Purpose: .com

Affirma Social Media StrategyPurpose:GET OUR NAME OUT THERE!Social Media =Branding Affirma/creating awareness of our services/creating more web trafficMore web traffic= More salesMore Sales=More RevenueTo create a workable, measurable plan to leverage various social media outlets that will allow us to interact with customers, and prospective customers. Become a source of valuable information (You Tube Channel, newsletters)Goals:Short Term Goal:Consistent Goal: Gain 10 new quality followers weekly on twitter (decision makers, corporations, etc.)Create an identity (voice) on twitter, Facebook, etc. Follow our clients and hopefully have then follow us backCreate value (through the content of our posts) in following us/liking usmore awareness of the Affirma blog (in subscribers)Gain insights of their business needs from our customers by following themIdentify needs/trends in information and fill these needs Measure what competitors are doing in social space and how to apply it to AffirmaBenchmark our level of activityHave a systematic approach to our social media outletsGain insights from our customers by following themKeep track of important events/webinars via twitter that would be beneficial for us to be in attendance Long Term Goal: High presence within the social media realm of our industryHigh engagement with our loyal customers to strengthen relations, and with prospective customersCreate an exclusive Affirma Community – ref. com planHave an established presence on companies profiles(retweets, @’s, mentions)More interaction with the blog with comments and questions from blog followers on each postStart a YouTube Channel (Ryan & Anthony support)Influence on Revenue from Social Media: 10 new leads a quarterFrequency:Post min. of 3 responsive posts a weekPost 1 informative post a week1 new original YouTube video each month(starting Quarter 4 Repost a min. of 2 interesting and relevant videos a monthTweet @ companies when they post exciting news(make them feel apart of our community)Immediate Action Items:Become a member of the Seattle branch of the Seattle Chapter of Social Media Club, register for and attend the monthly events.Hold an informal meeting (lunch maybe?)with the active bloggers where everyone can share what they are doing in social space, to have increased communication as to the direction of our social media campaign, to pick up on a unified voice, and bounce around ideas. Coordinate Webinars with bloggers and account managers Link April’s newsletter on twitter, website, facebookProcess:Follow our blog regularly to keep up-to-date on when new ones are posted. Marketing will write a blurb about blog post and tweet/post on our wall with link. Affirma Team sends new information my way(articles , events, etc.) when come acrossSales team send me recaps of any events attended, special mentions(ex. @speaker etc.)Create a monthly report on the status of our Social Media Strategy.Purpose: find faults, revamp accordingly after benchmark analysis, refocus direction, evaluate resultsPost link to CRM event invite page on Facebook and twitter, where followers can register to be invited. Marketing would collaborate with Sales and AM teams to decide who to send invites to. (ref. Affirma exclusive community)Purpose: create a buzz about our events, communicate value in attendingDemographic FocusTech SpecialistsDecision makersCompany profilesSoftware solutions profilesProspective companiesLoyal CompaniesTwo types of messaging coming out from our social media:Responsive and informative. We want to trade off in messaging responsive and informative. Have a consistent flow/theme to our messaging. This way we will cover all demographics of our followers, and keep them interested. How do customers use social technologies in the context of our services:Stay up-to-date on new software, trends.See what solutions other business are implementingValidation of the trustworthiness/reliability of the company(many big companies and decision makers want to follow us, we want to build loyalty within our customer base, and show this, makes other business want to work with us)Interact with our past customers on social mediaPresence in the fieldWhat social info do our customers rely on?Event infoNew insights on technologyLatest breaking news on the BI, Mobile, Cloud frontWhat other companies are doingBig Picture: Our social media outlets will serve as a transition to gaining a bigger presence and becoming actively involved within the business community of the greater Seattle area. ................

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