The Joy of Tournaments

2006 St. Mark’s Affirmative Casebook

Austin SFA LR Affirmative 3

Bellaire CR Affirmative 6

Bishop Guertin OG Affirmative 9

Booker T. Washington KC Affirmative 13

Bronx Science HG Affirmative 19

Caddo Magnet GG Affirmative 20

Caddo Magnet FW Affirmative 21

Calhoun HP Affirmative 24

Carrollton FV, SH Affirmative 27

Cathedral Prep HC Affirmative 31

Cathedral Prep RL Affirmative 37

Celebration MD Affirmative 40

Chaminade College Prep DD Affirmative 42

Chattahoochee GF Affirmative 44

Chattahoochee YM Affirmative 46

College Prep BB Affirmative 52

College Prep PK Affirmative 56

Colleyville Heritage DH Affirmative 59

Coppell RK Affirmative 62

Crosby CF Affirmative 65

Dowling Catholic KN Affirmative 67

Deer Park SR Affirmative 71

Edgemont WS Affirmative 74

Edmond Memorial HC Affirmative 78

Emporia BY Affirmative 80

Fullerton GL Affirmative 84

Georgetown Day CL Affirmative 87

Glenbrook North FS Affirmative 88

Glenbrook South LP Affirmative 91

Grapevine BM Affirmative 93

Grapevine GH Affirmative 97

Greenhill HA Affirmative 99

Greenhill RR Affirmative 103

Groves BG Affirmative 105

Groves KW Affirmative 107

Gulliver Prep BM Affirmative 112

Harker LS Affirmative 116

Hebron MV Affirmative 118

Highland CG Affirmative 119

Highland Park Dallas ST Affirmative 123

Jack C. Hays SS Affirmative 125

Jenks MS Affirmative 127

Jesuit College Prep ON Affirmative 129

Jesuit College Prep SO Affirmative 131

Kinkaid SL Affirmative 133

Kinkaid TB Affirmative 137

La Costa Canyon FC Affirmative 141

Lakeland PS Affirmative 144

Lexington BL Affirmative 146

2006 St. Mark’s Affirmative Casebook

Lexington MM Affirmative 149

Los Alamos DG Affirmative 151

Loyola GP Affirmative 152

Maine East AK Affirmative 156

Marquette University BW Affirmative 160

MBA BD Affirmative 162

MBA BM Affirmative 166

McNeil GF Affirmative 168

Meadows CS Affirmative 170

Meadows SK Affirmative 172

Miami Palmetto HH Affirmative 173

Milton BE Affirmative 175

Monticello KA Affirmative 177

Nevada Union MO Affirmative 178

New Trier LM Affirmative 183

New Trier BS Affirmative 185

Norman RB Affirmative 189

Notre Dame MB Affirmative 194

Pace AG Affirmative 198

Pace CF Affirmative 201

Pine Crest CG Affirmative 202

Saint Mary’s Hall CG Affirmative 206

Saint Mary’s Hall SK Affirmative 207

Spanish River KD Affirmative 212

Stratford Academy KC Affirmative 213

St. Stephen’s Episcop VP Affirmative 216

Valley GH Affirmative 219

Valley HS Affirmative 221

Westlake MJ Affirmative 223

Westminster SW Affirmative 225

Westminster AA Affirmative 227

Westwood HH Affirmative 228

Westwood SM Affirmative 230

Wichita East DP Affirmative 232

Wichita Northwest BC Affirmative 235

Winston Churchill OM Affirmative 238

Woodlands LM Affirmative 240

Woodward Academy BR Affirmative 242

Austin SFA LR Affirmative

Observation 1: the Inherency

The Administration’s response to the attacks on the Pentagon and the WTC on 9/11 have established means of deploying national service under a façade of volunteerism. Individual political agency and Public Discourse are cast aside and replaced with a nation unified by revenge and fear.

Giroux, Professor of edu @ boston university, 2003 [Henry A., “Publics spaces, private lives: democracy beyond 9/11] pg. 9-12

This climate of fear creates a new type of volunteerism where individuals chose to serve their nation in military service, but are then stripped of all autonomy. They are forced to fight and kill in illegal wars against their will. As individual agency and personal freedoms are suppressed, troop morale decreases and military dissention multiplies.

Dan Raphael, Jan 10, 2005. “Baboons, troops, and GI resistance” Internet:

Thus the plan: The USFG should amend the Selective Service Act to allow Selective Conscientious objectors to refuse to participate in wars they find objectionable; alternate service should be required of those soldiers granted Conscientious Objector status. Funding and enforcement guaranteed through normal means.

Many of those who volunteer believe from enlistment to death, discharge or retirement that the people the gov compel them to kill are dying for a righteous cause. There are also those GI’s who for personal and ethical reasons are compelled against fighting or killing in a certain instance or situation, commonly called Selective Conscientious objectors. Current Conscientious objector laws only have provisions for hose who are ethical opposed to ALL wars. In today’s all volunteer army, receiving Selective Conscientious Objector status is all but impossible. The amount of AWOL’s and CO applications are on the rise right now is a key time to recognize the rights of GI’s with personal ethical objections to orders and to halt the depolitication of National Service and the public sphere.

John Judge, Oct. 18 2001. SF Indymedia “Wars Awaken Conscience: on the need to support conscientious objectors” Judge/WAC.html

Observation 2: Private Pyle

Existing Conscientious Objector Laws suppress personal autonomy and political agency by denying soldiers the right to refuse to participate in a war they might find objectionable. The manifestation of this new form of governance is of totalitarian regime whose operation is dependent upon the continued marginalization of its citizens.

Giroux, Prof of edu @ Boston U, 2003 [Henry A., “Public Spaces, private lives: democracy beyond 9/11” pg. 55-58

Observation 3: Taking off the ull metal jacket

Existing Conscientious objector laws suppress personal autonomy and political agency, Fortunately, Congress’ unique civilian influence makes it a critical agent in allowing GI’s to regain political agency and autonomy.

John Judge, Oct. 18 2001 [SF Indymedia “Wars awaken conscience: on the need to support conscientious objectors”

This lack of engagement not only facilitates fascism but also an authoritarianism fed by a militarism that denied social agency and the individuals right to imagine a new political landscape by refusing to participate in war.

Giroux, prof of edu @ botson U, 2006 [Henry A., Beyond the spectacle of terrorism: global uncertainty and the challenge of the media, page 5-6]

Plan: The United States federal government should amend the Selective Service Act to allow Selective conscientious objectors to refuse to participate in wars they find objectionable; alternate service should be required of those soldiers granted Conscientious Objector states. Funding and enforcement guaranteed through normal means.

Observation 1 Inherency

The Administration’s response to the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center on Spetember 11, 2001 have established means of deploying national service under a façade of volunteerism. Individual Political agency and Public Discourse are cast aside and replaced with a nation unified by revenge and fear

Grioux, Professor of Education at Boston University, 2003

(Henry A., “Public Spaces, Private Lives: Democracy Beyond 9/11”) pg. IX-XII

This climate of fear creates a new type of “volunteerism” where individuals chose to serve their nation in military service, but then are stripped of all autonomy. They are forced to fight and kill in illegal wars against their will. As individual agency and personal freedoms are suppressed, troop morale decreases and military dissention multiplies.

Dan Rapheal, January 10, 2005. , “Baboons, Troops, and GI Resistance”


Many of those who volunteer believe from enlistment to death, discharge or retirement that the people the government compel them to kill are dying for a righteous cause. There are also those GI’s who for personal and ethical reasons are compelled against fighting or killing in a certain instance or situation, commonly called Selective Conscientious objectors. Current Conscientious objector laws only have provisions for those who are ethical opposed to ALL wars. In today’s all volunteer army, receiving Selective Conscientious objector status is all but impossible. The amount of AWOL’s and CO applications are on the rise, right now is a key time to recognize the rights of GI’s with personal ethical objections to orders and to halt the de-politization of National Service and the public sphere

John Judge, Oct. 18, 2001. SF Indymedia, “Wars Awaken Conscience: On The Need to Support Conscientious Objectors.”

Observation 2 Private Pyle

Existng Conscientious Objector Laws suppress personal autonomy and political agency by denying soldiers the right to refuse to participate in a war they might find objectionable. The manifestation of this new form of governance is of totalitarian regime whose operation is dependent upon the continued marginalization of its citizens

Giroux, Professor or Education at Boston University, 2003

(Henry A., “Public Spaces, Private Lives: Democracy Beyond 9/11”) pg. 55-58

This lack of engagement not only facilitates facism but also an authoritarianism fed by a militarism that denied social agency and the individuals right to imagine a new political landscape by refusing to participate in war.

Giroux, Prof. of Education @ Boston University, 2006

(Henry A., Beyond the Spectacle of Terrorism: Global Uncertainty and the Challenge of the New Media, page 5-6)

Observation 3 Taking Off the Full Metal Jacket

Congress should modify the Selective Service Act to allow selective CO’s to refuse to participate in wars they find objectionable, alternate service should be required of those granted CO status

The Catholic Peace Fellowship, 2005. “SCO refuses to fight illegal wars.”

Only a demand for a revitalized civic courage is vital to challenge the logic of fear and revenge and to promote a true democratic discourse.

Giroux, Professor or Education at Boston University, 2003

(Henry A., “Public Spaces, Private Lives: Democracy Beyond 9/11”) pg. XIV-XVI

The Prioritization of Conscientious Objectors over Selective Conscientious Objectors denies that both have subversive power. In the context of the war on terror, we should embrace a soldier’s opportunity to selectively conscientiously object, not as a right, but as a duty. Only through listening to those who compose the military infrastructure can we challenge it to be a representation of an engaged citizenry.

Tiziana Torrensi, 2000. “If Obedience is not a virtue. The case for selective conscientious objection.”

Bellaire CR Affirmative

IAC- Bellaire CR= Air Force

Contenition 1: Inherency

A. The Air Force is facing a major pilot shortage and he short fall is growing

Taylor and Moore 2006 ()

“The Air Force has been losing unprecedented numbers…at least one operational tour in their mission aircraft”

B. Air Force Retention rates are qualitatively worsening

Hosek and Asch 2002 ()

“The Air Force personnel system appears…to their lower performers.”

C. The cause is ineffective financial incentives for air force retention

Gebicke 1999 ()

“Pilots expressed their frustrations…large salaries within private industry”

ADVANTAGE 1: air power!!!!

A. US military intervention is inevitable- withdrawal from the global scene triggers larger wars

Khalilzad and Lesser 1998- Sources of Conflict in the 21st Century

“We are convinced that the United States wil remain engaged… of world the United States conflict.”

B. pilot shortages collapse air force readiness, undermining air power

Peters 1998- ()

“Maintaining high readiness levels…systems of future”

C. Even slight retention failures snowball to degrade all areas of the air force effectiveness

Taylor and Moore 2000, ()

“Figure 2.5 shows that if the aging rate deficit is ignored…ACC’S mishap prevention magazine.”

D. As a result, US air power is on the brink of collapse- readiness levels are historically low

Grossman 2006- (Lexis)

The Impacts-

First, hegemony- Air power sustains US leadership and makes power projection credible

Hazdra 2001- ()

“In shaping the international environment the United States… amount of time for an operation to be successful”

B. Air Power is critical to maintaining world wide support for engagement

Meilinger 2003- ()

“Just as the Royal Navy defended the British…to strike aircraft by satellite.”

C. The Impact is nuclear war

Khalilzad 1995- (Losing the Moment? Washington Quarterly, Vol 18, No 2, p. 84)

“Under the third option, the United States would seek to retain global leadership…multipolar balance of power system.

Second- Deterrence

US air power deters conflicts throughout Asia

Khalilzad and Lesser 1998- ()

“This subsection attempts to synthesize some of the key…after conflicts have already broken out.”

B. Asia is the most probable region for nuclear escalation

Dibb 2001- ()

“The areas of maximum danger and instability…when confronted with major crisis.”

C. Even if there is no substantive effect, the perception of weakening readiness causes war

Spencer 2000-()

“The evidence indicates that the U.S. armed forces are not ready to support…thereby preserving peace.”

D. And the impact outweighs all others- aggression results in global nuclear wars

Lieutenant General Bradley Hosner, 1997- (“American air power and grand tactics” Aerospace Power Journal)

“Air power is the only detterent…its air power does not lose any credibility”

Thus We offer the Following Plan:

The United States Federal Government, Specifically Congress, Should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons in the US Air Force by increasing USAF Pilot Compensation Until Current Retention Targets are met and by extending aviation Continuation bonuses for Retention of US Air Force Pilots to a minimum of 20 years. We reserve the Right to Clarify Intent.

Contention 2: Solvency

A. Extending aviation continuation bonuses retains and recruits new pilots

Gebicke 1999- ()

“DOD must develop reliable and consistent data to identify…remain in the service beyond 14 years.”

B. Increasing financial bonuses alleviates retention issues and compensates for high operations tempo demand

Martin 99- ()

“Increasing pay and fixing the recruitment system…with the increased OPTEMPO demands.”

C. This effectively reinvigorates US air power and leadership.

Becker 2001- ()

“In the past two decades, both the civilian sector… less prepared for global confrontations.”

Bishop Guertin OG Affirmative

Contention One is Only Losers know about that politics stuff

Learn and Serve America, the largest promoter of service learning, is critically underfunded and understaffed and will ultimately be destroyed through funding cuts

Nelda Brown, executive director of the National Service-Learning Partnership, 2006, “Testimony Prepared for the Corporation for National and Community Service Board of Directors,” Feb. 8,

“Today, I stand…would be irresponsible”

Federal funding for Learn and Serve America is essential for service learning to take root in the American education system

Service-Learning United 2004

“while we understand…incredibly important cause”


And that’s a damned shame – service learning allows students to reconceptualize state-dominated and exclusionary ideas of citizenship, creating a new form of politics

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]

“Service learning research begins…both students and citizens”


Further, students can use service learning to challenge traditional societal norms and address inequalities in power relations

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]

“learning critical thinking…understanding of political science”

Service learning allows students to recognize their own political potency and challenge dangerous government policies

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]

“service learning grounds…holds with him or her self”

Expanding service learning is vital to meeting societal needs without conflict---this can solve war and achieve global development

Eberly and Gal 2006 (Donald & Reuven, “Service without guns” )

We believe it is possible…all walks of life”

In the absence of citizen activity, destructive violence is inevitable -  a bureaucratic mentality that we’re all powerless cogs in the machine of modern govern mentality, the enabler of the worst violence of the 20th century, is still the dominant conception of politics, making violence inevitable without a political transformation.

C.J. Keeler, lecturer at Cal State Fullerton, 2002,

 “Arendt said…but “where was man”

Thus the plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase the number of persons serving in Learn and Serve America by expanding funding for Learn and Serve America to $46 million.

Contention 2


Restoring the funding level would increase participation in Learn and Serve America by 300,000

Service Learning United 6/9/2006

 “the administration…hours to communities”

And, increasing federal funding for LSA to $46 million would makes service-learning programs available throughout the United States

Campus Compact, March 2005,

“we, the XxX…communities through service”

And studies of other programs prove that federal action is key to promoting service learning

GAO, 1997, )

“state commissioners…their education awards”


Federal action is crucial – only the USFG has the resources necessary to ensure the growth of service learning

Roger Landrum, Youth Service America Representative,1995,Youth Service America Representative, “The Importance of Bipartisan Consensus for a Federal Role in the Service Movement,” Perspectives on the Federal Role in National and Community Service, October, p. 8 [national service learning clearinghouse]

“the central goal…necessary for success”


Contention Three is the aff has already been done.


A service learning perspective can solve.

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]

“we need to accommodate…discipline teaches”

No real 2AC tricks, though they seemed like they defended federal action in the 1AC, and then 2AC defended that their own advocacy was key, and that the 1AC provided discourse that solves, rather than necessarily federal


Contention One is Only Losers know about that politics stuff

Learn and Serve America, the largest promoter of service learning, is critically underfunded and understaffed and will ultimately be destroyed through funding cuts

Nelda Brown, executive director of the National Service-Learning Partnership, 2006, “Testimony Prepared for the Corporation for National and Community Service Board of Directors,” Feb. 8,

Federal funding for Learn and Serve America is essential for service learning to take root in the American education system

Service-Learning United 2004


And that’s a damned shame – service learning allows students to reconceptualize state-dominated and exclusionary ideas of citizenship, creating a new form of politics

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]


Further, students can use service learning to challenge traditional societal norms and address inequalities in power relations

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]


Service learning allows students to recognize their own political potency and challenge dangerous government policies

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]

In the absence of citizen activity, destructive violence is inevitable -  a bureaucratic mentality that we’re all powerless cogs in the machine of modern governmentality, the enabler of the worst violence of the 20th century, is still the dominant conception of politics, making violence inevitable without a political transformation.

C.J. Keeler, lecturer at Cal State Fullerton, 2002,


Thus the plan: The United States federal government should substantially increase the number of persons serving in Learn and Serve America by expanding funding for Learn and Serve America to 46 million. Questions, we’ll clarify.


Contention 2 is Solvency


Restoring the funding level would increase participation in Learn and Serve America by 300,000

Service Learning United 6/9/2006


And, increasing federal funding for LSA to $46 million would makes service learning programs available throughout the United States

Campus Compact, March 2005,

And studies of other programs prove that federal action is key to promoting service learning

GAO, 1997, )


Federal action is crucial – only the USFG has the resources necessary to ensure the growth of service learning

Roger Landrum, Youth Service America Representative,1995,Youth Service America Representative, “The Importance of Bipartisan Consensus for a Federal Role in the Service Movement,” Perspectives on the Federal Role in National and Community Service, October, p. 8 [national service learning clearinghouse]


Contention Three is Framework


A service learning perspective can solve.

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A Political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [google]


Indeed, our discourse on service learning directly shapes the world around us – the action of voting affirmative constitutes an effective challenge to hegemonic political ideas


Finally, demands on the state are more effective than radical rejection – a modest distance threatens the system more than pure kritik

Slavoj Zizek, perennially misunderstood debate author, 1998

Booker T. Washington KC Affirmative

Observation One: Inherency

First, The Armed Forces linguists positions are unfilled and ineffective- straining missions and creating national security threats

O’Donnel 2003 (Anne O’Donnell, Reporter-Researcher at The New Republic, Speechless, New Republic, Vol. 229 Issue 25, p14-16, 3p, 12/22/2003, Ebscohost)

“The good news is that, since September 11, … speak dialects virtually impossible for Iraqis to understand.”

Next, Military efforts to recruit translators are failing leaving information un-translated and America vulnerable

Reed 2005 (Government wages uphill battle in search for Arabic translators: Four years after 9/11 attacks, U.S. still short of qualified linguists, 12/18/05, Lexis)/HC

“If you speak Arabic fluently, Uncle Sam… based on faulty intelligence provided by federal agencies.”

Advantage One: Terrorism

First, Lack of linguists is the Army’s Achilles’ heel- They provide intelligence key to Army effectiveness and success in the War on Terror

Davis 06 (Major John W. Davis, U.Su. Army Reserve, Retired, is an Intelligence Operation Officer at the U.S. Space and Missile Defense Command, Huntsville, Alabama. He received a B.A. from Washington University at St. Louis, “Our Achilles’ Heel: Language Skills,” Military Review, March/April 2006, pg 110-111)

“How can we distinguish between the respected… we forget that “communicate” does not refer just to radios.”

Furthermore, Translators are essential to fighting the War on Terror

Wagner 2003 (Dennis, Staff Writer, “Linguists are Needed for War on Terror” The Arizona Republic, November 7, 2003, p. )

“Declaring that America’s intelligence agencies are crippled by a shortage… Translators are the gatekeepers in the war on terror.”

And, Linguists solve terrorism- They provide soldiers with key battlefield information

Wojdakowski 06 (Major General Walter Wojdakowski, Deputy Commanding Central of the former Combined Join Task Force Commandant’s Note; FINDING THE TERRORIST: Locating the Enemy, Infantry, January/February, 2006, pg 1, Ebscohost)

“Since the Saddamist and Taliban forces were defeated and scattered… all these sources together and identifying targets is a top priority.”

And, Linguists in the military solves terrorism- it’s the only way to provide necessary undercover operatives

Gerecht 2001(Reuel Marc, Former CIA officer, “The Counter-terrorist Myth,” August, The Atlantic, )

“The United States has spent billions of dollars… has only gotten worse.”

And, Linguists translate crucial information necessary to prevent terrorism- September 11 proves

Erard 2004 (Michael, Tech expert, “Translation in the Age of Terror,” Technology Review, March)

“Beyond these physical and contextual stumbling blocks… in which terrorists let slip their plands.”

Further, The threat of a nuclear terrorist attack is high- this would provoke an all out nuclear war and domestic repercussions that make the squo look like Spring Break in the Caymans

Sid-Ahmed 2004 (Mohamed, Al-Ahram Weekly, September 1, 2004, p. )

“We have reached a point in human history… we will all be losers.”

And, Another 9-11 type incident will cause the US to violently lahs out. The impact is global war

Schwartz-Moprgan Assitant Professor of Politics and Econ at Royal Military College of Canada 2001 (Nicole, “Wild Globalization and Terrorism.” . 10/10/)

“The terrorist act can reactivate atavistic… whether they be themselves merchants or terrorists.”

Advantage Two: Iraq

First, We control the Uniqueness- US is failing in Iraq now- a policy is key to prevent civil war that draws in the entire region

Carpenter 2006 (Ted Galen, Vice President for Defense and Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute, “Don’t Let Iraq’s Sunni-Shia Conflict Spread Through the Middle East,” April 18, )

“When former Iraqi prime minister Iyad… the world, for the United States as well.”

And, Linguists are key to success in Iraq- multiple reasons- plus it’s empirically proven

Whitney 2003 (Lance Cpl. Alexander, 24th MEU (SOC) Linguists prove communication is key, USMC News, April 22, 2003, )

“Communication is essential to the accomplishment… their job in Iraq very successfully.”

And, Success in Iraq prevents civil war, which leads to regional invasion and World War 3

Oehlert 6-28 2006 (Jeremy, Iowa State Daily, “Problems in Iraq have no Simple Solutions,” )

“It goes without saying that U.S. involvement in Iraq… easily devolve into World War III.”

Advantage Three: The Air Force

First, The Air Force has met its linguistic needs until now- which increase international partnership and cooperation- more linguists are needed now

Conway 2005 (Col John L. III, USAF, retired (BA, MA, University of Alabam), is a military defense analyst at the Airpower Research Institute, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, Air & Space Power Journal, The View from the Tower of Babel, Air Force Foreign Language Posture for Global Engagement, Summer 2005, )

“One final explanation: the Air Force has… brightest people to discourse, think, and act globally.”

And, Language professionals within the Air Force are key to its effectiveness and global power projection- it must be able to communicate

Conway 2005 (Col John L. III, USAF, retired (BA, MA, University of Alabam), is a military defense analyst at the Airpower Research Institute, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, Air & Space Power Journal, The View from the Tower of Babel, Air Force Foreign Language Posture for Global Engagement, Summer 2005, )

“Once upon a time, everybody spoke the same… key to shaping our service’s future effectiveness.”

And, Effective Air Force sustains US leadership and makes power projection credible

Hazdra 2001 (Richard, USAF Major. Air Mobility: The Key to United States National Security Strategy, Fairchild Paper, August, )

“In shaping the international environment… in a minimum amount of time for an operation to be successful.”

Finally, The Impact is global nuclear war

Zalmay Khalilzad, Rand Corporation, The Washington Quarterly 1995

“Under the third option, the United States… including a global nuclear exchange.”

And, Collapse of US hegemony leads to an apolar world featuring terrorist attacks and multiple scenarios for nuclear war

Ferguson 2004

“Suppose, in a worst-case scenario…Be careful what you wish for.”

Observation Five; Solvency

Special Skills draft of linguists is possible and will solve the shortages

San Francisco Chronicle 2004 (‘Special skills raft’ on drawing board- Computer experts, foreign language specialists lead list of military’s needs. Hearst newspapers. March 13.)

“Computer experts, foreign language specialists… agency had received no request from the Pentagon to do so.”

Special Skills draft is effective and the ONLY way to solve the linguist shortage- all other approaches fail

Dickinson Political magazine author and editor 2005 (Tim. The Return of the Draft- With the Army desperate for recruits, should college students be packing their bags for Canada? Rolling Stone. Jan. 27)

“”The Army’s maxed out here,” says… We’ve got to have a bigger army.””

Plan: The United States Federal government should establish a special skills draft of linguists in the Armed Forces. Funding will be provided. We will fiat and defend a substianal increase. Enforcement guaranteed.


The Armed Forces linguists are unfilled and ineffective straining missions and creating national security threats

Anne ODonnel 12/22/03 New Republican Vol 229 Issue 25 P. 14-6 3p.

Military Efforts to recruit and translator are failing leaving information untranslated and America vulnerable.

Reed 12/18/05

Lexis “Government Wages uphill battle in search for Arabic translators: 4 years after 9/11 attacks, US still short of qualified linguists”

Adv 1 Tism

Linguists solve terrorism –They prove soldiers with Key battlefield information

Walter Wojdakowski 2006 Locating the Enemy, Infantry January/February

Linguists in the military solves terrorism – it’s the only way to provide the necessary undercover operatives

Gerecht, Reuel “The Outter-Terrorists Myth” August 2001, The Atlantic

And linguists translate crucial information to prevent terrorism—September 11 proves

Erard 2004 March, Technology Review “Translation in the Age of Terror” The Arizona Republic

The threat of a nuclar terrorist attack is hhigh – this would provoke an all out nuclear war and domestic repreuccions that make the sq look like the Spring Break in the Caymans

Mohammed Sid-Ahmed Spetember 1, 2004

Another 9/11 type incident will cause the US violently lash out. The impact global war.

Nicole Schwartz Moprgan 10/10/01 “Wild Globaliztion and terrorism”

Adv 2 Iraq

We ctrl Uniqueness America is failing in Iraq now – a policy hchange is key to prevent civil war that draws in the entire region

Ted Galen Carpenter april 8 2006 “Don’t Let Iraq’s Sunni Shia Conflict Spread through the Middle East”

Linguists are key to the War in Iraq multiple reasons and it’s empirically proven

Lance Whtiney 4/22/2003

“Linguists prove communication is key” USMC News

Success in iraq prevents civil war, which leads to reguinal invasion and World War 3

Jeremy Oehlert 6/28/06 Iowa State Daily “Problems in Iraq have no Simple Solutions”

Adv 3 Air Force

The air force has met it’s linguist goal until now—which increase international partnership and cooperation—more linguists are need now

Jon L Conqay, Air and Space Journal, Air Force Forigen Language Psture for Globabl Engagement Summer 2005.

Language professionals within the Air Force are key to it effectiveness and global power projection it must be able to communicate

Jon L Conqay, Air and Space Journal, Air Force Foreign Language Posture for Global Engagement Summer 2005.

Effective Air Force sustains US leadersip and makes power projection credible.

Richard Hazdra Fairchild paper, August 2001




Special Skills draft for linguists is possible and will solve the shortages,

San Francisco Chronicle March 13, 2004

Special Skills draft is effective and the only way to solve the linguist shortage all other approaches fail

Tim Dickson, Rolling Stone. Jan 26

Bronx Science HG Affirmative

Contention 1: Inherency

AmeriCorps is being disbanded. AmeriCorps 2005


Plan text- The USFG should remove the citizenship elegibility requirement for Americorps and expedite citizenship for non-citizens who participate for at least the minimum time of service in Americorps.




Securitization of others because of exclusion

Securitization leads to apocalypse Coviello 01.

Securitization through exclusion dehumanizes and leads to war for the nation

Wars for the nation leads to extermination of whole lands Campbell


Plan contests exclusionary and static norms of national identity. Douzinas 2000. End of Human Rights.

We increase nat service, AmeriCorps is key to increasing citizenship

Plan’s citizenship incentives foster debate.

These debates would contest national id. Krebs 04.

These contestations are key to challenging national identity Gorham 92

Changing eligibiligy requirements harnesses national service to problematize the meaning of nation and service. Smith 95.

Plan increases recruitment Marquez 05

Contestation of national identity strengthens community relationships Gorham 92

Federal role is key- oversight GAO 97

Caddo Magnet GG Affirmative

We ask you to join us on a journey through imagination. We offer the following world for your consideration:

The armed services are running short on troops. The refusal to allow queer individuals to enlist in the military is currently undermining military readiness.

Mark Thompson, Time, 7/19/2004

Can we do without the euphonium player? Representative Snyder conflates queer identity with having a big brass horn — but is there some truth to the way he words his question? We think that queer identity and the military institution have a more intimate relationship than our Top Brass would like to admit. The military functions as a giant de-queering machine, designed to remove individual irregularities from diverse individuals. The rainbow of nationalities is replaced with the blood red, white and blue of the American flag.

Ronald R. Krebs, 2k4, “A School For the Nation? How Military Service Does Not Build Nations, And How It Might”, International Security 28.4 (2004) 85-124

The military is not, of course, an institution of perfect integration. Not everyone fits the mold closely enough to be remolded. Some identities are seen in direct opposition to the identity of the military. Queer identities are precisely those which cannot be recoded in terms of military desire.

Captain J.F. Kelly Jr., Captain Kelly served more than 30 years in a wide variety (CG-33), and the destroyer tender Dixie (AD-14), as well as the U.S. Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, May 2000, Vol. 126 Issue 5

So let’s perfect it! Allowing the queer body to penetrate the hetero nation enables the military to complete itself, revealing its libidinal undercurrents. In this line, we propose imagining that

The federal government should resolve armed service troop deficits by removing all structural impediments to and mandating ….accommodating queer identities.

Queer is not specific to sexuality, it is a representation of all inimical to the military Calpurn 97

Impact - Foucault 78

Our aff is a parody and reconceptualizes

Huffer (Lynee, Yale french studies No. 87. Another Look, Another Woman: Retranslations of French Feminism. 1995 pg 20-28

2AC –

Colon Framework, grammar comes first

Butler 04

Bob Marley Song

Caddo Magnet FW Affirmative

Plan text: The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of volunteers in the Peace Corps by allocating the necessary funding to support that increase.

(Slabert 2005, The Technologies of Peace, )

Advantage One: Peace Education (keywords: structural violence, peace education, spatial metaphors,

Education based on militarism enforces hierarchies and promotes aggressive competition.

Finley 1996 (Laura, “How Can I Teach Peace When the Book Only Covers War?” , pgs. 150-165)

The representations of war as an event obfuscates the focus on structural violence making militarism inevitable and locking us in crises-driven politics.

Cuomo 1996 (“War is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the significance of everyday violence” Hypatia Volume 11, Number 4)

War is not an event – war is not only macro-political; it is everywhere. WE must embrace peace education to solve the root of war.

Cuomo 1996 (“War is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the significance of everyday violence” Hypatia Volume 11, Number 4)

And, the portrayal of peace as merely the absence of war perpetuates the mindset of “peace through strength” in which countless lives are lost at the hands of nuclear weapons and arms races.

Sandy and Perkins 2002 (Leo, Ray Jr., , Spring 2002)

Positive peace addresses the underlying factors that produce violence – only the plan can solve – the Peace Corps is key to the type of cultural exchange necessary to produce positive peace.

Sandy and Perkins 2002 (Leo, Ray Jr., , Spring 2002)

The Affirmative’s peace education reorients peace education to a non-utopian vision. This is key to repoliticize peace making.

Gur-Ze’ev 2001 “Philosophy of Peace Education in a Postmodern Era” Volume 51, Number 3, Ebsco, Summer 2001)

Interesting 2AC “tricks/answers”

On topicality:

The negative’s attempt to allow certain types of arguments and education while excluding others perpetuates violent power politics that result in the exclusion dissenting views. Debate will become a discussion among the like-minded – this is an independent reason to vote affirmative.

Butler 2004 (Judith, Precarious Life: The Powers of Mourning and Violence, p. xix – xxi)


Join me on a journey to a dark and dreadful time. A time when a man named George W. Bush ruled the United States. Once upon a time he said, “I just ant you to know that, when we talk about war, we’re really talking about peace. We want there to be peace. We want people to live in peace all around the world. I mean our vision for peace extends beyond America. We believe in peace in South Asia. We believe in peace in the Middle East. We’re going to be steadfast toward a vision that rejects terror and killing, and honors peace and hope.” This is a perfect example of the current American mindset that we can only achieve peace through war. It is this very attitude that has lead to an under-funded Peace Corps. We believe that peace means more than absence of an imposing military. We think the Peace Corps is one of the best ways to promote peace in positive terms as a pattern of cooperation and integration between humans…it is about people interacting in cooperative ways. Therefore we think that the United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of volunteers in the Peace Corps by allocating the necessary funding to support that increase.

Slabbert, research scholar for technology and economic innovation for the government of Maryland, 2005 (N.J., The Technologies of Peace, 2005, , June 29) [J. Crilley]


Finley 2003 (Laura L., “How Can I Teach Peace When the Book Only Covers War?”, OJCPR: The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution)

War is not an event – war is not only macro-political, it is everywhere. We must embrace peace education to solve the root of war. If we don’t, we risk masking status quo violence.

Cuomo 1996 (Christine J., PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati, “War is not just an event: Reflections on the significance of everyday violence”, Indiana University Press, Hypatia Vol. 11, Number 4)

The representations of war as an event obfuscates the focus on structural violence making militarism inevitable and locking us in crises-driven politics.

Cuomo 1996 (Christine J., PhD University of Wisconsin-Madison, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cincinnati, “War is not just an event: Reflections on the significance of everyday violence”, Indiana University Press, Hypatia Vol. 11, Number 4)

And, the portrayal of peace as merely the absence of war perpetuates the mindset of “peace through strength” in which countless lives are lost at the hands of nuclear weapons and arms races.

Sandy and Perkins 2002 (Leo R. and Ray, US Navy veteran, Member of Veterans for Peace, Co-Founder of Peace Studies at Plymouth State College and at River college; and Professor of Philosophy at Plymouth State College, respectively; Spring; Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Issue 4.2, )

The Aff’s peace education re-orients peace education from utopian vision to non-utopian vision, which is key to re-politicize and peace making.

Gur-Ze’ev 2001 (Ilan, Head of the Department of Education at the University of Haifa, “Philosophy of Peace Education in a Postmodern Era”, Educational Theory, Summer 01, Volume 51, Number 3, EBSCO)

Positive peace addresses the underlying factors that produce violence--- only the plan can solve--- the Peace Corps is key to the type of cultural exchange necessary to produce positive peace. The Affirmative is an individual peacemaker through in-round education. This creates movements and solves.

Sandy and Perkins 2002 (Leo R. and Ray, US Navy veteran, Member of Veterans for Peace, Co-Founder of Peace Studies at Plymouth State College and at River college; and Professor of Philosophy at Plymouth State College, respectively; Spring; Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Issue 4.2, )

Calhoun HP Affirmative

Plan: The United States Congress should establish a policy that all persons between the ages of 18 and 26 must register for selective service and be subject to a random lottery requiring mandatory national service in the United States Armed Forces.

Observation 1 Status of Forces

The United States Armed Forces are no longer a cross-section of the country. They are increasingly a collection of poor folk that are disposable in the minds of the elites that control US policy. These volunteers are on the frontlines of all battlefronts around the world.

Derfner, domestic policy analyst- Jerusalem post, 06 (Larry, “The Hollowest Generation”, Jerusalem Post, 4-27)

This fighting force disparity results from recruitments strategies targeted at the disempowered- the result is an unstated, sacrificial poverty draft

Washington Newsletter, 2005 (Friends Committee on National Legislation, “Is an Economic Draft Already here?, Feb, )

The defacto draft of poor folds is a modern form of discrimination that remind many of the days of slavery

Gabriel, professor of politics and history US army war college, 1980 (Richard A, American Magazine, cited in The Military Draft, Jason Berger, pg 101-102)

Advantage 1 Confronting the War Machine

The Bush administration is at war with anybody that is defined as evil which means the United States plans to continue fighting until the enemy is eliminated.

Carroll, 2004 (James, “The Bush Crusade”, September 2, doc/20040920/carroll/3)

The disposability of the armed forces because of its current collection of outsiders allows the bush administration to carry out this war versus civil without consequence- making future wars more thinkable

Wildorf, sf lawyer, 2005 lawyer of the year aids legal referral panel, 05 (Barry, “Why there is no draft,” A gauche Press, 11-7, )

Unrestrained military adventurism, devoid of meaningful political engagement, ensures cycles of endless war and termination of the planet

Kellner, pf social sciences- ucla, 03 (Douglas, An Orwellian Nightmare: Critical Reflections on the Bush Administration, )

A universal draft would make the cycle of unjust aggression impossible- forcing leaders to account for the genuine consequences of war short-circuits illegitimate adventurism

McNeill, editor-in-chief- collegiate times, 03 (Brian, “Commentary: Reinstate the Draft for Equity, Peace”)

A universal draft is key to confronting the war machine without it Americans will continue to be politically disengaged allowsing wars to continue

Rodricks, award winning journalist and political commentator, 06 (Dan, “Draft might breathe new life into listless us” Baltimore Sun, 5-21)

Advantage 2 Burden Sharing

An all volunteer force depoliticizes war and eliminates genuine activism

Sheppard, former marine captain- contributor to the Seattle Times, 06 (Christopher H. Seattle Times, )

De-politicization’s the key access point for every major impact- a political sphere devoid of collective and sustained public engagement leaves no mechanism for restraining war and atrocity and inifinitum- reenergizing this political engagement, instead of dreaming of a world without the military’s, the only acceptable response

Boggs, pf poli-sci- university of southern California, 2000 (Carol, The End of Politics)

The draft is key to reverse the disintegration of politics and creating a culture of accountability

Durel, author of The Red Revival and esteemed journalist, 2004 (Steven, “Stupid Kids, Smart Politicians, and the Draft”, stupidkids.htm)

An equitable conception of citizenship reverses the de-politicization trend and creates more effective governance- creating the framework needed to solve all future problems

Boggs, pf poli-sci- university of southern California, 2000 (Carol, The End of Politics)

Your decision is not a question of whether or not we have a military- it’s a question of how we can best respond to the military we’ve got- focusing on the dream of abolition distracts from this progressive material reponse

Lance, pf philosophy and peace- Georgetown, 04 (Mark, “Challenging Left Dogma on the Draft,”

Focusing on national politics as citizens is vital to engaging society and achieving structural change- the appeal to the nation is the only way the left can remain relevant

Rorty 98 (Richard, Stanford Philosophy Professor, Achieving Our Country, pp. 98-101

Observation 1: Status of the Forces

1. The United States armed forces are no longer a cross section of the country. They are increasingly a collection of poor folk that are disposable in the minds of the elites that control U.S. Policy. These volunteers are on the battlefronts around the world

Derfner 2006, Jerusalem Post 4/27/06

2. Fighting Force Disparity from recruitment strategies targeted at the disempowered- The result is an unstated sacrificial poverty draft

Washington Newsletter 2005,

3. The de facto draft of poor folk is a modern form of discrimination that remind many of slavery

Gabriel 1980 [Richard A., America Magazine, Cited in Military Draft, Jason Berger, p. 101-02]

Plan Text: Draft

Advantage 1: Controlling the War Machine

1. The Bush administration is at war with anybody that is defined as evil. Which means the US plans to continue fighting until the enemy is eliminated

Carroll 2004

2. The disposability of the Armed Forces, because of its current collection of outsiders allows the Bush Administration to carry out this war versus evil without consequence- making future wars more thinkable

Waldorf 2005

3. Unrestrained military adventurism devoid of meaningful political engagement ensures cycles of endless war and termination of the planet

Kellner 03

4. A universal draft would make the cycle of unjust aggression impossible-forcing leader to account for the genuine consequences of war short-circuits illegitimate adventurism

McNeil 2003

5. A universal draft is key to confronting the war machine without it Americans will continue to be politically disengaged allowing wars to continue

Rodricks 2006 [Baltimore Sun 5/21/06]

Advantage 2: Burden Sharing

1. An all volunteer force depoliticizes and eliminates genuine activism

Sheppard 2006

2. Depoliticization’s the key access point for EVERY major impact- a political sphere devoid of collective and sustained public engagement leaves no mechanism for restraining war and atrocity ad infinitum- reenergizing this political engagement, instead of dreaming of a world without the military’s, the only acceptable response

Boggs 2000 [Carol, The End of Politics]

3. The Draft is key to reverse the disintegration of politics and creating a culture of accountability

Durel 2004

4. An equitable conception of citizenship reverses the depoliticization trend and creates more effective governance-creating the framework needed to solve all future problems

Boggs 2000 [Carol, The End of Politics]

5. Your decision is not a question of whether or not we have a military-it’s a question of how we can best respond to the military we’ve got-focusing on the dream of abolition distracts from this progressive material response

Lance 2004 []

Carrollton FV, SH Affirmative

Observation One: Inherency

The Coast Guard is understaffed and overstretched

The New York Times, 5-20-06

Four years after Congress upgraded its mission under the Homeland Security Department, the Coast

Personnel shortfalls threaten to collapse Coast Guard readiness

Reserve Officers Association of the United States, 6-15-06, testimony to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Fisheries and the Coast Guard,

Therefore we present the following plan: The United States federal government should increase the number of persons in the Coast Guard Selected Reserve by mandating budgetary support for an end-strength level of 14,000 by fiscal year 2011.

Advantage One: Sea Power

Coast Guard capacity to contribute to power projection missions is insufficient

Captain Steve Vanderplas, assigned to the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters Integration Team, 8-1-2004, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings

A strong Coast Guard is essential to U.S. maritime power

Colin Gray, Professor of International Politics and Strategic Studies at the University of Reading, July 2002, Comparative Strategy, p. 214

The Coast Guard’s unique international image makes it key to U.S. power projection and mission success

Scott Decker, LT cmnder USCG Feb 2001, The coast guard is capable of conducting and leading expeditionary harbor defense/port security and Harbor approach defense operations, )

The same skills that make it an effective partner with DOD are equally well suited for Coast Guard interoperability with other nations.

The U.S. Navy is too menacing—only the Coast Guard elicits ally cooperation

Bruce B. Stubbs, a retired Coast Guard officer, worked on the National Security Council staff during the Reagan Administration, 5-17-2005,

Haze-gray U.S. Navy warships, with their inherent national orientation, cannot shake off their ominous

U.S. maritime power projection is key to the prevent multiple scenarios for war and economic collapse

Lieutenant Colonel Reynolds B. Peele, USMC, Summer 1997, Parameters,

More than 80 percent of global trade still moves by sea, and the United States depends on the free and

Naval power is key to US leadership and power projection.

, January 1, 2006 (Sea Power, )

Naval forces are among the most useful of diplomatic tools. Policy makers can send them to over two-

Seapower is the least offensive and most effective element of power projection

Norman Friedman, former deputy director of national security studies of the Hudson Institute, 2001, Seapower as Strategy, p. 6

US leadership is essential to prevent global nuclear exchange.

Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND, The Washington Quarterly, Spring 1995

Advantage Two: Maritime Cooperation

Maritime cooperation in Southeast Asia is dangerously underdeveloped, despite mounting threats to maritime security

P.K. Ghosh, Commander, Institute for Defence Studies and

Analyses, J.N.U Old Campus, New Delhi, Jan 18-20, 2004,

Unfortunately, the problem plaguing the Indian Ocean and the Southern Asian region is the lack of

Weak maritime cooperation threatens collapse of ocean ecosystems, overfishing, piracy and naval arms races. Global development of coast guards is a necessary precondition to solve.

Sam Bateman, former Commodore in the Royal Australian Navy and principal research fellow in the Centre for

Maritime Policy at the University of Wollongong, January 2003, “Coast Guards: New Forces for Regional Order and Security,”

The Western Pacific, the seas of East Asia, and proximate areas of South Asia are now the setting for some of the world’s most

Failure to protect marine ecosystems causes extinction

Tundi Agardy, Ph.D. Senior Director of costal and marine programs of Conservation International, 1997, Marine Protected Areas and Ocean Conservation, p. 11.

Naval competition will lead to conflict

Mark J. Valencia, senior fellow with the Program on Regional Economics and Politics at the East-West Center, January 2004, Marine Policy

Lack of enforcement of fisheries laws is leading military conflict over fisheries

Admiral Sir Michael Boyce, former British chief of the defence staff, 2001, Seapower at the Millenium, p. 10

Fish shortages will cause China initiate conflict over the South China seas

Thomas M. Kane and Lawrence W. Serewicz, prof of security studies at the University of Hull, UK and recent Ph.D. recipient from the University of Hull. “China's Hunger: The Consequences of a Rising Demand for Food and Energy,” Parameters, Autumn 2001, pp. 63-75.

South China Seas conflict causes nuclear war

UK Defence Forum, Regional Studies 8: “Conflict In The South China Sea,” Jan 20, 2003

The oil rich and strategically important Spratly Islands archipelago is one of the world's most important flash points. There is a strong

Increasing Coast Guard assets sets an effective global model for ocean management and fosters maritime cooperation internationally

Thomas Nelson USCG Commander, 2004, “When does the Coast Guards Flag come Forward” , p. 71

The Coast Guard is also an enabler for the promotion of good will and democratic ideals. Recognized world wide as a

Strong US Coast Guard capabilities, including Port Security Units, are key to encouraging global coast guard development and maritime cooperation

Sam Bateman, former Commodore in the Royal Australian Navy and principal research fellow in the Centre for

Maritime Policy at the University of Wollongong, January 2003, “Coast Guards: New Forces for Regional Order and Security,”

The importance of regional maritime cooperation flows from the complexity of the maritime environment in the

Advantage Three: Terrorism

Coast Guard understaffing leaves the U.S. vulnerable to maritime terrorist attacks

Carlton Meyer, former Marine Corps Officer, editor of the Magazine of Future Warfare, Summer 2006, The Magazine of Future Warfare,

If the United States is serious about homeland security, it must not allow unknown ships near its shores

Terrorism leads to nuclear war

Easterbrook, visiting fellow - Brookings Institute, 2001 [Gregg, CNN,November 2, 2001, p. lexis]

Terrorists may not be held by this, especially suicidal terrorists, of the kind that al Qaeda is attempting to

Maritime terrorism would have uniquely devastating economic consequences

James Jay Carafano, Senior Research Fellow for National Security and Homeland Security at the Heritage Foundation and Ph.D., March 9, 2006 (Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation,

Maritime trade is vital to the U.S. economy. Almost one-third of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP)

Global economic decline causes extinction

Lt. Col, Tom Bearden, PhD Nuclear Engineering, April 25, 2000,

Just prior to the terrible collapse of the World economy, with the crumbling well underway and rising, it is

Observation Three: Solvency

Expanding the end strength of the Coast Guard Reserve is the most cost effective means of locking in high level mission performance

Reserve Officers Association of the United States, 6-15-06, testimony to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Fisheries and the Coast Guard,

Since 9/11 the Coast Guard has added 7,000 Active personnel and 5,000 civilian members, an expensive approach in a resource-

Increasing the Coast Guard Reserves is key to solve terrorism and power projection: It is key to the viability of Maritime Safety and Security Teams and Port Security Units

Reserve Officers Association of the United States, 6-15-06, testimony to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Subcommittee on Fisheries and the Coast Guard,

Securing our vast maritime borders depends on our ability to enhance maritime domain awareness (MDA).

Successful personnel recruiting is the lynchpin to long-term Coast Guard readiness

Admiral Collins, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Spring 2004, Naval War College Review, p. 23

We begin with people—the bedrock of our service. Our ability to attract, develop, retain, and deploy

Expanded personnel recruitment is essential to the effectiveness of the Deepwater modernization project

Thad Allen, Commandant of the Coast Guard, 6-14-2006 [“Capitol Hill Hearing Testimony,” Congressional Quarterly, Inc., Lexis]

From a broader perspective, we're gaining experience in this "system-of-systems" acquisition. Independent

The Deepwater modernization project prepares the Coast Guard to guarantee maritime security

Edward Feege, senior maritime security analyst with the Center for Security Strategies and Operations at the Anteon Corporation and Scott C. Truver, 2002, vice president of national security studies at the Anteon Corporation, Globalization and Maritime Power, and

As currently equipped, however, the Coast Guard is only partially able to meet the demands of these critical missions.

Cathedral Prep HC Affirmative


Contention 1: Military Crisis

The Army is facing a major recruiting crisis—overstretch is causing the recruitment of a disproportionate amount of unintelligent and unqualified people.

Perry and Flournoy, 2006 [William J. and Michele A., former Secretary of Defense and senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, National Defense, “The US Military: Under Strain and at Risk”, May 06, ] 

“In the current…into its ranks.” 


Additionally, the government refuses to increase the end strength to meet current and future security needs; the military’s current means are not adequate.

Donnelly, 2005 [Thomas, fellow in defense and security policy studies at American Enterprise Institute, “The Military We Need: The Defense Requirements of the Bush Doctrine”, p. 3-5] 

“In recent months…objectives” 

PLAN--The United States federal government should permanently expand the authorized end-strength of the United States Army by 100,000 troops.  The United States federal government should then establish a 15-month active-duty enlistment option for the United States Army guaranteeing post-graduate financial aid for enlistees.  We’ll clarify. 


Lower standards of soldiers in the army has a profound impact on the US’ ability to defend itself and its interests.

Bowman, 2006 [Tom, The Baltimore Sun, “Army accepts crime in recruits: To fill its needs, military issues waivers for some past minor offenses”, February 14] 

“Struggling to boost…committee last week” 

Dependence on low-quality recruits undermines the overall effectiveness of the force—overwhelming evidence shows that low-quality recruits will cannibalize our military capabilities and readiness.

Caplan, 2006 [Fred, Slate Magazine, “GI Schmo”, January 9, ] 

“Three months ago…a similar margin). 

Additionally, long-term enlistees decrease the retention of non-commissioned officers, who are the backbone of military effectiveness.

Magee and Nider, 2002 [Marc and Steven, director of the Center for Civic Enterprise at the Progressive Policy Institute and director of foreign and security studies at the Progressive Policy Institute, Progressive Policy Institute Policy Report, “Citizen Soldiers and the War on Terror”, December, ] 

“Would the use…experienced NCOs.”

Erosion of military effectiveness actively encourages the rise of multiple hostile global rivals—troop strength is key to maintain hegemony.

Perry, 2006 [William, former Defense Secretary, National Security Advisory Group, “The US Military: Under Strain and at Risk”, January, ] 

“In the meantime…some contingencies.” 

The result is global war.

Brookes, 2006 [Peter, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, New York Post, “Why They Need Us: Imagine a World Without America”, ] 

“For all the worldwide whining…you’ve earned it” 

The terminal impact is global nuclear war.

Khalilzad – RAND Corporation – 1995

[Zalmay, “Losing the Moment?” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 2, pg. 84, Spring, Lexis] 

“Under the third option…power system.” 

Finally, unipolarity is peaceful and comparatively the best system.

William Wohlforth, Assistant Professor of International Relations in the Edmund Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, “The Stability of a Unipolar World”  International Security, Summer 1999 

“Unipolarity…the great powers.” 

Advantage Two is RMA

The DoD is pushing a Revolution in Military Affairs that focuses heavily on high-technology warfare.

O’Rourke, 2006 [Ronald, Specialist in National Defense in the Foreign Affairs Defense and Trade Division, “Defense Transformation: Background and Oversight Issues for Congress”, ] 

“The Bush Administration…much defense work.” 

However, failure to recruit and retain well-educated troops dooms any technological shift.

Scholer et al., 2005 [Aaron, director of national security policy at the Third Way, “Boots on the Ground”, May, ] “In an attempt…would improve.” 




China is aggressively building up its military capabilities to catch up with the US. We must outpace them in military technology in order to deter Chinese aggression against the US or Taiwan; all other alternatives fail.

Dreyer, 2000 [Dr. June, “The U.S. Response to China’s Increasing Military Power: Eleven Assumptions in Search of a Policy”, ] 

“The military capabilities…for Taiwan” 

China is preparing for war—we have only one year to deter.

Nyquist, 2005 [J.R., geopolitical analyst, “RECENT CHINA REVELATIONS”, July 1, ] 

“Some ideas…Chinese hands” 

Resulting war would end all life on Earth.

Johnson, 2001 [Chalmers, The Nation, “Time to Bring the Troops Home”, ] 

“China…deterrent effect.” 


Observation Two: Solvency

An increase in Army end-strength coupled with a new recruiting strategy is uniquely key to recruiting enough forces to maintain readiness.

Scholer et al., 2005 [Aaron, director of national security policy at the Third Way, “Boots on the Ground”, May, ] 

“There is no easy solution…will not be broken” 

Increasing the end-strength of the army by 100,000 is key to maintaining readiness to meet military needs.

Scholer et al., 2005 [Aaron, director of national security policy at the Third Way, “Boots on the Ground”, May, ] 

“As the United States Army…future years.” 

A 15-month short term enlistment option with post-graduate financial aid is the most effective method to recruit college graduates and solves for overstretch.

Moskos, 2002 [Charles, prof. of sociology at Northwestern, Public Interest, “Reviving the Citizen-Soldier”, Spring, ] 

“The most effective way…food stamps).” 


Short term enlistment gives the army a pool of well educated service members that are more likely to stay in service longer and fill the high-tech positions the future force requires.

Magee and Nider, 2002 [Marc and Steven, director of the Center for Civic Enterprise at the Progressive Policy Institute and director of foreign and security studies at the Progressive Policy Institute, Progressive Policy Institute Policy Report, “Citizen Soldiers and the War on Terror”, December, ] 

“In addition…pool of recruits.” 

Observation Three: Policy Framework 

AFC=Policy option v. Policy option 

1. Reciprocity

2. Ground

3. Predictability

4. Strategy Skew

5. Education

Observation one: Depoliticization

1. Civic disengagement is becoming widespread as people continuously become disconnected from their federal and local governments

Fretz 04 (Eric, “Teaching liberty and practicing deliberative democracy in the classroom,” The Campus Compact Reader, )

And -We isolate two scenarios

Democracy- civic disengagement is spreading and subsequently destroying US democracy

Galston 01 (William, “TheChronicle of Higher Education, )

Democracy will inevitably fail without a renewed citizen ethic embodied by service learning and social capital.

Cohen 03 (Jean, “Civic innovation in America: Towards a reflexive Politics” The Good Society, )

US Democracy is modeled worldwide

Von Baranov 02 (Eric, “Europe vs. America: Virtue on either side?” , july 18)

Democracy solves nuclear war, terrorism, and international crises

Diamond 92 (foreign policy)

The terminal impact is a world without war

Rummel 97 (Power Kills)

This is the biggest impact in any calculus- lack of democratic values allow oppressive government to justify any totalitarian policy including nuclear war, magnify all of the impacts

Shattuck 94 (Joh, 9-12-24, Federal News Service, l/n)

Finally, they can’t win offense- democracy promotion is inevitable, it is a question of effectiveness

Crumpton 05 (States news service, “US counterterrorism strategy updates)

Scenario two is the public sphere- Political disengagement doesn’t mean the public spehere goes away- it will cause a backslide into fascism causing tyranny and war

Rorty 98 (Richard, Achieving our Country)

Service Learning is key to the public sphere that is perfectly balanced between tyranny and over-privatization

Barber 98 (Benjamin, “A place for us: strong democratic civil society,” Place for us: How to make society civil and democracy stronger)

Promoting a healthy public sphere is key to solve inevitable extinction

Lakeland 93 (Paul, “Preserving the Lifeworld, Restoring the public sphere, renewing higher education,” Cross Currents)

Observation two: reengaging the nation

Mandatory service learning is key to civic engagement

Anderson 98 (Susan, “Service Learning: A national strategy for youth development” George Washington University institute for Communitarian Policy Studies, )

Strong Local public spheres are key to effect public policies

Papworth, 95 (John, Fourth world review, “Small is powerful”)

Service learning is key to politicize service and create effective citizens- only this can allow them to challenge systems of power

Walker 00 (Tobi, PS: Political Science and Politics, “The Service/Politics Split: Rethinking Service to teach political engagement” JSTOR)

Current service programs emphasize civic education devoid of politics and unintentionally facilitates totalitarian control- only the plan can revolutionize civic education

Kahne and Westheimer, 03 (Joseph and Joel, “Deomcracy and Civic Engagement- What schools need to do,” Phi Delta Kappan)

Focusing on national politics is vital to preserving leftist ideals and engaging society to achieve structural change

Rorty 98 (Richard, Achieving our Country)

Cathedral Prep RL Affirmative

Contention 1: Global Health Care Crisis

The present system finds an international health worker shortage.

Mullan, 2005 (Fitzhugh, clinical professor of pediatrics and public health, GW University)

“Human beings are the heart of health care…task alone”

Contention 2: Harms

Advantage 1: Global Health

The current crisis facing global health care causes over 17 million deaths every year.

Anil Soni, 2004 (Friends of the Global Fight, )

“Across developing countries…diarrhoeal diseases”

AIDS alone has cause more deaths than all the wars ot he 20th century comined, and will continue to worsen if left unchecked

Lester Brown, 2006 (Earth Policy Institute, /Books/Seg/PB2ch06_ss3a.htm)

“There is no precedent…succeed against neither”

Also, lack of health care workers and resources around the world is the leading cause of poverty.

Mbeki, 2002 (Thabo, ANC Today, “Health, Human Dignity, and Partners for Poverty” April 5, )

“The 20th century has brought…poverty reduction”

AIDS has been identified as the single greatest factor contributing to systemic poverty.

Useche and Cabezas, 2005 (Bernardo and Amalia, Epidemiologists at the International Relations Center, “The Vicious Cycle of AIDS and Poverty,” 2965”)

“World Bank Director…other reforms”

Our government’s complacency towards the poor has laid a bare regime of neoliberalism, which has commodified life, making it expendable. Society has thus been stripped of its ability to be engaged as social participants.

Giroux, 2006 (Global TV Chair Professorship at McMaster Universeity in the English and Cultural Studies Department, Henry A, Summer 2006, College Literature 33.3, “Reading Hurricane Katrina: Race, Class, and the Biopolitics of Disposiblity,” Project Muse)

“Underneath neoliberalism’s…global capitalism”

Our government’s ignorance has become a spectable blinding us to the realities of systemic poverty. The result us to the realities of systemic poverty. The result is a cycle of violence and atrocities on par with any in history.

Abu-Jamal, 98 (Muma, A Quiet and Deadly Violence, )

“The deadliest form of violence...passes away with them”

Advantage 2: Pandemics

A consesnsus of scientists agree that a pandemic is on its way

Hohman, 2006 (Stanford Daily, )

“A deadly virus…after the documentary”

Lack of health workers and resources lead to a high probability for avian influenza mutations.

Gaglotti, 2005 (Frank, Nov. 4, )

“This January…by HIV”

Mutation of the Avian Flue virus would kill a billionj people within months and cause extinction if left unchecked.

Chandra, 04 (Satish, Deputy National Security Advisor of India, Global Security: A broader Concept for the 21st Century- May 7th)

“This scenario…is estimated”

Even if the avian flue does not produce a global pandemic, other virus threats make outbreaks inevitable.

Kokjohn, 2006 (Tyler A, professor of microbiology at Midwestern University, 4/19, 194.html)

“While Dr. Marc…pandemic influenza”

Therefore we offer the following plan: The United States Federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in the Peace Corps by recruiting health care workers to a Medical Service Corps through the use of incentives. Enforcement guaranteed, however, we reserve the right to clarify intent.

Contention 3: Solvency

Recruiting and mobilizing health workers in a Medical Service Corps would provide the necessary catalyst to solve health problems worldwide.

Barbeau, 2003 (Andrew Chart, Illinous Nurses Association, March/April, )

“As the AIDS crisis…public health initiatives”

The incentives we provide would mobilize thousands of health professionals.

Stencel and Vines, 2005 (Christine and Vanee, “A Peace Corps for Global Health, In Focus Magazine, _service.html, Summer)

“Of course, the skilled professionals…skills and services”

We should organize a Medical Service Corps to combat global health issues.

Institute of Medicine, 2005 (Healers Abroad, p 8-9)

“The lack of skilled…required skills”

The Medical Service Corps would provide health training that would spread and empower resources in other countries as well. Large numbers of workers can be mobilized rapibly.

Davis, 2005 (Paul, Health GAP, Dec 1, )

“It takes a long time…and other initiatives.”

The Peace Corps is the essential program for this initiative because of its broad capacity connections on the ground.

CNN, 00 (6/27, )

“Peace Corps volunteers will expand… and Zimbabwe”

AIDS and poverty work in a vicious cycle. Releasing the death of disesase is key to release the death grip of impoverishment.

Rice, 2006 (Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, Susan E, The Threat of Global Povery)

“While senior U.S. officials now acknowledge…developing world”

Our government’s complacency in these matters has plagues all of society. You have a responsibility as a judge to endorse our reversal of this trend. The plan action reforms the paradigm of the state to one of hope and pragmatic action. An affirmative ballot is necessary to unearth the anti-democratic forces that commodify life.

Giroux, 2006 (Global TV network Chair, Henry A, Summer, “Reading Hurricane Katrina: Race, Class, and the Biopolitics of Disposability,” Project Muse)

“Katrina reveals…face of death”

Contention 4: F/W

We’ll contend that the framework for evaluating this round should be that of policy option vs. policy option. Valid options would include the status quo and a legitimate counterplan.

It’s impossible to determine an answer to being- ontological questioning results in infinite regression and total political paralysis.

Levinas and Nemo, 85 (Emmanuel, professor of philosophy, and Phillipe, professor of new philosophy, Ethics and Infinity, pg 6-7)

“Are we not in need…escape being and scenarios”

Policymaking refuses the public’s role as passive observes, defying current institutions and leading to real change.

Kylynch, 1997 (Jessica J, Assistant professor of Political Science PHD The University of Connecticut “Performing Politics: Foucault, Habernas, and Postmodern Participation Policy, Winter)

“Unfortunately, it is precisely…not enough”

Celebration MD Affirmative

Terrorist will aqucire and use weapons of mass destructions

Dekker Bellamy 05

. pdf

“Some factors arguing for a more “serious risk assessment include…The potential for unconvential weapons use by terrorist an/or rogue states-either in a material or a fully weaponized form—does not appear likely to go into sudden decline”

The military’s war on terror will not neutralize this threat. Offensive operations cannot solve the amorphous threat of terrorism.

Flynn 04

“The United States is living on borrowed time…The American nation itself remains largely outside the scope of national security even though the September 11 attacks were launched from the United States on targets within the United States”

Homeland security measures will never succeed in preventing a terrorist attack

Goure 04 “Attacking Terrorism: Elements of a Grand Strategy”

“Counterterrorism is the ultimate zero tolerance affair…Neutralization cannot be a central means for the conduct of a homeland security strategy”

Another terrorist attack is likely within a year

CBS News 06

“US officials believe Canadian arrests over the weekend.. But it’s coming—of that they seem certain”

Unfortunately present local first response capabilities are inadequate to deal with a terror attack

Goure 06

“This may be an impossible task on local or even state governments…Without adequate training are resources, it may not be possible to elect desired actions by first responders that could mitigate damage”

Jurisdictional confusion will prevent any effective first response to terrorism

Kayyen 03


Vague and contradictory laws, overlapping jurisdictions and procedural and professional divides…it could give rise to fear, resulting in unnecessary use of power.

Terrorism triggers economic collapse, absent consequence management. Effect containment measures deters terrorists from initiating attacks

Flynn 04

This is not a defeatist position…Such pre-execution elevate the oppurtunities for infiltration and raise the odds that terrorist groups will attract attention

Economic decline leads to extinction

Beardon 2000

“Just prior to the terrible collapse of the world economy…WE have a 99%chance of that scenario or some modified version of it, resulting”

Effective emergency response is key to contain the impact to a bioterror attack

Chybal 01

“While important to the detection of covert attacks…The sensitivity and connectivity of the public help system could be crucial to the earliest possible recognition of and response to even a major attack.

Uncontained bio-attack causes extinction.

Steibrunner 97

“The use of manufactured weapons is a singular event…The 1918 influenza epidemic demonstrated the potential for a global contagion of this sort.

A repeat of 9/11 with inadequate government response will cause massive public backlash because exceptions for the security have been raised.

Harvey 06

Standard for assessing government performance will shift…financial costs and political motivation, to response would likely have been far lower

The physiological fallout of an unmitigated terror attack will radicalize public opinion and impel indiscriminate US retaliation, escalating to world war

Shwartz-Morgan 01


“The terrorist act can reactivate….whether they be themselves merchants of terrorists.”

Effective consequence management is key to limiting the psychological effects of an attack

Pangi and Kayyen 03

“Filling the gaps in the U.S. mental health…through insufficient planning or inept implementation.”


Congress can increase service in the National Guard to enable first response.

Brook 05

“The practical stems that need to be taken before first responders…The national interests in the event of a terrorist attack”

National Guard is the best institution to lead first response missions.

Oates 03

“The Los Angeles riots also demonstrated…communications units need to help fulfill these commitments”

Only congressional legislation solves for jurisdictional barriers and national coordination

McDonnell 04

“A response to terrorism in the US…We found several command and control issues where guidance

Chaminade College Prep DD Affirmative

Observation 1: Inherency

Peace Corps applications are high now. 20 more countries request the presence of Peace Corps volunteers. The current budget prevents expansion.

Greensboro News and Record ‘04

Plan text: The United States Congress should substantially increase the number of persons in the Peace Corps by mandating budgetary support for 50,000 volunteers.

Observation 2: Development

Globalization is inevitable. The poverty gap between the North and South is increasing. Expanding Peace Corps is vital to harnessing its benefits for the world’s poorest.

Schneider 2k

Allowing Poverty to continue is equivalent of complicity in the face of ongoing nuclear war against the poor. This is the root cause of other violence.

Gilligan ‘06

Globalization is a reality that should not be ignored or eliminated. The plan is vital to harness forces of globalization to make capitalism more human.

Diaz-Bonilla and Robinson ‘01

Expanding Peace Corps to 50,000 is a dramatic symbol of U.S. commitment to peace.

It fosters global cooperation against poverty and guarantees the survival of the planet.

Shriver ‘01

Observation 3: Soft Power

The U.S international image is declining globally and negative perceptions of the U.S culture are having great impact than Bush policies. Only substantially expanding Peace Corps can create cultural contrasts that overcome U.S resentment of U.S unilaterism

Slabbert ‘06

U.S soft power is key to foster international cooperation on global problems. This is critical to preventing the inevitability of nuclear proliferation, environmental destruction, war between “failed” states and the spread of diseases.

Reiffel ‘05

The collapse of U.S hegemony in the form of Soft Power would open scenarios of global nuclear war.

Khalilazad ‘95

Expanding Peace Corps promotes soft power between than any other policy

Reifell and Zalud ‘06

Expanding Peace Corps is a unique form of soft power that can win support of developing countries.

Reiffel ‘03

Increasing the number of volunteers is vital to expanding face to face cultural contacts that are the core of soft power.

Berrit ‘04

Peace Corps volunteers will influence U.S foreign policy through their experience.

Kirschten ‘98

Observation 4: Terrorism

Experience through Peace Corps will reduce terrorism. Peace Corps voluntary deployment is critical mto ending the misconceptions that cause resentment towards Americanism.

Schneider ‘02

The next terrorism attack will lead to extinction.

Alexander ‘03

Chattahoochee GF Affirmative

Contention One: Status Quo

The government’s current 18 month enlistment optin is a sham and a failure-open ended enlistment times are dooming the military

Fox News 03 (“US wants a Few Good Soldiers, For less Time” 3/11, )

Thus the plan: The United States federal government should, in order to substantially increase the number of persons in the Armed Forces, establish a 15- month active- duty enlistment option for the Unites States Army guaranteeing post-graduate financial soldiers.

Contention Two: US Hegemony

Our dependence on low-quality recruits will degrade the overall competence of the entire force. The evidence is overwhelming that the use of low aptitude recruits will quickly cannibalize our military capabilities.

Kaplan 06 (Fred, “GI Schmo”, Slate magazine, 1-09-06, l/n)

Second, declines in readiness quickly snowball

Krepinevich, 2000 (Andrew, “Ready for What?” Wall Street Journal, 9-10-00, Csbaonline,org/4publications/archive/O.2000901. Ready_for_What/O.20000901. Ready_for_What.htm)

Having quality troops is key to military readiness

Remier no date (Dennis, “America’s Army- The world’s best army where we’ve been…where we’re headed”, )

An unprepared US military decreases our ability to reassure our allies, sustain global coalitions and deter adversaries

Crane 02 (Conrad, “Facing the Hydra: Mainiting Strategic Balance While Pursuing a Global War Against Terrorism,” Strategic Studies Institute)

And, Multiple entities exist that desire to challenge US hegemony, they won’t hesitate to transform the current peace into WMD hot wars

Brownlee and Shoomaker 04 (“Serving a Nation at War: A Campaign Quality Army with Joint and Expeditionary Capabilities”, Parameters, Summer, pp.4-23)

The Impact is global nuclear war

Brookes 06 (Peter, New York Post, “Why they need us: Imagine a world without America,” Press/Commentary/ed070406a. cfm)

Collapse of US hegemony causes a global power vacuum making all their impacts inevitable

Ferguson 04 (Niall, “A World without Power”, Foreign Policy)

Contention Three: Iran

First, Iran is pursuing a massive weapons program- all qualified evidence shows tha Iran has the intentions of making a bomb. However diplomacy will fail because the US, Europe, Russia, and China all have different agendas

Investors Business Daily 06 (US Stands Alone)

This makes war inevitable for two reasons

Strikes by the Bush administration are inevitable. Bush will manipulate the UN into antagonism against Iran or will short circuit UN opinion for the military option

Short 06 (Fran, “Who, or what, will stop Bush’s military attack on Iran?”4-10-06)

The current regime in Iran is going to change the landscape of the Middle East to be more anti-American then ever before making war inevitable-Iran is as anti-American as we are anti-Iran- nothing will stop them absent strikes

Taheri 06 (Amir, “Dithering won’t stop Iran’s nukes” New York Post, 4-18-06)

Invading Iran will require an influx of troops- even if it happens via an air strike

Bullet 06 (Richard, “Has Israel Rescued Iran?” )

The Question is no longer about whether strikes are good or bad, but all about timeframe- increasing the number of troops will allows Bush to attack Iran in the short term

Warshawsky 05 (Steven, The American Thinker, “Troubled thoughts on a troubling war” 9-11-05)

A fully supported air strike with adequate troops will have several benefits- FIRST, strikes will trigger an Iranian glasnost causing quick regime change

Lewis 06 (James, “Military Strikes and a Democratic Future for Iran”, The American Thinker, 1-25-06)

Second, a nuclear Iran will lead to rapid proliferation throughout the Middle East and Asia collapse the NPT, crush US hegemony, and cause widespread nuclear terrorism. The result is a global nuclear war.

Kurtz 06 (Stanley, “Our Fallout-Shelter Future:”)

Contention Four: Solvency

First, a 15- month short term enlistment option combined with post secondary education incentives would uniquely solve for recruiting and retention shortfalls- the best studies support a massive spike in college educated enlistees

Moskos 05 (Charles, 4-7-05, “Toward a New conception of the Citizen Soldeir”)

And, the education benefits are vital to getting smart soldiers and insuring retention rates. Plus- post graduate soldiers would be a financial plus for the military.

Moskos 02 (Charles, Public Interest, “Revisiting the Citizen Soldier”, Spring Issue 147)

Plan undeniable leads to educated enlistees- they will continue to refuse to sign up in a world of long term service

United Press International 06 (“Sharing the Burdens of Military Service, 1-3-06)

Chattahoochee YM Affirmative

Aff Plan: The USFG should, in order to substantially increase the number of person in the Armed Forces, establish a 15-month active-duty enlistment option for the United States Army guaranteeing post-graduate financial aid for soldiers.

Contention 1: Inherency

The government’s current 18 month option is a sham and a failure. Open-ended enlistment times are dooming the military.

Fox News 03 “US Wants a Few Good Soldiers, For Less Time.” [3/11, ]

Contention 2: Iran

First, Iran is pursuing a massive weapons program—all qualified evidence shows that Iran has the intentions of making a bomb. However diplomacy will fail because the US, Europe, Russia, and China all have different agendas.

Investors Business Daily 95 (US Stands Alone, p. lexis)

A fully supported air strike-with adequate troops would have several benefits. First, strikes will trigger an Iranian glasnost causing quick regime change.

Lewis 06 (James Lewis, “military Strikes and a Democratic Future for Iran,” The American Thinker, January 25th, 2006, pg. )

Second, The Mullahs want to strike Israel now—nuclear weaopons dramatically increase the risk of an attack—air strikes are critical to preventing it

Boot 06, Senior Follow for National Security Studies (Mas, “Iran’s threat, Bush’s dilemma,” Los Angeles Times, Jan 25, pg. )

That collapses hegemony, destabilized the Middle East, and causes massive waves of terrorism

Brooks 06 (Rosa, War clouds; Russia’s dangerous double game with Isreal and Iran could easily spark a Middle East conflict, with dire consequences for the US, LA Times, p. lexis)

A terrorist attack will cause extinction

Sid-Ahmed 04, Political analyst for Al-Ahram Newspaper for more than 20 years and author of several books on the Middle east issues (Mohammend, )

Third, a nuclear Iran will lead to rapid proliferation throughout the Middle East and Asia, collapse the NPT, crush US gemegomy, and cause widespread nuclear terrorism. The Result is a global nuclear war.

Kurtz, Senior Fellow at the Eithcs and Public Policy Center, Contributing Editor for the National Review Online and research fellow at the Hoover Institution-Standford Universty, 8/28 (Stanley “Our Fallout-Shelter Future” )Dg5NmYyMWQ4YjM3OTU) tp

Contention 3: Hegemony

The army’s recruiting crisis is forcing it to lower its standards to meet its goals. This will have a profound impact on the military’s ability to defend itself and our allies

Bowman 06 (Tom, “army accepts crime in recruits,” The Baltimore Sun, February 14, 2006, pg. 1 A/1n)

Declines in readiness will quickly snowball

Krepinevich 2000- Executive Director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (Andrew Krepinevich “ready for What?,” Wall Street Journal, 09/01/2000, pg )

This makes war inevitable-

a) Strikes by the bush administration are inevitable. Bush will manipulate the UN into antagonism against Iran or will short circuit UN opinion for the military option.

Shor 06, teaches historical and cultural studies at Wayne State University, (Fran, Who, or What, Will stop Bush’s military Attack On Iran?, April 10, )

An unprepared US military destroys our ability to reassure our allies, sustain global coalition, and deter adversaries

Crane 02- Facing the Hydra: Maintaining Strategic Balance while pursuing a global war against terrorism, Strategic Studies Institute, May 2002)

This will actively encourage the rise of global rivals—only strong ground forces can allow it to fight multiple wars and stustaine US heg

Perry 06—National Security Advisory Group “The US Military: Under strain and at Risk,” January, )

Multiple entities exist that desire to challenge US Leadership—they will not hesitate to transform the current peace into WMB hot wars

Brownlee & Schoomaker 04—“Serving a Nation at War: A campaign Quality Army with Joint and Expeditionary Capabilities,” Parameters, Summer 04, pp 4-23)

The impacts is global nuclear war

Brookes 7-4-06, New York Post, “Why They Need Us: Imagine a World without America,” )

The end results is a global nuclear exchange

Khalilzad 95—RAND Corporation, (Zalamy, “losing the Moment?” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 2, pg. 84, Spring, Lexis)

B) Isreal will strike Iran if the US Doesn’t. We can restrain them now but more failed attempts at diplocamy will encourage Israel to fend for themselves. This would be the worst possible scenario.

Sands 05 (David, Israelis urge US to stop Iran’s nuke goals, Washington Times, Sept 30, )

C) Current regime in Iran will change landscape of the Middle East to be more anti-american then ever before making war inevitable. Iran is an anti-US as we are anti-iran-nothing will stop them absent strikes

Taheri 06, (Amir Taheri, “Dithering Won’t Stop Iran’s Nukes,” New York Post, April 18, 2006, pg. opinion/opedcolumnists/67114.htm)

The question is no longer whether strikes are good or bad but all about the timeframe—increasing the number of troops will allow Bush to attack Iran in the short term

Warshawsky 05, (Steven, The American Thinker, “Troubled thoughts on a troubling war,” September 11, )

Contention 3: Solvency

15 month enlistment will solve low recruitment

Moskos 05- professor of sociology at Northwestern

Education benefits are vital to getting smart soldiers and insuring retention rates. Plus- post grad soldiers would be a financial plus for the military

Moskos 02, (Charles, Public Interest, “Reviving the citizen-soldier,” Spring Issue 147, )


Finally, the plan undeniably leads to education enlistees—they will continue to refuse to sign up in a world of long term serice.

United Press International 06 “Sharing the Burdens of Military Service.” [1/3, Sharing the burdens of military service, ]

Alt Fails

The alternative is impossible—it assumes benevolence in the masses only a stance of constant vigilance and heg can solve—allying with national security concerns is key to survival—the alt makes us weak.

Brooks 01, Senior Editor for the Weekly Standard [David, ]


Contention one inherency

The government’s current 18 month option is a sham and a failure. Open ended enlistment times are dooming the military

Fox news service 03 story/0,2933,80840,00.html

“Uncle sam is looking….averaged fixed rate”


The United States federal government should, in order to substantially increase the number of persons in the Armed forces, establish a 15-month active-duty enlistment option for the United States Army guaranteeing post-graduate financial aid for enlistees.

Contention 2: Iran

First, Iran is pursuing a massive weapons program- all qualified evidence shows evidence shows that Iran has the intentions of making a bomb. However diplomacy will fail because the US, Europe, Russia, and China all have different agendas

Investors Buiness Daily 9/5 (US Stands Alone, lexis)

“On July 31, the U.S. and its supposed allies passed…And Iran wont stop enriching uranium”

This Makes war inevitable for 3 reasons-

A. Strikes by the Bush administration are inevitable. Bush will manipulate the UN into antagoinism against Iran or will short circuit UN opinion for the military option.

Shor, teaches historical and cultural studies at Wayne State University, 2006 ()

“Recent articles in the Daily Telegraph in England and the Washington Post…a Democratic opposition”

B. Israel will strike Iran if the US doesn’t. We can restrain them now but more failed attempts at Diplomacy will encourageIsrael to fend for themselves. This would be the worst possible scenario.

Sands 2005- (

“The United States and its allies must act to stop…we were talking to the walls.”

C. The current regime in Iran is going to change the landscape of the Middle East to be more anti-american then never before making war inevitable. Iran is as anti-US as we are anti- nothing will stop them absen strikes.

Taheri, former Executive Editor of Kayhan, Iran’s largest daily newspaper, 2006- ()

“Anyone familiar with the history…war against a nuclear-armed foe.”

Contention 3: Hegemony

The Army’s recruiting crisis is forcing it to lower its standards to meet its goals this will have a profound impacts on the Military’s ability to defend itself and our allies

Bowman 2006- (The Baltimore Sun, February 14, 2006, Pg. 1A/1n)

“Struggling to boost its ranks in wartime…told the Senate Armed Services Committee last week.”

Declines in Readiness will quickly snowball

Krepinevich 2000- ()

“The broadsides being fired at each other…preventive medicine is crucial here”


Kaplan 2006- (Slate Magazine, Pg. 1n)

“Threee months ago, i wrote that the war in Iraq was wrecking… on average, 1.6. to 2.6 percent per month”

An unprepared US military destroys our ability to reassure our allies, sustain Global Coalitions, and Deter Adversaries

Crane 2002- (Facing the Hydra: maintaining Strategic Balance While Pursuing A Global War Against Terrorism, May 2002)

“Future Army missions like those in Bosnis… achieve the goals outlined in the QDR Report.”

This will actively encourage the rise of global rivals- only strong ground forces can allow it to fight multiple wars and sustain US. Hegemony

Perry 2006- ()

“In the meantime, the United States has only limited ground force…respond to some contingencies.”

And, Multiple Entities exist that desireto challenge US leadership- They will not Hesitates to Transform the Current peace nto WMD Hot Wars.

Brownlee &Schoomaker 04- (“Serving a Nation at War: A campaign Quality Army with the Joint and Expeditionary Capabilities,” Parameters, pp. 4-23)

“A cursory examination of the ideas in competition…. To circumstance that it could not forsee.”

The Impact is Global Nuclear War

Brookes- Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation 7-4-2006 ()

“For all the worldwide whining…Stand tall and proud- you’ve earned it.”

Then End Result is a Global Nuclear Exchange

Khalilzad 1995- (“Losing the Moment?” The Washington Quarterly, VOL. 18, N0.2, pg 84, Lexis)

“Under the third option…a bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system”

Contention-3 Solvency

A 15 month enlistment option combined with post secondary education incentives would solve for recruiting and retention shortfalls.

Moskos 05, Professor of Sociology at Northwestern (enotes/20050407.military.moskos.newconceptioncitizensoldier.html)

“A new Citizen Soldier The era of the Abrams Doctrine…to professional prison guards

And, the education benefits are vital to getting smart soldiers and insuring retention rates. Plus- post graduate soldiers would be a financial plus for the military.

Moskos 05, Professor of Sociology at Northwestern- (“Reviving the citzen-soldier,” Spring Issue 147, )

“Students who have earned bachelor’s degrees…in the junior ranks would drop markedly.”

Finally, plan undeniably leads to educated enlistees- they will continue to refuse to sign up in a world of long term service.


“Contrary to initial accounts, the Sept. 11 attacks did not result in…It’s going to be exciting”

College Prep BB Affirmative


Plant text: In order to substantially increase the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces, the United States federal government should mandate a substantial increase in active duty personnel serving in the United States Coast Guard. We reserve the right to clarify our intent.

Coast guard is understaffed and leave ports unguarded.

Coast guard is key to port security.


Terrorist attack to ports would be destructive

Terrorist attack is inevitable in squo unless port security increases.


Ports are vulnerable, economy impact-Mead

Hysteria of terrorist attacks will come

Economic collapse leads to global nuke war Mead

A major terrorist attack sparks a response.

North Korea will sell weapons to terrorist groups.



US strike on North Korea results in huge nuke war

The USFG should substantially increase the number of persons serving in the Coast Guard.

Coast guard staff increases are key to preventing terrorism. Dobbs and Wian February 27, 2006. .

Correcting Coast guard staffing problems essential to avoid nuclear terrorist attack. Meyer 06. The magazine of Future Warfare.

Congressional funding to Coast Guard key to preventing terrorist attacks. Harrison 2002. .

Coast guard is best in providing maritime security. Flynn October 1st 2001. US Naval Proceedings.

Coast guard has an amazing skill set which makes it uniquely effective at maintaining maritime security. Feege and Truver 2002. Globalization and Maritime Power.

Inability to deter terrorist organization makes the ability to disrupt attacks essential. Aoki 7/27/2006. Congressional Testimony.

Threat of a WMD attack must be 1st. Walt 3/10/2005. .

Coast guard has reached the work limit of the people serving. Stulginsky Sept. 2006.

Holes in port security risk terrorist attacks.

Contention I is the coast guard is seriously understaffed

Feege and Truer, 2002,

The coast guard is overburdened, and will leave the ports open to attack

Egan 2006

Staffing is so bad, the work is out of control


The Funding is High right now, the problem is staffing

Dobbs and Wian 2006,

Contention II is terrorism- there will be a terrorist attack in the status quo

Gordon September 2006, Tribune News service

There is s high risk of a terror attack in the status quo

Flynn September 2001, tribune news service

The US ports are highly vulnerable to a terror attack

Kostrzewa, September 2000, Providence Journal

A terror attack on the US will destroy its economy

Barmann, September 2006, Providence Journal

Reaction by the US will crush the global economy in 2 weeks

Barmann, September 2006, providence journal

A collapse of the global economy will lead to the rise of dictators and war

Mead, 98

A terrorist strike would spark hysteria and retaliation by the US

Fallows, September 2006, Atlantic monthly

North Korea will sell its nuclear technology for terrorist use

Sherman 2006

North Korea will not attack directly but will sell nukes to the terrorists

Chapman 2006, Baltimore Sun

A US nuclear strike against North Korea will occur after North Korea supplies the terrorism

Poveil, October 2006

US Attack on North Korea would be disastrous, and cause a big nuclear war

Chol 2002,

The Plan: In order to substantially increase the number of persons serving in the Armed forces the United States federal government should mandate a substantial increase in the United States coast guard- We have the right to clarify

Contention III is solvency- An increase in the numbers of the coast guard checks terrorism

Dobbs and Wian 2006,

Coast guard is essential to avoid another Nuclear terrorist attack

Meyer 2006

Congressional funding for the coast guard is necessary to check terrorism

Harrison 2002,

The coast guard is the best agency to defend against maritime terror

Flynn 2001, publication

Coast Guard has amazing skills which make it quite able for maritime security

Feege and Truerer 2002

Inability to deter terrorism makes it essential to prevent terrorism at the coasts

Auki, 2006

A threat of a WMD attack by a terrorist must be treated as the most significant factor in a policy calculation

Walt, 2005,

College Prep PK Affirmative

PLAN: The United States federal government should substantially increase the number of persons serving in Americorps, specifically the National Civilian Community Corps, by funding a substantial increase in the number of restoration workers in United States National Forests.

Contention One Inherency

Bush’s proposal for 2007 is about to cut spending and terminate the National Civilian Community Corps- funding for the NCCC is key to preserve the program.

The Boston Globe 2006 (“RESTORING SERVICE,” lexis)

Despite Bush’s staged public relations… Bush has submitted for Fiscal 2007 would terminate the NCCC

Contention Two Forests

Forests are shrinking at an alarming rate, only tree planting can replenish the current trend of deforestation

Roberta MANN, Associate Professor of Law, Widener University- Wilmington, 2002 (“Waiting to Exhale? Global Warming and Tax Policy” American University Law Review, access l/n)

The environmental movement seeks to preserve forests… the world’s forests are shrinking at an alarming rate… Eighty percent of the world’s original forest cover has been lost

NCCC has been successful in the past on small-scale conservation efforts- expanding the program is key to restoring forests and preserving the environment

Bashaw 2005 (Andrew-, RuraReport, Winter, vol. 25, no. 1,

05.pdf., downloaded, 8/11/06) ncp

National Civilian Community Corps teams devoted much energy to completing improvements…

Improving forests are key to absorb greenhouse gasses and keep carbon dioxide levels in check- key to stop rapid climate change

Stock and Rochen 1999 (Jocelyn and Andy, students writing a paper with University of Michigan Geological Sciences Professor Ben A. van der Pluijm, “The Choice: Dommsday or Arbor Day,”


deforestation… the most serious consequence… climate change due to the loss of trees

Life on Earth is at a tipping point- global warming has slowly built up until the point where the planet can crash around us at any moment… self-perpetuating collapse is in motion right now we’re on a exponentially growing road to extinction

Time, April 3, 2006 COVER?GLOBAL WARMING; Pg.28 Vol. 167 No. 14 “Polar Ice Caps ARE Melting Faster Than Ever… More and More Land is being devatsed… global warming as a slow motion emergency that would take decades to play out

Warming causes planetary destruction and total extinction- nuclear war is smaller, that’s the evidence from our 1AC author, Brandenburg. Also… Nuclear war leaves survivors, while warming kills all

Hunter 2003- Founder of Greenpeace

Thermageddon, p. (158-159)

Should the nuclear exchange be limited… there ultimately will be no safe, remote places

Skepticism is overwhelmed by scientific evidence- human exploitation and global warming WILL destroy civilization- we must turn the tables by acting now

Micheal Shermer Foudning Publisher of Skeptic Magazine, the Director of the Skeptics Society, a monthly columnist for Scientific American June 2006 “The Flipping Point”

http:// article.cfm?articleID=000B557A-71ED-146C-ADB783414B7F0000

natural and human-caused environmental catastrophes led to collapse of civilizations…

The current circumstances are different from any instance we’ve ever seen. Our environment is at the tipping point- we have to increase awareness NOW to change political mindsets and enact policies that will save the environment. The only thing we’re missing is the awareness and political will

Gore 2005 (Al, Former Vice President, The following is a transcript of a speech given by former Vice President Al Gore at the National Sierra Club convention in San Francisco on September 9, 2005, addressing the challenges and moral imperatives posed by Hurricane Katrina and global warming.)

“it is important to learn the right lessons of what happened… if we do not absorb the right lessons..’

Stability of our timeframe is at a tipping point- global warming impacts could happen possibly this year

Involvement on environmental conservation is the only way to solve environmental collapse

Contention Three solvency

Funding the NCCC would promote Americorps as a whole

Increased funding for Americorps is key to Americorps membership

Americorps members work to preserve habitats and maintain a stable nature

NCCC is the most cost effective program as a whole

Colleyville Heritage DH Affirmative

Observation One: Our Critique of the Status Quo Citizen

-Civic Disengagement is spreading

-Status Quo model of good citizen is deferent to state policies in crisis and war.

Observation Two- The Public Sphere

-Existing school based service programs emphasize character education that promotes the idea of citizenship and patriotism devoid of politics. This Facilitates totalitarian control.

-Political disengagement doesn’t mean national public sphere goes away, only will be dominated by far – right, leading to war and tyranny.

-This is already happening; the national public sphere is being dominated by the military and corporate interests

-Promoting healthy democratic public sphere is vital to human survival

-Authoritarian control not on hurts public sphere, but creates atmosphere of fear where dissent against the state is stigmatized, ending in scapegoating, making K alternatives impossible.

-Militarism makes war a sacred duty justified by the government. Ends in extinction.

Plan: The United States federal government should expand Americorps membership to 250,000 people a year. Enforcement guaranteed.

Observation Three: Solvency

-Federal campaign through Americorps is vital to dramatically expanding service learning

Obsercation 1: Our critique of the status Quo

Civic disengagement is spreading as Americans are becoming more disconnected from both local governmenrs and the federal governments

Fretz 04 (Erica, director of service leaning center. Naropa University, “teaching liberty and practicing the deliberative democracy in the classroom, the campus compact reader, winter, pact reader/winter04/article2-1.html)

Introduction in the past decade…. Twenty first century”

The status quo model of the good citizen is one who defers to state policies in instances of crisis and war. These citizens are lead into complacent with state activities and voluntary disengage,. This allows the gov to silence voices and dictate acceptance through governmental policy and threats causing war to go unchecked by a docile populace.

Faulk 04 “the declining world order: Americas imperial geopolitics”

Observation 2: public sphere

Exisitin school based service programs emphasize character education that promotes the idea of citizenship and patrotism devoid of politics. This facilitates totalitarian control

Kahne and westeimer what schools need to do, 2003

A strikingly large…. Impressive results

Political disengagement doesn’t mean the national public sphere goes away, it means it will be dominated by the far right and collapse into fascism, causing wars and tyranny

Rorty 98, acheicing our country pp. 87-94

If the formation.. rescfoul spook.

Promoting a healthy democratic public spehere is vital to human survival

Lakeland 93 lakeland2

This is already happening – the national political sphere is being dominated by military and corporate interests. This is facilitating militarism and global violence.

Boggs, 05, impreiacl delusions American militarism and endless war

The corrosive effects…popular concerns

Authoritaian commandeering is not only detrimental to the public sphere., it also created an atmostpher of fear and demoization of emenies whre dissent and protest agains the state are stigmatized and conduct any type of warfare- amking the kritik alts impossible. It allows the gov to conduct any type of warfare w/o a risk of public backlash

Boggs 05

if any single…. Militarism and empire

militarism transforms war and expansiton into a sacred duty making it justifies by the gov. this makes military conquest terrorism backblow inev- crushing any positive aspects of heg

Boggs 05

And US … planetary survival.

The us faces global challenges of explotation diseases and envor collaps trhat risk extinction. Only a renewed commitment to service learning can spur the civic engagement nececary to regain control of the public sphere

Small 06

what will be the …..just that

PLAN : The USFG should commit funding to expand americorps membership to 250.000 a year.

Obs 3; solvency

A fed campaign Anderson 98-

“the descion….service learning nationally”

expanding americorp is vital to making the program inclusive enough to spur wide ranging civic engagement

marshall and mcgee 05 documents/ameribook/ameribook_chap7.pdf

in just over a ….. homeland security

the alternative to federal action is corporate or private domination, which risks a return to virulent nationalism and totalitarian control.

Barber 98


Service learning teaches a combination of theory and practice that can inspire social activism recreating current modes of through

Pompa 02, service learning as a crucible”

“I wil hold its… at its best

using the gove to spur mobilization of individuals in the civic sphere to engage in publice affairs key to activist, information sharing and can achiece social change even without large scale movements


Policy learning is an on going…. Enviroment

Coppell RK Affirmative

Contention 1 Inherency

LSA Budget slashed 20%

Nelda Brown, 4/17/06,

Contention 2 Civic Engagement

Squo education promotes citizenship to create disengagement

Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer 2003

Phi Delta Kappan Vol. 85 Issue 1 p.34

Increased participation in LSA key to civic engagement

Sally Raskoff and Richard Sundeen 1999, “Community service programs in high schools”

Service learning restores political consciousness

Marian Wright Edelman 1998, “Service learning: a national strategy for youth development”

Greater participation creates ethic of accountability

Elizabeth Larson-Keagy 2003,

Not taking responsibility for gov. action cause extinction

Jonathan Small, Spring 2006,

Education that fails to provide an opportunity for students to obtain knowledge in the context of social reality mandates a societal obsession with death – oppression is the necessary result of allowing continual objectification of life.

Paulo Freire 1982, (Pedagogy of the Oppressed, p. 63-64)

Plan Text: The United States federal government should increase the number of persons serving in Learn and serve America to 4.4 million. Enforcement and funding provided.

Contention 3: Solvency

Increasing the funding to $162 million will more than quadruple the size of the program allowing for the funding of all competitive service-learning applications.

US Fed News, “Learn and Serve America Grants to Support One Million Students In Service-Learning, US Fed News, 6/12/06

Federal funding of Learn and Serve America as a vehicle of service learning is key to increasing civic participation.

Service Learning United, “Service-Learning United- United in Our support of Learn and Serve America, 12/1/04.

State governments misallocate funding and backlash on other poverty policies – only the federal government ensures accurate appropriation of funding.

Sheryll Cashin 1999, (99 Colum. L. Rev. 552)

Service Learning not the national service that Gorhan criticizes – its critically reflexive nature solves his concerns of patronization.

Mary Hutchinson 2005, (Pedagogy 5.3 427-444)

Plan Text: The United States Federal Government should increase the number of persons able to serve currently in Learn and Serve America to 4.4 million. Enforcement and funding provided

Contention 1- Inherency

Learn and Serve America’s budget has been slashed by 20% - this is the federal governments attempt to disengage the citizenry.

Nelda Brown, Exec. Director of the national service-learning, “Strengthening Civic Education: Launch of the National Advisory Council to the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools,” National Press Club, Washington, DC ~ April 17, 2006,

Learn and Serve…skills and dispositions

Contention 2 –Civic Engagement

The status quo educational system promotes patriotic citizenship in an attempt to brush criticisms of political education to the side. This ignorance creates a culture of civic disengagement.

Joseph Kahne, Professor of American Studies and Education at Mills College, and Joel Westheimer, Associate professor of Democracy, Education, and Society at Univ. of Ottowa, “Democracy and Civic Engagement,” Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 85, Issue 1, p.34, 2003, Questia, Accessed Dartmouth College

A strikingly large…demonstrated impressive results.

Increased participation in Learn and Serve America is key to political participation and civic engagement.

Sally Raskoff, Lecturer in Sociology at USC, and Richard Sundeen, Prof. and associate dean of policy, Planning, and Development at USC, 1999 (“Community Service Programs in High Schools,” 62 Law & Contemp. Prob. 73, Lexis) [Berk]

Numerous observers have…to adult participation

Service learning facilities social cooperation to re-engage society and restore political consciousness.

Marian Wright Edelman, President and Founder of the Children’s Defense Fund, 1998 (“Service Learning: A National Strategy for Youth Development,” George Washington University Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies) ) [Berk]

Inspiring active participation…to higher education

Greater political participation through service learning is essential to creating universal responsibility and a global ethic of accountability.

Elizabeth Larson-Keagy, Executive Editor and professor of geography at Mesa Community College, Journal for Civic Commitment, 2003 [Warsh]

Contributors to the book…and environmental sustainability

Failure to take collective responsibility for the failures of the federal government will culminate in extinction – the spread of disease, global warming, and environmental collapse are all imminent threats that require civic engagement.

Jonathan Small, Former Americorps VISTA for the Human Services Coalition, “Moving Forward,” Journal for Civic Commitment, Spring 2006

What will be the challenges…to do just that

Education that fails to provide an opportunity for students to obtain knowledge in the context of social reality mandates a societal obsession with death – oppression is the necessary result of allowing continual objectification of life.

Paulo Freire, Former Director of the Department of cultural Extension at Recife University, 1982, (Pedagogy of the Oppressed, p. 63-64)

Yet only through…their creative power

Contention 3: Solvency

Increasing the funding to $162 million will more than quadruple the size of the program allowing for the funding of all competitive service-learning applications.

US Fed News, “Learn and Serve America Grants to Support One Million Students In Service-Learning, US Fed News, June 12, 2006, lexis, David

With a goal of…by category, follows.

Federal funding of Learn and Serve America as a vehicle of service learning is key to increasing civic participation.

Service Learning United, “Service-Learning United- United in Our support of Learn and Serve America, Collective Response to the CEO of NCNS, December 1, 2004. [warsh]

We believe that…incredibly important cause

State governments misallocate funding and backlash on other poverty policies – only the federal government ensures accurate appropriation of funding.

Sheryll Cashin, Associate professor of Law at Georgetown, 1999, (99 Colum. L. Rev. 552, Lexis)

Despite the federalist…especially draconian policies

Service Learning not the national service that Gorhan criticizes – its critically reflexive nature solves his concerns of patronization.

Mary Hutchinson, Senior lecturer in English at Pennsylvania State University, 2005, (Pedagogy 5.3 (2005) 427-444, Project Muse) [Berk]

There are fundamental…accompanies ‘charity’ work.

Crosby CF Affirmative

The United States Secretary of Defense should establish a policy, via DoD directive, substantially increasing the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces by establishing an Armed Forces-wide space cadre. The Executive Agent for Space’s specific authority and responsibilities vis-á-vis personnel management of the Armed Forces-wide space cadre should be defined and include the creation of performance measures and evaluation plans in conjunction with and for each branch of the Armed Forces.

Observation One Inherency:

A. DoD Excutive Agent for Space lacks explicit AUTHORITY and RESPONSIBILITY to develop an Armed Forces-wide cadre of space professionals. This combined with the lack of measures to ensure ACCOUNTABILITY means the DoD will not develop sufficient numbers of space-qualified professionals

Government Accountability Office 2005

“Since the January 2001 Space … that was called for by the Space Commssion”

B. Robust Armed Forces-wide cadre of space professionals key to DoD space tech leadership

Colonel Cal Hutto 2004

“Over the past 20 years … and space power to guarantee victory”

Observation Two Harms:

The US foreign policy establishment is divided over space weaponization. “Space hawks” and “arms control doves” have sapped each others political capital to ensure enough that WEAK ORBITAL WEAPONIZATION will happen in the ABSENCE OF ARM CONTROL. The result is the WORST OF ALL WORLDS: A world where the US remains vulnerable in space WHILE sparking arms racing with its rhetoric of offensive orbital weaponization

Brian Ruhm 2003

“Such two-steps-forward-one-step-back … of a security dilemma in space”

Executive Agent leadership on DoD space tech key to US SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS DEFENSIVE and OFFENSIVE COUNTER-SPACE capabilities that ensure protection of space assets against ASAT attack.

Air Force Space Command 2003 Strategic Master Plan: FY 06 and Beyond,

“5.2 COUNTERSPACE (CS) 5.21 WARFIGHTER’S PRESPECTIVE Air … part of the Homeland Security CONOPS”

Executive Agent leadership on DoD space tech supercharges DoD SPACE FORCE ENHANCEMENT capabilities. Both PROTECTING and INNOVATING these capabilities is critical to the US military leadership for multiple reasons.

Air Force Space Command 2003 Strategic Master Plan: FY 06 and Beyond,

“5.1 SPACE FORCE ENHANCEMENT (SFE) 5.1.1 CURRENT … AFSPC will support these Air Force capabilities.”

US space weaponization inevitable. Only choice is whether we proactively develop offensive counter-space capabilities to prevent an attack on US space assets OR hastily develop them in response to being rocked by an ASAT.

John Hylen 2002

“One of the most important … conditions “in peacetime, as a terrorist act.” ”

Executive Agnet leadership on DoD space tech development is key to an EXPEDITIONARY SPACE FORCE model of US space weaponization.

Brian Ruhm 2003

“Acting on the recommendations of … to the term Aerospace Force”

Expeditionary Space Force tech key to prevent rogue “ANTI-ACCESS” threats that cripple US power projection by 2010.

ONE TEAM 2002, The Military Space Plan: Providing Transformational and Responsive Global Precision Striking Power

“The CAV weapons can target … of this crucial transformational capability”

ZERO chance any negative DA impacts will collapse US military leadership harder than a “Space Pearl Harbor’ attack. NO OTHER MORE EFFECTIVE WAY to cripple US military leadership than destroying its space-based assests.

James Kitfield 2001,

“By nearly every account … dominate that theater of operations.’

US military leadership key to prevent multiple scenarios for nuclear war.

Zalmay Khalilizad 95 you know were to get the card

“realistically and over the longer term … of a neo-isolationist strategy.”

This yields a SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE in military space professionals

John Douglass 2004 Hearing of the subcommittee for strategic forces of the house committee on the armed services

“One, the development of new space … questions you may have, sir.”

We propose the model of the deliberative activism as our ethical frameworl. Deliberative democracy should be used as an ethical end for political struggle but we should reject totalizing criticism regarding the means that we deploy to achieve it.

Archon Fung 2005 Deliberation before the revolution: toward an ethics of deliberative democracy in an unjust world, vol 33, no. 2, 397-419

“I contend that there is … in the “middle ground of democracy.”

DoD space tech leadership provides the most pragmatically ethical alternative. Key to provide offensive counter-space capabilities thay minimize non-combatabt deaths.

John E. Hyten and Robert Uy 2004 http;//

“Clearly, the world would be a much … a more moral and ethical decision.”

Realism is the most empirically verifiable theory of international relations. The realist composition of the international system means survival requires the creation and maintenance of offensive military capabilities for 5 reasons.

Mearshimer 2001 The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, pp. 29-32

“My explanation for why great powers … self-help, and power maximization.”

Dowling Catholic KN Affirmative

First is inherency-

The army is about to explode due to a severe recruitment shortage

Collins - who has studied military matters for more than 60 years – 2005 (Colonel John M. USA Ret., studied military matters for more than 60 years, manager of Warlord Loop email which investigates national security issues, author of 12 books on military matters, ARMY Magazine, August 1, “Army Recruiting Crisis: Problems, Responses, and Prognosis, webpub/DeptArmyMagazine.nsf/byid/KGRG-6EWRMU)

These problems will force a return to a draft, but only after a major war collapsing American hegemony and too late to stop aggression.

O’Hanlon – Senior Fellow of Foreign Policy Studies at Brookings – 10-13-2004 (Michael E., LAT, “Nobody Wants a Draft, but What if We Need One,”

Thus the plan:

The United States Congress should pass legislation permanently expanding the end strength of the United States Army by 100,000 troops. Additionally, Congress should create a 15 month enlistment option for the Armed Force. Finally, Congress should create a post service educational benefit for the Armed Forces that funds enlistee’s post secondary education.

Advantage one is Hegemony

The army has been forced to lower its standards for new troops- this trend will crush readiness.

Baltimore Sun – 2006 (Tom Bowman, “Army accepts crime in recruits: To fill its needs, military issues waivers for some past minor offenses,” February 14, Lexis)

These troops hinder the military’s ability to incorporate new technology

Scholer 05 (Aaron – director of national security policy at the Third Way, John Kott – research analyst, Josh Smith – national security fellow, and Jessica Dillon – Domestic Policy Fellow. Boots on the Ground. May, )

The current force is becoming too small and too old- troop strength is critical to maintaining readiness

Goure – Vice President of the Lexington Institute – 2006 (Daniel, Ph.D., Presentation at the Heritage Foundation, “Avoiding A Hollow Military,” March 27, defense.asp?aid=757)

This decline actively encourages the rise of global hostile rivals- only strong ground forces can sustain hegemony

Perry – Former Secretary of Defense – 2006 (William J. Perry, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution and Former Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisory Group “The US Military: Under Strain and at Risk,” January, )

Increasing troop strength reassures allies, sustains coalitions, and deters adversaries- Improving the military’s strength is key to deter cross-border wars.

Crane – 2002 (Conrad C. Ph.D., former Professor of History at the U.S. military academy, Strategic Studies Institute, Facing The Hydra: Maintaining Strategic Balance While Pursuing A Global War Against Terrorism, May, )

The collapse of US heg causes multiple scenarios for extinction

Ferguson – Professor of History at New York University's Stern School of Business and Senior fellow at the Hoover Institution – 2004

[Niall, “A world without power,” Foreign Policy 143, p. 32-39, July-August]

Culminating in global nuclear exchange

Khalilzad – RAND Corporation – 1995 (Zalmay, “Losing the Moment?” The Washington Quarterly, Vol. 18, No. 2, pg. 84, Spring, Lexis)

Finally- a weak military is worse than none at all- it will invite aggression or create a false confidence leading to war.

Feaver – Professor of Political Science at Duke – 2003 (Peter D., Armed Services: Agency, Oversight, and Civil-Military Relations, p.213 //AGupta)

Overstretch actively encourages North Korean aggression that will escalate to a global war

Olsen – Professor of National Security Affairs with a specialization in Asian Studies – April 2003 (Edward A. Center for Contemporary Conflict, “Strategic Insight U.S.-North Korea: From Brinkmanship to Dialogue,” )

Leads to extinction

Times of Zambia – 10-25-1999 (Pat Fungamwango, Africa News, “Africa-at-Large; Third World War: Watch the Koreas,” Lexis-Nexis Universe) 

Advantage Two is the civil military gap

A limited term of service is crucial to reduce the civil military gap and guaranteeing future recruitment.

Morgan – Assistant S-2 of the 3d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 25th Infantry Division – 2001 (Matthew J., Parameters, “Army Recruiting and the Civil-Military Gap,” Summer,

Accessing college-bound youth is uniquely important to close the civil-military gap – shorter enlistments are key

Morgan – Assistant S-2 of the 3d Squadron, 4th Cavalry, 25th Infantry Division – 2001 (Matthew J., Parameters, “Army Recruiting and the Civil-Military Gap,” Summer,

The Gap leads to civilian micromanagement of the military that will crush readiness- shorter enlistments close the gap and ensure success in future conflicts

Lehman – FPRI Trustee and former Secretary of the Navy, and Sicherman – President of FPRI – 2001 (John F. Lehman and Harvey Sicherman, “America’s Military Problems and How to Fix Them, Volume 9, Number 3, February, )

The gap will destroy the military- lack of knowledge of the military by civilian leaders leads to inappropriate usage of the military, declines in recruiting, and damages morale.

Cohn – Graduate Student in Political Science at Duke – 1999 (Lindsay, "The Evolution of the Civil-Military "Gap" Debate,"

U. S. civil-military relations are modeled globally

Perry, former Secretary of Defense, 1996 (William, The Trilateral Commission, “Preventive Defense,” 5/13, )

Exportation of a good CMR model is key to liberal democracy for those countries in transition

Bland – the Chair of Defense Management Studies at Queen’s University – 2001 (Douglas, “Patterns in Liberal Democratic Civil-Military Relations,” Armed Forces & Security, p. 525-540//AGupta)

Global democratic consolidation is critical to prevent many scenarios for war and extinction

Diamond 1995 (Larry Diamond, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, December 1995, Promoting Democracy in the 1990s, , Gautam, page Google)

This outweighs – mass murder and genocide occur absent democracy

Rummel – Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaii – 1997 (RJ, Power Kills, “Chapter 1 Summary and Conclusions,”

And Solvency –

Increasing the end strength to 100,000 is key to readiness and meet global military needs.

Scholer 05 (Aaron – director of national security policy at the Third Way, John Kott – research analyst, Josh Smith – national security fellow, and Jessica Dillon – Domestic Policy Fellow. Boots on the Ground. May, )

Congress is key- Current restructuring efforts will fail because the military is overburdened.

O’Hanlon – Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and a specialist in U.S. Defense Strategy and Budgeting – 2004 (Michael, Parameters, “The Need to Increase the Size of the Deployable Army,” Autumn, pp.4-17,

Increasing end strength is only successful with an innovative recruiting strategy

Scholer – Director of National Security Policy at the Third Way – 2005 (Aaron Scholer et. al., John Kott – research analyst, Josh Smith – national security fellow, and Jessica Dillon – Domestic Policy Fellow. Boots on the Ground. May, )

Short term enlistments increase troop quality, increase retention, and fill technical positions a future force requires.

Magee and Nider 2002 (Marc, director of the Center for Civic Enterprise at the Progressive Policy Institute, Steven J., director of foreign and security studies at the Progressive Policy Institute, Progressive Policy Institute Policy Report, “Citizen Soldiers and the War on Terror,” December, )

And, absent strong CMR the alternative will cause the military to violently purge society rather than cede it to post modernism

Bacevich, professor of IR at Boston University, Summer 1997 (A.J., “Tradition Abandoned: America's Military in a New Era”, The National Interest, Lexis)

Deer Park SR Affirmative

Observation 1: The Status Quo

Despite changes to military policies in the 1990’s, women continue to be barred from positions associated with combat.

Weinstein and White, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Western Conneticut State Univeristy and PhD at Northeastern University, 1997 (Laure and Christie, Wives and Warriors: Women and the Military in the United States and Canada, p. 94)

By 1996, with all of the combat exclusion laws…. Such as infantry, tanks, and combat engineers.

This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon- President Bush has made it clear that he is against lifting the combat restrictions

Washington Times 2005 (January 12, )

President Bush’s policy on women in ground combat…. It also says they cannot join support units that collocate with those units.

This exclusion is based on institutionalized discrimination against women- it is used to justify social distinctions that allow the priviledging hegemonic masculinities and the subordination of women.

Vojdik, Associate Professor of Law at West Virginia University College of Law, 2005 (Valorie K., Alabama Law Review, Winter, Lexis)

Rather than focus soley on the military’s stereotypical…. “no man with gumption wants a woman to fight his nation’s battles.”

These norms foster the hostility towards women that creates prolific rape in the military

Morris, Professor of Law at Duke University, 1996 (Madeline, Duke Law Journal, February, Westlaw)

We have seen evidence…. And low proportions of women are accessed for military service

Tolerating this sexual assault makes global and nuclear violence inevitable

New York Times, 1983 (December 29, p. C7)

She argues, for example, that violence…. Peace has got to begin with peace between the sexes.

These exclusions also have critical implications in society- Lifting these restrictions will end presumption of inability, increase respect for women, and decrease sexual harassment in society at large.

Leszkay, Law Clerk for US District Court Judge & First Lieutenant in the US Army Reserves, 2003 (Blythe, Hastings Women’s Law Journal, Summer, Lexis)

These are both philosophical and practical reasons….. freedom from harassment that they are entitled to.

Ending combat exclusion challenges the system of militarization and ends inevitable global war and destruction via patriarchy- failure to act ensures spillover into society and eliminates all hope of peace

Burke 2006 (Colleen, “Women and Militarism”, Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,

The military ideology affects all facets… militarism disarmed is only temporarily disarmed.

The ultimate impact is extinction- the dysfunctionality of patriarchy guarantees continued violence, war, and environmental destruction. Only moving away from this system can create opportunities for survival.

Warren and Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College & Hamline University, 1994 (Karen and Duane, Hypatia, Spring, Proquest)

The notion of patriarchy as a socially…. Connections in regional, national, and global contexts.

Women in Combat redeploy their guns as mockeries of male phalliz obsession, disruption gender oppression and challenging military norms.

Sasson-Levy, Professor of sociology @ Hebrew University, 2003 p. 440-465 (Orna, “Feminism and Military Gender Practices”, in Sociological Inquiry Vol. 73 No. 3)

At the same time, as Homi Bhabha argues…. The stability of the military gender regime.

Hence, the plan:

The United States federal government should establish a policy that eliminates all gender-based restrictions on combat participation. We’ll clarify.

Observation Two: Solvency

First, opening combat to combat increases participation in the armed forces.

Harrell and Miller, RAND institute, 1997 (Margaret C. and Laura L. RAND institute, “Military Readiness: Women are not a problem,” . pubs/research_briefs/RB7515/index1.html)

Army women’s exclusion from direct…. A unit engaged in direct combat.

Second, only ending combat exclusions will allow women to gain authority and respect- combat is they key issue

Karst, Professor of Law at UCLA, 1991 (Kenneth, UCLA Law Review, February, Westlaw)

In the current debate, ‘combat’ is a synonym…. Servicewomen alike- are seldom taken seriously.

Finally, breaking down patriarchy is the most appropriate starting point for action- Only a conceptual framewok committed to ending patriarchy can deconstruct logics of domination that are critical to ending war and other forms of discrimination.

Warren and Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University, 1994 (Karen and Duana, Hypatia, Spring, Proquest)

Of special interest to feminist…. They underlie and sustain war and conflict resolution.

Integration won’t undermine readiness- multiple reasons

Vojdik, Associate Professor of Law at West Virginia University College of Law, 2005 (Valorie K., Alabama Law Review, Winter, Lexis)

Much of legal scholarship that has….. was significant variable that affected both.

Prefer our evidence- opponents pick and choose evidence based on political and personal biases.

Berkin, Director of Gay Military Press Center, 2002 (Aaron, “Analysts See Weakened Commitment to Diversity”, Gay Military Press Center. )

According to Mady Segal…. The Navy and the Air Force

Edgemont WS Affirmative

Edgemont WS: Coast Guard AFF


Contention1: Inherency

The Coast Guard is facing a ling term recruiting crisis due to fleet recapitalization and new post 9-11 missions

Mac Thibault, PhD in Public Policy at George Msaon University, 2004. A Multivariate Analysis of U.S. Coast Guard Enlistment Propensity, p. 4-5

“There are additional strains being placed… retain its required workface”

Coast Guard is understaffing and overstretch is devastating to mission effectiveness

New York Times, 5-20-06 (lexis)

“Four Years after Congress upgraded its mission…with its greatly enhanced domestic role, a government audit found last year”

Plan : Through Normal Means, the Federal government should expand the end strength level of the United States Coast Guard and increase pecuniary and educational benefits for recuits

Coast Guard does not have Readiness

Advantage One- Sea Power

First Coast Guard rediness is on the verge of collapse due to lack of personnel

Margaret T. Wrightson, Director of Homeland Security abd Justice Issues at the Government Accountability Office and Steven N. Calvo, Assistant Director of Momeland Security and Justice Issues at the Government Accountability Office, January 2005 (http:new items/d0561.pdf)

“The Coast Guard does not yet know the extent…and others to track stations’ progress.”

And, Coast Guard readiness is critical to maintain U.S. Maritime Power.

Colin Gray, Proffessor of International Politics and Strategic Studies at the University of Reading, July 2002. Comparative Strategy, p. 214

“If the Service should be appreciated…and thwart asymmetric threats”

Moreover, the Coast Guards unique international images make it key to US Power Projection and mission success

Scott Decker, LT cmder USCG Feb 2001 (

“The same skills that make… maintaining access to its ports, harbors, and coastal water”

US maritime power projection is key to prevent multiple scenarios for war and economic collaps

Lieutenant Colonel Reynolds B. Peele, USMS Summer 1997 (.)

“More than 80 percent of global trade…can be protected”

Furthermore, US naval power is key to US leadership and benign power projection

, 1/1/06 ( military/ops/sea.htm)

“Naval forces are among…promote the rule of the law”

Finaly Put away your generic heg files- new forms of warfare are emerging that make current hard power irrelevant-increasing the Coast Guard end strength is critical to respond to more complex conflicts which are the greatest threat to human survival

Frank G. Hoffman 1/6/06 ()

“This essay outlines emergence…the price for complacency only”

ADVANTAGE 2: Terrorism

First, the next terrorist attack will come by Sea; terrorists perceive our ports as the most vulnerable targets

Boston Globe, June 21, 2003, p. A3

“Twenty-one months into the war on terrorism…the specialists say”

And these attacks will be devastatingly successful; container volume is doubling as personnel reamain stagnant

Atlanta Business News 8/25/06 ()

“America’s ports could be a weak link…there is not enough capacity to handle major disruptions to the port system”

Furthermore, Coast Guard understaffing makes universal patrol of ports impossible; terrorist will inevitably sneak through

Timothy Egan 5/20/06 ()

“Complaints about gaping holes in security…creating it from scratch”

Finally, a fully equipped Coast Guard is the most effective means of preventing maritime terrorism

Commander Stephan Flynn, 10-1-2001, US Naval Institue Proceedings

“The Homeland Security mission…brings to the table”

Contention Two-Solvency

Expanding Personell levels to 120% solves for the Coast Guard overstretch

Lieutenant Zawrotny, April 2004, Proceedings

“With units deployed from Iraq… homeland security missions”

And, increasing financial and educational incentives allows the Coast Guard to recruit a greater quantity of and higher quality personnel

Marc Thibault 2004, A Multivariate Analysis of US Coast Guard Enlistment Propensity, p. 114-115

“High Military propensity… perform these tasks”

Moral and Effective governments must act in a consequentialist framework

Alexander 87- (“Scheffer on Agent-Cenetered Perogatives: Comments and criticism,” May, p. 282-283

“An equally important reason…a good consequentialist government”

Nuclear extinction outweighs- any action with a risk of extinction is immoral

Kateb 1992 (Inner Ocean. P111-112)

“Schell’s work attempts to force… preserving steps



1. Still increase, Coastguard is included

2. Key to Educational

3. A. Describes better education

4. Solve for better limits

5. The NEG should be prepared

6. Superior interpretation


1. Coast Guard is key to solve for Terrorism, but he talks about that

2. Alternative Cause- It only talks about technology, EXTEND EGEN

3. The more people are necessary

4. Solvency- Extend the Personnel Argument, FLYNN, makes them more necessary


1. Makes Impacts more likely to occur

2. Spending takes out impact

3. Empirically denied- personnel is key


1. The GOP will retain it’s position in the election

2. GOP will take the upper edge, The reality is that there will be a bump

3. Parties economy advantage will not solve

4. More spending will result- no fiscal discipline


1. Perm Do Both- double solvency

2. Coast guard can only solve and communicate

3. This is Key to economy and leadership

4. Interdiction is necessary

5. Proliferation will occur through CP alone

6. Proliferation= Extermination

7. Weapon smuggling will increase in terrorism


1. More secure, better chance in solvency for

2. More effectiveness, but not enough people

Edmond Memorial HC Affirmative


In guise of brining communities together, national service codified against politics. The national service corporation has prohibited all political activities

Americorps members prohibited from attending rallies

Wofford and Waldman 96

The ban on political activity is a degredation of politics

Dione, Drogosz, and Litan 2003

Current conception of citizen overly privileges the views of politicians. Even the current idea of national service is that of a political servent who only acts, does not think. We must look to redefine what it means to be a citizen

Boyte 2002

Nat. Service needs to produce more than individual fulfillment. It does not address the decay of politics and democracy

Boyte 2003

By adhering the the current conception of citizenship we are literally letting die. This is a new biopolitics wherein by entire populations are regulated to invisibility and disposability

Giroux 06



Need to expand nat. service to politics by including and promoting advocacy groups. WE should coordinate a coprs of professional school graduates who serve the communities where they receive their education

Gorham 92

Call for politics challenges squo democracy

Giroux 03

Politicizing service challenges institutions of power

Walker 2000

Political service creates the conditions for its critique

Gorham 92

The ability of the biopolitical soverign to dicatea nd control has made genocide possible. We must condemn the current conception of the citizen while feeling uneasy about the alternative we have provided. This contradictory action is an expression of the political as such: where we cannot be assured of the efficacy of our political action, we come to act while crtiicizign that act, and so incessantly continue to act. This ethic of unease compels us to act infinitely to address the problems we have created in our actiosn sin the most ethical manner

Campbell 99

Emporia BY Affirmative


The congress of the United States should pass legislation fully funding and empowering the citizen corps to bring al public health preparedness initiatives as wellas the federal emergency management agency under its umbrella and set a national standard with a centralized office to deal with public health emergencies. The citizen corps should have the ability to marshall any and all persons they feel necessay to prevent pandemics inside the United States. This will explicityly supercede any and all state regulations.

We can Clarify.


A. Citizen corps is crucial element binding communities

Markenson 2k6

B. Citizen Corps can be effective-but it has no funding-that is why it’s failing in the squo

Crowley 2k4

C. Models Prove-New Frameworks for Disease Preparedness are needed

O’Leary 2k6

D. Lack of Unified Policy Disease Reponse would be anemic

Nicosia 2k6

Public Health system can’t handle bird flu now-must create centralized system to deal w/ pandemic Juckett 2k6


A. Bird flue inevitable, mutation

Richardson 2k5

Bird flu one mutation away form pandemic

World Disease Weekely 9/19 2k6

Pandemics inevitable-even if not bird flu

Nicosia 2k6

B. It goes global

O’Leary 2k6

C. Pandemic Kills Economy Canada Presswire 2k5


Bearden 2k

All DAs Inevitable

Spicer 96

Restrictions key to economic competitiveness

Economic competition key to hege

(Khalilzad 2005)

Impact is Khalilzad 95

Plan key to economy


(Berk 2005)

E. US leadership key

(Berk 2005)

F. Only way to mitigate is

( 2005)


a. Inevitable

b. Must try or die

Oaks 2002


Neg must defend squo or policy

1. real world

2. round

3. utopian alts bad

4. must answer in 1NC

c. roleplaying key

d. should be able to weigh case outside of discursive impacts




Citizen corps binds communitites. Markenson 2006.

Citizen corps can be effective but no funding. Crowley 2004. .

New Frameworks for disease preparedness are needed. O’Leary 2006. California Western Law Review.

A lack of a strong disease response=anemic. Nicosia 2006. “Avian Flu: The Consumer Costs of Preparing for Global Pandemic.”

Public health systems can’t handle bird flue. Juckett 9/21/2006. “Avian Influenza: Preparing for a Pandemic.”

Avian Flu Advantage

Bird flue mutation is inevitable. Richardson 11/11/2005. “Intimation of a flu pandemic.”

Bird flue is 1 step away from being a pandemic. World Disease Weekly. 9/19/2006.

“planning needed to prepare for avian influenza pandemic”

Pandemics are inevitable. Nicosia 2006. Loyola Consumer Law Review.

It goes global. O’Leary 2006. California Western Law Review.

Even mild pandemic would devastate global economy and kill millions, and kill free trade. Canada Presswire 8/16/2005. “Flu pandemics could”

Extinction. Bearden June 24, 2000. .

This makes all your Das inevitable. Spicer 1996. The Challenge from the East and the Rebirth of the West.

Preparation is key to economic competitiveness. Clerici 7/13/2006. The Baltimore Sun.

Economic competitiveness is key to heg. Khalilzhad 1995. The Washington Quarterly.

Impact is Khalilzhad 95. Khalilzhad 1995. The Washington Quarterly.

Must build capacity to respond to disaster through involving business like the plan.-It’s key to reviving the economy. Osterholm 2005. “Preparing for the Next Pandemic.”

Bird flue leads to extinction. Burke November 3rd, 2005. .

US leader ship is key. Burke November 3rd, 2005. .

Vertical coordination is the only way to mitigate long term effects of bird flue. Osterholm 2005. “Preparing for the Next Pandemic.”

No human resistance to bird flu. Nicosia 2006. Loyola Consumer Law Review

Advantage 2 is Bioterrorism

A. It’s inevitabl. Groom January 26th 2003. .

B. Extinction-plan is try or die. Ochs June 9th, 2002. .

C. There’s no plan for bioterrorism now. O’Leary Spring 2006. California Western Law Review.

Contention 2 is our Framework

A. Interpretation- Neg must defend either squo or a competitive policy opion.

B. Reasons to Prefer:

1. Fairness

2. Ground

3. Utopian alts are bad

4. Must answer in 1NC

C. Role playing is key to active engagement and helps students resist passive subjectivity.

D. We can leverage case.

Fullerton GL Affirmative



Booker T. Stallworth, communications director for the Evergreen Freedom Foundation, The Spokesman Review, 2004,

“Growing up, I was……. Going on in Iraq.”




Fitzhugh Mullan, George Washington University Pediatrics & Public Health Professor, Infocus Magazine volume 5 number 2: ‘A Peace Corp For Global Health”, Summer 2005

“Every day, 14,000 people……essential skills and services.”


Laurie Garret, Senior Fellow for Global Health, Council on Foreign Relations, HIV and National Security Where are the Links?, July 18, 2005,

“In a June 12, 2003, speech,……destabilize entire regions”


CBS News 4/7/06 “U.N.: Doctor Shortage Harms AIDs Fight.”


“The Global Shortage…. Child birth, it said.”


Georgetown Journal of International Law, 1/1/2004, Lexis

“HIV/AIDs has advanced……and international security.”


James Cunningham, Deputy US Permanent rep to the UN,11/17/2003, USUN Press Release # 232


“I’d like to start…….futures of many countries.”



Mark Schneider, Director of the Peace Corps, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, “Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century,” June 7, 2000

“But while we can……live in extreme poverty.”


James Gilligan, Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School and Director of the Center for the Study of Violence, Violence, p. 166, 1991

“The finding that… cause to effect.”


Kevin Quigley President of the NCPA (issues/article.cfm?id=145&issue=36)

“In the midst of……secure those resources”


Chris Cuomo, Professor of Ethics at OU Cincinner, The Philosopher Queen, 2003

Military decisions are not…..just out there somewhere.”


Mark Schneider, Retired Peace Corps Director, “Globalization, Information, Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century,” 2000,

“Recognizing the importance of poverty…..getting technology last, upside down.”


Robert Shriver, founding Director of the Peace Corps, speech to Yale University’s Daily News Annual Banquet, November 10, 2001,

“It is America’s primary purpose…….creation of a ‘New World Peace’”


David Baresh, Proffesor of Psych at University of Wisconsin, Seattle, Approaches to Peace, “Building ‘Positive Peace,’” pages 129-130, 1991

“The pursuit of positive……everyone’s belly full.”



Sargent Shriver, Founder and first director of the Peace Corps, “The Vision,” Peace Corps: The Great Adventure, pages 168-169, 1997

“We never meant for….the spirit of each.”


NJ Slabbert, research scholar on technology and economic innovation for the Government of Maryland, writer on urban thought and policy for the Urban Land Institute, advisor to the Telework Coalition, a Washington DC-based research group, former senior editor and staff writer at Reader’s Digest, Harvard International Review: “Technologies of Peace,” Feburary 10, 2006

“Slavery was once called……strengthening the Corps.”


Joseph Nye, former assistant secretary of defense, “The Decline of America’s Soft Power,” May/June 2004

“When the end of the cold war…..organizations and the united nations”


Lynn-Jones, research associate at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs (BCSIA) at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, editor of International Security, “Why Should the United States Spread Democracy” International

“Second, America should spread liberal……..violence to repress opponents”


R.J. Rummel, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the university os Hawaii. “Freedom, Democracy, Peace, Power, Democide, and War, Introduction” September 19 2003


“It is true that democratic…..whose people are free.”

No Major Tricks or Add-Ons

Georgetown Day CL Affirmative


Reading is incredible. It allows for increase in social life, happiness, intelligence. It helps me get through problems.


1. Currently TFA accepts approximately 15% of its applicants-Gillers 5/10/06

(msnbc .id/12205029/site/newsweek).

2. Top college students are already applying in large numbers- it’s a matter of the amount of people accepted. Boston Globe 10/22/05 (news.globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/10/22/teaching _for_a_better_america/?page=2)

3. TFA applicants are increasing- Kansas City Star 5/31/06 ()

Plan text

The USFG should substantially increase the number of individuals teaching reading as part of the TFA program in Americorps by accepting more applicants. Implementation by normal means and we’ll clarify.

Adv 1- Reading is good

Reading helps children read- the kids window 05 (Child education and Entertainment website)

Reading helps teens- Gisler and Eberts 03 (education specialists)

Adv 2- Solvency

TFA improves reading-Teacher America 06 ()

Statistics proves TFA improve reading- Smith 06 ( newsdisp .cfm?newsid=77)

Glenbrook North FS Affirmative


The United States Federal Government should disallow the use of sexual preference as a negative criterion concerning admission to and expulsion from service in the United States Armed Forces


“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” discharges are increasing

LA Times 5-26-2006


And, the wartime rate is only temporary – discharges will soar in the near future

Washington Post, 2-12-2006

This spike is already beginning to occur

Chuck Crumbo, columnist, 9-5-2006

The overall effect of this policy is to create a substantial and systemic impediment to national service in the US Armed Forces

Steven Ralls, SLDN, 5-24-2006

Adv 1 – Lesbian Baiting

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell results in lesbian baiting and systemic exploitation of women in the armed forces

Diane Helene Miller, Ph.D. Speech Communication, Women's Studies. 1998 Freedom to Differ 104-5

This fuels a culture of patriarchal domination and abuse throughout society

Christian Damiano Washington College of Law at American University. 1999

Systemic violence against women creates a regime of political domination tantamount to interstate war – this impact precedes the impact to the negative’s disads

Amy Ray, US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, 2-1997 American University Law Review

Adv 2 - Heterosexism

Subpoint A is the Military

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell gives a green light to discrimination in the military

Stacey Sobel Director Servicemembers Legal Defense Network March 9, 2000

This cycle of hate in the Armed Forces is self-sustaining, as long as the DADT policy is on the books the violence will continue

Nathaniel Frank. Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, 2004

The result is an institutionalized culture of exclusionary violence

Francine D'Amico Prof of Political Science at Hobart, 1996 Gay Rights, Military Wrongs, p 3

This system of domination is the key enabler for the worst military atrocities

Francine D'Amico Prof of Political Science at Hobart, 1996 Gay Rights, Military Wrongs, p 3

Subpoint B – Society

The military exclusion is the most significant source of societal homophobia – it defines masculinity to perpetuate social exclusions

Tobias Barrington Wolff, clerk in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1997 Brooklyn Law Review Winter

Homophobia embodies discrimination against the most intimate interpersonal connections – the demonizing of homosexuality is total

David Richards, Edwin D. Webb Professor of Law at NYU, 1998 Women Gays and the Constitution p. 349

This totalizing dehumanization is uniquely heinous form of evil

David Richards, Edwin D. Webb Professor of Law at NYU, 1998 Women Gays and the Constitution p. 347

This impact should be preferred over trumped up claims of an impending apocalypse – these types of objections have always been used to suppress gay rights and embrace a logic that justifies genocidal extermination

Richard Mohr, Professor of Philosophy at the Univ of Illinois in 1992 Gay Ideas 87-93

The consequences are global – the demarcation of sexual minorities as politically expendable underpins institutional demarcation of enemies for annihilation – challenging DADT is a pivotal starting point to resist intersectional oppression

Peter Tatchell, gay rights activist, OutRage!,May/June 1989

A complete repeal of the DADT exclusion is the only ethically acceptable option – any compromise maintains the pernicious coercion of forced closeting

Richard Mohr, Professor of philosophy at U of Illinois, 1993 The Nation Vol. 257 Issue 5 p. 182-4

Other strategies for resisting heterosexism will fail without repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – as long as the law is on the books governmental and societal homophobia is inevitable

Aaron Belkin, Associate professor of Political Science at UC Berkeley, 2002


The plan is the only way to move beyond the flawed incremental approach of the status quo – repealing DADT would allow for open integration without a backlash or loss of readiness

Aaron Belkin, Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military. 2003

Military norms ensure enforcement and compliance

Nathaniel Frank. Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military. 9-14-2004


Repealing DADT will be a critical victory, snowballing to all levels of society

Steve Ralls, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, May 2006


The best studies conclude the plan causes a substantial net gain in recruiting

Rick Maze, Air Force Times staff writer, 10-10-2005

Open integration will change military attitudes

Gregory Herek and Aaron Belkin, psychology at UC Davis and political science at UC Santa Barbara, 2006

The military plays a historically significant role in defining national identity – repealing the DADT exclusion and allowing openly gay integration into the military solves for societal homophobia

Richard Mohr, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois, 2005 The Long Arc of Justice p. 113-7

Total integration is key to implementation

Gregory Herek and Aaron Belkin, psychology at UC Davis and political science at UC Santa Barbara, 2006

Glenbrook South LP Affirmative

Observation 1: The Status Quo

Soldiers are currently required to train and deploy for both stabilization and combat missions – this undermines both warfighting readiness and peace operations

Ashworth ‘04 (lt. col. Eric, serves in the office of the chief of staff of the army, “a nation at war in an era of strategic change,” ed. Williamson Murray, September)

Overstretch will eventually result in a draft if stabilization skills are not increased–this draft will come in reaction to a war when it’s too late to solve

O’Hanlon ‘04 (Michael, senior fellow of foreign policy studies at the Brookings institution, la times, October 13, )

Additionally, your DA’s are non-unique – congress made a 30,000 troop increase – but more are key to fill a new division.

Stars and Stripes, October 1st (Congress Passes defense authorization bill, )

Observation 2: Advantages

Advantage One - Hegemony

Military readiness is key to American hegemony and preventing the rise of a global hostile power

Perry ‘06 (William, professor of management science and engineering at Stanford university, us secretary of defense from 1994 to 1997, Michele, senior advisor at the center for strategic and international studies, former principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for strategy and threat reduction, the u.s. military: under strain and at risk, national security magazine, may)

Lack of reconstruction abilities cause self-deterrence and limit the effective use of American military power and failed stability operations encourage aggression by other states

Binnendijk and Johnson ‘03 (Hans and Stuart, center for technology and national security, national defense university, “transforming for stabilization and reconstruction operations,” nov 12)

This causes nuclear war

Khalilzad ‘95 (Zalymay, rand analyst and us ambassador to Iraq, “losing the moment,” the Washington quarterly)

And withdrawal of US leadership causes multiple regional nuclear conflicts – the US would be forced to reintervene in an a polar world

Liever – Prof. of Gov’t and Int’l Affairs at Georgetown University – 2005 (Robert J., The American Era: Power and Strategy for the 21st century, p. 53-54)

Advantage two – Peacekeeping

First, future U.S. peacekeeping operations are inevitable

LA.times ‘03 (us looks at organizing global peacekeeping force, July 27)

Failure to add dedicated peacekeeping forces to the military continues an ineffective policy of weak interventions that do nothing to prevent state collapse–the impact is war, terrorism and genocide

Boot ‘04 (max, senior fellow at the council on foreign relations, la times, Feb. 26)

Managing and containing regional war is critical to prevent several scenarios of global nuclear war including war with Russia

Bosco ‘06 (David, senior editor at foreign policy magazine, could this be the start of world war iii?, la times, July 23)

In the transition from the Cold war to a post-cold war world, we have remarkably managed to not end all life on the planet, but we’ve been lucky so far. If we are to avoid the extinction of all life on the planet, the prevention of Genocide must become the foundation of a humane mode of Global governance

Campbell, 2001 (Genocide and the Global Village, Kenneth)

Genocide outweighs nuclear war

Berel Lang (Chair of the Department of Philosophy at the state university of New York) 1990, “Act and Idea in the Nazi Genocide”

Text: The United States Congress Should Substantially increase the end strength of the United States Armed Forces by Creating a new division that will assume control of all stability operations undertaken by the United States Army. This Division should offer 15-Month Enlistment options. We will clarify.

Contention Three: Solvency

The plan’s establishment of a new engagement force would solve readiness–two divisions are critical to allow rotation and effective deployment and recruitment would be easy

Cherry ‘01 (colonel timothy, us army, is the tsm-force xxf fort Knox, Kentucky. he received a b.a. from Florida state university, an m.a. from Webster university and is a graduate of the us army command and general staff college and the army war college. he has served in various command and staff positions in the continental us, Germany and Bosnia, military review, September/October)

Short-term enlistments would allow the U.S. to fill a dedicated peacekeeping force and relieve combat troops from peacekeeping duty

Confessore 2003 (Nicholas, editor of the Washington monthly, Washington monthly, march 1)

Engagement force solves readiness and peacekeeping operations – congressional action is key

Cherry 01 (colonel timothy, us army, is the tsm-force xxf fort Knox, Kentucky. he received a b.a. from Florida state university, an m.a. from Webster university and is a graduate of the us army command and general staff college and the army war college. he has served in various command and staff positions in the continental us, Germany and Bosnia, military review, September/October)

The arguments against short-term enlistment are wrong–professionalism, training, and experience are all solved by the plan

Moskos ‘01 (Charles, former draftee and professor emeritus of military sociology at northwestern, parameters, summer)

More forces are always better – Err on the side of Greater Deployments to Increase US confidence

Binnendijk and Johnson ‘03 (Hans and Stuart, center for technology and national security, national defense university, “transforming for stabilization and reconstruction operations,” nov 12)

Grapevine BM Affirmative

Observation 1 :

1. Contrary to the original intention of the DADT policy, members of the Armed forces are routinely investigated, harassed and discharged.

“Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Fails to protect Gays from harassment and treats gays as second class citizens [ Larry Buhl, PlanetOut Network, June 20, 2006

The Pentagon received…as second-class citizens

2. Now is the key time for repeal/

John D. Hutson, dean and president of Franklin Pierce Law center, former JAG, 2003, “Retire a bad military policy,

Don’t as Don’t Tell was a badly flawed policy….re-examination is upon us

Contrary to the orginal intent, the DADT policy allows for routine investigation, harassment, and discharge of gay service members.

Larry Buhl, planetout network, june 20, 2006

“The pentagon received …lesbian service members”

Now is the key time for repeal

John D. Hutson, dean and president of franklin pierce law center, former JAG, 2003

(“Retire a bad military policy,” ,

“is virtually unworkable …, administratively, and socially.”


DADT allows the military to create identities that are “gay” and “lesbian” as a disruption of unit cohesion. This definition molds to encompass whomever the military would like it to. Some people are “queens for a day” while others are “gay.” This arbitrary identification institutionalizes and codifies hate. Violence in these situations becomes common plan.

Human Rights Watch January 23, 2003

(U.S. Military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy Panders to Prejudice, )

“The US military’s … human rights and deprives”

Why all of this? The military institution runs on the so called masculine inclination of domination. Thus, anybody who does not perfectly fit within what it defines to be male and female, for example, must be contained and excluded to maintain the patriarchy. DADT enables such ID and exclusion and silences and polices individuals to be a certain way.

Kendall, 1996(Christopher, Assoc. Prof, Murdoch university school of law, “Homophobia as an issue of sex discrimination: lesbian and gay equality and the systemic effects of forced invisibility,” Sept, 1996 )

“forced invisibility … that lesbians and gay men”

DADT coerces individuals to live heterosexual regardless of their orientation-their sense of being disappears-ontic erasure.

Yoshino, 1998 (Kenji, Assoc. Prof, Yale Law School, “Assimilationist Bias in Equal Protection: The Visibility Presumption and the Case of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell,” 108 Yale Law Journal 485, Dec 1998, pgs 547-550)

“the regulations recognize … space barely exists.”


Service members are subject to abuse and rape without a second glance because of DADT. The policy puts pressure on individuals to fit themselves into categories of straight men and women.

Shawyer, clinical psychologist and teacher at the claifornia school of prof psychology, 1995

(Lois, And the flag was still there: straight people, gay people, and sexuality in the u.s. military, p 101-2)

“another negative effect that the ban against homosexuals has on morale results from lesbian baiting.”

Lesbian baiting violates human rights-precludes equality.

Siecus repot Khaxas, Elizabeth, Jun/jul 2001


“sexuality or sexual orientation as a means of attacking and silencing women is not new”

The affirmation of the plan is a stance against heterosexism. Resitance revleas the myths surrounding homosexual idenity that allows our harms to rtake place.

Griffin, 98 (Gwendolyn Alabama Environmental Council, “Understanding Heterosexism-the subtle continuum of homophobia” spring, vol. 21, Iss 1; pg. 33 Women and Language. Urbana

“compulsory heterosexuality, i.e. heterosexism. In turn, I hope to shift our society’s”


DADT is unique opportunity to challenge deference

Kalyani Robbins (J.D. Stanford Law School, 1999) fall, 1999 Univ of orgeon law review, lexis)

“For an number of reasons, the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy is a perfect place for the supreme court to treat the military with less”

Deference allows the military to act above the law justifying atrocities in the name of national security and the expansion of militarism.

(harry kellman, prof, depaul university college of law, JD, Yale, 1976)

December 1989 duke law journal P. lexis

“the vanguard of “national security” law these three decisions”


The United States Supreme Court should increase the number of persons in the Armed Forces by ruling that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and all sections of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that impede on queers to openly serve in the military are unconstitutional of first amendment grounds on the case Cook versus Rumsfeld. Funding and enforcement will be provided as necessary.

Failure to strike down DADT on first amendment grounds means there is no first amendment in the military

Wolff, tobias, prof of law, stanfrod 2004 (iowa law review, may, 89 Iowa Law Rev. 1633, p. 1715)

“a proper analysis of DADT would necessarily result in the policy’s invalidation.”

Identity polticis lays the ground work for individuals to identify with a set of values and form alliances to combat oppression.

Jakobsen 1998 (Working Alliances and the Politics of Difference)

“the spaces in-between, not the ground or frame, then, becomes the crucial sites for the action of making movement.”

Alliances of movements are the lynchpin to ecological transformation to prevent annihilation.

Tokar, 1992 (The Green Altern) pg. 5

And, our ethic of responsibility is critical

Campbell, 1994

(David, LEctuerer Australian National Univeristy, Alternatives 19 455-484)

Only a lack of consciousness reinforcfes hegemonic ideals-you should take on the view of the oppressed to destabilize the existing order.

Cook, 1990

(Anthony E., Assoc. Prof. Law @ U Floirda

Harvard LR. March)

And, epistemological questions reinforce binaries and hierarchies, guaranteeing future patriarchy.

Peterson, 1992

(V. Spike, Chain and Asst Prof, Dept of Poly Sci @ Potsdam College of the state Univ of New York; Gendered States: Feminist (Re) Visions of International Relations Theory) pg. 12

The negative’s binary choice of reification or rejection is flawed-only a risk praxis solves

Ashley and Walker 1990

(Rick and Luke Sky, Arizona St Univ and Univ Victoria “Readit Dissidence/Writing the Discipline,” Int’l study on

Observation 2: Machoman

3. Don’t ask Don’t tell allows the military create identies that are “gay” “lesbian” “homosexual” and “disruption of unit cohesion.” This definition molds to encompass whoever the military would like it to. Some people are “queens for a day” while others are “gay.” This arbitrary identification institutionalizes and codifies hate. Violence in these situations become more common place.

Human Rights watch, January 23 2003

The U.S. military’s … secure a discharge.

Observation 3 Solvency

1.Repealing DADT would increase the number of peoples serving in the military

US newswire July25, 2005 (As Army misses annual recruiting goal news data shows the military could attract as many as 41,000 (gays recuis by lifting. Ban)

Gates, who previously…want to serve

2. DADT define individuals identities without allowing indivduals to identify themselves

Judith Butler, 1999

The good citzen of Batsstone. Pp.133-5

The question of whether.. prequistire for military service

3. Our Aff does not claim to eliminate identities, but rather to place identities in the hands of whom they represent

For the strategic mobilization against hetero normatively allowing for rearticulating of identies.

Jennifer Minear, 2001

cornell Journal of Law and Public policy, Summer. Lexis

Rather than asking… the political is performative.

Grapevine GH Affirmative


Contrary to original intention of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, members of the Armed Forces are routinely investigated, harassed and discharged.

The UC Santa Barbara’s Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military 2006

Now is key time for repeal

Hudson ’03 (dean and president of Franklin Pierce Law Center, former JAG, “Retire a Bad Military Policy, http:://resources/2003_0822_DeanopinionDADT.pdf)

Repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would increase recruits by 40,000

U.s Newswore May 24,2006 ()

Plan text: The United States Supreme Court should increase the number of persons in the Armed Forces by repealing Title 10 United States Code Section 654 and its implementing guidelines collectively known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” on the grounds that it violates the first amendment, by granting certiorari to the case of Cook vs. Rumsfeld. The Supreme Court will rule in favor of the plaintiff. Articles 125 and 133 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice should be rescinded so that queerness is no longer a rationale for discharge. Funding and enforcement will be provided through normal means. We reserve the right to clarify the intent of our advocacy.


The military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy continues to be implemented in a way that is resulting in the discharge of thousands of soldiers annually. This policy treats sexual minorities as less than human and forces them to remain the closet to avoid discharge and amounts to a state sponsored endorsement of homophobia.

(Mohr, 2005, The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Equality and Rights, p. 111-113)

Homophobia renders gays and lesbians invisible- it is an oppression that stigmatizes and feeds a patriarchal system.

Kendals 1996

[Christopher N Kendall, Associate Professor, Murdoch University School of Law, “Homophobia as an Issue of Sex Discrimination: Kesbian and Gay Equality and the Systemic Effects of Forced Invisibility,” September, 1996, ]

Homophobia in the military props up the masculine militaristic structures that make violence inevitable- a heterosexist military makes war appear natural- furthers the belief that “Nuclear War is Winnable”

Alliance to Stop First Strike, 1987

[“Discrimination and Militarism,” Nonviolent Civil Disobedience Handbook, October 1987, ]

The DADT Policy requires gays and lesbian to pass and live a lie to prove they are heterosexual- this lead to an invisible identity and ontic erasure.

Yoshino, 1998

[Kenji Yoshino, Associate Professor, Yale Law School, “Assmilationist Bias in Equal Protection: the Visibility Presumption and the Case of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” 108 Yale Law Journal 485, December 1998, pgs 547-550]

Integration of sexual minorities in the military is a symbolic extension of citizenship to gays and lesbians and a critical first step to transform, the nations ideals and end homophobia.

Mohr 2005

Extensive sexual harassment of female service members

American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law, 1998/199

[Christin M. Damiano, JD Candidate, pg. 512-13]

DADT allows male soldiers to sexually harass women by threatening to out them as lesbians if they refuse sex. This process facilitates widespread sexual abuse and rape.

Shawder ‘95

Rape has been called a fate worse than death. IT causes life long psychological and emotional trauma.

Glazer 97

Courts relying on doctrine of military deference in turning aside challenges to DADT

Wolff ‘04

The extreme deference responsible for DADT by overturning it.

Robbins ‘99

Civilian control of the military is key to democracy

Kohn ‘97

Democracy is critical to prevent multiple scenarios and extinction

Diamond ‘95


Failure to strike down DADT on first Amendment round means there is no first amendment in military.

Wolff ‘04

Cook vs. Rumsfeld will be available for the Supreme Court to grant Cert

Ralls ‘06

The military should be the locus for gay and lesbian rights advancement- it is the nation’s largest employer and an influential institution in socialization- becoming second-class in the military spills over into second-class citizenship status

Miller ’98 [Diane Helene, PhD in Speech Communication and OWmen’s Studeis, FREEDOM TO DIFFER< pages 91-92]

Homophobia is not inherent in the military- allowing for institutional changes, such as the lifting of the DADT, will cause for behavioral and attitude changes amongst the servicemembers.

Gregory Herek, professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and Aaron Belkin, Assistant Professor of political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the mIlitary at the Universit of California, Santa Barbara 2005

[Military life: The Psychology of Serving in Peace and Combat, Sexual Orientation and military service: Prospects for Organizational and individual Change in the United States, December, ]

Greenhill HA Affirmative

Plan: The judicial branch of the United States federal government should rule that 10 U.S.C. 654 of the National Defense Authorization Act is an unconstitutional violation of the first amendment.

Observation 1

In the wake of September 11th, the Bush Administration adopted a secret stop loss policy sending discharges of openly queer soldiers during war. However, the soldiers will be kicked out during peace time and the public is ignorant of the charges.

Lehring, 2k3

(Gary, assistant Professor of government @ Smith College, Officially gay: The Politically Construction of Sexuality by the U.S. Military)

“On September 11, 2001… in times of peace than in times of war?”

Observation 2: Don’t Ask

The Supreme Courts decision that free speech is not implicated by Don’t Ask Don’t Tell functions as an act of erasure – rendering queerness non existent in both society and the law.

Wolff, Clerk for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and Yale Law Graduate, 2k4, [Tobias, Political Representation and Accountability under DADT, Iowa law Review, ]

“The Species of willful… claims of gay citizens.”

The Lawrence decision has set the tone for societal transformation- overturning DADT now is crucial to establish precedent for all 1st Amendment protections- the Court’s current reasoning completely unhinges the military from any restraint whatsoever.

Wolff, Clerk for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and Yale Law Graduate, 2k4, [Tobias, Political Representation and Accountability under DADT, Iowa law Review, ]

“What is the likely hood… consider my task complete.”

The recognition of sexual expression must begin with a rejection of DADT – the military is the lynchpin of societal discrimination against sexual deviancy.

Lehring, 2k3

(Gary, assistant Professor of government @ Smith College, Officially gay: The Politically Construction of Sexuality by the U.S. Military)

“Third, and perhaps most… homosexuality is a choice.”

Invalidating DADT under the First Amendment transforms the entirety of Supreme Court case law – all forms of queer expression become inherently political – subverting heteronormativity and ensuring social tolerance.

Minear, Professor of Law at Cornell, 2k1, [Jennifer, Performance and politics: An argument for Expanded First Amendment Protection of Homosexual expression, Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, ]

“Rather than asking judges… forms of homosexual expression.”

The result is the utter militarization of society – militaristic ‘expertise’ becomes the dominant and privileged form of communication – sanctions the destruction of all otherness which doesn’t fit our militarized vision of society.

Carl Riehl, JD Candidate at Yale Law School, Winter 1995 [26 Rutgers L.J. 343]

“Kirstin Dodge has written… must not be infringed.”

Voting for the plan is a crucial act of debunking the essentialist myth of homosexuality that authorizes their wholesale exclusion from society.

Lehring, 2k3

(Gary, assistant Professor of government @ Smith College, Officially gay: The Politically Construction of Sexuality by the U.S. Military)

“The federal policy that governs… standards, gay and lesbian”

The exclusion of the stranger from society extends violence to infinity---and our intolerance for otherness guarantees the apocalyptic annihilation of the planet. Our world hangs in the balance between apocalypse and utopia---to create our new utopia; we must transcend our own narrowly conceived tradition and unconditionally welcome the homosexual stranger.

Darrell Fasching, religious studies at the university of South Florida, 1993 [The ethical Challenge of Auschwitz, p. 5-8”

“Nevertheless, I am only too… of pluralistic human interdependence.”

Plan provides 41000 more troops

US Newswire, 7/25/05 (1/n)

“The united Sates military… troops to the service.”

We must support inclusion into society unconditionally – political considerations destroy emancipatory social change and doom democratic discourse.

Crossley and Roberts, Professor of Sociology at Manchester University and Lecturer in Sociology and Communications at Brunel, 2k4, [Nick and John, after Habermas]

“In the first instance… emancipatory social change.”

Observation Three: We’re Topical

D. Heidt’s Revolutionizing end-strength arguments are wrong.

Your description of the troop strength process is wrong

A) Recruitment is the key metric of end strength---future authorized levels will only be met with dramatic troop increases

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, director of CBO, 11/30/05, ()

“The Impact of recruiting… or two-year periods.”

B) Congress has already authorized an additional 40000 troops---the crucial challenge is not end strength, its recruiting strategies

General Peter Schoomaker, Army Chief of Staff, 2/14/06 (FNS, 1/n)

“If I could… we are already recruiting”

C) We can exceed end strength anyway---national emergency waiver has already been delegated.

Lawrence Kapp, Specialist in national Defense foreign affairs, Defense and Trade Divisions at CRS, February 2k5, (sgp/crs/natsec/RL31334.pdf)

“Congress regulates the maximum… on September 14, 2001

In the wake of 9/11, the bush administration, the Bush administration adopted a secret stop loss policy ending discharges of openly queer soldiers during war. However, the soldiers will be kicked out during peacetime and the public is ignorant of the changes

Leeking 03

The supreme court’s decision that free speech is not implicated by DADT functions as an act of erasure- rendering queerness nonexistent in both society and the law functions as an act of erasure

Wolff 04

The Lawrence decision causes tone for societal transformation- overturning DADT is key to establish precedent for all 1st Amendment protections- the ruling unhinges the military from any restraint

Wolff 4

Invalidating DADT under the 1st Amendment transforms the entirety of Supreme Court case law- all forms of queer expression become inherently political- subverting heteronormativity and ensuring societal tolerance

Minear 01

The recognition of sexual expression must begin with a rejection of DADT- the military is the lynchpin of societal discrimination against sexual deviancy

Lehring 03

The result is the utter materialization of society- militaristic expertise becomes the dominant and privelaged form of communication- sanctions of the destruction of all otherness which doesn’t fit our materialized vision of society

Riehl 95

The destruction of the queer other in the name of the perfect world is the basis for all violence and leads to extinction

Sedgwick 90

Voting aff is an act of debunking the essentialist myth of homosexuality that authorizes their wholesale exclusion from society

Lehring 03

This creates a policy that is premised fundamentally on exclusion- the political denial of homosexuality inspires a broader social intolerance of alterity- it’s impossible to relate those who are different from us as long as their experience is erased

Cole and Eskridge 94

The exclusion of the stranger from society extends violence to infinity

Fasching 93

Plan solves 41000 troops

US Newswire 05

We must support inclusiveness unconditionally

Crossley and Roberts 04

Plan- the Judicial Branch of the USFG should rule that 10 USC 654 of the national defense authorization act is an unconstitutional violation of the 1st Amendment

Description of troop strength process if wrong

Eakin 05

We can exceed end strength

Kapp 05

Greenhill RR Affirmative

The US military is stretched to the breaking point---numerous soldiers with rare and crucial skills are being discharged every day---DADT is both the principle cause and the link is linear

US Newswire, 2/11/05


The impact on recruitment is not confined to GLBT---enlistment and retention is down across the board---the military has become unappealing to mainstream citizens

Diane Mazur, law at University of Florida, Summer 2004 (15 J. Law. & Pub. Pol'y 423)


And the plan has a HUGE effect on enlistment---lifting DADT would eliminate the military’s recruitment gap---41000 new troops would enlist

US Newswire, 7/25/05 (l/n)

And the plan has a HUGE effect on enlistment---lifting DADT would eliminate the military’s recruitment gap---41000 new troops would enlist

US Newswire, 7/25/05 (l/n)

DADT sparks skyrocketing disease rates in the military---the mental stress required to repress sexuality acutely heightens disease frequency and severity

John H.R. Lanou, Associate, Collier Shannon Scott, PLLC Washington, DC, Fall 2001 (10 Geo.


This collapses military readiness---increasing disease rates hinder both operational effectiveness and cohesive training capabilities

John H.R. Lanou, Associate, Collier Shannon Scott, PLLC Washington, DC, Fall 2001 (10 Geo.


DADT creates a drastic shortfall in high-end medical personnel---this leads to inadequate health care and independently kills troop morale

Ascribe Newswire, 1/25/06 (l/n)


The plan boosts US soft power---DADT galvanizes opposition to US foreign policy and undermines US moral leadership

Scott Morris, JD American University, Washington College of Law, 2001 (9 Am. U.J. Gender Soc. Pol'y & L. 423)

Soft power is essential to lock-in hegemony---animosity to US foreign policy undermines US preponderance

Sankar Sen, Former Director, Indian National Police Academy, 4/5/05 (Statesman, l/n) Hegemony Advantage


DADT undermines unit cohesion---forcing GLBT to remain in the closet sparks mutual suspicions and undermines gay soldiers’ morale---most recent combat data shows that integration sparks wholesale increases in cohesion

Nathaniel Frank, history at NYU and research fellow at Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military, 9/15/04

Our studies will take your link claim into account---even if there is rampant homophobia in the military, effective leadership and integration will obviate any impact on cohesion---proven by every context in which integration has been attempted

R.L. Evans, Research Associate for the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military at UC Santa Barbara, 2002 (11 Law & Sex. 113)

Decline in US primacy creates a global power vacuum---this collapses every institution of global stability and causes spreading nuclear wars

Niall Ferguson, international history at Harvard, Fall 2004

13. Escalation is guaranteed---the result is global nuclear war

Zalmay Khalilzad, RAND, Spring 1995 (WQ, l/n)


Gay exclusion eviscerates the public sphere---undermines the First Amendment’s commitment to a robust diverse polity and sends a broad social signal of intolerance for free expression

David Cole and William Eskridge, law at Georgetown, Summer 1994 (29 Harv. C.R.-C.L. L. Rev. 319)

DADT is prima facie unconstitutional---its massive coercion of a false identity turns the First Amendment on its head---this wide scale state disregard for free speech authorizes mass extermination

Tobias Barrington Wolff, Clerk, the Honorable Betty Binns Fletcher, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Winter 1997 (63 Brooklyn L. Rev. 1141)

Even seemingly trivial violations of speech embark down a slippery slope towards genocide and escalating conflict---the root cause of war is the seemingly innocuous suppression of speech

Frances D’Souza, anthropology at Oxford, 1996 ()


Plan Text: The United States Federal Government should disallow the use of sexual orientation as a negative criterion concerning admission to and expulsion from the US Armed Forces.

Groves BG Affirmative

Observation 1- Inherency

Despite changes, women continue to be barred from positions associated with combat.

Weinstein and White 97. (Wives and Warriors: Women and the Military in the United States and Canada, p97.

Situation is unlikely to change soon- Bush has no plan to lift restrictions.

Washington Times 2005. (national/20050111-101005-5277r.htm)

Observation 2- Harms

This exclusion is based on institutionalized discrimination against women- it is used to justify social distinctions that allow privileging hegemonic masculinities and the subordination of women.

Vojdik 05. (Lexis, Alabama Law Review, winter)

Exclusion norms foster hostility towards women that create prolific rape in the military.

Morris 96 (Duke Law Journal, February, Westlaw)

Rape exists because violence is gendered masculinity. Institutional divisions constructing women as physically incapable force them to police their own lives.

Tompkins 97 (Notre Dame Law Review, page lexis gjm)

This kind of institutionally justified threat of rape forces women to “act feminine” and shifts moral responsibility for most rapes that occur- amounts of social tolerance for assault.

Cahill 00 (Hypatia, winter page, proquest gjm)

Every action matters- we must act to stop the perpetual chain of violence to promote positive education.

Mines 03. (article_4.html)

Tolerating this sexual assault makes global violence and nuclear war inevitable.

New York Times 83 (December 29, pC7)

These exclusions also have critical implications in society. Combat restrictions create presumptions of inability. Disrespect for women, and harassment of women in society at large.

Leszkay 03 (Hasting’s women law journal, summer, lexis)

The ultimate impact is extinction because of the dysfunctionality of patriarchy.

Warren and Cady 94 (Hypatia, Spring page, proquest gjm)

Plan Text

The USFG should establish a policy eliminating all gender-based restrictions on military and combat participation funding and enforcement are guaranteed. We’ll clarify.

Observation 3- Solvency

Opening combat to women increase participation in Armed Forces-

Harrell and Miller 97(pubs/research_briefs/RB7515/index1.html)

The women in combat allow women to get respect and authority.

KArst 91 (UCLA Law Review, February, Westlaw)

Only engaging the military can lead to real change. Remaining outside the system causes discrimination.

Mazur 99 (Harvard’s women law journal, Spring, lexis)

Breaking down patriarchy is the best starting point to solve.

Warren and Cady 94(Hypatia, Spring page, proquest gjm)

Gender issues are socially natural, not naturally.

Zakin 97 (Derrida and Feminism)

Creating a social dichotomy between men and women reproduce patriarchy and perpetuates war.

Kaplan 94 (Hypatia, Spring, proquest gjm)

Prefer our evidence because the opponent chooses evidence on bias.

Belkin 02 (

Operating through the state is key to solve.

Boggs 97 (Theory and Society, December, Volume 26, Number 6, p773-4)

Groves KW Affirmative

1AC- Groves- MRC

Adv 1 – Avian Flu

Hospitals and health care services are underfunded and lack personnel to adequately respond to a pandemic flu outbreak

Tara O’Toole 2/8/02 (pages/resources/hearings/otoole-protectinghomeland.html)

“In the event…for one year.”

The Medical Reserve Corps, or MRC was created under the banner of the Citizen Corps to deal with public health concerns- expanding personnel would allow for a sufficient pandemic flu response


“The implementation plan…brunt of a pandemic.”

An Avian Flu pandemic is inevitable- preparedness is the only way to prevent its spread

Chicago Daily Herald, August 21


The Avian Flu only requires a single mutation for human to human transmission. The current health care system cannot accommodate even a modest pandemic

Bartlett 7/18/06 Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol 145, Issue 2

Scientists expect the outbreak soon, but we are woefully unprepared to protect and curtail its spread

Shute and Canada “US News and World Report 06

“Scientists expect more…we need to do.”

And, without preparedness and vaccine distribution, the government will resort to coercive quarantines which are ineffective and incite fear

Annas, Boston globe October 8, 05

“Whenever the world…fear of the public.”

Vets are key to stopping avian flu

West 05 Veterinary Medicine Spring

“Although Southeast Asia…transmissible to humans.”

Vets key to preventing spread of bird flu

“Saperstein 06 Worchester telegram and gazette

“Veterinarians belong on…the flu mutates.”

Bird flu would kill billions

Chandra ‘04

(Mr. Satish Chandra is the Deputy National Security Advisor of India – Center for Strategic Decision Research – Global Security: A broader Concept for the 21st Century -- May 7th


Adv. 2 – Economy

Pandemic jacks econ

Adams 06 019363.html

“There’s a new poll…a no-brainer.”

Devastates world Econ

“Osterholm 05 (Foreign affairs, July/August 05)

“What would happen…maybe even banned.”

Disease outbreaks will undermine political stability blah blah in East Asia

Huang 04 pubs/special_reports/number_7.pdf

Given China’s status…more fragmented internally.”

Econ collapse bad

Bearden 00

Plan: The USFG should fully fund the MRC to establish a national credentialing program, substantially increasing credentialed and volunteer personnel to assist in implementation of MRC mandates.


MRC must be fully funded to increase the surge capacity

Serino 06

“The staffing issues..with further efforts.”

Surge capacity key- MRC key

O Toole (previously cited) 06

“In the event…times of emergency.”

National system of credentialing under MRC would solve personnel shortages

Hodge et. Al 05

“Additional skilled personnel..must satisfy credentialing.”

Federal decision making provides the clarity and transparency for effective local action against pandemic outbreaks

Crosse 05


“The lack of sufficient…may be compromised.”

Adv 1 – Avian Flu

Hospitals and health care services are underfunded and lack personnel to adequately respond to a pandemic flu outbreak

Tara O’Toole 2/8/02 (pages/resources/hearings/otoole-protectinghomeland.html)

“In the event…for one year.”

The Medical Reserve Corps, or MRC was created under the banner of the Citizen Corps to deal with public health concerns- expanding personnel would allow for a sufficient pandemic flu response


“The implementation plan…brunt of a pandemic.”

An Avian Flu pandemic is inevitable- preparedness is the only way to prevent its spread

Chicago Daily Herald, August 21


The Avian Flu only requires a single mutation for human to human transmission. The current health care system cannot accommodate even a modest pandemic

Bartlett 7/18/06 Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol 145, Issue 2

Scientists expect the outbreak soon, but we are woefully unprepared to protect and curtail its spread

Shute and Canada “US News and World Report 06

“Scientists expect more…we need to do.”

And, without preparedness and vaccine distribution, the government will resort to coercive quarantines which are ineffective and incite fear

Annas, Boston globe October 8, 05

“Whenever the world…fear of the public.”

Vets are key to stopping avian flu

West 05 Veterinary Medicine Spring

“Although Southeast Asia…transmissible to humans.”

Vets key to preventing spread of bird flu

“Saperstein 06 Worchester telegram and gazette

“Veterinarians belong on…the flu mutates.”

Bird flu would kill billions

Chandra ‘04

(Mr. Satish Chandra is the Deputy National Security Advisor of India – Center for Strategic Decision Research – Global Security: A broader Concept for the 21st Century -- May 7th


Adv. 2 – Economy

Pandemic jacks econ

Adams 06 019363.html

“There’s a new poll…a no-brainer.”

Devastates world Econ

“Osterholm 05 (Foreign affairs, July/August 05)

“What would happen…maybe even banned.”

Disease outbreaks will undermine political stability blah blah in East Asia

Huang 04 pubs/special_reports/number_7.pdf

Given China’s status…more fragmented internally.”

Econ collapse bad

Bearden 00

Plan: The USFG should fully fund the MRC to establish a national credentialing program, substantially increasing credentialed and volunteer personnel to assist in implementation of MRC mandates.


MRC must be fully funded to increase the surge capacity

Serino 06

“The staffing issues..with further efforts.”

Surge capacity key- MRC key

O Toole (previously cited) 06

“In the event…times of emergency.”

National system of credentialing under MRC would solve personnel shortages

Hodge et. Al 05

“Additional skilled personnel..must satisfy credentialing.”

Federal decision making provides the clarity and transparency for effective local action against pandemic outbreaks

Crosse 05


“The lack of sufficient…may be compromised.”

Hospitals and health care services are under funded and lack personal to adequately respond to a pandemic flu outbreak

O’Toole 06

“In the event of a 1918 scale…hospitals for one year”

The Medical Reserves Corp was created under Citizen Corps to deal with public health concerns- expanding personnel would allow for a sufficient pandemic flu response

Krisberg 06

“The implementation plan follows…brunt of a pandemic”

An avian flu pandemic is inevitable—preparedness is the only way to prevent its spread

Chicago Daily Herald 06

“Sometime in the very near future…telling ourselves that”

Avian flu requires a single mutation for human to human transformation. Current health care system cannot accomade even a modest pandemic.

Bartlett 06

“Avian influenza…infectious diseases.”

Without preparedness and vaccine distribution, government will resort to coercive quarantines which are ineffective and incite fear.

Annas 05

“Whenever the world…not fear of the public”

Bird flu mutations kill billions

Chandra 04

“It is 2015. Despite much debate…rate is estimated”


Pandemic would devastate economy—people will stay home from work and essential public services would become unavailable.

Adams 06

“There’s a new poll…it’s a no brainer”

Economy collapse leads to global conflict and extinction

Beardon 00

“As the collapse of… at least for many decades”

Medical Reserve Corps must be fully funded in order to expand and create greater surge capacity.

Serino 06

“The shafting issues…conjunction with further efforts”

US needs to increase surge capacity through personall to prepare for an emergency.

O’Toole 06

“In the event of a… critical medical needs”

Gulliver Prep BM Affirmative

Advantage 1: Pandemic Influenza

A pandemic is inevitable – it’s only a question of how prepared we are when it arrives.

A Granados and C. Goodman and L. Eklund 2006, European Respitory Journal, “Pandemic Influenza: Using evidence on vaccines and antivirals for policymaking”

“Influenza pandemics have occurred across approximately every 10-50 yrs… great uncertainty of an evolving threat.”

A pandemic would spread across the globe in 3 months killing 2 million people in the U.S. alone – probability is 100% and the timeframe is now

Tara O’Toole 2006, FDCH Congressional Testimony, Lexis Nexis.

“The current situation in Asia and parts of Europe… given the possible consequences of this threat.”

The inevitable pandemic risks extinction - the impact is greater than WMDs

John Steinbrunner 1997, vice chair of the committee of the International Security at NAS, Carnegie Indowment for International Peace, Lexis Nexis.

“Although human pathogens are often… necessarily its outer limit.”

The Timeframe is immediate – the virus could mutate overnight and the moment it begins is is the moment it’s too late to prepare

ABC Online, 06,

“The world must brace…to get prepared.”

Advantage 2: Bioterrorism

A bioterrorist attack is inevitable – only active involvement of professionals in post disaster training will allow for effective response to readiness in the future.

Huebner, Darling, and Waekerle, 2002, US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.

“The inevitable conclusion is… no end yet in sight.”

Bioterrorism risks extinction

Risk Policy Report 05 “Anticipating low probability, High consequence of events.” Lexis Nexis.

“This volume focuses on… dealing with these psychosocial impacts.”

The threat of bioterror is the greatest threat to the human race it outweighs the impact of any nuclear WMD

Lieberman 04, US Fed News, “Sen. Lieberman comments biodefense” Lexis Nexis.

Bioterrorism may be the greatest… known threats is not enough.”

Plan Text: The Unites States Federal Government should mandate that all federal civilian medical employees serve in local Medical Reserve Corp units to assist in planning, training, and implementation. We’ll clarify.


Providing the Medical Reserve Corp with a large number of federally credentialed, trained medical professionals for planning and implementation of is the only way to solve surge capacity

Serino 06, FDCH Congressional testimony, “Hazards Medical Response”, Lexis Nexis.

“Effective medical response… public response community.”

Despite recent preparation efforts, personnel shortages will undercut medical response – only larger medical reserve corps can solve

Rood 05,

“Even with plans and responsibilities establishes… happened to SNS.”

Surge capacity is key to successfully dealing with a pandemic – The MRC needs medical staff who can practice across state lines

O’Toole 06, l/n

“In the event of a… lines in times of emergency.”

Federal Integration is key to a successful local response

Godley 06, l/n

“We have a multitude… deployment of a medical reserve corp.”

Interstate credentialing of federal health professional allows for successful deployment of personnel

Hodge, Gable, Claves 05

“Additional skilled personnel will be… evaluation of all potential volunteers.”

Finally, training medical professionals in national security sparks a culture of preparednessthat is key to essential reform

Cilluffo 06, lexis nexis.

“Honing our technical capacities… practice of national security.”

Plan: The USFG should mandate that all federal civilian medical employees serve in local medical reserve corps units to assist in planning, training, and implementation. We’ll clarify.

Observation 1: Inherency

The new federal bird flu plan relies heavily on local response teams like the medical reserve corps—volunteer shortage is the last critical hole in our preparedness for a future pandemic

Krisberg, 2006 [Kim, staff writier, The Nation’s Health, “New Federal Flue Pandemic Plan Focuses on Implementation Steps,” 6/20,

Advantage 1: Pandemic Influenza

A pandemic is inevitable—its only a question of how prepared we are when it arrives

Granados, Goodman, and Eklund 2006, Pandemic Influenza: Using evidence on vaccines and antirivals for clinical decisions and policy making,

A pandemic would spread across the globe in 3 months, killing 2 million in the US alone—the probability is 100% and the timeframe is now. Immediate preparedness is othe only way to solve this invisible threshold.

O’Toole, 2006, [Center for Biosecurity, Univeristy of Pittsburgh Medical Center, FDCH Congressional Testimony, Feb 8, 1/n]

“Within 3 months it will spread across the world”

The Inevitable epidemic risks extinction- the impact is greater than that of any nuclear WMB

Steinbrunner, 97, [Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Lexis]

“A lethal pathogen that could spread from one victim to another would be capable of initiation an intensifying cascade of disease that might ultimately threaten the entire world population.”

The Timeframe is immediate—the virus could mutate overnight and the moment it begins is the moment it’s too late to prepare

ABC Online, 2006 [Australian Broadcasting Corporation, “World must act as if fly pandemic imminent: UN official,” Jan. 25, ]

Advantage 2: Bioterrorism

A bioterrorist attack is inevitable—only active involvement of professionals in post-disaster training will allow for effective response and readiness in the future

Huebner, Darling, and Waekerle. 2002, [“The history and threat of biological warfare and terrorists,” May. ]

A bioterror attack is inevitable, killing millions—preparedness is the only defense

Schneidmiller 2006, [Daily Briefing, “Lawmakers press improvements to Project Bioshield,” June 7, ]

Bioterrorism risks extinction

Risk Policy Report, 2005 [“Anticipating low probability, high consequence events,” June 28]

“The dangers posed by the catastrophic risks and the opportunities for minimizing those dangers are reasonable.”

The threat of bioterror is the greatest threat to the human race—the millions it can kill outweights the impact of any other WMD

Lieberman 2004 [US Fed News, “Sen Lieberman comments on biodefense,” Oct. 6]

“As the power of modern biotechnology grows, the bioterror threat will grow and increasingly virulent and exotic weapons might become threats”

Observation 2: Solvency

Providing the medical reserve corps with a large number of federally credentialed, trained medical professionals for planning on implementation is the only way to solve surge capacity

Serino 2006, [Hazards Medical Response,” April 5]

“Shelters and overflow hospitals are perfect places to incorporate medical reserve corps volunteers”

Despite recent preparation efforts, personnel shortages will undercut medical response—only a larger medical reserve corps can solve

Rood, 2005 [“Medical Catastrophe,” November 1, magazine, ]

Surge capacity is the key to scucesffully dealing with a pandemic—the medical reserve corps needs medical staff who can practice across state lines

O’Toole, 06 [congressional Testimony, Feb 8]

Federal integration is key to successful local response

Godley 2006, [“Pandemic Flue Preparedness at the Federal, State, and Local Levels,” January 31]

Interstate credentialing of federal health professionals allows for successful deployment of personnel—the critical internal link to distribution of healthcare and resources

Hodge, Gable, and Calves, 2005, “Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, Vol. 3, Number 3]

“Additional skilled personnel will be needed to supplement the efforts of the existing healthcare workforce.”

Training medical professionals in national security sparks a culture of preparedness that is the key to successful reform

Cilluffo, 2006 [“Biodefence and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness,” May 23]

Harker LS Affirmative

Observation 1: Inherency

Currently, the US military Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy allows the daily discharge of gay service members

Brandt 06 ()

Thus, we present the following plan: The United States Supreme Court should grant certiorari to an appropriate case and hold that 10 U.S.C.645 and Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice constitute violations of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Enforcement guaranteed by the United States Department of Defense.

Observation Two: Discrimination

DADT defines anyone it deems homosexuals as loathsome monsters to be suppressed in the military, resulting in homophobia that spills over to the rest of the country. Lifting the ban will jumpstart wider societal change.

Mohr 2005 (The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and GayMarriage, Equality, and Rights, Columbia Press, pp.111-116)

This logic of defining sexual categories makes stereotypes and discrimination possible; the end result is a genocide of individuals whose sexual preferences deft accepted societal values

Mohr 1992 (Gay Ideas, pp.87-93)

Overruling DADT on the Establishment Clause strikes a blow to socially constructed notion of sexuality and sets a precedent to invalidate laws that discriminate based on “orientations.”

Kershaw 2005 (Jeffrey A., March, Vanderbilt University Law Review, Towards an Establishment Theory of Gay Personhood, Lexis)

Observation 3: US Leadership

We isolate several internal links:

First, the recruiting crisis: DADT is gutting the military in the status quo by deterring thousand of potential soldiers form enlistment. Military analysts have concluded that the military could eliminate its recruiting problem by lifting the ban

Ralls 2005 ()

And sustained overstretch of US forces sends a signal of US weakness that will invite regional conflict to challenge US dominance

Perry 2006 (The US Military: Under Strain and at Risk, The National Security Advisory Group, pg. National_Security_Report_01252006.pdf)

Second, Immunosuppression

DADT causes a paranoia and suppression of sexuality that increases disease outbreak in homosexuals-these crush readiness by impairing combat performance, infecting all other soldiers, and disrupting training


Strong US readiness is key to deter other nations form challenging US leadership and causing regional conflict

Spencer 2000 [Jack Spencer, “The Facts About Military Readiness,” Backgrounder #1394, September 15, 2000| pg. ]edlee

Third, Judicial Deference

Plan restores the proper balance between soldiers’ rights and military deference-overturning DADT sets a precedent for courts to restrict military abuses in the future based on non-biased research, solving any risk of impairing the military

Robbins 1999 (Oregon Law Review, Framers’ Intent and Military Power: Has Supreme Court Deference to the Military Gone Too Far?, Lexis)

And limiting jud. Def. to the military is the crucial internal link to recruitment and retention of soldiers- any alternatice recruitment strategy will be thwarted by soldiers who leave the military when court deference allows massive violations of soldiers’ Constitutional rights

Gilberts 1998 (The Military and the Federal Judiciary: an Unexplored Part of the Civil-Military Relation Triangle, USAFA Journal of Legal Studied, Lexis)

The impact is global nuclear war-failure of US power projection will cause massive allied proliferation and global arms races that escalate to international meltdown

Khalilzad 1995 (Washington Quarterly, Lexis)

Finally, all negative link turns are wrong- DoD enforcement solves officer circumvention and abuse of gays; women, integration, foreign militaries all prove plan will have no effect on cohesion, and if it does, plan will hurt social cohesion, which is bad because it encourages drug use and group desertion and has zero beneficial effect on readiness

Kier 1999 [“Homosexual’s in the U.S. Military Open Interrogation and Combat Effectiveness.” International Security 23, no.2 (Fall 1998): 5-39.]

Hebron MV Affirmative

Chapter 1

SQ complete with contradictions ann soldier been replaced by Bomb

Chaloupka 92

Knowing Nuke: the politics and culture of the bomb

Chapter 2

Detterence replaced by bomb, disapearance of warrior puts reality at stake

Chaloupka 92

Chapter 3

Detterence solve wars but legitimizes surcurity politics and control over populations

Baudrillard 94

the illusion of the end

Thus, Cameron and i stand resolved that

the usfg should establisha policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces

Chapter 4

Positive nihilism, accept warrior role of ballot is a radical change of thought reject contradictions

Chaloupka 92

Highland CG Affirmative

Contention one is Inherency

Demand for Peace Corps in Foreign Countries Exceeds the Peace Corps budget.

Rieffel ‘3

(Lex, non resident Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution, The Peace Corps in a Turbulent World, October 27, )

The Peace Corps is now active in 71 countries…likely to come from enlarging existing programs.

People are lining up to join- they are being rejected due to funding.

Toronto Star, 96

(Carol Goar, “Peace corps Looks Ahead to Changes, Fewer Dollars,” April 30, News Page A13, Lexis) (Anshu)

WASHINGTON - Nobody can tell Mark Gearan…"Young Americans really do want to serve."

Plan: The United States Congress should mandate an increase in the number of persons serving in the Peace Corps to 50,000 and provide all necessary funding for that increase.

Contention 2 is Positive Peace

Militarism and imperialism are escalating post 9/11 - critical rethinking of our policies is essential.

Cuomo ‘3

(Chris, activist, artist, and Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge “Philosophical Sisters, Incite!” hypatia, 2003, )

Yet we were unable to prevent a wicked war, and at times it has seemed like democracy is crumbling around us… and we're clearly on the verge of being poisoned by our own shit.

Expanding the Peace Corp’s budget is essential to mount an alternative to global militarism

Radley ‘6

(Gordon, former Peace Corps Volunteer and former president of Lucasfilm Ltd, “Peace Corps Still a Shining Light,” Marin Independent Journal, March 12, )

Today, there are 7,810 volunteers serving in 75 countries… and give it the funding it needs and deserves.

In the Status quo peace is seen as the mere absence of war- this state of negative peace causes violence.

Sandy and Perkins ‘2

(Leo R. veteran of the U.S. Navy and an active member of Veterans for Peace, Inc., co-founder of Peace Studies at Plymouth State College and at Rivier College, Ray; teaches philosophy at Plymouth State College, The Nature of Peace and Its Implications for Peace Education”, Online journal of peace and conflict resolution, Issue 4.2, Spring 02,

"Peace" is a word that is uttered almost as frequently as "truth," "beauty," and "love."… is what constitutes positive peace" (p.26).

This State of Negative Peace ensures a system of crisis politics which produce the worst abuses of nationalism, racism, and capitalism, and makes violence inevitable.

Cuomo 96

(Chris, activist, artist, and Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence!” hypatia, 1996, Proquest)

Philosophical attention to war has typically appeared in the form of justifications for entering into war… what appears to be the inevitability of war and militarism.

Militarism is the greatest source of environmental destruction and the root of all other forms of environmental destruction- a renewed commitment to positive peace is key to save the ecosystem.

Cuomo 96

(Chris, activist, artist, and Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studies at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence!” hypatia, 1996, Proquest)

All told, including peacetime activities as well as the immense destruction caused by combat… Such a perspective must pay adequate attention to what is required to prepare for war in a technological age, and how women and other Others are affected by the realities of contemporary military institutions and practices.

Observation Three: Solvency

Expanding the peace corps to 50,000 is a dramatic symbol of the U.S. commitment to peace that can transform our militaristic worldview to view peace as more than the absence of war.

Shriver ‘1

(Robert, founding Director of the Peace Corps, speech to Yale University’s Daily News Annual Banquet, 11/10, )

Is it America’s primary purpose in the world to change and improve lives, or to snuff them out? This is a question that IS relevant to the Peace Corps… many nations and nationalities will enthusiastically join us in the creation of a “New World of Peace.”

The peace corps deploys information technology which builds global sociopolitical networks that are vital to overcoming perceptions that peace is defined solely as the absence of war

Slabbert ‘6

(N.J., writer on urban thought and policy for the Urban Land Institute, “The Technologies of Peace,” Harvard International Review, March, )


According to novelist-essayist Gore Vidal, he suggested the idea of the Peace Corps to John F. Kennedy during the latter's presidential candidacy… is a peace-exporting instrument of incalculably great advantage to US interests.

The Peace Corps e-initiative solves beurocratic problems and allows the peace corps to effectively spread information technology.

Schneider 2k

(Mark, Former Director of Peace Corps, Globalization, information technology and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century, June 7, )

These are just several examples of how volunteers are using technology to help their communities develop and prosper… to insure that volunteers and their counterparts become proficient in information technology teaching techniques.

Peace corps volunteers have the expertise to spread technology world wide

Schneider 2k

(Mark, Former Director of Peace Corps, Globalization, information technology and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century, June 7, )

Virtually every Peace Corps volunteer sworn in today is adept at using computers,… They can turn the traditional pattern of the poor getting technology last, upside down.

Expanding the Peace Corps can promote structural change in US foreign policy that will reshape the very nature of policymaking, the state, and international relations.

Rieffel and Zalud ‘6

(Lex, visiting fellow in the Global Economy and Development Center at the Brookings Institution, and Sarah, independent consultant for the Global Economy and Development Center at the Brookings Institution, “International Volunteering: Smart Power”, June,


The face of America that has been welcomed most enthusiastically in the rest of the world for decades has been the face of a volunteer: assisting with disaster relief,… . Despite the obvious benefits, however, the scale and effectiveness of these programs remain far below their potential.

Peace Corps volunteers will uniquely influence US foreign policy as their interaction with other cultures positions them to transform international politics.

Kirschten 98

(Dick, “The New Peace Corps”, National Journal, April 18, 1998, Vol. 30, Iss. 16, pg. 858-862. Accessed at: Proquest)

It's impossible to quantify just how much the Peace Corps has helped citizens of developing nations to help themselves or increased goodwill toward America… But he quickly added that "if it's an interest of American foreign policy for us to be smart about our engagement with the world, then it's important to have people with genuine experience abroad."

(may not read these cards…)

The Peace Corps gives volunteers intense training sessions that prepare them for their service

Bullington ‘1

(Peace Corps Volunteer) (Jim R. “Letter from Niger: Fourth Installation” American Diplomacy, Vol. VI, No. 1, CIAO Database)

In January we received 56 new trainees to prepare for life in Nigerien villages as Volunteers… Although it will take several months of living in a village to master the linguistic and other skills needed to be fully effective, on graduation from training they can at least function at a basic level and withstand the rigors of African village life.

Peace Corps Safety Measures are higher post 9/11

Learned ‘4

(Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Malawi, editor of . Security for LGBT Peace Corps Volunteers. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual RPCVs. May 15 )

Particularly since 9/11, Peace Corps Director, Gaddi Vasquez,… Almost all of the examples in the newspaper series of poor security and its consequences described instances that occurred before 9/11/01.

Peace Corps independence is high

Rieffel ‘3

(Lex, non resident Guest Scholar at the Brookings Institution, The Peace Corps in a Turbulent World, October 27, )

By all accounts, the Peace Corps remains remarkably independent. While it will not initiate a program in a country over the objections of the State Department and must suspend a program when the State Department determines that an evacuation is necessary for reasons of safety and security, the Peace Corps has a great deal of autonomy in determining in partnership with the government of each host country how many volunteer positions will be created, which functional areas will be given priority, and what kind of training will be provided.

The peace corps has successfully resisted politicization

Learned ‘4

(Mike – Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Malawi. Future of Peace Corps. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual RPCVs. February 13 )

Over the years there have been implied and explicit attempts to use the Peace Corps as an arm of American foreign policy. Peace Corps has survived and flourished over the past 41 years and enjoyed bipartisan support because it has resisted politicization and manipulation.

The Peace Corps must be perceived as independent by foreign actors to remain effective

Schneider 2k

Former director of the Peace Corps –(Mark, Capitol Hill Hearing Testimony, Lexis)

That message also underscores the rationale for the independence of the Peace Corps, Whatever is done with this legislation, maintaining the Peace Corps independence is crucial.

Peace corps independence is vital to maintain the effectiveness and permit expansion.


Senator - 6-25-2002 [Chris, Hearing on the Peace Corps Charter for the 21st Century Act, ]

Today our witnesses have been asked to comment on the various provisions in the bill. We must make sure that the Peace Corps' goals of friendship, peace, and grassroots development are in no way muddled or compromised by other short-term political objectives.

Contention1: inherency

demand for PC volunteers exceeds budget.

Lex Rieffel 2003 ()

“The Peace Corps…enlarging existing programs”

People are lining up to join—they are being rejected due to funding

Toronto star 96 (“Peace Corps Looks Ahead To Changes, Fewer Dollars” April 30 lexis)

“Nobody can tell…want to serve.”

plan: The united states congress should mandate an increase in the number of persons serving in the peace corps to 50,000 and provide all necessary funding for that increase

Contention 2:

Positive Peace

Militarism and imperialism are escalating post 9/11—critical rethinking of our policies is essential.

Chris Cuomo

“Yet we were…our own shit”

Expanding the Peace Corps budget is essential to mount an alternative to global militarism

Gordon Radley 2006

“today, there are…needs and deserves”

In the status quo peace is seen as the mere absence of war—this state of negative peace causes violence.

Sandy and Perkins spring 2002

“peace is a word…what constitutes positive peace”


Expanding the peace corps to 50,000 is a dramatic symbol of the U.S. commitment to peace that can transform our militaristic worldview to view peace as more than the absence of war.

Shriver 01

“Is it america’s…world of peace”

The Peace Corps deploys Information Technology, which builds global sociopolitical networks that are vital to overcoming perceptions that peace is defined solely as the absence of war.

Slabbert 2006

“according to novelist-essayist…great advantage to us interests.”

The Peace Corps e-initiative solves beuracratic problems and allows the Peace Corps to effectively spread information technology. Schneider 2000

“These are just several…technology teaching techniques”

Peace Corps volunteers have the expertise to spread technology worldwide

Schneider 2000

“virtually every peace corps…last, upside down.”

Expanding the Peace Corps can promote structural change in foreign policy that will reshape the very nature of policymaking, the state, and international relations. Rieffel and zalud, 06

“The face of America…below their potential”

Highland Park Dallas ST Affirmative

Repealing DADT will lead to an increase of 41,000 individuals

SLDN Questions New Poll on Recruitment and ‘Don’t ask Don’t tell”

Servicmembers legal defense network, October 10, 2005,

“From predictions of disruption to morale….threat to our national security.”

The current military policy creates the binary identities of homosexual and straight

Gary Lehring, assc. Prof. of government @ smith collage, 2003

Officially gay: the political construction of sexuality by the U.S. military, Temple Univ. Press: Philadelphia, p. 179-180

“as anything else. But with their justifications for … and hardworking (and therefore lesbian)”

observation 2 gender categories

Military exclusion of gays codifies an essential identity which precudes comlete social acceptance-it is not based on policy utility

Gary Lehring, assc. Prof. of government @ smith collage, 2003

Officially gay: the political construction of sexuality by the U.S. military, Temple Univ. Press: Philadelphia, p. 73-74)

“historically, the overlapping and changing arguments about homosexuals….homosexuality is a choice.”

The impact to this sex/gender categorization perpetuates the system of oppression

Judith Butler, 1990, gender trouble: Feminism and the subversion of identity.” Pg ___

“Politically, the division…becomes a social reality.”

Civil society looks to the military to dictate relationships between different identities

Aaron Belkin, assc. Prof. Ph.D. of Political Science@ Univ. of California Berkeley, 2002 Mission Statement of CSSMM

“To begin, sexuality is the target of intense…carry over into civilian life.”

Sexuality is a construction of power to classify systems. We always can be free, but we never have th chance to decide what freedom is.

David M. Halperin st =Foucault, towards a gay hagiography, prof. Of philosophy @ MIT, 1997

“Foucault’s political vision becomes darkest…self-respecting human conduct”

This kind of biopolitical control is the root cause of violence

Mitchell Dean, Professor of sociology at Macquarie University, 2001, States of Imagination, p. 53-54

This allows us, first…utopia to be achieved”

Observation 3- solvency

Congress is the best way to repeal DADT

Ralls-June 30, 2006

[steve, staffwriter, servicemembers legal defense network, “White House Makes 1st-Ever comments on ‘Don’t ask, Don’t Tell’; When will the White House Stand up for Gay Americans Who Sacrifice so much?”

“The department of defense…appropriate by the armed forces.

Policy Discourse is the only way to open space for an alternative conception of identity

David, Campbell, Prof. of Cultural and Political Geaography @ Durham Univ., 1998

Writing security: United States Foreign Policy and the Politics of identity, Univ. of Minnesota press, p. 197-8

“Before proceding, though, an observation….is a constitutive of political identity.”

A change in policy would lead toa change in mind set among troops

Gregory Herek and Davis and Aaron Belkin 05

Military life: the psychology of serving in peace and combat, sexual orientation and military service: Prospects for organizational and individual change on the Unites States,, December, military_life_.doc

“as noted above, initial….only one gay individual (Herek & Capitanio, 1996).>

2ac politics answers

Additionally by framing the political sphere in these terms we are locked into a cycle of role playing where we forget what It would even mean to create change. The only way to escape a rhetoric of domination is to engage politics.

Pierre Schlag, June 1991

[69 Tex. L. Rev. 1627]

“In formal diplomatic negotiations…beyond the pale.”

Defaulting to political decisions to determine policy precludes any possibility of change. Politics attempts to exclude from the realm of government any action counter to the status quo, and any people who attempt to advocate for such action.

Butler 04

[Precarious Life: The powers of mourning and violence, p. xix-xxi]

“dissent and debate upon the inclusion….the effects of war.”

Jack C. Hays SS Affirmative

Contention 1: The State of the Bay:

Lack of federal support means the cleanup goals of the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act of 2000 will not be met.

Blankenship 2006 (Karl, Editor of the Bay Journal, Bay Journal, April,)

This lack of regulatory action threatens the life of the Bay. Runoff from agriculture accelerates fertilization of the bay and crushes its natural filters. This carries the propensity to end all life in the Bay

Horton and Eichbaum 1991 (Tom, winner of John Burroughs medal, William, vice-president of the EQP of the World Wildlife Fund, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay)

Plan: The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the numbers of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs: AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps, Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America, Armed Forces. Specifically, the United States Congress should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps necessary to meet the goals outlined in the Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act of 2000. This includes the acceptance of new volunteers to serve in national service programs necessary to carry out the mandates of the established policy. Funding and enforcement guaranteed.

Advantage 1 – Biodiversity:

Nutrient runoff into the Bay crushes biodiversity

Abler and Shortle 1995 (David, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Pennsylvania State University. James, Professor of Agricultural Economics, Pennsylvania State University. Oklahoma Law Review. Summer SIXTEENTH ANNUAL AMERICAN AGRICULTURE LAW ASSOCIATION EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE SYMPOSIUM: THE ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF ALTERNATIVE NONPOINT POLLUTION CONTROLS. L/N)

Destroying species risks human extinction

Diner 1994 (Major David N. Diner, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, US Army Instructor, Adminstrative and Civil Law Division, The Judge Advocate General’s School, US Army. B.S. 1980, Ohio State University, 1983, Ohio State University. College of Law; LL.M, 1993, Judge Advocate General’s School, United States Army, Military Law Review, Winter 1994. “The Army and the endangered species act: Who’s endangering whom?” L/N)

Saving Bay is key to global survival

Horton 2003 (Tom, Winner of the John Burroughs medal, environmental expert, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay 2nd Edition)

Advantage 2 – The Black Sea

The problems facing the Chesapeake Bay are the same as those that are killing the Black Sea. Collapse of Black Sea will kill the planet and cause Russian economic collapse.

Sharma 1997 (Kaplana, The Hindu, October 14, The tale of a dying sea, L/N)

Russian economic collapse leads to lack of control of nuclear weapons within Russia

Rankin and Enda 1998 (Robert and Jodi, knight Rider news service, Pittsburgh post-gazette, August 30, “Geopolitics, not Economics, Rules” L/N)

Bay is a global model

Horton 2003 (Tom, Winner of the John Burroughs medal, environmental expert, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay 2nd Edition)


The ability of the NCCC to solve in the watershed is limitless

Matuszeski 1994 (Bill, director of the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office, “Bay Journal”, May, )

The NCCC is key to solvency in the watershed

Blankenship 2000 (Karl, Editor of the Bay Journal, Bay Journal, November, )

The Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act of 2000 is the only way to solve because it looks at the watershed as a unique ecosystem and sets standards for scuccses.

Swanson 2001 (Ann, The Bay Journal, December, )

We must act now. There is a hidden threshold to the Bay’s health.

Horton 2003 (Tom, Winner of the John Burroughs medal, environmental expert, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay 2nd Edition)

The Chesapeake Bay exists in our minds. We must rethink the Bay.

Horton and Eichbaum 1991 (Tom, winner of John Burroughs medal, William, vice-president of the EQP of the World Wildlife Fund, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay) p.3

Letting the Bay die is a moral lapse of epic proportions

Horton 2003 (Tom, Winner of the John Burroughs medal, environmental expert, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay 2nd Edition)

Let’s let Bernie see his toes.

Horton and Eichbaum 1991 (Tom, winner of John Burroughs medal, William, vice-president of the EQP of the World Wildlife Fund, Turning the Tide: Saving the Chesapeake Bay) p.254

Jenks MS Affirmative


Contention I is the status quo- The army is having major recruitment issues-

Collins 2005,

The army is having a recruitment shortfall


Plan Text: The united states congress should create a 15 month enlistment option for the army with no requirement to serve in the national guard or army reserves after the 15 month enlistment term has ended. Also we will provide post-secondary loans


Contention II is hegemony- The unites states has decreases recruitment standards because of shortages in the armed forces- Baltimore Sun 2006 Lexis


Numbers are the key to hegemony-

Perry 2006,


Overstretch kills US credibility-

New York Times 2006, October 1st


Future Demand for the military will solve terrorism-

Flournoy, 2005 April 11th


Short term enlistee is the key to fighting terror-

 magee, 2002, pplonline .com


Terrorism leads to extinction-

Chesney, November 1997


There is no alternative to US power-

Niall Ferguson 2004

The alternative to American dominance would be apolarity


Recruiting all kinds of people will lead to public support-

Moskos 2002,


NO challenging by the United states will lead to a China attack on Taiwan-

 Eichenberg, summer 2005


Taiwan war will lead to extinction-

strait times 2000


China will create regional instabilities with north korea-

Plage 98


Overstretch leads to continued defiance by north korea-

strait times 2006


Contention III is solvency- Recruitment can be solved by a 15 month enlistment, it will draw in volunteers- Moskos 2005,        


College graduates are better educated and easily trained-

canfessore 2003 washington monthly, march 1st


The army has empirically succeeded at short term enlistment-

Gram 99, Washington post march 1st

Jesuit College Prep ON Affirmative


Despite changes to military policies in the 1990’s, women continue to be barred from positions associated with combat.

Weinstein and White, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Western Connecticut State University and PhD at Northwestern University, 1997

(Laurie and Christie, Wives and Warriors: Women and the military in the United States and Canada, p. 94)

BY 1996, with all of the combat…..and positions closed to women.)

This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon – President Bush has made it clear that he is against lifting the combat restrictions.

Washington Times 2005

(January 12, )

President Bush’s policy on women in ground……….collocate with those units.

This exclusion is based on institutionalized discrimination against women – it is used to justify social distinctions that allow the privileging hegemonic masculinities and the subordination of women.

Vojdik, Associate Professor of Law at West Virginia University College of Law, 2005

(Valorie K., Alabama Law Review, Winter, Lexis)

Rather than focus solely… fight his nation’s battles.”(n368)

Specifically, these norms foster the hostility towards women that creates prolific rape in the military.

Morris, Professor of Law at Duke University, 1996

(Madeline, Duke Law Journal, February, Westlaw)

We have seen evidence……women are accessed for military service.

Tolerating this sexual assault makes global violence and nuclear war inevitable.

New York Times 1983

(December 29, p. C7)

She argues, for example……to begin with peace between sexes”

These exclusions also have critical implications in society – Lifting these restrictions will end presumptions of inability, increase respect for women, and decrease sexual harassment in society at large.

Lezkay, Law Clerk for US District Court Judge and First Lieutenant in US Army Reserves, 2003

(Blythe, Hatings Women’s Law Journal, Summer, Lexis)

There are both philosophical and practical……from harassment that they are entitled

The ultimate impact is extinction – the dysfunctionality of Patriarchy guarantees continued violence, war, and environmental destruction, making all your disad impact inevitable. Only moving away from this system can create opportunities for survival.

Warren and Cady, Professors of Philosophy at Macalester College and Hamline University, 1994

(Karen and Duane, Hypatia, Spring, Proquest)

The notion of patriarchy as a…… regional, national, and global contexts.


Observation Two: Solvency

First, we’re topical –opening combat to women increases participation in the armed forces

Harrell and Miller, RAND institute, ‘97

(Margaret C. and Laura L. Rand institute, “Military Readiness : Women are noT a problem,”


Army women’s exclusion from direct ground……..collocation with a unit engaged in direct combat

Second, Only ending combat exclusions will allow women to gain authority and respect – combat is the key issue.

Karst, Professor of Law at USCLE, 1991

(Kenneth, UCLA Law Review, February, Westlaw)

“In the current debate, ‘combat’……….service women alike –are seldom taken seriously [FN116]

Third, only engaging the military can lead to real change – remaining outside the system causes continued discrimination and violence against women.

Mazur, Associate Professor of Law at University of Florida College of Law, 1999

(Diane, Harvard Women’s Law Journal, Spring, Lexis )

Whenever the idea of more substantial military……because it has fewer consequences. N128

Jesuit College Prep SO Affirmative

Observation 1 – Our creativity’s been silenced

Lack of funding prevents Americorps from accepting more volunteer

Gergen, 2003 (David, A professor of public service at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy school of Government and Director of its center for public leadership and Editor-at-large for U.S. news and World Report, “A flame that must not die” U.S. News and World Report Vol. 135, online, Melisa Tirend)

And, the ban on political activity denigrates peoples ability to understand politics in relation to core democratic values, in a world absent political activities empty signifiers of tolerance and justice are used by the Bush Administration to Redeploy Service in his name

Dionne, Columnist for the Washington post, D Philat Oxford Univ., Professor at Georgetown University, Co-Editor of PEW forum series, Drogsz, Brookings institution press, a dialogue on religion and American politics, Litan, Brookings institution press, saving free trade, 2003 (E.J. Jr., K.M., and R.Litan, “Citizenship without politics? A critique of pure service”)

Text: The United States Federal Government should substantially increase the number of participants serving in americorps by removing all limitations on political activity while serving in Americorps. Requisite funding will be provided for those willing to serve

Observation 2 – Privatized Human Response

Current Political cynicism is the greatest danger to human agency and a revitalized democratic understanding, we are witnessing collapse of public innovation and privatization of Public action linked to dehumanizing drive by our neo-liberal state

Giroux, professor of education at Boston University, 2003 (Henry A., “Public spaces, private lives: Democracy beyond 9/11”) pg. 55-58

Current school based service promotes citizenship and patriotism devoid of politics, this dislocation of political understanding guarantees docile subjects and lack of informed decision making in political arenas

Kahne and Westheimer – professor of American Studies and education at Mills College, associate professor of Democracy, Education, and society at the University of Ottawa – 2003 (Joseph and Joel, “Democracy and Civic engagement what schools need to do” Phi Delta Kappan, Volume 85, Issue 1, p. 34, Questia)

And, Political disengagement doesn’t mean the national public sphere goes away, instead it will be dominated by the far right and collapse into fascism leading to war and tyranny

Rorty, 98 (Richard, Stanford philosophy professor, “Achieving our country”, pp. 87-94)

And, the current public sphere is dominated by military and corporate interests guaranteeing militaristic global violence

Boggs, 05 (Carl, teaches political science at the University of Southern California, Imperial Delusions: American Militarism and Endless war, p. 82-84)

Current abandonment of citizens is creating a politics of disposability where class and racial exclusion seem as the most rational way of unifying citizenry. This new form of biopolitical domination makes people the literal walking dead guaranteeing bodies are bombed, starved or excluded from sight in our newly “defined” public sphere

Giroux, Global TV network chair professorship at McMaster university in the English and culture studies department, 2006 (Henry, ‘Reading Hurricane Katrina’ College Literature 33.3 p. project muse)

Observation 3 – We can fight it

A federal Campaign through Americorps is viatl to dramatically expanding service learning

Anderson, 98 (Susan, Professor of psychology at New York University, “service learning: A national strategy for youth development”, paper presented for the George Washington University institute for communitarian policy studies, September, )

And, Service learning is key to civic engagement and reconnect education to public sphere

Pamala Morris, assistant professor, Purdue University, John Pomery, assistant professor of Economics at Purdue, Kate Murray, Purdue task force on citizenship education, 2001, “A multicultural partnership for change”, Electronic magazine of multicultural education, )

And, politicizing service is critical to create a framework for students to ask broader questions about and challenge institutional structures

Walker, Senior education associate at eagleton institute of politics, Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey, September, 2000 (Tobi, “the service/politics split: rethinking service to teach political engagement”, PS: Political Science and Politics, p. 647-649)

Politicizing national service creates space for criticism of fundamental “truths” of justice truning political subjects into Engaged Citizens

Gorham, asst pf or political science, 1992 (Eric B., Loyola university, New Orleans, National Service, Citizenship and political education)

Federal support is key to networking programs together it best leverages funds and creates centralized structure necessary for effective programs

GAO, 97 (U.S. General accounting office report to congress, National service programs: Role of stale commissions in Implementing the Americorps Program, February, )

Schools are the critical locus for reinvigoration of critical citizenship, only through promoting these institutions can we create new movements against militaristic and totalitarian violence.

Giroux, Prof. of education at Boston university, 2003 (Henry A. The abandoned generation democracy behind the culture of ten, page 39 – 41)

And, Federal funding of americorps is necessary to create a sustainable commitment to community education

Shriver 03 (Mark, U.S. vice president of save the children, “voices for americorps” Sept. 2, )

Mow is the critical time, critical civic education is key to challenge the current exclusion practiced of freedom and citizenship and spark a broader pedagogy focused on rekindling individual agency

Giroux, professor of education at Boston University, 2003 (Henry A., “Public spaces, private lives: Democracy beyond 9/11”)

Kinkaid SL Affirmative

Ob Observation 1: The Inherency

Despite soaring leves of applicants, the Peace Corp is underfunded and unable to increase its numbers Stevens, July 28, 2006 (Peter, Inter at CBS, …) are applying to…has been funding

And, the failure of Peace Corps can be tied to the linking of Corps Goals to flawed international Relations Theory Steigerwald, Proffesor of History at Ohio State, 2000 (Dan Steigerwald, associate professor of history, Ohio State University (Marion), Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000 “The Paradoxes of Kennedy Liberalism”-project muse) the basic failures…sake of humanity

The Representations aren’t harmless. Rather, the justifications shape policies and cause the harms they attempt to alleveate Dot, Assistnat Profesor of Political Science at ASU, 1996 (Roxanee Lynn, Imperial Encounters: The Poltiics of Representation in North-South Relations, Pg. 170-171) the center is…in dominate represenations

Scenario 2: Info Peace

The Peace Corps is key to the global spread of internet technology because its uniquely situated as an international player Laouris and Laouri, 2006 (Yiannis & Romina, Cypres Neuroscience & Technology Institute and Ashoka HEadquaters, .cy/CNTI_Research/Publications/ConferenceFullPapers/MLEARN2006_AfricaCloseGap.pdf) Technology Peace Corps…areas the world over

Scenario 3: Proper Propaganda

The world is devoid of an ethic of human solidarity becaue power resits with special interest groups. We need more corps to respect all life. Hassan, Prince of Jordan, 2003

And, Peace Corps expansion is critical to the global spread of internet technology Schneider, Scholar at Woodrow Wilson Institute, 2000 (Mark, Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century by Mark Schneider, Director, Peace Corps Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century Remakrs by Mark Schneider, Director, Peace Corps Woodrow Wilson International Cent for Scholars June 7, 2000) peace corps has….last, upside down

Without a transition to a culture of peace; war, ethnic cleansing and hatred will continue to destroy the world Mowla, October 2000 (Muhammed, , download 12/28/04) we see possibilities…involvement of all actors

This transition to info peace ends violence by giving Pragmatic means to our Utopia Vision. Der Derrian, Watson INstitue at Brown, 04 (James, ) information peace is…pragmatic in application

Observation 2-Harms

The state of power is war- we’ll isolate ____ scenarios

Scenario 1-Survival From Sovereignty

The Status Quo is locked into a death march toward the destruction of the planet- the exclusive focus on the state limits new possibilities Dillon, Politics Professor at the University of Lancaster, 2004 (MIcheal, “Correlating Sovereign and Biopower,” in Sovereign Lives, ED. Edkins & Pin-Fat, p. 41) is commonly associated…promise of politics

And, this drive to secure the sate excludes local understandings and empathy. The impact is the fear of apocalypse necessitates the very violence it tries to escape Coviello, Associate Professor of English At Bowdoin, 2002 (Peter, Queer Frontiers, Ed. Boone, Pages 40-41) apocalypse is an…be done without

And, WE Have an ethical responsibility to not be warlike. Focus of the state as the sage for drama ensures the conditions for war Kappeler, 1998 ethics addresses problems…and political disillusionment.




A technologically reinvigorated peace corp can serve as a model to other US agencies, safeguarding against cybernetic attacks on the USFG

Slabbert 2006,

To these modifications… terrorist disruption.”

Only the peace corp can serve as a model of new tech implimetation deployment- key to updating the usfg model toward terror survivla


Slabbert 2006,

Federal obliviousness…. Of freedom”

And peace corps is key to breaking down cutrual stereotypes and to creating real empathy between people

Fischer, prof of history at N. Colorado, making them like us. Peace corp volunteers in the 1960s, p. 145-6)

“Anyone who studies the peace corp……understanding other cultures”

Contention 3- power of peace

1st the peace corp has been historically empirically sucuessful. The plan reverts budget shortfalls leading to a global ethic of love

Pitt, activist, 2005, nei_blog.taf

“now I was really…….devestate their land.’

Despite attempts by the administration to shape and mold, peace corp volunteers adopt innovatieve thinking that repects local knowledge and automany

Burner, prof of history 100, reviews in american history, 27.3, p. 491-6)

“fritz fischer focusing….clients to practice>”

the affects of serving in the peace corp are transformative and go beyonf legislative intent

Newberger, Md, 200, (www/~suhshine/book-sum/newberg.html)

And, peace corps expansion is critical to the global spread of internet technology.

Schneider, scholar @ Woodrow Wilson Institute, 2000 [Mark, ]

This transition to info peace ends violence by giving pragmatic means to our utopian vision.

Der Derrian, Watson Institute @ Brown, 04 [James, ]

A technologically reinvigorated PC can serve as a model to other US agences safe guarding agaisnt cybernetic attacks on the USFG

Slabber 2k6, http:hir.harvard.ed/articles/1336/1/

to these modifications .. exposure to terrirst disruption.

Only the PC can serve as a model of new tech implementation and deployment this is key to pdating the SFG model toward terror survivability

Slabbert 2k6

federal oblvisiousness to telework ... of freedom.”

Modern Genocides rely on appropriations by the media to perpetuate mas murder this dominates and risks the return of Stalin-ness Russia or Nazi destruction which are the worst form of violence only proper transformation can reappropriate this discourse for a turn to infopeace

cushman 2k3, Prfessor of socialogy at Wellesely 2/25 “is genocide preventable?”

Modern technologies of mass media ... modern practice of genocide”

Thus, the United States Federal Government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs by:

The United States Federal Government, specifically the executive and congress, should double the number of persons serving in the Peace Corps by providing necessary support and funding.

Contention 3 – Power of Peace

The peace corps has been historically and empirically successful. The plan reverses budget shortfalls leading to a global ethic of love.

Pitt, political activist, 2005 [Mary, June 14, nei_blog.taf]

The affects of serving in the Peace Corps are transformative and go beyond legislative intent.

Newberger, MD, 2000 [Eli, copyrighted in 1999 to Eli Newberger, ~sunshin/book-sum/newberg.html]

And, peace corps is key to breaking down cultural stereotypes and to creating real empathy between people.

Fisher, Prof History @ University Northern Colorado, 1998 [Fritz, Making them Like US; Peace Corps Volunteers 1960’s, p. 194-195]

Despite attempts by the administration to shape and mold, Peace corps volunteers adopt innovative thinking that respects local knowledge and autonomy.

Burner, Prof History @ SUNY – Stony Brook, 1999 [David, Reviews in American History, 27.3 p. 491-496]

Kinkaid TB Affirmative

Observation 1: Inherency

Despite soaring levels of applicants, the peace corps is underfunded and unable to increase it numbers.

Peter Stevenson,

and, the failure of the peace corps can be tied to the lining of corps goals to flawed international relations theory.

David Steigerwald 2000(the paradoxes of Kennedy liberalism) “while books…equivalent of war”

Those representations aren’t harmless. Rather, the justifications shape policies and cause the harms they attempt to alleviate.

Roxanne Doty, imperial encounters: the politics of representation in north-south relations. p. 170-171

“north-south relations…dominant representations”

Thus the plan: The united states federal government, specifically, the executive and congress, should double the number of persons serving in the peace corps by providing necessary support and funding.

Observation 2: harms Securitization:

the status quo is locked into a death march toward the destruction of the planet—the exclusion focus on the state’s limits new possibilities

Dillon 04, Correlating sovereign and Biopower”, in Sovereign lives, p. 41

Power is commonly…promise of politics

And, this drive to secure the state excludes local understandings and empathy. the impact is the fear of apocalypse necessitates the very violence it tries to escape.

Coviello “Queer Frontiers” p. 40-41

Perhaps. But to…be done without.

Fortunately there is hope. the space exists for empowered individuals to transgress the boundaries of society and traditional notions of security. Burke 02, Alternatives 27

“it is perhaps easy…possibilities might be”

And, we have an ethical responsibility to not be warlike. focus on the state as the stage for drama ensures the conditions for war.

Kappeler, 98, Will to violence

“even a discourse on ethics…always made elsewhere.”


the peace corps expansion is crucial to the global spread of internet technology.

Schneider 2000 (

“Recognizing the importance of poverty…last, upside down”

This transition to info peace ends violence by giving pragmatic means to our utopian vision.

Der Derian 04 ()

“Information peaces (infopeace) is the production, application…pragmatic in application”

Contention 3: The Power Of Peace

1st the Peace corps has been historically and empirically successful. the plan reverses budget shortfalls leading to a global ethic of love.

Pitt, 05 )

“Now I was really interested!...devastate their land?”

The affects of serving in the peace corps are transformative and go beyond legislative intent.

Newberger 2000

“yet I am…Different human beings”

Despite attempts by the administration to shape and mold, peace corps volunteers adopt innovative thinking that respects local knowledge and autonomy.

Burner 1999, Reviews in American History, 491-496

“fritz fischer, focusing less…clients to practice.”

A2: T mandatory

We meet policy Gov has to comply with the mandates of the plan

w/m natl serv, PC is Natl service

c/ == natl service can be mandatory or voluntary

evers 90

Nat'l service pro & con

thus in britain ... for the term

c/i is to double , increse is to multiply

pref our interp

they over limit


no case meets

copeting interp bad

A2: K

The K is stuck in the 90's cap will soon be irrelevant as it will be replaced with a heiratchy based upon information technology power. Better access to technology accelerates the end of capabilities

Bard 2k2 , lecturar at speakersnet and the Stockholm school of economics and sodergvist

“For everyone ... anything else”

Their criticism is not enough to address suffering – w need to actively create policies to globally address the loss of rights and oppression

Gardner 96, lecturer of Anthropology “Anthropology Development”

Yet while it is ... inequality and oppression

The diversity of viewpoints within tactical media makes it impossible to coopt

Watson Institute 6/27/03 peace/911/index.cfm?id=14

tactical media ... of viewpoints

We can't allow the fear of cooption to prevent us from taking action. Minor subservience demands can explode the state order in ways the negatives theory never could

Zizek 98. Law and the Postmodern Mind

Finally the point ... to with a demand

Totalizing criticisms destroy coalitions by pitting similar movements against each other

Krishna 93, PoliSci at the university of hawaii, “The Importance of being ironic. A postcolonial view on the critic. “

In offering this dichotomous .... activist politics

The plan increases global interactions that are necessary for a democratic revolution. Their alternative makes either military extremism or ethnic cleansing inevitable

Shaw 01 “The Unfishinished Global Revolution : intellectuals and the new politics of international relations. Pgs 627-32

thus for Eric Hobsawm ... global commonality of values.

turn development good

The internet escapes the power of oppressors creating a separate space where astonishing change can occur

bard 02,

the internet differs .. astonishing results

B. only the plans spec solvency mechanism can shift away from that capitalist mindset of the status quo

fotopolous 2k, “The limitations of Life-style strategies: The Ecovillage “Movement” is NOT the way towards a new democratic society

As I descried .. various forms of intervention at:

The perm solves – the combination of advocating volunteerism along with individual changes in consciousness of how to interact with the other can be subversive

Ehrichs 2k2, fileadmin/docs/old/pdf/2002/lao_volunteering_in_devolpment.pdf

ultimately however ... transformational one.

Critiques of development fail to recognize the millions of lives that have benefited from development. Also, resistance is far more nuanced – communities protest what they see as oppressive but welcome projects that they view as necessary

Simon 2k6. find.itx/

Devolpement .deveolment writings

volunteers don’t serve US foreign policy goals

Fisher 98, Making them Like US- Peace corps volunteers in the 1960's p 4-5

Volunteer thought ... different conclusions

Observation One – Inherency

Despite soaring levels of applicants, the Peace Corps is underfunded and able to increase its numbers.

Stevenson, July 28, 2006 [Peter, intern @ CBS]

And, the failure of the Peace Corps can be tied to the linking of corps goals to flawed international relations theory.

David Steigerwald, professor of history @ Ohio State, 2000

Those representations aren’t harmless. Rather, the justifications shape policies and cause the harms they attempt to alleviate.

Doty, assistant professor of political science at ASU, 1996 [Roxanne Lynn, Imperial Encounters: The Politics of Representation in North-South Relations, p. 170-171]

Observation Two – Harms

Scenario One – Survival from Sovereignty

The status quo is locked into a death march toward the destruction of the planet – toward the destruction of the planet – the exclusive focus on the state limits new possibilities.

Dillon, Politics professor @ University of Lancaster, 2004 [Michael, “Correlating Sovereign and Biopower,” in Sovereign Lives, Ed. Edkins & Pin-Fat, p.41]

And, the drive to secure the sate excludes local understandings and empathy. The impact is the fear of apocalypse necessitates the very violence it tries to escape.

Coviello, Assoc. Professor of English at Bowdoin, 2002 [Peter, Queer Frontiers, ed. Boone, pages 40-41]

Fortunately, there is hope. The space exists for empowered individuals to transgress the boundaries of society. Ours is an ethic of inter-subjectivity.

Burke, School of Political Science and International Studies, University of Queensland 2002 [Anthony, Alternatives 27]

And, we have an ethical responsibility to not be warlike. Focus of the state as the stage for drama ensures the conditions for war.

Kappeler, 1998 [Will to Violence]

Scenario Two: Info Peace

The peace corps is key to the global spread of internet technology because its uniquely situated as an international player.

Laouris and Laouri, 2006 [Yiannis & Romina, Cypres Neuroscience & Technology Institute and Ashoka Headquarters, .cy/CNTI_Research/Publications/ConferenceFullPapers/MLEARN2006_AfricaCloseGap.pdf

The world is devoid of an ethic of human solidarity because power rests with special interest groups. We need more corps to respect all life.

Hassan, Prince of Jordan, 2003 Story from BBC News:

And without a transition to a culture of peace, war, ethnic cleansing and hatred will continue to destroy the world.

Mowla, Oct. 2000 [Muhammed, , download 12/28/04]

La Costa Canyon FC Affirmative

Obs 1 – Inherency

The coast guard is severely understaffed—it relies on contractors and inexperienced volunteers.

TIMOTHY EGAN, NEW YORK TIMES Journalist, May 20, 2006,

Four years after Congress … government audit found last year.

And overstretched Coast Guard cannot successfully complete an mission

Lov 03, Coast Guard and maritime Transportation hearing : Port security :hearing before the subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation of the Committee Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, Our Hundred and eighth congress.

Increase coast guard ... hazardous facilities

Ports at risk now

Huettell 06, times staff writer 2/25/06

us ports face ... inside a container

and coast guard lacks the staff for inspections of cargo and longshoremen

Hess 06

but according to... port security he said

a terror attack will bing the world to is knees

Flynn 03

a year later .. movements that make up international trade

Economic Collapse leads to Nuke War

bearden 2K

bluntly, we forsee .. for many decades

WMD's Holes in port security will allow terrorists to suggle in weapons of mass destruction

schumen 01, senator charles “Inadequate seecurity poses severe terrorist threat to Ny, US ports”; Press Realease; 09 Dec 20001; retrieved 18 jul 2003.

you can't just secure ... it's that simple

Adv 2: Aids to Navigation

Coast Guards' Aids to navigation is understaffed

Davanso and Bee 06

Micheal and Dom, “Aids to Navigation needs Aid”

As to Coast Guard .. liability to mariners

And, A-to-N is key to US trade and air craft carrieres, without system, ships are slow to be deployed and likely run ashore

Davanzo and Bee 06

Thee standard of living ... he ma be standing into danger.

And, carriers are key to air power and US power projection

Allen, former commander , past president of the Association of Naval Aviation 6/01

one lesson to be drawn ... exteneded eriod of operational

The impact is Global Nuke war

Khalilzhad 95

Adv 3 is Sea Power

First, Coast guard Readiness is hangingby a thread due ot understaffing

Wrightson and Calvo 2005, Wrightson, director of homeland secuirty.

operational improvments ... station equipment

And, a strong coast guard is key to maritime power

Gray 02, Professor of Interantional Politiscs and Strategic Studies at the University of Reading p 214

If the service should be appreciated .. thwart asymmetric threats.

Moreover, the Coast Guard’s unique international image makes it key to U.S. power projection and mission success

Scott Decker, LT cmnder USCG Feb 2001, The coast guard is capable of conducting and leading expeditionary harbor defense/port security and Harbor approach defense operations, )

And, Independently, Coast guard intelligence and cooperation with the navy key to containing China;s Navy. States News Service 05.

at a senate ... process moves forward

Failure to contain China'snavy means chinese conflict over the Spratlies and other other islands

Cody 2k5 but the expansion of Chinas ... several contested islands

This goes nuclear

Nikkei weekly 95

Devolping Asian nations ... nuke war

Adv 4 Biodiversity

And, the Coast Guard has the potential, if adequately staffed, to solve for overfishing.

Garofolo, LT USCG, Jan 1999

“The ocean…vast areas.”

Marine resources are key to survival

Agardy 97, Ph D Senior Director of costal and marine programs of Conservation Intenational p 11

Marine biological diversity ... resources sustain ably

Thus the plan:

THE USFG should incrase the end strength of the Coast guard substantially to fulfill its homeland securiy and traditional missions, and provide the educational and financial incentives to meet this goal.

Obs 3 is solvency

First is normal means, increasing personnel to 120% of currentend strength solves overstrenct First,

Lieutenant Zawrotny, assigned to Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak, Alaska, April 04, Proceedings

“With units…security missions.”

And, increasing financial and educational incentives solves for recruiting shortfalls.

Marc Thibault, PhD in Public Policy @ George Mason U, 2k4, A multivariate analysis of u.s. coast guard enlistment propensity, p. 114-115

“High military…these tasks.”

Increased funding gives the CG enough resources and infrastructure increase mapower solves terror

Dobbs 06 Lou et al. “coast Guard Warned White House of Securty Risk in Port Deal”

The Coast Guard;s budget ... our entire coastline.

Finally, a fully equipped Coast Guard is the most effective means of preventing maritime terrorism

Commander Stephen Flynn, a senior fellow with the National, 10-1-2001, U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings

The homeland security mission ... to the table

Only the Coast Guard can protect our ports against asymmetrical terror threats

Greenway 03 (HDS, Boston Globe, summer 03, World Policy Journal, volume XX, journal/articles/wpj03-2/greenway.html)

And, More recruits are key to the Deepwater Modernization program

Snowe 2k6,

Deepwater is key to security missions

Feege and Truver 02

As currently equipped,...all unconventional threats

CG is key to Aids to Navigation, no other organization has the infrastructure

Davanzo and Bee 06. “Aids to Navigation Need Aid”

under these difficult .. should remain in the Coast Guard.

Lakeland PS Affirmative

Contention one- public sphere

Existing school based service programs emphasize character education that promotes the idea of citizenship and patriotism devoid of politics. This kills democratic participation and facilitates totalitarian control.

Kahne and Westheimer- 03

[Joseph and Joel, “Democracy and civic engagement- what school need to do,” Phi Delta Kappan, Volume 85, issue 1, p.34, Questia]

“a striking large number of school-based…have demonstrated impressive results”

Political disengagement doesn’t mean the national public sphere goes away, it means it will be dominated by the far- right and collapse into fascism, causing wars and tyranny

Rorty 98 (Richard, Stanford philosophy professor, achieving our country, pp. 87-94)

This is already happening, the national public sphere is being dominated by the military and corporate interests, facilitating global violence

Boggs, 05 (Carl ,teaches political science at the University of Southern California, Imperial delusions: American militarism and endless war, p. 82-84)

The coercive effect of the permanent…small stratum of elites.”

Promoting a healthy, democratic public sphere key to survival

Paul Lakeland, Professor of Religious studies at Fairfield University, 1993. “Preserving The Lifeworld, Restoring the public sphere, renewing Higher Education,” Cross Currents, Winter, 43.4, p488, )

“how did we get from a democratic….upon the political process?

Public sphere key to true communication and a prerequisite to survival- Only A democratic Forum Enables mutual understanding to create change

Howe 2000/ Leslie, University of Saskatchewan, On Habermas, Pgs 69-70/

“So is habermas all wrong?...too horrific to be entertained”


Learn and Serve America is the most effective program for creating civic responsibility and creating community-school partnerships.

Seanet, national voice concerning service-learning that reports to congress on policy issues, 11/22/2004

:vp8Sy6wqlc4j:images/2002_policy_white paper.doc+%22learn+and+serve+America%22+%22most+effective%202_policy_white_paper.doc+%22learn+and+servce+America%22+%22most+effective%22&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=23.

“there is little doubt….1995; Kinsley, 1997)”

Mandatory Service-learning is the only way to re-politicize service and spur civic engagement- Voluntary solutions won’t reach those who need it most.

Benjamin Barber, professor of political science at Rutgers University, 1995. “A mandate for liberty: requiring education-based community service,” Rights and the common good, p.193-195

“underlying these two complimentary…treated as extracurricular electives.

The possibility of the ideal speech situation exists- we should aim for it

Outhwaite 94/ William, professor of Sociology at the University of Sussex, Hambermas: A critical introduction, pg 40/

“acts of linguistic communication….life-process of society”

Critical cognitive development occurs during youth-service learning must occur in high school to create lasting patterns of citizenship

Amy Carden, Bachelor Arts with Honors in Political Science at Tulane University, 5/1/2006. “The effects of High School Student Service on Active Citizenship,” .

“in seeking to preserve…public service into adulthood”

Service learning creates a counter-socialization that challenges traditional societal norms and addresses inequalities of power

Eric Gorham, associate professor of political science at Loyola, 2003, A political Argument for Service Learning in Higher Education [Google]

“Learning critical thinking in politics….understanding of political science.”

Current Understanding of service focuses on particular solutions to particular problems- Service learning is necessary to politicize service and create effective citizens- this allows them to challenge systems of power.

Tobu Walker, senior education associate at the Eagleton Institute of politics, “The service/politics split: Rethinking service to teach political engagement,” JSTOR.

“The interest in service as an…as a continuum of activities.”

Lexington BL Affirmative


Contention 1 is Inherency

Private military companies also known as PMCs are on the rise since the end of the Cold War and are necessary to current US military operations.

Bernd Debusmann, Special Correspondent for Reuters, FEATURE-In Iraq, contractor deaths near 650, legal fog thickens, 10/10/06

A trend toward…West out there

And these contractors are not legally part of the military. Neither military hierarchy nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice apply to them

Deborah Avant, Washington Post, What Are Those Contractors Doing in Iraq?, May 9, 2004

When the United States…of military justice

Advantage One is military advanturism:

PMCs lack of armed force status allows the executive to avoid congressional oversight that leads to violent adventurism.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guio Calabresi, US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, US Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “ARTICLE: BEYOND ACCOUNTABILITY: THE CONSTITUTIONAL, DEMOCRATIC, AND STRATEGIC PROBLEMS WITH PRIVATIZING WAR” Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis [Naomi]

As mentioned above…perpetrate once deployed.) n210

Public indifference to private contractors causes a lack of scrutiny in their deployment, only making them part of the armed forces can restore this accountability

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guio Calabresi, US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, US Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “ARTICLE: BEYOND ACCOUNTABILITY: THE CONSTITUTIONAL, DEMOCRATIC, AND STRATEGIC PROBLEMS WITH PRIVATIZING WAR” Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis [Naomi]

Or, returning to…of military privatization

Specifically, only congressional and public restraint can stop Bush from attacking Syria and Iran.

Brendan Smith, Legal scholar, and Jeremy Brecher, historian, 10/20/05 “Attack Syria? Invade Iran? By what Constitution?” Zet [Naomi]

With the American…or anywhere else!

And PMCs are central to US military buildup plans along the Iranian border

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a former military serviceman, sho served in the Canadian armed forces. He is currently studying sociology and classical history at the University of Ottawa, Beating the Drums of War. US Troop Build-up: Army & Marines authorize “Involuntary Conscription” The Timing of US Troop Build-up: Iran and the Broader Middle East 8/23/06

The White House…and reserve forces.

Bush’s current plan to attack Syria and Iran uses the flawed COPLAN 8022 that would lead to all out war and escalation. Air strikes are already planned but Middle East developments make Bush think he needs ground forces to ensure success

Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at University of Ottawa, “The Next Phase of the Middle East War” 9/4/06

Israel’s war on…Turkey-Israel, GUUAM,. Etc).

That leads to escalation and extinction

Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics at University of Ottawa, “The Next Phase of the Middle East War” 9/4/06

The World is…of the Russian Federation

Advantage Two is Military Effectiveness

Lack of command structure application to PMCs makes future operational effectiveness impossible; it diverts attention and destroys command flexibility key to warfighting

Fred Schreier, consultant with the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Graduate Institute of International Studies and Marina Caparini, Senior Fellow at the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces Department of War Studies, King’s College, University of London, “Privatising Security: Law, Practice and Governance of Private Military and Security Companies” March 2005 –security.pdf

Key problems with military…PMCs and PSCs

Inability to court-martial PMCs kills hegemony by undermining military structure and alienating allies

Donnelly, JD Candidate at Georgetown University, Winter 2006, “Civilian Control of the Military,” The Georgtown Journal of Law & Public Policy, p. lexis

Failure to hold…in its training

And loss of US leadership causes multiple nuclear wars, systemic global instability, and magnifies all impacts

Niall Ferguson, Professor, History, School of Business, New York University and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, September-October 2004 (“A World Without Power” –Foreign Policy) p. infotrac

So what is left?…a not-so-new world disorder

Contention 3 is Solvency:

First- lesser reforms aren’t enough, incorporation into the armed forces is the only way to ensure solvency.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guio Calabresi, US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, US Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “ARTICLE: BEYOND ACCOUNTABILITY: THE CONSTITUTIONAL, DEMOCRATIC, AND STRATEGIC PROBLEMS WITH PRIVATIZING WAR” Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis [Naomi]

Given my analysis…be greatly reduced

Civilian measures can’t solve- PMCs need to be folded in to all military regulations to ensure effective regulation.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guio Calabresi, US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, US Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “ARTICLE: BEYOND ACCOUNTABILITY: THE CONSTITUTIONAL, DEMOCRATIC, AND STRATEGIC PROBLEMS WITH PRIVATIZING WAR” Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis [Naomi]

The next step…U.S. military personnel.

Regulation is the only way to stop PMC control of militarism and security discourse. Rejection is too radical an action to solve

Anna Leander is the Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense The Market for Force and Public Security: The Destabilizing Consequences of Private Military Companies, 2005

PMCs are already…article is directed

PMCs fill the void not the alternative-Unregulated private firms are consistent with a new form of constant warfare that follows a business structure than that of the nation state. Unchecked, these “new enemies” will lead to the total collapse of civilization

Orts, Professor of Legal Studies and Management, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 2002

Eric W., CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, STAKEHOLDER ACCOUNTABILITY, AND SUSTAINABLE PEACE: War and the Business Corporation, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, March

In a globalized…to social security

The trends towards unregulated privitization have re-militarized united states foreign policy only congressional oversight and public accountability can check privatized militarism

Anna Leander is the Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense The Market for Force and Public Security: The Destabilizing Consequences of Private Military Companies, Millenium Journal of International Studies 33(3): 803-26, 2005

So far, this…to 75 percent61

Neg Strat: TPA (will pass, plan unpopular) Politics, Consult NATO, Case (Heg, Iran)

Lexington MM Affirmative

Contention 1 Inherency

Despite Huge Numbers of Applicants, Peace Corps has no money to expand

Booker T. Stallworth, The Spokesman Review, 7/4/04

“Growing Up………………….What is going on in Iraq”

5.5 Billion People in poverty don’t have access to technology

Bill Thompson “Why Poor People Need Tech” 10/6/02

Contention 2 Digital Divide

Peace Corps is uniquely key to bring IT to countries

Mark Schneider, 6/7/2000, http;//messages/messages/2629/4150.html

Globalization is inevitable, only question is who will benefit

Mark Schneider, 6/7/2000, http;//messages/messages/2629/4150.html

Closing the digital divide and ending poverty depend on IT

Craig Warren Smith, 6/22/06,

Tech by Peace Corps end poverty

N.J. Slabbert, 2003 ‘The technologies of peace”

Internet is key to bring economic independence

Bill Thompson “Why Poor People Need Tech” 10/6/02

Coherent tech is key for people to escape poverty

Michael Pastore 11/24/01, “Global Divide still very much in existence”

Peace Corps modeled globally

Lex Rieffel, 10/27/03,

Pce Corps lay groundwork for NGO assistance

Jonathan Peizer, 6/15/00,

Strucural causes of was more important then individual occurrences

Kevin Quigley, Fall 2004, issues/article.cfm?ID=145&issue=36

Ending Digi. Divide ebds poverty

Digital 2006, dd/index.html

Poverty kills 15 million people evry year

James Giligan, 2000, Violence: reflections on our deadliest epidemic p195-196

Contention 3 Network Infiltration

Non-military agencies are vunerable to hackers

Bob Keefe, 10/1/06

‘Computer networks control….are supposed to do”

Protected network key to economy

Richard Downing 2005,

“Today the exploding…..affecting online transactions both to and from the country”

Hackers crash economy

Winn Schwartau 1996, chez/chez.php?s=3cae5cf34c4a6b337d4e1433a22b17d6&menu=3

Economic decline leads o nuclear war

Bearden 6-24-2000

Plan shift in government so use tech for peace

N.J. Slabbert ‘The technologies of peace”

Plan Text: The United States Congress should establish a 500 member electronic peace corps. Peace Corps should exempt Electronic Peace Corps volunteers from full length of service and location requirements

Electronic peace by peace corps ends pverty

David Rothman, 7/12/01, messages/messages/2629/3934.html

The EPC draws high quality people

Diane Publishing company 1994, “perspectives on the role of science & technology in sustainable development” pg. 155-156

NGO’s show reduced time increase volunteers

Mass high tech, 5/22/02, masshightech.masshightech/stories/2002/06/03/newscolumn4.html?page=2

Los Alamos DG Affirmative

In a world of proliferating threats, a world in which the primary function of politcs has become the policing of entire populations and the aversions of catastrphes, the paradigm of security has colonized the national interest. A new politcs of Democratization is needed.

Agamben. Theory and events 5.4, project muse

Neither Turgot…they occur

Nowhere is the violent logic securitization more pronounced than the citizenship requirement for national service.

Common dreams, 2003 headlines03/0910-06.htm

With the causality rate…in the front lines

The selective National Service program is nothing short of racist and genocidal. People of color are disproportional recruited to serve imperialist policies throughout the globe.

Berlowitz 2000

The most horrifc.. it was 13.7%

Plan: USGF should repel all eligibility requirements based on citizenship for participation in the Peace Corps, Americorps, Learn and Serve America and Senior Corps. Interested persons can earn credit toward US citizenship through a two year commitment to one of the aforementioned national Service programs mirroring the expedited citizenship privileges extended to non-citizens for service in the US Armed Forces.

Moreover, a critical cosmopolitanism which fosters open and progressive civil society can transform statism, citizenship and cultural hegemony. Our truly radical democratic vision of political participation can reinvigorate struggles for recognition and respect, wrenching the language of human rights out of the hands those who would use citizenship to exclude, erase, or exterminate, we do not claim that our demand will solve every global problem, but it is the new begging required of a politics of respect and hospitality and a movement away from the totalizing logic of National Security

Mignolo, [Walter D. “The Many faces of cosmo-polis,” Public Culture p 739-744]

I have shown… though out without

Finally, our project should be situated within a larger concern for unconditional hospitality. Although such hospitality may be institutionalism and personally impossible it is nonethelsss through the gesture toward its possibility.

Derrida, {Jacques, Deconstruction P.97-103

Thank you Let… that’s unconditionally hospitality.

Loyola GP Affirmative

Contention 1: inherency

Even though most positions have been opened to women in the military, restrictions on women in combat remain.

Parham 06

This policy deters enrollment in the armed forces

Robin Rogers 90


The United States Sureme Court will grant certiorari to an appropriate test case and rule that the exclusion of women in the Armed Forces from combat positions violates the 14th Ammendment of the United States Constitution. We reserve the right to clarify

Contention 2 Rape:

Women in the military are more likely to be raped than their civilian counterparts

Chamallas 05

Specifically, these norms foster the hostitily towards women that creates prolific rape in the military

Morris 96

Contention 3: Deference

The Supreme Court defers to the military now, but a strong intervention would reverse the trend

Ackerman, 06

Rape precludes all disad impact – it’s a fate worse than death

Glazer 97

Allowing women in combat would challenge stereotypes and end the harassment of women in the military

Vojdik 05

Impact: Violence against women

Militarism is at the root of violence against women

Adelman, 03

Impact: extinction

Militarism threatens extinction

Boggs 05

The courts can set precedent by changing the current precedent of non-oversight

Gilbert 98

Overturning the omwen in combat ban is a necessary step to combat the gender sterotypes and norms of the military—voting AFF uvertruns the principle of judicial deference

Vojdik 05

Ending deference is key to solve militarism

Gilbert 98

Military industrial complex

Status quo deference creates military exemption from constitutional barriers which should keep it from being involved in domestic affairs, constructing an ewnormous military—industrial complec

Scales-and spitz 03

Deference causes militarism – military power spreads over society as a whole

Jaeger 97

Militatism exploits social tensions and re-entrenches mysgynoy, colonialism and racisk

Kirk 05

MIC impact

Cales and Spitz 03

Advantage 2: Patriarchy

Tickner 92

identity is called into question when women can’t participate combat

allowing them to do so will lead them to achieve equality

women are second-class citizen because they can’t participate

rogers 90

Women don’t have military opportunity

Demanding one’s lisence as equal participants

tickner 92

imact-extintion – patriarchy perceived as war

Warren-katy 94

Equality not possible until women are in combat

Lezkay 04

Court litigation is uniquely effective at combating gender discrimination

Vojdik 05

Feminist understanding of security that abandons the paradigm of the hypermasculine citizen warrior is key to creating new type of security

Tickner 92

Contention 1 – Inherency

Even though most positions have been opened to women in the military, restrictions on women in combat remain. Parham 2006 (Captain Alice W.W., “The Quiet Revolution”, William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law, 12 Wm. & Mary J. of Women and L. 377, l/n)

(Making sense of the remaining…notions of ground combat)

Thus the plan: The United States Supreme Court will grant certiorari to an appropriate test case and rule that the exclusion of women in the Armed Forces from combat positions violates the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. We reserve the right to clarify.

This policy deters enrollment in the armed forces.

Robin Rogers 1990 (p. l/n, 78 Calif. L. Rev. 165)

(The combat exclusion…men are constitutional)

Contention 2 – Rape

Women in the military are more likely to be raped than their civilian counterparts.

Chammallas 2005 (Martha, “Women and War: A Critical Discourse: Panel Two – Women Warriors”, 20 Berkely J. Gender L. & Just. 338)

(There is a lot…it’s not surprising)

Specifically these norms foster the hostitlity towards women that creates prolific rape in the military.

Morris 1996 (Madeline, Duke Law Journal, February, Westlaw)

(We have seen evidence…accessed for military service)

Rape precludes all disad impacts – it’s a fate worse than death.

Glazer 1997 (Yale, American Journal of Criminal, Fall)

(Rape is one of the…alcohol addict)

Allowing women in combat would challenge stereotypes and end the harassment of women in the military

Vojdik 2005 (Valorie K., Winter, “Beyond Stereotyping in Equal Protection Doctrine: Reframing the Exclusion of Women from Combat”, 57 Ala. L. Rev. 303)

(By moving beyond stereotyping…equal citizenship status)

Contention 3 – Deference

The Supreme Court defers to the military now, but a strong intervention would reverse the trend.

Ackerman 2006 (Bruce, Slate Magazine, 4-5)

(Almost four years ago…the next terrorist attack)

The courts can set precedent by changing the current precedent of non-oversight

Gilbert 1997/1998 (Michael H., Lexis, USAFA Journal of Legal Studies)

(The Court then embarked…to their legal interests)

Overturning the women in combat ban is a necessary step to combat the gender stereotypes and norms of the military – voting Aff overturns the principle of judicial deference

Vojdik 2005 (p. l/n, Valorie, “Beyond Stereotyping…”, 57 Ala. L. Rev. 303)

(Like opponents of women…for judicial deference)

Ending deference is key to solve militarism

Gilbert 1998 (Michael H., 1997/1998, 8 USAFA J. Leg. Stud. 197)

(Today, the military institution…the issue at hand)

Deference causes militarism – causes military power to spread over society as a whole

Jaeger 1997 (Nicole, Spring, 87 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 895)

(Although the Judiciary…the nation as a whole)

Status quo deference creates military exemption from constitutional barriers which should keep it from being involved in domestic affairs, constructing an enormous military-industrial complex

Scales and Spitz 2003 (“The Jurisprudence of the Military-Industrial Complex”, Seattle Journal for Social Justice, Sept. 2003, accessed L/N)

If unchecked the military-industrial complex conflates artificial enemies outside the states, causes mass militarization of US policy, and creates a constant public fear of the enemy making war inevitable.

Scales and Spitz 2003 (“The Jurisprudence of the Military-Industrial Complex”, Seattle Journal for Social Justice, Sept. 2003, accessed L/N)

Militarism exploits social tensions and re-entrenches misogyny, colonialism, and racism.

Kirk 2005 (Gwyn, “Women and War: A Critical Discourse: Panel One – Tools of War, Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, 20 Berkely J. Gender L. & Just. 322 Lexis)

(The theoretical point…political frameworks)

Contention 4 – Patriarchy

Membership in our society today is structured around the intersection of military service and citizenship – the exclusion of women from full participation in the military constructs an idealized, male warrior citizen that marginalizes women and feminist principles

Tickner 1992 (J. Ann, Gender in International Relations, p. 37-40)

(For feminists, warrior-citizenship…the state itself)

This codification of masculinity does not simply stop inside the military’s walls, but creates a broader social strcture where women are second-class citizens restricted economically, politically, and symbolically

Rogers 1990 (Robin, “A Proposal for Combatting Sexual Discrimination in the Military: Amendment of Title VII”, California Law Review, 78 Calif. L. Rev. 165, l/n)

(Reports regarding…rather than ambivalence)

Demanding women’s full access to the military deconstructs the myths that trap women into the role of passive victim and entrench hyper-masculine militarism – this recasts of women as equal participants and allows us to recast our conceptions of social belonging to challenge all forms of violence

Tickner 1992 (J. Ann, Gender in International Relations, p. 57-61)

(Maria Mies argues…citizenship come about)

The ultimate impact is extinction – the dysfunctionality of patriarchy guarantees continued violence, war, and environmental destruction, making all your disad impacts inevitable. Only moving away from this system can create opportunities for survival.

Warren and Cady 1994 (Karen and Duane, Hypatia, Spring, Proquest)

(The notion of patriarchy…and global contexts)

Our feminist understanding of security that abandons the paradigm of the hyper-masculine citizen warrior is key to creating new types of security – militarism and systemic violence are inevitable otherwise

Tickner 1992 (J. Ann, Gender in International Relations, p. 49-52)

(Feminist perspectives should question…from a feminist perspective)

Maine East AK Affirmative

Contention 1 Ports:

The Coast Guard is understaffed and over stretched

Egan 2k6, Timothy, NTY News Service, May 20 “ Ships Tipped Off to Suprise Searches”

Four years .. audit found last year

And, the CG Authization act JUST PASSED< providing the CG funding and increase the end strength – still to little personnell

FedNews Set 29

The U.S. House .. for fiscal year 2007.

And, under staffing leaves the Coast Guard unable to mointor ports and vulnerable to terroirst attack

Meyer 2k6, Carlton, Former Marine Corps Officer, Editor Magaizine Future Warfare

if the United States .. search and rescue

That causes extinction

Sid- Ahmed 2k4,

What would .. all be losers

And, maritime terrorism would trigger a self-imposed trade embargo -- bringing world trade to an end within three weeks and destroying global economy

Flynn 2k3

A year .. that make up international trade.

FT prevents nuke extinction

Copley 99, Dec 1

For Decades .. should be celebrating it.

And, an attack on a port would cost one-trillion dollars

Wrightson 2k5

While the terrorist ... airlift capabilities

Economic Delcine causes extinction.

Bearden 2k

Rejecting Realism is bad – causes more fascistic discourse – critical theory provides no way to control the Alternative.

Mearshieimer 95, prof of Int'l sudies at U of Chigago, “A Realists reply” Vol. 20, No. 1, Pg. 92

And, only a fully equipped Coast Guard can check maritime terrorism

Flynn 2k1, Commander Stephen, Sr. fellow National Security Studies, Oct 1

The homeland security ... brings to the table.

And, the Coast Guard is the only agency for port security

Snowe 2k3, Senator Olympia, Republican Maine, February 12, “Senate hearings on Coast Guard and Homeland Security”

As a member ... nature of the service

Finally, staffing Coast Guard is uniquely key – it's more important than the Navy.

Greenway 2K3, HDS, Former Editorial Page Editor – Boston Globe, Summer, World Policy Journal, Vol. 20, #2

The task ... search and rescue.

Contention Two – Maritime

The Coast Guard power projection abilities are on the verge of complete collapse.

Vander play 2k4 Steve, Captain – DHS head quarters integration Team, US Naval Institute Proceedings, Aug1

The Coast Guard ... Security missions

And, under staffing is killing maritime readiness

Gao 2k5 government Accountability Office, May 16, “Station Readiness Improving, but Resources Challenges Remain.”

According to .. work week standard

And, A strong Coast Guard is key to US maritime Power

Gray '2, Colin Prof int'l ptix and strat stud @ July

If the service .. asymmetric threat

Coast Guard's unique international images makes it key to power projection

Deceker 1 Scott LT commander February

The same skills... costal waters

And, maritime power is key to prevent multiple scenarios of escalating war

Peele 97, Reynolds, Commanding officer, UMSC

Morethan .. can be protected

US maritime dominance is key to heg

Damon 2k6 Andre, WSWS June 21, “Peantagon Report Targets China as a military Threat”

since the end .. own size against it.

US Leadership is key to prevent Nuke war

Brookes 2k6

on security.. nuke wares

and, No offense – effective hegemony would be benevolent and multiateral

Owens 2k6, Makubin Thomas, Assoc Dean & prof Academics @ naval war college, Jan 20

The central .. not checked

Finally, new forms of warfare are emerging that make current hard power irrelevant – increasing Coast guard End strength is crucial to respond to more complex conflict where are the greatest threats to human survival

Hoffman 2k^

The coast Guard .. Grows steeper.

Contention 3 – Fish

The Coast guard is ill-quipped to prevent overfishing due ot under staffing

Caldwell 2k6 Stephen , GAO

even with ... themselves are sound

And, overfishing is on the brink now – it will destroy all biodiversity on earth

Adam 2k6, David “Overfishing destroying oceans”

Damage to ... Life on earth.

And Biodiversity key to prevent extinction

Cunningham 97 Australian national U, Ecological Law Quarterly,

Biodiversity is essential ... adapting to change

And, Effective Coast Guard is key to protecting the EEZ from overfishing

Pike 2k, Policy Expert in Defense, Global Security

And, Foreign fishing vessels will damage the nations fisheries

Siriois 2K5, R Dennis, Asst commandant, operations Specialist, June 15

Foreign fishing ... the EEZ

And, fishery collapose will kill ovre a billion poeple.

Riscahrd 2k2, Jean-Francois, The globalist

One of .. fishing fleetes.

And, overfishing is the biggest threat – outweighs alternate causalities

Crag 2k3, Roben, Assoc Prof Law @ Indian U Law, Winter, MCGeorge Law Review, Lexis

Declines in fishing .. impair maritime ecosystems.

And, protecting US waterse is crucial, they are richest in the world.

Craig 2k33,

protecting marine ... recreaion and tourism

And staffed coast guard is key to stopping overfishing and other nations base their policies of our Coast Guard.

Garofolo 99 Josh, Naval expert, NTIS

Many nations look .. for patrolling vast areas.

Finally, the Coast Guard is the only Agency capabale of protecting the EEZ

Garofolo 99


contention 4 – solvency

increasing the end strength to 120% is key to solve overstretched

Zawrrotny 2k4, Lt, US Naval Institution, April

With units .. security missions

And, increasing incentives solves for Coast Guard recruiting

Thibault 2k4, Marc, Phd Public Policy, A multivariate Analysis of US Coast Guard Enlistment

High military .. enlistment increntives

Finally, CG Collapse is inevitable without more staff

Daadler + Desteler 2k4, Iv0 + Mac, Julm Brookings + UMD

Despite its high grades .. everything with nothing


in order to achieve any social change we must recognize potentioal flaws in the affirmation

Colebook 2000

As i've suggest ... with the world

Realism is inevitable – states cannot escape the nature of international relationships

lewbow 97

realists and neorealists .. become extinction

Pure rejection reproduces sovereignty and exploitation only political action can end global oppression

Agathangelou 97

Yet,ironcially .. theory from problem solving.

The state can be transformed into a way that allows social liberation

daly 04

Agamben wants .. appear to prevailing

Marquette University BW Affirmative

Aff Plan: the USFG should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in the Peace Corps by enacting legislation that increases budgetary support ofr a total of 50,000 volunteers per year. We’ll clarify.

Contention 1: Our Framework

Aff should win if plan is superior to the SQ or competitive policy option:

strategy Skew



aff choice

Contention 2: Inherency

Despite Promises to increase support, the Peace Corp’s budget is smaller than that of the military’s marching bands—a new commitment is needed to make the Peace Corps a national priority.

Radley 2006 (“Peace Corp is still a shining light,” Marin Independent Journal, April 12, Available Online at

Moreover, budget shortages leave almost two-thirds of Peace Corps applications denied---funding is the critical barrier to an increase in volunteers

Peace Corp Online 2006 (“PCOL Clarification to the LA times Editorial,” July 30,

Contention 3: The Space Between

Initially note that extreme poverty is rampant across the globe---more than one billion people live on less than a dollar per day and the result is an outbreak of transnational threats including disease, environmental destruction, terrorism, and civil conflict.

Rice 2006, (“The Threat of Global Poverty,” The National Interest, Summer, online via Lexis-Nexis)

Globalization has not meaningfully alleviated inequality and poverty --- a change in course is vital to improve the living condition of the world’s poorest nations.

Schneider 2000, [“Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century,” Speech to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, June 7, online viea the internet archives wayback machine at

The status quo is not an option—20,000 people die per day from extreme poverty

Sachs, 2005, [The End of Poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Published by Penguin Press]

“More than 20,000 people perished yesterday of extreme poverty.”

Poverty is the preeminent impact—structural violence outweighs nuke war and makes war and genocide inevitable

Gilligan 1996. [Violence: Reflections on Our Deadliest Epidemic, Published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers, pg. 195-196

Finally, peace is more than just the absence of war—the US’ current focus on negative peace makes violent conflict inevitable. Only a fundamental rethinking of peace that recognizes poverty, human rights abuses, and injustice as the root causes of conflict can effectively achieve a meaningful, global peace.

Sandy and Perkins 2002, [“The Nature of Peace and Its Implications for Peace Education,” The Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution, Vol. 4, issue 2, Spring.

Contention 4: Solvency

The plan is crucial to global peace and human survival—only a reinvigorated peace corps can effectively combat structural violence and begin to realize a new world of peace.

Shriver, 2001, [“The Honorable Robert Sargent Shriver’s Remarks to the Yale University’s Daily News Annual Banquet” Nov. 10,

The peace corps is superior to all other actors because of its organizational commitment to positive peace

Slabbert 2006, [“The Technologies of Peace”, Harvard International Review,

A reinvigorated peace corps is uniquely capable of meeting the challenges of inevitable globalization and bringing the benefits of information technology to the worlds poorest countries

Schneider 2000, “Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century”, Speech to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, June 7, .org/web/20011002042124/

Peace Corps advanced technology makes it uniquely situated to bring about positive peace

Slabbert 06, “The Technologies of Peace”, Harvard International Review,

The Utopian Idealism embodied by the Peace Corps is absolutely critical to decrease global suffering.

Rorty 99, “The Communitarian Impulse”, Colorado College’s 125th Anniversary Symposium: Cultures in the 21st century: Conflicts and Convergences,

MBA BD Affirmative

Observation One : Inherency

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell remains on the books – the Pentagon’s refusal to life the ban results in daily discharges

Brandt, 5.29.06 Newscon06/05/052806military.htm

Thus the Plan

The United States Supeme Court should grant certiorari to an appropriate case and hold that 10 U. S. C. 654 and Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice constitute violations of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Enforcement guaranteed by the United States Department of Defense.

Observation two – Homophobia

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell defines anyone it deems homosexual as loathsome monsters to be suppressed in the military, resulting in homophobia that spills over to the rest of the country. Lifting the ban will jumpstart wider societal change

Mohr ‘2005, The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Equality, and Rights. P. 111-116

This logic of defining sexual categories makes stereotypes and discrimination possible; the end result is a genocide of individuals whose sexual preferences defy acceptd societal values

Mohr 92 – gay Ideas p. 87-93

Overruling DADT n the Establishment Clause strikes a blow to socially constructed notions of sexuality and sets a precedent to invalidate laws that discriminate based on supposed “orientations.”

Kershaw march 2005 – Towards an Establishment Theory of Gay Personhood

Observation Three – US Leadership

We isolate several internal links:

First, the recruiting crisis: DADT is gutting the military in the status quo by deterring thousands of potential soldiers from enlistment. The military could eliminate its recruiting problem by lifting the ban

Talls, 7/25/05, templates/press/record.html?section=2&record=2299

And sustained overstretch of US forces will signal a failure of US security guarantees that destroys US ability to deter conflict

Perry, jan 06 – THE US Military: Under Straing and at Risk, national_Security_Report_012520005.pdf

Second, Immunosuppression:

DADT causes a paranoia and suppression of sexuality that increases disease outbreak and crushes readiness by impairing combat performance, infecting all other soldiers, and disrupting training

Lanou fall 01 George Mason Law Rev, “deception imposes physiological costs”

Strong us readiness is key to deter other nations from challenging US leadership and ccausing regional conflict

Spencer Sept 15 2000 Research/MissileDefense/BG1394.cfm

Third judicial deference

Plan restores the proper balance between soldiers’ rights and military deference – overturning DADT sets a precedent for courts to restrict military abuses in the future based on non-biased research, solving any risk of impairing the military

Robbins 99 – Oregon law rev, framers’ intent and military power: has supreme court deference to the military gone too far?

And limiting judicial deference to the ilitary is the crucial internal link to recruitment and retention of soldiers – any alt recruitment strategy will be thwarted by soldiers who leave the military when court deference allows massive violations of soldiers’ Constitional rights.

Gilbert 98 – USAFA Journal of Legal studies

Impact is nuke war

Khalizad 95 (Big khalizad)

Finally, all neg link turns are wrong – DoD enforcement solves officer circumvention and abuse of gays; women, interatiion, foreign militaries all prove plan will have no effect on cohesion, and if it does, plan will hurt social cohesion, which is bad because it encourages dug use and group desertion and has zero beneficial effect on readiness

Kier, 99 – international security 23, no 2 ps5-39

2AC- they link turn kritiks with Khalilzhad?

Observation One : Inherency

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell remains on the books – the Pentagon’s refusal to life the ban results in daily discharges

Brandt, 5.29.06 Newscon06/05/052806military.htm

It is impossible…ban were replaced

Thus the Plan

The Judicial Branch of the United States federal government should increase the number of persons serving in the Armed forces by ruling, in an appropriate case, that 10 U. S. C. 654 and the part of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice which says “any person…who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex… shall be punished as a court-martial may direct” violate the Establishment Clause of the first Amendment Funding for this increase provided. The United States Department of Defense should guarantee enforcement.

Observation two – Homophobia

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell defines anyone it deems homosexual as loathsome monsters to be suppressed in the military, resulting in homophobia that spills over to the rest of the country. Lifting the ban will jumpstart wider societal change

Mohr ‘2005, The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Equality, and Rights. P. 111-116

From the second World war…just beyond oneself

This logic of defining sexual categories makes stereotypes and discrimination possible; the end result is a genocide of individuals whose sexual preferences defy acceptd societal values

Mohr 92 – gay Ideas p. 87-93

The armed forces…with Nazi Germany

Overruling DADT n the Establishment Clause strikes a blow to socially constructed notions of sexuality and sets a precedent to invalidate laws that discriminate based on supposed “orientations.”

Kershaw march 2005 – Towards an Establishment Theory of Gay Personhood

On all the biological…but to all americans

Observation Three – US Leadership

We isolate several internal links:

Repelling DAD would increase the Armed Forces by 41,000

First, the recruiting crisis: DADT is gutting the military in the status quo by deterring thousands of potential soldiers from enlistment. The military could eliminate its recruiting problem by lifting the ban

Ralls, 7/25/05, templates/press/record.html?section=2&record=2299

The united States military… military should abide by

And sustained overstretch of US forces will signal a failure of US security guarantees that destroys US ability to deter conflict

Perry, jan 06 – THE US Military: Under Straing and at Risk, national_Security_Report_012520005.pdf

Nearly all of …to some contingencies

Third, International cooperation

DADT makes international cooperation with foreign militaries untenable—almost all NATO allies have lifted their gay bans; US refusal will gut international cohesion

Luker [St. Mary’s Law review on Minority issues, The homosexual law and Policy in the military: “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell….Don’t be absurd, Lexis

As of January.. of foreign militaries

Cooperation with international actors is essential for rapid response to and containment of regional conflicts world wide

Nossel 04, [Smart Power, Foreign Affairs Vol. 83 Issue 2 P 131-142, EBSCO

A liberal internationalist …lone superpower status.

Third judicial deference

Plan restores the proper balance between soldiers’ rights and military deference – overturning DADT sets a precedent for courts to restrict military abuses in the future based on non-biased research, solving any risk of impairing the military

Robbins 99 – Oregon law rev, framers’ intent and military power: has supreme court deference to the military gone too far?

Some suggestions Because…with that individual.

And limiting judicial deference to the ilitary is the crucial internal link to recruitment and retention of soldiers – any alt recruitment strategy will be thwarted by soldiers who leave the military when court deference allows massive violations of soldiers’ Constitional rights.

Gilbert 98 – USAFA Journal of Legal studies

Without an actual…system of government

Impact is nuke war

Khalizad 95 [Washington Quarterly, Lexis]

Realistically and over…and these principles

Fourth Int

Finally, all neg link turns are wrong – DoD enforcement solves officer circumvention and abuse of gays; women, interatiion, foreign militaries all prove plan will have no effect on cohesion, and if it does, plan will hurt social cohesion, which is bad because it encourages dug use and group desertion and has zero beneficial effect on readiness

Kier, 99 – international security 23, no 2 ps5-39

Research on the…enhance military effectiveness

The plan is a political miracle that breaks with oppressive structres of the status Quo while solving an otherwise inevitable impact—this political action is crucial to all progress and creating a new reality.

Arendt, 1993 (Between Past and Future, p 169-71)

Every act seen…of their own

MBA BM Affirmative


Contention 1: inherency

America currently wields an all volunteer military treated by the political elite as a body of disposable individuals to feed the systems of pre-emptive warfare.

Lance, 04 (Mark, “challenging left dogma on the draft”,

“under the AVM system, there are two groups..”


The united states federal government should establish and enact a draft lottery system for the United States Armed Forces for all eligible residents of the United States.

Contention 2: Deliberative Democratic Discussion

Americans remain more interested in MTV’s Laguna Beach than outcomes of the flawed political process. Voluntary military composition institutionalizes rampant political disengagement.

Sheppard, FMR Marine Captain – contributor to the Seattle Times, 06

(Christopher H., Seattle Times, new/2003103356_snowsheppard05.html)

“while two wars race, where are the children of America’s wealthy…”

And, the current lack of a draft makes discussion and criticism of the government impossible. Proposals for change are met with accusations of “not supporting our troops”, and the current elite political connection to the military has given citizens the impression that policy is none of their business. Only a draft places effects citizens enough to invigorate the necessirt of discussion of governmental policy.

Diane, Mazur, professor of law at the University of Florida and a former Air Force aircraft and munitions maintenance officer, January 11, 2004

. improve-ties_draft.html

“When the United States lost the military draft a generation ago…”

And, failure to invigorate citizens within this government insulated from minimalist critique destroys deliberative democracy and makes war and abusive state power inevitable.


(Carol, the end of politics)

“behind this vision there is the belief, well articulated by Michael Oakeshott, that politics cannot and should not be directed..”

And, a draft would re-instill democratic commitment of governmental involvement and restrain unjust abuses of military power.

Devins, 2003 (Neal, Professor of Law College of William and Mart, Georgia State University Law Review, “Bring back the Draft?, Summer, Lexis)

“Against this backdrop calls to “bring back the draft” ought to be taken seriously…”

Universal conscription creates the most meaningful form of democratic civic engagement. Public dialogue prevent totalitarian control.

Todd Gitlan, Professor of Journalism and Sociology at Columbia University, 2006 (Intellectuals and the Flag, Columbia University Press, New York, p.139-142)

“to put it this way is to erect an exalted standard. Yet to speak of the burdens of patriotism…”

And failure to promote this democratic platform intrates the most violent collapse of societal possible, the government will engage in conflict with every possible weapon.


(Carol, The end of politics)

“the difficult struggle for organizational and ideological alternatives relevant to the…”

And, failure to engage the public in demanding discussion of the Bush’s administration’s militaristic policy makes extinction inevitable.


(Douglas, “an Orwellian Nightmare: Critical Reflections on the Bush Administration”, )

“After the collapse of the Baath regime in April 2003, the Bush administration began threatening Syria..”

Observation 3: Military Adventurism

A universal draft would make the status quo cycle of unjust war unthinkable – forcing leaders and the public to account for the genuine consequences of war eliminates illegitimate adventurism..

McNeill, Editor in chief – Collegiate Times, 03

(Brian, “Commentary: Reinstate the draft for equity, peace”,


“Reinstating the draft would eliminate unjust wars with one fell swoop…”

Observation 4: Framework

The ballot should be used to decide who presents the best politics for addressing political change.

Although we realize that a perfect democracy is impossible – attempting to promote democratic discussion is most important as allowing failure of deliberative politics makes addressing violence an impossibility and irrational political decisions inevitable.

Robert Lipkin, professor of law and the J./ Albert young Fellow in Constitutional Law, Widener University School of Law, 2002

“Deliberativism as the Moral Personality of American Citizenship” (project muse)

“the term American communitarian republic refers to a communitarian form of democracy…”

The global cycles of security and hostility have proven that attempting to prevent violence with constant band-aid solutions and avoidance is futile and only sparks more violent conflict even worse than originally depicted. The affirmative democratic politics are key to finally addressing these societal underpinnings that make conflict inevitable.

Giogio Agamben, philosopher professor aestetics University Verona Italy, 2001


McNeil GF Affirmative

Contention one is The World is Starving

25000 people are dying EVERDAY from malnutrition and an additional 6000 children die from lack of access to water. That’s 11 million systemic deaths a year while the world sits on its hands

Heath 2006 (Allister, “The 21st century’s most explosive commodity will be…WATER,” The Business , March 5, 2006, )

AND, Hunger kills the equivalent of a Hiroshima every three days. It’s the ultimate symbol of powerlessness. Understanding all of its impacts is critical to creating effectiveness solutions.

Lappe et al 98 (Frances Moore, World Hunger: Twelve Myths, Second Edition, Grove Press New York, ISBN 0802135919 )

AND: the way we think about world hunger is the biggest obstacle to finding solutions for it- w must tear down the constructed notions we have and come to a enw understanding of its causes or the suffering will never stop.

Lappe et al 98 (Frances Moore, World Hunger: Twelve Myths, Second Edition, Grove Press New York, ISBN 0802135919 )

And Women are left out of the discussion of world hunger. This dooms solutions for three reasons. 1) Women are crucial to agricultural production; 2) Hunger is more devastating to women than men 3) Their nutrition directly affects the children’s

Young 97 (Liz, World Hunger, Routledge, ISBN 041513773X)

And: it should be no surprise that the system crushes because its notions are based on inherent patriarchal assumptions that are pervasive on all levels.

Young 97 (Liz, World Hunger, Routledge, ISBN 041513773X)

AND: patriarchy justifies war, destroys humanity, crushes everyone one in its path, and threatens the existence of the planet

Pert 00 (Alan, “Patriarchy is a major problem,” , retrieved8/24/2000)

The Plan: The United States federal government, specifically Congress, should establish a policy substantially increasint the number of persons serving in the Peace Corps to 100,000. Ask Questions. We’ll clarify.

Contention II: The Role of the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is critical to the empowerment of women vis-a vis agriculture through its ability to address the needs of local population by assisting in food production and the development of human capital. Projects in the Ukraine and Senegal prove that the Peace Corps can solve on a person-by-person basis.

Former Director Vasquez 2004 (Gaddi, “Pavint the eway for entrepreneurs to enter the market economy,” Economic Perspective, Februaruy 2004, )

And: Volunteers like Nancy Walker prove- the Peace Corps inspires individuals to enable women as autonomous agents to feed themselves

Steffy 01 (Richard, “Africa calls Newport women for guidance,: Perry County Times online, , March 7, 2001)

And, the development of political will through the state is necessary to reducing starvation. No other institution can check globalization’s power over the vulnerable

Young 97 (Liz, World Hunger, Routledge, ISBN 041513773X)

And: The possibility to end hunger lies within each of us. We MUST adopt a stance of moral courage in the face of all arguments that tell us not to feed people. It is the only through this courage that the needless suffering of millions can stop.

Lappe et al 98 (Frances Moore, World Hunger: Twelve Myths, Second Edition, Grove Press New York, ISBN 0802135919 )

And globalization is inevitable- what truly matters is if it can be harnessed for good of if it will create further gaps between the world’s rich and poor. The Peace Corps is the only institution that can harness its power to develop social capital and stem its ills.

Former Director Schneider 2000 (Mark, “Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st century,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, June 7, 2000, )

Contention III is Feed Everyone No Matter The Cost:

We must feed everyone even if means the destruction of the human race. This obligation outweighs all other actions

Watson 77 (Richard, “Reason and Morality in a World of Limited Food” World Hunger and moral obligation, p. 118-123)

AND: This approach goes beyond food distribution. We must recognize the moral agency of each individalo and enable them as autonomous beings to feed themselves. That means the only moral action is development athat direactly enhances tehse capaablities.

O’Neill 93 (Onora, “Ending World Hunger,” World Hunger and Moral Obligation, 2nd edition)

And: We can’t do everything, but we can’t do nothing. Any Action is a moral choice and incation is the wrong one.

O’Neill 93 (Onora, “Ending World Hunger,” World Hunger and Moral Obligation, 2nd edition)

Utilitarian thinking ignores the destitute and vulnerable. It shapes policies from a paternal, top-down approach that dooms them to fail. Bottom-up approaches are critical to reinforcing this deontological approach to hunger.

O’Neill 93 (Onora, “Ending World Hunger,” World Hunger and Moral Obligation, 2nd edition)

Bottom- up approaches that check globalization are critical to the survival of the planet.

Brecher 03 (Jeremy, “Reply to Chuck Morse, ‘Theory of the Anti-Globalization movement,” New Formulation, )

Meadows CS Affirmative

1AC Plan Text: The United States federal government should commit funding to expand AmeriCorps membership to 250,000 people a year

Contention One is Inherency

Civic disengagement is spreading as Americans are becoming disconnected from government

Fretz 04 (Eric, Director, Service-Learning Center, Naropa University, “Teaching Liberty and Practicing Deliberative Democracy in the Classroom,” The Campus Compact Reader, Winter, )

Introduction: In the past decade…the twenty-first century” (404).

Contention 2 is Civic Engagement

Expanding Americorps is vital to establishment of a civil society. The alternative to federal action is corporate domination

Barber, 98 (Benjamin R., Gershon and Carol Kekst Professor of Civil Society and Distinguished University Professor @ University Maryland, Place for US: How to Make Society Civil and Democracy Stronger. “A Place for Us: Strong Democratic Civil Society,” p.59-66)

Voluntarism in the strong…of enduring historical abuses.

Service Learning civically engages all of society—It creates a national identity centered around the common good, uses active collaboration to create a sense of connectedness that overcomes racial barriers, and uses reflection to improve on future projects and emphasize what was learned

Mariam Wright Edelman, President and Founder of Children’s Defense Fund, 1998 (“Service Learning: A National Strategy for Youth Development”, )

Inspiring active participation…and to higher education

The Status Quo inevitably causes extinction—Only a renewed commitment to service learning can spur the civic engagement necessary to regain control of the public sphere to combat global challenges of exploitation, disease and environmental collapse

Small 06 (Jonathan, former Americorps VISTA for the Human Services Coalition, “Moving Forward,” The Journal for Civic Commitment, Spring, )

What will be…seeks to do just that

We isolate two senarios

Subpoint A is Ceding the Political Sphere

Focusing on national politics as citizens is vital to engaging society and achieving structural change—the appeal to the nation is the only way to prevent the ceding of the political sphere

Rorty 98 (Richard, Stanford Philosophy Professor, Achieving Our Country, pp. 98-101)

The cultural Left…of becoming actual

Political disengagement doesn’t mean the political sphere will go away—it will be dominated by the far-right and collapse into fascism, causing wars and tyranny—This turns the alternative’s solvency

Rorty 98 (Richard, Stanford Philosophy Professor, Achieving Our Country, pp. 87-94)

If the formation…as a resourceful spook.

Subpoint B is Associative Politics

The nation-state is no longer sufficient to protect individuals from violence—We must have an associational civic political that can check the state and reinvigorate otherwise meaningless laws. The Holocaust proves that failure to do so allows the state to exterminate those deemed outside the protection of the law

Issac 98 (Jeffery C., Prof. @ Indiana University. Democracy in Dark Times, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. P. 94-96)

While the postwar…to human rights

Contention 3 is Solvency

Expanding americorps to 250,000 people a year is vital to making the program inclusive enough to spur wide-raging civic engagement

Marshall and McGee 05 (Will and Marc, senior fellows at the Progressive Policy Institute, “THE AMERICORPS EXPERMIENT AND THE FUTURE OF NATIONAL SERVICE,” May, )

In just over…of homeland security

Federal action is key to create a national identity for Americorps and is more efficient—It eliminates waste, fraud, an abuse

GAO 97 (US General Accounting Office Report to Congress, NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAMS: Role of State Commissions in Implementing the AmeriCorps Program, February, )

State commissioners and…of political science.

Greater civic engagement through service learning is necessary to spur holistic thinking about the world, empathy with the other and a mindset of sustainability and cooperation over conflict

Larson-Keagy, 03 (Elizabeth, Executive Editor and professor geography at Mesa Community College, The Journal for Civic Commitment, issue #1, )

Contributors to the book…to another level

Meadows SK Affirmative

Plan: The United States federal government should commit funding to expand Americorps to 250,000 members

Contention One: Inherency

Civic disengagement is spreading as Americans are becoming disconnected from the government

Fretz 2004 ()

Contention Two: Civic Engagement

Expanding a/c is vital to establishment of a civil society. The alternative to fed action is cooperate domination. Barber 1998 (Place for Us: How to Make Society Civil and Democracy Stronger, “A Place for Us: Strong Democratic Civil Society,” p.59-66)

The Status quo inevitably causes extinction- Only a renewed commitment to service learning can spur the c/e necessary to regain control of the public sphere to combat global challenges of exploitation, disease, and environmental collapse

Small 2006 ()

Political Disengagement doesn’t mean the political sphere will be dominated by the far-right and collapse in to fascism, causing wars and tyranny- This turns the alternative solvency

Rorty 1998 (Achieving Our Country, pp.87-94)

Greater c/e through service learning us necessary to spur hostilic thinking about the world, empathy with the other and a mindset of sustainability and coop over conflict

Larson-Keagy 2003 ()

Subpoint B is Associated Politics

The nation-state is no longer sufficient to protect individuals from violence- We must have an associational civic political that can check the state and reinvigorate otherwise meaningless laws. The Holocaust proves that failure to do so allows the state to exterminate those deemed outside the protection of the law

Isaac 1998(Democracy in Dark Times, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. P.94-96)

Service Learning civically engages all of society- It creates a national identity centered around the common good, uses active collaboration to create a sense of connectedness that overcomes racial barriers, and uses reflection to improve future projects and emphasize what was learned

Marian Wright Edelman 1998 ()

Contention 3: Solvency

Expanding Americorps to 250,000 people a year are vital to making the program inclusive enough to spur wide-range civic engagement

Marshall and Magee 2005 ()

Federal action is key to create a national identity for Americorps and is more efficient- It eliminates waste, fraud, and abuse

GAO 1997 ()

Service learning allows us to better challenge systems of power- it creates counter-socializations that prevent disciplinary control

Gorham 2003 ()

Miami Palmetto HH Affirmative

Contention 1: Inherency

1. Forests on verge of destruction-natural fire cycle been halted

Nelson-Emory 2006

2. Shrinking budget resulting in shrinking pool of qualified fire fighters

Forest Fire Protection Committee 2000 reports/costs_containment.html

3. Massive understaffing has made controlled burnings impossible

Sedjo 2002

4. In half a decade forests will be beyond repair

Science 2000

5. The stopping of forests fires has turned forests into tinderboxes, different approaches will return them to safety

Suzuki 2006

6. The dangers will to doomsday fire storms and then floods

Bavis 1999

Contention 2: Biodiversity

1. Catastrophic fires are not natural and will cause forest collapse

Lynch 2004

2. Forests the crux of biodiversity, destroying forests will cause extinction

Santos 1999

3. Biodiversity is a prerequisite to life

Kline 1998

4. Collapse of biodiversity will cause extinction

Diner 2004

5. We access completely different advantages than your Disads

Chen 2000

6. Nuclear War will not kill everyone, 4 billion will survive

Martin 1982

7. Nuclear fallout will kill less people than car accidents and smoking

Nyquist May, 1999

8. Climate change is too slow to cause catastrophic destruction

Martin 1982

9. Nuclear winter bad science, good scientists don’t accept it

Nyquist 1999

10. Volcanoes prove no nuclear winter

Nyquist 1999

Contention 3: Carbon Cycle

1. Forests in US provide essential role in the carbon cycle, forests are vital

Natural Science 1998

2. Forest fires contribute 10% of carbon emissions

Chandrasekharan 1999

3. Collapse of the Carbon Cycle will lead to extinction

Mutel 1998

Plantext: The USFG should give pension benefits to Fire Corps veterans of at least 5 years

Contention 4: Solvency

1. Incentives will result in increasing recruitment

Monihan 1992

2. Pension is empirical proven to increase recruitment

Fire Fighting Institute 2006

3. Fire Corps is critical to community support

Fire Corps Partners 2005

4. Controlled burning will free up other fire fighters causing a massive influx of trained firefighters into the program

Chiaramonte 2006

Milton BE Affirmative

Contention one- Inhernecy

Peace Corps funding is on the decline despite previous calls for expansion.

Radley 06 (Gordon, former Peace Corps volunteer and former president of Lucasfilm Ltd, “Peace Corps Still A Shining Light,” Marin Independent Journal March 12,


Today there are 7,810... needs and deserves”

Contention Two: Structural Violence

The U.S. Global image is crumling damaging domestic and international democracy- only a renewed commitment against global violence can solve for the true root of terrorism and governmental threat construction.

Cuomo 03 activist, artist, and Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studeis at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge-- (Chris, “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence!” hypatia, 1996, Proquest,)

Yet we were unable to prevent... verge of being prisoned by our own shit.

Expanding the Peace Corps is key to the expansion of positive development that builds actual peace.

Quigley, (Kevin, National Peace Corps Assoc. President and Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, Fall 2004, World View Magazine, online:


In the midst of the lgobal war... the need to win friends has never been greater than now.

Structural Violence is the root cause of conflict that threatens global survival. Only a transition to positive international relationships through global institutions can overcome global trends. Negative peace ensures limitless war.

Sandy and Perkins 02 (Leo R. veteran of the U.S. Navy and an active member of Veterans for Peace, Inc., co-founder of Peace Studies at Plymouth State College, Ray; Teaches philosophy at Plymouth State College, The Nature of Peace and Its Implications for Peace Education”, Online journal of peace and conflict resolution, Issue 4.2, Spring 02,

“Peace” is a word that is uttered... is what constitutes positive peace” (p. 26).

Limitless War necessitates limitless destruction, nuclear use, and extinction.

MesZaros, (Istvan, Professor Emiritus of Philosophy, University of Sussex (England), 1/2/2003, “Militarism and the Coming Wars,” Monthly Review, Vol. 55, No. 2, online:

“the dangers and immense suffering caused... Hitler's irrationality look like the model of rationality.”

Depictions of War as an event rather than an ongoing process of structural violence creates a state of permanent violence and militarism. Only a solution that addresses the systemic cuases of violence is capable of challenging militarism threat to all life.

Cuomo 96-- activist, artist, and Professor of Philosophy and Women's Studeis at the University of Cincinnati. She is the author of The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge-- (Chris, “War Is Not Just an Event: Reflections on the Significance of Everyday Violence!” hypatia, 1996, Proquest,)

“Philosophical attention to war has typically... related to each other, as cause to effect.

Militarism is the single greatest source of environment destruction, a renewed understanding of peace vs. wartime warfare and resistance against the militaristic state structure is key.

Cuomo 96-- Cite above

All told, including peacetime activities... military institutions and practices

Environmental destruction leads to extinction.

Diner 94 (Major David N, Judge Advocate General's Corps, United states Army, Military Law Review, 143 Mil. L. Rev. 161, L/N)

By causing widespread extinctions... closer to the abyss.

Plan: The United States federal government should provide all necessary funding to increase the number of persons serving in the Peace Corps to 50,000 persons serving.

Contention Three: Solvency

Expanding the Peace Crops to 50,000 is a dramatic symbol of the u.S. Commitment to peace that can transform our worldview to view peace as more than the absence of war- this can foster global cooperation against poverty and reverse militarism.

Shriver 01 (Robert, founding Director of Peace Corps, speech to Yale University's Daily News Annual Banquet, 11/10, )

Is it America's primary purpose... the creation of a “New World of Peace.”

Expanding the Peace Corps can promote structural change in US foreign policy that will promote global understanding and cooperation for the other.

Reiffel and Zalud, 06 (Lex, visiting fellow in the Global Economy and Development Center at the Brookings Institution, and Sarah, independent consultant for the Global Economy and Development Center at the Brookings Institution, “International Volunteering: Smart Power”, June,


The face of America that has been welcomed... programs remain far below their potential.

Promoting positive peace is essential to check militarism. Even if the entire structure can't be taken in one action the plan is a starting point.

Cuomo 96-- cite above

1) By considering the presence of war and militarism... even when peace seems present.

Engaging in negative frameworks for peace and global politics creates the illusion that the problem of war is being addressed masking the militarism that produces that problem

Cuomo 96-- cite above

Just war theory is a prominent... that are significant to nonmilitary personnel, including women and nonhumans.

1NC: Eight minutes of oncase defense about Peace Corps being US Propaganda


Evaluate Round by Competing interpretations of Positive Peace Shapiro 92

Discursive Framing Grounds Policy Making. We must Criticize the discursive practices which make security appear natural.

Michael J. Shapiro, genius @ U. Hawaii, 1992, Reading the Postmodern Polity, p. 88-9 [Gender Modified]

The kinds of discursive implicit...practices through which everyday life is constructed.

The Idea of perpetual Peace is both impossible and not desireable- such a state would leave us powerless to deal with war or apocalyptic Terrorism.

Joseph Masciulli, Asst. Prof. Poli Sci @ St. Thomas U. (CA), 4/2/2004, Building Sustainable Peace, Eds Tom Keating and Andy Knight, p. 348-9

This cosmopolitan ethical... culture and world polity.

Monticello KA Affirmative

Contention I is Inherency- No enthusiasm for service learning, it is low in the status quo

National Youth Leadership Council, 2004

The system of education is flawed and unsupported- Hooks 1994 “Teaching to transgress”

Plan: The United states federal government specifically congress should establish a policy substantially increasing people serving in Learn and Serve America by passing a law that mandates that in all public primary schools in the United States require service learning as a part of the curriculum for each grade level and all public secondary schools require Service learning as part of the curriculum as a course that each student takes for each grade level

Contention II is Advantages- Advantage one is critical pedagogy- as long as education is designed to oppress, students can never critically think- Howard , 1999, multiracial schools

In the current system of education, kids accept everything they learn without question, which kills critical thinking

Freize 98, pedagogy of the oppressed

This will lead to a system of domination and dehumanization

Freize 98, pedagogy of the oppressed

Dehumanization is nuclear war, environmental apocalypse and international genocide

Berube, 93

Advantage Two is Participatory Democracy- Civic engagement is low in the status quo, Americans are apathetic

Fretz, 2004, Democracy and civic engagement

Democracy solves for ethnic conflicts everywhere

Carnegie Commission, 1995, Promoting democracy in the 90s

Contention III is solvency- Service learning is the key to students escaping the boundaries

Kahne Westheimer,

Nevada Union MO Affirmative

Obs. 1 – Inherency

Current legal aid system meets less than half of the legal needs of the poor

CBS 06 (Aug. 13, )

Current national service legal corps only has 13 programs.

Daneman 02 (Matthew, Rochester News Democrat and Chronicle, April 1, )

Law school debt blocks legal aid to poor

Schraq 01 (Philip, “The Federal Income Contingent Repayment Option for Law Student Loans”, 29 Hofstra Law Review, 33, Spring 01)

Obs. 2 – Harms

Adv. 1 – Domestic Violence

Americorps cuts have already harmed domestic violence programs

Craft 03 (Matthew, Seattle Post Intelligencer, June 18, )

Montana project proves – Americorps lawyers help in domestic violence cases

Corporation for National and Community Service 01 ()

Legal assistance is necessary for domestic violence laws to be effective

Aguiniga 98 (Laura, Americorps VISTA volunteer for Montana Legal Services, Cowboy Justice: Domestic Violence in Rural Montana, )

Domestic violence is dehumanizing

HRW 05 (Human Rights Watch, “A Dose of Reality”, , 3/21/05)

Adv. 2 – Poverty

Lawyers working for the poor are key to change

Rhode 05 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Pro Bono in principle and Practice, p29)

Legal needs of the poor are unmet

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice p3)

Untold misery because poor do not have access to lawyers

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice p4-5)


The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons participating in Americorps by Congress passing and the President signing legislation forgiving federal student loan debt for persons who participate in the National Service Legal Corps for a minimum of one year and increasing the total number of participants in Americorps by 12,000 in order to provide positions in Americorps for the new participants in the National Service Legal Corps.

Obs. 3 – Solvency

Enlarging Americorps national service legal corps by loan forgiveness solves

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice, p117)

Education debt prevents law graduates from practicing public interest law

Schrag 01 (Philip, Prof Law Georgetown, Hofstra Law Review Spring p736)

Congress can enact legislation for income-contingent repayment which strengthens community service

Schrag 01 (Philip, “The Federal Income Contingent Repayment Option for Student Loans”, 29 Hofstra Law Review, 33, Spring 01)

Plan solves nation legal service through Americorps

Schrag 01 (Philip, “The Federal Income Contingent Repayment Option for Student Loans”, Spring 01, 29 Hofstra Law Review 33)

The plan is the only way for citizens to participate in government and change the state

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice, p9)

A combination of criticism and legal action necessary to create change

Matsuda 92 (Mari, Assoc Prof Law U of Hawaii, Women’s Rights Law Reporter Spring/Fall p298)

Critique by itself masks racism and sexism

Matsuda 92 (Mari, Assoc Prof Law U of Hawaii, Women’s Rights Law Reporter Spring/Fall p299)

Legal provisions must be evaluate based on intended effect

Hasnas 95 (John, Asst. Prof Business Ethics @ Georgetown U and Sr. Researh Fellow, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Duke Law Journal vol. 45 pp119-120)

A focus on politics ignores poor and racial injustice

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice, p109)

Plan solves poverty

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice, p10-11)

Courts can’t do plan

Rhode 04 (Deborah, Prof Law Stanford, Access to Justice, p8-9)

Litigation key to solve poverty and mobilize social change

Roiman 05 (Florence, Prof Law Indiana Univ, “How Litigation Can Lead To Substantial Relief for Clients and Significant Social Change”, Journal of Poverty Law and Policy, March-April 2005)

State Lawyers violate the legal system; public service lawyers are superior

Roisman 05 (Florence, Prof Law Indiana Univ, “How Litigation Can Lead To Substantial Relief for Clients and Significant Social Change”, Journal of Poverty Law and Policy, March-April 2005)


Current legal system meets needs of ½ of people

CBS 8/13/06

“when poor people”

Current Nat. Service Legal Corps has 13 programs

Matthew Daneman 4/1/02

“Each year the national service legal corps”

Law school debt blocks poor aid

Philip Schrag, spring 2001, 29 Hofstra LR 33

Domestic Violence

Americorps cuts have harmed domestic violence

Matthew Craft, 6/18/03

“For $830 a month members”

Montana Project Proves


“With Americorps VISTA”

Legal assistance is necessary

Laura Aguiniga 1998

“Cowboy justice is an interpretation:

Domestic violence is dehumanizing

Human Rights Watch 3/21/05

“Domestic violence is not only inherently”


Lawyers working for the poor are key to change

Deborah Rhode, 2005, Pro Bono in principle and practice p. 29

Legal needs are unmet

Deborah Rhode Access to Justice p. 3 2004

Untold Misery because don’t have access to law

Deborah Rhode Access to Justice p. 48 2004

Litigation key to solve poverty

Florence Roisman March-April 2005

Journal of Poverty Law and Policy

Poverty is form of structural violence

Giligan 1996, Violence: our deadly epidemic and its causes

Plan Text: The United States Federal Government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in AmeriCorps by Congress passing and the President signing legislation forgiving federal student loan debt for persons who participate in the National Service Legal Corps for a minimum of one year and increasing the total number of participants in AmeriCorps by 12,000 in order to provide positions in AmeriCorps for new participants in the National Service Legal Corps


Enlarging AmeriCorps NSLC by loan forgiveness solves

Deborah Rhode Access to Justice p. 117 2004

Education debt prevents law graduates from law

Philip Schrag, spring 2001, 29 Hofstra LR 33

Congress can do plan

Philip Schrag, spring 2001, 29 Hofstra LR 33

Plan solves NSLC

Philip Schrag, spring 2001, 29 Hofstra LR 33

Plan is only way to change state

Philip Schrag, spring 2001, 29 Hofstra LR 33

Combo of kritik and plan solves

Mari Matsuda 1992

Women’s Rights Law Reporter p.298

Kritik by itself masks racism

Mari Matsuda

Women’s Rights Law Reporter p.298

Legal provisions must be evaluated

John Hannas 1995

Duke LJ vol. 45

p. 119-120

Focus on politics ignores poor

John Hannas 1995

Duke LJ vol. 45

p. 119-120

New Trier LM Affirmative

Observation 1:inherency

Obsv.2 war on terror

A. initially the Taliban is taking advantage of the lack of military strength in Afghanistan, trying to gain power and fight back. Preventing Taliban takeover is critical to the war on terror.

New York Times August 24, 2006 (editorial “losing Afghanistan,” Aug 24,

B. Furthermore the Taliban is stronger- nthey have new tactics and weapons and are preparing to destabilize Afghanistan.

Nicola, 8-24-06 (Stefan, UPI Germany Correspondent, ”Afghanistan can go either way,” interview with Rolf Tophoven, Germany’s leading terrorism expert, August 24, )

C. nEffective policing operations are essential to counterinsurgency operation

Corum, 06 (retired Lt.colonel, army center for strategic studies “training indigenous forces for counterinsurgency:a tale of two insurgencies” avail.)

D. Securing Afghanistan is crucial to winning the war on terrorism

Krakowski, 02 (Elie, Ph.D., Columbia, MA, John Hopkins, international studies, “ how to win the peace in Afghanistan,” the Weekly standard , july 1, )

E. terrorism risks the survival of civilization

Alexander, 03 (yonah. Prof at the inter-university for terrorism studies in Israel and the United States, “terrorism myths and realities,” Washington Times 8/28/1903, p.)

F. terrorism causes the U.S to lash out, precipitating global war

Schwartz-Morgan, 01

Obsv.3 stability

A. initially, the lack of effective security has seen a resurgence of the Taliban and lack of governmental legitimacy- the government is on the brink of collapse.

Rashid 6-26-06

B. additionally, an effective Afghani police force is key to stability

BBC monitoring international reports, July 16,2006

C. Furthermore, an effective police force is the only way to make peace last- they have more legitimacy and are better equipped to handle counterinsurgencies.

Serchuk, July 17 2006.


Obsv.4 pipeline

Obsv.5 solvency

A. u.s. oversight of police training is absolutely essential to creating an effective force. Without Pentagon support- the police will fracture

Serchuk, July 17, 2006 (Vance, Research Fellow at AEI, Th weekly standarde, “ why afghanistan has no police,” )major

B. military oversight over PMC’s is essential to maintaining a workable doctrine of cooperation and secur

Wallwork.05 ( Bush army us army command college “operational implications of private military companies

in the global war on terror.”’s/ADA436294.pdf)

C. bringing PMC’s under the framework of the military is essential to operational effectiveness.

Scheir and Caparini, n05 (consultant and senior fellow @ Geneva centre for the democratic control of armed forces “ privatizing security: law, practice, and governance of private military and security companies” March 2005 )

D. we should not cower from short-term set-backs having a long term goal of building the police will leave behind a stable state.

Corum,06 ( retired Lt. colonel, army center for strategic studies “training indigenous forces for counterinsurgency: a tale of two insurgencies”


E. only training the afghan security force can overcome warlord resistance.

Gerard, 05 (lieutant colonel David T., us army, “strategic re-appraisal of democratic Afghanistan,” march 18, )

Plan Text: The United states federal government should substantially increase the umber of persons serving in the United states armed forces by mandating that 1,775 private military corporation employees who conduct operations the Afghan National Police, under contract in Afghanistan, join the united states armed forces for the extent of their contract. We’ll clarify.

New Trier BS Affirmative


The United States federal government should substantially increase the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces by mandating that 900 private military corporation employees who conduct operations training the Afghani National Police under contract in Afghanistan join the Armed Forces for the extent of their contract. We’ll clarify

Observation 1 – Stability

Initially, the lack of effective security has seen a resurgence of the Taliban and lack of governmental legitimacy – the government is on the brink of collapse

Rashid, 6-26-06 (Ahmed, Pakistan-based journalist and author of New York Times Best Seller Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, “Afghanistan and its Future,” )

Now is the crucial time for stability – we have no time to lose. NATO is calling for assistance but the U.S. is refusing to supply them the troops they need to complete their mission

Dempsey, September 8, 06 (Judy, International Herald Tribune Writer, “Urgent call for troops in Afghani conflict,” Lexis)

PMC’s are now guarding Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan – this is destined to fail because PMC’s are unaccountable and don’t have the back up needed to be successful

Jonathan D. Tepperman, Editor of Foreign Affairs, November 18, 2002, The New Republic, “Can Mercenaries Protect Hamid Karzai?”

Karzai is key to Afghan stability – there would be no way to agree on a replacement and the ethnic group that supports the Taliban would totally abandon reconstruction

Steve Coll, associate editor of the Washington Post and a Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Is the author of Ghost wars: the secret history of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the soviet invasions to September 10 2001, which won the Lionel Gelber Prize for foreign Policy writing, March 31, 2005, The globe and mail, “Hamid Kazrai is Indispensable”

Additionally, an effective Afghani police force is key to stability

BBC Monitoring International Reports, July 16 2006 (avail. Lexis)

Furthermore, an effective police force is the only way to make peace last – they have more legitimacy and are better equipped to handle counterinsurgencies

Serchuk, July 17 2006 (Vance, Research Fellow at AEI, The Weekly Standard, “Why Afghanistan Has No Police,” )

Subpoint A – Central Asia

Afghani stability is a prerequisite for a stable Central Asian security framework

Lal, 06 (Rollie, Rand Corporation, “Central Asia and Its Asian Neighbors. Security and Commerce at the Crossroads,” )

A U.S. success would moderate tensions in the Central Asia region stabilizing the security framework

Millan, 03 (Colonel G. Joseph, US Army, “Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan: A Global, Strategic Nemesis,” Army War College, 7-04, )

Central Asian instability leads to thermonuclear war

Ahrari, 01 (M. Ehsan, Professor of National Security and Strategy of the Joint and Combined Warfighting School at the Armed Forces Staff College, “Jihadi Groups, Nuclear Pakistan and the New Great Game,” August, Questia)

Observation 2 - China

Poppy growth in Afghanistan is out of control and at its record high. The money is directly supporting Taliban rebels in Southern Afghanistan

Gall, 9-2-06 (Carlotta, “Opium Harvest at Record Level in Afghanistan,” New York Times, )

Security problems and instability are causing the explosive growth of poppy in Afghanistan. Poppy growth fuels the insurgency

Reuters, 8-24-06 (AlertNet, “AFGHANISTAN: Battle against poppy cultivation deepens,” August 24, )

Additionally, rampant drug trade destabilizes the Chinese Communist Party

Millan, 03 (Colonel G. Joseph, US Army, “Poppy Cultivation in Afghanistan: A Global, Strategic Nemesis,” Army War College, 7-04, )

Furthermore, Afghan instability will spillover into China – they fear internal secession movements

Lal, 06 (Rollie, Rand Corporation, “Central Asia and Its Asian Neighbors. Security and Commerce at the Crossroads,” )

And, the CCP will use WMDs to hold on to power

Renxhing, 05 (San, “The CCP’s Last-ditch Gamble: Biological and Nuclear War,” Epoch Times, 8-5, )

Observation 3 – The War on Terror

Initially, the Taliban is taking advantage of the lack of military strength in Afghanistan, trying to gain power and fight back. Preventing Taliban takeover is critical to the war on terror

New York Times, 8-24-06 (Editorial, “Losing Afghanistan,” August 24, )

Furthermore, the Taliban is stronger – they have new tactics and weapons and are preparing to destabilize Afghanistan

Nicola, 8-24-06 (Stefan, UPI Germany Correspondent, “Afghanistan can go either way,” Interview with Rolf Tophoven, Germany's leading terrorism expert, August 24, )

Effective policing operations are essential to counterinsurgency operation

Corum, 06 (Retired Lt. Colonel, Army Center for Strategic Studies “Training Indigenous Forces for Counterinsurgency: A Tale of Two Insurgencies” avail. )

Terrorism causes extinction

Alexander, 03 (Yonah, Prof at the Inter-University for Terrorism Studies in Israel and the United States, “Terrorism myths and realities”, Washington Times, 8/28/1903, p. )

Independently, terrorism causes the U.S. to lash out, precipitating global war

Schwartz-Morgan, 01 (Nicole, Assistant Prof Politics and Econ – Royal Military College of Canada, Wild Globalization and Terrorism, )

Observation 4 – The Pipeline

US presence in Afghanistan is vital for stability – an unstable Afghanistan will prevent the building of a pipeline

Haidari, 04 (M. Ashraf, Peace Scholar at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, Afghan Magazine, “No Security, No Trans-Afghan Pipelines,” July, )

TAP reduces Russian oil dependence

Institute For War and Peace, 8-21-06 (“Gas Pipeline Plan Promises Independence from Moscow,” August 21, )

Russian domination of energy collapses the economy and causes nuclear war

Cohen, 96 (Ariel, Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, “The New Great Game: Oil politics in the Caucasus and Central Asia,” Jan 25, )

Economic collapse causes extinction

Bearden, 2000 (T.T, Director, Association of Distinguished American Scientists, )

Observation 5 – Solvency

U.S. oversight of police training is absolutely essential to creating an effective force. Without Pentagon support – the police will fracture

Serchuk, July 17 2006 (Vance, Research Fellow at AEI, The Weekly Standard, “Why Afghanistan Has No Police,” )

Military oversight over PMCs is essential to maintaining a workable doctrine of cooperation

Wallwork, 05 (Major, British Army US Army Command College “Operational Implications of Private Military Companies in the Global War on Terror,” Avail. )

Bringing PMCs under the framework of the military is essential to operational effectiveness

Schreir and Caparini, 05 (Consultant and Senior Fellow at Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, “Privatising Security: Law, Practice, and Governance of Private Military and Security Companies” March, 2005 )

We should not cower from short-term set-backs having a long-term goal of building the police will leave behind a stable state

Corum, 06 (Retired Lt. Colonel, Army Center for Strategic Studies “Training Indigenous Forces for Counterinsurgency: A Tale of Two Insurgencies” avail. )

Only training the Afghan military force can overcome warlord resistance

Gerard, 05 (Lieutenant Colonel David T., US Army, “Strategic Re-appraisal of Democratic Afghanistan,” March 18, )

Plan text: the usfg will change the status of PMCs in Afghanistan to be part of the military.

Obs. 1

Inherency- pmcs are not woking well now but will work much better and cooperate w/ the us military if and only if they become part of the military. The aff goes on toclaim that secdurity in Afghanistan is key to our operations

Obs. 2

Central Asia- the us link to Afghanistan is our link to the rest of central asia and that good relation with and proceedings in Afghanistan are key to good relations with central asia and keeping peace in central asia

Obs. 3

China- afghanistan stability will spill over into china and cause good relations and more stability in china and the us will not have to worry about relations with china and the threats it may or may not pose to the us

Obs. 4

War on Terror- military police powers are key to stability in Afghanistan and are necessary in the war on terror. If these powers are lost there will be a anumber of negative outcomes the worst of which is extinction. The ultimate impact is extinction

Obs. 5

Afghanistan pipeline-without the use of foreign troops, specifically us troops, the afghan police force will greatly suffer and will not be able to defend its major oil pipeline with the use of the us military the police force will be bale to adequately defend the pipeline and our access to the oil in Afghanistan will not be blocked or hindered.

Obs. 6

Solvency- the police cannot do what it needs to do unless it becomes part of the us military because it is not part of the us military and is not cooperating. However if it becomes part of the us military it will be able to fully cooperate with the us troops.


They run realism framework in the 2ac to answer kritiks and any other arguments that are not realist.

Norman RB Affirmative


Observation One: From the Halls of Moctezuma

Because of “america's” current militarized border policy, undocumented workers wishing to migrate from “mexico” to the “United states” are forced to suffer a several-day walk through the desert in 120 degree heat. These migrants are in desperate need of water and first aid, and we are knowingly letting them die.

Lawhorne in '05 (Jen, September 5, “Dangerous Crossings: Immigration and Border Issues in Mexico,” )

The elites of Mexico, Canada... dying while crossing would deter others from trying.

Observation Two: Warring Bodies and Bodies Politic

First the Militarization of the Border is an attempt to construct a coherent national identity, which at the same time creates constructions of enemy/others- in this case, migrants- who serve the purpose of reaffirming the coherence of this national identity

Shapiro in '97 (Shapiro, Michael J. Violent Cartographies: Mapping Cultures of War. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota P, 1997.)

The turn to Lacan to investigate... one's own order.

And this consturction of the national self that relies on opposition to the enemy/other necessitates continuous violence against our perceived other.

Shapiro in '97 cite above

Allowing Hegel an exemplary role... the constitution of the national self.

Additionally, within this frame of thought there will always be some enemy to destroy. Once one is eliminated the militarized national consciousness will fix on a new antagonism.

Shapiro in '97 cite above

Therefore, my partner and I present the following plan:

Congress shall pass and the president shall sign a bill creating an organization under Americorps that distributes food, water, and first aid to anyone passing through the desert along what is currently considered in US policy discourse as the “US- Mexico border” and mandating that americorps recruits volunteers for this organization at pro-immigration rallies.

Observation Three: the ethics of Encounter

First, Pro-immigration rallies are growing and are a great place to recruit volunteers for our organization

Brulliard in '06 (Karin, August 31, “More Immigration Demonstrations Planned,” )

After four months of relative quiet... a rally organizer in Chicago.

And our ethical encounter with the other resists static maps and fixed narratives of collective identities. Plan transforms borders between places of inclusion and exclusion into domains in which place, person, and identity must be endlessly negotiated. We allow these people labeled “Mexican” into a country we call “ours” and a respect for the Other to migrate into our practices of space and identity.

Shapiro in '97 cite above

More generally, shedding the structure... When one remains unreflectively within the already said.

Also this ethical encounter opposes the institutionalized geopolitical versions of space and existing forms of global proprietary control, which territorialize identities and create the foundations for the identity-affirming violence and antagonism that we have criticized.

Shapiro in '97 cited above

The second insight derives from... unreflectively in a violence of representation.

Additionally, Plan breaks down America's violent relationship with its others in areas past the issue of immigration. It is not the specific other that is important to our identity-affirming practices, it is the signs and symbols that are available to us to understand the other. The place we hold open for our objects of violence preceeds the object that occupies.

Shapiro in '97 cited above

Fabert decides to take an arbitrary... “the place logically precedes objects which occupy it.” 63

Observation Four: Framework

Our framework is that arguments made and actions advocated in this round should be evaluated on the basis of the social narrative they perform.

Whether we know it or not, all arguments that we make are performances that enter into the interpretive struggle through which identity and space are constructed.

Shapiro in '97 cited above

All analyses and accounts of... through which they are shaped.



















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The second…….violence of representation.

Additionally, plan breaks down America’s violent relationship with its others in areas with the issue of immigration. It is not the specific other that is important to our identity – affirming practices, it is the signs and symbols that are available to us to understand the other. The place we hold open for our objects of violence precedes the object that occupies it.







Notre Dame MB Affirmative

Contention 1 – Restructuring Fails

Bush and Rumsfeld refuse to permanently increase the end strength of the military – choosing instead of rely on restricting efforts that are destined to fail.

Boot 05 (Max, senior fellow in the National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, “The Struggle to Transform the Military”, Foreign Affairs, March/April, )

In addition, Rumsfeld’s transformation programs are useless to fight the wars that America currently faces.

Kagan 05 (Weekly Standard, “Fighting the Wrong War”, )



Contention 2 – Hegemony

The Army is experiencing a major recruitment problem – all of the stop-gap measures that have been imployed will inevitably fail. The result will be collapse of Army efforts or conscription.

Collins 05 (Colonel John M., ARMY magazine, Aug. 1, “Army Recruiting Crisis: Problems, Responses, Prognosis”, )

In response to this current recruitment crisis, the military has been forced to lower its standards for new troops – this will collapse the military.

Baltimore Sun 06 (Tom Bowman, “Army accepting crime in recruits: To fill its needs, military issues waivers for some past minor offenses”, Feb 14, pLN)

This will also break the military – it is unprepared to handle another major crisis.

Rocky Mountain News 10-14-06 (Dick Foster, “General: U.S. Army in danger Equipment, manpower shortages put the nation in strategic peril, he says”, )

Unfortunately, the Army is running out of ways to plug gaps created by this overstretch – resulting in the collapse of U.S. foreign policy credibility and guaranteed defeat in the War on Terror.

New York Time 10/1/06 (“America’s Army on the Edge”, pLN)

Additionally, this over-stretch is actively encouraging the rise of hostile global rivals – only strong ground forces can allow it to fight multilateral wars simultaneously and sustain U.S. hegemony.

Perry 06 (William J, National Security Advisory Group, “The US military: Under strain and at risk”, January, )

Only US military leadership can prevent wars around the globe.

Brookes 7-4-06 (Peter, New York Post, “Why they need us: imagine a world without America”, )

Contention 3 – The Middle East

Lack of troops is spelling defeat for the U.S. in Iraq - this will break the entire military for decades and signal to our adversaries that it is open season in America.

Kagan and Kristol 10/2/06 (Weekly Standard)

It is not just a question of whether or not we will increase troops – low recruitment levels will actually force the Army to change its mission in Iraq and Afghanistan

Perry 06 (William J, National Security Advisory Group, “The US military: Under strain and at risk”, January, )

Only a strong and credible present of ground troops can maintain stability in Iraq.

Kagan 06 (“There’s no choice but to win in Iraq”, )

Failure in Iraq leads to regional conflict escalation and attacks on the US at home and abroad.

Collins 05 (Colonel John M., ARMY magazine, Aug. 1, “Army Recruiting Crisis: Problems, Responses, Prognosis”, )

Terrorism causes extinction.

Alexander 03 (“Terrorism Myths and Realities”, pLN)

Contention 4 – Asia

Absence of strong ground forces is crushing U.S. diplomatic credibility and is giving a green light to North Korea and China to become more aggressive. An increase in recruitment quotas creates a perception necessary to make diplomacy work in the short-term.

New York Time 1-2-05 (“The Army We Need”, pLN)

Specifically, stress on current military is encouraging brinkmanship and development of the bomb in North Korea and Iran – now is the key time to act to prevent a rise of many more hostile global rivals. Diplomacy will fail and the current situation makes conflict inevitable.

Dr. Saccone 10-8-06 (Richard, Patriot News, “North Korea-Iran alliance should worry U.S.”, )

North Korea’s recent nuclear test was in response to U.S. over-stretch. This risks proliferation spiraling across Asia.

Times of India 10-9-06

Spiral of proliferation will cause war.

Friedberg 93

Brinkmanship from US overstretch causes proliferation to be out of control, leading to global war.

Olsen 4/03

This will culminate in Chernobyl-like meltdowns, killing millions and destroying the global economy.

Chol 5-7-97


An increase in end-strength is key to readiness

Scholer et. Al. 05

An increase and end-strength is key to morale and stopping end-loss

Rumback 05

Only 100 thousand more troops can maintain effective troop rotation and prevent mass exodus from the military.

Pena 06

An increase in end strength will cause the military to expand recruitment efforts, limit stop-loss, solve overstretch, and allow troops to focus on serious fighting rather than nation-building, which is key to deter Korea.

Kurtz 03

Pace AG Affirmative

Contention One: Inherency

The military’s policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” results in the daily discharge of highly skilled personnel – an additionally 41,000 would join if the ban were lifted.

Brandt 06 (Doreen Brandt, Political Analyst, )

Thus the Plan:

The united states supreme court should, in the next relevant test case, rule that the united states federal government cannot use sexual orientation as a negative CRITERION for admission to or expulsion from service in the united states armed forces. we’ll clarify.

Contention Two: Harms

Advantage One is Discrimination

DADT is a disaster, it crushes the most basic rights of GLBTs, it costs the nation hundreds of millions, and causes lesbian bating which promotes the harassment and rape of women

Randy Shilts, Award winning author and correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle, [Conduct Unbecoming] 1993

Rape legitimizes nuclear war

The New York Times 1983

Homophobia translates into gay bashing and violence in society

The nation 98

We must reject the reign of terror of discrimination against gay men and lesbians – it is worse than any impact they will claim 

David Richards, Professor of Law @ NYU, [Women, gays, and the constitution] 1998 pg. 346-350 

The military is a critical institution for social change. DADT legitimizes widespread prejudice against gays and lesbians. Only a reversal of the policy can change this mindset.

Diane Miller, MA in rhetoric from Cal Berkeley, “Freedom to Differ: The Shaping of the Gay and Lesbian Struggle for Civil Rights,” 1998 pgs. 91-92

Advantage two is Judicial Deference

First, challenging “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in the courts is vital to put an end to the precedent of unrestricted Judicial Deference to the military

Robbins, 1999

Kalyani Robbins, J.D., Stanford Law School, “Framers' Intent and Military Power: Has Supreme Court Deference to the Military Gone Too Far?” 78 Oregon Law Review 767, Fall, 1999, pgs. 799-800

Scenario A is Separation of Powers

Ending Judicial Deference by providing equal protection to those in the military through overturning “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” is key to separation of powers

Robbins, 1999

Kalyani Robbins, J.D., Stanford Law School, “Framers' Intent and Military Power: Has Supreme Court Deference to the Military Gone Too Far?” 78 Oregon Law Review 767, Fall, 1999, pgs. 788-792

SOP violations cause Nuclear war

Redish and Cisar, prof of law and law clerk, 1991

Scenario b is liberal democracy

US Separation of powers is modelled in developing democracies worldwide

Calibresi, 2001

Steven G. Calabresi, George C. Dix Professor of Constitutional Law at Nothwestern University, 18 Constitutional Commentary 51, “The Virtues of Presidential Government: Why Professor Ackerman is Wrong to Prefer the German to the U.S. Constitution,” pgs. 102-103

Ensuring that developing democracies adopt a US-style separation of powers system is key to prevent ethnic nationalism and wars abroad. Failure to do so brings about illiberal democracies that cast a dark shadow on democracy, preventing global democratic transitions

Zakaria, 1997

Fareed Zakaria, Managing Editor of Foreign Affairs, “The Rise of Illiberal Democracy,” Foreign Affairs November/December 1997,

Liberal democracy solves all scenarios for war. Failure to achieve it causes extinction.

Diamond, 1995

Larry Diamond, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, “Why Promote Democracy?” Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict, December 1995,

Contention three: Solvency

And, homophobia is not inherent in the military – allowing for institutional changes will cause for behavior and attitude changes amongst the service members.

Gregory Herek, professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis and Aaron Belkin, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Minorities in the Military at the University of California, Santa Barbara 2005

Military Life: The Psychology of Serving in Peace and Combat, Sexual Orientation and Military Service: Prospects for Organizational and Individual Change in the United States,, December, ]

Multiple empirical studies prove no negative effects on allowing gays in the military to serve

Herek, 1993

Gregory M. Herek, associate research psychologist at the University of California at Davis, Oral testimony to the House Armed Services Committee, May 5, 1993,

Multiple countries prove lifting the ban wouldn’t hurt any aspect of military performance

R.L. Evans, doctoral candidate at the University of California, Berkeley, [11 Law & Sex. 113] 2002

Courts solve best – 4 reasons

Neal Devins, Associate Professor of Law and Lecturer in Government, College of William and Mary, [80 Calif. L. Rev. 1027] 1992

Contention four is the Underview

Utilitarianism justifies evil—the only way to assess “the good” is to refuse the sacrifice of individuals as a means to an end

Binswanger, Professor of philosophy, Columbia University, 1963 (Harry ,THE RAND LEXICON, 1963, p. 123.)

Policymakers cannot take into account improbable worst case scenarios like the disads – worst case scenarios do not prove the undesirability of the plan

Nicholas Rescher, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh, 1983, Risk: A Philosophical Introduction to the Theory of Risk Evaluation and Management, p. 50

Their so called experts don’t understand the future of political affairs and cannot accurately predict events. They are as accurate as monkey’s throwing dart.

MENAND 2005 (Louis ,phd Colombia and Robert M. and Anne T. Bass Professor of English and American Literature and Language at Harvard University., The New Yorker, 12-05-2005, )

Pace CF Affirmative


The militaries policy of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” results in the daily discharge of highly skilled personnel – an additionally 41,000 would join if the ban were lifted

Doreen Brandt, Political Analysis, 2006


“It is impossible……ban were repealed.”

PLAN TEXT: The United States Supreme Court I the next appropriate test case will rule that the United States Federal Government cannot use sexual orientation as a negative criterion concerning admission to and expulsion from service in the United States Armed Forces. We’ll clarify.



DADT is a disaster, it crushes the most basic rights of GLBTs, it costs the nation hundreds of millions, and causes lesbian baiting which promotes the harassment and rape of women

Randy Shilts, Award winning author and correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle, 1993

“The ruthlessness of the……reserved for men.”

Rape legitimizes Nuclear War

The New York Times, 1983

“She argues, for example,….between the sexes.”

We must reject the reign of terror of discrimination against gay men and lesbians – it is worse than any impact they will claim

David Richards, Professor of Law at NYU, “Women, Gays, and the Constitution” 1998 pg 346-350

“We may add and should…..value in living.”

The military is a critical institution for social change. DADT legitimizes widespread prejudice against gays and lesbians. Only a reversal of the policy can change this mindset.

Diane Miller, Ma in Rhetoric for Cal Berkeley, “Freedom to Differ: The shaping of the Gay and Lesbian Struggle for Civil Rights” 1998 pgs. 91-92

Homophobia from DADT contributes to shameless violence

The Nation 11/2/1998

“The brutal murder…….motors these assaults.”

Pine Crest CG Affirmative

Observation 1: The Status Quo

Despite Changes to military policies in the 1990’s, women continue to be barred from positions associated with combat.

Weinstein and White, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Western Connecticut Stat University and PhD at Northwestern University, 1997 (Laurie and Christie, Wives and Warriors: Women and the Military in the United States and Canada, p.94

“By 1996, with all of the combat exclusion Laws….such as infantry, tanks, and combat engineers.”

This situation is unlikely to change anytime soon- President Bush h as made it clear that he is against lifting the combat restriction.

Washington Times 2005

(January 12, )

“President Bush’s policy on women in ground combat….that collocate with those units.”

Thus The plan,

The United States federal government should substantially increase the number of women serving in the Armed Forces by eliminating the combat Exclusion of Women. We’ll Clarify.

Advantage 1: Rape

The exclusion is based on institutionalized discrimination against women- it is used to justify social distinctions that allow the privileging hegemonic masculinities and the subordination of women.

Vojdik, Associate Professor of Law at West Virginia University College o Law, 2005

(Valorie K., Alabama Law review, Winter, Lexis)

“Rather than focus solely… wants a women to fight his nation’s battles.”

Specifically, these norms foster the hostility towards women that creates prolific rape in the military.

Morriz, 1996

(Madeline, Duke Law Journal February, Westlaw)

“We have seen evidence… are accessed for military service.”

Tolerating this sexual assault makes global violence and nuclear war inevitable.

New York Times, 1983

(December, 29 pC7)

“She argues for example… between he sexes”

These exclusions also have critical implications in society- Lifting these restrictions will end presumptions of inability, increase respect for women, and decrease sexual harassment in society of large.

Leszkay, 2003

(Blythe, Hastings Women’s Law Journal, Summer, Lexis)

“There are both… impact on reducing sexual harassment.”

Advantage 2: Nuclear Militaism

Restricting women to non combat roles fortifies a hyper-masculine privilege that necessitates militarism and nuclearism at the expense of more effective solutions to global problems.

Tickner 92

(Gender in International Relations. P 41-44)

“Behind this reification…the international system.”

Current gender sterotypwes that view not backing down as “Masculine” and therefore “desirable” repudiate “feminine” Measures such as peaceful solutions, making WMD use inevitable.

Cohn, Hill, and Ruddick, 2006

(Carol, Felicity, and Sara, “The Relevance of Gender for Eliminating Weapons of Mass Destruction)

“Ideas about gender shape,… population into The Other.”

And our understanding of feminist security abandons the paradigm of hyper-masculine citizen warrior and is key to creating new types of security – nuclear annihilation, militarism, and systemic, violence are inevitable otherwise.

Tickner 92

(Gender in International Relations. P 41-44)

“Feminist perspectives should… definition of security.”

Advantage 3: Patriarchy

Membership in society is structured around the intersection of military service and citizenship. Combat exclusions constructs an idealized male warrior citizen that marginalizes and otherizes women.

Tickner 92

(Gender in International Relations. P 41-44)

“For feminists, warrior citizenship…these gendered identities.”

The military is used to tie masculinity to violence. Excluding women from combat is this crucial both to upholding patriarchy and militarism.

Cock, 92

(Jacklyn, South African Defence Review “Feminism and Militarism”)

“But there are other grounds…feminism and anti- militarism.”

The codification of masculinity is enforced by the state and institutionalized by society, creating behavior norms where women are second class citizens that are restricted economically, politically, and symbolically.

Rogers, January 1990

(Robin, “A proposal for Combating Sexual Discrimination in the military: Amendment of Title VII, 78 Calif. L. Rev. 165, L/N)

“Reports regarding the recent… rather than ambivalence.”

The ultimate impact is extinction- the dysfunctionality of patriarchy guarantees continued violence, war, and environmental destruction, making all your disad impacts inevitable. Only moving away from this system can create opportunities for survival.

Warren and Cady, 94

(Karen and Duane, Hypatia, spring, Proquest)

“The notion of patriarchy…and global contexts.”

Observation 2: Solvency

First, we’re topical- opening combat to women increasing participation in the Armed Forces.

Harrell and Miller, RAND Institute, 97

(Margaret C. and Laura “Military Readiness: Women are not a problem,”

“Any women’s exclusion…engaged in direct combat.”

Second, only ending combat exclusions will allow women to gain authority and respect combat is the key issue.

Karst 91,

(Kenneth, UCLA, L. Rev., February, Westlaw)

“In the current debate, ‘combat’…alike—are seldom taken seriously.”

Third, only engaging the military can lead to real change- remaining outside the system causes continued discrimination and violence against women.

Mazur, 1999

(Dianne, Harvard and Women’s Law Journal, Spring, Lexus)

“Whenever the idea of more substantial… has fewer consequences.”

Breaking down patriarchy is the most appropriate starting point for action. Only a conceptual framework committed to ending patriarchy can deconstruct logics of domination that are critical to ending war.

Warren and Cady, 94

(Karen and Duane, Hypatia, spring, Proquest)

“Of special interest to feminist…conflict resolution strategies.”

Saint Mary’s Hall CG Affirmative



A. Senior corps needs a system that can handle the rapid influx of Baby Boomer retirees-they want to contribute

Lenkowsky 2003

B. Income eligibility restricts participation, only lets impoverished serve

Lenkowsky 2003

C. Pollution here, getting worse

Leslie 96


The USFG, specifically Congress, should establish a policy of membership qualifications free of income eligibility restrictions in Senior Corps


New and Innovating SC would prevent rampant ageism

Eisner 2k5

Agism is dehumanization at worst-denies value to life

Robinson, 94

Agism against elderly causes mass extermination

Friedan 93

Dehumanization is sum of all evil

Berube 97

Denying centrality of state destroys all hope of changing it

Krause and Williams 97


Expansion of SC key to prevent pollution

Aguirre International 2001

B. Pollutions kills billions of organisms, leads to extinction Whiteway 97


Expansion of SC key to expansion of literacy

Aguirre International 01

Saint Mary’s Hall SK Affirmative

Contention 1 is Inhenrency:

Private Military Companies, also known as PMC’s, are on the rise now. DoD contracts, future military projections and favorable political climates ensure the growth of the industry in the coming century.

Major Richard D Wallwork, RA British Army, School of Advanced Military studies United States Army Command and General Staff College, 1/2/05

And these contractors are not legally part of the military. Neither military hierarchy nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice apply to them.

Deborah Avant, Washington Post, What are Those Contractors Doing in Iraq?, May 9 2004,

And unregulated PMC’s are bad.

Advantage 1 is military adventurism:

PMC’s lack of armed force status allows the executive to avoid congressional oversight that lead to violent adventurism, extending the military.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guido Calabresi, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, U.S. Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “Article: Beyond accountability: the constitutional, democratic, and strategic problems with privatizing war”, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis)

Public indifference to private contractors cases a lack of scrutiny in their deployment. Only making them part of the armed forces can restore this accountability.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guido Calabresi, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, U.S. Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “Article: Beyond accountability: the constitutional, democratic, and strategic problems with privatizing war”, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis)

And only congressional and public restraint can stop Bush from attacking Syria and Iran

Brendan Smith, Legal scholar, and Jeremy Brecher, historian, 10/20/2005 “Attack Syria? Invade Iran? By what Constitution?” Znct ()

Advantage 2 is Plan Colombia:

PMC’s lack of Armed Forces status allows Bush to sidestep Congressional regulations and use PMC’s for coca fumigation as part of the US’s failing drug war policy called Plan Colombia- Coca fumigation kills natives and destroys some of the most abundant rainforest in the world.

Donahue, Peace Action of New Hampshire Co-Director, 2001 (Sean. Scorched Earth: US Chemical Warfare in the Colombian Rainforest, Peace Netweork, May. )

Continued US involvement in crop fumigation results in biodiversity loss and extinction

Pravda News, 2005 (The Spraying of Coca Plants Killers Threats Regional Rich Biodiversity, September 28, )

Congressional Oversight key to checking adventurism

PMC’s allow the executive to avoid congressional oversight- Article 1 authority only applies to the Armed Forces

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guido Calabresi, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, U.S. Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “Article: Beyond accountability: the constitutional, democratic, and strategic problems with privatizing war”, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis)

And incorporating PMC’s into the Armed Forces solves:

Lesser reforms aren’t enough, incorporation into the armed forces is the only way to ensure solvency

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guido Calabresi, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, U.S. Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “Article: Beyond accountability: the constitutional, democratic, and strategic problems with privatizing war”, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis)

Civilian measures can’t solve- PMC’s need to be folded in to all military regulations to ensure effective regulation

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the Honorable Guido Calabresi, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Law Clerk designate, the Honorable David H. Souter, U.S. Supreme Court; J.D., Yale Law School, Fall 2004 “Article: Beyond accountability: the constitutional, democratic, and strategic problems with privatizing war”, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. lexis)

Plan: The USFG, specifically congress, should increase the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces by requiring that all private military contractors be members of the US Armed Forces in order to receive or maintain federal contracts. Contractors will be offered membership in the Armed Forces.

Enforcement through normal means.

Attack on Iran would cause overt Iranian proliferation, resulting in a cycle of continued war

Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, Iran: Consequences of War, 2006, p., .uk/publications/briefings/IranConsequences.pdf

Nuclear proliferation causes extinction

Utgoff, Institute for Defense Analyses, SURVIVAL, Summer 2002, pp. 87-90


Private Military Corporations, also known as PMC’s, are on the rise now. DoD contracts, future military projections and favorable political climates ensure the growth of the industry in the coming century.

Major Richard D Wallwork, RA British Army, School of advanced military studies Unites States Army Command and General Staff college, 1/2/2005

“Since 1994, the U.S. …… chemical and nuclear weapons.”

And these contractors are not legally part of the military. Neither military hierarchy nor the uniform code of military justice apply to them.

Deborah Avant, Washington Post, “What are those contractors doing in Iraq?”


“When the United…….and nuclear weapons.”


PMC’s lack of armed force status allows the executive to avoid congressional oversight that lead to violent adventurism, extending the military.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the honorable Guido Calabresi, US court f appeals for the second circuit Fall 2004, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. Lexis

“AS mentioned above,…..perpetrate once deployed.”

Public indifference to private contractors cases a lack of scrutiny in their deployment. Only making them part of the armed forces can restore this accountability.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the honorable Guido Calabresi, US court f appeals for the second circuit Fall 2004, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. Lexis

“Or, returning to a……..of military privatization.”

And. Only congressional and public restraint can stop bush from attacking Syria and Iran.

Brendan Smith, legal scholar, and Jeremy Brecher, historian, “Attack Syria? Invade Iran? By What Constitution?”


“With the American…….or anywhere else!”

Any attack on Syria would draw its closest ally Russia into the fight

Gary H/ Kah, former Europe and Middle East Trade Specialist for the government of Indiana, April 2003

“Where will president……..could quickly change”

And War with Russia leads to nuclear war and extinction

Dr. Nick Bostrom, Dept. of Philosophy at Yale, Journal of Evolution and Technology


“A much greater existential……… avoids existential disaster.”

Attack on Iran would cause overt Iranian proliferation, resulting in a cycle of continued war

Paul Rogers, Professor of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, “Iran, Consequences of War” 2006


“Redevelopment of nuclear……instances of military action.”

Nuclear proliferation causes extinction

Victor Utgoff, Institute for defense Analyses, “Survival,” Summer 2002 pg. 87-90

“First, the dynamics…….even whole nations.”


PMC’s Lack of Armed Forces status allows Bush to sidestep Congressional regulations and use of PMCs for coca fumigation as part of the US’s failing drug war policy called Plan Colombia- Coca fumigation kills natives and destroys some of the most abundant rain forests in the world.

Sean Donahue, Peace Action of New Hampshire Co-Director, 2001 “Scorches Earth: US Chemical Warfare in the Colombian Rainforest”


“In November 2000……forests are destroyed.”

Continued US involvement in crop fumigation results in biodiversity loss and extinction

Pravda News, 2005 (The Spraying of Coca Plant Killers Threats Regional Rich Biodiversity, September 28)


“The US backed fight…….live in this world.”

PLAN TEXT: The United States federal government, specifically congress, should increase the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces by requiring that all private military contractors be members of the United States Armed Forces in order to receive or maintain federal contracts. Contractors will be offered membership in the Armed Forces.

Enforcement through normal means.


Lesser reforms aren’t enough, incorporation into the armed forces is the only way to insure solvency.

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the honorable Guido Calabresi, US court f appeals for the second circuit Fall 2004, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. Lexis

“Given my analysis……would be greatly reduced.”

Civilian Measures can’t solve – PMCs need to be folded in to all military regulations to ensure effective regulation

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the honorable Guido Calabresi, US court f appeals for the second circuit Fall 2004, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. Lexis

“The next step……U.S. military personnel.”

Uniform Code of Military Justice Solves Rights Abuses

Nils Roseman, Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 17:273-287, 2005 “Privatized War and Corporate Impunity”

“Because the coalition……..any singular contact”

PMC’s allow the executive to avoid congressional oversight - Article 1 authority applies to the armed forces

Jon D. Michaels, Law Clerk to the honorable Guido Calabresi, US court f appeals for the second circuit Fall 2004, Washington University Law Quarterly, p. Lexis

“First, pursuant to the………further in Part III.”

Spanish River KD Affirmative

Observation 1: Inherency

1. Medical Peace Corps Does not exist.

Institute of Medicines 2005

2. Peace Corps desperately needs more money to increase qualified recruits

McCarthy 4/21/05

Plan Text: The United States Peace Corps should establish a policy offering awards of $35,000 annually as well as a scholastic loan and a loan repayment program that would provide $25,000 for each completed year of service in the program for trained medical professionals to serve in the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps will allocate funding from Congress for a substantial number of trained medical professionals to join the program.

Observation 2: Polito-Biopolitics

1. There is a major shortage of doctors worldwide committed to fighting infectious diseases

CBS News 4/7/2006

2. AIDS is everyone’s problem. The dichotomy of pure and infected must be destroyed

Crimp 2002

3. AIDS tortures. It attacks the very drive to exist to reproduce and to assure continuance of our species.

Mathiu 2000 – 7/15 Mutama, Africa News, Lexis

4. Stigma against AIDS reinforces social norms that are used to destroy anyone different, allowing for total annihilation.

Taylor 2001

5. AIDS outweighs their disads, it is worse than nuclear war

Cunningham 2003

6. Only this specific securitization of AIDS can bread down the structures of domination which prevent treatments-by using political opportunities we can fight AIDS marginalizing on a larger scale

Elbe 2006

Observation 3: Poverty

1. There will be highly trained specialists

Chirnoff 2006

2. Peace Corps is the only possible institute

Observation 4: Solvency

1. This is the most important step to stopping widespread diseases in the world

Structural Violence 2005

2. People will fill into the Peace Corps if the plan is passed

…. …

3. The Peace Corps will go a long way to eliminate the diseases

4. The Peace Corps is not a tool of empirical US

Smith ‘86

5. Peace Corps spreads understanding between cultures with its works

6. Disad arguments destroy the rights of individuals, the right to health care, etc.

7. Masses will survive a Nuclear War the death toll will be comparatively small

Stratford Academy KC Affirmative

























































DEVOLVING THE ETHIC OF… ethic of service.












St. Stephen’s Episcop VP Affirmative

Contention 1:

US military readiness is in the can – 2/3 of units are reporting as unready and the quality of recruits is declining rapidly.

People’s daily news online 8/23/06 (pentagon admits weakened military readiness; accessed 8/24

“in early August, Us Defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld…”





Adv: readiness

Repeal of DADT increases recruitment by 41k

Steve Ralls, servicemembers legal defense network, may 2006

May 24, military discharges two service members per day for being gay, despite on-going war and recruiting and retention woes

“new data obtained by servicemembers legal defense network..”

DADT is catastrophic for military readiness – 5 reasons

First, recruitment – the military faces a critical readiness crisis because recruitment and reenlistment are collapsing. DADT is a primary cause

Steve Ralls, servicemembers legal defense network, may 2006

May 24, military discharges two service members per day for being gay, despite on-going war and recruiting and retention woes

“despite a new report of “a catastrophic decline” in recruiting…”

Second is stop loss, recruiting and retention shortfalls caused by DADT, combined with the immense demands of Iraq and Afghanistan necessitate a “stop-loss” program – this “back door draft indefinitely and involuntarily extends the commitments of critical mission personnel, undermining readiness, morale, unit cohesion, and causing severe overstretch

Frank in 04 (Nathaniel Frank, senior research fellow at the center for the study of sexual minorities in the military, Washington post, july 2004)

“in a move some are calling a “backdoor draft”..”

Third is recruiting quality

Subpoint a is

Dadt causes significantly lower recruiting standards for the Armed Forces, along with the dismissal of well-trained soldiers already in service

Osborn in 06 (c. Dixon, exec. Director of the Servicemember’s legal Defense Network, the Augusta Chronicle (Georgia) February 28, 2006 p Lexis)

“a shortage of troops and money should make the Pentagon overturn its…”

And Subpoint b is

Smarter soldiers shoot straighter – declining aptitude has a direct effect on force competence and mission performance

Fred, Kaplan, Slate Magazine, 1/9/06, lexis

“Three moths ago, I wrote that the war in Iraq was wrecking…”

The fourth internal link is medical personnel – DADT causes a uniquely burdensome discharge of qualified medics and doctors, hampering military readiness

Center for the study of Sexual minorities in the military, 2006 (1/23, 2006, )

“A university of California research center released data today…”

the 5th:


Boston Globe, 2/24/05

(bryan Bender, “Gays’ ouster seen leaving gap in military,”

“More than 300 foreign language specialists considered critical in the war on terrorism…”

A loss of military readiness immediately impacts the U.S. ability to protect and influence the globe. Combat effectiveness is the most important signal of the US strength.

Spencer, policy analyst for Defense and National security at the Heritage foundation, 9/15/00

(Jack, “the facts about military readiness,” Readiness, “Backgrounder #1394, )

military readiness is vital because declines in America’s…”

Sustained U.S. Global leadership is critical to deter conflict and prevent nuclear war.

Khalilzhad, state department official under regan, 1995

(Zalmay, Washington quarterly, Spring, L/n)

Under the third option, the United States would seek to retain global leadership…”

Collapse of US hegemony will result in an apolar world culminating in a new dark age and nuclear war

Niall Ferguson, professor at NYU, 2004

(“When empire Wane”, )

“Yet universal claims were an intergral part of the rhetoric…”

US hegemony is key to preventing a Russian imperial resurgance. The last 15 years of democratization were nothing but a ruse – the soviet union is alive and well. Multiple reliable sources confirm that the impolosions of the USSR was nothing but a well planned ruse. The current democratic Regime is nothing but a façade for the further buildup of a nuclear stockpile large enough to decisively destroy the United States. The Reds want nothing more than a chance to launch—absent plan, they will a collapse of Hegemony will provide the ultimate orrortunity for the newly resurgent soviet bear to launch the decisive strike they have been planning for during the last 15 years

NYQUIST 2005, (JR; Researcher, Authort, commentator; ‘fighting global conquest’

“men are fools and sometimes they are insane…”

Leadership is key to prevent oil shocks and war in the middle east

Khalizad, 1995

(“losing the moment? The united states and the world after the cold war”, Washington quarterly, spring, lexis) Fields

“in the Persian gulf, US withdrawl is likely to lead to an…”

this conflageration goes nuclear and global

Steinbach, march 2002

(john, nuclear specialist, center for research on globalization

“as Israeli society becomes more and more polarized, the influence...”

And every study conducted goes aff. Allowing sexual minorities to serve dfoes not hurt readiness, cohesion, morale, or spread diseases. International armies prove our argument.

Belkin, assistant professor of political science and director of the center for the study of sexual minorities in the military at the university of California at Santa Barbra, 2003

(aaron, “don’t ask don’t tell, is the gay ban based on military necessirty?” parameters, summer, p 110-111)

“not a single one of the 104 experts interviewed believed that the…”

Observation 2: solvency

The military will follow through and implement the directive because of the strict culture of discipline lower officers will obey orders from above.

Sarbin, PHD Senior editor of Citizen espionage: studies in trust and betrayel, 1996 (Theodore R out in force; Sexual orientation in the military, the deconstruction of stereotypes: homosexuals and military policy)

“the organization and traditions of the military make possible…”

ending the military ban would allow victims of violence to report the abuse without fear of reprisal or witch-hunt. This provides a deterrent effect to future violence

belkin, associated professor or political science at the university of California at santa Barbara, 2005 (Dr. Aaron, “don’t ask don’t tell” will decrease anti-gay violence

The experience of Israel proves that there will be no social backlash from the right, and this is the most accurate analogy.

Even-Zohar, director of the campus division of the Israel center in San Francisco, 2003

(Avner, Don’t ask, Don’t tell: debating the ban on gays in the military, ed. AARON BELKIN)

“Why should the United states do what other countries do…”

Valley GH Affirmative

Science is the question standing of one’s ground in the midst of the constantly self-concealing totality of what is

Heidegger 1933 (Martin Heidegger and National Socialism, New York: Paragon House, 1990, pp.5-13)

In 1933, standing at the precipice of Third Reich ascension to power, Martin Heidegger, then rector of the German University delivered what appeared a calling toward national service, a calling to reformulate the university into an institution with a “high calling” premised in the ideals of Nazism. “The Self-Assertion of the German University” presented a hail toward resolutely binding students and faculty to the three tenants of national service: Labor, Military, and Spiritual service. The ideal of the new Germany was to be discovered in the motives of a university reborn of National Service.

However, Heidegger’s assertion of the university and its warring factions becomes a means toward rejecting Nazi politicization and dominance of individual agency and the pursuit of dissonance. As framed through the history of Western thought and human science, Heidegger’s call to service necessitates a knowledge ontohistory, an act of reflexive solidarity towards to totalizing call of a new nation.

To this end, self-assertion answers the hail of national service, Heidegger’s resolute commitment to lead the university towards a new ethic of service entrenches a necessary challenge towards to legitimacy of power, the nation, the identity

Thomson 2003 [“Heidegger and the Politics of the University,” Journal of the History of Philosophy, vol.41, no.4 (2003) pg.515-542]

Thus we resolutely submit to this distant command:

Resolved: The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs: Americorps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps, Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America, Armed Forces

First, every discourse has become a ceremony of subjectivity- a means to deny all acts and words of difference space for dissonance within linguistic events. We cannot stand by acts of “true” discourse without undercutting the premise of agency and criticism

Bernauer 1990 (Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics for Thought; Humanities Press International, pg. 92-93)

Second, we can affirm only as we can- the rhetoric we utilize to approach and respond to the hail of national service is affirmative at its best

Dauber 2001 [“The Shots ‘Round the World: The Impact of the Images of Mogadishu on American Military Operations,” Rhetoric and Public Affairs 4.4 (2001) 653-687]

Now, our ontohistorical conception of national service:

The present conception of national service embodies an empty patriotic fervor towards social mass mobilization- a pursuit of subjectivity at the hands of citizenship to the nation

Guha 2005 (“Can Good Works Build the Good Society? A Critique of the Ideals of Citizenship Underlying the Idea of National Service,” Journal of Development and Social Transformation)

The unconditional framework of active citizen in service to the nation reifies disciplinary regimes of governance- the activity of service becomes the division between productive servants to the nation

Warburton and Smith 2003 (“Out of the Generosity of Your Heart: Are We Creating Active Citizens through Compulsory Volunteer Programmes for Young People in Australia?,” Social Policy and Administration, Vol.37, No.7, December 2003)

This elevation of action to determination of production vs. unproductive citizens parallels a recreation of a nation and force of governance towards which we must remain perpetually thankful- responding to the resolutional hall of national service in a manner devoid of personal reflexivity within the round perpetuated the tradition of service as unconditional submission

Bamyeh 2000, (The Ends of Globalization, University of Minnesota Press, pg.50-51)

Renewing and uncontested call to governance and citizenship without agency replicates inevitable violence- population management becomes the logical endpoint of history and extinction becomes inevitable

Bernauer 1990 (Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics for Thought; Humanities Press International, pg. 140-142)

Only through the resolute binding to and rhetorical contestation of national service does reformation of service, the situation of education, and the act of historical binding become possible

Thomson 2001 (“Heidegger on Ontological Education, or How We Become What We Are,” Inquiry, 44, 243-68)

Dissonant thought must be considered a thinking for politics- the essence of national service, agency, and political functioning all rest within the society contest and create for ourselves

Bernauer 1990 (Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics for Thought; Humanities Press International, pg. 118-120)

Our ontohistorical conceptualization of national service is an essential act of freedom from ontological framing- the means by which students experience dominance now becomes an act of contention and disruption

Thomson 2001 (“Heidegger on Ontological Education, or How We Become What We Are,” Inquiry, 44, 243-68)

Valley HS Affirmative

1AC- Valley

Really huge Heidegger card with no tag

Martin Heidegger 1933 “The self-assertion of the German University,” From Gunther Neske and Emily Kettering (editors) Martin Heidegger and National Socialism, New York, Paragon House, 1990, p 5-13

“Science is the questioning standing…to come to genuine self-administration.”

In 1933, standing at the precipice of Third Reich ascension to power, Martin Heidegger, then rector of the German University delivered what appeared a calling toward national service, a calling to reformulate the university into an institution with a “high calling” premised in the ideals of Nazism. “The Self-Assertion of the German University” presented a hail toward resolutely binding students and faculty to three tenants of national service; Labor, Military, and Spiritual service. The ideal of a new Germany was to be discovered in the motives of a university reborn of National Socialism.

However, Heidegger’s assertion of the university and its warring factions becomes a means towards rejecting Nazi politicization and domination of individual agency of individual agency and the pursuit of dissonance. As framed through the history of Western thought and human science, Heidegger’s call to service necessitates a knowledge ontohistory, an act of reflexive solidarity towards to totalizing call of a new nation.

To end, self-assertion answers the hail of national service, Heidegger’s resolute commitment to lead the university towards a new ethic entrenches a necessary challenge towards to legitimacy of power, the nation, and identity.

Iain Thomson 2003 “Heidegger and the Politics of the University,” Journal of the history of Philosophy, vol 41, no. 4 p. 515-542

“For if one examines “The Self-Assertion of the German University”… and Heidegger will lead the university.”

Thus, we resolutely submit to this distant command:

Resolved: The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs: AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps, Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America, Armed Forces.

First, every discourse has become a ceremony of subjectivity- a means to deny all acts and words of difference space for dissonance within linguistic events. We cannot stand by acts of “true” discourse without undercutting the premise of agency and criticism.

James W. Bernaur 1990, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethic for Thought; Humanities Press International, pg. 92-93

“Since his studies of literature … such as the history of ideas.”

Second, we can affirm only as we can- the rhetoric we utilize to approach and respond tho the hail of national service is affirmation at its best.

Cori E. Dauber 2001, “The Shots Seen ‘Round the World: The Impact of the Images of Mogadishu on American Military Operations” Rhetoric and Public Affairs p. 653-687

Now, our ontohistorical conception of national service:

The present conception of national service embodies an empty patriotic fervor towards social mass mobilization- a pursuit of subjectivity at the hands of citizenship to the nation.

Sourav Guha 2005 “Can Good Works Build the Good Society? A critique of the Ideals of Citizenship Underlying the Idea of National Service” Journal of Development and Social Transformation

“The benign intent of individual commitment…concepts operationalized in their own research”

The unconditional framework of active citizen in service to the nation refies disciplinary regimes of governance- the activity of service becomes the division between productive and unproductive servants to the nation.

Jeni Warburton and Jennifer Smith 2003, Out of the Genorsity of Your Heart: Are We Creating Active Citizens through Compulsory Volunteer Programmes for Young People in Australia?, Social Policy and Administration, Vol. 37, No. 7

“The notion of citizenship and defining … fewer problem behaviours actively actively volunteer.”

This elevation of action determination of productive vs. unproductive citizens parallels a recreation of a nation and force governance towards which we must remain perpetually thankful-responding to the resolutional hail of national service in a service as unconditional submission.

Mohammed A. Bamyeh 2000, The Ends of Globalization, University of Minnesota Press, pg. 50-51

“Domestic political culture frequently offers … count on any resulting confusion.”

Renewing an uncontested call to governance and citizenship without agency replicates inevitable violence- population management becomes the logical endpoint of history and extinction becomes inevitable.

James W. Bernaur 1990, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethic for Thought; Humanities Press International, pg. 140-142

“It is within the field created … as blinding the faculty of thought.”

Only through the resolute binding to and rhetorical contestation of national service does reformation of service the of national service does reformation of service, the situation of education, and the act of historical binding become possible.

Iaian Thomson 2001, Heidegger on Ontological Education, or: How we become who we are” Inquiry, pp. 243-263

“Heidegger sought to deconstruct education … beyond our contemporary educational crisis.”

Dissonant though must be considered a thinking for politics- essence of national service, agency, and political functioning all rest within the society we contest and create for ourselves.

James W. Bernaur 1990, Michel Foucault’s Force of Flight: Toward an Ethic for Thought; Humanities Press International, pg. 118-120

“Foucault has situated thought within … essential to Foucault’s form of critique.”

Our ontohistorical conceptualization of national service is an essential act of freedom from ontological framing the means by which students experience dominance now becomes an act of contention and disruption.

Iaian Thomson 2001, Heidegger on Ontological Education, or: How we become who we are” Inquiry, pp. 243-268

“When students’ ontological education begins … ontologically-reductive terms of enframing.”

Westlake MJ Affirmative

What is the meaning of the death of God? Perhaps we can answer this question with a preliminary one: what does it mean for God to be alive? For Nietzsche God is a metaphor for identity, for stability, for predictability and for rationality. If the world is constructed according to a divine plan, be it that of God or reason, we are presented with a world of subjects wandering a world of extensive space populated by externally differentiated, self-same objects. This world is intelligible and rational and can be re-presented in the mind of the subject via concepts that act as bridges. God, in short, is an image of thought that posits a pre-existent world that merely must be discovered. A divine rationalism of sorts. To say that God is dead then means that the world respects no boundaries, that the trinity of subject, object and concept must be rethought. One might call it a new empiricism that understands the world as a pure flux of matter-energy, a chaos that cannot be thought. The purpose of concepts, in this schema, is to give consistency to chaos. In short, to produce, to create and above all to affirm existence.

Colebrook 2005 [Gilles Deleuze Pg. 13-15]

“Deleuze was…of functions.”

Debate has its own God in the form of the resolution. To understand the resolution as pre-existent, as a concept that possess a depth of meaning, is to buy into an image of thought that requires divinity. This dogmatic image of thought is fundamentally parasitic and dogmatic in that it makes the world conform to its divine Oneness. Ressentiment is defined as a hatred of all that does not stay in its place, of all that strays from the conceptual boundaries produced by this dogmatic image of thought. And the object of ressentiment? Error. But error, in fact, is nothing but creativity, thought set in motion. In short, this dogmatic image of thought has as its goal the silencing of all ways of thinking that do not conform to the demands of safe truth. Its purpose is fundamentally fascistic in that it erects a mini-State in the head of each and every thinker. Let us never forget: the fascism of Nazi Germany did not begin with the SS kicking in doors, but in the minds of the good volk. It is the desire to be led, be it by a strong leader or a strong truth, that produces the worst forms of violence imaginable: from the fascism of Hitler and Mousolini to petty bitterness of everyday life.

Deleuze & Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus (1980. p214-5.)

“Doubtless, fascism…personal and collective”

This has staggering implications for debate – the old image of thought is fundamentally legislative, it presents the world as ours to order and master. We are the holders of Truth, we debate over Truth and once we discover Truth the world is ours. This disconnects us from the world of which we speak and produces a violent and sadistic relationship to the world that denies ethics.

Makau 1996 (Josina M., Western Michigan University, Hampton Press, Inc. Responsible Communication, Argumentation Instruction in the Face of Global Perils )

“Weisel’s critique…of debate”

PLANTEXT: We offer an altogether different image of thought. Deleuze and Guattari write that “Freud doesn’t like schizophrenics. He doesn’t like their resistance to being oedipalized, and tends to treat them more or less as animals. They mistake words for things, he says. They are apathetic, narcissistic, cut off from reality, incapable of achieving transference; they resemble philosophers—‘an undesirable resemblance.” We wish to schizophrenize thought, to make of it an affirmation of life that opens up new vistas of thought and experience rather than shuts them off at every turn in order to produce a more perfect herd. To affirm the resolution as an object that can be set in motion rather than interpreted and understood is to break the unholy bonds of the negative that have till now held sway over thought. As such, we stand resolved that

The United States federal government should establish a policy substantially increasing the number of persons serving in one or more of the following national service programs: AmeriCorps, Citizen Corps, Senior Corps, Peace Corps, Learn and Serve America, Armed Forces.

In short, we affirm the resolution as a concept. A concept need not be a brick in the courthouse of reason: it can be thrown through the window. Our battle is against the spirit of revenge, against all those that would accuse and make guilty those that celebrate the innocence of becoming and the joy of thought. Our battle is against the bigots of thought that demand safe limits and relevant expression. We no longer subjugate difference to identity, a concept is no longer a re-presentation of an object to a subject. Difference becomes primary. We replace the equation of identity (x=x=not y) with the equation of becoming (…+x+y+z+…). Subject and object, bonded by a reactive concept, are replaced with a pure flux of becoming, pure difference subjugated to nothing, and the pain of micro-fascist judgment is replaced by the joy of active creation.

Massumi 1987 [A Thousand Plateaus pg. Xi-Xiii]

“State Philosophy…Power builds walls”

2AC –

No Tag

Friedrich Nietzsche in The Gay Science (accessible online at thenietzscehchannel)

“For the New Year…yes-saver!”

Westminster SW Affirmative

The army is overstretched and is paying for temporary personnel increases through supplemental funding- this will break the army

Donnely 05

Congress just increased end strength by 30000

Inside the Army 06

This is a band-aid solution- high operational tempos are killing recruitment and retention. Only a 100,000 increases is enough to reduce them

Boot 05

High operational tempos will stop army recruiting, destroying American primacy and increasing the risk of global challengers

A weak military causes wars due to miscalculation

Feaver 03

A decline in US primacy causes a vacuum that leads to extinction

Ferguison 04

Economic collapse is inevitable- primacy is key to solve nuclear war

Mandlebaum 05

Economic dependence and nuclear weapons causes an escalation risk

Mandlebaum 05

No counterbalancing Lieber 05

PLAN- Congress should increase the permanent size of the army to 582,000 and provide budgetary support for the increase


Plan solves

Scholer 05

Increased end strength solves recruitment

Rumback 05

Increased end strength expands short term enlistment

Kurtz 03

The plan is a national call to serice- a signal to rebuild military

Oltanlon 04

Increased end strength increases morale

Reed and Hogel 04

Signal increases deterrence

Kagan 2K

Increased recruitment quotas- perception of national resolve

Editorial board of NYT 05

Congress call to service increases enlistments and recruitment quality

Magee and Nider 02

Westminster AA Affirmative

Plan Text: Congress will increase the military size to 582,000 and provide budgetary support

Obs. 1 need for American primacy

A. the amry is overstreched b/c of supplemental funding and the amry will break b/c of this

Donelly in 2006 the military we need: the defense for bush doctrine p 81 -84

B. congress increased army end strength by 30k

inside the army in 2006 7/31 “defense department come to terms with the increased size of the military”

C. this is only a band-aid solution, and many soldiers from recruitment are lost an increase of 100k will be needed

Boot in 2005 “struggle for the military we need” volume 84

D. high operational tempos will collapse army recruiting, destroying American primacy and increasing the risk of global challenges

perry and flourney in 2006 “the us military undr strain and at reisk” national defense may

E. we have a weak military due to miscalculations through war

feaver in 2003 armed forces: agency, oversight, and civil military relations p.213

F. collapse of American primacy lead to multiple scenarios for nuclear war

ferguson in 2004 “a word without power” foreign policy 143 p.32-39

G. American primacy is key to economic stability

Mandlebaum in 2005 the case for goliath: how America acts as the world’s government in the 21st century p.93

H. an economic collapse will happen and American primacy is necessary to decreasing the severity

mandlebaum in 2005 the case forgoliath… p. 192-195

I. economic interdependence and nuclear weapons add up to risks worse than after the depression

mandlebaum in 2005 the case…p. 224

J. there will be cooperating among asia, the eu and the middle east

lieber in 2005 american era: power and strategy for the 21st century

Westwood HH Affirmative

Observation 2: solvency

A. military experts agree, the amount specified in the plan will be sufficient

Scholer in 2005 products/12 May

B. raising end strength will increase moral and boost recruitment numbers

rumback in 2005 tausher/press2005/07-13-05.htm

C. an increase in end strength will cause a expansion in the short term enlistment numbers

Kurtz in 2003 “it’s getting a little drafty: out armed forces need expansion. How to go about it?” 4/21

D. our plan will result in a national call to service for the armed forces which is better than restructuring the military


E. increasing end strength will result in an immeadiate boost in moral and short term enlistment


F. plan will increase deterrence by establishing the means by which the military could be used

Kagan 2000 present dangers: crisis and opportunity in America foreign and defense policy p.337-339

G. increase recruitment will lead to national involvement

New York Times in 2005 “ the army we need” January 2 Lexis-Nexis

H. a call to serve by congress will increase short term enlistment

Magee and Nider in 2002 “ soldiers and war on terror” documents

I. short term enlistments will increase perception of US resolve

Moskos in 2001 “ what ails the all volunteer force: and institutional perspective”

Patton sure got one thing right-we love war. The concept of war has been so ingrained into us that it is now a normal event. Everything we see is seen in terms of war: war on drugs, war on poverty, war on crime. Populations have been placed on constant high alert making war inevitable. As we forget the carnage of war, it inevitably returns. This mindset makes any action to stop war terminally unsuccessful- understanding our love of war is a prerequisite to any movement or action to prevent war.

Hillman, Internationally renowned psychologist, has taught at Yale, Syracuse, and U of C, 2004 [James, A terrible love of war, p. 17-22]


Just imagine what this love of war has done to us… the US is overstretched but there is still political impetus to going to war, a substantial increase in the number of persons serving in the USAF would be used in a military invasion of Iran

Schrody, professor of political science @ U of K, 2004 [Phillip, “US defense Policy” fall, lexis]


This love is not simply confined to the US, it stretches worldwide- perception of US increase in force size will trigger miscalculations by China and massive arms races and global war

Glaser, Prof in the Irving B. Harris Graduate School of Public Policy Studies @ U of Chicago, 2004 [Charles L., “Why are Arms Races Dangerous?”, International Security]


These scenarios are not simply the result of bureaucratic military policies- they are the result of a global obsession with war. The task of our times is not simply to create more policies that will ultimately be ineffective in preventing war, it is rather to understand the reasons we go to war, not simply the reasons for policy failure, but the reasons we love war. Status quo policies are wrought with attempts to avoid war, but that has led us nowhere. Maybe instead of running from our love of war we meet it head-on; maybe the cure is to walk into these eared scenarios…

Thus the plan: The USFG should substantially increase the number of persons serving in the Armed Forces


Understanding our love of war requires a trip through the imagination. Imagining ourselves at war is the only way to understand our motivations for it. Antiwar movements, disarmament efforts and preventative measures will all fall drastically short until we understand the pull of war. We must “go to war:” not for a peace to come, or for economic gains, but for the sake of war itself. We now go to war to revel in the carnage so we may finally understand the motivations for it.

Hillman, Internationally renowned psychologist, has taught at Yale, Syracuse, and U of C, 2004 [James, A terrible love of war, p. 1-10]


Imagination is key- only through imagination can we understand the inhumanity of war.

Hillman, Internationally renowned psychologist, has taught at Yale, Syracuse, and U of C, 2004 [James, A terrible love of war, p. 70-72]


Tricks: This is a new aff; tricky f/w because they only defend their impacts in their realm of imagination which makes their impact turns non-unique!!

Westwood SM Affirmative

Observation 1 is Inherency

A. Military creates homosexual identity through DADT

Lehring in 2003 Temple University Press: Philidelphia p. 73-74

B. the military uses gays lesbians and straights as billboards of heterosexuality

Hanna in 2006 “Gay self-identification and the right to political legibility”

Observation 2

The military sets an example of what the “good” citizen as male, straight, or white through DADT .

Banning DADT will change the mind set b/c the military represents values of the “good” citizen

A. mil. Society spills into civilian society and hurts homosexuals

belkin in 2002

B. this binds gay behavior into sexual slavery

Richards in 1998 “Women gays and the constitution”

C. Gay women face problems b/c if they act effeminate to avoid being labeled lesbians, they conform to masculinity

Sanso-Levy in 2003 Sociology Inquiry volume 73

D. exposure to the banning of DADT helps deconstruct hierarchy

Peterson in 1999

E. Any act of violence by the self will be preferred to the acts of violence carried out by other

COMD in 2001

F. the Ultimate risk is a sexual apocalypse

xxxxxxxx 2003

Plan Text: the usfg will stop using gender orientation as a reason for expulsion from the military

Observation 3 is Solvency

A. we solve for dehumanization and the wrong way to view others. Our plan will transform how we view “who we are”

Mohr in 2005

B. questioning the state is necessary for social change

Lehring in 2003 temple University Press: Philadelphia

C. challenging the military is necessary for social change


D. Thosand of soldiers are excluded by DADT


E. DADT suppresses awareness which spreads disease risk, hurting readiness


F. banning DADT decreases risk of spreading disease

G. DADT undermines the US involvement coalition

Xxxxxx 2001

H.Calculated destruction of parts of the population will lead to the complete destruction through collective suicide

Santos in 2003


They no link spending DA by reading evidence and turns saying that DADT costs lots of money now

They read counter definitions on T demanding that all definitions be in the future participle because no case will happen in the pesent

Wichita East DP Affirmative

First, Bush has proposed increasing funding for Peace Corps but Congress has not – 20 countries are requesting volunteers

(The National Peace Corps Association, “Background Information on Increased Peace Corps Funding,” , 8-1-06)

Advantage One: Pobreza

Latin America has failed to eradicate extreme poverty or hunger

(Latin America News Digest, “Latin America Could Not Meet Poverty Reduction Goal of World Bank,” Data processing Information Architects, 3-20-06)

Poverty threatens regional stability and democratic institutions – reducing poverty in Latin America is possible

(Clay Lowery, Assistant Secretary of the Treasure for International Affairs, Federal News Service, “Working Together to Reduce Poverty in Latin America, 4-4-06)

Globalization is inevitable, however – the Peace Corps allows developing countries to confront the realities of globalization. Only the plan personalizes globalization and fosters the community spirit necessary to share its benefits.

(Mark Schneider, Director if the Peace Corps, Woodrow Wilson international Center for Scholars, “Globalization, Information Technology, and the Peace Corps in the 21st Century,” 6-7-2K)

Without the Peace Corps – resistance to globalization will lead to chronic poverty and economic depression; the impetus for crime, terrorism, and continued instability and unrest

(Mahfuz Chowdhury, Professor of Economics at C.W. Long Island University, The Financial Express, “Globalization Fueling Unrest,” , 8-31-06)

Instability due to civil unrest will lead to revolution

(Santo Domingo, “Fidel Castro Anticipates More Revolutions in Latin America,” Dominican Republic News, 9-16-06)

These revolutions will be violent, breeding the possibility of war

(David Baresh and Charles Webel, prof psych @ U Wisconsin, Seattle and PhD @ UC Berkley, 2002, Peace and Conflict Studies)

Advantage Two: Las Terroristas Del Sor

The US is only focusing exclusively on the Middle East, doing so results in 10 terrorist groups now operating out of Latin America and increasing state supported terror cells

(Stephen Johnson, Policy Analyst for Latin America in the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, The Heritage Foundation, "US Coalition Against Terrorism Should Include Latin America, ", 10-9-01)

Ignoring South America has lead to extremist cells tied to Hezbollah, Islamic jihad, and Al-Qaida taking firm hold in Latin America - they will infiltrate the US through the Mexican border

(Joseph Faraf, Editor and CEO pf WorldNewDaily, World Net Daily, "Islam on March South of Border," , 6-7-05)

Additionally, with tensions in the middle east, groups like Hezbollah are positioning to attack the US - patterns of activities on the border are increasing and they will come in from Latin America

(Shaun Waterman, UOI Homeland National Security Editor, United Press International, "Analysis: Hezbollah Threat at the Border," , 8-3-06)

Al Qaida and Hezbollah will work together in South America to attack the US - they are preparing an attack

(Jeffery Fields, Research Associate for the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Nuclear Threat Initiative, "Islamist Terrorist Threat in the Tri-Border Region," , October 2002)

And, Al-Qaeda will engage in biological warfare to attack - we must expand out networking to include international agencies

(Pearl Forss, Staff writer, Channel NewsAsia, "Interpol Says Al-Qaeda Preparing to Engage in Biological Warfare," http: //stories/singaporelocalnews/view/200123/1/html. 3-27-06)

Bioterrorist attacks are likely in the future; the weapons are easily obtained and will kill thousands

(James Jay Carafano, PhD. Backgrounder #1705, 11-13-03)

And, bioterror means extinction - this is comparatively worse than any nuclear war

(Richard Ochs, Retired Writer for Baltimore Sun/ Baltimore Chronicle, 6-9-02, Biological Weapons Must be Abolished Immediately, , date accessed 7-20-05)

And, great power wars won't happen -because of deterrence, international sovereignty, economic interdependence

(The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, 2002, "The Warning of Major War," Spring, )


The US must have a positive agenda in the western hemisphere - we must address issues like poverty to increase diplomatic engagement

(David L. Goldwyn, President of Goldwyn International Strategies, Committee on Senate Foreign Relations, "Energy Security in Latin America," CQ Congressional Testimony, 6-22-06)

And the Peace Corps plays a major role in Latin America economics - working within local groups

(Business America, "The Peace Corps: creating opportunities through business," 1997)

The peace corps uses person-to-person assistance to solve community problems. That uniquely alleviates poverty where others attempts fail

(Meridan Bennett, former Peace Corps country director in Cyprus and evaluator for the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Nepal, and Pakistan, Peace Corps Writers, 2K, )

Moreover, the peace corps is key to reducing anti-Americanism in South America

(The Miami Herald, January 23, 2005, "Senator Bill Nelson Says expand the peace corps in South America," )

And, the peace corps is the only force in history that can dispel the reign of hatred and resentment against the united states

(N.J. Slabbert, Research Scholar on Technology and Economic Innovation for the government of Maryland, The Harvard International Review, "The Technologies of Peace," , 2k6)

An increase in Peace Corps is key to solve for terrorism

(Christopher J. Dodd, US Senator from Connecticut and former Peace Corps volunteers, Director of Peace Corps, Peace Corps and Narcotics Affairs of the Committee on Foreign Relations United States Senate, The Peace Corps, June 25, 2002, )

Wichita Northwest BC Affirmative

Observation 1: Inherency

A. The defense authorization act did not overturn the combat exclusion.

a. Urias ’04. (Arnulfo, J.D. Candidate @ the USC Law School 2005, NOTE: THE POLITICS OF BIOLOBY AND THE EXCLUSION OF WOMEN FROM COMBAT, Southern California Review of Law and Women’s Studies, Fall, 14 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women’s Stud. 83, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. In 1993…the exclusion policy endures

B. All the reasons for combat exclusion are unfounded and wrong.

a. Lezkay ’03. (Blythe, Law clerk for the Honorable Ronald S.W. Lew, B.A. USC 1996, Feminism On the Font Lines, Hasting’s Women’s Law Journal, 14 Hastings Women’s LJ. 133, Summer, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. Many reason have…for segregation and exclusion

Plan Plank 1: Mandates


Plan Plank 2: Logistics

A. all speeches will serve as legislative and judicial intent

B. The affirmative reserves the right to clarification

C. The affirmative reserves the right to fiat

Observation 2: Scenarios

Scenario 1: Patriarchy

A. Combat exclusion is meant to demean women and makes them slaves to patriarchal domination.

a. Vojdik ’05. (Valorie ., Associate Professor of Law, West Virginia University College of Law, Winter, Alabama Law Review, 57 Ala. Rev. 303, p. 341)

b. Through a range…spheres within the military

B. Patriarchal domination is the root cause of all forms of domination: systematic dehumanization, famine, ecological devastation and nuclear warfare are all inevitable in a world of patriarchy.

a. Hooks ’89. (Bell, Professor of English at City College in New York, Talking Back: Thinking Feminists-Thinking Black, p. 19-20)

b. We live in a world…other forms of domination

C. Overturning combat exclusion is a direct challenge to subordination of women in society.

a. Leszkay, 03. (Blythe, Law clerk for the Honorable Ronald S.W. Lew, B.A. USC 1996, Feminism On the Font Lines, Hasting’s Women’s Law Journal, 14 Hastings Women’s LJ. 133, Summer, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. The idea of the military…deference to legislative decisions

Scenario 2: Domestic Violence

A. The combat exclusions are a major contributor to pervasive sexual violence against female service members.

a. Solar ’04. (Erin, former Army Reserve officer, Seattle Post Intelligencer, April 4, 2004, )

b. The effects of the ground…to encourage predators

B. Women who suffer sexual harassment and violence in the military suffer long-term harms.

a. Sadler ’00. (Anne G., RN, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, 200, Obstetrics, & Gynecology, Volume 96: 473-480, , p. 478)

b. The high degreed…in the military workplace

C. Ending combat exclusion allows freedom form sexual harassment.

a. Leszkey ’03. (Blythe, Law clerk for the Honorable Ronald S.W. Lew, B.A. USC 1996, Feminism On the Font Lines, Hasting’s Women’s Law Journal, 14 Hastings Women’s LJ. 133, Summer, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. Exclusion or acceptance…they are entitled to.

Scenario 3: Military Readiness

A. The army is stretched to the breaking point.

a. Associated Press ’06. (Januarty 24, 2006, )

b. Stretched by frequent…CNN last month

B. Sexual harassment in the military significantly impacts recruitment.

a. Nelson, 02. (Terri Spahr, Psychotherapist, 2002, For Love of Country: confronting rape and sexual harassment in the US military, p. 192-3)

b. Retention is an issue…harassed while in the military

C. Integrating women increases retention and quality of troops.

a. Leszkey ’03 (Blythe, Law clerk for the Honorable Ronals S.W. Lew, B.A. USC 1996, Feminism On the Font Lines, Hasting’s Women’s Law Journal, 14 Hastings Women’s LJ. 133, Summer, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. The wholesale exclusion of women…but the request was denied

D. Empirical prove shows that integrating women allows an increase in the members of the armed forces.

a. Urias ’04 (Arnulfo, J.D. Candidate @ the USC Law School 2005, NOTE: THE POLITICS OF BIOLOBY AND THE EXCLUSION OF WOMEN FROM COMBAT, Souther California Review of Law and Women’s Studies, Fall, 14 S. Cal. Rev. L. & Women’s Stud. 83, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. The integration of combat troops…for combat roles

Scenario 4: Career Advancement

A. Army maintains exclusion of women from ground combat—limits women’s career advancement opportunities.

a. Field & Nagl ’01 (Kim and John, Army Majors, 2001, Combat Roles for Women: A Modest Proposal, Parameters, Summer, pp. 74—88,

b. To comply with that law…to the defense mission

B. Court are the proper actor to end the military’s exclusion of women.

a. Leszkey ’03 (Blythe, Law clerk for the Honorable Ronald S.W. Lew, B.A. USC 1996, Feminism On the Font Lines, Hasting’s Women’s Law Journal, 14 Hastings Women’s LJ. 133, Summer, accessed online June 9, 2006, L/N)

b. When the courts profess incompetence…prevailed for half a century

Scenario 5: Militarism

A. The masculine military fuels militarism.

a. Prugl ’02 (Prof. Intl. Relations at Florida Intl. University, PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS p. 336)

b. Rape becomes…militarism more broadly

B. Militarism assures extinction; valuing diversity is the only way out.

a. Dr. Pollard ’03 (Marquette University cb EM, Online, Acc 6-29-05, , Choose Between Cooperation and Annihilation: A Mental Mapping Project Towards a more Generously Directed Altruism-Irina Pollard, Ph.D. Dept. Biological Sciences, Macquarie University, Sydney 2109 Australia Email:, Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 13, 2003, 44-48)

b. The hostile actions of war…provides national stability

Winston Churchill OM Affirmative

Contention one: Operation Tips

Operation tips is the formal manifestation of the other cove spying programs introduced by bush and the cut in the 2002 homeland security act operation tips served as spectacle of homeland security ideology- tips was scaled back as a result of protest and fire from rights groups but the same system is being carried out by other means

This facet is indicative of a repainting of the American patriot – tips represents one of the most egregious rights violations, lighting a fire under civil activist allowing formal intellectual criticism to be a manifest in the academic left- this is one of the most important programs to be passed in this era of suspicion and security

Hentoff, December 13, 2002


When homeland security act….. but we as citizens have power to do

Ideology flows through everything that we experience at the political and individual level – homeland security is no different the Bush admin used things like coop tips to cement and focus the ideology even at the level of words themselves but we must not focus on the words used, but also on who uses them and war they are used for operation yips has been utilitized to generate a doctrine of coordinates aimed at a total information and fear

Annet d. Beresford, cgi/viewcontent.cgi?=article=1042&context=jhsem 2004

He proposed……..pre 9/11 security

Ideology is used to create a counter fantasy to be destroyed political and ideological symbols are used not for political purposes but for a specific fantasy

Annet d. Beresford, cgi/viewcontent.cgi?=article=1042&context=jhsem 2004

“Harris analysis of the 9/11……the phenomenon of terrorism.

Contention 2: Bush deploys human rights a s a justification for intervention the post September 11 world revolves around protection of the nation to maintain a liberal democratic political philosophy with the focus on homeland security and human rights this is an ideal place to begin out critsim or risk continual intervention continual action within the coordinates of the current ethical era will maintain a system of domination based around the prevention of a holocaust and maintain of rights by any means necessary

Paul treanor, archives/27a/090.html , 2003

For a century… protect them.

Intervention and was in the name of human rights would kill 10 million people easily, putting many more lives at stake over a struggle manifest in the current bush admin ideology of violent self maintained we must criticize and justification of submit to a global interventionism

Paul treanor,

Web.inter.users/ paul.treanot/forget.html, 2006

Is any good….terminate the memory

TH united states federal government should reinstate operation tips.

Contention 3

TIPS is the best starting point – the idealioofy because of its covert nature and reliance

Ziek 03


Our over identification with rhetoric of control allows us to expose the conception being forced upon society and challenge understanding of fantasy of homeland security

Ziezk 97


Woodlands LM Affirmative

Contention 1. Inherency

The air force has declared its intent to weaponize space – the latest planning document includes plans for space weapons

Hitchens 2k4 (theresa, vice-president of the center for defense information, “national space policy: has the u.s. air force moved the goal posts” may 20, 2004 )

All of your disads are non-unique, the united states stated yesterday (10-18-06) its intent to weponize space

However – all efforts to maintain superiority in space are failing because the department of defense lacks qualified space professionals

Gao 2k3 (raymond j. Decker, director defense capabilities and management, the united states general accounting office (gao), “defense space activities – organizational changes initiated but further management actions needed”, april 2003)

Thus the plan:

The united states federal government, specifically the department of defense, should establish a long-term career path for space professionals (scientists, engineers, and operators) within the united states air force.

And creating a long term career path is critical to maintain a cadre of qualified space professionals

Gao 2k5 (jeff nelligan, managing director, the united states general accounting office (gao), “defense space activities: management guidance and performance measures needed to develop personnel” september 21, 2005)

And - the security of the united states is at stake – maintaining a cadre of space professionals is key to space superiority

Staats and abeyta 2k5 (raymond and derek, air force institute of technology, air and space power journal, december 5th, 2005)

Advantage one – leadership

Space superiority is key to united states hegemony

Park 2k5 (andrew, houston journal of international law, “incremental steps for achieving space security: the need for a new way of thinking to enhance the legal regime for space”, spring 2006)

Global nuclear war

Khalilizad 95 (zalmay, the washington quarterly, “losing the moment? The united states and the world after the cold war,” pg 84, spring 1995)

And - there is no alternative to american power – the collapse of us hegemony would result in economic stagnation, disease spread, and regional nucler wars across the globe

Ferguson 2k4 (niall, professor of history at nyu, foreign policy, july/august 2004)

And – your backlash arguments are false – the plan is perceived as an extension of the status quo and prevents an arms race in space

David 2k5 (leonard, senior space writer, space news, “weapons in space: dawn of a new era”, june 17th, 2005)

And – your backlash arguments are false – the plan is perceived as an extension of the status quo and prevents an arms race in space

David 2k5 (leonard, senior space writer, space news, “weapons in space: dawn of a new era”, june 17th, 2005)

Advantage two – china

Space dominance is zero sum – the plan is key to prevent china from developing anti satellite systems

David 2k3 (leonard, senior space staff writer, “pentagon report: china's space warfare tactics aimed at u.s. supremacy”, , august 1st, 2003)

And - china will use anti-satellite weapons to attack the united states

Wortzel 2k3 (larry, doctor, the heritage foundation, “china and the battlefield in space”, 2003)

Also - these systems will be used to invade taiwan

Chun 2000 (clayton, united states air force university, “shooting down a star: program 437, the u.s. nuclear asat system and present day copycat killers”, april, 2000)

And – china wont invade without space superiority

Sietzen 99 (frank, washington bureau chief of space news, “lack of space assets limits chinese military”, august 10th, 1999)

Global nuclear war

Straits times 2000 (“no one gains in war over taiwan”, june 25th, 2000)

Their turns are lies – space weaponization is necessary to protect satallites, preclude an arms race, and prevent conflict – the failure to act makes their impacts inevitable

Brooks 2k5 (peter, senior fellow at the heritage foundation, the heritage foundation, “militarizing space”, june 7th, 2005)

And – your counterplan does not solve our case

First – a spacecorps would kill leadership

Milsap and posey – no date ralph, president of advance strategies inc and d.b., senior analyist air force special operations command, “organizational operations for the future aerospace force,’)

Second –a treaty would kill leadership

Worden 2k6 (simon p. "high anxiety" bulletin of atomic scientists. March/april 2006)

Finally – the dod is key – internal oversight solves best

Bishop 2000 (william g. Bishop, president of the institute of internal auditors, " government auditing standards comment", june 30th, 2000)

And – realism is true and inevitable – under-estimating china is the greatest danger – it represents a real and legitimate threat to our security

Mearsheimer 2005 (john, professor of political science at u chicago, november 18, "the rise of china will not be peaceful at all" the australian)

And we solve your terminal impact – space superiority deters conflict and prevent nuclear war

Mclaughlin 2k2 (kevin, national defense fellow at csis, missile defenses: now what? Vol. 25, no. 3; pg. 177, “would space-based defenses improve security?” The washington quarterly, summer, lexis)

Woodward Academy BR Affirmative

Let’s not forget the words of Barbara Bush when she visited the Houston Astrodome many days after Hurricane Katrina.

“…And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this—this (she chuckles slightly) is working very well for them.”

Let them eat cake, right Mrs. Bush??

Observation One: Inherency

After Hurricane Katrina, a number of volunteer groups moved into the new area to help with disaster relief. Americorps sent in the national civilian community corps, which is specially trained for disaster relief. The national civilian community corps, which is specially trained for disaster relief. The National Civilian Community Corps is the lynchpin of the volunteer leadership in the Gulf Coast relief system. Now, the Bush administration is planning on eliminating this vital group.

Times-Picayune May 6, 2006

“So it comes as no surprise… service missions elsewhere, he said.”

To confront this situation, we offer the following plan:

The united states congress should provide the necessary resources to increase the number of persons serving in the national civilian community corps of americorps for all applicants who wish to serve in east new orleans and/or the lower ninth ward of new orleans.

Advantage One: Confronting the Ideology of Neoliberalism

The post-katrina gulf coast is at a crossroads. Two very divergent visions are emerging about how best to rebuild new orleans. One would continue the racist status quo and would be a de facto ethnic cleansing of the city. Another view would be learn from the lessons of katrina and to build a future that avoids devastation in future catastrophes. Unfortunately, ,right now the first option has the upper hand, as corporations soak up the rebuilding contracts

Ruether, Professor of Feminist Theology at the Graduate Theological Union, Summer 2006

(Rosemary Radford, Dialog: A Journal of Theology: “After Katrina: Poverty, Race and Environmental Degradation,” Vol. 45 No. 2)

“The plans for rebuilding New Orleans… degradation revealed by Katrina.”

Katrina is a lens to view many aspects of american society – it reveals the possible collapse of the cultural heart of new orleans, the continued presence of racism in our economic structure, and the demise of american foreign policy. The prevailing policies of neoliberalism and militarism threaten to close katrina’s opening without an opportunity to heal the fissures of race and class.

Zeleza, Professor of Economics at Penn State University, September 15, 2005

(Paul Tiyambe, The Black Commentator: “The Political Wrath of Hurricane Katrina,” 150/150_zeleza_katrina.html)

Our obligation to the people of new orleans is not rooted in their civil rights but rather in their rights as human beings. We have an obligation to give refuge to the excluded poor and colored of new orleans.

Scheper-Hughes, Anthropology Professor at UC Berkley, 2005

(Nancy, Anthropology Today: “Katrina: The Disaster and its Doubles,” December 2005, Vol 21 No 6)

“As Eric Kleinenberg demonstrated in his… to have so utterly failed them.”

The privileging of corporate power and neoliberalism paves the road to world war 3

Harvey, Professor of Anthropology at CUNY, 2005

(David, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, pg 188-98)

We should expand the size of americorps to accommodate everyone that desires to serve.

Magee, Fellow for Citizenship and National Service at the Progressive Policy Institute, 2002

(Marc, Progressive Policy Institute: “Congress and National Service: Benchmarks for Success,” May 22, )

Advantage Two: Advancing the Politics of The Common Good

The challenge of rebuilding katrina presents a unique opportunity for everyone in the united states to come together to act in the interests of the common good. Federal action is an essential component of this strategy.

Senator Warner, August 30, 2006

(Mark, US Senator of Virginia, , )

“The Gulf states cannot rebuild… holds new and more hopeful lessons for us all.”

Now is the time for a paradigm shift in american politics. Progressives must re-establish their ideological roots of advancing a politics of “the common good.” National service is at the heart of this agenda.

Tomasky, Editor of the American Prospect, May 2006

(Michael, The American Prospect, Volume 17, Number 6)

“The Democrats are feeling upbeat… within the Democratic Party.”

Advancing the uniting principle of the common good is a winning strategy for progressives. Abandoning this principles contributes to the ceding of the political sphere to the right over the last thirty years

Tomasky, Editor of the American Prospect, May 2006

(Michael, The American Prospect, Volume 17, Number 6)

“For all his important successes, Clinton’s… nascent sentiment that Democrats can tap into.”

The progressive left must work within the system to advance their agenda. The spectatorial politics of the radical left cedes the political sphere to the right wing.

Gitlin, Professor of Journalism and Sociology at the Columbia University, 2006

(Todd, The Intellectuals and the Flag)

“I have felt such moments of horrified recognition… the U.S. government.”


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