effect ofthe “religio” against the unfettering of the ??? three-hundred-sixty (360) degrees of the learning-effect of the “Spiritual” learning ??? through the knowing by the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-Monarch and ??? Nationals of the dangers of the dogmatic-existence against the Spiritual-existence.SectionOf The Two (2)?????? 1.?? By the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Nationals respecting of ????? the “Religious” and “Spiritual”disciplines without the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Imperial-Government officializing/sanctioning of the disciplines with the disciplines ????? maintaining/remaining within the private-matters of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:????? Nationals.2.? By the denying/prohibiting by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution of the???? authority for the creating or legislating-into-existence of the officializing/sanctioning ???? of the any-Religious-or-Spiritual: discipline (s)/form (s) by the Amexem-Moor-???? Empire: Constitutional-Monarch and Council Of The Twelve (12).3. For the knowing of the all of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Nationals and all-foreign-??? jurisdictions of the supremacy of the moral-standard of the immutable: natural-??? universal-laws and common/sharia-law within the Amexem-Moor-Empire: ??? dominions/jursidiction = territory (lands,waters, airspace) and over the all-Amexem-??? Moor-Empire: Nationals: irrespective of the physical-location of the Amexem-Moor-??? Empire: National.4. By the using of the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitutional-Monarch: Emperor:??? An-Anu-El:Bey by the Grand-Architect-Of-All-Things-In-Creation:??? The-Most-High as the physical-architect for the manifesting of the ??? Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitution for the re-constituting and re-establishing ??? of the ancient-Moorish-Empire as a Separate and Independent-Nation of the Al’s, ??? Ali’s, Bey’s, Dey’s, El’s,Khan’s, Mac’s, Fulani, Yoruba, and Senega for the knowing as the ??? Amexem-Moor-Empire.5. By the Amexem-Moor-Empire:Constitution requiring of the all of the Amexem-??? Moor-Empire: Nationals for the existing and functioning by the all of the tenants of ??? the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution at the all-times with the Amexem-Moor-??? Empire: Constitution and founder requiring of the complete and unconditional-??? submission by the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitutional-Monarchs under the ??? Supreme-Majesty of the Grand-Architect-Of-All-Things-In-Creation:The-Most-??? High.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________???????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Amexem-Moor-Empire???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Sovereign-Head??????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Original-Sovereign-Copyright= Amexem-Moor-Empire:Sovereign-Copyright-Number:???????????????????????????????????????????????????SC09091998CE001Amexem-Moor-Empire: Constitution And Declaration Of TheNational-Submission Under The Most-HighAnd National-IndependenceFrom The Foreign-Influences: Amending-Version: OneBy the Emperor: An-Anu-El: BeySovereign-Copyright-Amending= Amexem-Moor-Empire: Sovereign-Copyright-??????????????????????? Amending-Number: SC09091998CE00109092001CE001Sovereign-Copyright-Amending= Amexem-Moor-Empire:Sovereign-Copyright-Amending-Number: SC09091998CE00106152014CE007 ................

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