August 27, 2020 History NotesSPANISH LEGACY (That which is passed to you from earlier generations; your inheritance or heritage)SPANISH LANGUAGEROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHLIVESTOCK (horses, cattle, sheep)FOOD, CUSTOMS, CULTUREGEOGRAPHICH LOCATIONS (Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, El Paso)SPAIN did NOT place much emphasis on conquering and colonizing the land known today as the United States. Few Spaniards settled in the U.S. to farm and create permanent settlements.SPAIN CENTERED HER NEW WORLD EFFORTS in MEXICO, CENTRAL AMERICA, and SOUTH AMERICA. Finding WEALTH (GOLD) and getting rich motivated the Spanish more than settling down to life on a farm. FRENCH LEGACY FRENCH LANGUAGE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CULTURE (Cajuns in Louisiana) GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS (St. Louis, New Orleans, Louisville: ville-French for town)Because of her attempts to find a NORTHWEST PASSAGE to the Far East, FRANCE centered her efforts in the New World in NEW FRANCE (CANADA) and the MISSISSIPPI RIVER VALLEY (LOUISIANA). No gold was to be found in lands claimed by France, so Frenchmen turned to another source of money: the FUR TRADE. (Fur was extremely popular with European ladies.) French emphasis on the fur trade required ‘trappers’ to be on the move constantly. These trappers formed friendships and business relationships with various Indian tribes and often married Indian girls. However, Frenchmen generally did NOT clear land, farm, or put down permanent roots in one location. Both the FRENCH and the SPANISH have influenced and certainly contributed to our legacy or heritage as AMERICANS. However, our AMERICAN HERITAGE IS PRIMARILY THE RESULT OF THE LEGACY OF ENGLAND! But before we examine our English heritage, you need to know the following:3 core issues of history: 1. RELIGION: our search for and our belief about God and our quest for immortality (to live forever)2. GOVERNMENT: rules and practices related to how people peacefully live together in groups3. ECONOMICS: how people go about acquiring what they need to live…closely associated with money OUR ENGLISH HERITAGE Page 2 It was England who most influenced the way we worship in America today, how we organized our American government, and the development of our economic system called CAPITALISM. We will spend much of the remainder of the first semester studying these very important aspects of our English heritage. We will begin with 2 of the 3 core issues: religion and government.RELIGIONLong before they began to colonize America, England broke away from the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and joined the PROTESTANT REFORMATION. This development led to a keen interest in understanding God, how to please Him, and how to be saved--most important components of our history. JOHANNES GUTENBERG in the mid-1400s invented the printing press, one of the most important inventions in world history. Prior to the invention of the printing press, there was basically nothing available in print so that people could not read. Hence, knowledge about any subject was very limited. That included scriptural knowledge about God.Thanks to Gutenberg books became much more plentiful and provided the motivation for people to become educated. The most important book to Gutenberg as well as most people of the era was the BIBLE, so it was the first book published. Gutenberg’s Bibles, however, were printed in Latin.In the late 1400s JOHN WYCLIFFE translated the Latin Bible into English. A few years later WILLIAM TYNDALE improved Wycliffe’s translation. By the end of the 1500s most English citizens had access to their own copy of scripture. English Christians could now study the Bible for themselves. False teachings from the past were discarded as Christians realized that true Christianity involved personal, individual faith in Jesus. It was their faith in Christ and their knowledge of scripture that Englishmen brought with them to the New World. Their faith would be passed from one generation to another and became the basis for the Christian nation that the United States would become. GOVERNMENTFor years English kings and queens had ruled their ‘subjects’ with little or no input from the people. Some of these rulers were TYRANTS—they oppressed their people through high taxation and laws that excluded personal freedoms. But Englishmen desired to live under a more democratic government.In 1215 King John signed the MAGNA CARTA, a document calling for limited representative government. As a result of this document, the idea of a Parliament (very much like our American Congress) began to develop. Eventually, the kings began sharing power with representatives of the people.By the time of the colonization of America, English pioneers coming to America were determined to rule themselves and not be dependent upon a king or queen. As we progress through our study, we will see numerous examples of Englishmen working together to form governments ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’ at all levels. But for England to control her share of the New World, the Spanish navy had to be defeated.DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA (a large fleet or grouping of ships) Page 3Spain was the dominant military power in the world during the period of exploration.They had the largest, most powerful navy of any country.It was assumed by many that Spain was invincible (could not be conquered).England was a natural rival to Spain but its navy was small. However, Queen Elizabeth encouraged English ‘pirate’ ships to plunder Spanish ships in the Caribbean Sea…and for good reason…New World treasure was sent back to Spain by ships.Sir Francis Drake and his Sea Dogs were particularly good at raiding Spanish shipping.King Phillip of Spain was enraged by these pirate acts and decided to invade England.A Spanish army of 55,000 was stationed on the coast of Europe, awaiting ships to take them across the English Channel England decided to use its small navy to try to prevent the transport of these 55,000 soldiers.This set the stage for one of the most important naval battles in history. 1587: Spanish navy is docked in port just days before sailing north to move her soldiers to England.Under cover of darkness, DRAKE launches a surprise attack against the unsuspecting Spaniards.30 Spanish ships are sunk in the harbor and a great quantity of supplies are stolen.The attack is successful—it will be a year before Spain recovers enough to try moving her soldiers again.1588: again the Spanish navy is in port preparing to sail north in order to transport her army to England.Spain has 130 ships in her ARMADA with 8,000 sailors, 18,000 marines, and 2,500 cannons. England only has 67 ships and 10,000 sailors.So, NO way for England to be successful…right?Before dawn on the morning of the battle, England outsmarts the Spanish navy by sending 8 ‘fire ships’ directly into Spanish fleet which is packed tightly in the harbor and at anchor. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!Immediately, some of the Spanish ships catch fire while the majority cut their anchors and move out of the harbor as quickly as possible.But many of them have no anchor and the formation of ships, critical for naval battle, is broken.Once this happens, the smaller English navy moves in to attack. 2 advantages for the English: 1. Their cannons shoot farther, and 2. The wind is at their back.With these advantages England destroys 10 ships and is able to stay out of harm’s way.The Spanish ships are ordered to sail north to escape the English fleet.The plan to ferry Spanish soldiers to England for the invasion has been ‘foiled’! As they sail north, they sail directly into a great storm in the English Channel.Without anchors to steady the ships, the storm runs them ‘aground’ where the waves destroy them.Thousands of Spanish sailors and marines are either drowned or killed by English soldiers when they attempt to come ashore to keep from drowning.So severe is this defeat that the Spanish navy will never again rule the seas.Spain will never again be the dominant world power.On the other hand, England will eventually replace Spain as the main European power.England now has the power to claim land and colonize the New World. Page 4THE DEFEAT OF THE SPANISH ARMADA IN 1588 MAY WELL HAVE CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY AS FAR AS OUR COUNTRY IS CONCERNED. WE MIGHT NOW BE SPEAKING SPANISH HAD THE SPANISH ARMADA NOT BEEN DEFEATED. WE MIGHT ALSO BE A PREDOMINANTLY CATHOLIC NATION WITH A SPANISH HERITAGE RATHER THAN AN ENGLISH HERITAGE.QUESTION: Did God intervene in history by sending a terrible storm to finish off the Spanish Armada?This is an interesting question worthy of thought. It might be interesting to discuss this matter with your parents, youth leader, or other adults that you trust. ................

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