Association for Career and Technical Education

Association for Career and Technical Education

Health Science Education (HSE) Division

2013 Annual Policy Meeting

Wednesday, December 4, 2013; Las Vegas

Convention Center, Room N238


A. Call to order By Gina at 10:06

1. Introductions (Present): Angela Scott (AR), Mark Grigsby (TN), Dr. Lynne Clarke (SC), Jennifer Vander Meer (CO), JoAnn Parham (VA), Joann Clovis (ID), Rita Griffith (VA); Gina Riggs (OK)

2. Assign Recorder: Gina

3. Review Agenda: Approved

B. Minutes of Previous Meeting - November 28, 2012 in Atlanta: Motion to approval minutes: 1st Lynne, 2nd Mark, approved

C. Committee and members

1. Executive Council Members and expiration dates

2. ACTE Committee Reports:

We discussed the policy committee members and some of the terms were expiring this year. Gina will work on contacting those who were not present to see if they wanted to continue on the committee, and to replace those that were going off.

▪ Bylaws/Operating: Lynne Clarke - No new by-laws proposals and ACTE is still working on aligning all the divisional policies.

▪ Critical Issues/Legislative/Resolutions: Twanda Addison - Gina reported Steve DeWitt from ACTE will be speaking about advocacy at our divisional meeting.

▪ CTE Support Fund: Rita Griffith – no report (Rita arrived late from airport)

▪ Membership/Nominating: Phyllis Johnson-Gina reported we had interviewed two members for HSE VP and were ready for the election, when one had to drop out due to a job change. Cindy McConnell is still going to run next year. We will have to recruit another member to run next year.

▪ Awards: Mark Grigsby reported we have three awards this year. Susan Kauffman from Alaska for new Teacher of the Year, Lara Skaggs for leadership award and National HOSA for a partnership award. We did not get any other award nominations.

▪ Communication /Research/Publications: Randi Hunewill- no report

▪ Professional Develop/Convention: Mark Elsey-no report

D. Vision 2013 Update

1. Numbers-82 registered for Health Careers as of two week ago and that appears to be close to the final number.

2. HSE members (non-renewals)-Discussed non-renewals and that emails went out to all members who had expired memberships. In 2013 we have 1,305 which is up from last year of 1,258.

3. Announcements:

• Best practice session will follow the HOSA Luncheon and the round table discussion should last about 15 minutes each. We discussed doing a possible round table on Noble Hours as some HOSA advisors were having issues with this reporting system. Joanne Clovis said she could update the membership on this issue.

• We discussed the Health Science Vendors and Gina asked the committee to visit with them and thank each one for attending our conference. We looked up the exhibitor list and divided it up among our committee members. We also discussed asking the vendors for a donation to our fund raiser at the HOSA Luncheon.

4. Fundraisers: Will be held during the luncheon and best practices session. Gina said AES has donated three free-trial on-line programs to our raffle. Mark secured a donation again this year from Bush for the bean basket. We asked everyone to try and bring a basket or gift. We discussed the possibility of raising some scholarship funds by raffling off an item such as an IPAD at the ACTE booth during NLC in Nashville. Gina will look into this.

5. Conference App for mobile devices-We will have Vision 2013 phone app again this year; you can set your schedule by using this app.

6. HSE President-elect election update- We discussed again trying to find a second VP candidate for next fall. We were early this year putting together this election so the new VP could shadow Gina for a year and half. But now the new VP will only get to shadow for seven months as Gina’s term expires June 2015.

E. Scholarship updates: ACTE gave a total of $4,750 to HOSA students this past year at NLC, and has given $13,000 since 2007.

1. We discussed the process on-line scholarship applications and how well that worked last year. All the reviewers were very pleased with the ease of seeing each application and scoring with the rubric. Below is the list of this year’s winners. The top eight received $500 each and the bottom four received $250 each.

2. Catherine Junge and HSE Scholarship winners:

Bserat Ghebremicael, Las Vegas, NV

Buu-Tran Duong, Pensacola, FL

Hester Tse, Arlington, TX

Heidi Meeks, Atoka, TN

Hong-Dan Le, Garland, TX

Nae Won, Charlotte, NC

Charley Jang, Concord, CA

Kyle Southerland, Alma, GA

Andre Perez-Orozco, El Paso, TX

Keylee Moore, Redbay, AL

Allison Smith, Easley, SC

3. Gina mentioned one change she would like to see next year is requiring the HOSA advisor to be a member of ACTE. We discussed ways to ensure the advisor’s membership, and Gina will work on that with Kate at ACTE.

F. Financial Report: FY Operating budget has $2,803; designated funds have $1,371 and the restricted fund for scholarship is $5,331. We do need to find a way to build our Catherine B. Junge scholarship fund up, and maybe we can find some sponsors from the HSE businesses. The Committee will visit with some of our publishers and suppliers.

G. New Business

1. 2014 Conference Planning and Proposal Reviewers-Nashville, December 4-6, 2014

a. Call for Entries for next year’s convention – be sure to use the HSE title when submitting so it shows up for HSE review.

2. National Policy Seminar-March 3-5 in Washington D.C. Crystal Gateway.

3. National Health Science Consortium: Lynne reminded the group about their conference next October in Denver. Everyone should attend this event since it is totally for HSE, and is one of the best conferences to attend.

4. Angela mentioned that we may pick up more HSE members since PLTW (biomed) will now be sending their students through HOSA as opposed to SkillsUSA.

H. Other Business: Gina informed the group of her recent visits to speak to the Arkansas ACTE HSE teachers. She did an animal lab and a simulation session in July at their state conference in Hot Springs. She also attended the Indiana ACTE state conferences to help reorganize the HSE group. Gina said she is open to attending other state conferences and doing presentations if asked and is available.

I. Adjournment at 11:37


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