Night Name______________________________________ Blk

Night – Reading Guide Name ____________________________________

Why did Wiesel write Night? ________________________________________________


Section 1

Describe Eliezer’s community:

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

Who is Moshe the Beadle? _________________________________________________


Describe some characteristics of Eliezer’s father

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________________

Explain the quotation: “I was saved miraculously to warn you.”

Speaker: ___________________________ When: ______________________________




Citizens’ reaction: _________________________________________________________

Your reaction: ____________________________________________________________

“The Germans were already in the town, the Fascists were already in power, the verdict had already been pronounced, yet the Jews of Sighet continued to smile.”

Type of irony: ____________________________

Examples of how Jewish citizens of Sighet began to lose their rights:

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

• ____________________________________________________________

What is a ghetto? _________________________________________________________


Why do you think the citizens resisted the truth, even when it was right in front of them?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Saturday, the day of rest, was chosen for our expulsion.”

Type of irony: ____________________________

Section 2

Describe conditions in the train:

• _______________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________

“Our eyes were opened, but too late.”

Explain: _________________________________________________________________


|What was foreshadowed by Madame Schacter’s screams? |Describe passengers’ actions to quiet her: |Elie’s reaction: |

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Where did the train finally stop? _______________________________

Section 3

|Why Elie lies about age/occupation: |First horrifying sight that he disbelieved: |

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“You must never lose faith, even when the sword hangs over your head.”

Internal or external conflict? ________________________________________________

“Never shall I forget these flames which consumed my faith forever.”

Explain: _________________________________________________________________



Ways Elie changed in a short time:

• ______________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________

• ______________________________________________________________

Identification used on the prisoners: ________________________________________

Why prisoner in charge of Elie’s block is removed from this position: ________________


|Who is Stein? |What happens to him? |

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Next destination: ________________________________________

Section 4

“The camp looked as though it had suffered an epidemic: empty and dead.”

What is the tone of this sentence? _______________________

Circle the words that help you determine the tone.

Objectives of medical examinations: ________________________________________

Reason Jewish musicians weren’t allowed to play Beethoven: _______________________


Describe one of Idek’s bouts of madness: _______________________________________


“I dragged myself to a corner. I ached all over. I felt a cool hand wiping my blood-stained forehead. It was the French girl. She gave me a mournful smile and slipped a bit of bread into my hand.”

What is the tone of this sentence? _______________________

Circle the words that help you determine the tone.

Gold Crown

|How Elie first avoided losing his: |When he refused to give it to Franek: |End result: |

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Describe the scene with the soup cauldrons:



“Where is God? Where is he?” Describe the circumstances: _______________________



Why was this hanging different? ____________________________________

Section 5

“We had never understood one another so clearly.”

Explain: ______________________________________________________________



Why Elie didn’t fast on Yom Kippur: _______________________________________

|Advice Elie was given for Selection: |Father’s action when name written down: |

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Akiba Drumer

|What he asked others to do for him: |Did they do it? |

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|Reason for Elie’s operation: |Outcome: |

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|Reason: |Fate of those who stayed at hospital: |

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Section 6

How Zalman died: ______________________________________________________

“The idea of dying, no longer being, began to fascinate me.”

Explain: _________________________________________________________________



Describe Rabbi Eliahou:

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

• ___________________________________________________

What horrible realization did Elie come to concerning Rabbi and his son?



How does Elie respond to this?_____________________________________________


“He was playing his whole life. The whole of his life was gliding on the strings—his last hopes, his charred past, his extinguished future.”

Explain this quotation: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Near him lay his violin, smashed, trampled, a strange overwhelming little corpse.”

Type of figurative language used? ______________________________

What did Elie do to help his father when the selection was made? ___________________


Section 7

How did Elie help his father on the train ride? ___________________________________


“Next to me were two corpses, side by side, the father and the son.

I was fifteen years old.”


How many got out of the wagon? ______________________________

Where had they arrived? __________________________________

Write a passage from the section containing imagery: ____________________________


Section 8

“Get up from here! Immediately! You’re killing yourself.”

Explain: _______________________________________________________________


Explain how father/son roles have been reversed for Elie and his father:


Reason why father was beaten: _____________________________________________

“His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not respond.”


How does Elie feel after the death of his father? __________________________________


Section 9

Events of April 5:

• _______________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________

• _______________________________________________________________

The Resistance Movement

|Who they were: |What they did: |

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First act of prisoners as free men:___________________________________________

“A corpse gazed back at me.”



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