Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc

Southern Nevada Association of Pride, Inc.

Workshop – March 31st , 2009

6:30pm – Jake’s House

➢ Call to Order – Jake Naylor, President at 7pm

➢ Roll Call – Andrew Williams (Acting Secretary) (Michael Grimes- Absent without notification)

➢ All email votes passed

➢ NALA Bingo – Wednesday April 8th @ 6:30pm

➢ Volunteer Committee—Chris made volunteer chart list and it is getting updated. Chris needs to know how many volunteers each committee needs and what they can do.

➢ Finance – Tax fines almost $10,000 about to go to collections and to come out of the account April 13th, 2009. Jake talked to I.R.S. and got the collection to be put on hold for 60 days. A cost of $20.00 per day for 3 years if we are fined and have to pay. Matt Cox has the process on to get the fines reduced. Taxes are due on the 31st of December each year in order to avoid any future fines. The Armor Truck pick up cost is $386.75 on the day of the Pride Festival. Bob has tried to contact the ATM guy to see if they are still doing the Mobile ATM service for us this year.

➢ Parade – Jake and Ernie talked to Cox Communications and they are confirmed and waived all their other meetings. Cox Communications is putting on air produced message coverage on their stations. They are going to rebroadcast the parade on Channel 96 for so many days after the parade. Ernie is going to contact Channel 8 News as well.

➢ Pageant – Pageant on the 11th of April, 2009 , Danny G is doing all the sound and lighting. Need to talk to other youths to help with the Pageant.

➢ Logistics – Dan Shoaff is taking over the Security for the Main Events. We have all the Metro Officers for the festival. Logistics is having a pre-meeting a few minutes before our next meeting. The committee is getting two aluminum lights.

➢ Vendors – Some Media vendors want to send us a stand and their magazines to be put out but don’t want a booth.

➢ Sponsorship – No Crush sponsorship. ID Lube declined our agreement, they want us to pay for shipping of the product, and they are in our 3rd year of the contract, which included: 125 boxes, 250 trash liners, 2 cases of 17oz bottles of lube, 5 gift baskets, and 100 sport bottles. Ernie will contact ELBO grease to see if it would better for us to go with them instead of ID Lube. Bud & Monster checks are on the way. Verizon was approved, so the contracts and the check is on the way.

➢ Marketing – The Pride Guide will be out soon. The Billboards will be up and running on April 6th 2009. Luxor bought spots on the Radio Station about the pool party. Luxor is giving special room rates. Jake order the Luxor Pool Party/Boys Pool Party cards. Cox Communication is doing a mailer to the subscribers.

➢ Education – Chris is working with a couple ideas for posters.

➢ Entertainment – Line up for Entertainment will be done by April 14th. The community stage line up will be completed 2 weeks until Pride.

➢ Events – Cat House wants to host a closed pride party They will have an open bar for one hour. Risqué Party- Jake and Ernie met with Rockie and they are happy to have us there. They will do a flat $5.00 rate for drinks; if IS Vodka will sponsor.

➢ Food and Beverage – No paid applications on the food vendors. There was a misunderstanding about hot dog sales.

➢ Adjourn @ 12am , unanimous


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