Joshua Woods - West Virginia University


Joshua Woods

Department of Sociology and Anthropology

West Virginia University

PO Box 6326

315 Knapp Hall

Morgantown, WV 26506

Telephone: 304-293-8843


Academic blog:

Twitter: @ADiscGolfBlog


PhD, Sociology, Michigan State University

B.A., Political Science, Michigan State University



2017 Joshua Woods, and C. Damien Arthur. Debating Immigration in the Age of Terrorism, Polarization, and Trump. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2012 Joshua Woods. Freaking Out: A Decade of Living with Terrorism. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

2011 Vladimir Shlapentokh, and Joshua Woods. Feudal America: Elements of the Middle Ages in Contemporary Society. University Park, PA: Penn State University Press.

2007 Vladimir Shlapentokh, in collaboration with Joshua Woods. Contemporary Russia as a Feudal Society: A New Perspective on the Post-Soviet Era. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2005 Vladimir Shlapentokh, Joshua Woods, and Eric Shiraev (eds.). America: Sovereign Defender or Cowboy Nation? Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Book in progress: Emerging Sports as Social Movements: Disc Golf and the Rise of an Unknown Sport

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

2020 Joshua Woods. The Associations Between Traditional and Social Media and the Growth of Non-Normative Sports. Sport in Society, Forthcoming.

2020 Jesse Wozniak and Joshua Woods. The Evolving Self-Presentation of the Islamic State, From Dabiq to Rumiyah. The Social Science Journal, DOI: 10.1080/03623319.2020.1727242.

2019 Joshua Woods. Normative Bridges and Barriers in the Framing of Emerging Sports Movements. Sociological Spectrum, 39(4): 234-249.

2019 Joshua Woods. Using Social Media to Estimate the Size and Demographic Characteristics of Hard-to-Reach Sport Communities: The Case of Disc Golf. International Journal of Sport Communication, 12(1): 36-54.

2019 Wozniak, Jesse, Joshua Woods and Quentin King. Chaos and Civilization: The Organizational Impression Management of the Islamic State in Dabiq Magazine. Social Science Quarterly, Forthcoming.

2018 Weiss, Karen, and Joshua Woods. Fights Happen … it’s just what drunks do. Social Currents, 5(6): 550-565.

2017 Joshua Woods and Agnieszka Marciniak. The Effects of Perceived Threat, Political Orientation and Framing on Public Reactions to Punitive Immigration Law Enforcement Practices, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 3(2): 202-217.

2017 Joshua Woods, Karen G. Weiss and Brent Boyd. Normal Violence: The Case of Fighting on a College Campus. Deviant Behavior, Published online: January 6, 2017.

2016 C. Damien Arthur and Joshua Woods. President Bush and Immigration Policy Rhetoric: The effects of negativity on the political landscape at the state level, White House Studies 14(1), online.

2015 Joshua Woods, Jason Manning and Jacob Matz. The Impression Management Tactics of an Immigration Think Tank. Sociological Focus, 48 (4), 354-372.

2015 Joshua Woods. The Op-Ed Sociologists: The Matthew Effect in Op-ed Publication Patterns. The American Sociologist, 46(3): 356-372.

2015 Clara Simmons and Joshua Woods. The Overrepresentation of White Missing Children in National Television News. Communication Research Reports, 32(3): 239-245.

2014 Joshua Woods and Damien Arthur. The Threat of Terrorism and the Changing Public Discourse on Immigration after September 11. Sociological Spectrum, 34(5): 421-441.

2013 Damien Arthur and Joshua Woods. The Contextual Presidency: The Negative Shift in Presidential Immigration Rhetoric. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 43(3): 468-489.

2012 Debra Blaacker, Joshua Woods and Christopher Oliver. How Big is Big Coal? Public Perceptions of the Coal Industry’s Economic Impact in West Virginia. Organization & Environment, 25(4): 385-401.

2011 Joshua Woods. Framing Terror: An Experimental Framing Effects Study of the Perceived Threat of Terrorism. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 4(2): 199–217.

2011 Joshua Woods. The 9/11 Effect: Toward a Social Science of the Terrorist Threat. The Social Science Journal, 48(1): 1-21.

2010 Joshua Woods. Medieval Security in the Modern State. Space and Polity, 14(3): 251–269.

2009 Joshua Woods and Vladimir Shlapentokh. The Feudal Model and the Study of Modern Organizations. International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, 12(4): 521-557.

2008 Joshua Woods, Toby Ten Eyck, Stan Kaplowitz and Vladimir Shlapentokh. Terrorism Risk Perceptions and Proximity to Primary Terrorist Targets: How Close is Too Close? Human Ecology Review, 15(1): 63-70.

2007 Joshua Woods. What We Talk about When We Talk about Terrorism: Elite Press Coverage of Terrorism Risk from 1997 to 2005. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 12(3): 3-20.

2007 Joshua Woods. Democracy and the Press: A Comparative Analysis of Pluralism in the International Print Media. Social Science Journal, 44(2): 213-230.

2007 Joshua Woods. America: The Archipelago of Almost Fame. Midwest Quarterly, 48(3): 359-375.

2006 Joshua Woods. Searching for the Victim in the General Sociological Literature on Crime. International Review of Victimology, 13(2): 201-219.

2005 Joshua Woods. The Common Enemy Rationale: An Attempt to Apply Concepts of Cognitive Consistency to the Portrayals of the United States in the Foreign Press. Global Media Journal, 4(7) (available online).

2004 Vladimir Shlapentokh and Joshua Woods. The Threat of International Terrorism and the Image of the United States Abroad. Brown Journal of World Affairs, 10(2): 167-180.

2004 Vladimir Shlapentokh and Joshua Woods. Foreign Perceptions of the USA after the Terrorist Attacks of 2001. International Studies, 41(2): 159-184.

Book Chapters

2011 Joshua Woods. Opportunity, Ease, Encouragement, and Shame: a Short

Course in Pitching For-Profit Education. In Opposing Viewpoints: For-Profit Education. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.

2005 Vladimir Shlapentokh, Joshua Woods, and Eric Shiraev. Two chapters in

Vladimir Shlapentokh, Joshua Woods and Eric Shiraev (eds.). America: Sovereign Defender or Cowboy Nation? Burlington, VT: Ashgate.

Awards for Research

North Central Sociological Association’s Scholarly Achievement Award, 2016, for an article: Joshua Woods, Jason Manning and Jacob Matz (2015). The Impression Management Tactics of an Immigration Think Tank. Sociological Focus, 48 (4), 354-372.

Research Reports

Vladimir Shlapentokh, Toby A. Ten Eyck and Joshua Woods. Perceptions of Terrorism: A Study of Michigan, State of the State Survey, 2005. Submitted to the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University, May, 25, 2006.

Vladimir Shlapentokh, Toby A. Ten Eyck and Joshua Woods. Perceptions of Terrorism in Michigan: A Sobering Perspective. Submitted to the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at Michigan State University, February, 14, 2006.

Presentations & Conference Papers

Joshua Woods. The Relationships between Media and the Growth of Small, Non-Normative Sports: The Case of Disc Golf in the United States. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, annual meeting in Virginia Beach, VA (11/08/2019).

Joshua Woods. The Future of Disc Golf. Keynote Speech given at The Disc Golf Symposium, organized by Pittsburgh Flying Disc, Pittsburgh, PA (3/23-24/2019).

Joshua Woods. Using Social Media to Estimate the Size and Demographic Characteristics of Hard-to-Reach Sports Communities: The Case of Disc Golf (paper presentation); and Author Meets Critics (session presider) at North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, OH (3/29/2019).

Joshua Woods. The Building and Breaking of Normative Boundaries in the Framing of Emerging Sports: The Case of Disc Golf. North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Pittsburgh, PA (4/6/2018).

Joshua Woods. Who Plays? Measuring the Participation of Underserved Groups in an Emerging Outdoor Sport. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, annual meeting in Windsor, Ontario. (11/3/2017)

Jesse Wozniak and Joshua Woods. Selling D’aesh to the World: Dabiq Magazine and the Framing of a Terrorist Organization. Society for the Study of Social Problems, annual meeting in Seattle, WA (August 21, 2016).

Joshua Woods and Agnieszka Marciniak. The effects of perceived threat, political orientation and framing on public reactions to punitive immigration law enforcement practices. North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Chicago, IL (03/24/2016).

Joshua Woods and Agnieszka Marciniak. Immigrant Frames and Public Attitudes toward Immigration Law Enforcement Practices. Southern Sociological Society, annual meeting in New Orleans, LA (3/27/2015).

Agnieszka Marciniak and Joshua Woods. Legalized Racial Profiling and Arizona SB1070: A Framing Effects Study. North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Cleveland, Ohio (4/10/2015).

Joshua Woods and Brent Boyd. Situational Models of Interpersonal Violence: The Case of College Fights. North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio (04/06/2014).

Joshua Woods, Karen Weiss, Brent Boyd and Hannah Liebreich. The Situation of College Fighting. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (11/20/2013).

Damien Arthur and Joshua Woods. Presidential Framing and Immigration Policy: Do States Respond to Negative Rhetoric? The Association for Humanist Sociology 2013 Annual Conference, Arlington, Virginia (10/11/2013).

Karen G. Weiss, Joshua Woods and Hannah Liebreich. Fighting while Intoxicated: Investigating linkages between fights and intoxication at college. Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Meeting, New York, New York (8/11/2013).

Joshua Woods, Karen Weiss and Brent Boyd. Why We Fight: A Review of Macro-social and Micro-situational Factors. North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Indianapolis IN (04/06/2013).

Brent Boyd and Joshua Woods. College Throw Down: A Typology of Fighting. North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Indianapolis IN (04/06/2013).

Joshua Woods. Organizer/Facilitator of the session Media, Politics, and Interest Groups at North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Indianapolis IN (04/05/2013).

Joshua Woods. Organizer/Facilitator of the session The Situation of Fighting in Everyday Life at North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Indianapolis IN (04/05/2013).

Joshua Woods, Jason Manning and Jacob Matz. The Impression Management Tactics of an Anti-Immigration Group. Presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems, annual meeting, Denver CO (08/16/2012).

Joshua Woods and Damien Arthur. Immigrants in the News: An Epidemiological Approach to the Study of Negative News. Presented at North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Pittsburgh PA (04/14/2012).

Damien Arthur and Joshua Woods. Presidential Immigration Rhetoric: Negative Frames and Changing Political Culture. Presented at North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Pittsburgh PA (04/14/2012).

Debra Blaacker, Joshua Woods and Christopher Oliver. Big Coal? Perceptions of the Economic Impact of the Coal Industry in West Virginia. Presented at North Central Sociological Association, annual meeting in Pittsburgh PA (04/14/2012).

Damien Arthur and Joshua Woods. The Contextual Presidency: The Negative Shift in Presidential Immigration Rhetoric. (Poster presentation). Eberly College of Arts & Sciences’ Research Horizons Poster Day, Morgantown, WV (04/05/2012).

Joshua Woods. The Authoritarian Turn: The Changing Public Discourse on Immigration after 9/11. Presented at Society for the Study of Social Problems, annual meeting, Las Vegas NV (8/19/2011).

Joshua Woods. Talking Terror under Three Presidents: Media Hegemony or a Framing Contest? Presented at the 5th International Social Science Research Conference, New Orleans, LA (9/23/2010).

Joshua Woods. The Threat of Terrorism: A Socially Situated News Story. Presented at a joint conference of the Midwest Sociological Society and the North Central Sociological Association (4/ 3/2010).

Joshua Woods. Newspaper Coverage of Terrorism Risk Before and After 9/11: News Frames as Indicators of Risk. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Michigan Sociological Association, Mount Pleasant, MI (10/7/2006).

Joshua Woods. The Common Enemy and America’s Image Abroad. Second Year Paper Presentation, Masters-degree requirement for sociology at Michigan State University, Lansing, MI (4/16/2004).

Public Sociology

Joshua Woods is the editor at Parked, an academic blog devoted to reviewing research on disc golf and other nonnormative sports. In addition to writing regularly for Parked, he has published dozens of opinion articles and analyses in print and online media, including USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, The New Republic, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Conversation, Moscow Times, St. Petersburg Times, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Lansing State Journal, Kalamazoo Gazette, City Parks Blog, This Week in Sociology, Ultiworld Disc Golf, Release Point, Johnson’s Russia List, International Higher Education, Global Alternative, and Public Response.

Work in Progress

Jesse Wozniak and Joshua Woods. The Evolving Self-Presentation of the Islamic State, From Dabiq to Rumiyah, under revise and resubmit at The Social Science Journal

Joshua Woods. The Associations Between Traditional and Social Media and the Growth of Non-Normative Sports, under revise and resubmit at Sport in Society

Professional Experience

West Virginia University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Morgantown WV

Associate Professor, Social Psychology, Social Research Methods, Media and Society, Complex Organizations (August 2009 – Present)

Parked: A Disc Golf Think Tank (), a scholarly blog

Editor (September 2016 – Present)

Michigan State University, Department of Sociology, East Lansing MI

Research Assistant / Editor, Russian Public Opinion & Political Processes

(1996 – 2009)

Co-Director, Foreign Attitudes toward the United States after 9/11

(2002 – Sept. 2005)

Research Assistant, Perceptions of Terrorism Risk and Public Policy in Michigan

(May 2005 – May 2006)

Course Instructor, Social Psychology (Summers 2004, 2005 & 2007), Complex Organizations (Summer 2008)

Teaching Assistant / Lab Instructor, Methods of Social Research (Fall 2007, Spring 2008)

Kalamazoo College, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Kalamazoo MI

Visiting Assistant Professor, Quantitative Analysis and Statistical Reasoning (Winter & Spring 2009), The Media and Popular Culture (Winter 2009), Introduction to Sociology (Spring 2009)

Lansing State Journal, Lansing MI

Guest Columnist (May 2005 – January 2007)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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