The USA - The United States of America - is the third ...

The USA - The United States of America - is the third largest country in the world by land area as well as by population.

Its area is 9,158,960 km2 and its population is approximately 310 million.

The USA consists of 50 states and a federal district with the capital city. Two of the states are not contiguous (Alaska and Hawaii). Alaska lies in the north of the continent and Hawaii is an archipelago in the Pacific ocean.

The USA borders with Mexico in the south and Canada in the north.

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Každý z padesáti států USA má nejen své hlavní město , ale také vlajku, přezdívku a mnoho dalších národních symbolů (jídlo, nápoj, zvíře, květinu, strom, motto atd.) V následujícím krátkém textu najdete informace o třech amerických státech. Vaším úkolem je doplnit neúplnou tabulku pod textem.

Texas is the second largest state of the USA. It lies in the south of the country. Its largest city is Houston. Texas is known as the Lone Star state. Its state animal is the armadillo.

California is a state located on the West Coast of the USA. It is the biggest state by population. Its capital city is Sacramento, but the biggest city is Los Angeles. Its state animal is the grizzly bear and the state flower is the golden poppy. It is known as the Golden state.

Our third state´s capital city is Albany. It is known as the Empire state and its motto is Excelsior. Its state tree is the sugar maple and the state flower is the rose.

|Name |Nick name |Animal |Capital city |Flower |Tree |

|New York | |beaver | |rose | |

| |Golden state | | | |California redwood |

| | | |Austin |bluebonnet |pecan |

Každý ze států má také své motto. Už víme, že mottem New Yorku je Excelsior, což znamená "vyšší". Odhadněte, kterému státu patří motto: Friendship, tedy "přátelství", a kterému Eureka, tedy "našel jsem".

Určete, která vlajka patří, kterému ze států.




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