Our Savior's Lutheran Church | Spring Valley, MN

left000Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchJanuary 2021 NewsletterAnnual Meeting Is Set for January 24, 2021January is a time when we reflect on the previous year?of ministry?and look ahead to the year to come. This happens each year at the annual congregational meeting. I hope you plan to attend! This year, the meeting will be held remotely to keep everyone healthy and safe. The synod has given us some guidelines to be sure that everyone can participate and has a voice and a vote.?Here is a summary of how it will work:1.? You will receive a notice of the annual meeting in the mail.? The mailing will include a phone number?and a Zoom link, either of which can be used to connect to the meeting. You can dial up on your phone, or you can connect via the link on your computer or smart phone.?2.? On the day and time of the meeting, phone in or join by Zoom on-line. We will take attendance, so that we know we have a quorum, and we know who can vote. You may have more than one person sharing a phone or computer, so let us know the name of everyone who is taking part in the meeting at your location.?3. The congregational meeting will convene, a quorum will be established and you will be asked to vote to ratify the council's decision to amend the by-laws to allow for electronic meeting. Once that is established, the meeting can begin.?4.? We will conduct business as we usually?do, following our constitutional procedure.? You may ask questions or ask for information.?5.? A procedure for voting?will be determined before the meeting. We will share that with you in the Letter calling the meeting.6.? God will be with us! We will celebrate all that God has done over the course of the past year, and look forward with faith and hope to the ministry that lies ahead. We will also give thanks as we mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of Our Savior's Church.?Please watch for more specific information in the mailing, and plan to join in the meeting on January 24!?Begin the new year with God. Worship with Our Savior's in January:Jan. 3 Worship by our Bishop and Synod StaffJan. 10 Worship with Holy Communion, EpiphanyJan.?17 Worship including Holy BaptismJan. 24 ?Worship with Holy Communion Followed by Congregation Annual Meeting Giving thanks for OSL 70th AnniversaryJan. 31 ? Camp Sunday! Worship with Good Earth Village staffWorship Kits are being prepared for you?again this month. These include elements for Holy Communion on 2 Sundays, a treat for Camp Sunday, a calendar for the new year and more. Pick up times are scheduled: [Weather permitting]Saturday, January 2 ? ? ? ? ? ?12:00 to 2:00 pmSunday, January 3 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 9:00 to 11:00 amMonday, January 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 4:30 to 6:00 pmIf none of these times work for you, please call the office to arrange a time to pick up. ?507-346-7251. We look forward to a new year of dynamic worship as the Spirit draws us together each week. Happy New Year!Reflections from Pastor SusanDear Members and Friends of Our Savior's,?"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and you trust in him, that you may be abounding in hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit."?Romans 15:13Thanks be to God for a new year! Thanks be to God, we made it through 2020! No doubt, 2020 was one of the most unusual and challenging years we have?experienced in our lifetimes, individually, as a nation, and globally. The past year was full of hard lessons as we faced the difficult task of weighing risks and benefits?in the face of a virus that can infect anyone, regardless of age, health status, gender, nationality, or political affiliation.? We also suffered through a contentious election cycle, creating conflict between friends, neighbors and family members. Across the nation, we came face to face with the brutal racism that is so often below the surface of our everyday life.?And yet, there were moments that inspired us, through the self-giving love, sacrifice, and determination of nurses, doctors, health care workers of all kinds, store clerks and food shelf volunteers, truckers and meat packing workers, making sure everyone had food to eat and essentials we needed each day.?And there were blessings, as babies continued to be born, a sign from God that life continues. Couples married, not with their "dream wedding", but with simpler ceremonies that revealed that at the end of the day, or end of the year, it is ultimately about love and commitment, not the party. Friends supported each other and stayed in touch, with the blessing of modern technology and communications. And now, at the end of the year, the blessing of a vaccine that stirs in us a hope that we may be in the final phase of the pandemic experience.?It has struck me that on New Year's Day, 2020, we had no?idea all that was in store for us. And we have no idea what 2021 will bring, either. But we know that God is faithful from year to year, and generation to generation, in good times and in bad. And our call, as the church, the body of Christ in the world, is to bear witness to the truth that God is with us, working for our good. And one of the essential ways God works for good is?through?us, as we seek to follow in God's way and do His work with our hands (and voices, gifts and presence). How will we do that in 2021, whatever this new year brings??Every four years, in January, we mark the inauguration of our presidents. As I grew up in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., this was always a moment of pause for the community, regardless of which party's candidate was elected. We tend not to remember much about these events, but we still recall, in the national consciousness, the words of John F. Kennedy's inauguration speech in 1961. He challenged the nation with these words, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."?As we begin a new year full of possibility, I offer you this charge: Ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God's mission in the world, to bring about God's desire for us, embodied in the Son, Jesus Christ: peace, reconciliation, acceptance, humility, mutual love and concern for all people, life.?May the knowledge of God's presence and great love for you bring you joy in the new year. We have yet to discover the blessings that await us, but we know that blessings will come, for by faith we always live in hope and trust God's promises.?With that, I wish you not just a happy new year, but a hopeful new year. God?is?working all things for good.?In Christ, Pastor Susan1634490-1905008001057150Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy Dartt00Reflectionswith Pastor Betsy Dartt Our household is a welcome place for dogs.? My sister Gretchen is a wonder in handling and caring for dogs.? She is a rover sitter who cares for dogs when their owners are away.? We have some nurses from the Mayo system who leave a dog with us from time to time and a woman from Minneapolis who brings her dog when she has medical appointments at the clinic.? The dogs are mostly small and always fit in with our own dogs that she rescued from Paws and Claws. These dogs always teach us about faithfulness and obedience and forgiveness.? They seem to know how to cuddle close when chemo sickness hits and how to show joy for a scratch behind the ears with a wag of their tails.? They are great watch dogs who run barking to the door any time the doorbell rings even if it is an ad on the television!Martin Luther said of his little dog Toelpel, “Ah, if I could only pray the way that dog looks at meat!”? There is a powerful devotion and single mindedness in dogs.? They can give eyes to the blind, report changes in blood sugar for a diabetic, sniff out drugs or explosives or even Covid 19; Like Lassie, they can even tell Timmy’s dad that he fell in the well.? ? And oh how we love those dogs who chew up our shoes and look up at us with love in their eyes that seem to say, “Can I stay?”?The devotion of dogs to their humans is astounding.? Their exuberance in wanting to please is delightful.? Their obedience to the voice of the master cannot be broken.? If only we could have those qualities when we are in the presence of our Lord.? The Master of the universe loves us and guides us and feed us and comforts us and forgives our mistakes.? Let us learn from our dogs how to follow where the Lord leads.Max Lucado tells a story of a guest symphony orchestra from Europe playing on a hot, sultry night in a packed auditorium in the middle of Kansas.? The doors were open to catch any breeze that might cool the musicians on the stage.? It happened in the middle of Beethoven’s Third Symphony that a German Shepherd wandered on to the stage.? He was fascinated by the cellos and walked throughout the orchestra as everyone tried to ignore the unusual guest.? Finally, the dog stopped by the conductor and panted.? The audience laughed.? The music stopped.? The conductor lowered his baton and looked into the eyes of the dog with his tail wildly wagging.? The conductor stepped down from the podium with a shrug to the audience and bent over to talk to the dog.? He scratched the dog behind the ears and lead him off the stage.? Everyone applauded and soon Beethoven resumed again.? Max asks the question:? Can you find you and me in this picture?? Of course, we are Fido and God is the master conductor. ? The time will come when we walk on to God’s stage.? The music will be wonderful; we’ll stroll among the angels and walk up to the maestro standing by and worshipping as he leads.? “He too will welcome. And he, too will speak.? But he will not lead us away.? He will invite us to remain, forever his guests on the stage.”??As we begin a new year, let your faithfulness and obedience to God be simple and joyful.? Amid the complexities of our society and the dangers of this world, live in trust that God will provide for all our needs.? Love the Lord with all your heart.left7175500Our Savior's is seeking a part-time Audio Visual Ministry Director to create, produce, and record audiovisual and Powerpoint presentations for worship and other occasional?special events. This person will work with and coordinate our church member volunteers who are part of the?AV?team in carrying out these responsibilities. For more information and a?job?description, please contact the church office at 507-346-7251 or Council President Rick Christianson.?New MembersIf you have been with us in worship and would like to be a full member of OSL, please contact either Pastor Susan Li or Pastor Betsy Dartt. Please Note!Please remember to have family notify the church office if you are in the hospital. The privacy data laws do not allow the hospital to notify the church of your admittance. Worship Online with Our Savior’sleft16510000As we have needed to provide a different way to worship, it is exciting to see the increased views on our YouTube page. Our subscribers have increased, too. You can find us by going to this website. .? lists all of our videos. Click on subscribe and you will then get an email update when we post a new video. Or you can go to YouTube and search for Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Spring Valley, MN. Then click on videos that will get to the list of our videos. Please help spread the word about our YouTube site as it is exciting to see how it is growing.?254018161000Call Committee UpdateThe call committee has been continuing with the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Lead Pastor.? We have been holding interviews with various candidates as we continue discerning who will be the best fit for our congregation. ?As of December 22, we have a candidate that we will be conducting a second interview with shortly after the first of the year. ?Thank you for your continued prayers as we go forward in the call process.Grace Notes [Sharing words of encouragement]If you have someone serving in the military, please call or send their contact information to the church office so we can update our list.As you have completed your Christmas mailing, if you have cards left over, please consider donating them to Grace Notes. We have depleted our supply of cards after our Christmas mailings and are looking ahead to next Christmas.? All donated cards would be appreciated.If you are looking for a way to be involved in our church family in 2021, consider becoming one of the writers of Grace Notes.?Please call the church office for more information. Thank you. Shirley G.Dear church, I pray this Christmas season you would know the fullness of the life of Jesus in you. I pray your weariness would be exchanged for abundance. I pray your tiredness would be exchanged for rest. I pray your tireless efforts to be enough would be exchanged for a quiet confidence in the fullness of Jesus the Christ.This Christmas, may Christ appear in you and me, and may our hearts know the sweet joy of Jesus Christ. He is more than enough.In Christ,Bishop Regina HassanallySoutheastern Minnesota Synod, ELCAReadings for JanuaryJanuary 3rd- 2 Christmas1st Reading: Jeremiah 31: 7-14Psalm 147:12-202nd Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14Gospel: John 1: (1-9) 10-18January 10th-Baptism of our Lord1st Reading: Genesis 1:1-5Psalm 292nd Reading: Acts 19: 1-7Gospel: Mark 1:4-11January 17th- 2 Epiphany1st Reading: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 (11-20)Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-182nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20Gospel: John 1: 43-51January 24th- 3 Epiphany1st Reading: Jonah 3: 1-5, 10Psalm 62:5-122nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31Gospel: Mark 1: 14-20January 31st-4 Epiphany1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20Psalm 1112nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28Scriptures subject to change.Readings for JanuaryJanuary 3rd- 2 Christmas1st Reading: Jeremiah 31: 7-14Psalm 147:12-202nd Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14Gospel: John 1: (1-9) 10-18January 10th-Baptism of our Lord1st Reading: Genesis 1:1-5Psalm 292nd Reading: Acts 19: 1-7Gospel: Mark 1:4-11January 17th- 2 Epiphany1st Reading: 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 (11-20)Psalm 139: 1-6, 13-182nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20Gospel: John 1: 43-51January 24th- 3 Epiphany1st Reading: Jonah 3: 1-5, 10Psalm 62:5-122nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 7: 29-31Gospel: Mark 1: 14-20January 31st-4 Epiphany1st Reading: Deuteronomy 18: 15-20Psalm 1112nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28Scriptures subject to change.Caring & Concerns for members & friends in Special Care Facilities:Spring Valley Senior Living & Rehab:Eileen Freeman, Mary Jane Island (Ken Kraut’s mother), Maxine Jahn, Maxine Mlenar, Donna Rowe, Joan Baarsch, Evelyn Armstrong, Delores PetersSpring Valley Senior Living-Evergreens:Roy & Jan Christopherson, Mick Rathbun, Elaine Sheldon, Lorraine Hancock, Rhoda JonesSpring Valley Estates:Bev Jertson, Anita NelsonPrairie Meadows Senior Living, Kasson:Wil & Evelyn MohlisHighlights from Church Council Meeting December 13, 2020Worship Ministry Team: There has been a positive response for the Advent drive-thru communion pick up. Plans are being made for a January drive-thru. Plans are continuing to be made for the 70th Anniversary celebration, Linda Kruegel has shared ideas with Pastors on the construction of a new banner. The December worship services are planned and plans are being made for Camp Sunday. Lent/Easter Seasonal planning meeting will be January 5.Education Ministry Team: Cheryl Runck will continue to serve as Education Team Chair. ZoomConfirmation is going well.Youth Ministry Team: Eight youth helped with Love Lights a Tree. Ann Oeltjen is having zoom meetings for Senior League.Old Business: Regarding the flooring replacement: Hardwood will be used in the altar area and carpet in the remaining areas including addition of carpet to the north steps. The cost will be $50,675. A continuing resolution will be presented to the congregation to be added to the by-laws of the congregation which will allow the congregation the ability to hold a remote congregational meeting. The contract was signed to make the necessary changes to the church phone system.New Business: $500.00 was approved to support Christmas in Fillmore County. The A/V job description will be reviewed. A gift of $1 per average attendance was approved to the Root River Conference. The annual meeting will be January 24, 2021.Detailed minutes are available on the bulletin board by the Food Cart.--submitted by Helen House, SecretaryExecutive Meeting is January 7, 2021 at 5 p.m.Next council meeting is January 10, 2021 at 10:00Thank You’sThanks for all the prayers. We know everyone is thinking of us. We miss coming to church. Gareld and Verna Stockdale. * * * * *We have lost someone very special. Thank you for sharing our grief, and remembering our family at this time. Russell had a great life and is in a better place now and not suffering anymore. The family of: Russell Arneson. * * * * *Friends at OSL, Thank you for providing us with worship services weekly, communion and support. We greatly appreciate it! Spring Valley Living * * * * *Dear Friends,Thank you so much for your generous gift of $42.00 given to the LCC. Your continued involvement during this difficult time is a godsend.It was a challenging semester dealing with the pandemic, but our students amazed us with their faith and resilience. We had three seniors graduate last week-we will miss them so much. Here is a short excerpt from senior Emily Walborg’s parting words: At the LCC…”My faith has been built stronger than ever before, and I have such a better understanding of how my faith plays out in everyday life – it’s not just for Sundays….I have learned that you will never look into the eyes of someone whom God does not love…And a prayer can be a song, a sign or a laugh – God hears you.”These words really touched us. Emily is an extraordinary young woman.You are a blessing to us friends. Because of you Emily will change the world with the “lessons” she has learned.May the Lord bless you and keep you close throughout this Holy season. Kelley Olson, Philathropy Director Lutheran Campus Center, WinonaEducation News!!Gina will continue Facebook Live stories for the beginning of January. ? Home Sunday School boxes will be assembled the first week of January and will be ready for pick up or to be delivered.? Please let Gina know via text or email if your family would like a box.We hope you had an opportunity to view the virtual Christmas Program.? It is still available on YouTube if you have not had a chance!? We are thankful for the children for the photos and for Darla for putting the program together for us!Confirmation will continue with online class as planned.? The first week in each month is a service project.? We intended to be together for these events.? January’s project will be virtual, and we will make decisions about the following months as time passes and more information is available.? Though we miss being together, Confirmation classes are happening each week and our students are worshiping virtually like us all.? Great job everyone for adjusting and making your faith journey a priority!December’s service project was an ornament made by each student and a handwritten note for individuals at Spring Valley Living.? We had a zoom meeting to make the ornaments, write the notes and to pray for the recipients.? Thank you confirmation students!If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Gina Jahn 507-251-1610 or rickjahn71@.?0190500 Meals on Wheels Drivers NeededOur Savior’s volunteers deliver meals one week a month throughout the year. More volunteers are needed. The daily time commitment is about 45 minutes. Please contact the church office if you are able to provide this valued and rewarding service. Thank you for considering.Contact Us:Our Savior’s Lutheran Church805 S Broadway AveSpring Valley, MN 55975Ph 507-346-7251Email: oursaviorsspringvalley@Website: Like us on Facebook Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Spring Valley, MN @OSLSVPastor Susan Li, Interim Lead PastorCell: 507-254-9875Email: pastoroslsv1950@ Pastor Betsy Dartt-Visitation PastorCell 507-884-4853 betsy.dartt@Staff:Audio/Visual – Darla EricksonBookkeeper – Kathy MerkelCustodian – Toni SandersEducation Coordinator – Gina Jahn Cell 251-1610Music Coordinator/Choir Dir. – Elliott Grandall Handbell Dir. – Myrna LegreidOffice Manager – Amber Hobson Youth Coordinator – Ann Oeltjen: oslsvyouth@STAYING CONNECTED . . . . . WHILE APARTPastor Susan and Pastor Betsy are eager to stay connected with you during this time of social distancing! If you have a pastoral concern, or would like to talk, please call the church office, or email us and we will arrange for a time to talk. We pray for you each day, and care about what is happening in your lives. Be well. Be safe. God is with you. Pastor Susan and Pastor BetsyRemember our Deadlines:Articles and announcements for the newsletter are due by the 17th of the month. Announcements for the worship bulletin, Thursday by noon. Thank you! Memorials and HonorariumsELCA Good GiftsIn Memory of Bob Jahn Jahn FamilyIn Memory of Stephanie Hyland, Arnold Hyland Sr, Gordon/Delores Gill, Curtis Hendrickson, Nordahl & Louise Hendrickson, Arnold Hyland Jr, and Linda Gawthrop Duane & Annette HylandIn memory of Kelly Simpson Dorothy SimpsonIn memory of brother, Neal Groth Nevin & Debby GrothIn memory of Charlene Lenz Harris & Geraldine WilliamsWELCA In memory of Charlene Lenz Bev JertsonGeneral Budget In memory of Charlene Lenz Roy & Jan ChristophersonOrgan Fund In memory of Charlene Lenz Nevin & Debby Groth Judy Rose Dick & Sharon Jahn FriendsAudio/visual Fund In memory of Charlene Lenz Shirley GangstadUndesignated Memorial Fund In memory of Pastor Curtis Johnson Ken & Joan KujathAudio/Visual Fund In memory of Jeff Freeman Shirley Gangstad Communion Can Come to YouWe are now able to bring communion to your home when you are not able to attend worship on Sunday mornings at OSL. Pastor Betsy is coordinating this ministry. A grace bag with the bread and wine and other worship aids is delivered to your home or the care centers after worship on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Pastor Betsy will telephone on weekday afternoons to do the service with you. Calls can be on zoom or facetime if available at your house as well. If a specific time is important, you can arrange it with Pastor Betsy at 507 884 4853.In these changing days of risk with the Corona virus, many are choosing not to gather with large numbers of people. Families worshipping at home with YouTube or Facebook can request to have elements brought to your home. If you would like to be part of this ministry by delivering grace bags from time to time, please call Pastor Betsy. We are a church that welcomes the real presence of Jesus Christ in our people wherever they may be.We appreciate all your time that you give to the church.?If you are unable for any reason to volunteer, please let the church office know at 507-346-7251. We understand during these challenging times that it may not work for you. January 3:?Synod service broadcast so no worship assistants needed?January 10:?Altar Guild – Eileen Rathbun & Carol Ahern – Communion on SundayScripture Reader – Sherry WendtVideographer – Christopher Knode?January 17:?Altar Guild – Dawn Webster - no Comm. Baptism of Krom LoseyScripture Reader – Jon DahlVideographer – Garrison Hubka?January 24:?Altar Guild – Ann Thon – Communion SundayScripture Reader – Nancy StenderVideographer – Kaden RathJanuary 31:?Altar Guild – Annette Hyland – no CommScripture Reader – Luann KlevanVideographer – Rick JahnIn the interest of your health and safety, as well as that of others, the church office is closed and will be open by appointment only. We would like to limit the number of people in the building at any given time. If you have a business need or question here at the office, please call our Office Manager, Amber, at 507-346-7251. If you call ahead, we can arrange for a time to meet with you or help answer any questions you may have over the phone.Current office hours are Monday-Thursday, from 9:00am until 2:30pm. Closed on Fridays. We are continually reviewing our practices in light of the risk of Covid transmission and other health concerns. Thank you for understanding. ? Questions or concerns? Contact Pastor Susan by calling her at church or email her at?pastoroslsv1950@.? Please recycle this newsletter whenyou are finished with it.-1524007191375Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71January 202100Our Savior’s Lutheran ChurchNON-PROFIT, ORG805 S Broadway Ave U.S. Postage PaidSpring Valley, MN 55975 Spring Valley, MNAddress Service Requested Permit #71January 2021 SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1center945515 ................

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