Communion from the Chalice: It is over a year now since we introduced Communion under both kinds in our Church at all Masses. I would like to buy two identical chalices which we could use on Sundays and which would look more fitting for the Eucharist, on our altar. I have priced each chalice and they would cost £608.84 for each one. I wondered if anyone would like to buy one of these chalices for us, perhaps as a family, or in memory of someone deceased. Please let me know if you would like to help.

Side Chapels: Along with all the side chapels the confessionals have recently been repainted and are now as good as new. Why not come along and see! Confessions 11am and 5pm on Saturdays.

Catholic/Muslim Marriage: 19th November - 10.30am – 4.00pm, Loyola Hall, Heythrop College, University of London, there will be a collaborative conference hosted by Heythrop, the Dept for Dialogue and Unity of the Catholic Bishops Conference, Marriage Care and the Christian-Muslim Forum to look specifically at issues surrounding Catholic/Muslim marriage.

Growing in Faith: In the porch of the Church the latest “Growing in Faith” newsletters are available bringing us up to date with how the Diocese is doing in this programme and the various projects taking place around the Diocese.

Feast Day: This Tuesday 28th October is the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude, Apostles.

All Saints: Next Sunday the Church will keep the Feast of All Saints and not on Saturday 1st November. The feast of All Souls will fall on Monday 3rd November.

Tea and coffee: will be available after 11.00am Mass in the church hall. All parishioners and visitors are welcome. We would be grateful for more volunteers to help with making the tea and coffee after this Mass. Many thanks.

The Faith Sharing Prayer Group: Meeting each week on Tuesday at 1.30pm in the Lower Hall.

MAY THEY REST IN PEACE: Your prayers are requested for those whose anniversaries occur about this time:, Kate Collins, John Hearne, Emma Cunliffe, Thomas Welling, Peter Bowen, Patrick Lacey, Patrick and Margaret Smith, Patrick and Mary Healy, Johanna O’Grady, Mr R Hunt, Frances Thomas, William O’Toole, John and Mary Cleary, Mary Dolan, Mary Hynes, William Joseph McCarthy, Geoffrey Vyvyan, James Donovan, Catherine Cahill, Patrick Maher, Francis McShane, Michael Kilcooley, Dermot Coleman, Margaret Sheehan, Elizabeth Cusack, Gregoria Garcia, James Hebblethwaite, Mary McKee, Jim O’Sullivan, Luciano Conti, Charlie Gould, Elizabeth Parmar

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary. 211 Old Marylebone Road, London NW1 5QT.Tel: 020 7723 5101. Email: Priests of the Parish: Fr Michael Johnston (Parish Priest). Email: Priest in Residence: Fr Austin Garvey: Parish Administrator: Mrs Marion Egan – Parish Office open 10.30am – 3.30pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Church of Our Lady of the Rosary



+ + + + + + +

30th Sunday of the Year 26th October 2014


Saturday: 6.00pm (First Mass of Sunday)

Sunday: 8.30am, 11.00 (Family Mass), and 6.00pm (Folk Mass)


Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12.30pm

Tuesday and Thursday 12.30pm and 6.00pm

Saturday 12.30pm


Saturday: 11.00am to 11.30am and 5.00pm to 5.30pm.

Every Saturday afternoon, there is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 5.00pm to Benediction at 5.30pm.

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Saturday at 7.00pm.

Fr Michael writes: By the time of Jesus, the Jewish people had got themselves into a mess. They had 615 different laws to follow on every aspect of daily life. Just to trick him, the Pharisees ask which is the greatest. Jesus cuts through all the legalism and complications. In its simplicity His reply gives both the Pharisees, and Christians today, the standard for all the laws. “You must love the Lord Your God, You must love your neighbour as yourself”. Love of our neighbour should be the motivation for our behaviour– but love of God always takes precedence.

Clocks Change: Do not forget that this weekend British Summer Time ends and your clock should go BACK by one hour.

Christmas Fayre: As you know we have a Christmas Fayre on Saturday 29th November from 11am. We are now collecting items for the Bazaar. At the back of the Church at all weekend Masses, from this weekend there will be a bin marked “Christmas Fayre. We are collecting children’s toys; games; jigsaws; books; CD’s and DVD’s; handbags – (new, nearly new,, good as new); perfume and candles; glassware; jewellery; bottles of wine and spirits, beers; bric a brac. We need people to make cakes, jams, chutneys and other homemade preserves. Please let me know if you know of businesses for sponsorship and raffle prizes? Also if you have a favourite restaurant or pub who would give us a voucher or cake shop or butcher etc? We need some really good prizes for our Grand Raffle – Can you help us? Letters are available in the porch if you need to hand in a letter for a donation. Could you enter yourself as a prize as a hairdresser; beauty therapist; language lessons; chef for an evening; gardener; photographer; musician; cleaner? Can you help in face painting and other children’s activities? If you can help in any of these ways please write to me or send me an email. Would you please note that the next meeting for the Christmas Fayre will take place on Monday 17th November at 7pm. It is very important that as many people as possible attend.


1. Do you know of a couple of face painters who would come along for an hour or so. 2. We need Christmas Items i.e. Decorations; Table Decorations; Christmas Tree Decorations; wrapping paper. All for a Christmas Stall.

3. Can you make cakes and freeze them until the day?

4. We need many bottles (preferably full of alcohol) for our Bottle Tombola.

Please see Fr. Michael if you can help with any of the above.

We do not take furniture or old clothes. New and unworn clothes we may be able to accommodate.

Grand Draw: As you leave Church today the Christmas Fayre Grand Draw tickets are available. Please take a couple of books of tickets to sell. This year there are varied and valuable prizes:- 1st Prize: £200, 2nd Prize: Weekend for two in luxury hotel, 3rd Prize: Dinner for two at the Hilton London Metropole, 4th Prize: £100, 5th Prize: Christmas Hamper, 6th Prize: Selection of Wines and Spirits, 7th Prize: Dinner for two at Lancaster Hotel and many more prizes.

Book of tickets £2.50. All counterfeits and money to be returned in an envelope to the Presbytery letter box.

Rosary Seniors Group: The next meeting will take place this Monday 27th October at 3pm. We need some new members and new ideas. Please come along.

New Parishioners: If any new parishioners moved into the parish over the summer months, please complete a registration form, and hand it to Fr. Michael after Mass

Confirmation 2014: The Parish Confirmation programme will begin in January with sessions on Saturday mornings leading up to the celebration of the sacrament in June 2015. If you are in Year 9 or above and wish to join the programme then you are invited to write to me briefly explaining your reasons for wishing to be confirmed. Your letter should include your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, school and which Mass you attend on Sunday. Nobody below Year 9 may join. All letters of application should be with me by mid-December.

Gift Aid: We now have 97 people who have a box of envelopes to pay their weekly contribution. We also have fifteen people who pay by Direct Debit. That adds up to 112 people. Yet we only have 47 people who gift aid. You can gift aid your money to the Church which means if you pay tax in the UK, our Church would get an extra 25p for every £1.00 that you give, from the Government. It is money for nothing, and if the other 50 people on envelopes or Direct Debit were to gift aid we would get back several thousand pounds from the Government. Today in the porch there is a tray with Gift Aid Forms. Please complete one and give to Fr. Michael. Thank you to the 16 new gift aiders.

For your Diaries:

Christmas Fayre - Saturday 29th November 11am – 2.30pm

First Holy Communions – Sunday 24th May 2015 at 11am.

Confirmation – Saturday 6th June 2015 at 6pm

Cleaning: We could do with some more help with the cleaning of the Church. The next time the cleaners meet will be next Friday 31st October just for an hour. Thereafter every two weeks.

Choir: Anyone else able to join our Choir or sing a Psalm on Sundays. Please see Fr Michael.

November Envelopes: November Envelopes are available again this weekend. You should place into the envelope your list of deceased family and friends. You should also include your offering for Masses. Please seal the envelope and return it to the Presbytery letter box. Do not leave it in the Church. During the month of November which is by tradition in the Church, the month of the Holy Souls, those lists will be placed by the altar and remembered at all our Masses. Please return all envelope lists and offerings by the end of October.

Collections for last weekend amounted to £279.60 Envelopes, £559.95 Loose plate, Total £839.55 Many thanks

World Mission A.P.F. collection £169.38

Have a good week Fr. Michael - Parish Priest


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