USPTO fee schedule

USPTO fee schedule

Effective December 29, 2022 (Last revised on April 13, 2023)

The fee schedule provides information and fee rates for USPTO's products and services. All payments must be paid in U.S. dollars for the full amount of the fee required. View the Accepted payment methods page or call the USPTO Contact Center at 571-272-1000 or 800-786-9199 for assistance.

SCAM ALERT - Warning about non-USPTO solicitations requesting payments that are sent by numerous companies unaffiliated with the USPTO.

Patent fees

The fees subject to reduction upon establishment of small entity status (37 CFR 1.27) or micro entity status (37 CFR 1.29) are shown in separate columns. Except for provisional applications, each application for a patent requires the appropriate search fee and examination fee in addition to the appropriate fee(s) in the "Patent application filing fees" section below. This means each fee listed as a "Basic filing fee" in the "Patent application filing fees" section should be accompanied by the appropriate search fee listed in the "Patent search fees" section as well as the appropriate examination fee listed in the "Patent examination fees" section. The $400/$200 non-electronic filing fee (fee codes 1090/2090/3090 or 1690/2690/3690) must be paid in addition to the filing, search and examination fees, in each original nonprovisional utility application filed in paper with the USPTO. The only way to avoid payment of the non-electronic filing fee is by filing your nonprovisional utility application via EFS-Web. The non-electronic filing fee does not apply to reissue, design, plant, or provisional applications.

Patent application filing fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?

1011/2011/3011 1.16(a)


1012/2012/3012 1017/2017/3017 1013/2013/3013 1005/2005/3005 1014/2014/3014 1019/2019/3019 1051/2051/3051


1.16(b) 1.16(b) 1.16(c) 1.16(d) 1.16(e) 1.16(e) 1.16(f)


1201/2201/3201 1204/2204/3204

1202/2202/3202 1205/2205/3205 1203/2203/3203


1.16(h) 1.16(h)

1.16(i) 1.16(i) 1.16(j)


Basic filing fee - Utility (paper filing also requires non-electronic filing fee under 1.16(t)) Basic filing fee - Utility (electronic filing for small entities) Basic filing fee - Design Basic filing fee - Design CPA Basic filing fee - Plant Provisional application filing fee Basic filing fee - Reissue Basic filing fee - Reissue (Design CPA) Surcharge - Late filing fee, search fee, examination fee, inventor's oath or declaration, or application filed without at least one claim or by reference Surcharge - Late provisional filing fee or cover sheet Each independent claim in excess of three Each reissue independent claim in excess of three Each claim in excess of 20 Each reissue claim in excess of 20 Multiple dependent claim

Fee 320.00

Small entity

fee 128.00


220.00 220.00 220.00 300.00 320.00 320.00 160.00


88.00 88.00 88.00 120.00 128.00 128.00 64.00


480.00 480.00

100.00 100.00 860.00


192.00 192.00

40.00 40.00 344.00

Micro entity

fee 64.00


44.00 44.00 44.00 60.00 64.00 64.00 32.00


96.00 96.00

20.00 20.00 172.00

USPTO fee schedule

1081/2081/3081 1.16(s)

Utility application size fee - for each additional 50 sheets that exceeds 100 sheets

1082/2082/3082 1.16(s)

Design application size fee - for each additional 50 sheets that exceeds 100 sheets

1083/2083/3083 1.16(s)

Plant application size fee - for each additional 50 sheets that exceeds 100 sheets

1084/2084/3084 1.16(s)

Reissue application size fee - for each additional 50 sheets that exceeds 100 sheets

1085/2085/3085 1.16(s)

Provisional application size fee - for each additional 50 sheets that exceeds 100 sheets

1090/2090/3090 1.16(t)

Non-electronic filing fee -- Utility (additional fee for applications filed in paper)

1053/2053/3053 1.17(i)(1)

Non-English translation

1091/2091/3091 1.21(o)(1)

Submission of sequence listings of 300MB to 800MB

1092/2092/3092 1.21(o)(2)

Submission of sequence listings of more than 800MB

The 4000 series fee code may be used via EFS-Web

Patent search fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?


420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 420.00 400.00 140.00 1,060.00 10,500.00


1111/2111/3111 1112/2112/3112

1.16(k) 1.16(l)

1113/2113/3113 1114/2114/3114

1.16(m) 1.16(n)

Patent examination fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?

Utility search fee Design search fee or Design CPA search fee Plant search fee Reissue search fee or Reissue (Design CPA) search fee


700.00 160.00 440.00 700.00


1311/2311/3311 1312/2312/3312

1.16(o) 1.16(p)

1313/2313/3313 1314/2314/3314

1.16(q) 1.16(r)

Patent issue and publication fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?

Utility examination fee Design examination fee or Design CPA examination fee Plant examination fee Reissue examination fee or Reissue (Design CPA) examination fee


800.00 640.00 660.00 2,320.00


1501/2501/3501 1.18(a)(1)

Utility issue fee

1511/2511/3511 1.18(a)(1)

Reissue issue fee

1502/2502/3502 1.18(b)(1)

Design issue fee

1503/2503/3503 1.18(c)(1)

Plant issue fee



Publication fee for early, voluntary, or normal


1505/2505/3505 1.18(d)(3)

Publication fee for republication

* Third-party filers are not eligible for the micro entity fee.

1,200.00 1,200.00

740.00 840.00









56.00 424.00


Small entity

fee 280.00


176.00 280.00

Small entity

fee 320.00 256.00

264.00 928.00

Small entity

fee 480.00 480.00 296.00 336.00









28.00 212.00


Micro entity

fee 140.00


88.00 140.00

Micro entity

fee 160.00 128.00

132.00 464.00

Micro entity

fee 240.00 240.00 148.00 168.00



Revised April 13, 2023


Patent extension of time fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?

1251/2251/3251 1.17(a)(1)

1252/2252/3252 1.17(a)(2)

1253/2253/3253 1.17(a)(3)

1254/2254/3254 1.17(a)(4)

1255/2255/3255 1.17(a)(5)

Patent maintenance fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?

1551/2551/3551 1552/2552/3552 1553/2553/3553 1554/2554/3554 1555/2555/3555 1556/2556/3556 1558/2558/3558

1.20(e) 1.20(f) 1.20(g) 1.20(h) 1.20(h) 1.20(h) 1.17(m)

Miscellaneous patent fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?

1817/2817/3817 1819/2819/3819 1801/2801/3801


1.17(c) 1.17(d) 1.17(e)(1)


1830/2830/3830 1808/2808/3808 1803/2803/3803 1802/2802/3802 1818/2818 1806/2806/3806 1807/2807/3807

1.17(i)(1) 1.17(i)(2) 1.17(i)(2) 1.17(k) 1.17(o) 1.17(p) 1.17(q)

USPTO fee schedule


Extension for response within first month Extension for response within second month Extension for response within third month Extension for response within fourth month Extension for response within fifth month


220.00 640.00 1,480.00 2,320.00 3,160.00

Small entity

fee 88.00 256.00 592.00 928.00 1,264.00

Micro entity

fee 44.00 128.00 296.00 464.00 632.00


For maintaining an original or any reissue patent, due at 3.5 years For maintaining an original or any reissue patent, due at 7.5 years For maintaining an original or any reissue patent, due at 11.5 years Surcharge - 3.5 year - late payment within 6 months Surcharge - 7.5 year - late payment within 6 months Surcharge - 11.5 year - late payment within 6 months Petition for the delayed payment of the fee for maintaining a patent in force

Fee 2,000.00

Small entity

fee 800.00

3,760.00 1,504.00

7,700.00 3,080.00

500.00 200.00

500.00 200.00

500.00 200.00

2,100.00 840.00

Micro entity

fee 400.00








Request for prioritized examination Correction of inventorship after first action on merits Request for continued examination (RCE) 1st request (see 37 CFR 1.114) Request for continued examination (RCE) 2nd and subsequent request (see 37 CFR 1.114) Processing fee, except in provisional applications Other publication processing fee Request for voluntary publication or republication Request for expedited examination of a design application Document fee for third-party submissions (see 37 CFR 1.290(f)) Submission of an Information Disclosure Statement Processing fee for provisional applications


4,200.00 640.00

Small entity

fee 1,680.00


1,360.00 544.00

2,000.00 800.00

Micro entity

fee 840.00 128.00



140.00 140.00 140.00 1,600.00 180.00 260.00


56.00 140.00 140.00 640.00

72.00 104.00


28.00 140.00 140.00* 320.00

n/a* 52.00 50.00

Revised April 13, 2023


USPTO fee schedule

1809/2809/3809 1.17(r)

Filing a submission after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a))

1810/2810/3810 1.17(s)

For each additional invention to be examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(b))

* Third-party filers are not eligible for the micro entity fee.

Post issuance fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?


1811/2811/3811 1.20(a)

Certificate of correction

1816/2816/3816 1831/2831/3831 1812/2812/3812 1821/2821/3821

1.20(b) 1.20(c)(1) 1.20(c)(2) 1.20(c)(3)

1822/2822/3822 1.20(c)(4)

Processing fee for correcting inventorship in a patent Ex parte reexamination (? 1.510(a)) streamlined Ex parte reexamination (? 1.510(a)) nonstreamlined Each reexamination independent claim in excess of three and also in excess of the number of such claims in the patent under reexamination Each reexamination claim in excess of 20 and also in excess of the number of claims in the patent under reexamination

1814/2814/3814 1826/2826/3826

1.20(d) 1.20(k)(1)

Statutory disclaimer, including terminal disclaimer Request for supplemental examination

1827/2827/3827 1.20(k)(2)

Reexamination ordered as a result of supplemental examination

1828/2828/3828 1.20(k)(3)(i) 1829/2829/3829 1.20(k)(3)(ii)

Supplemental examination document size fee - for nonpatent document having between 21 and 50 sheets Supplemental examination document size fee - for each additional 50 sheets or a fraction thereof in a nonpatent document

* Third-party filers are not eligible for the micro entity fee.

Patent trial and appeal fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?



1401/2401/3401 n/a 1404/2404/3404

1403/2403/3403 1413/2413/3413



41.20(b)(1) 41.20(b)(2)(i) 41.20(b)(2)(ii)

41.20(b)(3) 41.20(b)(4)


Petitions to the Chief Administrative Patent Judge under 37 CFR 41.3

Notice of appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal Filing a brief in support of an appeal in an inter partes reexamination proceeding

Request for oral hearing Forwarding an appeal in an application or ex parte reexamination proceeding to the Board

Inter partes review request fee - Up to 20 claims

880.00 880.00


160.00 160.00 6,300.00 12,600.00 480.00


170.00 4,620.00 12,700.00




420.00 840.00

0.00 2,100.00 1,360.00 2,360.00 19,000.00

352.00 352.00

Small entity

fee 160.00 160.00 2,520.00 5,040.00 192.00


170.00 1,848.00 5,080.00



Small entity

fee 420.00 336.00

0.00 840.00 544.00 944.00 19,000.00

176.00 176.00

Micro entity

fee 160.00 160.00 1,260.00* 2,520.00*



170.00 924.00 2,540.00



Micro entity

fee 420.00 168.00*

0.00 420.00* 272.00* 472.00* 19,000.00

Revised April 13, 2023


USPTO fee schedule

1414/2414/3414 1407/2407/3407 1415/2415/3415 1408/2408/3408 1416/2416/3416 1409/2409/3409 1417/2417/3417

42.15(a)(2) 42.15(a)(3) 42.15(a)(4) 42.15(b)(1) 42.15(b)(2) 42.15(b)(3) 42.15(b)(4)

1412/2412/3412 1411/2411/3411

42.15(c)(1) 42.15(d)



Inter partes review post-institution fee - Up to 20 claims Inter partes review request of each claim in excess of 20 Inter partes post-institution request of each claim in excess of 20

Post-grant or covered business method review request fee - Up to 20 claims

Post-grant or covered business method review post-institution fee - Up to 20 claims

Post-grant or covered business method review request of each claim in excess of 20

Post-grant or covered business method review post-institution request of each claim in excess of 20 Petition for a derivation proceeding Request to make a settlement agreement available and other requests filed in a patent trial proceeding Pro hac vice admission fee

22,500.00 375.00 750.00

20,000.00 27,500.00

475.00 1,050.00

420.00 420.00


22,500.00 375.00 750.00

20,000.00 27,500.00

475.00 1,050.00

420.00 420.00


22,500.00 375.00 750.00

20,000.00 27,500.00

475.00 1,050.00

420.00 420.00


* Third-party filers are not eligible for the micro entity fee.

Patent petition fees

Fee code

37 CFR ?


1462/2462/3462 1463/2463/3463 1464/2464/3464 1453/2453/3453

1.17(f) 1.17(g) 1.17(h) 1.17(m)

1454/2454/3454 1784/2784/3784

1.17(m) 1.17(m)

1783/2783/3783 1.17(t)


1456/2456/3456 1824/2824/3824


1.18(f) 1.20(c)(6)

1457/2457/3457 1.20(j)(1)

Revised April 13, 2023

Petitions requiring the petition fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17(f) (Group I)

Petitions requiring the petition fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17(g) (Group II)

Petitions requiring the petition fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17(h) (Group III)

Petition for revival of an abandoned application for a patent, for the delayed payment of the fee for issuing each patent, or for the delayed response by the patent owner in any reexamination proceeding Petition for the delayed submission of a priority or benefit claim

Petition to excuse applicant's failure to act within prescribed time limits in an international design application Petition to convert an international design application to a design application under 35 U.S.C. chapter 16 Filing an application for patent term adjustment Request for reinstatement of term reduced

Petitions in a reexamination proceeding, except for those specifically enumerated in 37 CFR 1.550(i) and 1.937(d) Extension of term of patent

Fee 420.00 220.00 140.00 2,100.00

2,100.00 2,100.00

180.00 210.00 420.00 2,040.00 1,180.00

Small entity

fee 168.00

88.00 56.00 840.00

840.00 840.00


210.00 420.00 816.00


Micro entity

fee 84.00 44.00* 28.00 420.00

420.00 420.00


210.00 420.00 408.00*




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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