MINUTES - Delaware







JANUARY 9, 2014

10:00 A.M.


ROOM 113



I. Call to Order

Lt. Colonel Paige called the hearings to order at 1004 hours. The meeting was recorded and the Licensing Specialist of the Professional Licensing Section will maintain the recording.

Board of Examiners members present:

Lt. Colonel James Paige

Mrs. Sandra C. Taylor

Mrs. Heather M. Shupe

Mr. Wayne A. Keller

Ms. Kelly R. Jansen

Mr. Harvey A. Woods, III

Board of Examiners members absent:

Timothy P. Mullaney, Sr., Esquire

William G. Bush, IV, Esquire

Mr. Michael D. Connelly

Staff members present:

W. Michael Tupman, Esquire

Major Monroe B. Hudson, Jr.

Lt. Eric L. Hamm – Professional Licensing

Ms. Peggy L. Anderson – Professional Licensing

Mrs. Lisa M. Trolinder – Professional Licensing

Others present:

Mr. Timothy T. Tidwell

Mr. Charles Solomon

Mr. John Morley

Mr. Tot Lam

II. Review and Acceptance of Minutes from Previous Hearings

A. October 22, 2013

Ms. Anderson stated that the minutes were not completely finished yet, but would be ready for the next meeting.

III. Appeal Hearings & Actions

Ms. Anderson will be the facilitator of all actions taken today and the Board members will have the opportunity to ask questions of the individuals. There will be discussion and then the voting of the status of the ID card/license in question.

A. Requested Hearings

2. Timothy T. Tidwell

Ms. Anderson presented the background on Mr. Tidwell as follows:

➢ Processed on 10/04/13 application for unarmed SG – Denied

➢ Marked NO for arrest/fingerprints

➢ DE CHRI report revealed:

o 06/25/71 – Indecent Exposure – 2 counts – no dispo

o Moral turpitude

Mr. Tidwell explained that he saw a psychiatrist for about four (4) months after this incident. Charges were dropped by the family as long as he completed the treatment. There is no proof that the charge is guilty.

After discussion, Mr. Woods, with a second by Mrs. Shupe, made a motion to approve Mr. Tidwell’s security guard ID. The motion was carried.

B. Notice of Intent to Suspend or Revoke

1. Victoria A. Cunningham

2. Jarred N. Davis

3. Derek S. Foxmoor, Sr.

4. Mark A. McGovern

Ms. Anderson presented the facts that these individuals were sent certified notification of the intent to suspend or revoke their security guard ID cards. No one requested a hearing.

Ms. Jansen, with a second by Mrs. Shupe, made a motion to revoke the security ID cards for B.1.-4. The motion was carried.

C. Notice of Intent to Revoke

***1. Blaise A. Algeo***

2. Robert E. Coburn

***3. Thomas J. Dana, Jr.***

4. Temica K. Davis

5. Deonte K. Kilson

***6. Renae L. Wright***

Ms. Anderson presented the facts that these individuals were sent certified notification of the intent to revoke their security guard ID cards. No one requested a hearing.

Mr. Woods, with a second by Ms. Jansen, made a motion to revoke the security ID cards for C.1.-6. The motion was carried.

D. Notice of Emergency Suspension

***1. Montrinice Chaney***

***2. Jonathan M. Chiffons***

3. John N. Mwangi

***4. Darien Robinson, Jr.***

***5. Claire C. Triplett***

Ms. Anderson presented the facts that these individual were sent certified notification of the emergency suspension of their security guard ID cards. No one has requested a hearing. The charges are all still pending. The emergency suspension is continued until such time that the charges have a disposition. Further action will be taken at that time. Informational purposes only, no vote necessary.

***E. Greenlee Security Services***

Ms. Anderson presented the facts regarding Greenlee Security Services that bonds were due, notifications were sent back, certified mail went unanswered and agency was subsequently revoked by the Board on 01/18/13. The agency did not respond by asking for a hearing by the deadline, yet they are asking to be considered for re-instatement.

Mr. Charles Solomon, representing Greenlee Security Services, appeared before the Board to ask to be considered for re-application in Delaware. They had downsized the business and believed that all was lost with consideration to working in Delaware. Mr. Solomon brought a lease agreement and liability insurance expiring 03/13/13. He did not have a current liability with him. Current bonds were previously provided.

Lt. Colonel Paige suggested that Mr. Solomon re-apply for licensure in Delaware. Mr. Tupman asked about the mail being returned to DSP. Mr. Solomon stated that it was a payment issue to the satellite office as they use Regis for this. Mr. Tupman expressed the importance of the board’s ability to contact the licensee’s both via mail and phone.

Mr. Solomon expressed that he understood this and asked when he could re-apply. Ms. Anderson explained that he needed to reapply as if a new company with original copies of the bonds and liability and if all documentation is ready and an appointment is made by next Friday, he can be considered for the next Board meeting in January. If he does not have all the documentation by then, he will be considered at the next meeting in April.

A. Requested Hearings

1. Tot V. Lam

Ms. Anderson presented the background on Mr. Lam as follows:

➢ Processed on 10/07/13 re-application for unarmed SG - Denied

➢ Marked Yes for arrest/fingerprints:

o I was arrested for possession of marijuana (1 or 2 grams) I don’t remember the date & time, it happen over 15 years ago.

➢ DE CHRI revealed:

o 09/24/92 – possession of marijuana – fine $50 guilty

▪ Given license under old administration

o 12/18/12 – possession of marijuana – fine $100 guilty

Mr. Lam forgot about the 2012 charge as he was not arrested but he was given a criminal summons. This was explained to him that it was an arrest. He was not aware that this was considered an arrest.

Lt. Colonel explained that by statute the Board cannot grant a license due to the convictions. The only option would be to obtain a pardon for the charges. It was explained that he could go on the State of Delaware website and find the pardon information there.

Since the denial cannot be granted, no vote necessary.

IV. Adjournment

Ms. Anderson informed the Board that the amended legislation that was sent to everyone via e-mail has been sent to Sgt. Lester for submission to the Legislature. It would be House Substitute 1 to House Bill 202. The substitute is a cleaner version of what was submitted in June 2013 and will help eliminate some of the hearings that we are having.

A. Next Meeting

1. Thursday, January 30, 2014 @ 10:00am

DGE Conference Room

Mrs. Taylor, with a second by Mr. Woods, made a motion to adjourn the hearings. The motion was carried. The hearings were adjourned at 1040 hours.


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