June 2013

A month has passed again and we are back with our monthly e-bulletin. We hope that you have all enjoyed the Summer half-term Holiday. In the International office, we are busy preparing the Connecting Classrooms programme. You can read about below.

Last week, we had the pleasure to take part in Challenge 2013 in Hungary. It was a great experience. Our young athletes did very well.

We hope that you have been following our posts on Twitter and Facebook. The monthly e-bulletin will continue to be circulated with a resumé of all the month’s postings but for up to the minute information about resources, deadlines and new programmes follow us


Connecting Classrooms conference on July 11th 2013 in Newcastle upon Tyne

This FREE one day course will present delegates with ways of introducing an international dimension into the classroom and allow consideration of methods for evaluation and monitoring impact.

The conference is designed to allow active participation and draw on delegates’ experiences of international working. There will be time to reflect on expected outcomes from international school links and ways in which global citizenship can be addressed through such partnerships.

Delegates will hear from academics, arts organisations and a range of practitioners from across the region about how international school partnerships have supported pupils’ understanding of global issues and their own spiritual and cultural development.

There will be information for schools about how to find partners in Europe and in the wider world and practical advice about how to benefit from European Commission funding streams. The programme will draw together best practice examples of the European Union’s Lifelong Learning programme and showcase Comenius and eTwinning projects.

If you didn’t receive an e-mail with invitation, programme and registration form please send an e-mail to Karen Smith ( and we will send you.

New website

We are working on the new website for Europe Direct North East. On the new website you can find information about the European Union, EU projects, what the European Union can offer us, information about scholarships etc.

You can read about what young people from other countries who are making scholarship in the UK think about England.

Languages take you further

The European Day of Languages is celebrated on 26th September each year to encourage everybody to learn languages.

There is a small booklet in which you will find examples of the many languages spoken in Europe. By learning the language of another country one also gets to know its culture and people better; which is great advantage.

To listen the audio version of this booklet, go to

or listen to further samples of the official languages being spoken on

The healthiest holiday!

Keep fit and have fun! Carlos, Maud and Klaus discover a different way of life when they go and spend the summer with their cousins... they are going to have to change some of their bad habits if they want to take part in the Group Run! Be like Carlos, Maud and Klaus and take control of your health! Being fit is important and really simple. All you have to do is eat well and exercise! Remember, if you are fit, your body works better, feels good and can do everything you want it to do. It will also help you keep to a healthy weight and concentrate better at school. Just remember what the coach says: «Our bodies are like engines - they need the right fuel!»

All u need is space

Who said that Space is boring and isn’t fun for kids? ‘All U Need Is Space’, the first comic strip from the Enterprise and Industry DG is designed to bring young pupils closer to the benefits of space applications, is now available in its English version.

‘All U Need Is Space’ is about the daily life of a teenage schoolgirl named Elena. Every page contains explanatory boxes with useful information divided into two sections, 'Did you know' and 'What are we doing', which provide the reader with more specialised knowledge. These boxes shed light on how space technology helps with weather forecasts, pollution, rescue operations, remote medical assistance, automated cars, agriculture, climate change and communications amongst other crucial themes. The comic also features a game in every page, which makes the reading more fun and attractive and a list of useful websites has been included at the back of the book for those who want more information.

Cycling from County Durham to Tübingen

Councillor Peter Brooks is cycling from County Durham to Tübingen – our German partner town. You can follow his journey on our facebook and twitter pages.


Twitter: @EuropeDirectNE

International School Award

Schools should start thinking now about their 2013/2014 action plan in order to apply for accreditation. We can support schools with action plan development through one to one sessions in schools and twilights. Email us at to arrange a time.

Skype in the classroom

The British Council has teamed up with Skype in the classroom to give you even more opportunities to connect with educators around the world. Skype in the classroom features thousands of lesson ideas posted by teachers looking to bring something new and inspirational to the classroom.

Using Skype, you can join these lessons in real-time and introduce your students to classrooms, experts and artists in other countries – without worrying about geographical, time or cost barriers.

School partnership with China

Is your school looking to partner with a school in another country? Would your school like to partner with China? If so, you could be eligible for funding from the Connecting Classrooms programme.

By getting involved you can help develop your pupils as a global citizens and as a teacher, you will also benefit through sharing best practice with colleagues in China. The deadline to apply for funding is 28 June.

Find a partner in Bangladesh

We have schools in Bangladesh who are keen to partner with schools in the UK. Contact us for more details.


2013 Mock Council in London

Students from your school or college can join others from across England at Admiralty House in London, on 13 November 2013, to participate in a mock meeting of the Council of the European Union.

The event gives young people the opportunity to showcase their debating, negotiating and lobbying skills in front of official representatives of the European Commission and member state governments, teachers and other students.

Past newsletters and bulletins can be found at

Ildiko Negyesi

Europe Direct North East England

International Relations

Durham County Council

County Hall

Durham DH1 5UF

Tel. 0044 03000 268500/ 268503

Fax. 0044 (0) 191 383 4487


Europe Direct North East is part funded by the European Commission. Sole responsibility for any information produced by Europe Direct North East lies with the author - the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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