Montana Bowhunters Association

Montana Bowhunters Association

Board Meeting Minutes

June 11, 2005 – Great Falls, Montana

June 11, 2005, 10:00 AM: The meeting was called to order by Charlie Johnson. There were 14 members present along with 7 eight proxy votes

Proxies: John Grimstad to Jim Gappa

Gary Carvajal to Charlie Johnson

Don Thomas to Rosey Roseland

George Withey to Paul Hopkins

Steve Schindler to Don Stein

Yote Robertson to Charlie Johnson

Charles Culver to David Stratton

Joelle Selk to David Stratton

A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes from the April 8, 2005 board meeting without and oral reading.

Financial Report

Leah covered all of the expenses and profits of the banquet. Leah handed out a very in-depth spreadsheet to all present board members. A discussion regarding expenses of the board followed. There was a motion, which carried, that there would be a 90 day time limit for a board member to submit expenses for reimbursement. Receipts for expenses must accompany request for remittance. Board members have until June 30, 2005 to submit any old expenses.

Committee Reports

Charlie will forward and update all the committees and assignments

Bow Ed

The new Bowhunter Education Manual does not say anything regarding the crossbow at this time. There was a motion made and carried that Charlie would contact Ron Asheim and advise him of our official crossbow policy, explaining that crossbows are not archery equipment. We want to ensure FWP includes in the Bow-Ed curriculum the documented fact that crossbows are not archery equipment.

Tentative Committee

Paul Hopkins reported that he had some success with an advisory group in the Bitterroot. The group was comprised of landowners, sports persons, hunters and FWP. They are working on solutions to Elk problems other than drastically reducing the Elk herds. He noted that this approach may work in other areas as well.

TSCBP (Teton Spring Creek Bird Preserve) no longer exists. However, the MBA will try to work on the archery only aspect in this area. The MBA will try to come up with a proposal for this area (i.e.: extra tags, late seasons).

Bear Season Rosey discussed getting ‘archery’ bear season to open with the regular archery big game season. He stated that the guys in Region 4 wanted to see this. Since many of the problem bears had to be killed early last fall there may be some FWP support for this. If not, the landowners/legislators from his area may sponsor this. Rosey will work further on this proposal.

Al Kelly said there was concern in the Libby area regarding the number of non-resident turkey hunters. A discussion followed regarding the policy of a 10% cap on non-residents for limited permits and it was suggested that Al should speak to his local FWP regarding the matter.

The board also discussed keeping tabs on the study committee for PLPW. The areas of concern were landowner tags and access to public land.

Carp Shoot The Carp Shoot was bigger and better than last year with approximately 90 shooters last year and 110 this year.


Charlie will send out an e-mail to board members of delinquent memberships. Board members will then contact delinquent members in their regions.

Jim Gappa reported on the idea of the MBA holding a shoot in conjunction with the Billings Rod & Gun Club. He ask about insurance coverage for club affiliates. Leah will check in to this with our provider.

The board Membership Committee will pursue ideas for a new membership campaign.

Leah said that it was fine for board members to take new membership money and sent it to her. However, be sure to get the correct name and address.


Charlie would like the board to get ‘member profiles’ going again. We stories and pictures are needed.

We were (I do not remember who) going to get Vincent Olson’s obituary to Steve for the newsletter.


Lea discussed the price of the conservation raffle tickets, both the price of printing and the cost of shipping. The board discussed ways of selling more of these tickets such as appealing to people other than bowhunters. It was brought up that we could offer prizes such as a trip to Vegas or Hawaii or $1,000.00 gift certificates.

The MBA needs to get something in writing on how to reward convention donors. We will handle this via e-mail.

Some folks felt the banquet was too long. A general discussion on this issue ensued. I t suggestion the Convention committee examine the issue and develop some ideas.

Charlie will contact Harry Burnett with the idea of exploring ways to make the Deer Coy donation more profitable.


New board position open: Even year Director at Large. This position is open as a result of Chris Irlbeck moving into the Region 1 Area Rep. spot. Rosey said that he spoke with Brian Stremcha of Great Falls and he showed interest. Rosey will contact him further.

General Board Discussion

A motion carried to match the money brought in from the “Moravac Bow’ for camp Make a Dream. This would be up to and including $500.00. This would also be retroactive for the past two years. The last two years totaled $ 490.00.

Ron Hawkinson reported on the first meeting of the National Bowhunting Summit. One of the main issues is the crossbow. There was a motion that carried to allow the ATA to explain their position on using the crossbow in hunting seasons. The ATA will be allowed on hour at the next National Bowhunting Summit meeting in August. There was also a motion that carried to give Ron Hawkinson $ 750.00 to send him to represent the MBA at the next National Bowhunting Summit meeting in August.

A lieutenant from Iraq wanted archery equipment for troops. The board agreed that we would not send equipment, just newsletters.

Stan Rauch has asked to borrow the MBA bows for the Kids Kamp at Jack Creek Preserve. The board discussed options of transporting bows from one place to another. The need for 3 dozen arrows and a dozen armguards and finger tabs for the kid’s bows was also discussed.

Charlie reported for Gary Carvajal on the sales of MBA merchandise. Board agrees that it is too premature to unload items at this time that are not selling well.

The next board meeting: to be announced. Helena, December 3, 2005.

Meeting adjourned.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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