Cradle Cincinnati

Operational DefinitionsCradle Cincinnati Ohio Department of Medicaid Evaluation FrameworkNameDefinitionNumeratorDenominatorCalculationInfant Mortality RateThe number of infant deaths that occur for every 1,000 live births during a set period of time.Infant DeathsTotal BirthsInfant DeathsTotal Birthsx 1,000Non-Hispanic Black Infant Mortality RateThe number of non-Hispanic black infant deaths that occur for every 1,000 non-Hispanic black live births during a set period of time.Non-Hispanic Black Infant DeathsNon-Hispanic Black Birthsnon-Hispanic BlackInfant Deathsnon-Hispanic BlackBirthsx 1,000Non-Hispanic White Infant Mortality RateThe number of non-Hispanic White infant deaths that occur for every 1,000 non-Hispanic White live births during a set period of time.Non-Hispanic White Infant DeathsNon-Hispanic White Birthsnon-Hispanic WhiteInfant Deathsnon-Hispanic WhiteBirthsx 1,000Hispanic Infant Mortality RateThe number of Hispanic infant deaths that occur for every 1,000 Hispanic live births during a set period of time.Hispanic Infant DeathsHispanic BirthsHispanicInfant DeathsHispanicBirthsx 1,000Sleep-Related DeathsThe number of infant deaths that occurred during a set period of time in which the death was attributed to the sleep environment (e.g., inappropriate bedding, co-bedding).Number of Sleep-Related DeathsPercent of Sleep-Related DeathsThe percent of infant deaths that occurred during a set period of time in which the death was attributed to the sleep environment.Sleep-Related DeathsInfant DeathsSleep-RelatedDeathsInfant Deaths x 100Preterm BirthThe birth of a baby less than 37 weeks gestation (based on the clinical obstetric age) includes all weeks up to and including 36 weeks. Extreme Preterm BirthThe birth of a baby less than 28 weeks gestation (based on the clinical obstetric age) includes all weeks up to and including 28 weeks.<23 Weeks Gestation BirthThe birth of a baby less than 23 weeks gestation (based on the clinical obstetric age) includes all weeks up to and including 23 weeks.Preterm Birth RateThe rate at which babies are born preterm (less than 37 weeks gestation based on the clinical obstetric age) births during a set period of time.Number of Preterm BirthsTotal BirthsPreterm BirthsTotal Births x 100Extreme Preterm Birth RateThe rate at which babies are born extreme preterm (less than 28 weeks gestation based on the clinical obstetric age).Number of Extreme Preterm BirthsTotal BirthsExtreme PretermBirthsTotal Births x 100<23 Weeks Gestation Birth RateThe rate at which babies are born less than 23 weeks gestation (based on the clinical obstetric age).Number of <23 Weeks Gestation BirthsTotal Births<23 Weeks Gestation BirthsTotal Births x 100Healthy Birth Weight BirthThe birth of a baby weighing 2,500 grams (approximately 5 ? pounds) or more.Low Birth Weight BirthThe birth of a baby weighing less than 2,500 grams (or less than 5 ? pounds).Very Low Birth Weight BirthThe birth of a baby weighing less than 1,500 grams (or less than 3.3 pounds).Healthy Birth Weight Birth RateThe rate at which babies are born with a healthy weight (2,500 grams/ 5 ? pounds or more) births during a set period of time.Number of Healthy Weight BirthsTotal BirthsHealthy WeightBirthsTotal Births x 100Low Birth Weight Birth RateThe rate at which babies are born with low birth weights (less than 2,500 grams/ 5 ? pounds) births during a set period of time.Number of Low Birth Weight BirthsTotal BirthsLow BirthWeight BirthsTotal Births x 100Very Low Birth Weight BirthsThe rate at which babies are born with very low birth weights (less than 1,500 grams/ 3.3 pounds) births during a set period of time.Number of Very Low Birth Weight BirthsTotal BirthsVery Low BirthWeight BirthsTotal Births x 100Small for Gestational AgeSingleton babies who are born with a birth weight that is at or below the 10th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born.Normal for Gestational AgeSingleton babies who are born with a birth weight that is between the 10th and 90th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born.Large for Gestational AgeSingleton babies who are born with a birth weight that is at or above the 90th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born.Small for Gestational Age Birth Rate (SGA)The rate at which singleton babies who are born with a birth weight that is at or below the 10th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born during a set period of time.Number of Singleton Small for Gestational Age BirthsNumber of Singleton BirthsSingleton SGA BirthsTotal SingletonBirths x 100Normal for Gestational Age Birth Rate (NGA)The rate at which singleton babies who are born with a birth weight that is between the 10th and 90th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born during a set period of time.Number of Singleton Normal for Gestational Age BirthsNumber of Singleton BirthsSingleton NGABirthsTotal Singleton Births x 100Large for Gestational Age Birth Rate (LGA)The rate at which singleton babies who are born with a birth weight that is at or above the 90th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born during a set period of time.Number of Singleton Large for Gestational Age BirthsNumber of Singleton BirthsSingleton LGABirthsTotal SingletonBirths x 100Smoking in the 2nd TrimesterThe percentage of births in which the mom reported smoking during the 2nd trimester.Number of births where mom reported smoking in 2nd trimesterTotal Births where Smoking Status is KnownSmoking 2nd Trimester BirthsTotal Births WhereSmoking Status is Known x 100Smoking in the 3rd TrimesterThe percentage of births in which the mom reported smoking during the 3rd trimester.Number of births where mom reported smoking in 3rd trimesterTotal Births where Smoking Status is KnownSmoking 3rd Trimester BirthsTotal Births WhereSmoking Status is Known x 100Short SpacingThe percentage of births in which the months between conception and birth of the last live pregnancy is less than 12 months apart.Number of births where conception was less than 12 months from the birth of last live pregnancyTotal Births where there was a previous live birth (does not include first time moms)Births Spaced<12 MonthsTotal Births WherePrevious Live Birth x 100Percent of Clients who Delivery after 37 Weeks GestationThe percentage of clients enrolled in the program whose baby was born on or after 37 weeks gestation (gestational age is determined by the clinical obstetric age).Number of client births born on or after 37 weeks gestationTotal Client BirthsClient Births BornOn or After 37 WeeksTotal Client Births x 100Percent of Clients who Delivered after 28 Weeks GestationThe percentage of clients enrolled in the program whose baby was born after 28 weeks gestation (gestational age is determined by the clinical obstetric age).Number of client births born on or after 28 weeks gestationTotal Client BirthsClient Births BornAfter 28 WeeksTotal Client Births x 100Percent of Clients who Delivered after 37 Weeks GestationThe percentage of clients enrolled in the program whose baby was born after 23 weeks gestation (gestational age is determined by the clinical obstetric age).Number of client births born on or after 23 weeks gestationTotal Client BirthsClient Births BornAfter 23 WeeksTotal Client Births x 100Percentage of Clients Completing Safe Sleep EducationThe percentage of clients enrolled in the program that completes the safe sleep education module.Number of Clients who complete the Safe Sleep Education moduleTotal ClientsClients Completing Safe Sleep ModuleTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Safe Sleep Home Assessments The percentage of clients enrolled in the program that completed the safe sleep education and it was noted that a safe sleep home assessment was completed.Number of clients with safe sleep home assessment notedTotal ClientsClients with a Noted SafeSleep Home AsessmentTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Percent of Smoking Clients Completing Smoking Cessation PathwayPercentage of smoking clients enrolled in the program that complete the smoking cessation pathway and are no longer smoking.Number of smoking clients who completed smoking cessation pathwayTotal Smoking ClientsClients who CompletedSmoking Cessation& and no longer smokingTotal Smoking Clients x 100Percentage of Clients Completing the Reproductive Health PathwayPercentage of clients enrolled in the program who complete the Reproductive Health Pathway by receiving the family planning method of choice.Number of clients who received the family planning method of choiceTotal ClientsClients CompletedReproductive HealhPathway Total Clients Enrolled x 100Percent of Clients Completing First Visit WITHIN 10 business daysPercentage of clients enrolled in the program who received their first visit from an assigned Community Health Worker within 10 business days from the referral date in CCS.Number of Clients who received their first CHW visit within 10 business daysTotal ClientsClients Received FirstVisit from CHWWithin 10 Business DaysTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Percent of Clients Referred & Enrolled AFTER 10 Business Days.Percentage of clients enrolled in the program who received their first visit from an assigned Community Health Worker after 10 business days from the referral date in CCS.Number of Clients who received their first CHW visit after 10 business daysTotal ClientsClients Received FirstVisit from CHWAfter 10 Business DaysTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Percent of Clients Referred and NOT EnrolledPercentage of clients that were referred to the program and assigned to an agency that were not enrolled due to loss to follow up.Number of Clients who were referred & not enrolled in the programTotal Clients ReferredClients Received Firstwho are referred andnot enrolled in the programTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Number of Referrals to the Familial Preterm Birth Clinic for Families with a Previous Preterm BirthPercentage of clients who had a prior preterm birth that are referred to the Familial Preterm Birth Clinic.Number of Referrals to Familial Preterm Birth ClinicTotal Clients with a Prior Preterm BirthClients Referred to Familia Preterm BirthClinicTotal Clients with aPrior Preterm Birth x 100Percent of Clients Enrolled by 15 Weeks Gestation.Percentage of clients enrolled in the program whose enrollment visit date was at or prior to 15 weeks gestation.Number of Clients Enrolled before 15 Weeks into PregnancyTotal ClientsClients Enrolled Before15 Weeks into PregnancyTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Percent of Clients who Complete a Cradle Cincinnati Reproductive Life PlanPercentage of clients who completed a Cradle Cincinnati Reproductive Life Plan. Number of Clients with a Completed Cradle Cincinnati Reproductive Life PlanTotal ClientsClients with CompletedCradle Cincinnati Reproductive Live PlanTotal Clients Enrolled x 100Average Number of Contacts Per Client before BirthThe average number of contacts a Community Health Worker makes to clients prior to the birth of their child. Sum of Number of Contacts for Each ClientTotal Number of ClientsNumber of Contactsfor Each Client Total Number of Clients x 100Percent of Clients with Babies Born Small for Their Gestational AgeThe percentage of singleton babies who are born to clients enrolled with a birth weight that is at or below the 10th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born.Number of Singleton Small for Gestational Age Births to ClientsNumber of Singleton Births to ClientsSingleton SGA Client BirthsTotal SingletonClient Births x 100Percent of Clients with Babies Born Normal for Their Gestational AgeThe percentage of singleton babies who are born to clients enrolled with a birth weight that is between the 10th and 90th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born.Number of Singleton Normal for Gestational Age Births to ClientsNumber of Singleton Births to ClientsSingleton NGAClient BirthsTotal Singleton Client Births x 100Percent of Clients with Babies Born Large for Their Gestational AgeThe percentage of singleton babies who are born to clients enrolled with a birth weight that is at or above the 90th percentile for the week of pregnancy at which they were born.Number of Singleton Large for Gestational Age Births to ClientsNumber of Singleton Births to ClientsSingleton LGAClient BirthsTotal SingletonClient Births x 100 ................

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