World Geography Fall Semester Exam 2003


World Geography Fall Semester Exam Review

Map Review—You will be responsible for being able to identify the following countries, states, or physical features on the map section of the exam:

United States Map

Texas New Mexico Nebraska

Kansas Oklahoma Louisiana

Florida Georgia South Carolina

North Carolina Tennessee Arizona

Nevada California Montana

Wisconsin Missouri Pennsylvania

Minnesota North Dakota Virginia

New York Maine Vermont

Central America and Caribbean Islands Map

Caribbean Sea Gulf of Mexico Pacific Ocean

Gulf of California Nicaragua Honduras

Mexico El Salvador Panama

Costa Rica Cuba Puerto Rico

Belize Jamaica Bahamas

Canada Map

Ontario Quebec British Columbia

Saskatchewan Manitoba Nunavut

Yukon Territory Alberta Newfoundland

Prince Edward Island

Multiple Choice Review

Section One: Chapters 1-4

1. The _________________________ uses information collected by seismographs to determine the relative strength of an earthquake.

2. Today, most mapping is done by:

3. The exact place on the earth where a geographic feature is found is its:

4. Maps are easily portable but always have:

5. Hikers, explorers, sailors, and drivers can use __________ to determine their location.

6. The system of imaginary lines used to determine absolute location is called:

7. On a _________________ projection, shapes of continents are distorted at the poles and somewhat compressed near the equator.

8. The _____________________ is the line of longitude that is zero degrees longitude.

9. A __________________map shows features created by humans such as cities and states.

10. The ___________________ marks the beginning of the north polar region.

11. A __________________ is a person who makes maps.

12. Theme of geography which answers “what is it like to live there?”

13. Theme of geography which answers “how do people relate to the land?”

14. Another name for lines of latitude is:

15. Another name for lines of longitude:

16. The northeasterly trade winds blow from:

17. The ocean currents have moderated temperatures and produced a mild climate overall in:

18. _____________________ precipitation occurs when it rains on the windward side and is dry on the leeward side. It occurs in mountain areas.

19. _______________________ are formed when air flowing over warm ocean water picks up large amounts of moisture and heat.

20. _____________________ and precipitation are the two most significant factors that are used to define climate types.

21. The Gulf Stream brings warm ________________ up the eastern coast.

22. The United States has more of this type of disaster than any place on earth:

23. In the Orographic Effect, rain falls on which side of the mountain?

24. A large volcanic eruption can make the weather _______________ across the world.

25. The Hawaiian Islands are the tips of ___________________.

26. What has done more to change the shape of the earth than almost any other force?

27. If more snow falls than melts during a year, what forms?

28. Humans can cause global warming by burning too many ___________

29. Define the jet stream and list it's characteristics:

30. The worst thunderstorms in the world occur in this part of the US:

31. All of the features of a society’s way of life, such as language, religion, government, economics, food, clothing, architecture and family life are aspects of ______________.

32. An area that has many shared culture traits is called a ___________ ____________.

33. One culture changes a great deal through its meeting with another culture. This is called:

34. A region of new ideas and innovations is called a ______________ ____________.

35. In which type of the government do only a few people make all decisions?

36. In which type of government does each individual have a voice in government?

37. An industry performed by professionals having specialized skills is called a ________________________ industry.

38. Industries that provide services are called:

39. Industries that directly use natural resources and raw materials are called:

40. Industries that change goods into processed goods useful to consumers are called:

41. The total value of goods and services produced by a country in a year, both inside and outside the country is called:

42. The total value of goods produced within a country in a year is called:

43. List the factors that influence where people have settled on the earth’s surface? (list at least three)

44. Around what year did the earth begin experiencing explosive population growth?

45. What is seen as the biggest potential market for global media companies?

46. If population growth continues at the current rate, the world population will double in approximately___________ years.

47. Which country has the largest population in the world?

48. If the population birth rate exceeds the population death rate for a country, the population is:

49. Industrial air pollution and sunlight interacting with exhaust gases is called:

50. Where are most desalinization plants located?

51. Global warming is caused by an increase in _______________ in the atmosphere.

Section 2—Chapters 5-8 The United States and Canada

52. The Spanish came to the United States in search of:

53. The English came to North America in search of:

54. What innovation brought people to the western part of the U.S. during the 1800s?

55. When people rule through elected representatives, it is called:

56. American corporations that engage in business worldwide are called:

57. Native Americans make up 1 percent of the U.S. population and live primarily in the __________________ part of the U.S.

58. The cities of Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Washington D.C., and Baltimore are called a:

59. Canada has a _____________________ form of government.

60. Canada’s head of state is called a ______________________.

61. The agreement that made trade between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico is called:

62. Sixty percent of all Canadians live in which two provinces?

63. One of the planes in the 9-11-01 attacks hit the ___________________, which is the military headquarters in Washington, D.C.

64. The most recent immigrants to the United States are from __________________ and _________________.

Section 3—Chapters 9-11 Latin America

65. Mexico’s major mineral resource is:

66. What is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere?

67. Portuguese is the most common language spoken in:

68. What form of government is one that is ruled by a few powerful rulers?

69. Who is ruler of Cuba that had been in power since 1959 and in recent years turned power over to his brother:

70. The Political Party that controlled Mexico for much of the 1900s (write out the full name, not just the abbreviation)

71. The main reason for high rates of migration among Caribbean Islanders was:

72. The major languages and religion of modern Latin America reflect the influence of what two cultures:

73. People of mixed European and Native American ancestry are called:

74. A factory based in Mexico, but oriented towards the United States is called a:

75. In the mid 1950s, Brazil’s capital was moved to Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia because:

76. Most South American governments today are moving from:

77. Near what major physical feature is the coca plant mostly grown?

78. List some characteristics of migrant workers in the United States

79. An individual who is so committed to change that he or she is willing to resort to violence to bring about that change is called a:

80. What is the major estuary of South America?

81. When did most Latin American countries become independent?

82. The term “Central America” refers to:

83. Latin America’s major issues include democratization, rain forest depletion, and

84. The culture of Central America and the Caribbean differs from that of Mexico because,in addition to being shaped by native peoples and the Spanish, it was also influenced by:

85. Two major goals of Mercosur are to make member economies more stable and to:

86. What is exchanged in a debt-for-nature swap?

87. Juan Peron, an Argentinian military dictator from 1946 to 1955 and 1974-75, was an example of a/an:

88. The location of large centers of population in Latin America are near what physical feature?

89. List the factors have been responsible for the armed conflicts troubling Central America (there are three)

90. Favelas are:

91. Cuba has higher human indicators of development (education and infant mortality), than they do economic indicators of development (GDP/capita and passenger cars/1000). The best explanation for this is that Cuba:

Chapters 5-8—North America

92. The most widely practiced religion in North America is:

93. What climate type is represented in Austin, TX?

94. What climate type is found in the Midwest region of the U.S.?


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