ENGLISH : Grammar & Structure - Trunojoyo

Rosyida Ekawati, S.S. M.A.

ENGLISH : Grammar & Structure


Rosyida Ekawati

Sanksi Pelanggaran Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hak Cipta

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English : Grammar & Structure Oleh:

Rosyida Ekawati, S.S. M.A.

Cetakan Pertama, Desember 2012

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English : Grammar & Structure PREFACE

This book of Structure I is intended for the non-native English speaker or English as second or foreign language. The book is a simplified of structure and its forms, written in clear with numerous examples. It also have given special attention to the areas of particular difficulty. The common problems of English language structure have to be overcome by all students.

This book is an attempt to answer the foreign student's grammatical problems and to give him a large number of appropriate exercises to practise the acceptable forms. Besides, it is also arranged from the basic part of English grammar that is useful to start studying English grammar.

At last, by this book, I wish to thank all fellow English lecturers at University of Trunojoyo Madura who have assisted in the preparation of this Structure I. I doubt that the book would have been written without the inspiration of these dedicated lecturers and of the many worthy students I have met.

Bangkalan, Oktober 2012

Rosyida Ekawati, S.S.MA


Rosyida Ekawati


English : Grammar & Structure TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE............................................................................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ v UNIT 1. Countable/Noncountable Nouns and Article............................ 1 UNIT 2. Nouns and Pronouns ............................................................ 19 UNIT 3. Telling Time and Number In English ..................................... 37 UNIT 4. Adjective and Adverb ............................................................ 41 UNIT 5. Interrogatives: WH- Forms .................................................... 47 UNIT 6. The Present Tenses.............................................................. 51 UNIT 7. Gerunds and Infinitives ......................................................... 59 UNIT 8. Past Time ............................................................................. 71 UNIT 9. Perfect Tenses...................................................................... 81 UNIT 10. Future Time .......................................................................... 95 UNIT 11. Modal Auxiliaries and Similar Expressions .......................... 101 REFERENCES ................................................................................... 113



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