Wake County Public School System

 #18 Use the slides of the PowerPoint presentation on Unit 2 The Colonial Era and your vocabulary terms to answer the following questions.North America 1700: Examine the map of North America in 1700. Which 3 European countries claim or control large portions of it? ________________________________________________________2. Examine the political cartoon to determine what colonies provide for the their “Mother Country” in Europe. ____________________, _________________________, ___________________________, _______________________________, and _____________________________________________ 3. Why do you think the artist drew the colonies serving dinner to the Queen? What is their relationship? 4. Salutary Neglect (vocabulary)Why were the American colonists smugglers?Why did the British not enforce the laws (Navigation Acts)?5. Triangular trade. What does each continent or set of colonies provide in trade to the others?13 Colonies:England:West Africa6. 2nd Map: How does the map of the colonial ship Sanderson differ from the 1st map?7. Vocabulary What was the voyage between West Africa and the Caribbean/13 colonies called as it carried slaves to the sugar and tobacco plantations in the New World? __________________________ 8. The 13 Colonies NC began as a _______________________ colony, governed 8 supporters of the King but became a ___________________________ colony in 1729, ruled directly by the crown. 9. The New England Colonies: Why are they formed? What makes Rhode Island and Connecticut different from Massachusetts? (Use slide 8 to fill in Economies on the next page)10. Middle Colonies: Pennsylvania was founded as a ________________________ colony, given by the King to _________________________. Pennsylvania provided religious freedom to which religious group? __________________________________. 11. Southern Colonies: Maryland provided religious freedom to _______________________ who were being ________________________ (mistreated for their beliefs) in England. Virginia succeeded as a colony by selling the ________________________ of tobacco. 12. SC’s port city of Charleston traded the cash crops of ____________________ and _______________, becoming a major city. More Africans are brought to Charleston than any other (US) city.13. Why did the Southern Colonies import far more slaves than the Middle or New England Colonies?14. The French and Indian War was fought between the French and their allies the __________________________ against the British and their ___________________ plus their allies of the _____________________________. To control the land and future trade, battles were often fought over waterways like the __________________________________________.15. What were the 2 key results of the Treaty of Paris in 17631.2.16. Label the Map of the 13 Colonies Economic and Religious CharacteristicsNew EnglandMiddle ColoniesSouthern Colonies ................

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