Personal Computers Colorization of black and white movies

"Sound Guard" record cleaner Solar powered calculators

Aluminized bags for snack food Weather satellites

Halogen lights for cars Sports domes

Microwave Ovens Pocket calculators

Phone calls by satellite

Laser guided missiles

"Mylar" balloons "Blue Blocker" sunglasses

Digital watches and thermometers "DirecTV", "Dish Network", etc

"Kevlar" for bullet proof vests "Mini Mag" flashlights

and fishing line Fiber optics for phone calls

"Vortec" engines in GM cars "Ovation" guitars and helicopter blades

Pacemaker batteries that last 20 years Compact Disks

and can be recharged through the skin. M R I medical scanners

Electronic ignition in automobiles Laser scanners in stores

"Bulb Miser" devices for long life light bulbs Weather Maps on television

Juice boxes for "Hawaiian Punch", etc "The Patch" medical device

Breathing systems for Mt. Everest climbers, "Flexon" eyeglasses and dental braces

Scuba divers and firefighters Cellular phones and beepers

Cable Television, H B O, Showtime, etc Sunglasses that block 99% of U. V. light

Pens that write upside down and under water Anti corrosive paint for bridges, boats,

Scratch resistant coatings on sunglasses & the Statue of Liberty

Football helmets for the NFL

GPS Navigation Systems

***The above items, or the technology that made them possible, were

invented for NASA and the Space Program. This is only a partial

list, as literally THOUSANDS of Spinoff items are produced each


***The NASA budget is LESS THAN 1/10 of ONE PERCENT of the TOTAL

federal Budget.

***For every dollar that NASA spends, we get 25 dollars back into

the economy; the highest turn-a-round of a dollar of any company or

organization in the World.

***Approximately 500,000 people in the United States work for NASA

and it's subcontractors.

***12 Astronauts walked on the Moon, for one third of the amount of

money that is spent by Americans each year, on Pizza.

*** Each year, video games take in enough quarters to finance 5

space missions to Jupiter and Saturn.

***The yearly cost of the consumption of alcohol and tobacco

products by Americans is approximately 4 times that of the space


*****The cost of NASA and the space program is very little, while

the rewards are gigantic.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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