Soc213 (001)

Soc213 (001) Deviant Behavior Bogart Test01a 9/17/02

Part 01: Text (Thio) Items

Chapter 02: Positivist Theories: Explaining Deviance

1a. According to _____’s version of strain theory, deviant behavior results from the failure to achieve high status. A. Cloward and Ohlin B. Merton C. Sutherland D. Cohen E. Hirschi (p. 17)

2a. In Morton’s view, US society heavily emphasizes the cultural value of _____. A. success B. good sportsmanship C. nonconformity D. retreatism E. status (p. 18)

3a. According to Merton, _____ is common among lower-middle-class people who lower their aspirations or abandon high success goals so that they can more easily realize their aspirations. A. innovation B. ritualism C. rebellion D. conformity E. retreatism (p. 19)

4a. Cloward and Ohlin’s theory begins with Merton’s theory, but adds the component of _____. A. differential illegitimate opportunity B. operant conditioning theory C. differential identification D. differential reinforcement E. formal social control (p. 22)

5a. According to Sutherland’s theory of differential association, what is imporant is _____. A. that people who hold deviant ideas must be deviants B. a person’s identification with the deviant subculture C. if individuals have a lot of contact with deviance, they will themselves become deviant D. a system of rewards and punishments E. the idea of deviance (p. 22)

6a. The key to Glaser’s theory, which focuses on the interaction in which a choice of models occurs, is _____. A. association B. reinforcement C. frustration D. availability E. identification (p. 24-25)

7a. Which of the following is NOT associated with Burgess and Akers’ theory? A. social learning theory B. operant conditioning theory C. deterrence theory D. behaviorist theory E. reinforcement theory (p. 25)

8a. In his most recent writings, Hirschi theorizes that people with _____ are more likely to commit deviant acts. A. strong social bonds B. weak self-control C. strong self-control D. weak social bonds E. involvement in nonconventional activities (p. 28)

9a. According to Braithwaite, reintegrative shaming is more common in _____ societies. A. individualized B. unitarian C. formal D. informal E. communitarian (p. 29)

10a. The deterrence doctrine assumes that basically, humans are _____. A. ashamed B. easily understood C. easily influenced D. rational E. cynical (p. 29)

Chapter 03: Constructionist Theories: Understanding Deviance

11a. Key to labeling theory are _____ and _____. A. meanings/interaction B. symbolism/retreatism C. positivism/symbolism D. law enforcement/conformity E. interaction/control (p. 35)

12a. Secondary deviation is also known as the _____. A. first act B. law in action C. final behavior D. law on the books E. organizational imperative (p. 37)

13a. According to Thio’s discussion of labeling theorists, which of the following is NOT a consequence of labeling? A. enhanced social order B. a clearer distinction between good and evil C. group ridicule for those who engage in labeling D. preservation of social cohesion E. defining group boundaries (p. 38)

14a. Ethnomethodology is also known as the study of _____. A. labeling theory B. primary and secondary deviation C. legal reality theory D. phenomenology E. conflict theory (p. 39)

15a. _____ has/have to do with the incompatible interests and needs of diverse groups, such as conservative versus liberal political groups. A. legal definitions B. social conflict C. deviants’ misconceptions D. theorists’ conceptions E. cultural conflict (p. 44)

16a. _____ shows that legal authorities are unfair and unjust, favoring the rich and powerful over the poor and weak. A. the law in action B. the laws of our fathers C. social justice D. theoretical law E. the law on the books (p. 45)

17a. The interaction among lawmaking, law enforcement, criminal actions, and ideology combine to produce _____ theory. A. social reality B. Marxist C. legal reality D. feminist E. postmodernist (pp. 46-47)

18a. _____ theory holds that Merton’s theory of anomie does not apply to all people because of a difference in socialization. A. social reality B. Marxist C. legal reality D. feminist E. postmodernist (pp. 48-49)

19a. According to power theory, strong deviant motivation among the powerful stems from _____. A. stronger social control B. deconstructionism C. relative deprivation D. coercive control E. organizational imperative (p. 50)

20a. Which of the following terms is most closely associated with postmodernist theory? A. objectification B. rationality C. depersonalization D. subjectivity E. opportunity (p. 51)

Part 02: Lecture Items

Li: Functional Theory

21a. Which of the following is NOT a concept of functional theory? A. social system B. boundaries C. dysfunctions D. cultural lag E. integration

22a. Which of the following theorists is NOT associated with functional theory? A. Merton B. Durkheim C. Erikson D. Davis E. Parsons

23a. The purpose of punishment for a crime is primarily to _____. A. act as a deterrent to future crimes B. cure a pathology C. express the sentiments of the community D. encourage dependence in the deviant E. bring dishonor upon the deviant’s family

24a. As societies develop, the crime rate _____. A. decreases B. increases C. stays the same D. decreases initially, then reaches a plateau E. increases initially, then drops drastically

25a. According to “The Sociology of Prostitution,” which of the following is NOT true? A. In societies where the family is strong, prostitution will be vigorous. B. Customers and prostitutes typically are prosecuted with the same regularity. C. Some forms of prostitution have received social sanction in various cultures. D. Prostitution is universal. E. Prostitution serves familial, economic, and religious functions.

Lii: Social Disorganization Theory

26a. Members of the Early Chicago School also were called _____. A. young urban professionals B. sociological social workers C. sociological determinists D. criminologists E. social pathologists

27a. Which of the following is NOT typically associated with social disorganization theory? A. competition of population B. time and space C. sociological determinism D. differentiation and specialization E. impersonal relationships

28a. Social disorganization may be defined as a decline in the influence of _____. A. rules B. the clergy C. logic D. social boundaries E. emotional boundaries

29a. “Hobohemia” is associated with _____. A. government B. unskilled labor C. artists and sculptors D. slums E. dancers

30a. According to Faris and Dunham’s discussion of zones, the highest rate of suicide is found among _____. A. unmarried white-collar workers B. married blue-collar workers C. middle class wives D. upper middle class daughters E. unmarried blue-collar workers

Liii: Anomie Theory

31a. Which of the following concepts is NOT associated with anomic theory? A. goal-means B. ritualism C. retreatism D. zones E. innovation

32a. In Durkheim’s interpretation, “declassified” means _____. A. stripped of one’s identity B. regrouped according to a common language C. homogenous social behavior D. morally reprehensible E. loss of the means that one once enjoyed

33a. In Merton’s typology of the goal-means disjunction, “ritualism” means _____. A. acceptance of goals and means B. accept goal but reject means C. reject goal but accept means D. reject both goal and means without replacement E. reject both goal and means with replacement

34a. Cloward’s theory combines two approaches: Durkheim’s anomie and Sutherland’s _____. A. social disorganization B. differential association C. Puritanism D. latent functions E. manifest functions

35a. Anomie theory came into popularity following _____. A. World War II B. the Korean conflict C. the Gulf war D. the Vietnam war E. World War I

Liv: Differential Association Theory

36a. The role of differential association theorists was that of _____. A. college professor B. naturalist C. government consultant D. business consultant E. criminologist

37a. Which of the following theorists is NOT associated with differential association theory? A. Sutherland B. Glaser C. Cressey D. Sykes E. Mills

38a. According to the book, Criminology, the process of logical abstraction involves an analysis of _____. A. different types of criminal acts B. different types of punishment C. what criminals have in common D. criminal outcomes E. criminal images

39a. According to the lecture notes, differential identification theory leads to _____. A. an increase in the number of violent crimes B. a decrease in the number of violent crimes C. a typology of behavior making criminals more readily identifiable D. more effective rehabilitation programs E. more liberal penal institutions

40a. The denial of responsibility and the denial of injury are examples of techniques of _____. A. rationalization B. neutralization C. assertion D. determinism E. adaptation


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