Disease Unit.docx

9429753800475-285740“I Can...” Statements“I can” statements help you to know exactly what you need to be getting out of today’s lesson. When you come into class, immediately check the board for today’s statement and copy it into your notebook. At the end of the lesson, if you feel you can do the statement, then check the box. If you don’t check it, don’t worry! Re-watch the video at home that teaches that subject and focus on it during homework and review time. Ask your teacher for more help on that subject after school. When you know it, check the box and be proud of your hard work!I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Daily Warm-upsWhen you come into class every day, there will be a warm-up ready for you to do. Write today’s date and the warm-up in the next unused warm-up box.1 Date: 2 Date: 3 Date: 4 Date: 5 Date: 6 Date: 7 Date: 8 Date:9 Date:10 Date:11 Date:12 Date:13 Date: 14 Date: 15 Date: 16 Date: 17 Date: 18 Date:19 Date:20 Date: 21 Date: 22 Date:23 Date:24 Date:25 Date:Diseases VocabularyRead and study the definitions of each word. In the box, you have three options you can do for each word. Each week, complete the boxes for the vocabulary words that are being used in class that week. For each word, you may draw a picture that represents the word, write a sentence that uses the word, or make a connection with the word to real life or another vocabulary word. For example, “We learned about photosynthesis, which is a kind of chemical reaction with sugar as a product.”Vocabulary WordDefinitionDraw a Picture, Write a Sentence or Make a ConnectionAntibioticA chemical that kills bacteria or slows their growth without harming body cells.Asexual reproductionA reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are identical to the parent.BacillusRound bacteria shape.BacteriaSingle-celled organisms that lack a nucleus.BacteriophageA virus that infects bacteria.Binary FissionThe process of cell division that bacteria use to reproduce.BiotechnologyThe use of living organisms to solve a problem.CapsidThe protective protein coat surrounding the DNA or RNA of a virus.Cell WallA rigid layer around the outside of a bacteria cell that gives support and protection.Cell MembraneA layer around the outside of a bacteria cell that controls what enters or exits the cell.CiliaShort, hairlike structures on the outside of cells that assists with movement.CloneAn organism or cell that is produced asexually from a parent organism or cell. It is genetically identical to the parent.CocciRound bacteria shape.CytoplasmThe region between the cell membrane and the nucleus.DNAThe material in all living organisms that carries genetic information.EpidemicA localized disease outbreak.EthicsMoral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior.EukaryoteA cell with a nucleus.FlagellumA long, whiplike structure that helps a cell to move.FungusAn organism that has cell walls, a nucleus, uses spores to reproduce, and is a heterotroph that feeds by absorbing its food.Genetically Modified OrganismAn organism whose DNA has been altered by humans using genetic engineering.GeneticsThe study of inherited characteristics.HygienePractices that help maintain health and prevent disease.HyphaeThe branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungiInfectious DiseaseA disease caused by the presence of a pathogen in the body which can be passed to another body.InfluenzaA highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages. “The Flu”MicrobeAn organism that is too small to be seen by the naked eye.PandemicA widespread disease outbreak.PathogenAn organism that causes disease.ProkaryoteA cell without a nucleus.ProtistsA eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus. Most are unicellular, and some can be parasites.RibosomeA tiny structure located in the cytoplasm of a cell where proteins are produced.Sexual Reproduction reproductive process that involves two parents that combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents.SpirilliumSpiral bacteria shape.Stem CellAn undifferentiated cell from which all body cells can be formed. Used extensively for medical research.VaccineA substance that contains weak or dead pathogens that can still trigger the immune system into action.VectorAn organism, often a biting insect or tick, that transmits a disease or parasite.VirusA tiny, nonliving particle that invades and then reproduces inside a living cell.Crossword PuzzleAcross4. Reproduction where the offspring are genetically identical to the one parent.5. A virus that infects bacteria.7. Just because science can do something, should it?8. The protective protein coat around a virus.11. A mosquito transmits malaria. The mosquito is a _______.12. To make sure milk is safe to drink, this is done to it before it goes to the store.13. Cell division16. The organelle where proteins are made17. One of the structures that bacteria can use to move18. The main body of a fungus that resembles rootsDown1. A disease outbreak that affects many countries and areas.2. This is not a medicine that can cure a disease, but it can help your body prevent getting the disease in the first place.3. Using a living thing to solve a problem.9. Virus, bacteria, parasite or fungus10. Antibiotics can not be used to treat this pathogen.14. Once this was discovered, disease transmission was greatly reduced.15. Strep throat (streptococcus) has this shape.BacteriaBacteria are single-celled, prokaryotic organisms. The DNA in their cells is not contained in a nucleus. Bacteria cells have one of three basic shapes: spherical, rodlike, or spiral. Most bacterial cells are surrounded by a rigid cell wall that helps to protect the cell. Inside the cell wall is the cell membrane that controls what materials pass into and out of the cell. Cytoplasm is the gel-like material inside the cell membrane that fills all the extra space in the cell. Inside the cytoplasm are tiny structures called ribosomes that are chemical factories where proteins are produced. The cell’s genetic material, or DNA, is also located is also located in the cytoplasm and contains instruction for all the cell’s functions. Some bacteria have flagella, which are long, whip-like structures that extend from the cell membrane and helps the cell to move. Other bacteria use cilia to move, which are short hair-like structures covering the outside of the cell.When bacteria have plenty of food, the right temperature, and other suitable conditions, they reproduce frequently. Bacteria reproduce asexually using binary fission. Asexual reproduction is a process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are genetically identical to the parent. Some bacteria cause disease and other harmful conditions. However, most bacteria are either harmless or helpful to people. Bacteria are involved in oxygen and food production, environmental recycling and cleanup, health maintenance, and medicine production. Bacteria are also important decomposers in many ecosystems.Bacteria Shapes and PartsLabel the parts of the bacterial cell: cilia, DNA, flagella, cytoplasm, cell wall, cell membraneDraw and label the three bacterial shapes (pg. 450).______________ ____________________________ Asexual ReproductionBacteria reproduce asexually using binary fission. This means that there is only one parent and the offspring is genetically identical to the parent. All offspring are clones of the parent cell. Color in the parts of binary fission to show how bacteria replicate.VirusesA virus is a tiny, nonliving particle that enters and then reproduces inside a living cell. Viruses are not living because they do not grow, use energy, or respond to their environment. Although viruses can multiply, they do so differently than other organisms. They can only multiply when they are inside another living cell, which makes them similar to a parasite. The cell that is attacked by the virus is called the host. Viruses vary in shape and size. They can be round, rod-shaped, brick shaped, bullet shaped, and many other complex shapes. A bacteriophage is a special kind of virus that attacks bacteria cells. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria cells. All viruses have two basic parts: a protein coat that protects the virus and an inner core made out of genetic material, which is either DNA or RNA. Every virus has unique proteins on its outer surface. The shape of these proteins allows the virus to attach to a certain kind of host cell to infect it. The proteins are like a key that opens only one kind of cell. Some viruses attack only mammals, or only Oak trees, etc.Label the parts of a virus: Capsid, Genetic MaterialMultiplying Bacteria We know that bacteria can reproduce really fast. But, just how fast does it happen? Today you will calculate the growth of E.coli bacteria over the course of 4 hours and create a curve to represent the rate which these bacteria reproduce. Directions: Assume that you start with 2 E. coli bacteria. These bacteria reproduce by binary fission that means each one splits in half to create two bacteria. E. coli split every 15 min. Calculate the number of E coli bacteria present at each time interval in the table below. TimeElapsed0minutes15minutes30 minutes45 minutes1 hour1 hour15 min1 hour30 min1 hour45 min2 hoursNumber of E coli TimeElapsed2 hours 15 min2 hour 30 min2 hour 45 min3 hours3 hour15 min3 hour30 min3 hour45 min4 hour Number of E coli Reproduction Rate of E. coli 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 0 :15 30 :45 1: 1:15 1:30 1:45 2 2:15 2:30 2:45 3 3:15 3:30 3:45 4How Viruses MultiplyFill out the following chart. Use color and draw carefully to help understand the process of viral multiplication.DescriptionDrawing1.2.3.4.pare and Contrast Viruses and BacteriaHow are they different?VirusesCategoryBacteriaHow are they alike?Bacteria that Dine on VegetablesBacteria are among the most numerous organisms on Earth. If a bacterium is in the right temperature range and has enough moisture and food, it can reproduce rapidly. In 24 to 48 hours, it can multiply so often that its offspring form a visible colony. In this investigation you will witness the explosive growth as you grow bacteria on common vegetables.Materials4 clear, resealable plastic bags8 small pieces of masking tape2 slices of baked sweet potato2 cotton swabs2 slices of baked potatotransparent tapeProcedure1. Put a piece of masking tape on each bag. Write the following on the four different labels: “Potato-A” “Potato-B” “Sweet Potato-A” “Sweet Potato-B”2. Predict where bacteria might be living in your classroom. Write down these predictions in the Observations section. Choose one of the locations to test.3. Get one slice of baked potato using the spatula. Take care that the spatula only touches one side of the potato, and that nothing touches the other side.4. Put this slice in the bag labeled “Potato-A”, with the untouched side facing up. Seal the bag securely and tape the sealed edge shut.5. Repeat step #3.6. Put this slice in the bag labeled “Potato-B”, with the untouched side facing up. 7. Rub a cotton swab on the area in the classroom where you think bacteria might live. Then rub the cotton swab on the untouched side of the potato in bag B. Seal the bag securely using tape.8. Set both bags in the place where you teacher directs you to. Do not open the bags again. Dispose of the swab.9. Repeat steps 3-8 with the Sweet Potato.10. Observe the potato and sweet potato slices for 5 days. Do not open the bags. Each day, draw and record your observations in the data table.Observations1. What locations in your classroom do you predict bacteria live?2. Which location are you going to test?Data TableDayPotato-APotato-BSweet Potato-ASweet Potato-B12345Questions1. Large colonies of bacteria may look shiny or like mucus. Which bag(s) had the greatest growth of bacteria? The least growth?2. Do the organisms growing on the potato appear to be different from those growing on the sweet potato? Why?3. Why did you leave the slices untouched in the plastic bags labeled “A”?4. Why did you not use your hand to put the potatoes in the bags? Why did you use a spatula?5. What can you do at home to keep your vegetables fresh for longer? 6. Suppose you repeated this investigation, but this time you left the plastic bags labeled “A” open for a few minutes before sealing them. What do you think you might observe? Why?FungiThe basic structural features of fungi are hyphae. Hyphae are microscopic branching threads filled with cytoplasm and nuclei. Hyphae look like the roots of a plant, but do not confuse them! Hyphae are actually the main body of the fungus. Sometimes the hyphae are divided into compartments by cross walls called septa. Fungi do not have chlorophyll and so cannot do photosynthesis. Fungi are heterotrophic, and feed on dead materials by absorbing the nutrients. The hyphae produce an enzyme which digests the dead matter so that it can be absorbed.0409575 Fungi reproduce sexually, which means that there are two parent fungi which recombine their DNA to form a unique offspring. The part of a mushroom that you see coming out of the ground is the reproductive structure. It contains the spores which help to spread genetic information of the mushroom.There are many different kinds of fungi, but some main categories include bread molds, mushrooms, and yeast. Yeast is important to humans because we use it to make bread and other products. Yeast is the only single-celled fungus.1. Why are fungi considered heterotrophic and not autotrophic?2. Are fungi producers, consumers, or decomposers? Why is it classified like this?3. Why would you not be killing a mushroom if you stepped on one in the forest?4. Are fungi prokaryotic or eukaryotic? How did you figure that out from this reading?5. Give two reasons why fungi are not plants.A Really Big FungusBecause many fungi live in the soil, we normally aren’t aware of them. However, their underground networks of hyphae can become enormous. In 1982, scientists discovered a specimen of the fungus Armillaria bulbosa living beneath about 150,000 square meters of soil in Michigan. Of course, scientists couldn’t see the entire fungus directly. Instead, they compared the DNA of fungus samples taken at different locations. DNA is the substance that determines an organism’s inherited characteristics. Each individual’s DNA is slightly different from other individuals of that species. Scientists saw that DNA taken from neighboring locations were identical. Because of this, they knew that they were looking at samples of one very large fungus.Scientists have taken samples of the fungus Armillaria bulbosa at the numbered locations on the map below. Seven DNA types were identified from the samples. Assume that each DNA type identifies an individual fungus.DNA TypeType 1Type 2Type 3Type 4Type 5Type 6Type 7Location1,2,78,14,15,223,9,10,16,17,23,24,254,5,11,1812,19,26, 276,13,2021,28,291. Find the locations of each DNA type on the map. Draw lines on the map dividing the DNA types from one another. Do not connect all the dots of the numbers listed. Draw a line encircling all the numbers listed.2. Assume that each sample location corresponds to an area of 1,600m2. How many square meters do the largest and smallest individual fungi on the map cover?3. Assume that there is 0.75 kg of biomass per square meter of fungus. What is the weight of the largest and smallest fungi on the map?4. If the hyphae in each square meter of fungus were lined up end to end, they would stretch about 90 meters. What is the length in kilometers of the hyphae of the largest fungus on the map?ParasitesParasites are organisms that live on or in humans and gain nutrition from the host. Some parasites such as hookworms and tape worms live in the intestines and absorb nutrition from food that the host injests. Other parasites live on the host and feed off blood by biting the host such as lice. Other parasites do not live on the host but only use the host for nutrition, such as mosquitos. Protists are a type of single-celled, eukaryotic organism that can sometimes be a parasite in humans. Malaria, Giardia, and African Sleeping Sickness are all diseases caused by protist infections. Malaria infects more than 300 million and kills more than 2 million people every year. Common Human InfectionsVirusesBacteriaFungusParasitesInfectious DiseasesUse pages 492-496 in the Science book to complete this page.SourceExamples of Method of TransferExamples of Diseases Spread in this Way1. What are the four major groups of human pathogens?2. How did Pasteur and Koch contribute to the understanding of the causes of infectious disease?3. If you have a cold, what steps can you take to keep from spreading it to other people? Explain.Typhoid Mary Video Questions1. What is typhoid? Tell what causes it, how it is spread and what its symptoms are.2. When and where does the story take place?3. How do they discover Mary’s role in the outbreak? Describe the detective work.4. How do the doctors attempt to deal with Mary? Describe what they did to her.5. Why do you think that she went back to cooking after they had told her not to?6. How did Mary try to convince the authorities that she should be let go?Stopping MalariaMalaria is an infectious disease caused by the protist Plasmodium. This pathogen is transmitted from one person to another by a bite from a female mosquito. The disease infects more than 150 million people a year and kills between 1.5 and 3.0 million people. Although malaria is treatable, it occurs in parts of the world where effective treatments are largely unavailable. For this reason, the battle against the spread of malaria has focused on prevention.The diagram below provides information about the spread of malaria and the life cycle of the Anopheles mosquito.1. Diseases can be spread in four basic ways. In which of these ways is malaria spread?2. Where does the female mosquito lay her eggs?3. How does a Plasmodium get into the body of a female mosquito?4. Sometimes swamps and shallow pools are drained to help prevent the spread of malaria. Use the diagram to explain why this strategy is effective.5. What are other ways you can think of to prevent the spread of malaria?John Snow and the Cholera EpidemicPART 1A. 1848–1849 Epidemic In the early 19th century, medical statistics for England and Wales were carefully kept by the Office of the Registrar General of England and Wales. The physician, William Farr, published annual reports from this data and recognized that this information could be used to learn about human illness. In the mid-19th century, cholera epidemics were hitting London in waves. Cholera is a disease that is characterized by watery diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, dehydration, and death. Farr and the physician John Snow set about using data collected about these epidemics to find out what was causing the cholera in the hopes of preventing future epidemics. In the early 1800s, it was not known that microbes caused disease. John Snow’s first study of cholera was conducted in 1848 when an epidemic of cholera occurred in the area of Golden Square in London. At this time, most of the people in London obtained their water from a community hand pump that drew water from a well from an underground source. These communal pumps were usually located in a square or on a street corner. People would bring buckets or containers and pump the water into the bucket and carry it home for use by their families. To study the cholera epidemic, Snow acquired information about the location of each case and used this data to create a spot map. Refer to Figure 1, Distribution of Cholera Cases in the Golden Square Area of London, August –September 1848 on the following page. This map is from Snow’s book, On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, published in 1855. The circled X’s are the locations of the pumps that supplied water to this area of London. Snow labeled three of these pumps, A, B, and C. Using Snow’s spot map (Figure 1), answer questions 1-4: 1. What observations can you make about the distribution of the cholera cases? 2. Which well would you pick as the most likely source of contaminated water? 3. Why wouldn’t you identify pump C as a possible source? 4. What reasons could explain why there were no cases of cholera in the people living in the two-block area around the brewery east of pump A? PART 1BBecause of the clustering of cases around Public Water Pump A, Snow concentrated on this pump as the source of the cause of the cholera. The absence of clusters around pumps B and C indicated that they were less likely to be the source. Snow found that the water from pump B was so grossly contaminated that residents avoided it and got their water from pump A. Pump C was in a location that made it difficult for the majority of cases to use it. 5. What could Snow do to test his hypothesis that the epidemic was caused by water from Pump A? (Remember that he couldn't actually test the water for bacteria.) PART 1C Snow went to the homes with cases of cholera and interviewed people about their source of drinking water. The consumption of water obtained from pump A proved to be the one factor common among these cases. The brewery workers got their water from a deep well on the premises and were also allotted a daily quota of beer so they did not drink water from any of the pumps. Snow’s detailed study of the outbreak convinced the vestrymen of the St. James parish of London to remove the pump handle from pump A, which stopped the cholera epidemic. 6. What did John Snow do to prove that pump A was the source of the cholera? 7. Compare this answer with your answer for question 5. How did your plan differ from what Snow actually did? FigurePART 2 In the 1850’s London residents began to obtain their water in their homes rather than from communal pumps. They signed up with one of the many water supply companies competing to supply home water. The water intakes for the water supply companies were in a much polluted part of the Thames River. Sometime between 1849 and 1854, one of the companies, the Lambeth Company, moved its water source to an area of the Thames where the water was relatively free from the sewage of London. In 1854, Snow noted that a terrible outbreak of cholera occurred in a few square blocks of an area of London. “Within two hundred and fifty yards of the spot where Cambridge Street joins Broad Street, there were upwards of five hundred fatal attacks of cholera in ten days.” Snow wondered what the cause of this outbreak could be. Using data from the Office of the Registrar General of England and Wales, Snow tabulated the number of deaths from cholera in 1853-1854 according to the two water companies supplying the various sub-districts of London. Table 2. Death Rates from Cholera, 1853-54 By Water Company supplying sub-districts of LondonDistrictWater CompanyPopulation in 1851Cholera Deaths 1852-1854Cholera Deaths per 100,000 people1Southwark & Vauxhall167,6541921142Lambeth14,632003Both Companies301,149182608. Refer to Table 2. Does this data support Snow’s hypothesis that polluted water causes cholera? Why or Why not? 9. Is it conclusive proof that Snow’s hypothesis is correct? Why or why not? 10. What other factors might be causing the difference in cholera rates in the different London districts? 11. Design (briefly outline) an investigation that would confirm Snow’s hypothesis that polluted water, and not some other factor, was causing the cholera epidemic?Protecting the Herd SimulationThis worksheet will help you track the results of the disease transmission simulation. Simulation #1: 0% immune; 100% susceptible Simulation #2 50% immune; 50% susceptibleDayNumber of Sick PeopleNumber of Immune PeopleDayNumber of Sick PeopleNumber of Immune People11223344556677889910101111121213131414151516161717181819192020Graph the spread of the disease in the two scenarios. Use two different color lines on the same graph to represent to two scenarios. Time Course of Class Epidemic 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Days1. Why were the rates of infection so much lower in the second simulation?2. Why didn’t all of the susceptible people in the second scenario get sick?3. What would happen if schools stopped requiring vaccinations of students?Measles Outbreak at Western High DiscussionIt began with Naoko Yomata. She and her family had just moved when she started the second half of her junior year at Western High in a small town in Washington State. One week into the semester, she had a sore throat, felt exhausted, and devel?oped a fever of 102°F. Soon, she had a red rash all over her body—measles. Ten days later, Caleb Miller and Jessica Johnson came down with measles. These students were in Naoko’s biology class, and Jessica was her lab partner. The follow?ing week, a sophomore, Michael Chen, had measles and so did the students’ biology teacher, Ms. Baker. The local public health officer was alarmed. Western High hadn’t had a case of measles in 10 years, and now there were five cases in less than a month.Naoko had just arrived in the United States from her home country, Japan, where she apparently contracted measles. She had not been vaccinated as a child. Caleb was also susceptible to measles because his parents had objected to vaccinations. Jessica and Michael were vaccinated when they were 15 and 18 months old, respectively, but they had missed the required “booster shot” during elementary school. Ms. Baker was vaccinated in 1966 when she was 5 years old. Later studies showed that the initial “killed measles” vaccine was not very effective compared with the currently used “live measles” vaccine, first available in 1968. Ms. Baker was unaware that her vaccination was not effective or that she needed a booster shot. The results of the public health officer’s detective work explained why Naoko, Caleb, Jessica, Michael, and Ms. Baker got the measles. But there is another question: In the 1950s and 1960s (before the measles vaccine was developed), most people got this disease as preschool children or as elementary school students. BiotechnologyBiotechnology is the use of living organisms or their products to modify human health and the human environment. Although biotechnology was not used as a term until 1917, humans have been working with, using and studying living organisms to modify their health and environments for thousands of years. Cut out the important events in the history of biotechnology and try to figure out where they go on the timeline. Don’t glue them down until you check with your teacher to make sure they are all correct.Before 16001800-18501850-19001900-19501950-19701970-19801980-19901990-20002000-PresentTomatoes’ Tasteless Green GeneChoosing tomatoes for color reduces fruit’s flavor, study findsBY ROBERTA KWOK The tomatoes your great-grandparents ate probably tasted little like the ones you eat today. The fruit used to have more flavor. A lot more flavor. In fact, tomatoes “were once so flavorful that you could take one in your hand and eat it straight away just like we regularly eat apples or peaches,” according to plant scientist Alan Bennett. He belongs to a team of international scientists who now think they know one reason why the fruit has lost so much flavor.9525914400Although some unripe tomatoes have a dark green patch near the stem, farmers prefer that their unripe tomatoes are the same shade of green all over. The consistent coloring makes it easier for them to know when the fruit should be picked.But tomatoes without the dark green patch are also missing an important genetic ingredient that helps the fruit make more sugar and other tasty molecules. So by breeding tomatoes for that consistent color, Bennett’s team says, crop scientists may have accidentally contributed to also making this fruit bland.“It is a good illustration of unintended consequences,” Harry Klee told Science News. Klee studies tomato flavor at the University of Florida in Gainesville.Tomatoes make sugars in compartments called chloroplasts. Bennett, who works at the University of California, Davis, and his colleagues found that tomatoes need the correct version of a particular gene (one called SlGLK2) to form chloroplasts properly in the fruit. A gene acts as a biological instruction book that tells cells which molecules to make.Tomatoes without the dark green tinge have the wrong version of this gene, the researchers report in the June 29 issue of Science. As these fruit ripen, they can’t make as many chloroplasts. And chloroplasts that they do produce are smaller. One result: The tomatoes make less sugar — and don’t taste as good.Tomatoes also produce gases responsible for some of the odors we associate with the fruit. Even though you only breathe them, these gases affect the way that you perceive flavor. Tomatoes with weak chloroplasts can’t make as much of these gases, further reducing flavor.But the newfound gene change is “not the whole story of why modern tomatoes are so bad, by a long shot,” Klee told Science News. Tomatoes also taste blander when they are picked too early or stored in the fridge.Write your opinion on tomatoes. Do you think this genetic engineering is a good thing or a bad thing? What about both? Be thorough and clear with your opinion.Biotechnology WebquestCloning: . What are the roles of the three different mice that are used in the cloning experiment.---2. What part of the somatic cell is removed? Why is that part of the cell important for cloning?3. Did this happen in real life? If so, where did it happen?4. Why was the baby mouse brown, and not black or white? 5. Do you think this experiment is ethical? Why or why not?DNA Fingerprinting: the introductory paragraph and then click “VIEW” to start the activity.6. What is a DNA fingerprint? What are they used for?7. What “crime” was committed? What bodily fluid was removed from the “crime scene” to get DNA?8. What is a restriction enzyme? What does it do?9. What is gel electrophoresis? What is it used for?10. Smaller fragments of DNA move __________________________ than longer strands11. What are probes? What do they attach themselves to? What are they used for?12. Based on the DNA fingerprint, who licked the lollipop? Explain how you know this.Genetic Engineering: 8 categories of uses for genetic engineering are identified on the left side of the page. Choose three to read about and summarize below. Write at least 5 sentences about each category.13. Category:14. Category:15. Category: ................

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