Napoleon Timeline from handout and power point

Napoleon Timeline Worksheet for power point


The Early Years: 1793 – 1799 as General Napoleon

1793 – Napoleon drove the British out of ______________________ forever

1796 – The __________________________ sends the army led by Napoleon across the Italian Alps to fight Austrians.

Who wins? _________________________________

1797 – RESULT: _____________________________________________________

1798 – Defeated by the British in Egypt:


1799 - French scientists in Egypt discover the key to _______________________________ called the Rosetta Stone ...the British take it from them


The Glory Years: 1799 – 1802 Consul Bonaparte

1799 – Napoleon and his troops seize control of corrupt The Directory in a _________________ or overthrow the state

1799 - Napoleon got rid of the ______________________________________ and replaced it with a 3-man Consul and wrote a 4th constitution, which made him 1st Consul: ______________________________________________

1800 - forces Spain to hand over Louisiana [Purchase] in America as he plots to infiltrate and conquer North America

1802 – Napoleon becomes _________________________________ under a 5th Constitution

1802 – Napoleon is _______________________________________

The new Constitution:

- ______________________________________________________________

- ______________________________________________________________

- ______________________________________________________________

- ______________________________________________________________

- ______________________________________________________________

- ______________________________________________________________

1802 – To conquer North America troops sent to Haiti to put down slave rebellion; he lost

1803 – sells ___________________________________ to President Thomas Jefferson for $15 million to pay for his wars

1804 – crowns himself emperor for life

1804 – The Napoleonic Code is ____________________________________________________

It limited liberty and preferred order & authority over individual rights

It called for

1. _____________________ for all citizens before the law

2. abolishes ______________________________

3. promotes ______________________________

4. male head of house w/ complete authority and property rights

5. ___________________________have no rights as citizens

6. restored ______________________in French colonies


The Glory Years 1805 – 1807 General Bonaparte again

1805 – Napoleon plans to conquer Europe; abandons the conquering of the world

1805 – Napoleon used economic warfare against Britain called____________________________ He closed all European ports to Britain using naval ___________________; Britain declares war on France & sets up its own blockades to stop French ships from getting goods

1805 - Russia, Austria, and Sweden declare war on France

1805 – France defeats Austria and Russia in the ________________________________; forces them and Prussia to accept the Continental System

Battle of Austerlitz = Napoleon’s greatest victory**;

**He defeated a 100,000-man army commanded by the emperors of Russia & Austria;

**He forced Austria, Russia and Prussia to participate in the Continental System

Austria gave up territory and had to pay a war debt of 40 million francs to France. The Russian army withdrew. Napoleon's forces camped in southern Germany, having taken much of that country. Napoleon established a buffer state between France and Prussia there. French casualties numbered 8800. Russian/ Austrian casualties numbered 15,000 with 12,000 captured.

** this is why the battle is important

1805 – __________________________________ @ tip of Spain; French navy defeated by British Admiral Horatio Nelson again

Results: _____________________________________; GB navy #1 for 100 years; Napoleon abandons plan to invade GB

1807 – 12 MAP Napoleon’s Empire included: France, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, German states,

Continental System ignored…

1807 – Russia ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1808 - Napoleon invades Spain to get to __________________to force Continental System on it; Spanish fight _______________ and outwits Napoleon

As General Again

The Gory Years 1808– 12 General Bonaparte

1808 – 1814 Britain helps Spain defeat France after 6 years. French loose 300,000

1811 - __________________________ troops from _________nations form the French army called the GRAND ARMY the largest European military force ever assembled to that date.

1812 – Only areas not under France control in Europe = Britain, Portugal, Sweden and the Ottoman Empire [see map]

France controls: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, German states, and parts of the Balkans, Austria, and Prussia

1812 - 1812 - Napoleon invades Russia 420,000 strong ________________________ attacks

Russian leader Tsar Alexander I orders Russians to retreat using _____________________ or burn everything in sight as you retreat. French take Moscow but its set on fire by Russians; Cold forces French to retreat in October; retreat from Russia causes _____________________ deaths by cold, starvation. Those captured were stripped naked, & driven back to Russia. Many froze or starved on the Death March along the one narrow highway.

Eyewitness Accounts

← December 1812, a Belgian officer recalled that he had to lead his horse over: 'a veritable moving mountain, more than 6 feet deep, of dead and dying, pushing, shoving, at each step risking being thrown down by the convulsive spasms of those we were trampling underfoot.’

← In one town a witness said he could see the frozen corpses piled up three-stories high.

← Another saw thousands of bodies 'strewn about all the broken windows and walls were stuffed with feet, legs, arms, hands to fit the openings, and keep out the cold air.'

1813 - Napoleon’s troops finish the _________ walk from Moscow; only ______________ survive

1813- ____________________________ defeats French in Spain; Prussia declares war on France;

Russia, Prussia, Britain, and Austria defeat French at Battle of Leipzig in Germany called

1814 - Napoleon ______________________ and is _______________________ to Elba Island

King Louis 18th takes throne

1814 - _________________________________ starts to discuss peace, ________________________________________, protect monarchies, draw new map of Europe


The Return 1815 Bonaparte’s 100 Days

1815 - Napoleon escapes from Elba, enters Paris to begin his "Hundred Days"

Returns to Paris, becomes emperor again, amasses an army of over 100,000

King Louis 18th flees.

British and Prussians gather in Belgium to confront Napoleon one last time

June 18, 1815 - ___________________________________________ is a 1-day battle

___________________________ British troops under the Duke of Wellington vs. ___________________________ French troops under Napoleon;

British losing BUT ___________________Prussian troops arrive and defeat Bonaparte.

Napoleon flees to Paris; _____________________________________; exiled a second time BUT to the desolate island ___________________________________________.

Treaty of Paris was signed in November

Dies in 1821

Total dead and or missing:

The Congress of Vienna was a series of meetings to discuss peace

WHO: ____________________________ PRUSSIA, RUSSIA, AUSTRIA, GREAT BRITAIN, & FRANCE

WHAT: Their main goal: ______________________________________________________

Their Secondary goal: ________________________________________________________

WHEN and WHERE: Vienna, Austria 1814 - 1815

WHY: France was defeated and a balance of power on the continent was needed

RESULTS of Congress:

← France’s area is _____________________________________.

← Belgium, Luxembourg, and Netherlands are made into countries _____________________________________________________________________

← 39 German states are loosely joined __________________________________________

← ______________________________is an independent state

← Ruling families return to power in Spain, France, and parts of Italy

← Atlantic slave trade is _________________________________ however, only Britain did anything to stop it

Political triumph: 1. 1st time an entire continent cooperated to control political affairs

2. terms were fair and no country left with a grudge

3. No seeds sown for a future war


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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