| |


| |


|Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004 ( Rev. Pat Hughes C.C., Tel: (057) 8646517 |

|Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8623431 ( Very Rev. Jack Walsh P.E. Tel: (057) 8626401 |

| |


|Tel: 057 8643004 - Email: portarlingtonparishoffice@ / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Mon. – Fri. |

|Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during opening hours. |

| |

|DIOCESAN WEBSITE kandle.ie SAMARITANS 1850 60 90 90 or 0902 73133 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 |

|AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 MENTAL HEALTH ASSOC. 083 3476291 / 087 6966133 PHOENIX 1850 20 30 40 |

| | |


|St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington |St. Paul’s Church, Emo |

|10am Daily Mass (Mon. – Fri.) [pic] |7.30pm (Vigil – Saturday), |

|[pic] |11am Sunday |

| |Sacred Heart Church, Rath |

|6.15pm (Vigil – Saturday), |9am Sunday |

|9am & 12.15pm Sunday | |

|St. John’s Church, Killenard | |

|10.30am Sunday | |

Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – 7th September 2014


|Mon. 8th Sept. 10am Richard McCann Tues. 9th | | |

|10am ----- | |Portarlington |

|Wed. 10th 10am Ciss Lawlor, Rosecourt | |Sat. 13th Sept. 6.15pm Margaret Doyle |

|Thurs. 11th 10am Edward & Beatrice Kelly, |Sunday 7th September – 11am |Sun. 14th Sept. 9am Liam Kinsella |

|Main St. |George Horne, Deceased members of the Horne family, |Sun. 14th Sept. 12.15pm Kieran Dunne |

|Fri. 12th 10am --- |Carn |Killenard |

| | |Sun. 14th Sept. 10.30am Joyce Power |


|Saturday 6th Sept – 6.15pm | |Sat. 13th Sept. 7.30pm Sr. Anne Lynch |

|Matt Geoghegan, Crowe Lane, (1st Anniv.) | |Sun. 14th Sept. 11am Sadhbh Hanneffy |

|Tom & Rose McGuinness, Deceased members of the Murphy|Sunday 7th September – 9am |Rath |

|family, St. Patrick’s Tce. |Michael Flynn, Fisherstown |Sun. 14th Sept. 9am Marie O’Loughlin |

| |Nan Kinsella, Fisherstown | |

|Sunday 7th September – 12.15pm |Peter Duffy, Ballyadden |EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS |

|Eileen Mooney, Botley Court (M.M.) |Patrick Duffy, Ballyadden | |

|Patrick & Dora McNamara, Bishopswood, | |Portarlington |

|Matt & Lillie Dunne, Cushina |Sunday 14th September – 9am |Sat. 13th & Sun. 14th Sept. – Team C |

|Liam Muldowney, Bog Rd., Ger Muldowney, Westport & |Kevin O’Connor, Kilbracken (2nd Anniv.) |Killenard |

|formerly Bog Rd. |Mary Whelan & deceased members of the Whelan Family, |Sun. 14th Sept. Team A |

|Noel Finn, Limerick, Martin Gilligan, Lea (4th |Ballyadden Lane | |

|Anniv.), Kathleen Rowan, St. Michael’s Park, Tom | | |

|Copeland | |BAPTISMS |


|Saturday 13th September – 6.15pm |SEPTEMBER 2014 |Christian Community through Baptism: |

|Bridget (Bridie) Lawlor, Marian Hill (M.M.) |Emo 3-7pm Mary Joyce & Tony Byrne |Portarlington Parish |

|Tommy Cooper, Clonanny (10th Anniv.) |Rath 2.30–6.30pm Peadar Duffy & |Jake Patrick Cullen, Crann Nua |

|Maureen & Tommy Doyle, Drumcondra |Elizabeth McNamara |Isabelle Ann Page, Ballymorris Manor |

|Patrick & Mary McCarthy & sons Declan & Padraigh | |Dylan Philip Page, Ballymorris Manor |

|McCarthy, Joan & Ronnie Halsall, Gracefield, William |CHURCH COLLECTORS SEPTEMBER 2014 | |

|Higgins, Main St. |St. Paul’s Church, Emo | |

| |Sat. 7.30pm Willie Keegan & Pat Whelan | |

|Sunday 14th Sept. – 12.15pm |Sun.11am Martin Dunne & Tony Byrne |GLASNEVIN CEMETERY - TRIP |

|Gerry Kirwan, Station Rd. (M.M.) |Sacred Heart Church, Rath |Bus leaves Ballybrittas Sat. 13th Sept. at 9.15am. |

|Julia & Arthur Bryan & deceased members of the Bryan |9am Tommy Donoher & Willie Lawlor |Trip includes a guided tour of Glasnevin Cemetery / |

|& Delaney families, Christy & Della Dunne, St. | |Visit to Tomb of Daniel O’Connell & visit to graves |

|Brigid’s Sq., Maureen Glynn, St. Brigid’s Sq., |COMMUNION CALLS |of National Leaders & Patriots. Laying wreath on the|

|William & Sarah Kelly, St. Patrick’s Tce. & deceased |The sick & the housebound will be visited during the |grave of James Fintan Lalor / Visit graves of the |

|members of the Kelly Family, John & Dilly Henriques, |week as follows: |Famine victims and visit the Museum. Enter free. Tea|

|Portlaoise Road | |/ coffee & scones on arrival / Evening meal & Coach |

| |Tuesday 9th September 2014 |fare €50. Contact Tom Lawlor 087-7721871 / Margot |

|ANNIVERSARIES - KILLENARD |Congress Tce., Sandy Lane, |Coogan 086-8440875 / Fr. Jack Walsh 086-2521687 |

| |Main St., Station Rd., St. Brigid’s Sq., Bracklone | |

| |St., St. Michael’s Pk., Portlaoise Road, Kilbride, |CATHOLIC GRANDPARENTS ASSOCIATION |

| |Corrig, Lea, Kilmullen, Ballintogher, Ballycarroll |Annual Pilgrimage Knock Shrine |

|Sunday 7th Sept – 10.30am |Wed. 10th September 2014 |Sun. 14th September 2014 |

|Sean, Kathleen & Joe Kavanagh, Lough |Rath, Courtwood, Fisherstown, Kilbracken, Cappakeel, |Great Day of Faith in this Great Year of Faith. |

|Charlie Geoghegan, Cushina |Morette, Coolbanagher, Knightstown, Killeen, |Chief Celebrant Archbishop Charles Brown – Apostolic |

|Leo & Marie Levin, Killenard |Tinnakill, Coolaghy |Nuncio. 2.30pm Anointing of Sick |

| |Thursday 11th September 2014 |3pm Pilgrimage Mass followed by Rosary |

|Sunday 14th September – 10.30am |St. Mary’s Tce., Assumpta Tce., St. Patrick’s Tce., |Children’s Prayer Appeal: An invitation to all |

|Mollie Kavanagh, Lough (1st Anniv.) |Avondale, Bog Rd., Gracefield, Cloneyhurke, |children to write a prayer for their Grandparents. |

|Christina Keogh, Rathleash |Garryhinch, Patrick St., Shandra, Kilmalogue Gdn., |All prayers will be blessed at the pilgrimage. |

|Michael & Margaret Meehan & Tony Jones |Church View, Botley Court, Foxcroft Court, Spa |Please send prayers to Catholic Grandparents Assoc., |

| |Street, Marian Hill, Bishopswood Road, Sli Na Mona, |Castlebar St., Westport or e-mail |

| |Cushina |info@ |


|Your prayers are requested for the following who died|.PADRE PIO SUNDAY – KNOCK SHRINE |EMIGRANT NEWSLETTER |

|recently: |Sun. 21st September 2014 |All clubs, societies etc who wish to have their |

|Bernard Mahony, Clonanny |Coach leaves Super Valu at 8.30am. Contact Josie |annual report published in the Emigrant Newsletter |

|Marie Pigott, St. Michael’s Park |Hanlon on 086-3425944 |should have them in before the |

| | |30th September. |



|Study theology from home or in class. Application |COLLECTION | |

|deadline is 22nd Sept to The Priory Institute on 01 |The Autumn Collection for the Priests of the Parish | |

|4048124. |will be held next weekend at all Masses. This is one| |

| |of the five times during the year that you can | |

| |contribute to the direct support of the Priests of | |

| |the Parish. Envelope available in you development | |

| |boxes or at the Church Porch. | |

| | | |


|Foundation Course in Spirituality through the |Ecumenical Services of Remembrance & Hope |Starting back after the summer break on Weds 10th |

|Creative Arts.  Commencing Mon. 22nd Sept. at 7.30pm.|Church of the Assumption, Tullamore at 7.30pm |Sept at 8pm in the Old School, Emo. New members |

|1 year course covering meditation, prayer, women in |Wed. 10th September. Everyone is welcome to attend |welcome. |

|the bible, dreams, enneagram & more. Option of |this service. | |

|participating in the full course. Places limited. | |BADMINTON CLUB |

|Photography Course commencing Mon. 6th Oct. for 4 |EMO / RATH PARISH LOTTO 1.9.14 |St. Michael’s Badminton Club will resume on Mon. 8th |

|Mondays, teaching new techniques in photography. |Numbers 1, 4, 22, 23 – No winner |Sept. 8-10pm in Portarlington Community Centre. All |

|Suitable for beginners / intermediate level. Bring |€25 to each of the following: |welcome. |

|your camera. Facilitated by Con Murphy, |Martha, c/o Martha; M. Harte C/o Pat Gorman; Philip |Further info. From Mick Knight on 057 8643395. |

|Portarlington. |Donagher, C/o Pat Gorman; Amanda Horne, C/o Phena; | |

|€50 for full course. |Brian Gorman C/o Pat Gorman - Next week’s Jackpot |ST. BRIGID’S ACTIVE RETIREMENT GROUP |

|Card Making Workshop Thurs. 16th Oct. 8-10pm & Sat. |€1,600 |Garryhinch / Cloneyhurke |

|18th Oct. 2-5pm. Learn the art of making your own | |Bingo Tues. 9th Sept commencing 7.30pm & Ten Pin |

|unique cards for all occasions.  Facilitated by |TRANSPORT TO PORTLAOISE FROM SEPT. |Bowling Tues. 16th Sept. commencing 8pm. New members|

|Róisín Gannon.  |Student of Portlaoise College needs transport from |welcome. |

|€40 for full course. |September (Mon. – Fri. arriving in Portlaoise before | |

|Meditation Day  Sat. 18th Oct. 10am-4.30pm. |9am). Willing to share fuel costs – Contact Siobhan |EMO YOUTH CLUB |

|Facilitated by Mount St. Anne’s Team &Marie |on 086 3688829. |Emo Youth Club will be starting up at the end of |

|Manley-Smith.  €25 (please bring packed Lunch) -  | |September. We are looking for any donations of |

|Tea/Coffee provided. |KILLENARD ACTIVE RETIREMENT |unwanted XBOX, PlayStation or Wii consoles and games.|

|Annual Christmas Fair Sun. 9th Nov. 11am-4pm. Wide |Re-opens after the Summer break on Tues. 9th Sept. at| We are also looking for beanbags.  These items would|

|selection of items for sale.  You can book a stall to|2.30pm in Killenard Community Centre. |be a great help to get the club up & running & to |

|sell your produce or just come along on the day to |New members welcome. |make it a fun space for the youth in the area. |

|get you Christmas gifts! | |Contact Dominica Scully on 086-1637828 or Claire |

|Tuesday Meditation 9th Sept. 8pm |PIANO LESSONS |Johnston on 087-6747182 if you can help. |

|Thursday Art & Craft Group – 11th Sept. 8pm |Highly qualified experienced teacher with a Masters | |

|For details on any of the above, please contact |Degree. Excellent results, all levels catered for, |COUNSELLING |

|Catherine on 057-8626153 |beginner to diploma level. Junior Cert & Leaving |Affordable counselling - Loss/Bereavement, Addiction,|

| |Cert music grinds also available. Adults and |family therapy, anxiety, low self-esteem & emotional |

|BEGINNERS BRIDGE CLASSES |Children. Limited availability. Contact 085 7393927.|distress. Contact Liz McNamara (Higgins) RGN BA DIP |

|Classes will commence on Mon 15th Sept. at 8pm in the| |Counselling. MIACP & ACI – Ph: 086-1525690 |

|Anvil Inn. Improvers classes followed by supervised |BALLET CLASSES | |

|bridge game on Wed. nights at 7.30pm. Contact |O'Rourke School of Ballet – Term begins Sept. 10th. |BUTTON ACCORDIANS |

|Blathnaid Trayer |Ph: 086-3025524 to book a free trial ballet class. |Donations of button accordions wanted for |

|087 6268519. midlandsbridge@ |Royal Academy of Dance registered.  |Presentation Primary School, Station Road. They can |

| | |be left into the school. |


|Millinery for Beginners: |Film Screening Fri. 19th Sept: Portarlington Drama |BRIDGE CLUB |

|Weekly Class starts Tues. 16th Sept. (10am – |Society host Film Screening - Venue: Anvil Inn, Main |New season of Bridge starts in Portarlington Golf |

|12.30pm). Series of 5 classes (6 people max. per |Street. 9pm-11pm. Following the success of their |Club on Mon.15th and Wed. 17th Sept. at 7.45pm. New |

|class). Enjoy a fun class & chance to use your craft|production of the play "Comparisons" by local writer |members welcome. |

|skills in new ways. Cost €120. |Henry Madden in the Dunamaise Arts Centre in May this| |

|Introduction to Millinery – Workshop |year, Portarlington Drama Society will show film |LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION |

|Weekend Workshop 11th / 12th Oct. Sat 10am -5pm Sun |excerpts from the performance for all to enjoy. |Join us for a night of live entertainment fun & |

|10am-2pm. Free Hatbox upon completion. Most | |fashion with a twist with many fashion pieces |

|students will complete 2/3 Hats / Headpieces over the|TRANSPORT TO NEWBRIDGE |specially designed for the night. Champagne punch on |

|weekend. Booking essential, very popular course. |From September – Lift needed to Newbridge. Two |arrival, prizes for best dressed and lots of other |

|Price €150. |students looking for transport to Leinster Senior |surprises on the night. On Friday 19th Sept. in the |

|niavriley.ie /087-6274259 |College Mon. to Fri. arriving in Newbridge before |newly refurbished Orchard Hotel Portarlington at |

| |9am. Willing to share fuel costs. Contact Kathleen |7.30pm sharp. All proceeds go to Laois Hospice. |

|SWIMMING LESSONS |on 086-3735131. |Tickets €25 at their Charity Shop on French Church |

|Portarlington Leisure Centre are booking Swimming | |Street. Please purchase in advance to avoid |

|Lessons for the Course Starting  Sept. 15th  - |EMO G.A.A. €5 DEVELOPMENT DRAW |disappointment on the night. Also check it out on |

|23rd Nov. 10 Weeks €85, Levels Little Swimmer – Level|1st Prize €500 Hilary Lawlor |Facebook. |

|8 Book Now 057-8645800 Limited Places available. |2nd Prize €200 Aron O’Connor, St. Brigid’s Sq., C/o | |

|Taking bookings also for Astro Turf. |Sean / 3rd Prize €100 Fionn Treacy, C/o P. Whelan / |O’DEMPSEY’S LOTTO RESULTS 25.8.14 |

| |4th Prize €100 Amie Connolly |Results numbers were: 05,09,11,18.  |

|SPEECH & DRAMA CLASSES |5th Prize €100 Margaret O’Brien C/o Hilary |No Jackpot winner this week. |

|Improve your child’s confidence & communication | | |

|skills with Speech & Drama Classes. Includes vocal &|CHORAL SCHOLARS PROGRAMME |EMO BABY & TODDLER GROUP |

|breathing exercises, relaxation, drama, poetry, |A Launch/Information Evening will take place on Tues.|Emo Baby & Toddler Group start back on Tues. 9TH |

|storytelling, mime, improvisation, theatre, games & |9th Sept. at 8pm in the Cathedral Parish Centre to |Sept. in the Old School from 10am-12 Noon. Further |

|role play. Enrollment & inf. as follows: |launch the new "Choral Scholars Programme" initiative|info. From Ciara 086-8414653 |

|St. Patrick’s Boys School, Mountmellick |by Kildare & Leighlin Diocese in partnership with | |

|Tues. 9th Sept. 7.30pm. |Music Generation Carlow, offering excellent choral & |PORTARLINGTON GAA CLUB |

|Community Centre Portarlington |vocal training to young people ages 15-18 years in |Lotto Week 35 |

|Wed. 10th Sept. 7.30pm. |Choral singing of church music.  Further info. & |Numbers Drawn 3-12-28-29. No Jackpot Winner. |

|Monasterevin Day Care Centre |application visit kandle.ie or contact Marian |Jackpot next week €6,600 |

|Thurs. 11th Sept. 7.30pm |Gaynor: gaynormarian@ or Liam Lawton: |General News: |

|If unable to attend for enrollment E-mail |liamlawtonireland@ |The winner of the draw for the 2 All Ireland Football|

|ceiltissd@ or text 086-2478052 to reserve | |Final and 2 All Ireland Hurling Final tickets was |

|a place. The Classes commence the following week in |ART AS AN OUTLET |Eddie Murphy of Gracefield. |

|these centres at 4pm for younger students & 5pm for |Allow yourself time to unwind through meditation & |What's going on? |

|senior students. |express through paint. Classes commence. Thurs. 18th|Keep up to date with what's going on in Portarlington|

| |Sept. 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Venue: Mount St. Anne’s, |GAA Club by liking our Facebook page or following us |

|ST. BRIGID’S COMMUNITY TEXT ALERT GROUP |Killenard. €90 for 6 week course. Contact Aisling |on Twitter @PortGAA or our new |

|Check out St Brigid's Community Alert Group on |on 086-8798397 |website  |

|Facebook – Please report any suspicious activity to | | |


|057-8674100 |SEPTEMBER |Any unused stamps needed for the missions. Drop them|

| |If anyone would like to host a Coffee Morning in |into ‘The Nook’, Patrick St., Portarlington. |

| |their home, business or workplace contact Ann on | |

| |087-6270988 for details. | |



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