Semester: Spring 1998

“The book of the universe is written in the language of mathematics; without mathematics it is not possible to understand a word of it.” Galileo Galilei

Semester: Fall 2013 Course Number: Math 071 Course Title: Calculus for Business and Aviation Instructor: Leslie Foster Web page: Office: MH 312 Telephone: 924-5123 Email: (please include 71 in the subject line)

Office hours (tentative): T Th 11-12:30, 5:30-6:00, by appointment or (for questions related to the course) any time I’m not busy. If you want help online, please post questions about course material on Piazza sjsu/fall2013/math71. I will look at Piazza questions periodically and, as well, other students may answer your questions on Piazza.

Other Assistance: Tutors are at SJSU Peer Connections () and probably in MH221 (see notices on MH221 door). Also I encourage you to continue in your workshop section, Math 71W. The passing rate for calculus courses is about 10% higher for students taking a workshop class and GPA is almost half a grade higher.

Prerequisites: 1) pass the Algebra portion (18/32 points or higher) of the Calculus Placement Exam, or 2) pass Math 8 College Algebra with a grade of C- or higher, or 3) receive a score of 550 or higher on the SAT Math exam or a score of 23 or higher on the ACT Math exam, or 4) receive a score of 3 or higher on the Calculus AB Advanced Placement Exam. The next calculus placement exam is Friday 8/23 from 2-4pm. See . Corequisites: Math 71W (see ).

Final exams: Sec 7: Dec 12, 12:15-2:30; Sec 8: Dec 16, 2:45-5:00

Required Text: College Algebra and Calculus: An Applied Approach 2nd edition, by Larson and Hodgkins, Brooks/Cole, 2013. The bookstore has a paperback bundle that includes access to Webassign. If you have a copy of the text without Webassign you will need to purchase Webassign access separately. Webassign includes an online copy of the text. See for Chapter 16. Suggested Resource: visit for detailed solutions to the odd problems.

Calculators / Computers: I will expect all students to have a graphical calculator such as a TI 86 or TI 89. However I will design tests and quizzes so that calculators are not needed. Near the end of the semester I will make an assignment that requires you to use Wolfram Alpha. Wolfram Alpha is available as a $2 application on iphones and most Android phones and is free on the web (). I will distribute account codes for access to the departmental computers in MH 221 in case you need access to a computer.

Learning Objectives: Computing interest and learning about limits, continuity, and derivatives of polynomials, rational

functions, exponential and logarithmic functions. Using derivatives in applications to business and other fields. Also learning about integrals of functions and methods of integration such as the substitution rule. In addition students will learn about functions of several variables, their partial derivatives and Lagrange multipliers. In addition the student will learn about probabilitydistributions.

Requirements and Points Points Each Basis of Grade Schedule

2 midterms 100 Curve within reason. The We will have a midterm

Final 150 curve for each individual after Chapter 7 and also

3-6 Quizzes 20 assignment will be after Chapter 11. There

1 technology assignment 20 announced in class when the will be a quiz approximately

assignment is returned. If every two weeks. You

not announced the curve is will have at least a week’s

93/ 90/ 87/ 83/ 80/ 77/ 73/ 70/ 67/ 63/ 60 for notice for assignments.

A/ A-/ B+/ B/ B-/ C+/ C/ C-/ D+/ D/ D-.

Homework 50 If you have an A average in the course, homework will not lower your grade.

Total ~500 See the Webassign calendar for a schedule of the homework, midterms and final.

Homework: Homework will be done and graded online this semester. You will need class keys to login at . The class keys are:

Section 7 of M071:  sjsu 0536 5535 Section 8 of M071: sjsu 2414 4456

See the guide at . The assignments and a course calendar are currently on webassign. I may assign a few additional homework problems to be done by hand.

Note: Plan on doing at least 2 hrs of work outside class for each unit of the class. Also if you cannot do all or most of the homework problems without a calculator, computer or smart phone you will do poorly on the tests and quizzes!!

Make-up exams and quizzes: None except under very unusual circumstances and then only if you contact me (via phone, message, in person, note, ...) before the exam. Make-up exams will be more difficult.

Cheating: Don’t. Cheating on any quiz, exam, or program may result in an F in the course.

Additional information / requirements: see .


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