Language Features - ESOL - Literacy Online

Language Features

|Word |Definition |Example |Effect |

|Metaphor |Figure of speech: one thing is |She was a tower of strength |Can paint a meaningful picture |

| |said to be another |when her husband was killed. |that is easy to remember |

| | | |because two usually different |

| | | |things are said to be the same.|

|Simile |Figure of speech: one thing is |He described his experience as |Can paint a meaningful picture |

| |said to be as or like another |a visit to the heart of |that is easy to remember |

| | |darkness. |because two usually different |

| | | |things are compared. |

|Alliteration |Sound device; the repetition of|Culture Clash |Is fun to read or listen to. |

| |consonants, especially at the | |Creates rhythm. Is memorable. |

| |beginning of words, so that he | | |

| |words are linked together by | | |

| |sound. | | |

|Irony |The speaker means the opposite |A muslim extremist is likely to|Emphasises the words because |

| |of what she says. |be welcomed in the United |they mean the opposite of what |

| | |States. |you first expect. |

|Personification |Inanimate objects or non-living|The rain and hail lashed their |Can make the text more dramatic|

| |things are given the |faces with a fearful strength |and the listener/reader thinks |

| |characteristics or qualities of| |more deeply about the meaning. |

| |something that is alive | | |

|Direct speech |The words of a person quoted in|"You have overstayed your |Makes the text seem real. |

| |a text. Speech marks show the |welcome" the immigration | |

| |beginning and end of direct |officer retorted. | |

| |speech. | | |

|Contractions |Shortened forms of words often |"don't push me, it's not my |Can make the text look informal|

| |in combination with other words|fault that they're homeless" |or like speech. |

|Colloquial language |Language that is casual rather |There are countless stories to |It is used in spoken language |

| |than formal. It is likely to be|share with my children about |but may be used in written |

| |used by people who know each |"their cuzzies" |language to create a feeling of|

| |other well. | |familiarity between the writer |

| | | |and the reader. |

|Passive voice |The subject has an action done |The asylum seeker was detained |More common in impersonal, |

| |to it by an agent who may or |indefinitely |formal writing and the writer |

| |may not be named. | |may use passive verbs to |

| | | |suggest distance, objectivity |

| | | |or formality. |

|Emotive language |Shows the feeling and attitude |The so-called "Asian invasion" |Is often used in persuasive |

| |of the writer |of New Zealand is there for |writing to appeal to the |

| | |everyone to see. |reader's emotions rather than |

| | | |the mind. |


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