Advanced Placement Human Geography Name

Advanced Placement Human Geography Name____________________________

Chapter 12 Services Block______

Define a “Service”(give 3 examples)

Define a “Settlement”.

Why are services clustered in settlements?

What has been the effect of globalization on services?

What is the purpose of “Consumer Services”?

What are “Retail Services”? (give 2 examples)

What is an example of “Local diversity” effects on globalization?

What are “Personal Services”?

Give 2 examples of “Producer Services”

Give 2 examples of “Transportation Services”.

Give 2 examples of “Public Services”.

Name one country on every continent (except Antarctica) that has more than 50% of its work force in services.

Why have the number employees in services tripled in 30 years in the U.S.?

Name 4 services typically found in “Clustered Rural Settlements”.

Describe a “Circular Rural Settlement” and a “Linear Rural Settlement”

What was the “Enclosure Movement” and what were the effects of it?

What is a “Central Place”? (give 2 examples)

What is a “Market Area of a Service”?

What 2 factors are needed to determine the extent of a market area?

Define the term “Range”.

What is the “Threshold” of a service?

What is a “Market-Area Analysis” and why is it important?

What is meant by “Optimal Location” within a market?

What is meant by the “Hierarchy of Services”? (Give one example)

What is the “Rank-Size Rule”? (give one example)

Define “primate-city” and give 5 examples not in the book. (think S. America)

Define “World City” and give 3 examples.

Name 4 cities in the “second tier”.

Name 4 cities in the “third tier”

What are “Command and Control Centers”?

Define “Specialized Producer-Service Centers”

What are “Dependent Centers”?

What is the difference between “Basic Industries” and “Non-basic Industries”?(give 2 examples of each).

Give 2 examples of countries that are considered post-industrial society countries.

Give 5 examples of “Consumer-service settlements”.

Name 3 types services one might find in the CBD of a city or settlement.

Name 4 services that have a “High Threshold” in Naples.

Name 4 services or shops that have a “High Range” in Naples.

Why do offices tent to cluster or agglomerate in the CBD?

Why do countries build “Skyscrapers”?

What city in the world has the highest CBD rent per acre?

Give 3 reasons why manufacturing has declined in the CBD.

Name 3 ways cities have tried to bring people back to downtown areas.

Name 2 ways CBDs are different in Europe.

Name 3 reasons why businesses have moved to the suburbs since WWII.

Name 3 reasons factories have moved to the suburbs.

What are “Transportation and Information Services” (give 2 examples)


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