Curriculum Vitae


Chancellor’s Professor of Anthropology and Medical Anthropology

Curriculum Vitae

Department of Anthropology, Kroeber Hall, University of California, Berkeley



B.A, Social Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1970 (Queens College 1962-1964)

PhD, Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, 1976

NIMH ( National Institute of Mental Health) postdoctoral fellow, Laboratory of Human Development, Harvard University,1979-1980 (declined additional two years)

Fields of Specialization:

Critical medical anthropology/psychiatry; Bodies, illness, medicine; Poverty, disability epidemics; Anthropology of evil; Violence in war and peace; Invisible genocides; the cultural politics of reproduction, motherhood, childhood; Pope Francis and his impact; Human trafficking for organs, tissues, and babies; human rights and humanitarianism; Death squads, crime and vigilantism; Public and engaged anthropology

Current Field Research Sites:

Brazil, Ireland, South Africa, Argentina, Cuba, Israel,

Organs Watch (1997- current) an international documentation and ethnographic research project on organized crime networks in organ trafficking for illicit transplant operations: Argentina, Brazil, Egypt, Israel, Kosovo, Moldova, Romania, the Philippines, South Africa, Turkey and the US.

Other Regular Academic Positions:

Professor, Anthropology and Medical Anthropology, UC Berkeley 1982 - present

Associate Professor, Anthropology & Social Medicine, UNC, Chapel Hill (1979-82)

Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, 1976-79

Visiting Professorships

2015, Visiting Professor and keynote speaker, University of Utrecht (June)

2012, Visiting Professor, University Colleges of Limerick (Psychiatry), Cork (Social Science), Irish Kidney Foundation (Radical Psychiatry: Beyond the Current Paradigm”, UC Limerick: )

2012,Visiting Professor, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia, Lecture series on structures of violence at the at the Anthropology and Sociology departments

2013 (Fall) UC Washington Center (UCDC) 1608 Rhode Island Ave, NW

2010, Distinguished Professor, American University in Cairo, Egypt, five public lectures

2007, James Marsh Professor at Large, University of Vermont, Burlington, faculty elected) Lectures across the campus in medical school, social science, and humanities

2004, Simon Visiting Professor, Anthropology, Manchester University, UK, April-May

1997, Visiting Professor, DuPont Summer Seminar for Liberal Arts College Faculty National Humanities Center on “Cultural Politics of the Family”

1993-1994, Visiting Chair, Social Anthropology, University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa, (declined permanent position)

1994 Visiting Professor (April) “Politically Committed Anthropology”, Keynote Speaker, Israel Anthropology Society, and lectures at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, University of Haifa, and University of Tel Aviv. (2014-2015)

Awards, Honors, Medals (a selection)

2016, Tikkun Award, Tikkun Magazine, Network of Spiritual Progressives

2013, AAA Anthropology in Public Policy Award, honoring positive influence on the course of government decision-making and action. AAA Meetings

2007, Berkeley William Sloane Coffin Award for moral leadership

2005, HF Guggenheim Essay Award, “Mobilizing Human Rights in the Defense of Children”

2003, Media Award, National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (with Francis Delmonico)

2003, Chapin Media Award finalist (with Marina Jimenez), for three part series in the National Post Toronto, Canada, on organs trafficking in Eastern Europe and Turkey

2003, Rudolf Virchow Award, Society for Medical Anthropology

2003,Wakley Prize, The Lancet Medical Journal, UK (second place)

2001, Death Without Weeping, selected as one of the most important 100 Non-Fiction Works First Published in English in the 20th Century, Counter Punch.

2000, Staley Prize, School of American Research, for “Imaginative works that have gone beyond traditional frontiers in anthropology and given new dimensions to our understanding of humanity.”

1995, The Wellcome Gold Medal for Anthropology Applied to Medical Problems; Wellcome Trust and the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

1994, Bryce Wood Book Award, LASA, “Outstanding Book on Latin America in the Humanities and Social Sciences”

1993, Premio Internazionale di Studi Etnoantropologici (the Pitre Prize) the Centro Internazionale di Etnostoria, Palermo, Sicily.

1993, The Paul Cowan Non-Fiction Award for Death without Weeping

1993, Harry Chapin Media Award. World Hunger Year (for my essays on chronic hunger and starvation in Northeast Brazil)

1992, National Book Critics Circle Award (for nonfiction), Finalist

1992, Eileen Basker Prize in Gender and Reproduction, SMA

1986, John Simon Guggenheim Fellow

1985, Stirling Award, Society for Psychological Anthropology

1980, The Margaret Mead Award, American Anthropological Association, for a book that translates anthropological concepts to a broadly concerned public.

Fellowships and Residencies

2011-2012, Member, Moral Anthropology, School of Social Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 2011-2012

2006-2007, Vera Schuyler Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, 2006-2007, and summer Senior Fellow, July 2016

2005 and 1993, Directeur d’etudes associe, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

1989-1990, 1994 (spring), 2003 (fall) Fellow, National Humanities Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

2000 Fellow, Humanities Research Institute, UC, Irvine, Calif. “Critical Resistance to Prisons”(Angela Davis, Project Director)

1998 (spring) Senior Fellow, Institute on Violence, Culture and Survival, Virginia

Foundation for the Humanities, Charlottesville, Virginia

1989, Writing Fellow, The Rockefeller Foundation Center, Bellagio, Italy

1987-88, Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, Calif. (John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation award)

1987-1988, Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford,

1989 (December) Fellow, Rockefeller Foundation Center, Bellagio, Italy

Keynotes, Plenaries, and Named Lectures (a selection)

“Kidney Hunter”, Prague, Czech Republic, DOX Cultural Center, Prague, April 2016

“Engaging Evil”, The Gellner Lecture, Charles University, Prague, April 2016

“Anthropology of Evil” University of Glasgow, 4th Annual Frisby Memorial Lecture, March 2016

“Moral Horizons”, Keynote, Australian Anthropological Association Meetings, Melbourne, December 1-4 2015

“Anthropology of Life During Times of Multiple Crisis”, Keynote, German Anthropological Association (Marburg, Germany October 1-4, 2015

“Neo-Cannibalism, Organ Theft, and Military Bio-Politics”, Plenary on Human Trafficking , Pontifical Institute of Social Science, 2015

“Heretical Methods: Engaged Anthropology”, Keynote The Irish Royal Academy (Dublin), 25th anniversary of the Anthropology Association of Ireland. Anthropology,

2011, “What is Human?” Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities, Interdisciplinary Dialogue Series, Northwestern University, Feb.22nd-23rd

2010, Keynote, “What is Psychaitry?” International Conference Honoring the Legacy of Franco Basaglia, Trieste Mental Health Services, Department of Mental Health, Italy,

2009, Keynote, “Don Commodification & Commerce du Corps Humain” Paris, EHESS,

2008, The New York Academy of Sciences, “Trafficking the Traffickers - Undercover Ethnography in the Organs Trafficking Underworld.

2008. Plenary, “Globalizing Health”, MEDSIN, University College London

2008, Keynote, “Epidemics and Humanity”, International conference World Health: Issues without Frontiers, 21st and 22nd October. Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, Paris

1997-current: Following from my Organs Watch project I have given dozens of keynotes and plenary sessions at international transplant meetings in the US, Europe (Austria, Poland, Romania, Italy), South America and Asia (Taiwan) as well as to Kidney Foundations in the US, Britain, and Ireland.

UC Berkeley and UC Office of the President Appointments: (a selection)

2015-2016 , Senior Fellow, UC Criminal Justice & Health Consortium (UCOP)

2015-2016, Member, UC Consortium on Criminal Justice Health Care

1986-2016 ,Chair/ Co-Chair, Doctoral Program in Medical Anthropology, intermittent

1995-1997, Chair, Department of Anthropology, UC, Berkeley, 1995-1997

1992-1993, Director, Center for Latin American Studies, UC, Berkeley

1984-1987, Dean & Associate Dean, Freshman and Sophomore Studies, (Undergraduate Studies) 1984-87

1982-2016: Faculty Advisor to departments and special programs at the University of California and UCSF Medical School, including the joint UCB-UCSF Joint Medical Program, Disability Studies, Women’s Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Townsend Center for the Humanities, Center for African Studies, Human Rights Center, Institute International Studies,

International Consultancies and Advisory Positions (a sample)

2016-2017, Advisor “In the Social Shadows of Globalization. Ethnographies of transnational organized crime”, international research project led by Professor Henrik Vigh, University of Copenhagen.

2015, (April), Consultant, Pontifical Academy of Social Science. Participant, final summit meeting on human trafficking called by Pope Francis. (April)

2000-current: Expert witness in more than a dozen criminal cases against organ trafficking syndicates in the US, Brazil, Moldova, Kosovo, Israel.

2012- 2016: Consultant, EU funded HOTT Project, “Combating trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal.

2013, November 20-21, Interpol Headquarters, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

2013-2014, “Global Commodification of the Human Body: Cannibal Markets” Fondation Maison des sciences de l’Homme, Paris & Fondation Broucher, Geneva.

2008-2011, Advisor, UNODC, United Nations Office on Drugs, Crime and Human Trafficking, Vienna, Austria

2010-2011, Consultant, US Dept. of Justice, Criminal Division, Office of Special Prosecutions & Human Rights

2005-2008, Advisory Committee, Public Policy, American Anthropological Association

2008-2009, Member, The Istanbul Summit and Declaration on Organs Trafficking

2007-2008, Member, Asian Task Force on Organs Trafficking and Transplant Tourism

2006, WHO, Transplant Tourism, Geneva, (Dr. Luc Noel, coordinator).

2003, WHO Advisory Committee, “Global Transplant Safety and Ethics’, Madrid, Spain

2002-03, President Clinton’s Academic Advisory Council, for “The Campaign against Youth Violence”

2002, Council of Europe, Investigative Panel, Organs Trafficking in Europe.

2000-2002, Academic Advisory Panel, President Clinton’s Initiative on Youth Violence.

2001,UNICEF consultancy on Low Birth Weight Infants, New York City

1998,Member, AAA/AE Tenure and Promotion Rules Review Committee

1996-97, Member, Bellagio Task Force on Organs Trafficking”, Rockefeller Foundation

Congressional/ Parliamentary Hearings, Expert Testimony ( sample)

2015, Pro Bono expert consultant on Terrorism and Human Trafficking: the case of ISIS , to HSSAI, Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute, Falls Church, Virginia, September 25

2013, Expert Witness, September 9, Washington, DC, Court of Common Pleas, in Benjamin R. Welburn, son of BENJAMIN C. WELBURN, deceased, Plaintiff v.Garzone Funeral Home, Inc. et al. No. 2360 (body and organ theft )

2012, Expert to the Prosecution, Court for the State Federal Attorney, USDOJ in the Rosenbaum Case (Sentencing Hearing, Federal Court, Trenton, NJ)

2012, Expert witness in a sealed case of 15 year old minor trafficked from rural Albania to France and UK with criminal intent by paid traffickers (sex and organ trafficking).

2013, California State Stem Cell Agency. Safety and medical issues related to Law AB 296, sponsored by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine allowing women to be paid for providing multiple cycles of oocytes (eggs) for open-ended research

2010, Testimony, California Legislature, “Genomics at UC Berkeley”, oversight

2009, Expert Witness, political asylum case (sealed testimony) on organs trafficking from political prisoners, Cameroon, Arlington, VA. Immigration Court 2009, Invited 2009,“Combating the Traffic in Human Organs”, House of Lords, Westminster, London. Sponsored by BioCentre, November 2.

2004, CPI (Parliamentary Hearings) on Organs Trafficking, Assemblea Legislativa, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

2004- 2012, Expert witness and consultant to Ministry of Health and Commercial Crime Special Police Force, Kwa-Zulu, Natal, Durban, Investigations of the Netcare Medical Corporation, Organ Trafficking Case

2002, Council of Europe, Special Committee on Trafficking in Organs in Eastern Europe (Rapporteur: Mrs Vermot-Mangold, Switzerland), Palace of the Parliament, Bucharest, Romania May 23-26

2001, US Congressional Hearings on organs harvesting from executed prisoners in China

Articles and Book Chapters:

2016, “Can Anthropology Save the World? From Xenophobia to Xenophilia”

In Perspectives: An Open Invitation to Cultural Anthropology, edited by Rob Borofsky. American Anthropological Association (accepted for publication)

2016, “James X: Rape, Race, and Redemption,” Anthropology Today, October

2016, “On Adopting Heretical Methods: From Barefoot to Militant to Detective Anthropology” In Ethical Concerns in Research on Human Trafficking, D. Siegel and R. de Wildt,eds. (Studies of Organized Crime), Springer Publishing.

2016, “Stimulating and Enhancing Partnerships Between Transplant Professionals and Law Enforcement”(co-authored) Transplant Direct 4(2):

2016, “Organs Trafficking in Times of War and Political Conflict”, International Affairs Forum (Fall) special issue on human trafficking

20016, “Israel’s Military-Civil Jihad Against BDS Leaders”, Counter-Punch, April

< >

2016 “The Final Conversion of Francis, First Latin American Pope” (with Jennifer S. Hughes) Global Latin America, ed. by Matthew Gutmann and Jeffrey Lesser. California Press.

2015 “Terrorist Necropolitics: Allegations of Organ Theft of Executed Captives by ISIS Through An Anthropological Perspective”. Harvard International Review, July 28, Health, Human Rights , the Middle East.

2015, (IM)MOBILITY- Mobility For Whom? Roots & Routes: Research on Visual Culture Anno V, No. 20 (November 2015). < >

2015, “Witness to a Troubled Saint-Making: Junipero Serra and a Failed Theology”, CounterPunch, October. < >

2015 “A Love Letter to Oliver Sacks: An Anthropologist from Mars, Venus and maybe even Pluto”, Berkeley Medical Anthropologists Remember Oliver Sacks,

2015, “Stimulating and Enhancing Partnerships Between Transpant Professionals and Law Enforcement” (Alexander Caplan, Elmi Muller, Gilad Reich, Manoj John, Esther Bienstock, Mark McCarren, Robin Palmer, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Dina Siegel, and Jordan Yankov). Transplantation Direct.

2015 “Establishing Trafficking in Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal and Improving Cross-Border Collaborations in Criminal Cases” (Paul Holmes, Sergio D’Orsi, Luuk Esser, Anne Gallagher, Galit Greenberg, Louis Helberg, J. Ratel, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, John Forsythe. Transplantation Direct.

2015 “Wounded: Getting On and Off a War Footing”, Common Knowledge, Volume 21, Number 3: 437-450 Duke University Press

2015 “A Tale of Two Cities: The Exploration of the Trieste Public Psychiatry Model in San Francisco”( with Elena Portacolone, Steven P. Segal, Roberto Mezzina, Robert L. Okin) Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, Volume 39, Issue 4, 680-697

2015 “Neocannibalism, Military Biopolitics, and the Problem of Evil”, pp. 267-301, in Evil in Africa, Edited by Willliam C Olsen and Walter E. Beek. Indiana University Press

2015 “The Ends of the Body: Military Necropolitics”, in New Cannibal Markets: Globalization and Commodification of the Human Body,pp. 243-261, Edited by Samira El Boudamoussi and Jean-Daniel Raihorn, Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, Paris, France

2015 “The Final Conversion of Pope Francis”(with Jennifer Scheper-Hughes) in The Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Spring

2015, “The Ghosts of Montes de Oca: Buried Subtext of Argentina’s Dirty War”, The Americas, 72 (2): 185-219

2015, “Deaths Squads and Vigilante Politics in Democratic Brazil”, in Violence at the Urban Margins, edited by Javier Auyero, Philippe Bourgois and Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.266-304

2014 “The Hose Gun: White Writing, White Fears and Black Justice: the Oscar Pistorius Case. (Cover story) Anthropology Today), December.

2014 “The Primacy of the Ethical”, In Moral Anthropology: A Critical Reader edited by D. Fassin and S. Leze, pp. 305-312. New York: Routledge.

2014 “Quest for Life: From Pilgrimage to Medical Tourism to Transplant Trafficking”, In Tourism and Violence, pp. 211-233, edited by Hazel Andres and John Moores, editors UK: Ashgate

2014, “What are they Reading: Nancy Scheper-Hughes”, Contexts 13(2):81-82.

2014, “Human Trafficking in Fresh Organs for Illicit Transplants. Chapter 6 in Molly Dragiewicz, Human Trafficking: Critical Issues and Contexts. UK: Taylor and Francis

2014, “Hidden Injuries of Human Trafficking for Organs”, Special issue (May 2014), The New Internationalist , UK

2014 “The Madness and Militarization of Everyday Life”, South Atlantic Quarterly

2014 “Family Life as Bricolage: Reflections on Intimacy and Attachment in Death without Weeping: A Retrospective” In Different Faces of Attachment: Cultural

Variations on a Universal Human Need, edited by Hiltrud Otto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (in press)

2014 , “Katrina: the Disaster and its Doubles”, chapter 15, in The Anthropology of Climate Change, Edited by Micheal R. Dove, pp. 217-222. New York: John Wiley.

2013 “ Organ Trafficking – A Protected Crime”. Special Issue of Al Jazeera Magazine, pp. 1-14, November

2013 “Organ Trafficking Today” The Conversation , UK < https>

2013 “No More Angel Babies on the Alto do Cruzeiro”, Natural History Magazine, Summer (excerpt was published in the Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Spring

2013 “The Body of the Enemy” (with Donald Donald Boström), Brown Journal of Global Affairs Spring/Summer, XIX, issue 11.

2013 “No Magic Bullets: A CounterPunch Special Report: Deadly Lessons on the Sandy Hook Little Tyke Massacre” February 6, 2013.

2013 “Can God Forgive Jorge Mario Bergoglio” CopunterPunch (March).

2012, “The Body of the Terrorist – Organs for All”, In Donald Bostrom,ed. Inshallah, pp. 343-363. Bokforlaget Arena. Seeden (English translation by Yvonne King).

2012, “Our Lady of Sorrows: A Political Economy of the Emotions” (in Polish), In EMOCJE W KULTURZE (Emotions in Culture), Malgorzata Rajtar andDr Justyna

Straczuk, University of Warsaw Press

2012, “Bodies, Technologies and Moral Economies (Book Review Essay), Current Anthropology Volume 53, Number 4, August 2012

2011, “The Crisis in Public Education”, The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 19-20.

2011, “The Other Who is Also the Self: Immunological Risk, Danger, and Recognition. Cultural Anthropology, 27(1): 162-167.

2011, “The Body of the Terrorist: Blood Libels, Bio-Piracy, and the Spoils of War at Israel’s National Forensic Institute”, Social Research (fall) , 78(3); 1-35

2011, "Breaking the Circuit of Social Control-Lessons from Italy and Franco Basaglia”, (with Anne M. Lovell) in Classics of Community Psychiatry, Rowe, Thompson, Lawless, Davidson, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press

2011, “The Rosenbaum Kidney Trafficking Gang”, CounterPunch November 30: 1- 12

2011, “Sex and the Vatican: the Slow Death of the Roman Catholic Church”, CounterPunch, November 18,p. 1-8. Terrorist

2011, “Medical Migrations” (with E.Roberts), Body&Society, 17(2-3): 1-30

2011, “Tati’s Holiday and Joao’s Safari: Seeing the World Through Transplant Tourism”, Body & Society , special issue on Medical Migrations, 17(2-3),pp. 55-92

2010, “Rubbish People” Cine Review of Lixo Extraordinario, Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Fall, pp.36-45.

2010, “The Poisoned Gift: Fortune Cookie Genomics at UC Berkeley”, Anthropology Today, 27(2), November

2010, “The Body in Tatters: Dissection and Dismemberment”, Blackwell Companion on Bodies and Embodiment. Maldin, MA:Blackwell

2010, “Il Traffico di Organi nel Mondo: Un segreto di dominio pubblico”, Introduction, Pezzi di Ricambio edited by Giacomo  Mondadori Rome: Feltrinelli. Editore Milano, Prima edizione in “Real Cinema” Settembre. Film/Book packaged set. Questo volume è indivisibile dal dvd H.O.T. – Human Organ Traffic

2010, “Face to Face with Abidoral Queiroz: Death Squads and Democracy in Northeast Brazil” in Rites and Sites of Resistance: The Banality of Good, edited by Leonidas K. Cheliotis. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan

2010, “Ira en Irlanda”, Anthropogy and Ethics, edited by Margarido del Olmo, Madrid, Spain: Editorial Trotta

2010, “Is there a right to buy a kidney from a stranger from another country?” CASE #30, in “Silke Schicktanz, Claudia Wiesemann, Sabine Wöhlke (eds) Ethics in transplantation medicine - cases and movies", UNESCO chair in Bioethics. Goettingen University Press

2010 “Nieren für die ( Kidneys Without Borders: the Global Traffic in Humans for Organs). Original article for Welt-Sichten (WorldViews), Frankfurt, Germany, February

2010 “Death and Dying in Anxious America”, in The Insecure American, edited by Hugh Gusterson and Catherine Besteman, University of California Press

2010, “The Habit of Courage” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers”, 98: 90-101.

2009 “The Tyranny and the Terror of the Gift: Sacrificial Violence and the Gift of Life”. Economic Sociology: the European Electronic Newsletter. Volume 11(1) November: 8-17. Special Issue on Commodification of the Body. Edited by Philippe Steiner.

2009 “Making Anthropology Public”, Guest Editorial, Anthropology Today, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, August 2009, vol.25(4): 1-3. ( followed by Commentary in The Times Educational Supplement)

2009 “The Ethics of Engaged Ethnography: Applying a Militant Anthropology to Organs Trafficking Research”, Anthropology News, September 2009, pp. 13-14

2009 “Blackmarkets in Organs -- Face to Face with Gaddy Tauber , Human Trafficker,

Organs Broker, Holocaust Survivor”, Business Today (Princeton University),

2008 “Whose Violence? Death in America –a California Triptych”, Social Anthropology,16(20):1-13.

2008, “Prefacio/Introduction/Foreword”, to Rim por Rim, by Julio Luidimir, pp. 9-22. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record.

2008 “ Human Rights – Where Are We Today?” Foreword, to Human Rights in Global Light, -edited bt Mariana Leal Ferreira. SUSF Museum of Anthropology papers, Nos 24&25

2008 “A Talent for Life: Reflections on Human Vulnerability and Resilience”. ETHNOS 73:1, March: 25-56.

2008 “Illegal Organ Trade: Global Justice and the Traffic in Human Organs”. Chapter 10,pp. 106- 121 in Living Donor Organ Transplants, eds. Rainer Grussner,M.D.and Enrico Bedeti, M.D. New York: McGraw-Hill.

2007 “The Tyranny of the Gift: Sacrificial Violence in Living Donor Transplants” American Journal of Transplant 7: 1-5.

2007. “The Gray Zone: Small Wars and Peacetime Crimes.” In The Shadow Side of Fieldwork: Exploring the Blurred Boundaries between Ethnography and Life., edited by Athena McLean and Annette Leibing. . Blackwell.

2007 “Postcard from Brazil: Gaddy Tauber, Human Trafficker and Holocaust Survivor.” Essay in three installments, March, April, May, Anthropology News, AAA.

2006 “Organs Trafficking: the Real, the Unreal and the Uncanny”. Annals of Transplantation 11(3): 16-30. Publication of the Polish and Czech and Hungarian Transplantation Societies. Special Issue editor: W.A. Rowinski.

2006 “Is it Ethical for Patients to Purchase Kidneys from the World’s Poor?PLOS Medicine October 2006 3(10) .

2006 “Alistair Cooke’s Bones: a Morality Tale”. Anthropology Today (December): 22(6):3-8

2006 “Mixed Feelings: Spoiled Identities in the New South Africa”. In George De Vos and Lola Romanucci-Ross, eds. Ethnic Identitiy: Problems and prospects for the 21st Century, pp. 346-374. New York: Altamira Press (Rowland and Littlefield). Revised from KAS Papers, nos.89/90, pp. 219-248

2006 “Violence and the Politics of Remorse: Lessons from South Africa.” In Subjectivity:

Ethnographic Investigations, edited by Joao Biehl, Byron Good, and Arthur Kleinman. University of California Press.

2006 “Portrait of Gaddy Tauber: Organs Trafficker, Holocaust Survivor”. Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies (Fall) 44-47.

2006. “Death Squads and Democracy in Northeast Brazil”. In Jean and John Comaroff,eds, Law and Disorder in the Postcolony, pp. 150-187. Chicago: Chicago University Press

2006 “Consuming Difference: Post-Human Ethics, Global (in) Justice, and the Transplant Trade in Organs”, in Keith Wailoo, Julie Livingston, and Peter Guarnaccia, eds. A Death Retold: Jessica Santillan, the Bungled Transplant, and Pardoxes of Medical Citizenship, pp .205-234. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press.

2006 “Dangeous and Endangered Youth” in Max Kirsch ,ed. Inclusion and Exclusion in the Global Arena. New York: Routledge. (Published with permission of the New York Academy of Sciences)

2006 “Kidney Kin: Inside the Transatlantic Kidney Trade”. Harvard International Review (winter):62-65.

2006 “Biopiracy and the Global Quest for Human Organs” (NACLA REPORT ON THE

AMERICAS) 39(5): 14-22.

2006 “Diabetes and Genocide – Beyond the Thrifty Gene”. Preface to Indigenous People and Diabetes: Community Empowerment and Wellness, edited by Mariana Ferreira and Gretchen Chesley Lang. Durham: Carolina Academic Press.

2005 “The Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology”. In Anthropology in Theory: Issues in Epistemology. Editd by Henrietta L. Moore and Todd Sanders. London: Blackwell Publishing. (reprinted from CA,1995)

2005 El comercio infame: capitalismo milenarista, valores humanos y justicia global en el trafico de organos. Revista de antropologia social. 14: 195-236. Madrid: Espana (Spanish translation of Rotten Trade, Journal Of Human Rights, 2003)

2005 “Katrina: The disaster and its doubles” Anthropology Today 21 6): 2-4.

2005 “Disease or Deception: Munchausen by Proxy as a Weapon of the Weak” In Lying and Illness:Power and Performance, edited by Els van Dongen and Sylvie Fainzang, pp. 113-138. Het Spinhaus,Amstrerdam.

2005 “Keeping an Eye on the Global Traffic in Human Organs”. In Elizabeth Whitaker,ed. Health and Healing in Comparative Perspective, pp. 563-567. Prentice Hall.

2005 “?Quien es el Asessino? Justicia Popular y Derechos Humanos en um Squatter Camp Sudafricano. In Francisco Ferrandiz and Carlos Feixa,eds. Jovenes Sin Tregua: Culturas y Politicas de la Violencia,pp 61-83. Barcelona, Spain: Anthropos. (Spanish Translation of “Who’s the Killer? Popular Justice and Human Rights in a South African Squatter Camp”, Social Justice, 1995)

2005 “Beween Global Bystander and Global Intervener”, Introduction to special issue of Journal of Human Rights 4(2): 165-169.

2005 “Anthropology and the Suspension of the Ethical” (In Russian). In Forum for

Anthropology and Culture. St. Petersberg, Russia: The Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Special Issue on The Research Object and the Subjectivity of the Researcher.

2005 “The Politics of Remorse” in A Companion to Psychological Anthropology”, chapter 25, pp. 469-494. Edited by Conerly Casey and Robert B. Edgerton. London: Basil Blackwell.

2005 “Dangerous and Endangered Youth: Social Structures and Determinants of Violence” Annals of the New York Academy of Science 1036: 13-46.

2005 “Death Squads and Democracy in Northeast Brazil: Mobilizing Human Rights Discourses in the Defense of Children”, 2005 Report of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, pp. 43-56.

2004 “Making Sense of Violence” (with Philippe Bourgois ), Introduction to Violence in War and Peace: an Anthology pp. 1-31, edited by Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois.

2004 Foreword to Waiting for Rain: the Politics and Poetry of Drought in Northeast

Brazil, by Nicholas Gabriel Arons, pp. xiii-xvi. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

2004 “Dangerous and Endangered Youth: Social Structures and Determinants of Violence”, Annals of the New York Academy of Science vol. 1036:13-46. Special Issue of Youth Violence, edited by John Devine, James Gilligan. NY Academy of Sciences

2004 “The Last Commodity: Post-Human Ethics and the Global Traffic in ‘Fresh’ Organs.” In Global Assemblages. Aihwa Ong and Stephen Collier,eds. London: Basil Blackwell.

2004 “Parts Unknown: Undercover Ethnography of the Organs-Trafficking Underworld”. Ethnography 5(1): 29-73

2004 “Broken Fiddles and Hardened Hearts in Rural Ireland”. In George DeVos and Eric

DeVos,eds. Narrative Themes in Comparative Context.New York: Rowman & Littlefield

2004 ”Not Forgotten: The Gees Bend Freedom Quilting Bee”, Southern Cultures, pp. 88-98 ( “Anatomy of a Quilt”, Anthropology Today, 2003).

2004 “Death without Weeping”,in Death, Mourning and Burial: A Cross-Cultural Reader, edited by Antonious C.G.M. Robben, pp. 179-193, London: Blackwell

2003 “Domba’s Spirit Kidney - Transplant Medicine and Suyá Indian Cosmology”

( M. Leal Ferreira). Folk: Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Society, vol.45: 125-157.

2003 “A Genealogy of Genocide”. Modern Psychoanalysis 28(2): 167-197.

2003 “Mixed Feelings: Spoiled Identities in the New South Africa”. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, nos. 89/90, pp. 219-248. Special Issue: Behind Many Masks: Gerald Berreman and Berkeley Anthropology, 1959-2001.

2003 “Priestly Celibacy and Child Sexual Abuse.” With John Devine. Special Forum: The Catholic Church, Pedophiles and Child Sexual Abuse. Sexualities 6 (1): 15-39.

2003 “Rotten Trade: Millennial Capitalism, Human Values, and Global Justice in Organs Trafficking.” Journal of Human Rights 2 (2): 197-226. Special Issue on Human Frailty.

2003 “Keeping an Eye on the Global Traffic in Human Organs.” The Lancet 361 (May 10): 1645-48.

2003 “Anatomy of a Quilt: Civil Rights, Anthropology.”Anthropology Today 19 (4): 15-21.

2003 “Ishi’s Ashes: Anthropology and Genocide.” In Ishi in Three Centuries, ed. Karl Kroeber, 99-131. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

2003 “The Madness of Hunger” and “Cephu’s Choice” in Chris Brazier ed. Raging Against the Machine, pp. 21-25, and 96-101. Oxford, UK: New Internationalist

2003 “Migrations -- The Work of Sebastiao Salgado: A Commentary” Occasional Papers, Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley

2002 “The Ends of the Body: Commodity Fetishism and the Traffic in Human Organs.” SAIS Review: Journal of International Affairs 22 (1) (winter-spring): 61-80.

2002 ”The Genocidal Continuum: Peace-Time Crimes.” In Power and Self, pp.29-47, edited by Jeannette Mageo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2002 “Coming to Our Senses: Anthropology and Genocide.” In The Anthropology of Genocide, ed. Alex Hinton. Berkeley: University of California Press.

2002 “Min(d)ing the Body: On the Trail of Organ Stealing Rumors.” In Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines, ed. Jeremy MacClancy, chapter 2, pp. 33-63. Chicago: U Chicago Press.

2002 “September 11: Peace-Time Crimes and the Violence of Everyday Life.” Ideas, Journal of the National Humanities Center. (Special Issue on 9/11).

2002 “Should Markets Be Allowed to Solve the Shortage in Body Parts?” In Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Economic Issues, 10th edition, edited by Thomas R. Swartz and Frank Bonello. Guilford, Conn.: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin.

2002 “Ethical Incentives—Not Payment—For Organ Donation” (Sounding Board). By Francis L. Delmonico, M.D., Robert M. Arnold, M.D., Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Ph.D., et al. New England Journal of Medicine 346 (25): 2002-5.

2002 “Why We Should Not Pay for Human Organs.” With Francis Delmonico. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 2 (autumn): 383-91.

2002 “Culture, Scarcity and Maternal Thinking.” In Infanticide: Psychosocial and Legal Perspectives on Mothers Who Kill, ed. Margaret Spinelli, M.D., 119-32. New York: American Psychiatric Press.

2002 “Disease or Deception: Munchausen by Proxy as a Weapon of the Weak.” Anthropology and Medicine 9 (2): 153-73. Special Issue“The Lie and Medicine,” ed. Els Van Dongen.

2001 “Ishi’s Brain, Ishi’s Ashes.” Anthropology Today 17 (1) (February): 12-18.

2001 “Neo-Cannibalism: The Global Trade in Human Organs.” In The Body and Being Human. Hedgehog Review 3 (2):79-99.

2001 “The Organ of Last Resort.” UNESCO COURIER (Paris). July/August: 50-53. (published in 28 languages)

2001 “Organ Theft Narratives—A reply to Veronique Campion-Vincent.” Current Anthropology 42 (4) (August-October): 555-57.

2001 “Bodies for Sale—Whole or in Parts.” Body & Society: Special Issue on Commodifying Bodies, ed. Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Loic Waquant, 1-8. ; “Commodity Fetishism in Organs Trafficking.”, 31-62.

2001 “The Global Traffic in Organs.” The Anthropology of Globalization, ed.

Jonathan Xavier Inda and Renato Rosaldo. London: Basil Blackwell.(reprinted)

2000 “The Global Traffic in Organs.” Current Anthropology 41 (2):191-224.

2000 “Sacred Wounds: Writing with the Body.” Introduction to new edition of Soft Vengeance of a Freedom Fighter, by Albie Sachs, xi-xxiv. Berkeley: California Press.

2000 “Ire in Ireland.” Ethnography 1 (1): 117-40.

2000 “After the War Is Over.” Peace Review 12 (3): 423-29.

2000 “O Fim do Corpo: Comércio de Órgãos para Transplantes Cirúrgicos.” With João Guilherme Biehl. In Politicas do Corpo e O Curso da Vida, ed. Guita Grin Debert and Donna M. Goldstein. São Paulo: Editora Sumare.

2000 “Demografia sin Numeros: el Contexto Economico y Cultural de la Mortalidad Infantil en Brasil.” In Antropologia del Desarrollo, ed. Andreu Viola, 267-96. Barcelona: Paidos.

1999 “The Body and Violence.” Theater Symposium 7 (1): 7-30.

1998 “The Cultural Politics of Childhood.” , pp. 1-33; “Brazilian Apartheid: Street Kids and the Search for Citizenship in Brazil.” (with Dan Hoffmanan); “Institutionalized Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church.” In Small Wars:the Cultural Politics of Childhood, edited by Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Caroyn Sargent. U California Press.

1998 “Un-Doing: Social Suffering and the Politics of Remorse.” In Remorse and Reparation, ed. Murray Cox. London: Jessica Kingsley.

1998 “Un-Doing: Social Suffering and the Politics of Remorse in the New South Africa.” Social Justice 25 (4): 114-42.(reprinted )

1998 “Truth and Rumor: On the Organ Trail.” Natural History Magazine. October, 2-10.

1998 “Bodies of Apartheid: Witchcraft, Rumor and Racism Confound South Africa’s Organ Transplant Program.” Worldview 11 (4) (fall): 47-53.

1998 “Maternal Thinking and the Politics of War.” The Woman and War Reader, ed. Lois Ann Lorentzen and Jennifer Turpin, chapter 24, pp. 227- 23.

1998 “The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Anthropology.” With Margaret Lock. In The Art of Medical Anthropology, ed. Sjaak van der Geest and Adri Rienks. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis (reprinted)

1998 “Child Abuse and the Unconscious in American Popular Culture.” With Howard Stein. in The Children’s Cultural Reader. New York: New York University Press.

1998 “The New Cannibalism: A Report on the International Traffic in Human Organs.” New Internationalist 300 (April).

1997 “Demography without Numbers: Counting Angel Babies in Brazil.” In Anthropology and Demography, ed. Tom Fricke and David Kertzer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1997 “Peace-Time Crimes.” Social Identities 3 (3):1-26.

1997 “Moving Targets: Street Kids in Brazil.” With Daniel Hoffman. Natural History Magazine 106 (6): 34- 43.

1997 “Street Kids.” With Daniel Hoffman. Worldview 10 (1): 15-28.

1997 “Prologue.” Robbed of Humanity, by Nancy Leigh Tierney, vii-x1. Saint Paul: Pangaea.

1997 “The Bellagio Task Force Report on Transplantation, Bodily Integrity, and the

International Traffic in Organs.” (David Rothman, et al) Transplantation Proceedings 29: 2739-45.

1996 “Theft of Life: Globalization of Organ Stealing Rumors.” Anthropology Today 12 (3) 3-11.

1996 “Small Wars and Invisible Genocides.” Social Science & Medicine 43 (5): 889-900.

1996 “Positively FW: An Interview with Deputy President FW deKlerk.” Democracy in Action (July). CapeTown, South Africa.

1996 “Maternal Thinking and the Politics of War.” Peace Review 8 (3): 353-58.

1996 “On the Call for a Militant Anthropology—Reply” (“White Writing”). Current Anthropology 37 (2) (April): 344-46.

1996 “The Madness of Everyday Life: In Search of a Critical and Engaged Anthropology.” Ethnostoria (Palermo, Sicily), n.s., 1/2: 35-51.

1995 “The Primacy of the Ethical: Propositions for a Militant Anthropology.” Current Anthropology 36 (3) (June): 409-20.

1995 “Who’s the Killer? Popular Justice and Human Rights in a South African Squatter Camp.” Social Justice 22 (3): 143-64.

1995 “Sweetness and Death: The Legacy of Hunger in Northeast Brazil.” In The Color of Hunger, ed. David Shields, 121-52. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.

1995 “Kids out of Place.” With Daniel Hoffman. In Fighting for the Soul of Brazil, ed. Kevin Danaher and Michael Shellenberger, 139-51. New York: Monthly Review.

1995 “Death without Weeping.” In The Path Ahead: Readings in Death and Dying, ed. L. A. DeSpelder and A. L. Strickland, 41-58. Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield

1995 “Everyday Violence: Bodies, Death and Silence” (from chapter 6, Death without Weeping). In Development Studies: A Reader, ed. Stuart Corbridge, 438-47. London: Edward Arnold.

1995 “The Everyday Violence of Life” (from Death without Weeping). In Brazilian Mosaic: Portraits of a Diverse People and Culture, ed. G. Harvey Summ. Wilmington, Del.: SR Books.

1994 “Embodied Knowledge: Thinking with the Body in Critical Medical Anthropology.” In Assessing Cultural Anthropology, ed. Rob Borofsky, 229-42. New York: McGraw-Hill.

1994 “The Violence of Everyday Life.” In The Making of Psychological Anthropology II, ed. Marcelo Suarez- Orozco, George Spindler, and Louise Spindler, 132-57. New York: Harcourt Brace.

1994 “AIDS and the Social Body.” Social Science & Medicine 39 (7): 991-1003.

1994 “The Last White Christmas: The Heidleberg Pub Massacre (South Africa).” American Anthropologist 96 (4) (December): 1-28.

1994 “Unpopular Justice: The Case for People’s Courts.”Democracy in Action 8 (4) :16-20. Cape Town, South Africa: IDASA.

1994 “Kids Out of Place: Street Children of Brazil.” Special Issue, Disposable Children. NACLA 27 (6): 16-23.

1994 “Mourir en Silence.” Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales. Paris. 104 (Sept.): 64-80.

1993 “Life Boat Ethics.” Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, ed. Caroline Brettell and Carolyn Sargent, 31-37. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1993.

1993 “Hungry Bodies, Medicine and the State: Toward a Critical Psychological Anthropology.” In New Directions in Psychological Anthropology, ed. Geoffrey White and Catherine Lutz. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1993 “Strangers and Dangers: The Way of an Anthropologist-Companheira.” In Anthropologists and the Peace Corps, 101-13. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press.

1993 “Social Indifference to Child Death.” In Death, Dying, and Bereavement, ed. G. Dickinson, M. Lemming, and A. Merman, 47-50. Annual Editions. Guilford: Dushkin.

1993 “AIDS and Human Rights in Cuba.” The Lancet 342 (October 16): 965-67.

1992 “Hortense Powdermaker, The Berkeley Years (1967-1970): A Personal Reflection.” Journal of Anthropological Research 47 (4) (winter): 50-57.

1992 “Carnival in Rural Brazil: The Dance against Death.” Civitas 2 (1): 1-8.

1991 “The Message in the Bottle: Illness and the Micropolitics of Resistance.” With Margaret Lock. Journal of Psychohistory 18 (4): 409-32.

1991 “Virgin Territory: The Male Discovery of the Clitoris.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 5 (1) (March): 25-28.

1991 “Indifference to Child Death.” The Lancet 337 (May 11): 1144-48. And “Reply to Felix Zyngier” Lancet 338 (July 13): 122.

1991 “The Rebel Body: The Subversive Meanings of Illness.” Traditional Acupuncture Society 10: 3-10.

1991 “Powdermaker, Hortense.” In International Directory of Anthropologists, 548-49. New York: Garland.

1990 “Rituals and Routines of Discipline and Dissent: Towards an Anthropology of the Communicative Body.” With Margaret Lock. In Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method, ed. Thomas Johnson and Carolyn Sargent, 47-72. New York: Greenwood Press.

1990 “The Cultural Politics of Child Mortality in Northeast Brazil.” In Cultural Psychology, ed. James Stigler, Richard Schweder, and Gilbert Herdt, 542-68. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1990 “Three Propositions for a Critically Applied Medical Anthropology.” Social Science & Medicine 30 (2): 189-97.

1990 “Difference and Danger: The Cultural Dynamics of Childhood Stigma, Rejection, and Rescue.” Cleft Palate Journal 27 (3) (July): 301-6.

1990 “Theft of Life: Illegal Markets in Children”, Society 27(6) September/October.

1989 “Three Propositions for a Critically Applied Medical Anthropology.” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers, nos. 69-70: 62-77.

1989 “Death without Weeping.” Natural History Magazine. October 8-l6

1988 “The Madness of Hunger: Sickness, Delirium and Human Needs.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 12 (4): l-30.

1987 “The Best of Two Worlds, the Worst of Two Worlds: Reflections on Culture and Fieldwork among the Rural Irish and Pueblo Indians.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 29 (1): 56-75.

1987 “The Mindful Body: A Prolegomenon to Future Work in Medical Anthropology.”( With Margaret Lock). Medical Anthropology Quarterly 1 (1): 6-41.

1987 “Mental in Southie: Individual, Family, and Community Responses to Psychosis in South Boston.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 11 (1): 1-25. (Reprinted, Dimensions of Social Life: Essays in Honor of David Mandelbaum, ed. Paul Hockings. Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter).

1987 “A Children’s Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term: Managing Culture-Shocked Children in Brazil.” Human Organization 46 (l): 78-83. Reprinted in Children in the Field: Anthropological Experiences, ed. Joan Cassell, 1987: 443-54. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

1987 “The Margaret Mead Controversy.” Perspectives in Cultural Anthropology, ed. H. Applebaum, 129- 49. New York: SUNY.

1987 “Basic Strangeness: Maternal Estrangement and Infant Death—A Critique of Bonding Theory.” In The Role of Culture in Developmental Disorder, ed. Charles Super, 129-49. New York: Academic Press.

1987 “Has Deinstitutionalization Failed? Caveats and Lessons from the United States and Italy.” In Regards Anthropologiques en Psychiatrie, ed. Ellen Corin, 161-78. Montreal: GIRAME.

1987 “The Cultural Politics of Child Survival.” Introduction, l-32; “Culture, Scarcity and Maternal Thinking.”, 187-210. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel; “Child Abuse and the Unconscious in American Popular Culture.” (With Howard Stein),pp. 339-358. In Child

Survival, edited by N. Scheper-Hughes

1986 “Breaking the Circuit of Social Control: Lessons in Public Psychiatry from Italy and Franco Basaglia.” With Anne M. Lovell. Social Science & Medicine 23 (2): 159-78.

1986 “Speaking ‘Truth’ to Illness: Metaphors, Reification, and a Pedagogy for Patients.” With Margaret Lock. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 17 (5): 137-40.

1986 “Deinstitutionalization and Psychiatric Expertise: Reflections on Dangerousness,

Deviance, and Madness.” (With Anne M. Lovell). International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 9 (3): 361-82.

1985 “Culture, Scarcity and Maternal Thinking: Maternal Detachment and Infant Survival in a Brazilian Shantytown.” Ethos 13 (4): 291-317.

1984 “The Margaret Mead Controversy: Culture, Biology, and Anthropological Inquiry.”

Human Organization 43 (1): 85-93.

1984 “Infant Mortality and Infant Care: Cultural and Economic Constraints on Nurturing inNortheast Brazil.” Social Science & Medicine 19 (5): 535-46.

1983 “Benevolent Anarchy: Workable Model or Utopian Vision?” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 14 (2): 3, 11-15.

1983 “Deposed Kings: The Demise of the Rural Irish Gerontocracy.” In Growing Old in Different Societies: Cross-Cultural Perspectives, ed. Jay Sokolovsky, 130-46. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth.

1983 “The Problem of Bias in Androcentric and Feminist Anthropology.” In N. Scheper-Hughes and M. Clark, eds. (op. cit.): 109-16. Guest editor, Confronting Problems of Bias in Feminist Anthropology, Special Issue. Women’s Studies 19 (2).

1983 “From Anxiety to Analysis: Rethinking Irish Sexuality and Sex Roles.” In N. Scheper- Hughes and M. Clark, eds. (op. cit.): 147-60.

“Vernacular Sexism: An Anthropological Response to Ivan Illich.” Feminist Issues 3 (1) (spring): 23-27.

1983 “Cuaranderismo in Taos County, New Mexico: A Possible Case of Anthropological Romanticism?” Western Journal of Medicine 139 (6): 875-84.

1982 “Anthropologists and Crazies: Recent Works in Cultural Psychiatry.” Medical Anthropology Newsletter 13 (3): 1-2, 6-11.

1981 “Cui Bonum—For Whose Good? A Dialogue with Sir Raymond Firth.” Human Organization 40 (4): 37l-72.

1981 “Dilemmas in Deinstitutionalization: A View from Inner City Boston.” Journal of Operational Psychiatry 12 (2): 90-99.

1981 “Virgin Mothers: The Impact of Irish Jansenism on Child Rearing and Infant Tending in Western Ireland.” In The Anthropology of Human Birth, ed. Margarita Kay, 267-88. San Francisco: F.A. Davis.

1979 “Breeding Breaks Out in the Eye of the Cat: Birth Order, Sex Roles, and the Irish Double- Bind.” Journal of Comparative Family Studies 10 (2): 207-26.

1979 “Inheritance of the Meek: Land Labor, and Love in Rural Ireland.” Marxist Perspectives 2 (1): 46- 76.

1978 “Disarming the Irish: Reflections on Irish Body Image.” Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers 54: 58-70.

1978 “Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: Madness and Badness in Rural Ireland.” Medical Anthropology 2 (3): 59-94.

1969 “Hunger in the Welfare State: Nixon’s Guaranteed Annual Poverty.” With Linda and Gary Hunt. Ramparts 8 (6): 64-70. Republished in 1971 in Divided We Stand, ed. Ramparts, 1971, 112-17. San Francisco: Canfield Press/Harper & Row.

Book Reviews and Review Articles: (a selection)

2016, Review Essay of Madness in Civilization: A Cultural History of Insanity by Andrew Scull, for British Journal of Criminology

2016, The Grey Zone- Why Regulating the Sale of Human Organs is a Dangerous Proposition, Washington Post, January (in press)

2005, “The Ultimate Commodity”. The Lancet 366, Issue 9494, 15 October, pp. 1349- 1350. On: Stakes and Kidneys (James Stacey Taylor) and Kidney for Sale by Owner (Mark Cherry)

2004 Commentary on Paul Farmer’s “Structural Violence”), Current Anthropology, 45 (3), June: 318-319.

2002 Review Article: Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. (Margaret Lock) and Scarce Goods: Justice, Fairness and Organ Transplant (Tom Koch). American Anthropologist 105 (1): 1-3.

2002 Review Article: Raising the Dead (Ronald Munson). American Scientist 91 (January-February): 77-80.

1999 Review Article: “Penetrating Patriarchy’s Secrets”. In the Land of God and

Man: Confronting our Sexual Culture, (Silvava Paternostro). Women’s Review of Books.

1998 Review of Death, Gender, and Ethnicity (David Field, Jenny Hockey, and Neil Small, eds.)American Anthropologist (October).

1995 “The End of Anthropology.” Review of After the Fact (Clifford Geertz). New York Times Book Review, Sunday, May 7, pp. 22-23.

1993 “The Anthropologist and the Witch.” Translated Woman (Ruth Behar). New York Times Book Review, Sunday, September 5, p. 22.

1990 Review of Rethinking Psychiatry: From Cultural Category to Personal Experience (A. Kleinman). Contemporary Psychology 35 (4): 374-75.

1989 Review of Bodies under Siege: Self-Mutilation in Culture and Psychiatry. (A. Favazza). Medical Anthropology Quarterly 3 (3) (September): 312-15.

1988, Response to M. Nations and L. A. Rebhun, “Angels with Wet Wings Won’t Fly.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 12: 259-60.

1987 Only Mothers Know: Patterns of Infant Feeding in Traditional Cultures (Dana

Raphael and Flora Davis). Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 175 (7): 439-40.

1987 The Female Malady (Elaine Showalter). Women’s Studies 13 (4): 390-96.

1986 An Anthropologist at Play: Balladmongering in Ireland (John Messenger). Irish Literary Supplement (fall): 35.

1986 Child Abuse and Neglect (J. Korbin). Social Science & Medicine 23 (4): 433.

1985 Review of Loving, Parenting, and Dying: The Family Cycle in England and America (Vivian Foxand Martin H. Quitt, eds.). With B. Reid. Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology 8 (2): 213-17.

1985 Science and Gender: A Critique of Biology and Its Theories of Women (Ruth

Bleier). Feminist Issues 5 (1): 80-92.

1984 Clinically Applied Anthropology (Noel J. Chrisman and Thomas W. Maretzki, eds.) Annals of Human Biology 11 (5): 483-85.

1983 Making It Crazy (Sue E. Estroff). MAN 19 (2): 417-18.

Editorials, Short Commentaries (a selection)

2006 China’s Transplant Tourism, Letter, San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, April 18,

2006 “Dividing the World into Organs Buyers and Sellers As a Medical, Social and Moral Tragedy”, PLOS Medicine: Public Library of Science.

2005 ”Considering George Ritzer’s “Magical World of Consumption”, Commentary in Berkeley Journal of Sociology, vol.49: pp. 144-155

2005 “Black Market Organs: Inside the Trans-Atlantic Transplant Tourism Trade” LIP Magazine

2005 “Organs Without Borders”, Foreign Policy, January-February: 26-27.

2004 “The Giving Man”, The Mail. The New Yorker, August 30, p. 8.

2004 “Poor Man’s Burden –Lula’s Woes ”, The New York Times Sunday Magazine July 11, 2004: 10

2003 “Reply to Helen Epstein, Aids in South Africa: The Invisible Cure.” New York Review of Books. November 20

2003 “A Beastly Trade in Body Parts.” Los Angeles Times, July 29, p. A17.

2003 “An African Tragedy.” The Mail. The New Yorker, June 9.

2003 “Human Kidneys: The New Cash Crop.” New Internationalist 354 (March): 6-7.

2002 “A Cancer in the Body Social.” Times Higher Educational Supplement, June 20.

2002, “Vulnerable Citizens”, Letter, The New York Times, Nov.5, A30.

2002 “Organ Markets Must Be Shut, Not Legalized.” National Post, April 82002 ; “Organ Theft Extends Its Tentacles—From Turkey to São Paulo: People Go in For Surgery—Come out Short of a Kidney.” (With Marina Jiménez.) National Post, April 2, pp. A1, 14.; “Doctor Vulture’: The Unholy Business of the Organ Trade.” (With Marina Jimenez). National Post, March 30, pp. B1, 4, 5.; 2002 “Europe’s Poorest Sell Their Kidneys.” With Marina Jiménez. National Post, March 29, A1, 12-13.

The above series was translated into Italian and published in . ( Il Manifesto, Rome.)

2001 “Neo-Cannibalism: Anthropologists in the Amazon.” Anthropology Today 17, 1.

2000 “Post-Modern Cannibalism:Transplants in the Globalocal Market.” Whole Earth : 16-18.

1999 “What’s Wrong with Selling Kidney?” New Scientist (December 18): 48-49.

1997 “Former Welfare Recipient Helps Debunk Stereotypes.” FORUM for Applied Research and Public Policy (winter): 40-43.

1997 “People Who Get Rubbished.” New Internationalist (October): 20-22.

1997 “Plans to Close Woolworth Five-and-Dime Stirs Memories.” SF Examiner, July 27,

1996 “Welfare Recipients Can Help Break Stereotype.” Letters ,New York Times, June 6, A18.

1995 “Children without Childhoods.” Special Issue on South Africa: New Dawn, Cold Light of Day. New Internationalist 265 (March): 20-22.

1994 “Joe Slovo: A Believing Atheist.” Letters, New York Times.

1994 “Dangerous Young Lions.” Op-Ed , New York Times, 4 November, A20.

1994 “Os Filhos de Apartheid (Children of Apartheid).” Cardernos Mais, Folha de São Paulo, 24 Julho, p. 6. São Paulo, Brazil.

1994 “Death without Weeping: Daily Life in Northeast Brazil.” New Internationalist, Special Issue devoted to the publication of Death without Weeping) 254 (April).

1993 “Cephu’s Choice.” New Internationalist (Issue on Liberty) 249 (November): 11-13.

1991 “AIDS and Ethical Tangles.” With Robert Herrick. New Internationalist (May): 35.

1990 “The Madness of Hunger.” New Internationalist 209 (July): 8-9.

1990 “The Theft of Life.” New Internationalist 207 (May): 26.

1990 “To Be a Child, Fair-Haired, Fair-Skinned and Poor in Brazil.” Los Angeles Times, April l,Weekend Section, M-3.

1990 “To Live and Die in Shantytown.” Los Angeles Times, January 7, Weekend , M2-3.

1981 “Reply to Ballybran.” Irish Times, February 21, Weekend Section, pp. 9-10.

1973 “Woman as Witch: Cross-Cultural Survey of Stereotypes.” Popular Psychology l (4): 57-65.

Project Reports:

l968a “Black Farm Families: Hunger and Malnutrition in Southwest Alabama.” Report of Survey conducted by the Southern Rural Research Project. Selma, Alabama.

l968b “The Demise of the Black Farmer in Rural Alabama: A Survey of Relations between Black Farmers and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.” Selma, Alabama: SRRP. (The above reports were used as supporting evidence in the class action suit, “Peoples vs. U.S. Department of Agriculture,” Civil Action No. 544-68, U.S. District Court, Washington, D.C., April l968.)

Media Interviews (a selection):

As a public anthropologist I speak on the media on a regular basis on topics ranging from the crisis of the public university, clerical sexual abuse and the Vatican, guns and violence, international organs trafficking, trafficking prosecutions, ISIS and organs trafficking , child sexual abuse, rape on college campuses, and current debates on regulation organ buying and selling. I have also been interviewed and profiled internationally ( France, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Portugal, Norway, Italy, etc)

Documentary Films ( Co-Producer/Consultant/On Site)

“BloodMatch” What in the World, RTE, Irish Public Television, December 2013. KMF Productions

“Kidney Pirates”, Dan Rather Reports on the Cost of Transplant Trafficking (with Nancy Scheper-Hughes), January 2010 (follows Organs Watch in Turkey, Moldova and Israel)

“H.O.T – Human Organs Trade.” Lupin Films, Rome. 2009.

“The Transplant Trade”. Produced and Directed by Brian Woods, BBC, Channel 4, 2004. Follows Organs Watch Activities in India, Israel and Turkey

“Transplant Tourism” David Papery Films, Canadian Broadcast, 2003. Follows Organs Watch in Philippines

“Trafic d”Organes.” On site in Moldova and Turkey with “Envoyé Special” documentary filmmaker, Catherine Berthillier. Galaxie Presse, Paris, 2002.

“Your Money or Your Life” CBS’s “48 Hours” in the production of (February 11, 2002).

“The Kidney Trade” ABC, Nightline, with Ted Koppel’s February 5, 2002.

Special Report, on site in Philippines with CBS medical reporter, Kathy Fowler, Washington, D.C. KPIX, 11 PM NEWS HOUR, two-part series on kidney selling in the slums of Manila, January, 2002.

“Life and Death for Sale”. Special Investigative Report. A&E Television.

“AIDS in Cuba: Fidel Castro’s Health Plan.” CBS 60 Minutes, 1994 (Emmy Award).

“Carnival Marginal”, 1988. ( documentary on carnival in the interior of Brazil).

Produced by Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Cecilia deMello and Susan Thistle. UC Berkeley,

Media Interviews/Profiles (a selection)

2014, Organ Detective”- A Profile of Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Pacific Standard Magazine, June-July 2014, centerpiece and lead story, pp. 38-51

2013, “Taking Kidneys from the Poor and Giving it to the Rich” – Interview with Nancy Scheper-Hughe by Russel Mokhiber, editor, The Corporate Crime Reporter, January, 28(2) pp. 1-8/

2014, Q&A: Nancy Scheper-Hughes Revists South Africa in the mid-1990’s”, April 23, 2014, UC Berkeley News Center

2013, “Amy Biehl’s Legacy: Freedom, compassion”, Organe County Register, November 22, 2013, several part series , pp2-24. Chapter 5, The Bridge-Scheper-Hughes initiates a meeting between the Biehls and two of the convicted killers,

2012 Berkeley Faculty Reflect on the Legacy of Nelson Mandela

“Organ Trafficking and the Reluctant Sleuth”, a profile of Nancy Scheper-Hughes in the South African Medical Chronicle, the Doctors Newspaper, February 6, 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa. Access on line:

2014, South Africa and the Continuing Reconciliation Process Today:


2012, Medical Anthropology, Activists and Intellectuals”, Interview by Liliana Gil Sousa ( Portugal)

2011: Being Radical and Critical, a three part series

2009, “Anthropologist's 'Dick Tracy moment' plays role in arrest of suspected kidney trafficker”, Michael Daly, New York Daily News, July 24th, 2009.

2009. “Not Just an Urban Legend” Newsweek Magazine, Health Section, a portrait of Nancy Scheper- Hughes and Organs Watch, January 9, 2009

2008, TV Interview on Hard Talk, UK

2008. “ Kids as Donors: Organ Brokers Prey on the Socially Marginalized”, Toronto Sun, February 15th, Interview at the UN Trafficking Summit.

2008. “Expert: Organ Trafficking Among Surgeons” AP , February 15th. ( International Herald Tribune)

2004 “Dispelling the Myth. The Realities of Organ Trafficking: .

2004 “Un Marche Noir Planetaire. Interview with Nancy Scheper-Hughes by Larry Rohter (New York Times), Lillu (Swiss News Magazine), 9 June 2004, No. 24. Pp. 102-105.

2004 “Transplant Ethics: an Anthropologist Exposes Expolitation of the Poor & Medical Abuses”. WORLDVIEW Magazine (Magazine of news and comment about the Peace Corps World), Washington, D.C.

2003, KTVU Nightly News with Dennis Richmond, Oakland, California, Debate on Financial 2008, Incentives for organ transplant, February 10-11

2003 “Traffico de Orgaos e Mapea: Entrevista/Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Jornal do Commercio (Brazil) Feb.17, p. 1

2004 “The Kidney is Not a Spare Part”, Christian Science Monitor, June 9, 2004, p.16

2002 “Lifeline: Nancy Scheper-Hughes.” The Lancet Brief Bio 360 (September 14): 884.

2002 “Una Especialista de Olho no Brasil: A Frente da Organs Watch.” Carta Capital, January 16, pp. 33-34.

2001 “I Broker Globali del Corpo parcellizzato, interview with Nancy Scheper-Hughes,

Director, Organs Watch.” Il Manifesto (Rome, Italy), October 30, p. 1.

2001 “No Mercado Negro de Órgãos Humanos, Un Rim Por $800, Entrevista com Nancy

Scheper-Hughes.” Jornal da Tarde (São Paulo, Brazil), August 5, Cidade, p. 11A.

2001 “En La Argentina no Hay Un Mercardo Negro de Transplantes, Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Investigadora de Trafico de Organos.” La Nacion (Buenos Aires, Argentina), July 29, p. 1.

1999 Scholarly Watchdogs for an Ethical Netherworld: Organs Watch. Chronicle of Higher Education, October 6, pp. A23-24.

1999 Conversations with History: Nancy Scheper-Hughes, Militant Anthropologist

1998 Extreme Research: Interview on “Organs Watch” Work

1996 Out from under: A Conversation with Diane Dujon, Jacqueline Pope, Mattie Richardson, and Nancy Scheper-Hughes. Women’s Review of Books, 14 (5) (February): 22-24.

Human Rights/Civil Rights

Consultations with the Secretary of Health in Pernambuco and the Ministry of Health in Brasilia. Ministry of Health, expert testimony at CPI (Parliamentary Investigations)

Advocacy for homeless/homeless mentally ill. Berkeley Catholic Worker, 1990-1994.

Civil Rights Worker, SNCC/ SRRP, Selma, Alabama. 1967-1968.

Peace Corps Volunteer. Health/Community Development. Pernambuco, Brazil, 1964-66


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