Mickey Gilchrist

[pic]Chapter 37

Mickey Gilchrist

Bois de Boulogne

Bosch painting


Godefroi de Bouillon

Herod’s temple

Solomon’s Temple

Order of the Poor Knights of Christ

Knights Templar


Holy Land

Second Crusade

King Baldwin II

Pope Innocent II

King Philippe IV



Holy Grail

Bois de Boulogne The 865 hectares Bois de Boulogne lies on the western edge of Paris and was created under Napoléon III (second part of the 19th century). Its designer,the Baron Haussman, was an admirer of the large and central London parks (such as the beautiful Hyde Park and Regent Park). He decided to create two similar parks in Paris. They are respectively the Bois de Boulogne on the west side of Paris and the Bois de Vincennes on the east. The Bois de Boulogne, the most fashionable of the two, is bordered by the very residential cities of Neuilly and Boulogne. The Bois de Boulogne is a favourite destination of Parisian walkers, bicycle and horse riders. It also houses the two Parisian horse courses (Auteuil and Longchamp) and the pretty Bagatelle gardens. The Roland Garros tennis courts lie on the edge of the Bois de Boulogne. At night, the Bois de Boulogne welcomes a very different population and becomes the red light district of Paris. The Bois de Boulogne with the large La Défense business district in the background. The Bois de Boulogne is a welcome green oasis on the edge of the very busy city of Paris. The Bois de Boulogne is close to the business oriented western districts of the Paris region such as La Défense, Levallois and Boulogne Billancourt. Taken from Depths and Details by Betsy Friedman Eble. See also Chapter 35.


Bosch painting "Hieronymous Bosch (1450-1516) produced some of the most inventive fantasy paintings that have ever existed. Some of his paintings included The Garden of Earthly Delights, the Garden of Eden and the Third Day of Creation.”


The Garden of Eden

Nocturnal [< post-classical Latin nocturnalis of the night (5th cent.), liturgical book for night office (from 9th cent.; also nocturnale, neuter) < classical Latin nocturnus NOCTURN a. + -[pic]lis -AL1. Cf. Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French nocturnel (12th-16th cent.), Old French, Middle French nocturnal (12th cent.; French nocturnal is app. reborrowed at the end of the 18th cent.), Old Occitan nocturnal, Italian notturnale (1611 in Florio), Spanish nocturnal.] Of or relating to the night; done, held, or occurring at night. Oxford English Dictionary Online: .

Godefroi de Bouillon Born 1060, died July 18, 1100, kingdom of Jerusalem [now Jerusalem, Israel] he was the duke of Lower Lorraine (as Godfrey IV; 1089–1100) and a leader of the First Crusade, who became the first Latin ruler in Palestine after the capture of Jerusalem from the Muslims in July 1099. Godfrey's parents were Count Eustace II of Boulogne and Ida, daughter of Duke Godfrey II of Lower Lorraine. Although he was named heir to the duchy of Lower Lorraine by his uncle in 1076, the Holy Roman emperor Henry IV kept the duchy for his son and left Godfrey with the lordship of Bouillon, in the Ardennes region of France. Godfrey won back his duchy in 1089 as a reward for his loyal service in Henry's war against the Saxons.

Godfrey, with his brothers Eustace and Baldwin, joined the First Crusade in 1096. When Raymond of Toulouse declined to become king of Jerusalem, Godfrey accepted the crown but refused the title of king and was called instead Advocatus Sancti Sepulchri (Defender of the Holy Sepulchre). Godfrey arranged truces with the Muslim maritime cities of Ascalon, Caesarea, and Acre and successfully beat off an Egyptian attack. Godfrey also acknowledged himself as a vassal of Daimbert, patriarch of Jerusalem, thus laying the foundation for future struggles between lay and ecclesiastical figures who sought to control the kingdom. On his death he was succeeded by his brother Baldwin I.

Despite Godfrey's weakness as a ruler, the tall, handsome, and fair-haired descendant of Charlemagne was later idolized in legend and songs as the “perfect Christian knight, the peerless hero of the whole crusading epic.”


Herod’s temple The Temple Jesus knew was the Temple renovated, enlarged and beautified by Herod the Great. Architecturally it was new; religiously it was still Zerubbabel's Temple, rebuilt after the Jews returned from the Babylonian exile. The six centuries between the return from exile and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD are known in Jewish history as the age of the second Temple. Even though the synagogue was the commonplace of local Jewish life and worship, the Jerusalem temple was the commonplace of national Jewish life and worship. The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem told the world the fact that there is only one God.


Solomon’s TempleSolomon's Temple had stood on the site of Mount Moriah for over 350 years before the Babylonians destroyed it in 586 BC beyond the possibility of repair. Solomon built the temple on the east side of Jerusalem on Mount Moriah, "where the Lord had appeared to his father David, at the place that David had prepared on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. .


Order of the Poor Knights of Christ More commonly known as the Knights Templar. See Knights Templar.

Knights Templar The Knights Templar were a monastic military order formed at the end of the First Crusade with the mandate of protecting Christian pilgrims on route to the Holy Land. Never before had a group of secular knights banded together and taken the monastic vows. In this sense they were the first of the Warrior Monks. The Templars fought along side King Richard I (Richard the Lion Hearted) and other Crusaders in the battles for the Holy Lands.


Betsy Friedman Eble provides further information in Depths and Details.

Holy Land Western Palestine, or, more particularly, Judæa: so called as being the scene of the life and death of Jesus Christ, and (with reference to the Crusades) as containing the Holy Sepulchre; sometimes, in later use, as being the scene of the development of the Jewish and Christian religions. Oxford English Dictionary online: .


Map of the Holy Land

Second Crusade (1145-1147) The fall of the principality of Edessa into the hands of the Moslems, 1144, produced the second expedition which was preached by Saint Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux, and supported by Louis VII of France, his wife Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Emperor Conrad III of Germany. These crusaders besieged Damascus, 1148, but never reached Edessa. New Catholic Dictionary online .


King Baldwin II Count of Edessa (1100-1118), King of Jerusalem (1118-1131), originally known as Baldwin de Burg, was a son of Count Hugh of Rethel, and a nephew of Godfrey of Bouillon and Baldwin I. He appears on the first crusade at Constantinople as one of Godfrey’s men; and he helped Tancred to occupy Bethlehem in June 1099. .

Pope Innocent II Innocent II, pope from 1130-1143, whose family name was Paparesci, his own baptismal name being Gregory, was probably one of the clergy in personal attendance on the antipope Clement III (Guibert of Ravenna). By Paschal II he was created cardinal-deacon. In this capacity, he accompanied Pope Gelasius II when driven into France; and by Pope Callixtus II, he was appointed on various important missions, such as on that to Worms for concluding the peace accord with the emperor in 1122 (see Concordat of Worms), and on that to France in 1123. .


King Philippe IV Philippe IV, the Fair (French Philippe le Bel) (1268 - November 29, 1314) was King of France from 1285 to 1314. A member of the Capetian Dynasty, he was born at the Royal Palace of Fontainebleau, Seine-et-Marne the son of King Philippe III and Isabelle d'Aragon. He was called Philippe the Fair because of his handsome appearance. As king, he was determined to strengthen the monarchy at any cost. King Philippe IV arrested Jews so he could seize their goods to accommodate his spendthrift lifestyle. When he also levied taxes on the French clergy of one half their annual income, he caused an uproar within the Roman Catholic Church and the papacy. Still, Philippe emerged victorious with a French archbishop made Pope Clement V and the official papal palace was built in Avignon in southern France. .


CIA The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Truman. The National Security Act charged the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)  with coordinating the nation’s intelligence activities and correlating, evaluating and disseminating intelligence which affects national security. The CIA is an independent agency, responsible to the President through the DCI, and accountable to the American people through the intelligence oversight committees of the U.S. Congress.

CIA’s mission is to support the President, the National Security Council, and all officials who make and execute the U.S. national security policy by: providing accurate, comprehensive, and timely foreign intelligence on national security topics; conducting counterintelligence activities, special activities, and other functions related to foreign intelligence and national security, as directed by the President.

Sangreal The Sangreal is another name for the Holy Grail, a legendary sacred vessel associated with divine revelation, whose origins go back to the Last Supper. In Arthurian legend, the Grail quest represented a heroic and mystic adventure attempted by the Knights of the Round Table and was achieved by Sir Bors, Sir Percival, and Sir Galahad. The Sangreal makes its appearance in Arthurian legend between about 1180 to 1240. .

Holy Grail The true Sangreal is reputedly the cup sealed by the Holy Blood of the Saviour which was entrusted along with its sacred mysteries to Joseph of Arimathea, who, clothed with the virtues of the risen Christ and the Holy Grail, was sustained spiritually and physically. The Holy Grail became a sign of saving grace and wonder to that company which he was elected to take westward. The cup contained the Saviour’s Blood and unlimited powers of healing were attributed to it, but it was also an outward symbol of unity with god as well as an inward means of transmitting a direct apprehension of God. While the established Church became absorbed into the pagan pantheon of the Roman Empire, the Grail Church and its episcopacy with a super-apostolic succession and extra-valid form of consecrating Eucharistic elements, took root in Celtic Britain. By preserving the Body of his Master after the Crucifixion, Joseph became an instrument of the Resurrection. On Ascension Day the arch-natural Body was removed from the world, but there remained the Holy Grail into which the Precious Blood of the natural Body had been received by Joseph. Later chroniclers would employ the word Sangreal within which lies the words Saint Gréal (Holy Grail) and Sang Real (Royal Blood). The Gospels of Matthew and Luke tell us that Jesus was of royal blood. Depths and Details by Betsy Friedman Eble.



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