Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Vessels and Nerves of the Foot

Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Vessels and Nerves of the Foot ( New Foot Model

A. Bones

1. Tibia

2. Medial malleolus

3. Fibula

4. Lateral malleolus

5. Calcaneus

6. Talus

7. Navicular bone

8. Metatarsal bone I

9. Metatarsal bone V

10. Tuberculum at metatarsal bone V

B. Muscles & Tendons

11. Tibialis anterior muscle

12. Extensor hallucis longus tendon

13. Extensor digitorum longus tendon

14. Peroneus (Fibularis) tertius tendon

15. Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

16. Extensor hallucis brevis muscle

17. Peroneus (Fibularis) brevis muscle

18. Peroneus (Fibularis) longus tendon

19. Achilles tendon (Calcaneal tendon)

20. Flexor hallucis longus muscle

21. Flexor digitorum longus muscle

22. Flexor digitorum longus tendon

23. Quadratus plantae muscle

24. Tibialis posterior tendon

25. Abductor hallucis muscle

26. Flexor hallucis brevis muscle

27. Flexor digitorum brevis muscle

28. Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle

29. Abductor digiti minimi muscle

30. Lumbrical muscles

31a. Adductor hallucis muscle

(oblique head)

31b. Adductor hallucis muscle

(transverse head)

32. Plantar interosseous muscles

33. Dorsal interosseous muscles

C. Ligaments of the Ankle Joint

34. Inferior extensor retinaculum of the lower limb

35. Flexor retinaculum of the lower limb

36. Superior peroneal (fibular) retinaculum

37. Inferior peroneal (fibular) retinaculum

38. Deltoid ligament (ligamentum mediale)

39. Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament

40. Posterior inferior tibiofubular ligament

D. Arteries and Nerves

41. Anterior tibial artery

42. Deep peroneal (fibular) nerve

43. Medial cutaneous branch of superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve

44. Lateral cutaneous branch of superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve

45. Lateral cutaneous sural nerve

46. Lateral calcaneal branch of sural nerve

47. Dorsal artery of the foot (doralis pedis)

48. Arcuate artery

49. Dorsal metatarsal arteries

50. Lateral calcaneal artery

51. Ramus communicans

52. Posterior tibial artery

53. Medial calcaneal artery

54. Medial plantar artery

55. Lateral plantar artery

56. Plantar arch

57. Plantar metatarsal arteries

58. Medial popliteal and posterior tibial nerve

59. Medial plantar nerve

60. Lateral plantar nerve




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