Indiana State University


INSTITUTION: Indiana State University

COLLEGE: College of Nursing, Health, Human Services

DEPARTMENT: Athletic Training

DEGREE PROGRAM TITLE: Doctor of Physical Therapy

















A. Abstract

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana

Offered as a traditional campus based program


The global objectives of the Doctor in Physical Therapy (DPT) program are as follows:

1. To provide competent health care providers who are skillfully able to effectively perform the following skills for clients with physical impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities across the lifespan:

a. Examine, evaluate, diagnose,

b. Provide appropriate interventions within the scope and practice of physical therapy.

2. To decrease the physical therapist shortage in Terre Haute, Indiana, rural communities and the nation.

3. To improve patient access and quality care for rural and underserved populations.

Specific curricular objectives are listed in Section B.1.

Clientele to be Served:

The clientele to be served will be post-baccalaureate students who desire a professional career as a physical therapist. These students will enter the program with baccalaureate degrees from an array of disciplines including, but not limited to athletic training, biology, psychology, exercise science, and other allied health care profession degree programs. Recruitment will focus on attracting strong candidates from Indiana to meet the over arching objectives to fill the void of practitioners in the west central area and rural communities of Indiana.


Application to the DPT program will include a rigorous review of a transcript of earned Bachelor degree, resume, recommendations, career objective essay, GRE scores, and verification of a minimum of 40 hours of physical therapy observation/experience. The students must have a baccalaureate degree and will be interviewed by the physical therapy faculty prior to admittance. Once accepted into the program the students will follow the pre-determined sequence of courses as outlined in the program of study (see Appendix A). The DPT program will require 102 post baccalaureate graduate credit hours including the following:

1. Clinical courses = 29 credit hours

a. Fourteen clinical rotations with physical therapy preceptors

i. 1 clinical credit hour = three actual clinical contact hours per week or 45 hours per semester.

b. Physical therapy preceptors must be license practitioners.

2. Didactic and theory courses = 73 credit hours

a. Anatomy

b. Physiology

c. Biomechanics

d. Human Development

e. Assessment

f. Neuroscience

g. Pharmacology

h. Imaging and Diagnosis

i. Administration

j. Health Systems

k. Rehabilitation

3. Culminating scholarly project

Employment Possibilities:

Physical Therapy is an allied health profession that provides services to help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent permanent physical disabilities. Practice settings for physical therapists include:

1. Acute care

2. Pediatrics

3. Geriatrics

4. Short- and long-term rehabilitation

5. Cardiopulmonary rehabilitation

6. Sports medicine and orthopedics

7. Fitness centers

B. Program Description

1. Describe the proposed program and state its objectives.

The Physical Therapy profession’s commitment to society is to promote optimal health and function guided by the core values of integrity, life-long learning, and a commitment to comprehensive and accessible health programs for all people (American Physical Therapy Association [APTA]). The desired global outcomes of the DPT which also align with the University’s mission to engage with the community by providing decreasing the shortage of competent health care providers to the local, regional, and national rural communities.

The specific curricular program outcomes/objectives of this program are to graduate successful physical therapy practitioners who are skillfully able to:

1. Utilize critical thinking with the knowledge derived from the biological, behavioral, and clinical sciences for clinical decision making.

2. Demonstrate ethical behavior consistent with professional and legal standards.

3. Provide guidance and interventions to promote wellness, health promotion and enhance the physical performance of persons in the community.

4. Provide safe and effective standards of care for a diverse client population.

5. Communicate effectively with clients, families, colleagues, other health care workers, and the general public orally and in writing.

6. Plan and execute research, disseminate research findings, and critically evaluate the professional literature to promote evidence-based practice.

7. Demonstrate continuing personal and professional growth to maintain professional competence, advance career development, and contribute to the development of the profession.

2. Describe admission requirements, anticipated student clientele, and student financial support.

a. Admission requirements. Applicants must meet the admission requirements for the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Admission into the physical therapy program will also require the following:

• A Bachelor’s degree from a four (4) year accredited university that did not calumniate in a degree in Physical Therapy, with a preferred cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 and a recommended pre-requisite GPA of 3.0. The baccalaureate degree must be earned before enrolling into the program.

• Resume should include a comprehensive outline of your student, volunteer, and professional work experiences and all honors and awards.

• Recommendations from a licensed physical therapist, an academic source, and a community service experience supervisor.

• Career Objectives Essay

• GRE exam score report is required of all applicants. Official score reports must be sent directly from the Educational Testing Service (ETS) - .

• Physical Therapy Observation/Experience is required. You must complete a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer or paid work under the supervision of a licensed physical therapist.

• Personal Interview with members of the Physical Therapy admissions committee may be required.

b. Prerequisite coursework. Applicants are encouraged to complete as many pre-requisite courses as possible prior to submitting the on-line application for admission. Please note that prospective students may submit an application while enrolled in the pre-requisites, but all courses must be completed prior to starting the DPT program. A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university is required for admission into the physical therapy program. The degree can be in any field; however, coursework must include (either as part of the degree requirements or in addition to the requirements) the following prerequisites:

• Basic English Proficiency: English I & II, Equivalent to ISU ENGLISH 101 and 105, or 107 & 305 or 305T

• Interpersonal Communication is strongly recommended ISU COMM 101

• Human Anatomy (with lab recommended, 3 semester credit hours). One course in Human Anatomy or the first course in the series of Anatomy and Physiology I&II. Anatomy content should include skeletal and muscular systems of the human body. Equivalent of ISU BIO 231 & lab or ATTR210 & lab

• Physiology (with lab recommended, 3 semester credit hours). One course in Physiology or the second course in the series of Anatomy and Physiology I&II. Physiology content should cover various systems including: cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, etc... Equivalent of ISU BIO 241 & lab or PE 220 & lab

• Biology (4-8 semester hours) - In additiona to Human Anatomy and Physiology listed above, one or two courses from the field of biology, not to include Botany). ISU Biol 112 & lab or BIO 101 & lab, BIO 102 & lab

• General Chemistry I (with lab 4 semester credit hours). Content must include atomic and molecular structure. This course should be the first in the Chemistry I&II series. Equivalent of ISU CHEM 105 & lab

• General Chemistry II with lab (4 semester hours) - In addition to Chemistry I listed above. This course should be the second course in the Chemistry I&II series and must include a lab. ISU CHEM 106 & lab

• General Physics I (with lab 4 semester credit hours). Non-calculus or calculus based. Equivalent to ISU Physics 105 & lab

• General Physics II (with lab 4 semester credit hours). Non-calculus or calculus based. Equivalent to ISU PHYS 106 & lab

• Statistics (3 semester credit hours). Course content should include mean, median, mode, standard deviation, t-tests, etc. Equivalent of ISU HLTH 340 Biostatistics

• Developmental Psychology (3 semester credit hours). Developmental Psychology recommended. Equivalent of ISU FCS 266.

• Human Behavior (3-6 semester hours) - In addition to Developmental Psychology listed above, one or two courses that include a knowledge of human behavior from an individual or societal perspective. Equivalent of ISU PSY 368 Abnormal Psychology

• Humanities, Diversity Equivalent to ISU REL 190, PHIL 101

• College mathematic or algebra Equivalent of ISU MATH 115 or MATH 131

• Recommended (Course in Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology, Ethics, Personal Computer Basics)

c. Specific student clienteles. The clientele to be served will be post-baccalaureate students who desire a professional career as a physical therapist. These students will enter the program with baccalaureate degrees from an array of disciplines (including, but not limited to Athletic Training, Biology, Psychology, Exercise Science, and other allied health care profession degree programs). Recruitment will focus on attracting strong candidates from Indiana to fill the void of practitioners in the Terre Haute and rural communities of Indiana.

d. Limited enrollment. Enrollment will be limited due to Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) accreditation requirements. We intend to enroll 30 students in the inaugural class.

e. Student Financial Support. Indiana State University will be a self-lending institution by the end of the 2009-2010 academic year. The Indiana State Office of Student Financial Aid has planned for an increase in graduate student lending for professional programs. Funding is also available through private, University, state and federal agencies. Additional information is available at the web site of the Office of Student Financial Aid (

3. Describe the Proposed Curriculum.

a. Requirements. The DPT program will be a three year, 102 credit hour, full-time program. Students will be immersed in 36 weeks of clinical practical experiences. The curricular content will include Biological and Physical Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Clinical Sciences, and Clinical Education. The model curriculum is listed in Appendix A to describe typical coursework for an entry-level DPT, as well as the current courses offered by Indiana State University that would meet the accreditation requirements. We anticipate that at least 6 six courses (17 credits) can be acquired from other disciplines, leaving 24 courses (85 credits) including the clinical education requirements to be administered by the new Physical Therapy faculty.

b. Sample curriculum


Summer Session

PHTH 600 Intro to Physical Therapy 2 credit hours

PHTH 601 Advanced Human Anatomy 8 credit hours

Fall Semester

BIO 633 Advanced Pathology 3 credit hours

PE 685 Biomechanics 3 credit hours

PHTH 604 Lifespan Development 3 credit hours

PHTH 602 Physical Therapy Examination 3 credit hours

PHTH 605 Clinical Medicine I 3 credit hours

Spring Semester

HLTH 617 Health Behavior Theory 3 credit hours

PE 680 Advanced Physiology of Exercise 3 credit hours

PHTH 620 Applied Neuroscience I 3 credit hours

PHTH 621 Pharmacology 3 credit hours

PHTH 622 Clinical Medicine II 3 credit hours

Total 40


Summer Session

PHTH 610 Clinical Education I 5 credit hours

Fall Semester

PHTH 700 Musculoskeletal I 3 credit hours

PHTH 701 Imaging and Diagnostics 3 credit hours

PHTH 706 Clinical Medicine III 3 credit hours

PHTH 712 Applied Neuroscience II 3 credit hours

PASS 612 Applied Research 2credit hours

Spring Semester

PHTH 720 Musculoskeletal II 3 credit hours

PHTH 721 Differential Diagnosis 3 credit hours

PHTH 723 Special Populations 3 credit hours

PHTH 724 Applied Neuroscience III 3 credit hours

PHTH 725 Research Methods 3 credit hours

Total 34


Summer Session

PHTH 710 Clinical Education II 5 credit hours

Fall Semester

ATTR 625 Administration and Teaching 3 credit hours

PHTH 800 Musculoskeletal III 3 credit hours

PHTH 801 Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation 3 credit hours

PHTH 841 Health Care Systems 3 credit hours

PHTH 891 Scholarly Project 3 credit hours

Spring Semester

PHTH 810 Clinical Education III 8 credit hours

Total 28


c. Existing courses Course Work from Other Disciplines

BIO 633 Advanced Pathophysiology (Offered every fall)

PE 685 Biomechanics (Offered every fall)

HLTH 617 Health Behavior Theory (Offered every spring)*

PE 680 Advanced Physiology of Exercise (Offered every spring)

PASS 621 Applied Research (Offered every fall)**

ATTR 625 Administration and Teaching (Offered every fall)

* The above course has not been offered during the past three years but will be a requirement for two new graduate programs.

** This is a new course that is designed as a multidisciplinary course that will be offered to our Physician Assistant Studies graduate students.

d. Sponsoring campus courses. No courses are provided by sponsoring campuses.

e. Courses from another institution. No courses are provided by other institutions.

4. Describe form of recognition

a. Type of Degree. Students graduating from this program will earn a clinical Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT). The DPT is the entry-level degree requirement for new professionals in Physical Therapy. The department is openly dedicated to creating generalists to fulfill the mission of the program, rather than graduates already focused on a subspecialty of the profession.

b. CIP Code 51.2308

c. Student’s diploma. The following program, organization, and site information will appear on the diploma: Doctor of Physical Therapy, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana

5. List program faculty and administrators

a. Faculty needs. The APTA requires that an accredited Physical Therapy program employ a Program Administrator, a Director of Clinical Education, clinical faculty and core faculty. We anticipate at least 16 faculty currently employed at Indiana State University could fulfill the needs of some of the courses in the physical therapy program of study (Please refer to Table B.5.1). Complete faculty profiles are located in Appendix D.

b. New faculty positions.

We expect to hire four (4) Physical Therapy faculty (teaching load will not exceed 9 contact hours), will request funding for an anatomist, will seek additional clinical faculty (1) and make several clinical affiliations for clinical education experiences.

i. Program Administrator

1. PhD required, Dual degree in Athletic Training and Physical Therapy preferred

ii. Director of Clinical Education

1. MPT required, PhD and/or DPT preferred

iii. Additional faculty (2)

1. MPT required, DPT preferred

2. Specializations

a. Clinical assessment and decision making

b. Evidence-based medicine

iv. Anatomist (additional requested faculty line)

1. Teach in all Nursing and Applied Medicine Programs

v. Clinical Faculty

1. On-campus positions located in the ISU Rehabilitation Clinic

a. Current faculty

i. Sheri Walters, MPT, ATC, LAT

b. Additional faculty (1)

i. MPT required, DPT preferred

2. Clinical affiliations throughout the Terre Haute area, as well as in rural Indiana will be necessary to provide clinical experiences within the curriculum.

Table B.5.1 Indiana State University Faculty

|Name |Degree |Rank |Specialization |Appointment |


|Richard Williams |Ph.D., |Dean; Professor |Athletic Training |Full-time |

| | | |Curriculum | |

| | | |Leadership/Administration | |

|Marcia |Ph.D. |Associate Dean |Nursing |Full-time |

|Miller | |Associate Professor |Assessment; Mental Health | |

| | | |Leadership | |

| | | |Curriculum | |

|Leamor Kahanov |Ph.D., LAT, |Department Chair; |Athletic Training |Full-time |

| |ATC |Associate Professor |Health Care Policy | |

| | | |Curriculum | |

| | | |Leadership/Administration | |

|Name |Degree |Rank |Specialization |Appointment |


|Tim Demchak |Ph.D., LAT, |Associate Professor; Director,|Tissue Mechanics |Full-time |

| |ATC |Graduate Athletic Training |Musculoskeletal Biomechanics | |

| | |Program |Muscle Physiology | |

|Lindsey Eberman |Ph.D., LAT, |Assistant Professor; Director|Environmental Illness |Full-time |

| |ATC |, Undergraduate Program |Musculoskeletal Evaluation and Diagnosis | |

| | | |Athletic Training Education/ Outcome | |

| | | |Measurements | |

|Matt |Ph.D., LAT, |Assistant Professor |Lower extremity and trunk |Full-time |

|Gage |ATC | |Biomechanics & muscle activation | |

| | | |Ankle instability | |

|Catherine |Ph.D., LAT, |Associate Professor |Athletic Training Education |Full-time |

|Stemmans |ATC | | | |

|Susan Yeargin |Ph.D., LAT, |Assistant Professor |Environmental Illness |Full-time |

| |ATC | |Exercise & Environmental Physiology | |

| | | |Anatomy | |

|Sheri Walters |PT,MPT, |Director of Athletic Training |Gait |Full-time Clinical |

| |MS,ATC, LAT |Services & Rehabilitation |Musculoskeletal Biomechanics |Faculty |

| | |Coordinator |Rehabilitation | |

| | | |Manual Therapy | |

|Jeff Edwards |Ph.D. |Professor |Exercise Physiology |Full-time |

| | | |Muscle Physiology | |

| | | |Cell and Molecular Biology | |

| | | |Musculoskeletal Tissues | |

| | | |Aging Populations | |

|Al Finch |Ph.D. |Professor |Musculoskeletal Biomechanics |Full-time |

| | | |Gait | |

| | | |Tissue Mechanics | |

| | | |Exercise & Muscle Physiology | |

|Derek |Ph.D. |Assistant Profession |Physiology |Full-Time |

|Kingsley | | |Autonomic Response & Exercise | |

| | | |Cardiovascular Disease | |

|Tom Nesser |Ph.D. |Associate Professor |Exercise & Muscle Physiology |Full-time |

| | | |Aging Populations | |

|Lucy White |Ph.D. |Associate Professor |Pharmacology |Full-time |

| | | |Epidemiology | |

6. Describe needed learning resources

a. Available resources. Indiana State University library has extensive access to online data bases. The DPT curriculum requires access to preceptors, capitol and expendable equipment supplies and augmented educational resources. We anticipate that the Physical Therapy and Athletic Training programs will have several common shared spaces. These spaces could include, but are not limited to, cadaver laboratories, research laboratories, medical libraries, plinth classrooms, and student study areas.

b. Additional resources. In addition to the shared space, the Physical Therapy program will need an identifiable program office as well as additional faculty offices. Additional course fees are needed to provide the funds to maintain the DPT curricular needs. Course fees are common among biological sciences and allied health professional education programs. Once per semester a course fee of $1,000 will be charged to assist with the cost of adjunct clinical faculty, equipment, and educational resources. We worked in collaboration with the College of Graduate and Professional Studies to identify the appropriate fee.

7. Describe other program strengths

a. Special features. A distinctive characteristic of this physical therapy program is the focus on rural and underserved populations. Although it may not be realistic to assume that all students will practice in a rural setting, many of the course offerings will provide an appreciation for the complex needs of rural and underserved populations. Furthermore, the DPT program will be located in a College which includes programs such as nursing, athletic training, community health, industrial hygiene, social work, recreational therapy, environmental health and exercise science. Health care students are usually trained in their separate disciplines however; our goal is to educate future health care providers interprofessionally. Furthermore, our relationships with the IU School of Medicine Terre Haute Center for Medication Education, Ivy Tech Wabash Valley, and the Union Hospital Family Practice Residency program will help to coordinate our students’ clinical experiences and send them as teams instead of individuals.

b. Collaborative arrangements. The interdisciplinary nature of the College precipitates collaboration with other departments for research and facilities. In addition, the IU Medical School and Lugar Center located on campus currently participate in shared grants and health care lectures appropriate for multiple disciplines. The Rural Health Innovation Collaborative (RHIC) is another collaborative opportunity with local health care facilities, Union Hospital for example, to promote the program’s mission of providing healthcare to rural and underserved populations.

C. Program Rationale

1. Institutional Factors

a. Compatibility with Institution’s Mission. Academic program offerings at Indiana State University are based upon our institutional mission, state and national workforce needs, student interest, and faculty support. Several potential new programs have undergone a rigorous review prior to initial development. The DPT has emerged as an excellent program opportunity for Indiana State University. Since the creation of the new College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services in 2008, the synergy to create a health science college that offers an array of health occupations has begun to materialize. The priority is to support programs that focus on the health care needs of rural and underserved communities. The future vision is to orchestrate the combined resources of several community institutions for improved access for rural and underserved populations, progressive evidence-based patient care, collaborative education of multidisciplinary students, and the continuing education of practicing health care professionals through the RHIC. As the name implies the RHIC is a collaborative arrangement between Union Hospital and its Lugar Center for Rural Health, Indiana University School of Medicine-Terre Haute, Indiana State University, Ivy Tech Community College, the Terre Haute Economic Development Corporation, and the City of Terre Haute.

b. Planning process. As the faculty prepared for the new College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services, the first initial faculty program committee was formed during the summer of 2007. Numerous programs were identified and several program suggestions strongly resonated with the University’s mission. After the new founding Dean was selected in 2008, he commissioned several faculty taskforces to determine the feasibility of the proposed programs. This analysis was broadened by the West Central Indiana-Area Health Education Center Health Professions Workforce Needs Assessments Report conducted by the Indiana University Bowen Research Center. Based on the mission of the new College, Indiana workforce development needs, faculty talent, and student interest, the curriculum process was initiated. Initial approval from the Provost and President for the development of a Physical Therapy program at Indiana State University has been granted. Once the program is approved, Dean Williams will secure funding for the facility preparation, faculty and staff. A Physical Therapy Program Administrator will be hired with these funds and the renovation for dedicated space for the DPT program will begin. The DPT Program Administrator will need to be hired at the associate professor level and be a seasoned physical therapy educator. It would be ideal to hire an individual that has a dual credential of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training. This individual must have a Ph.D., Ed.D, and/or the equivalent. A clinical doctorate will not suffice for the program administrator position. Once the Program Administrator is in place, the academic unit will be rename from the Athletic Training Department to the Department of Applied Medicine and Rehabilitation Services, identify the overlapping resources of Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Studies (see Table C.1.1) describes the timeline in detail). With program candidacy approval, the Program Administrator will hire a Director of Clinical Education and any additional personnel as we plan for matriculating the first class of students. During the candidacy process, ISU will need to make clinical affiliations to meet the needs of clinical education. Because the Athletic Training Education program is already building clinical relationships within the region, the groundwork for this process has already been laid.

Table C.1.1 Implementation Timeline

|Task |Timeline |

|Initial approval from Provost and President |Completed January 2009 |

|Request funding from Program of Promise |Completed January 2009 |

|Seek national expert as Consultant |Completed March 2009 |

|Develop the Physical Therapy curricula |Completed Spring and Summer 2009 |

|Consultant Site Visit |Completed Summer 2009 |

|Seek University approval of the Physical Therapy curricula |In process Fall 2009 |

|Notify APTA of new program development |Spring 2010 |

| |Upon hiring Program Coordinator |

|Develop the program according to accreditation standards |Spring 2010, Fall 2010 |

|Submit Application for Candidacy |September 1, 2010 |

|Revised Application for Candidacy Due |January 1, 2011 |

|CAPTE Reviewer Site Visit |January 2011 |

|Candidacy Decision |April 30, 2011 |

|Matriculate first class of students |Summer 2011 |

|Self-Study Document Completion |Fall 2013 |

|CAPTE Accreditation Site Visit |Spring 2014 |

|Charter Class Graduation |Spring 2014 |

|Accreditation Decision |Spring 2014 |

c. Significant impact. At present, our faculty in the allied health professions (in particular, Athletic Training and Exercise Science) often cultivates students for enrollment in various physical therapy programs state and nationwide. With the inclusion and integration of a DPT, we will no longer be preparing students to leave Indiana State, but grooming them for enrollment in our own graduate program. Undergraduate students will be attracted to Indiana State for this new degree program so we can expect not only an increase in enrollment, but also a higher quality student in the College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services. Cultivation of these students through recruitment on and off campus can eventually increase undergraduate and graduate enrollment and conferment of baccalaureate and doctoral degrees.

The addition of a DPT may also significantly impact and enhance collaborative research among allied health care professional within the college. Funding opportunities may also be enhanced due to collaborative research efforts. The graduate scholarly projects will also expand the application of evidence-based care in the discipline of physical therapy.

d. Fully utilize existing resources. The inclusion of the DPT will allow us to attract exemplary faculty and practitioner candidates with dual credentials or interests in integrated medicine. With the assistance of students and practitioners in physical therapy, the Indiana State University Rehabilitation Clinic will continue to grow financially and serve as a site for learning. The clinic and program will likely improve the health and well being of Indiana State University students, including student-athletes, faculty, staff, and the community, through initiatives geared toward prevention and health screening. In addition, with endless professional affiliations created through the development of the physical therapy program, Indiana State University will likely continue to develop its reputation as a partner and leader in the RHIC.

2. Student Demand (See Table 1: Enrollment and Completion Data)

a. Enrollment. Based on the national trend, there are more applicants interested in physical therapy than space available in current programs. The initial enrollment of 30 students per year was determined based on accreditation standard of not more that 36 student in the first class for a new program. At the end of three years, this would increase the graduate student enrollment at Indiana State University by 90 new graduate students. Informal conversations with administrators from peer institutions with physical therapy graduate programs have indicated that enrollment increased by approximately 60 students in the undergraduate pre-professional majors as an attempt to leverage their admission into the campus professional graduate program.

b. Completion data. The professional program in physical therapy anticipates a very high completion and graduation rate (97%) based on data trends from existing programs. Indiana State is committed to student success and support. The Physical Therapy students will be a new degree offering for the College of Graduate and Professional Studies and to campus (Please see Table B-3 and B-4).

3. Transferability

The College of Graduate and Professional Studies allows a maximum of 30% of course work to transfer from another accredited graduate program. However, a course must also include 80% of the content presented in the Indiana State course (Graduate Catalog). Due to the unique nature of the DPT program, few graduate courses may be transferable into Indiana State or to other institutions.

4. Access to graduate and professional programs

This criterion does not apply since this offering is a graduate program.

5. Demand and employment factors

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that there are approximately 4110 Physical Therapists employed in the state of Indiana (2008), but more importantly, the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (2009) suggests there are far more positions available than entry-level practitioners to fill them. The state reported an anticipated 1,495 additional openings (including replacement positions) by 2016. The pool of applicants for these positions is directly affected by the availability of accredited educational sites, and without available doctoral-degree granting institutions in this region, the current and expected needs will unlikely be met. The trends suggest there will be approximately 144 new positions annually throughout the state and Physical Therapy is listed within the top 10 of the Hot 50 Jobs in Indiana in 8 of 11 regions in the state (Hoosiers by the Number, 2008). At present, the DPT granting institutions approximately contribute 116 entry-level clinicians per year (Figure C.2.1). Even if we could assume that all these students were employed in Indiana, which we cannot, the supply does not meet the demand. However, the inclusion of a DPT program at ISU can contribute to the growth of the profession within the state (increase to 146 graduates per year from DPT granting institutions).

igure C.2.1

The U.S. Department of Labor (2008-2009) has designated Physical Therapy as an occupation of which there is a national shortage, while the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (2009) describes Physical Therapy positions as difficult to fill in which there are far more positions than professionals to fill them. The profession of Physical Therapy is growing to accommodate for this shortage. In fact, Physical Therapy is among the top 30 fastest growing occupations with a 27% increase expected by 2016 nationwide (Indiana Department of Workforce Development, 2009). In the state of Indiana, the Department of Workforce Development expects to be on par with the growth in Physical Therapy, expecting a 26.94% increase statewide. However, in Indiana, there are only three Physical Therapy degree granting institutions as compared to the over 40 higher education institutions in Indiana. Furthermore, there are seven Physical Therapy degree granting institutions in Illinois, but six of the seven are located in the northern region (over 175 miles from Indiana State University).

The Health Professions Workforce Needs Assessment Report (2009, p. 15), indicated that the west central region of Indiana in 2006 was 8% below the level of physical therapist (52.9 professionals per 100,000 population) as compared to the entire state of Indiana (60.9 professionals per 100,000 population). In light of the national shortage for physical therapists, and a geographical need for additional Physical Therapy programs in Indiana, more so in the west central region, the need for Indiana State University to develop and foster a program is clear.

6. Regional, state, and national factors

a. Comparable programs. Because of the increased need for physical therapists, and a need for a program in southwest Indiana, we must be able to offer competitive programming at a reasonable cost. As compared to the other physical therapy degree granting institutions, Indiana State University can easily offer competitive tuition to resident and non-resident students at the graduate level (Table C.6.1). Both the University of Evansville and the University of Indianapolis are private institutions offering programs at a significantly higher cost than a potential offering at Indiana State University. Since projected tuition rates for private institutions were not available, the current tuition rate based on a 15 credit hour load was compared.

Table C.6.1 Undergraduate and Graduate Tuition Rates for Indiana Universities Offering Doctoral Programs in Physical Therapy.

|Indiana Universities |In-State 2009 |Out-of-State 2009 |

|Indiana State University |$4,635/sem |$9,210/sem |

|Indiana University (IUPUI) |$6,255/sem |$9,612/sem |

|University of Evansville |$13,000/sem |$13,000/sem |

|University of Indianapolis |$10,935/sem |$10,935/sem |

| | | |

|Regional Universities |In-State 2009 |Out-of-State 2009 |

|Midwestern University |$14,017/sem |$14,017/sem |

|St. Louis University |$15,470/ sem |$15,470/ sem |

|The Ohio State University |$5,220/sem |$12,651/sem |

|University of Illinois – Chicago |$6,082/sem |$10,523/sem |

|University of Kentucky |$5704/sem |$12472/sem |

|Washington University |$14,863/sem |$14,863/sem |

Indiana State also offers a unique focus on rural and underserved populations and seeks to provide a generalist point of view, neither of which are emphasized in the other Indiana DPT programs.

As a member of the RHIC, Indiana State University aims to join in the effort to provide more health care education programs and ultimately improve access to medical care in rural Indiana. To do this, the University needs to embrace new degree programs in health care that will address these shortages. The inclusion of Physical Therapy at Indiana State University will ease the shortage of allied health professionals in rural Indiana at a significantly lower cost than comparable institutions. Neighboring institutions in Illinois include: Bradley University, Governors State University, Midwestern University, Northern Illinois University, Northwestern University, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, The University of Illinois at Chicago.

Community Engagement/Entrepreneurial Activity Benefits:

Clinical education, or experiential learning, is a natural component of Physical Therapy and allied health professional education. Clinical education is the application of knowledge and skills, learned in classroom and laboratory settings, to actual practice with patients under the supervision of a clinical instructor. Students enrolled in a Physical Therapy degree program will act as an extension of the University in the community. The clinical experience they gain at various clinical sites requires them to engage with citizens of the community through their learning and application of health care. Clinical education settings provide the best location to apply theory to real-time clinical practice and for students to acquire and exercise professional skills. These clinical experiences will occur at a variety of locations including outpatient or acute care hospitals and rehabilitative care centers. With over 25 independently owned Physical Therapy Clinics, two hospital systems in Terre Haute as well as 11 critical access hospitals in close proximity, these students would help promote Indiana State University within the community while helping to provide exceptional health care to its citizens. We intend to capitalize on our relationships with rural health care facilities to further enhance the patient care in these under-privileged areas and to encourage the placements of graduates in these facilities.

The Physical Therapy program will benefit Indiana State University entrepreneurially. Currently, the Indiana State University Rehabilitation Clinic employs one full-time Physical Therapist. With the addition of a Physical Therapy education program we will be able to expand our clinic and potentially hire an additional clinician. Considering the wide array of specialties offered within the College of Nursing, Health and Human Services, we anticipate developing the clinic into a community based multifaceted health and wellness center that is funded through third party reimbursement. With the maturation of the clinic, future services could include, but are not limited to, acceleration programs, fitness assessments, biomechanical assessments, fitness programming, dietetic analysis, sport psychology, strength training, home health services, etc. Because of a strong eclectic faculty, and potential for collaboration across disciplines, the possibilities for revenue and recognition are limitless.

b. External agencies. Indiana State University is regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is the nationally recognized professional organization for physical therapists, yet each educational institution providing physical therapy education is governed by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE). The CAPTE standards have been used to determine the content, clinical competencies, and qualifications of the faculty and staff of the program. The consolation services of Dr. Janice Loudon, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Kansas Medical Center, were utilized as a content expert in the development of this program. Physical therapy graduates must also submit an examination fee to the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) and apply to the Indiana’s Professional Licensing Agency upon completion of the degree program.

D. Program Implementation and Evaluation


Upon program approval, Indiana State will hire the Program Administrator in Spring 2010. The new Administrator will play an active role in the search for the Director of Clinical Education and the two additional faculty. The DPT program will actively recruit and enroll students to start in May, 2011. Additional details about the implementation plan and timeline care available in Table C.1.1.


1) Quality and efficiency

Indiana State University is committed to a systematic plan of program evaluation for all undergraduate and graduate programs. The DPT program evaluation master plan will directly correlate with both University and CAPTE standards. Criterions are organized around mission, governance, administration, faculty qualifications, students, curriculum, resources, and outcomes. Each department has an established mission that is in concert with the College and the University. This mission is reviewed every two years and revised as needed by the faculty. Faculty and students actively participate in shared governance. This is monitored and compared to internal benchmarks set by the faculty. Faculty are also expected to participate in research, experiential learning and community service. As with any new program, retention rates and student evaluations will be critical. All programs in the College compare student satisfaction on nine key indicators.

As new programs are approved, exit surveys will be conducted and the data will be analyzed for factors that could be improved. Programs are monitored for graduation rates, job placement rates, passing rates for national licensure, and program satisfaction. In addition, all programs with distinct student learning outcomes design multiple methods to measure students’ progress in meeting those outcomes. This process includes the rating of final projects, presentations, and clinical skills demonstrations. It is critical that safe, valid, and reliable assessment methods are implemented over time for continuous quality improvement applied to the process of teaching and learning. In addition to ensuring high quality outcomes, program assessment is a vital component of moving from provisional to full accreditation.

As content experts are employed at Indiana State University, training and mentoring in program assessment will be provided. Consultations with similar programs will be conducted during the initial formation of the new program after the approval has been acquired. An Advisory Committee of related stakeholders will also be assembled for bi-annual consultations to program administrators and faculty. Leadership and faculty will also belong to professional organizations and attend national conferences to stay abreast of the latest national trends. Networking among the existing DPT programs within the state of Indiana will also be a vital part of the quality connection.

2) Appropriateness of program offering to institution’s identity and mission

Indiana State University is recognized for its “excellence in experiential learning and engagement…” and its success with “master and doctoral programs primarily in professional areas.” (Indiana State University, 2008). Both the clinical education component and the scholarly research component of the DPT program align with the strengths of the University, as endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education.

3) Availability of similar programs

The state of Indiana offers only three graduate programs in physical therapy at this time. These programs include IUPUI, University of Evansville, and the University of Indianapolis. As demonstrated in the Figure C.2.1, this will not meet the growing need of Indiana residents.

4) Personal and social utility

Earning a clinical practice doctorate will allow the graduates to peruse additional career opportunities in both practice settings and higher education settings. The social utility will be the increase in the number of primary care providers that have sensitivity to the rural and underserved populations.

5) Student demand

Due to competitive admission, IUPUI had 133 total applicants of which 58 were totally qualified and the class size was 38 for 2009 (Health Professional and Prelaw Center, 2009-2010, p. 2). Highly qualified students have been rejected from obtaining a degree in health care and are adding to the state shortage of physical therapists.

6) Student access

Student access is based on the availability of program enrollment space, cost, and partnerships with clinical facilities for the students’ clinical experiences. Admitting 30 students once per year will allow for individual attention and greater student retention. Because some of the private institutions are cost prohibitive, access to a DPT program at Indiana State is beneficial to the students of Indiana. The rural focus will benefit small towns and underserved populations. Indiana State University has long established clinical contracts with these agencies due to our extensive nursing program. Informal discussions have already occurred and agencies have been open to expanding clinical partnerships for DPT students. New clinical contracts will be initiated as soon as the DPT program is approved.

7) Flexibility of program design

Due to the strict accreditation guidelines, the physical therapy program is not a flexible program design. This program is a cohort model. Indiana State is committed to student success. Student support is provided in the form of tutoring, supplemental student support (peer tutoring), stress counseling, student health center, writing center, and library support.

8) Market demand

There are two major factors that will influence the market demand for physical therapy. The first is the proposed legislative changes in congress related to health care insurance reform. This may greatly increase the number of insured Americans eligible for physical therapy services. The second factor is the increase in the aging population of the United States that will need rehabilitation services for joint repair, stroke, heart attacks, as well as other impairments. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development projects that between 2006 and 2016 there will be a need for 1,032 physical therapists. Currently, the state of Indiana is ranked 27th in physical therapist per population ratio with 77.01 physical therapists per 100,000 residents (Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs Data, 2006-2016, p.1).

9) Inter-institutional and inter-departmental cooperation

Accreditation guidelines inhibit strong inter-institutional cooperation. Each program must monitor their students’ progress through the curriculum which makes it difficult for inter-institutional cooperation. By contrast, inter-departmental and inter-program cooperation is an objective of the College. The new College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services has built a strong resource of faculty talent and research interest that focuses on an inter-disciplinary and teamed approach to allied health and applied medical professions.

10) Flexibility of providing instruction

The design of the instructional methods for effective teaching and learning is based on experiential learning and community engagement. In every course, evidence-based medicine is used guide students to best practice. Starting with the first semester, students interact with each other and faculty during clinical laboratories, cadaver experiences, and simulations. Quality learning occurs through multiple methods including digital video streaming, PowerPoint presentations, educational chat rooms, selected readings, electronic web sources, interactive faculty and student discussion with problem-based learning, concept maps, group projects, and student presentations. All courses will use a Blackboard site to enhance course organization. Every effort is made to provide content for the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learner though high quality content delivery and coordinated clinical partnerships with preceptors in the community.

E. Tabular Information (See attached tables)

a. Table 1: Enrollment and Completion Data (See page 19). This data is based on 30 full-time students in a cohort model.

b. Table 2A and 2B: Cost and Revenue Data (See pages 20 and 21). Benefits were not added to faculty and staff salaries. The Professional Program Fee is charged to each student once per semester. Revenue projections are based on 20 in-state students and 10 out-of-state students. There is a tuition differential for out-of-state students.

c. Table 3: New Program Proposal Summary (See page 22). Computer equipment replacement occurs during the fourth year for the program offering.

Table 1: Program Enrollments and Completions

Annual totals by Fiscal Year (Use SIS Definitions)

|Campus: Indiana State University |


|Number Course Title |Number Course Title |Number Course Title |

|Credits |Credits |Credits |

|PHTH 601 Advanced Human Anatomy 6+2 |BIO 633 Advanced Pathophysiology 3 |HLTH 617 Health Behavior Theory 3 |

|PHTH 600 Intro to Physical Therapy * 2 |PE 685 Biomechanics |PE 680 Advanced Physiology of Exercise 3 |

| |3 | |

| (10 Weeks) |PHTH 604 Lifespan Development 3|PHTH 620 Applied Neuroscience I 2+1 |

| |PHTH 602 Physical Therapy Examination 2+1 |PHTH 621 Pharmacology |

| | |3 |

| |PHTH 605 Clinical Medicine I * |PHTH 622 Clinical Medicine II * |

| |2+1 |2+1 |

| | | Term|

|Term Total 10 |Term Total 15 |Total 15 |

| | Running| Running |

| |Total 25 |Total 40 |

|Year 2 |


|Number Course Title |Number Course Title |Number Course Title |

|Credits |Credits |Credits |

|PHTH 610 Clinical Education I * |PHTH 700 Musculoskeletal I |PHTH 720 Musculoskeletal II |

|5 |2+1 |2+1 |

| (10 Weeks) |PHTH 701 Imaging and Diagnostics 3|PHTH 721 Differential Diagnosis |

| | |3 |

| |PHTH 706 Clinical Medicine III * |PHTH 723 Special Populations * |

| |2+1 |3 |

| |PHTH 712 Applied Neuroscience II 2+1 |PHTH 724 Applied Neuroscience III 2+1 |

| |PASS 621 Applied Research |PHTH 725 Research Methods |

| |2 |3 |

| | | |

|Total Term 5 |Total Term 14 |Total Term 15 |

| | Running | |

|Running Total 45 |Total 59 |Running Total 74 |

|Year 3 |


|Number Course Title |Number Course Title |Number Course Title |

|Credits |Credits |Credits |

|PHTH 710 Clinical Education II * |ATTR 625 Administration and Teaching 3 |PHTH 810 Clinical Education III * |

|5 | |8 |

| (10 Weeks) |PHTH 800 Musculoskeletal III | (16 Weeks) |

| |2+1 | |

| |PHTH 801 Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation 2+1 | |

| |PHTH 841 Health Care Systems | |

| |3 | |

| |PHTH 891 Scholarly Project * | |

| |3 | |

| | | |

|Total Term 5 |Total Term 15 |Total Term 8 |

| | Running | Running |

|Running Total 79 |Total 94 |Total 102 |

|Didactic Credit Hour Total 71 |

|Clinical Credit Hour Total 31 |


STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY HOD S06-03-09-10 (Program 32) [Amended HOD 06-03-09-10; HOD 06-99-18-22; HOD 06-96-16-31; HOD 06-91-21-25; HOD 06-85-30-56; Initial HOD 06-80-04-04; HOD 06-80-03-03] [Standard]


The physical therapy profession's commitment to society is to promote optimal health and functioning in individuals by pursuing excellence in practice. The American Physical Therapy Association attests to this commitment by adopting and promoting the following Standards of Practice for Physical Therapy. These Standards are the profession's statement of conditions and performances that are essential for provision of high quality professional service to society, and provide a foundation for assessment of physical therapist practice.

I. Ethical/Legal Considerations

A. Ethical Considerations

The physical therapist practices according to the Code of Ethics of the American Physical Therapy Association.

The physical therapist assistant complies with the Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant of the American Physical Therapy Association.

B. Legal Considerations

The physical therapist complies with all the legal requirements of jurisdictions regulating the practice of physical therapy.

The physical therapist assistant complies with all the legal requirements of jurisdictions regulating the work of the assistant.

II. Administration of the Physical Therapy Service

A. Statement of Mission, Purposes, and Goals

The physical therapy service has a statement of mission, purposes, and goals that reflects the needs and interests of the patients/clients served, the physical therapy personnel affiliated with the service, and the community. Organizational Plan

The physical therapy service has a written organizational plan.

B. Policies and Procedures

The physical therapy service has written policies and procedures that reflect the operation, mission, purposes, and goals of the service, and are consistent with the Association's standards, policies, positions, guidelines, and Code of Ethics.

C. Administration

A physical therapist is responsible for the direction of the physical therapy service.

D. Fiscal Management

The director of the physical therapy service, in consultation with physical therapy staff and appropriate administrative personnel, participates in the planning for and allocation of resources. Fiscal planning and management of the service is based on sound accounting principles.

E. Improvement of Quality of Care and Performance

The physical therapy service has a written plan for continuous improvement of quality of care and performance of services.

F. Staffing

The physical therapy personnel affiliated with the physical therapy service have demonstrated competence and are sufficient to achieve the mission, purposes, and goals of the service.

G. Staff Development

The physical therapy service has a written plan that provides for appropriate and ongoing staff development.

H. Physical Setting

The physical setting is designed to provide a safe and accessible environment that facilitates fulfillment of the mission, purposes, and goals of the physical therapy service. The equipment is safe and sufficient to achieve the purposes and goals of physical therapy.

I. Collaboration

The physical therapy service collaborates with all disciplines as appropriate.

III. Patient Client Management

A. Patient/Client Collaboration

Within the patient/client management process, the physical therapist and the patient/client establish and maintain an ongoing collaborative process of decision making that exists throughout the provision of services.

B. Initial Examination/Evaluation/Diagnosis/Prognosis

The physical therapist performs an initial examination and evaluation to establish a diagnosis and prognosis prior to intervention.

C. Plan of Care

The physical therapist establishes a plan of care and manages the needs of the patient/client based on the examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, goals, and outcomes of the planned interventions for identified impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities.

The physical therapist involves the patient/client and appropriate others in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the plan of care.

The physical therapist, in consultation with appropriate disciplines, plans for discharge of the patient/client taking into consideration achievement of anticipated goals and expected outcomes, and provides for appropriate follow-up or referral.

D. Intervention

The physical therapist provides or directs and supervises the physical therapy intervention consistent with the results of the examination, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of care.

E. Reexamination

The physical therapist reexamines the patient/client as necessary during an episode of care to evaluate progress or change in patient/client status and modifies the plan of care accordingly or discontinues physical therapy services.

F. Discharge/Discontinuation of Intervention

The physical therapist discharges the patient/client from physical therapy services when the anticipated goals or expected outcomes for the patient/client have been achieved.

The physical therapist discontinues intervention when the patient/client is unable to continue to progress toward goals or when the physical therapist determines that the patient/client will no longer benefit from physical therapy.

G. Communication/Coordination/Documentation

The physical therapist communicates, coordinates, and documents all aspects of patient/client management including the results of the initial examination and evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, plan of care, interventions, response to interventions, changes in patient/client status relative to the interventions, reexamination, and discharge/discontinuation of intervention and other patient/client management activities.

IV. Education

The physical therapist is responsible for individual professional development. The physical therapist assistant is responsible for individual career development.

The physical therapist and the physical therapist assistant, under the direction and supervision of the physical therapist, participate in the education of students.

The physical therapist educates and provides consultation to consumers and the general public regarding the purposes and benefits of physical therapy.

The physical therapist educates and provides consultation to consumers and the general public regarding the roles of the physical therapist and the physical therapist assistant.

V. Research

The physical therapist applies research findings to practice and encourages, participates in, and promotes activities that establish the outcomes of patient/client management provided by the physical therapist.

VI. Community Responsibility

The physical therapist demonstrates community responsibility by participating in community and community agency activities, educating the public, formulating public policy, or providing pro bono physical therapy services.

(See also Board of Directors standard Criteria for Standards of Practice) Program 32 - Practice, ext 3176) [Last updated: 10/19/09 | Contact: executivedept@]










Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3683 |

|Richard B. Williams Ph.D., ATC | |

|Dean, College of Nursing, Health and Human Services |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|BS Weber State University 1994 |Athletic Training Education |

|MS Indiana State University 1995 |Administration |

|PhD New Mexico State University 1998 |Injury Prevention |

| |Evidence-Based Practice |

|Professional Activities: |

|Professor, Indiana State University –Dean of the College |

|Indiana Area Health Education Center Advisory Board |

|Member, National Athletic Trainers’ Association |

|Presentations and Publications (Selected): |

| |

|Williams R.B., Duong P.T., Buechler, J. (2010). Achieving Results for the Future through Interdisciplinary Health Education. National Rural |

|Health Association's 33rdd Annual Conference. May 20, 2010. Savannah Georgia. |

|Miller, K, Knight KL, Williams R.B., (2008). Athletic Trainers’ Perceptions of Pickle Juice’s Effects on Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps. |

|Athletic Therapy Today. 13, (5), 31-34. |

|Finn, K.J., Dolgener, F., Williams, R.B., (2004). Ingestion of carbohydrates following certification weigh-in did not benefit college |

|wrestlers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 18 (2), 328-333. |

|Williams, R.B., Hadfield, O.D., (2003). Attributes of Curriculum Athletic Training Programs Related to the Passing Rate of First Time |

|Certification Examinees. Journal of Allied Health, 32, (4), 240-245. |

|Williams, R.B., Hudson, M.B., & Evans, T.A. (2003). Recognition and prevention of injuries in sport rock climbing. Journal of Physical |

|Education, Recreation, and Dance. 74 (9), 29-32. |

|Williams, R.B. (2001). Recognition of Movement Injuries in Children. JOPHERD, 72 (6), 29-31, 37. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Teach Evidence-Based Practice/Athletic Training |Certified Athletic Trainer |

|Teach Administration | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-8997 |

|Marcia Ann Miller | |

|Executive Director for Nursing |Email: |

|Associate Dean for Academics | |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|Ph.D. Leadership in Higher Education |Curriculum |

|Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN |Nursing Education |

|MSN Psychiatric Nursing Clinical Specialist |Psychiatric Nursing |

|Saint Xavier College, Chicago, IL |Distance Education |

|MA Counseling Psychology | |

|Ball State University, Muncie, IN | |

|BSN Nursing | |

|Ball State University, Muncie, IN | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Member of the Educational Sub-committee for the Indiana State Board of Nursing |

|Member of Indiana Deans and Directors |

|Member of Sigma Theta Tau International |

|Member of the Indiana State Nurses Association |

|Member of National League for Nursing |

|Presentations and Publications |

|Othello Syndrome (in press) |

|Miller, M. (2008). Psychiatric nursing. Indianapolis, IN: The College Network. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Nursing graduate courses: Health Promotion Education |None at this time |

|Nursing undergraduate courses: Leadership, Capstone, Psychiatric Nursing, | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-4554 |

|Leamor Kahanov, EdD, LAT, ATC | |

|Associate Professor, Indiana State University |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|EdD University of San Francisco |Policy |

|MS University of Arizona |Administration/Leadership |

|BS Indiana University |Injury Case Studies |

|Certification: | |

|Certified Athletic Trainer | |

|CPR Profession Rescuer Instructor | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Chair, Athletic Training Department, Indiana State University. |

|Chair, Task Force on Medication in Athletic Training, National Athletic Trainers’ Association. |

|Board Member – Reviewer: Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education |

|Member: Post-Professional Education Committee, National Athletic Trainers’ Association |

|Chair, Research & Professional Development Committee, Far West Athletic Trainer Association. Grant Reviewer, January 2003 - 2009 |

|Publications |

|Daly, T., Kahanov, L. (Accepted, Pending Publication Date). Pulmonary Emboli in a female gymnast. Journal of Athletic Training |

|Lobesack, A., Kahanov, L., Massucci, M., Roberts J. (Accepted, Pending Publication Date). Parenting and work issues among Division I female |

|athletic trainers. Journal of Athletic Training. |

|Myer, G., Ford, K., Divine, J., Wall, E., Kahanov, L., Hewett, T. (2009). Longitudinal Assessment of Noncontact anterior cruciate ligament |

|injury risk factors during maturation in a female athlete: A case report. Journal of Athletic Training, 44(1)101-109. |

|Martin, M., Myer, G., Kreiswirth, E., Kahanov, L. (2009). Research Engagement: A Model for Athletic Training Education. Journal of Athletic |

|Training. |

|Coleman, E., Kahanov, L., (2008). Latissimus Dorsi Tear in a Collegiate Baseball Player: A Case Report. NATA News. July. 44-46. |

|Kahanov, L. Lamarre, W. (2008). Athletic Training Hiring Criteria. NATA News. May, 15-17. |

|Tabila, E., Kahanov, L. (2008). Grip Lock: A Unique Mechanism of Injury in Gymnastics. Athletic Therapy Today. 13(6)7-10. |

|Kahanov, L. (2007). Kinesio Taping: An Overview of Use with Athletes: Part II. Athletic Therapy Today, 14(4)17-18. |

|Clinical Practice: |

|Head Athletic Trainer, San Francisco State University 1993-1998. |

|Substitute Head Athletic Trainer, Skyline College, Pacific CA, Feb 5th, 2007, Feb 17-21, 2003, present |

|Medical Staff/Athletic Trainer, Rocky Mountain Athletic |

|Conference: Regional Wrestling Championships, San Francisco State University, San Francisco CA, Feb. 28-March 1, 2003. |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-8496 |

|Timothy J. Demchak | |

|Associate Professor, Indiana State University |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|PhD The Ohio State University |Therapeutic Modalities |

|MS Ball State University |Performance Enhancement |

|BS Manchester College | |

| | |

|Certification: | |

|Certified Athletic Trainer | |

|CPR Profession Rescuer | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Director of the Post Professional Athletic Training Education Program, Indiana State University. |

|Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association Research Committee 2009-Present. |

|Indiana Athletic Trainers’ Association Scholarship Committee (Aug 2006-present). |

|Manuscript reviewer for the following professional journals: Journal of Athletic Training; Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; Journal of |

|Exercise Physiology on-line; Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. |

|Presentations and Publications: |

| |

|45 Peer Reviewed Presentations |

|12 Peer Reviewed Publications |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|ATTR 655 Graduate Clinical Experience 1 |Volunteer to work several athletic events throughout the |

|ATTR 656 Graduate Clinical Experience 2 |Wabash Valley. |

|ATTR 675 Therapeutic Modality and Rehabilitation Theory | |

|ATTR 676 Therapeutic Modality and Rehabilitation Practice | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-7694 |

|Lindsey E. Eberman PhD, ATC, LAT | |

|Program Director, Athletic Training Education Program |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|PhD Florida International University |Heat and Hydration issues |

|MS Florida International University |Thermoregulation |

|BS Northeastern University |Education and clinical application of research |

|Certification: | |

|Clinical Instructor Educator and Approved Clinical Instructor | |

|National Athletic Trainer’s Association Board of Certification Certification # | |

|070302074 | |

|Indiana Board of Health- Licensed Health Care Provider License # 36001552A | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Associate Editor, Athletic Therapy Today |

|Presentations and Publications: |

|Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals |

|Eberman LE, Minton DM, Cleary MA. Refractometry Comparable to Osmolality in Measures of Urine Concentration. Athletic Training and Sports |

|Health Care: Accepted. |

|Tripp BL, Eberman LE, Dwelly PM. Effects of Handheld Vibration on Glenohumeral Range of Motion in Throwers. International Journal of Sports |

|Medicine: 31:1-4, 2009 |

|Eberman LE, Cleary MA. Pre-Participation Physical Examination to Identify Patients At-Risk for Exertional Heat Illness. Athletic Therapy |

|Today: 14(4):4-7, 2009 |

|Minton DM, Eberman LE. Best Practice for Clinical Hydration Measurement. Athletic Therapy Today: 14 (1):9-11, 2009 |

|Dwelly PM, Tripp BL, McGinn PA, Eberman LE, Gorin S. The Effects of an Athletic Season on Glenohumeral Range of Motion in Overhead Throwing |

|Athletes. Journal of Athletic Training: In Press. |

|Cleary MA, Ruiz DAA, Eberman LE, Mitchell ID, Binkley H. Dehydration, Cramping, and Exertional Rhabdomyolysis: A Case Report With Suggestions |

|for Recovery. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 16(3), 2007 |

|Streit-Perez T, Hibbler DK, Cleary MA, Eberman LE. Women in Athletic Training: Gender Equity in the Profession. Athletic Therapy Today, |

|11(2):66-69, 2006 |

|Eberman LE, Cleary MA. Celiac Disease in a Female Collegiate Volleyball Player: A Case Report. Journal of Athletic Training, 40(4): 360-364, |

|2005 |

|Eberman LE, Cleary MA. Celiac Disease and Athletes. Athletic Therapy Today, 9(6):46-47, 2004 |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Indiana State University, Assistant Professor |Special event coverage, Indiana State Athletic Training |

|2008 – present |Services |

|Florida International University, Adjunct Instructor | |

|2004-2008 | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3961 |

|Matthew J. Gage, PhD, ATC | |

|Assistant Professor, Indiana State University Athletic Training Dept |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|PhD Brigham Young University |Abdominal training |

|M.S. Eastern Kentucky University |Lower extremity injury rehabilitation |

|B.A. University of Northern Iowa |Chronic ankle instability |

|Certification: |Trunk & lower extremity muscle activation |

|Certified Athletic Trainer | |

|CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Assistant Professor, Indiana State University, Department of Athletic Training |

|Reviewer for the Journal of Athletic Training |

|Presentations and Publications: |

|Oral Research Presentation |

|Gage, MJ, Hopkins, JT. Comparison of Abdominal Muscle Activation and Center of Pressure During Static and Dynamic Movements. NATA Annual |

|Meeting and Symposium, St. Louis, MO, June 2008 |

|Gage, MJ, Hopkins, JT. Increased Abdominal Muscle Activation and Center of Pressure During Static and Dynamic Movements. RMATA Annual |

|Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2007 |

|Gage, MJ, Evans, T. Case study: Acute Idiopathic Swelling in the Arm of a Female Collegiate Volleyball Player, NATA Annual Meeting. |

|Baltimore, MD, June 2004 |

|Invited Presentations |

|Gage, MJ, Williams, RB. Special Interest Group: Education: Integration of Academic & Clinical Athletic Trainers. NATA Annual Meeting and |

|Symposium, St. Louis, MO, June 2008 |

|Gage MJ, Long, BC. 2008 National Athletic Trainers’ Association Multimedia Showcase: Basic Athletic Training and Wrapping DVD. NATA Annual |

|Meeting and Symposium, St. Louis, MO, June 2008 |

|Gage, MJ. Building Bridges between Academic and Clinical Athletic Trainers. RMATA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, April 2007 |

|Gage, MJ, Miller, KC. Assessing and Implementing Evidence Based Research. RMATA Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. April 2006 |

|Published Manuscripts |

|Draper, DO, Gage, MJ. Pulsed shortwave diathermy and joint mobilization restore range of motion to a patient with adhesive capsulitis of the|

|shoulder: a case study. Athl Train Sports Health Care; In Press |

|Hopkins, JT, Pak, JO, Robertshaw, AE, Feland, JB, Hunter, I, Gage, MJ. Whole body vibration and dynamic restraint. Int J Sports Med 2008; 29 |

|(5): 424-8. |

|Hopkins, JT, Fredericks, D, Guyon, PW, Parker, S, Gage, MJ, Feland, JB, Hunter, I. Whole body vibration does not potentiate the stretch |

|reflex. Int J Sports Med 2009; 30: 124-129. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN |University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA |

|Brigham Young University, Provo, UT |Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY |

|University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA |Berea College, Berea, KY, |

|Area Seven Education Agency, Cedar Falls, IA |Kentucky All “A” Classic, Richmond, KY |

|Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY |University of Kentucky Sports Medicine Clinic, Lexington,|

| |KY |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3693 |

|Catherine L Stemmans, PhD, LAT, ATC | |

|Associate Professor, Athletic Training; Faculty Fellow, Center for Public Service & |Email: |

|Community Engagement | |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|PhD. The University of Southern Mississippi |Clinical Teaching & Learning |

|M.Ed. The University of Louisiana |Service Learning & Community Engagement |

|B.S. The University of Louisiana | |

|Certifications: | |

|National Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Certification; Indiana Professional| |

|Licensing Agency - Athletic Trainers Board | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Great Lakes Athletic Trainer’s Association, Education Director, 2009- present |

|Commission for Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, Site Visitor, 1997- present. |

|Editorial Board, Member, Athletic Training Education Journal, April 2005 to present. |

|NATA Convention Programming Committee Project Team reviewer, June 2009 to present. |

|Manuscript Reviewer, Journal for Community Engagement & Higher Education, October 2008 to present |

|Presentations and Publications: |

|-Stemmans, CL. Novice Clinical Instructors Provide Less Feedback to Athletic Training |

|Students than More Experienced Clinical Instructors. Presented at the NATA Research and Education Foundation in San Antonio, TX, June, 18, |

|2009. |

|-Stemmans CL, Harada N, Huxel K. Predicting Factors of Work Stress in Secondary |

|School Athletic Trainers. Presented at the NATA Research and Education Foundation in St Louis, MO, June 2008. |

|-Tucker J, Stemmans CL, Brucker JB. Appropriate Medical Coverage at Indiana and |

|Illinois Colleges and Universities. Presented at the IATA Fall Meeting & Clinical Symposia, Indianapolis, IN, October 29, 2007. |

|-Reliford E, Cordova ML, Demchak T, Stemmans CL, King K. Athletic trainers’ perceptions of disordered eating in the athlete population. |

|Journal of Allied Health; 2006;35(1):18-30. |

|-Kikuchi N, Stemmans CL. Wrist pain in a female collegiate pole-vaulter. Athletic Therapy Today 2005;10(4):31-33. |

|-Livecchi NM, Merrick MA, Ingersoll CD, Stemmans CL. Teacher-centered instruction improves written test performance compared to |

|student-centered instruction but not practical test performance for pre-athletic training majors. Journal of Allied Health 2004; Fall |

|33(3):200-204. |

|-Stone MB, Edwards JE, Stemmans CL, Ingersoll CD, Palmieri RM, Krause BA. Certified athletic trainers’ perceptions of exercise–associated |

|muscle cramp. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation 2003;12(4)333-342. |

|-Stemmans CL. From cognition to metacognition: The development of self-awareness |

|in student learning. Teaching and Learning at Indiana State University. 2003 1:16-17. |

|-Stemmans CL, Gangstead SK. Student athletic trainer initiated behaviors occur less frequently when supervised by novice clinical instructors.|

|Journal of Athletic Training. 2002;37(4): S255-S260. |

|-Brower KA, Stemmans CL, Ingersoll CD, Langley DJ. An investigation of undergraduate athletic training student’ learning styles and program |

|admission success. Journal of Athletic Training, 2001; 36(2)130-135. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Indiana State University Athletic Training programs for graduate and undergraduate |Volunteer Athletic Trainer for ISU Athletic Training |

|students. |Services |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3962 |

|Susan Yeargin PhD, LAT, ATC | |

|Assistant Professor, Indiana State University |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|PhD University of Connecticut |Heat and Hydration |

|MS University of Florida | |

|BS James Madison University | |

|Certification: | |

|Certified Athletic Trainer | |

|Wilderness First Responder | |

|Massage Therapist | |

|CPR – Professional Rescuer | |

|Professional Activities: |

|College/Departmental |

|Athletic Training Month Planning Committee, Chair, 2009 |

|Athletic Training Research Laboratory Coordinator, 2008-2009 |

|CNHHS Curriculum Affairs Committee, 2009-2010 |

|CNHHS Building Prospectus Committee, 2008-2009 |

|National |

|Appointee to official liason for the NATA and the American Red Cross. 2009 |

|Appointee to represent the NATA on the Inter-Association Task Force to develop “Guidelines for pre-season high school football practices”. |

|2008 |

|Appointee to represent the NATA on the American Heart Association and American Red Cross International First Aid Science Advisory Board. |

|2007-2010. |

|Publications |

|Casa DJ, Csillan D, et al, Yeargin SW Pre-season heat-acclimatization guidelines for secondary school athletics. Journal of Athletic |

|Training. 2009; 44(3): 332-333. (Inter-Association Task Force for Preseason Secondary School Athletics Participants) |

|Mazerolle SM, Yeargin SW, Casa DJ, Casa TM. Heat and Hydration Curriculum Issues: Part 3 of 4- Rectal Thermometry. Athletic Therapy Today. |

|2009; 25-31. |

|McDermott BP, Casa DJ, Ganio MS, Lopez RM, Yeargin SW, Armstrong LE, Maresh CM. Acute whole-body cooling for exercise-induced hyperthermia: a |

|systematic review. Journal of Athletic Training. 2009; 44(1): 84–93. |

|Yeargin, S. Commentary on: Ückert S, Joch W. Effects of warm-up and precooling on endurance performance in the heat. Br J Sports Med. |

|2007;41:380-384. Clin J Sport Med. 2008; 18(2): 177-178. |

|Clinical Practice: |

|Indiana State University Missouri Valley Conference Outdoor Track and Field Championships (Certified Athletic Trainer, volunteer 2009) |

|Indiana State University Pre Participation Physicals (Certified Athletic Trainer, volunteer 2007, 2008) |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-2765 |

|Sheri Walters, PT, MPT, MS, SCS, ATC, LAT, LMT | |

|Executive Director of Athletic Training Services/Rehabilitation Coordinator |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|DPT University of St. Augustine for the Health Sciences (to be |ACL Injury Prevention |

|completed August 2009) |Functional Movement Screen |

|MPT University of Florida |Manual Therapy Techniques |

|MS University of Florida |Injury Rates in Sport |

|BSEd East Central University |Female Athlete Triad |

| | |

|Certification: | |

|Sports Certified Specialist (ABPTS) | |

|National Athletic Trainers’ Association Board of Certification (NATABOC) | |

|American Safety and Health Institute CPR Professional | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Indiana State University Rehabilitation Coordinator |

|Approved Clinical Instructor for Indiana State University undergraduate ATEP |

|Presentations and Publications: |

|Role of the Long Head of the Biceps Brachii in Shoulder Function. Evidence Based Medicine presentation at the 59th National Athletic |

|Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, June 2009, San Antonio, TX |

|Evaluation and Treatment of Low Back Pain in a Female Collegiate Basketball Player Using the Selective Functional Movement AssessmentTM© |

|Presented at the 58th National Athletic Trainers’ Association Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, June 2008, St Louis, MO |

|Case Studies Using Gray Cook’s Selective Functional Movement AssessmentTM © in a Collegiate Athletic Setting Presented at the 2nd National |

|Strength and Conditioning Association Indiana Clinic, March 2008, Indianapolis, IN |

|Deitch JR, Starkey C, Walters SL, Moseley JB. Injury Risk in Professional Basketball Players: A Comparison of WNBA and NBA Athletes. Am J |

|Sports Med. 2006; 34(7):1077-83. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Indiana State University: |Indiana State University Rehabilitation Clinic |

|Manual Therapy (Graduate) | |

|Guest Lecturer: Graduate/Undergraduate | |

|University of Florida (undergraduate ATEP): Rehabilitation Techniques, various labs | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3118 |

|Jeffrey E. Edwards | |

|Professor |Email: |

|Associate Dean for External Affairs | |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

| |Exercise Associate Muscle Cramping |

|Ph.D. Human Performance, Exercise Physiology, minor in Physiology. Indiana |Neuromuscular |

|University, Bloomington, Indiana |Energy Balance |

| | |

|M.A. in Exercise Physiology Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana | |

| | |

|B.S. in Recreation. Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Past President Midwest American College of Sports Medicine |

|Member of Midwest American College of Sports Medicine |

|Member of American College of Sports Medicine |

|Member of American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance |

|Presentations and Publications |

|Over 130 books, journal articles and scientific abstracts in the areas of kinesiology, neuroscience, sports medicine, athletic training, |

|gerontology, rehabilitation, and physiology.  Dr. Edwards has served on approximately 75 masters and doctoral dissertation committees at ISU. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Physiology, Undergraduate and Graduate Exercise Physiology, Statistics, Research |None at this time |

|Methods | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3927 |

|Alfred Finch, Ph.D., HFI |Email: |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|Ph.D. Biomechanics, University of Maryland |3D motion analysis of sports performance, |

|MA Biomechanics, University of Maryland |Ergonomic considerations of lifting, |

|BS Physical Education, University of Connecticut |Kinematic/kinetic gait analysis |

|Areas of Specialty: Biomechanics/Kinesiology, |Neuromuscular effects of strength development |

|Exercise Physiology, Statistics, Human Anatomy, & Computers | |

|International Society of Biomechanics for Sports (ISBS) 1985- | |

|Advisor: Exercise Science (undergrad & grad) ,Pre-PT Therapy Chaired over 50 masters| |

|theses and 55 research projects | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Conducted 3 day workshops on 3-D Video Imaging Techniques for Ariel Performance Analysis System (APAS), St. Andrews Physical Therapy |

|Department, MI, 1993, Pinnacle Sports Physiotherapy, British Columbia, CAN 2007, University of Indianapolis Physical Therapy Dept, 2008. |

|Selected as staff biomechanist for Elite Hurdling Development Group of USA Track & Field at 2000, 2004, 2008 USA Track & Field Olympic Trials,|

|US National Championships 1999-2008. Research Biomechanist for the International Track & Field Association at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. |

|Principal investigator on 39 grants worth in excess of $420,000 for the ISU Exercise Science program. |

|Selected Publications & Presentations: |

|J. McKanna & A. Finch. Effects of External Ankle Support Upon IEMG Activity of the Lower Limb While Running: Biomechanics in Sports IX, |

|pp. 123-126, 1991. |

|A. Finch & N. Williams. Effects of Trager Relaxation Technique on EMG Activity of the Low Back Musculature. Biomechanics in Sports IX, pp. |

|127-130, 1991. |

|A. Finch & A. Briggs. Effects of Upper Body Harness Tethering System on EMG Activity of Low Back While Walking at 0%, 25%, and 50% Traction, |

|Biomechanics in Sports XI, pp. 227-231, 1993. |

|A. Finch, J. Santiago & K. Sasaki. Alterations in Ground Reaction Forces During Tethered Walking. Biomechanics in Sports XIII, pp. 299-302, |

|1995. |

|A. Finch & J. Santiago. Comparison of Vertical Ground Reaction Forces at Impact While Vertical Jumping Using Soft and Pre-tensed Landing |

|Mechanics. In: Proceedings 15th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Dayton Ohio, pp. 491-493, 1996. |

|A. Finch. Effects of Selected Unweighting Conditions on Knee Torques During Partial Squats While Tethered. Biomechanics in Sports XIV, pp. |

|466-469, 1996. |

|A. Finch. Utilization of Portable Real-Time EMG to Teach Neuromuscular Concepts. Fourth National Symposium on Teaching Biomechanics, 1997. |

|A. Finch, G. Ariel & A. Penny. Kinematic Comparison of the Best and Worst Throws of the Top Men’s Discus Performers at 1996 Atlanta Olympic |

|Games. XVI International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. H. Riehle & M. Vieten (eds.) Universitatsverlag Konstanz, Germany, pp. 93-96, |

|1998. |

|A. Finch, G. Ariel, & J. McNichols. Kinematic Analysis of Hurdling Performances at 2000 United States Olympic Trials. Refereed Proceedings |

|of the XIX International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. 2001. |

|J. Rhoades, A. Finch & G. Ariel. Effects of Starting Block Width Spacing on Sprinting Kinematics, XXIV International Symposium on Biomechanics|

|in Sports, University of Salzberg, Salzberg, Austria, Vol. 2, 864, July 2006. |

|M. Cordova & A. Finch. External Ankle Support on Lower Extremity Joint Mechanics During Drop Landings. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, |

|submitted for review Nov 4, 2008. |

|Relevant teaching experience at ISU: PE 685 Biomechanics of Sports ,PE 601 Res. Methods, PE 584 Applied Biomechanics,PE 585 Data Process | |

|Exercise Sciences, PE 680 Adv. Exercise Physiology, PE 681 Seminar Ex.Physiology PE 380 Analysis of Human Movement, Adjunct instructor | |

|Indiana University Medical School (1991-1995) Neuromuscular physiological effects 3 wk unit | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-2594 |

|James Derek Kingsley | |

|Assistant Professor |Email: Derek.Kingsley@indstate |

|Department of Physical Education | |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|Ph.D. Exercise Physiology |Cardiovascular function |

|Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL |Autonomic modulation |

|M.S. Exercise Physiology |Exercise effects on chronic diseases |

|Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL | |

|B.S. Exercise and Sport Sciences | |

|University of North Carolina-Greensboro | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Member of the American College of Sports Medicine |

|Member of the Midwest Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine |

|Member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association |

|Member of the American Physiological Society |

|Member of the American Heart Association |

|Presentations and Publications: |

|Kingsley JD, Panton LB, McMillan V, Figueroa A. Cardiovascular autonomic modulation |

|after acute resistance exercise in women with fibromyalgia. Archives of Physical Medicine and |

|Rehabilitation 2009; 90(9): 1628-1634. |

| |

|Kingsley JD, McMillan V, Figueroa A. Forearm blood flow after resistance exercise training in women with fibromyalgia. To be presented at |

|the National Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine in June, 2010. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Human Anatomy and Physiology |None at this time |

|Exercise Assessment and Prescription | |

|Intro to Exercise Science | |

|Exercise Physiology | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-2901 |

|Thomas W. Nesser | |

|Associate Professor |Email: |

|Department of Physical Education | |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|Ph.D. Kinesiology |Human Performance |

|University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN |Childhood Obesity |

|MS Exercise Science | |

|University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE | |

|BA Sports Science | |

|St. Olaf College, Muncie, MN | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association |

|Member of American College of Sports Medicine |

|Presentations and Publications |

|Okado, T., K.C. Huxel, and Nesser, T.W. Relationship between core stability, functional movement, and performance. Journal of Strength and |

|Conditioning Research. in print. |

| |

|Nesser, T.W. and W.L. Lee. The relationship between core stability and performance in Division I female soccer players. Journal of Exercise |

|Physiology online. 12(2):21-28. 2009. |

| |

|Nesser, T.W., K.C. Huxel, J.L. Tincher, and T. Okado, The relationship between core stability and performance in strength and power athletes. |

|Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 22(6). 2008. |

| |

|Nesser, T.W. The glycemic advantage. NSCA Performance Training Journal. 6(6):17-19. 2007. |

| |

|Nesser, T.W. Recovery Nutrition. Slide Presentation (50 minute) at the Indiana NSCA Annual State Clinic. Carmel, IN. 2008. |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Anaerobic and Aerobic Training Methods |None at this time |

|Resistance Training Methods | |

|Physiology of Exercise | |

|Foundations of Conditioning | |

|Organization and Administration of Fitness Programs | |

|Lifespan Fitness | |

Indiana State University

College of Nursing, Health, and Human Services

Doctor in Physical Therapy

Faculty Qualification Information

|Name: |Office Phone: 812-237-3486 |

|Loretta Lucille White | |

|Associate Professor |Email: |

|Advanced Practice Nursing | |

|Degrees / School: |Research Interest: |

|Post Masters University Southern Indiana |Caring/Uncaring Behavior |

|Evansville, IN |Advanced Nursing Practice |

|DNS Indiana University |Emergency Nursing |

|Indianapolis, IN | |

|MSN Indiana State University | |

|Terre Haute, Indiana | |

|BSN Indiana State University | |

|Terre Haute, Indiana | |

|ADN Indiana State University | |

|Terre Haute, Indiana | |

|Professional Activities: |

|Member of the Society of Advanced Practice Nurses |

|Member of Sigma Theta Tau International |

|Member of National League for Nursing |

|Presentations and Publications |

|White, L.L. (2006). Preparing for clinical: Just in time. Nurse Educator 31(2), 57-60. |

|Assessment & Skills Update for Nurses Returning to the Workplace: Insertion of Intravenous Line and Practice (Nov 16, 2004). Landsbaum Center |

|for Health Education. |

|Contemporary Ethics Issues in Health Care, Research, and Practice: Case Studies and Ethical Issues in Nursing, in Psychiatry, and in Research |

|(Apr, 2005). Landsbaum Center for Health Education. |

| |

|Relevant teaching experience: |Clinical Practice: |

|Nursing graduate courses: Pharmacology for Family Nurse Practitioners; Family Nurse |None at this time |

|Practitioner Role I; Evidence Based Practice | |

|Nursing undergraduate courses: Pharmacology; Medical/Surgical Nursing; Nursing | |

|Research | |


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