Pequea Valley School BoardCommittee MeetingDecember 1, 2015The monthly Committee meeting of the Pequea Valley School Board was called to order by President Bryant Ferris at 7:07 p.m. Members present were Christian Brackbill, Bryant Ferris, Joyce Good, Fred Hertzler, Jane Horst, Steve Riehl, Charles Rohrer, Michael Sage, and Steve Temple. Also present were Erik Orndorff, John Bowden, Cathy Koenig, Ashley Heagy, Dr. William Vollmar, Robin McCracken, Patty Shenk, Cindy Hummel, Christine Zink, Tim McHugh, and June Groff.Approval of Minutes:On a motion by Mr. Sage and a second by Mrs. Good, the following minutes and financial reports were approved:November 12, 2015, Regular MeetingFinancial Reports:The Financial Reports for October 2015, as appearing on pages 9973-9973G of the Treasurer’s Supplement.The October bills, as appearing in the Treasurer’s Supplement:General Fund, totaling $1,935,732.36 and appearing on pages 9951-9964Capital Reserve, totaling $375,917.49, and appearing on page 9965-9966Food Service, totaling $41,900.93 and appearing on pages 9967-9971Student Activity Report, totaling $49,920.21 and appearing on page 9972Motion carried: Voting yes: Brackbill, Ferris, Good, Hertzler, Horst, Rohrer, Sage, and Temple; No:0; Absent: 0Apple Presentation – Tim McHugh from Apple, Inc. presented the district as an Apple Distinguished Program and noted that very few school districts qualify for this honor. Mr. McHugh presented a plaque to the Board and Dr. Orndorff.Naloxone – Cathy Koenig presented a report stating which schools in Lancaster County plan to house and administer the drug Naloxone. Naloxone is a medication used to reverse the effects of opioids in the event of an overdose. Cathy introduced the school districts physician, Dr. William Vollmar, who presented more facts on Naloxone. He explained that the first response is to resuscitate and Naloxone should not be the first choice. It would be better to keep the child alive until EMS and paramedics arrive and administer the medication.Homeless Audit – Cathy Koenig shared information on the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, which ensures homeless children and youth are provided with a free and appropriate public education on an equal basis with all other children in the state.Board Policy #124 – Alternative Instruction/Dual Enrollment – John Bowden presented the second reading of Board Policy #124. The Board plans to adopt this policy at the December 10, 2015, Board meeting.Capital Reserve Budget – John Bowden presented the revised Capital Reserve Budget for 2016. He spoke about the idea of using state contract to do the field turf replacement and asked the Board about getting a design from EI Associates in regards to the cost of a new pole barn.General Fund Budget Timeline – John Bowden shared that if the Board has any intention of exceeding the Act 1 Index, they will need to adopt a preliminary General Fund Budget at the January 14, 2016, Board meeting. If the Board does not expect to exceed the Act 1 Index and chooses to adopt a resolution not to exceed the index, this must be approved at the January 5, 2016, Committee meeting. Mr. Bowden recommends adopting a preliminary budget at the January 14, 2016, meeting in order to leave options available to the Board in case funding shortages occur. December 1, 2015 Committee Meeting Minutes Continued …Old Paradise Property Transfer – John Bowden notified the Board that the district’s solicitor is drafting an agreement for the transfer of the old Paradise property to The Factory. Additionally, the property lines will need to be redrawn as part of the old Paradise property includes the parking lot to the new building. Mr. Bowden also stated that he sent letters to both the Lancaster County Planning Commission and the Paradise Planning Commission regarding the transfer of the property. This is required by law and must be done at least 45 days prior to any sale/transfer.Public Participation – June Groff spoke about the Naloxone drug.No further information was presented and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Bryant FerrisJohn A. BowdenPresident Secretary ................

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