To produce a design folio detailing the investigation and development of ideas enabling you to produce a laminated timber board such as a chopping board, bread board, chess board or cheese board.


1. The board must be constructed by gluing several narrow pieces of timber together to form a wide board. (Laminating)

2. The project should include at least one joint other than the butt jointed laminations.

• (Biscuit joint, Dowelled Joint, Mitred joint)

3. Materials available

42 x 19, 70 x 19 Pinus radiata, Jarrah – 90 x 25mm and Malaysian Hardwood – up to 35 x 19mm

4. You are restricted by the course fee to a maximum size of 280 wide and 400 long. If you wish to design a larger project you must pay for the additional materials including the waste material.


You must compile a design folio detailing the entire design process:

1. Identify a need you have and develop a Design Brief – write a statement starting ‘I will design and produce a ……. because ……..’ which describes what problem are you trying to solve.

Constraints and Key Design Criteria

• List and briefly explain, in a few lines, all of the important design features your project must include and the features you want it to have.

2. Product Investigation Find at least 4 examples on the internet of existing products similar to what you want. Copy and paste them in Microsoft word with Comments and Suggested reasons for design features you like or dislike. Which features could you include in your design?

You will investigate the materials you intend to use, including information about where it comes from and any other relevant info about the material.

Information about 2 types of joints, biscuit joints and another one you may have used, information such as why and how they are used.

3. Designing / Devising

(a) Ideas Sketches – draw neat sketches of at least 2 ideas for your board. Add detailed comments describing your design ideas.

(b) Identify your chosen idea and complete a neat detailed drawing with dimensions of your final idea showing all of the timber laminations.

(c) Produce a surfcam drawing with dimensions and a title. (if required)

(d) Write a Procedure List of the steps you will follow to produce your board.

(e) Calculate the Cutting & costing sheet (Use the spreadsheet provided)

4. Evaluation

• Explain how your final project met the requirements of the design brief – the task you set out to do, the problem you set yourself to solve? Justify your comments.

• What things would change if you started again?

• What things could you have done better or improved?

• What worked well with your design and construction?

• What changes did you make to your original design during construction and why?

Yr. 9 Wood Technology

Get on Board


Your Design Folio needs to contain –

Page 1

Your design brief and product investigation.

Write a statement starting ‘I will design and produce a ……. because ……..’ which describes what problem are you trying to solve. Find an example on the internet of an existing product similar to what you want. Suggest reasons for design features you like or dislike. Which features could you include in your design?

Information about the timber, oil and joints used.

Page 2

Pictures from the internet with information about what or why

Page 3

Neat sketches of 2 ideas with notes explaining them.

Page 4

Final working drawing with dimensions.

Page 5

Surfcam drawing (if required)

Page 6

Procedure sheet

Page 7

Cutting & costing sheet (download from Moodle)

Page 8


Assessment task: Get on Board

Name: _____________________________________ Year level: 9

By the end of Year 10, students explain how people working in design and technologies occupations consider factors that impact on design decisions and the technologies used to produce products, services and environments. They identify the changes necessary to designed solutions to realise preferred futures they have described. When producing designed solutions for identified needs or opportunities, students evaluate the features of technologies and their appropriateness for purpose for one or more of the technologies contexts.

Students create designed solutions for one or more of the technologies contexts based on a critical evaluation of needs or opportunities. They establish detailed criteria for success, including sustainability considerations, and use these to evaluate their ideas and designed solutions and processes. They create and connect design ideas and processes of increasing complexity and justify decisions. Students communicate and document projects, including marketing for a range of audiences. They independently and collaboratively apply sequenced production and management plans when producing designed solutions, making adjustments to plans when necessary. They select and use appropriate technologies skilfully and safely to produce high-quality designed solutions suitable for the intended purpose.

Content Descriptors:

| |E |D |C |B |A |

|Strand: Knowledge & Understanding | | | | | |

|Strand: Processes and production skills |Creating designed solutions by: | |

|Investigating and defining: |No Attempt of |Partial |Competent |Thoughtful |Highly developed |

|Critique needs or opportunities to develop |investigating tools |investigation tools |investigation tools |investigation tools |investigation tools |

|design briefs and investigate and select an|and equipment |and equipment |and equipment |and equipment |and equipment |

|increasingly sophisticated range of |required to produce |required to produce |required to produce |required to produce |required to produce |

|materials, systems, components, tools and |the project |the project |the project |the project |the project |

|equipment to develop design ideas | | | | | |

|(ACTDEP048) | | | | | |

|Generating and designing: |No Attempt at |Partial production |Competent production|Capable production |Accomplished |

|Develop, modify and communicate design |producing sketches |of sketches and |of sketches and |of sketches and |production of |

|ideas by applying design thinking, |and working drawings|working drawings |working drawings |working drawings |sketches and working|

|creativity, innovation and enterprise |with all dimensions |with all dimensions |with all dimensions |with all dimensions |drawings with all |

|skills of increasing sophistication | | | | |dimensions |

|(ACTDEP049) | | | | | |

|Producing and implementing: |No Attempt at |Partial safe and |Competent, safe and |Capable, safe and |Highly developed, |

|Work flexibly to effectively and safely |manufacturing the |skillful use of |skillful use of |skillful use of |safe and skillful |

|test, select, justify and use appropriate |project |tools and machines |tools and machines |tools and machines |use of tools and |

|technologies and processes to make designed| |to manufacture the |to manufacture the |to manufacture the |machines to |

|solutions (ACTDEP050) | |project |project |project |manufacture the |

| | | | | |project |

|Evaluating: |No Attempt at |Partial reflection |Competent reflection|Thoughtful |Highly developed |

|Evaluate design ideas, processes and |reflecting of |of learning and the |of learning and the |reflection of |reflection of |

|solutions against comprehensive criteria |learning and the |criteria for success|criteria for success|learning and the |learning and the |

|for success recognising the need for |criteria for success| | |criteria for success|criteria for success|

|sustainability (ACTDEP051) | | | | | |

|Collaborating and Managing: |No Attempt at |Partial evidence of |Competent evidence |Thoughtful evidence |Highly developed |

|Develop project plans using digital |managing timelines &|managing timelines &|of managing |of managing |evidence of managing|

|technologies to plan and manage projects |producing a costing |producing a costing |timelines & |timelines & |timelines & |

|individually and collaboratively taking |sheet |sheet |producing a costing |producing a costing |producing a costing |

|into consideration time, cost, risk and | | |sheet |sheet |sheet |

|production processes (ACTDEP052) | | | | | |

|Final Grade: | |



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