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JULY 28, 2015

1. Pledge of Allegiance: lead by Chairman Marx.

2. Call to order & roll call: Town Board members present: Tom Marx, Bob Benson, Jim Schommer, James Brooks, and James Bechen. Also present: Town Atty. Lawrence Bechler, Andy Ross (President of Columbia County Economic Development Corp.; CCEDC), Lt. Wayne Smith (Columbia County Sheriff Dept.; CCSD), Lt. Rich Hoege (Columbia County Sheriff Dept.; CCSD), Curt Walters (Agent, Rural Insurance), Dave & Audrey Attoe, Tim Attoe, Chris McNeill (President, Harmony Grove Association; HGA), Gene & Ingrid Fleming, Neil McIntire, Joe Ballard (Lodi Enterprise), Bill Breunig, Teresa Jiran.

3. Citizen Input: Lt. Hoege – the speed limit on CTH V coming into Harmony Grove (on Lodi end) will be on the next Columbia County Safety Committee meeting agenda. Bechen – I am happy to see that the speed (test?) has been set up on that section of CTH V. Lt. Hoege - I have also looked at serious safety concerns on the section of CTH V from STH 113 to Rapp/Summerville. This too will be on the agenda stated above. Restricting parking is of great concerns to the 2 busy businesses in that area (Fitz's and Lucky's). Pewitt’s Nest in the Town of West Point has similar parking problems. One option is to is to keep the NO PARKING signed as it currently is, one option is to have no area posted NO PARKING, and another option to have NO PARKING on just one side. Benson – how is the NO PARKING in that area now? Lt. Hoege – currently it’s signed NO PARKING from Fitz’s to STH 113 on both sides of the road. Benson – those businesses do need on-street parking. Would changing it to only NO PARKING on one side help? Lt. Hoege – since there’s angled parking in front of the Okee School maybe on-street parking could be allowed from the school to Lucky’s, and then on-street parking on the other side from the school to Shamrock.

Lt. Wayne Smith – At a later date I can give you a breakdown of what all the abbreviations on our reports mean. Only 1 noise complaint in Okee, which was voluntarily been reduced by the business owner, plus a parking complaint on a Thursday night for a car parked in a NO PARKING zone.

Marx – just FYI (to Lt. Smith/Lt. Hoege) there’s a noise ordinance on our agenda tonight. We’ll let you know the results of whether that is adopted.

Dave Attoe (Demynck Road) - there’s people on the west side of us and it’s become a million dollar party house. Live bands with amplifiers along with fireworks on the 4th of July. There were close to 200 people on that property for most of the night. People were running around our property, out on our dock, and parking in front of our garage/driveway. I have here several of the leftover pieces of fireworks that I picked up on my property after that party. That lot is not large enough to have a party like that. Marx – we are working on that. Audrey Attoe – it’s not only the 4th of July, they just had another party on July 18th, and the music is set up right outside my bedroom window within feet, along with fireworks. By the time the CCSD gets there the noise has quit. Our neighbor on the other side was upset also and ready to call the Sheriff. We’ve asked them to turn it down, they turn it down and a few minutes later they turn it right back up. Some of the partiers, as they leave, will actually shout out to us that they are leaving. Lt. Smith – what is your address (Audrey Attoe gave it to him), he stated he will look up the call logs for this location and I will follow up on it.

Steve Attoe (son of Dave & Audrey Attoe) - there were so many people on that lot that they were overflowing onto my parents property and pier, plus there were so many vehicles parked along the road that emergency vehicles would have had trouble, if not impossible, to make it anywhere. Town Supv. 1 James Brooks – I was at Attoe’s during the 4th of July party and I believe many of those fireworks were extremely dangerous, emergency vehicles would not have been able to get down the road, and I can attest to everything stated above. I had fireworks go over my head and land on us on Attoe’s property.

4. Rural Insurance (Curt Walters): Marx – we recently reinstituted the exchange/donation table at the Transfer Site. Benson – from your (Walters) standpoint what insurance does the town have that would cover someone who is injured by something they take from this table? Walters – you have a general liability coverage of $2 million dollars per occurrence (aggregate $4 million), which would cover this table. At the time the Resolution banning the table was done, it was reported to us that an employee or employees of the Transfer Site were taking things out of dumpsters that had been discarded by residents and putting them on the exchange/table … that is a concern relating to insurance. But items are being put on the table by residents (not out of dumpsters) and taken home by other residents the town still has some risk, but probably very small. Does this affect Rural’s ability to insure the town … any claim affects the ability to be insured. But a table at the Transfer Site is not going to change your rates because the Transfer Site is covered under the general liability. Brooks – so the town is covered if someone is injured by something taken from the Transfer Site? Walters – Rural will defend the town from a lawsuit and pay based on the results of that within insurance limits. Schommer – and any claim can increase our premium. Walters – it can.

5. Eastern Columbia County Joint Municipal Court Presentation (ECCJMC): Brooks – at our last meeting the town joining this ECCJMC, which was turned down at that time. Present tonight is Judge Roy Breunig of that court. One concern we had was the statement in the Agreement for the Operation of the Joint Municipal Court for Eastern Columbia County "Whereas, the municipalities which are parties to this agreement have enacted identical ordinances thereby creating and establishing a municipal court to serve said municipalities". This makes it sound like we all have to have the exact same Code of Ordinances. But in talking to Karen she stated no, not all the municipalities in this court have the same ordinances. That paragraph means we all have to adopt the same ordinance creating the ECCJMC for the town to join with the other municipalities in this court, so that all the municipalities are playing with the same court rules, but not the same laws/ordinances. Atty. Lawrence Bechler – I concur with what has been stated above, the ordinance to join is fine. Benson – what is the advantage for the town to join this court? Brooks – the town has ordinances that we have almost no way to enforce, so the CCSD enforces county ordinances in the town, but can do little to enforce town ordinances. And fines from those citations goes to the county, the town gets nothing. Joining this ECCJMC would mean the town gets the monies from the fines. Atty. Bechler – the town does have ordinances that allows the town board members, building inspector, etc… to issue citations for violations. But enforcement has to be done through Columbia County Circuit Court and the town gets none of the money. Brooks – right now we have ordinances, such as for garbage in front of homes, junk vehicles, etc… and little way to enforce them fully. Atty. Bechler – there are sheriff departments that are contracted to work for municipalities and enforce town/village/city ordinances under the proper contract. Lt. Wayne Smith – that’s what we do with the contracts the county has with some municipalities, aka policing contracts. To do that we have to have a court to take them to, such as the ECCJMC. But the sheriff is only in our section for a short amount of time. Judge Breunig – if someone gets a citation and decides to plead not guilty to it the municipality can set up a time to have a phone conference with me and the town attorney. 10-12% of citations are plead not guilty to. 1-2% ever go to trial. Atty. Bechler – that’s completely accurate comparing to other municipal courts I’ve been involved with, and I was a prosecutor in municipal courts in the past. Benson (to Atty. Bechler) – another avenue the town has used in the past is for us to send a letter out explaining the violation and the fine for it, and if not paid it can be added to their real estate property tax bill … is that correct? Atty. Bechler – I don’t recommend it. Even though no one is likely to come back to the town and say you didn’t legally serve me a citation, it’s still not advisable. Benson – so is the ECCJMC a better method to use? Atty. Bechler – if you have the method to process citations in place to handle them quickly, it works. You need someone to enforce the ordinances (issue

citations), and someone to prosecute (an attorney) them. Marx – if someone pleads not guilty are the court costs added to the fine? Judge Breunig – if someone gets a $50 forfeiture, the total costs end up being $120. The salary for myself, the clerk, etc… there is no additional cost incurred by the court, the costs incurred are for the prosecutor/attorney, the enforcing officer. Marx – is there disincentive(s) for the defendant to not go to court? Atty. Bechler – the judge gets to determine the merits of the case, and most fines have a range of $50-$200, and the judge can determine the amount of the fine based on the merits of the violation. The court cannot penalize someone for exercising their right to be heard before a court. Brooks – for initial appearances can the town clerk bring citations to the court? Judge Breunig – they can be electronically transferred to the court. Lt. Hoege – the problem you run into is a paperwork problem with all the various routes the paperwork has to go through before the court hearing. What the sheriff’s dept. has done when it’s under contract is appear at the hearings. Atty. Bechler – with juveniles there is a lot more procedures to follow. Judge Breunig – Monday, August 3rd there will be an ECCJMC at Poynette starting at 1:30. Bechen – what’s the incentive to the CCSD Sheriff to enforce our town ordinances? Lt. Smith – we’re able to respond to your issues that the county doesn’t have an ordinance for, or where the county ordinance is more lenient. Bechen – example: how would the county have addressed the Attoe’s concerns stated this evening? Lt. Smith – if we were under contract with the town to enforce town ordinance then we would be able to enforce the town’s stricter ordinance whereas otherwise we’re bound to the county’s ordinance. Atty. Bechler (to Judge Breunig) – have any municipalities joined in the past few years? Judge Breunig – Village of Dane 1 or 2 years ago, Village of Poynette in 2009. Att. Bechler – the town should possibly ask the other municipalities how it’s been before and after they joined this ECCJMC. Benson (to Lt. Smith) – how does the contract we have with the sheriff now differ from a contract with the sheriff to enforce town ordinances? Lt. Smith – with those contracts to enforce town ordinances there are specific contract hours set where our officer enforces only for the town. We would just need time to enter the town’s ordinances in our system electronically, and then it’s on every officer's computer. Currently we’re contracted with Cambria where we’re scheduled approximately 90 hours/month. Some are follow-up to complaints sent to us from the clerk who has received the complaints. Benson – is this a favorable thing for the town and county to do? Lt. Smith – yes, it gives us more enforcement authority and gives the town ordinance enforcement authority. Marx (to Lt. Smith) – if the county’s ordinance on noise and the town’s ordinance on noise are exactly the same, and a violation occurs during a contracted time with the town, whose ordinance would you enforce and write the citation for? Lt. Smith – the town’s.

Brooks/Bechen motion to adopt ordinance 2015-07 to join the Eastern Columbia County Joint Municipal Court and pay the $860, MC 5-0.

6. Andy Ross, President of CCEDC re broadband: We deal primarily with economic development issues. But you have to have things in place to make it good for current and future businesses, which includes broadband. By December we’d like to have a plan together, and start the process by hiring a consultant in 2016. Benson – when you’re in a rural area and you’re one of a few, or the only one at the end of a long rural road, you just don’t get service. Ross – folks in rural area end up paying more, but we don’t want it to get to be too much. I have talked to every internet provider in the area and they’re “up to their eyeballs” in how to do this. There’s no campgrounds in our area that have high-speed internet available. Benson – there might be grant money for companies like Charter to go into a community to do the construction? Ross – yes. Marx – 20 some years ago when I was President of the Village of Waunakee we were having pretty much this same discussion. Technology is expanding so quickly, and we’re talking broadband now, but how soon could that become obsolete and antiquated. Ross – I think the technology has now advanced to within the next 10-20 year window. Cable seems to be the way to go, most economical, easiest to install. Bechen – what is it going to cost the taxpayers of the county? Ross – nothing more than the $20,000 stated in what I presented tonight. Bechen – so down the road we’re not going to see an increase in their county taxes for broadband? Ross – I know I have a reputation for that, but that’s only been for items that the county is required to be doing, broadband is not

something the county is required to do. Ross quote: "I will not bring anything to the county board that will increase the county taxes". Bechen – my concern is the CCEDC, which gets it’s funding from the county, will use some of it’s funding to help people pay for broadband who can’t afford it. Ross – we don’t have enough of a budget to do that.

7. Ordinance 2015-06 "To Permit Special Events to Have Amplification Equipment and Extended Hours Not More than Three Times per Year in the Town of Lodi":




The Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Lodi do hereby ordain as follows: Section 6.33 of the Town of Lodi Municipal Code is hereby created to read as follows:


The Town Board may grant a license for an applicant to hold a special event presenting outdoor entertainment on the terms and conditions specified herein:

(a) At least (15) days prior to the special event, the applicant shall submit to the Town an application containing the following information:

1) The location of the event, including a map depicting the location of any stages or other locations where amplified equipment will be placed;

2) The precise location of any speakers or other amplified equipment on the site of the event;

3) The locations within the site where any alcohol beverages are to be sold, as well as a security plan to assure that minors do not have access to sale of alcohol beverage;

4) The proposed hours of operation for the special event.

5) The minimum time for submission may be waived by the Town Board for good cause shown by the applicant.

a) No less than (3) days prior to the proposed special event, the Town Board shall review the applicant's information in support of the special event license. If the Town Board is willing to grant the license, it may approve it as submitted, or may modify any of the particulars of the applicant's submission to assure the protection of the public interest.

b) All special event licenses presenting outdoor entertainment shall comply with the following requirements:

1) No location may be utilized for a special event more than (3) times in any calendar year.

2) Any licensed special event shall close and have no further amplified sounds between 1:00 am and 10:00 am.

3) Amplified sound shall not exceed (75) dB at any property line surrounding the location of the special event.

4) All amplification equipment and live music stages shall be located within 50 feet of the principal structure on the property where the special event is located and shall be a minimum of 50 feet from any property lines.

c) The Town may take action to summarily revoke any license granted under this procedure and close the special event if the license holder operates out of compliance with the license granted or any of the provisions of this Ordinance. A copy of the license granted, as well as this ordinance, shall be posted conspicuously at the site of

the special event.


Marx – this ordinance is precipitated by the annual HGA Brat & Beer Fest which once a year has a life outdoor band play until 1 AM on one Saturday night. But the county ordinance does not allow that, but that county ordinance does allow municipalities to adopt ordinances that are more or less restrictive, as long as the municipality enforces it. Atty. Bechler – the first thing you should recognize is that anything that is in brackets is just a suggestion by me, you can change it. This ordinance is tied to special events where alcohol beverages are being served. It lays out several particulars. All things that are in subsection (a) are not currently in your ordinances. One thing is requirement for a security plan. You want to make sure they have a good plan so that alcohol is not served to minors. In subsection (c) are the things that are specifically directed to address the county ordinance. The county has a deadline of 10 PM, this ordinance states as late as 1 AM, but the board can determine a deadline for earlier than that on an application by application basis. The number of times and the decibel level are also at the discretion of the board. Subsection (d) states the necessary enforcement. It allows summary loss of license, which means that the town may shut the event down immediately or require the music to be turned down if that’s what is felt necessary. Marx – under (a) (5) it states that board can waive the time to submit an application, which the board can determine tonight for the application on the agenda.

Bechen/Benson motion to approve Ordinance 2015-06 with the following changes;

(1) Bechen - I have concerns of the Town Board having to hold special town board meetings in order to take action on applications. 15 days might cause such a special meeting. Atty. Bechler – you can set whatever days for submission. Bechen – I feel it should be 45 days prior to the special event;

(2) Bechen – the wording 3 days before? Atty. Bechler – it could be 3 days, it could be 45. Brooks – (b) becomes null and void with the above change.

(3) Marx – 75 decibels is too low, I think 100 is appropriate;

Roll call vote: Marx – yes, Brooks – yes, Bechen – yes, Benson – yes, Schommer – no; MC 4-1.

Schommer – I have concerns about the definition of Special Event. Marx – this was written so a permit could be issued for such things as a benefit for someone who is ill, etc… Atty. Bechler – subsection (a) pretty much explains what a special event would/could be. On a side note: with a picnic beer license issued for a non-profit uses a town park, that’s already covered under the picnic beer license state statutes. This is for events where there is amplified entertainment.

Schommer – I have concerns for the 3 times per location. In Okee we have Lucky’s and Fitz’s and if they each had 3 events each the 1 AM is way too late. I would vote this ordinance down if that’s allowed. Atty. Bechler – the ordinance says the town MAY approve this permit, doesn’t say it has to. The limit of 3 is the same as the county allows. Brooks – for example if the neighbors of the Attoe’s come in and apply for a special permit how can the town turn them down. Atty. Bechler – the town can without much likelihood of it being contested. Lt.

Smith – it’s always been my understanding in the hierarchy of laws I’ve always understood that towns can be more restrictive but not less, this ordinance is less restrictive than the county’s. Also, can access for emergency vehicles, sanitary conditions, etc… be addressed? Marx – the county noise ordinance does allow municipalities to have a less restrictive noise ordinance, as long as it doesn’t allow any location to have more than 3 events per year.

Benson – I fully support this festival done by the HGA do what it does with this every year? McNeill – most definitely, I never knew in past years that I needed a permit for the live music, and never knew there was a county ordinance that said the music couldn’t play past 10 PM. Benson – what is the money used for? McNeill - $2,500 in scholarships to Lodi students who give back to the community, which often goes to students who’ve received no other scholarships, improving the basketball hoops at Michael Park, improvements to the ball diamond at Byrns Park.

8. Updating/Codification of Town of Lodi Code of Ordinances: Atty. Bechler – I did codify the town’s ordinances in the early 1980’s, and there’s been some piecemeal updates since then, but no complete codification. The State Statutes were updated and recodified in 2006, and thus now almost all statutes stated in the town’s ordinances are the incorrect number now. And with routine codification one of my trained legal assistants adds new ordinances adopted on a set schedule so that the Code of Ordinances doesn’t get outdated, at $20 per page. I have everything ready up to 2009, all that needs to be done is the addition of ordinances adopted 2010 – present. With codification we add date references that state when changes were made, ordinances were adopted, etc… for future reference. But adding ordinances isn’t based on how many pages the ordinance adopted is printed on, it’s how many pages it adds to the Code of Ordinances, which is usually less than the number of pages of the adopted ordinance printed. Bechen – the $1,500 is to do the complete project? Atty. Bechler – yes.

Benson/Schommer motion to approve finalizing the codification for an amount not to exceed $1,500; MC 5-0.

9. Harmony Grove Association Brat & Beer Festival August 6-9, 2015:

(a) Application for Special Events License per Ordinance 2015-06: Bechen – I want to reiterate what Supv. Benson said, you do a terrific job. Last year on Saturday night a softball was hit over the fence that hit someone near me in the shoulder blade. Is there some way you can have softball over by the time the band starts?

Benson/Bechen motion to approve Special Events License per Ordinance 2015-0, ordinance amended by Benson/Bechen with the changes made in the ordinance approved above; MC 5-0.

(b) Closing of Cross St. between Rodney Drive/Lake Point Drive on Sunday, August 9th: Benson/Schommer motion to approve; MC 5-0.

10. Operator Licenses:

(a) Temporary (HGA): Teisha Damit, Kimberly O'Mara: Benson/Brooks motion to approve; MC 5-0.

(b) 2015-2016: Kalynn Denman, Michelle Larrabee, Stephanie Reynolds – Brooks/Schommer motion to approve; MC 5-0.

11. Grothman Surveying:

(a) Public right-of-way Summerville Park Road: Marx - I went out Sunday to talk to one of the adjacent property owners and found that this right-of-way is still marked, so I don’t feel the need to pay to have it done again.

(b) Public right-of-way on Bay Drive: Marx – there’s some dying trees that I need to know whether they are on town or private property.

(c) Kalscheur Park (Airport Road): Benson – in order to do improvements to this park and Wildenberg we need to know exactly where the boundaries of these parks are.

(d) Wildenberg Park (CTH V): Brooks – there’s a deer stand that may be in Wildenberg Park, but we don’t know for sure until a survey is done.

Schommer/Benson motion to approve doing surveys (b), (c) and (d) stated above; MC 5-0.

12. Parks: tree removal & trimming at Kalscheur & Wildenberg parks: Benson – we have a very active Park Commission now, and I am distributing their updated to-do list (INSERT). They’d also like to send letters out explaining to residents what the Park Commission is doing and planning on doing at Kalscheur Park and other parks. Goeske – who exactly do you want it sent to? Talked to Peg Ford today and at first it was said just properties adjacent to Kalscheur, but then she stated maybe everyone in Harmony Grove. That’s a difference of 20 letters to possibly 1,500. Benson – what the Park Commission is asking the board to do is approve this work up to a certain $ limit so that the work can be done ASAP. Brooks – K&M, when they did tree cutting at Wildenberg, left 2-3’ stubs that are like land mines everywhere.

Bechen – my concern is that if they’re going to cut down trees they need to mulch everything they can, remove brush, leave no stumps. We need to let whomever we hire to do this that whatever they leave behind we must be able to use.

Marx – as long as were trimming and cutting, I talked to the parents of one of the girls killed on Lindsay Road asking if they’d be okay with those trees being removed, as well as the adjacent property owners Dohm’s, and all would be okay with them being removed.

Bechen/Benson motion to approve the Town Chairman to decide who we should hire and the $ limit for Wildenberg & Kalscheur Park; MC 5-0.

13. Roadwork:

(a) Lodi Street drainage: Marx – the City of Lodi engineer designed the work on the town’s portion of Lodi Street, and the Town of Lodi engineer approved the design … and there is still a huge drainage problem. There is no way for us to go back to the City or the engineers to fix this problem. Benson – I’m disappointed by this whole project, the town entered into this agreement with the city and it was to save the town money. But if this is all we have, to pay $15,000+ to do more work to fix the problem, I wonder if everything was done right. Marx – I don’t think anything wrong done by the City against the Town. Schommer – how many town residents does this problem affect? Brooks – there’s 3-4 homes plus a vacant lot, but the drainage problem is eroding the road and putting gravel out onto the road, causing hazards. Kenneth Buhr, City of Lodi Director of Operations – if I can make a recommendation, I talked to our engineer today, we can possibly get the contractor to come back out and see if the problem can be solved before the town spends $15,000+. Benson – that is a great suggestion. To work with you on that and possibly share the cost is of mutual benefit to all. Marx – I’d like to see the board approve me handling this up to a $ limit.

Benson/Brooks motion that Marx handle this matter up to $5,000; MC 5-0.

(b) Ryan Road drainage: 07/09/14 Project 27-0163.00 report from Town Engineer John Lichtenheld: As requested, I investigated the existing storm water drainage system at the church on Ryan Road near the intersection of STH 113 this week. The drainage ditch along the church on the north side of Ryan Road passes under culverts at each of two driveway entrances on either side of the church and directs storm water to a large culvert towards the middle of the property that directs the water under Ryan Road to the south toward STH 113 and Spring Creek. The easterly church drive has an 18 inch corrugated metal pipe under it. This culvert and drainage way are open and well maintained. This is partly due to the steep slopes in the drainage way that help keep it clear. The westerly church drive has a 12 inch corrugated metal pipe under it that is partially plugged. In addition, the drainage ditch immediately to the west of the driveway and the ditch section from the drive to the large 3 foot by 5 foot concrete culvert under Ryan Road is much flatter and not well maintained. This condition is leading to the back up of water in this section of ditch which does not currently have the capacity to handle the larger storm events. These ditch sections (about 200 feet) should be regraded and seeded with a smoother section. In addition, the outfall on the large 3 by 5 foot concrete pipe has a concrete apron on the south side of Ryan Road that is being undermined and should be repaired with a rip rap pad and erosion fabric. In summary, the following are my recommendations:

• Clean out the western driveway 12 inch culvert

• Regrade the ditch (200 feet) at the western drive

• Rip rap the south Ryan Road storm outfall pad

Marx – we can work with the county to do this work.

Benson/Schommer motion that we have the county do this work; MC 5-0.Marx will get estimate first.

14. Transfer Site:

(a) concrete pads x 3: Benson – want to do these slabs (3 slabs that are 12’ x 30’ x 6” with stop and ramp and then a 12’ x 6’ x 6” extension to the slab under the compactor) to improve how much we can get into the containers on them, so the Bobcat can be used more efficiently to pack down materials in these containers.

Benson - also, regarding the burn pit, they currently burn the brush and then use the Bobcat to dig the ashes out, but he can’t put the ashes in the compost pile because there’s gravel in it, so he has to put it in a separate pile. So the idea of making a concrete burn pit, so that the ashes can be more efficiently removed without gravel in it and put in the regular mulch pile. And a final suggestion was to blacktop some of the Transfer Site. It’d be about 110’ x 150’.

Benson/Bechen motion to accept the $5,360 estimate from Breunig Concrete adding a concrete burning pit, cost to be approved by Tom Marx, and also to get a cost for the blacktop stated above; MC 5-0.

15. Clerk-Treasurer:

(a) Town Board meeting minutes of June 29, 2015: Benson/Brooks motion to approve as prepared; MC 4-0-1 (Schommer abstain, not enough time to fully review)

(b) Revenues vs. Expenditures as of July 24th:

Revenues: $643,882.76 (66.4% of 2015 revenues budgeted)

Expenditures: $506,731.13 (52.6% of 2015 expenditures budgeted)

Net Income: $137,151.63

(c) Payment of Bills - Mortgage ACH #11 + Checks #20661 through #20689 totaling $70,640.90: Schommer/Benson motion to approve payments/checks; MC 5-0.

(d) Building Permit Report (Year-to-Date): (omitted from meeting packet, sent to Town Board 7/29/15)

|Issue |Permit | |2015 Building Permits | | |

|Date |#15- |Site Address |Owner/Contractor |Est. Cost |Description |

|12/19/14 |88 |W10964 W. Harmony Dr. |Samuel Moen |not stated |remodel |

|12/24/14 |91 |N2779 Summerville Park Rd. |Dave Finley |8,000.00 |finish basement |

|01/09/15 |01 |W11056 Bayview Dr. |Mike & Cindy Fobes |250,000.00 |L10-038 renewal |

|02/04/15 |02 |N2590 Michael Dr. |Brad Ellerman | |finish bathroom |

|02/12/15 |03 |W11265 Red Cedar Dr. |Mike Steinhoff/Ryan |25,000.00 |repair fire damage |

|02/13/15 |04 |N1755 Ryan Rd. |James Wagner |25,000.00 |remodel |

|02/20/15 |05 |W11603 Demynck Rd. |Brian Folz/High Country |1,200.00 |electric panel repl |

|02/26/15 |06 |N2843 Smith Rd. |Jeff/Cheri Snyder |68,000.00 |shop/storage |

|02/27/15 |07 |N2360 Summerville Park Rd. |Gregg Wellner |30,000.00 |remodel kitchen/bath |

|03/05/15 |08 |N1434 Fair St. |KD's/Brian Lane |6,000.00 |remodel |

|03/05/15 |09 |N2877 Smith Rd. |Nathan/Melissa Dorshorst |0.00 |finish basement |

|03/16/15 |10 |W11415 High Point Rd. |Brandon/Stephanie Ballweg |597,000.00 |NEW HOME |

|03/17/15 |11 |N2493 Rapp Rd. |Scott Ness |35,000.00 |new roof line |

|03/17/15 |12 |W10873 W. Harmony Dr. |Kris Baker |90,000.00 |addition |

|03/31/15 |13 |W10456 CTH V |Steven Beutler |60,000.00 |Ag building |

|03/31/15 |14 |N1755 Ryan Rd. |James/Bonnie Wagner |15,000.00 |front porch addition |

|04/08/15 |15 |W10921 Arbor Valley Rd. |Jessica Mabin |8,500.00 |deck |

|04/13/15 |16 |W10943 Bay View Dr. |Andrew/Danielle Prell |4,500.00 |deck |

|04/14/15 |17 |Cactus Acres Road |Clint/Julie Ziegler |1,000.00 |access/driveway |

|04/14/15 |18 |N2770 N. Lake Point Dr. |Jeanne Lawrin |500.00 |replace elec serv box |

|04/21/15 |19 |Arbor Valley Rd. |Erwin/Mary Luckmann |1,000.00 |access/driveway |

|04/21/15 |20 |W11347 Red Cedar Dr. |Kevin Ludlum |0.00 |raze old mobile home |

|04/21/15 |21 |W11072 W. Harmony Dr. |Bob Allen |300.00 |10 x 10 shed |

|04/27/15 |22 |W10929 Arbor Valley Rd. |Erwin/Mary Luckmann |261,996.00 |NEW HOME |

|04/27/15 |23 |N2561 County Road V |Bill/Sue Pfeil |11,000.00 |screen porch |

|05/01/15 |24 |N2856 N. Lake Point Dr. |Yevgeniya Rudnytsky |4,000.00 |sauna |

|05/04/15 |25 |Timber Ridge Trail |Justin Fahey |2,000.00 |access/driveway |

|05/04/15 |26 |W11314 Cactus Acres Rd. |Clint/Julie Ziegler |300,000.00 |NEW HOME |

|05/07/15 |27 |N2738 County Road V |Fellowship Baptist Church |500.00 |accessory building |

|05/20/15 |28 |W10962 Arbor Valley Dr. |Theron O'Connor | |basement remodel |

|05/20/15 |29 |N2820 Summerville Park Rd. |Robert Burmester |3,200.00 |fence |

|05/20/15 |30 |W11401 Bay Dr. |Dan Parks |4,200.00 |shed |

|05/20/15 |31 |N2378 Summerville Park Rd. |Cave Bluff LLC |45,000.00 |3-season porch |

|05/22/15 |32 |N2614 County Road V |Noa & Barb Prieve |25,000.00 |detached garage |

|05/22/15 |33 |W10671 Airport Rd. |Joshua & Jennie Kunz |3,700.00 |basement windows |

|06/02/15 |34 |W11052 N. Lake Point Dr. |Matt Uselman |135,000.00 |addition/remodel |

|06/16/15 |35 |N2555 Rapp Rd. |Brad Dahlk |0.00 |demo interior |

|06/18/15 |36 |W10557 River Rd. |Dustin/Jerica Robinson |1,500.00 |fence |

|06/19/15 |37 |N1841 Kohn Rd. |Tim/Jennifer Rake | |kitchen remodel |

|06/29/15 |38 |N2843 Smith Rd. |Jeff Snyder |20,000.00 |in-ground pool |

|06/29/15 |39 |N2074 County Road J |Ron Kohn |63,000.00 |interior remodel |

|07/13/15 |40 |State Road 113 |David Erikson |n/a |driveway |

|07/13/15 |41 |County Road V |Terry Westegard |n/a |driveway |

|07/13/15 |42 |W10754 Airport Rd. |Nate Fehrman |1,900.00 |rear yard fence |

|07/16/15 |43 |W10949 W. Harmony Dr. |Steven Bollweg |1,900.00 |service upgrade |

|07/20/15 |44 |N2555 Rapp Rd. |Brad Dahlk | |remodel |

| | | | |2,101,896.00 | |

(e) Communications: none

16. Commission/Committee/Liaison Reports:

(a) Plan Commission (Marx/Bechen): nothing to report, no meeting held in July

(b) Park Commission (Benson): see #12 above

(c) Harmony Grove Sanitary District (Bechen): I did not attend the meeting because I did not receive the meeting notice/agenda until too late because it was delivered to my house in the wrong location.

(d) Okee Sanitary District (Benson): nothing to report.

(e) Harmony Grove Lake Protection District (Bechen): Annual Meeting Saturday, August 8th @ 9 AM here at Lodi Town Hall. In better financial situation than they were at this time last year, and will not be increasing their $80 annual fee. Did less spraying of the channels than they’ve usually had to do. Will be purchasing some new shallow water buoys.

(f) Fire Commission (Brooks): Vet clinic is working on getting us a price for 9 acres on STH 113/CTH J. Annual Joint Meeting* will be here at the Lodi Town Hall on Monday, August 24th starting at 5 PM. *

(g) EMS: Annual Joint Meeting … see16.f. above.

17. Upcoming meeting date(s): August 12th @ 5 PM - Fire Commission meeting @ Fire Station; August 20th @ 7 PM - EMS Commission @ EMS building; August 24th @ 5 PM - Joint Town of Lodi, City of Lodi, Town of West Point, Fire Department, EMS meeting @ Lodi Town Hall; August 25th @ 6 PM - Lodi Town Board meeting @ Lodi Town Hall

18. Future agenda item(s): guard rail for Lindsay Road; tree trimming/removal in road right-of-ways;

19. Adjourn: Benson/Brooks motion to adjourn at 9:30 PM; MC 5-0.

April D. Goeske



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