RDA core elements summary nov1711 Updated by LC …

RDA core elements: summary of LC, LAC, NLA, BL and DNB decisions

● RDA “core” and RDA “core if” elements color coded pale grey

● Additional elements proposed by national libraries, no color.

● Plus sign (+) identifies which national library proposed the additional element beyond the RDA “core” and RDA “core if”.

“FRBR” column:

● FRBR/FRAD entities: C=corporate body, E=expression, F=family, M=manifestation, P=person, PL=place, W=work

LC column

● Note: decisions highlighted in yellow indicate changes from the LC policy decisions during the US RDA Test.

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


|2.3.2 Title proper |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Mandatory |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary. | |

| | | | | |Actual practice differs for serials, multipart | |

| | | | | |monographs and integrating resources (first/latest | |

| | | | | |entry) | |

|2.3.3 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory |kkk |Yes |Yes |

|Parallel title proper |Yes | | | | | |

|2.3.4 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Other title information |Yes | | | | | |

|2.3.5 | |(+) | | |Yes |Yes |

|Parallel other title | |Additional core element | | | | |

|information | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.3.6 | | |(+) | |Yes, for serials |Optional |

|Variant title | | |Mandatory | | | |

| | | |[NLA to confirm] | | | |

|2.3.7 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes, for serials, multipart monographs and integrating |Optional |

|Earlier title proper |Yes (Reminder: applies to | | | |resources | |

| |integrating resources per RDA | | | | | |

| |and is given in 247 field; also| | | | | |

| |given for serials in 246 field | | | | | |

| |when description is not “backed| | | | | |

| |up”) | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.3.8 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes, for serials, multipart monographs and integrating |Optional |

|Later title proper |Yes (Reminder: applies to | | | |resources | |

| |serials and multipart | | | | | |

| |monographs) | | | | | |

|2.3.9 |(+) |Yes if in conjunction with|Mandatory in association with | |Yes for ISSN |Optional |

|Key title |Yes if in conjunction with ISSN|ISSN assignment |ISSN assignment for Australian | | | |

| |assignment | |serials. | | | |

|2.3.10 |(+) |Yes for abbreviated key |Not mandatory | |Yes for ISSN |Optional |

|Abbreviated title |Yes for abbreviated key title |title if in conjunction |[NLA to check] | | | |

| |if in conjunction with ISSN |with ISSN assignment, as | | | | |

| |assignment, as appropriate. |appropriate. | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

| 2.4.2 |Yes (if more than one, only the|Yes (if more than one, |Mandatory for all. (Check CONSER | |Yes (only the first is required) |Yes (if more than three, only |

|Statement of responsibility |first recorded is required) for|only the first recorded is|guidelines when revised). | | |the first recorded is |

|relating to title proper |all resources. |required) for all | | | |required) for all resources. |

| | |resources. | | | | |

| |[Non-LC CONSER outcome for CSR:| | | | | |

| |Continue AACR2 practice in RDA | | | | | |

| |not to give.] | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.4.3 | |(+) | | |Yes, for serials |Optional |

|Parallel statement of | |Additional core element | | | | |

|responsibility relating to | |required by Library and | | | | |

|the title proper | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.5.2 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Designation of edition |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

|2.5.3 | |(+) | | |Yes, for serials |Yes |

|Parallel designation of | |Additional core element | | | | |

|edition | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.5.6 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Designation of a named | | | | | | |

|revision of an edition | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.5.7 | |(+) | | |No |Optional |

|Parallel designation of a | |Additional core element | | | | |

|named revision of an edition | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

| 2.6.2 |Yes (for first or only |Yes (for first or only |Mandatory for first. | |Yes (first only) |Yes |

|Numeric and/or alphabetic |sequence) |sequence) | | | | |

|designation of first issue or|LCPS for this instruction | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

|part of sequence | | | | | | |

| 2.6.3 |Yes (for first or only |Yes (for first or only |Mandatory for first. | |Yes (first only) |Yes (first only) |

|Chronological designation of |sequence) |sequence) | | | | |

|first issue or part of |LCPS for this instruction | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

|sequence | | | | | | |

|2.6.4 |Yes (for last or only sequence)|Yes (for last or only |Mandatory for last. | |Yes (first only) |Yes (first only) |

|Numeric … of last issue or |LCPS for this instruction |sequence) | | | | |

|part of sequence | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

| | | | | | | |

|2.6.5 |Yes (for last or only sequence)|Yes (for last or only |Mandatory for last. | |Yes (first only) |Yes (first only) |

|Chronological … of last issue|LCPS for this instruction |sequence) | | | | |

|or part of sequence | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.7.6 |Yes (for a resource in |Yes (for a resource in |Mandatory | |Yes (for resources issued in an unpublished form) |Yes |

|Date of production |unpublished form) |unpublished form) | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|2.8.2 |Yes (if more than one, only the|Yes (if more than one, |Mandatory for first (for changes | |Yes (first) |Yes (If more than one, only |

|Place of publication |first recorded is required). |only the first recorded is|in place of publication, see | | |the first recorded is |

| |Also current place if it |required). | [check CONSER guidelines| |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary. |required) |

| |differs. | |when revised] | | |For Places in the Philippines,|

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | |even if not the first recorded|

| | | | | | |is required |

|2.8.3 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel place of publication| |Additional core element | | | | |

| | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.8.4 |Yes (if more than one, only the|Yes (if more than one, |Mandatory for first (for changes | |Yes (first) |Yes (if more than one, only |

|Publisher’s name |first recorded is required). |only the first recorded is|in name of publisher see| | |the first recorded is |

| |Also current publisher if it |required). |[check CONSER guidelines when | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary |required) |

| |differs. | |revised] | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.8.5 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel publisher’s name | |Additional core element | | | | |

| | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.8.6 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Date of publication |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.9.2 |For a published resource, if |For a published resource, |Mandatory for first as per RDA. | |Yes (first, only if place of publication not identified)|Yes (if place of publication |

|Place of distribution |place of publication not |if place of publication |Also record in addition to | | |not identified; |

| |identified; |not identified; |place/name of publisher, if | | |if more than one, only the |

| |if more than one, only the |if more than one, only the|considered significant (e.g. | | |first recorded is required) |

| |first recorded is required |first recorded is required|distributed in Australia before | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | |1900, but published outside | | | |

| | | |Australia) | | | |

|2.9.3 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel place of | |Additional core element | | | | |

|distribution | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.9.4 |For a published resource, if |For a published resource, |Mandatory for first as per RDA. | |Yes (first, only if publisher’s name not identified) |Yes (if publisher not |

|Distributor’s name |publisher not identified; |if publisher not |Also record in addition to | | |identified; |

| |if more than one, only the |identified; |place/name of publisher, if | | |if more than one, only the |

| |first recorded is required |if more than one, only the|considered significant (e.g. | | |first recorded is required) |

| |LCPS for this instruction |first recorded is required|distributed in Australia before | | | |

| | | |1900, but published outside | | | |

| | | |Australia) | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.9.5 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel distributor’s name | |Additional core element | | | | |

| | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.9.6 |For a published resource, if |For a published resource, |Mandatory under conditions stated| | |Yes (only if date of |

|Date of distribution |date of publication not |if date of publication not|in RDA | |Yes (only if date of publication not identified) |publication not identified) |

| |identified |identified | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.10.2 |For a published resource, if |For a published resource, |Mandatory for first as per RDA. | |Yes (first, only if place of publication or distribution|Yes (first, only if place of |

|Place of manufacture |neither place of publication |if neither place of |Also record in addition to | |is not identified) |publication or distribution is|

| |nor place of distribution |publication nor place of |place/name of publisher, if | | |not identified) |

| |identified; if more than one, |distribution identified; |considered significant (e.g. | | | |

| |only the first recorded is |if more than one, only the|manufactured in Australia before | | | |

| |required |first recorded is required|1900, but published outside | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | |Australia) | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|2.10.3 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel place of manufacture| |Additional core element | | | | |

| | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.10.4 |For a published resource, if |For a published resource, |Mandatory for first as per RDA. | |Yes (first, only if neither publisher nor distributor |Yes (if neither publisher nor |

|Manufacturer’s name |neither publisher nor |if neither publisher nor |Also record in addition to | |identified) |distributor identified) |

| |distributor identified; |distributor identified; |place/name of publisher, if | | | |

| |if more than one, only the |if more than one, only the|considered significant (e.g. | | | |

| |first recorded is required |first recorded is required|manufactured in Australia before | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | |1900, but published outside | | | |

| | | |Australia) | | | |

|2.10.5 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel manufacturer’s name | |Additional core element | | | | |

| | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.10.6 |For a published resource, if |For a published resource, |Mandatory as per RDA | |Yes (only if neither date of publication, date of |Yes (if neither date of |

|Date of manufacture |neither date of publication, |if neither date of | | |distribution, |publication, date of |

| |date of distribution, |publication, date of | | |nor copyright date is identified) |distribution, |

| |nor copyright date identified |distribution, | | | |nor copyright date identified)|

| |LCPS for this instruction |nor copyright date | | | | |

| | |identified | | | | |

|2.11 |For monographs if neither the |For monographs if neither |Mandatory | |Yes (only if neither the date of publication |Yes (If copyright and |

|Copyright date |date of publication |the date of publication | | |nor the date of distribution is identified) |publication dates differ, |

| |nor the date of distribution is|nor the date of | | | |copyright is required) |

| |identified. |distribution is | | | |If copyright and publication |

| |LCPS for this instruction |identified. | | | |date are the same, copyright |

| | | | | | |date is not required. |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.12.2 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Title proper of series |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| | | | | |(Series statement (text) only for series without a | |

| | | | | |numbering and for online publications. For numbered | |

| | | | | |series we prefer a link (per identifier) to the | |

| | | | | |comprehensive description of the series) | |

|2.12.3 | |(+) | | |No | |

|Parallel title proper of | |Additional core element | | | | |

|series | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.12.8 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |No | |

|ISSN of series |Yes | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | |Usage of ISSN as Identifier for manifestation of the | |

| | | | | |series | |

|2.12.9 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Numbering within series |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.12.10 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Title proper of subseries |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.12.11 | |(+) | | |No |No |

|Parallel title proper of | |Additional core element | | | | |

|subseries | |required by Library and | | | | |

| | |Archives Canada to comply | | | | |

| | |with LAC's Bilingual | | | | |

| | |Cataloguing Policy | | | | |

|2.12.16 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |No | |

|ISSN of subseries |Yes | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | |Usage of ISSN as Identifier for manifestation of the | |

| | | | | |subseries | |

|2.12.17 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Numbering within subseries |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.13 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Mode of issuance |Yes | | | | | |

| | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

|2.14 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Frequency |Yes | | | | | |

|2.15 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|manifestation | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|2.19 |Yes, both not RDA |Yes for call number and |(+) | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the item | |bar code |Mandatory for call number and bar| | | |

| | | |code. | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|2.20.2 |(+) |Yes for source of title |Mandatory for source of title and| |Yes (if necessary) |Yes |

|Note on title |Yes, for source of title, if |and date title viewed. |date title viewed. | | | |

| |applicable (always applicable | | | | | |

| |for serials) | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|2.20.13 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory. | |No |Yes |

|Note on issue, part, or |Yes, if applicable (always | | | | | |

|iteration used as the basis |applicable for serials) | | | | | |

|for identification of the |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|resource | | | | | | |


|3.2 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory [Note: to be discussed | |Yes |Optional |

|Media type |Yes | |where we will require this to be | | | |

| | | |recorded in MARC record] | | | |

|3.3 |Yes |Yes |Mandatory [Note: to be discussed | |Yes |Yes |

|Carrier type | | |where we will require this to be | | | |

| | | |recorded in MARC record] | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

| 3.4 |Only if the resource is |Yes |Mandatory [note: ACOC considering| |Only if the resource is complete or if the total extent |Yes |

|Extent |complete or if the total extent| |proposal to JSC regarding | |is known -- applies to all resources (may be only term | |

| |is known -- applies to all | |temporary data] | |for complete serials) | |

| |resources (may be only term for| | | | | |

| |complete serials). | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|3.5 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory. | |Yes |Yes |

|Dimensions |Yes for resources other than | | | | | |

| |serials. | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|3.11 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under conditions stated| |Yes for cartographic resources |Yes for cartographic resources|

|Layout |Yes for cartographic resources | |in RDA and for cartographic | | | |

| | | |resources. | | | |

|3.19 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under conditions stated| |No |Yes for cartographic resources|

|Digital file characteristic |Yes for cartographic resources | |in RDA [develop further guidance | | | |

| | | |on application] | | | |

| 3.22.6 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under conditions stated| |Yes |Yes if carrier characteristics|

|Note on changes in carrier |Yes if carrier characteristics | |in RDA [Note: changes in carrier | | |vary and new description isn’t|

|characteristics |vary and new description isn’t | |characteristics may warrant a new| | |made |

| |made | |description] | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


|4.4 |Yes |Yes |(+) | |Yes, for special types to be defined |Yes |

|Access restrictions | | |Mandatory | | | |

|4.6 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Uniform Resource Locator |Yes | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Chapter 5: RECORDING | | | | | | |


|EXPRESSIONS | | | | | | |

|5.7 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |No | |

|Status of identification |Yes | | | | | |

| 5.8 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Source consulted |Yes | | | | | |

|5.9 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under conditions stated| |Yes, if necessary |Yes, if necessary |

|Cataloguer’s note |Yes for certain situations | |in RDA | | | |

| |explained in DCM Z1 667. | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


| |Beginning Nov. 2011, for | | | | | |

| |authorized access points for | | | | | |

| |works: (1) will test impact of | | | | | |

| |differentiating monographic and| | | | | |

| |integrating resource works; (2)| | | | | |

| |will differentiate serial | | | | | |

| |works. Will differentiate | | | | | |

| |expressions in authorized | | | | | |

| |access points in only some | | | | | |

| |situations (see LCPS 6.27.3). | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |[Non-LC CONSER outcome for CSR:| | | | | |

| |There was no consensus for | | | | | |

| |RDA.] | | | | | |

|6.2.2 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Preferred title for the work |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|6.3 |If needed to differentiate | | | |If needed to differentiate |If needed to differentiate |

|Form of work | | | | | | |

|6.4 |If needed to differentiate | | | |Yes |If needed to differentiate |

|Date of work |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|6.5 |If needed to differentiate | | | |If needed to differentiate |If needed to differentiate |

|Place of origin of the work | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|6.6 |If needed to differentiate | | | |If needed to differentiate |If needed to differentiate |

|Other distinguishing | | | | | | |

|characteristic of the work | | | | | | |

|6.8 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the work | | | | | | |

|6.9 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Content type | | | | | | |

|6.10 | In the authorized access | |Mandatory as per RDA | |Yes | In the authorized access |

|Date of expression |points for compilations with | | | | |points for compilations with |

| |preferred title containing | | | | |preferred title containing |

| |“Works” and as appropriate for | | | | |“Works” and as appropriate for|

| |expressions of musical works | | | | |expressions of musical works |

| |and of religious works | | | | |and of religious works |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|6.11 |Yes, in 008/35-37, 041/546. In| |Follow LC | |Yes |Yes, in 008/35-37, 041/546. |

|Language of expression |the authorized access point (1)| | | | |In the authorized access point|

| |for a | | | | |(1) for a |

| |translation; (2) in the | | | | |translation; (2) in the |

| |analytical authorized access | | | | |analytical authorized access |

| |point for the original | | | | |point for the original |

| |expression when it and one or | | | | |expression when it and one or |

| |more other expressions of the | | | | |more other expressions of the |

| |same work | | | | |same work |

| |are in a compilation. | | | | |are in a compilation |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|6.12 |If needed to differentiate | | | |If needed to differentiate |If needed to differentiate |

|Other distinguishing | | | | | | |

|characteristic of the | | | | | | |

|expression | | | | | | |

|6.13 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the expression| | | | | | |

|6.15 |(1) if title is not | | | |Yes |(1) if title is not |

|Medium of performance |distinctive, give if | | | | |distinctive, give if |

| |applicable; | | | | |applicable; |

| |(2) if title is distinctive, | | | | |(2) if title is distinctive, |

| |give if needed to differentiate| | | | |give if needed to |

| | | | | | |differentiate |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|6.16 |(1) if title is not | | | |Yes |(1) if title is not |

|Numeric designation of a |distinctive, give if | | | | |distinctive, give if |

|musical work |applicable; | | | | |applicable; |

| |(2) if title is distinctive, | | | | |(2) if title is distinctive, |

| |give if needed to differentiate| | | | |give if needed to |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | |differentiate |

|6.17 |(1) if title is not | | | |Yes |(1) if title is not |

|Key |distinctive, give if | | | | |distinctive, give if |

| |applicable; | | | | |applicable; |

| |(2) if title is distinctive, | | | | |(2) if title is distinctive, |

| |give if needed to differentiate| | | | |give if needed to |

| | | | | | |differentiate |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|6.22 |For both signatories of a | |Mandatory as per RDA | |Yes |For both signatories of a |

|Signatory to a treaty, etc. |bilateral treaty | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary |bilateral treaty |

| | | | | |for special types of publications (e. g. multilateral | |

| | | | | |treaties). | |


|7.4.2 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory (in MARC 034 and 255) | |Yes |Yes |

|Longitude and latitude |Yes | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| 7.7 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under conditions stated| |Yes |Yes for resources intended for|

|Intended audience |Yes for resources intended for | |in RDA | | |children |

| |children | | | | | |

| 7.9 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Dissertation or thesis |Yes | | | | | |

|information |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|7.10 |(+) |No |Mandatory for collective records,| |No |Yes for fiction intended for |

|Summarization of the content |Yes for fiction intended for | |manuscripts and oral history | | |children |

| |children | |recordings. | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|7.12 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Language of the content |Yes | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|7.13.2 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory if readily | |Yes, for other than Roman scripts/alphabets |Yes for some languages |

|Script |Yes for some languages (see | |ascertainable. | | | |

| |LCPS | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|7.13.3 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Form of musical notation |Yes | | | | | |

|7.15 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes for resources intended for|

|Illustrative content |Yes for resources intended for | | | | |children |

| |children | | | | | |

| 7.16 |(+) |Yes for indexes and |Mandatory for indexes and | |Yes |Yes for indexes and |

|Supplementary content |Yes for indexes and |bibliographies in |bibliographies. (use both MARC | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary |bibliographies in monographs |

| |bibliographies in monographs. |monographs. |008 and 5XX). For other types of | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | |supplementary content, mandatory | | | |

| | | |under circumstances stated in RDA| | | |

|7.20 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Format of notated music |Yes | | | | | |

|7.21 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Medium of performance of |Yes | | | | | |

|musical content | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|7.22 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under the conditions | |Yes |Yes |

|Duration |Yes | |stated in RDA | | | |

|7.25.3 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Horizontal scale of |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|cartographic content | | | | | | |

|7.25.4 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Vertical scale of |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|cartographic content | | | | | | |

|7.25.5 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Additional scale information |Yes | | | | | |

|7.26 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Projection of cartographic |Yes | | | | | |

|content |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |


|8.10 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes | |

|Status of identification |Yes | | | | | |

|8.11 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes |

|Undifferentiated name |Yes | | | | | |

|indicator | | | | | | |

|8.12 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes, if possible (not mandatory) |Yes |

|Source consulted |Yes | | | | | |

|8.13 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory under conditions stated| |Yes, if necessary |Yes for certain situations |

|Cataloguer’s note |Yes for certain situations | |in RDA | | |explained in DCM Z1 667 |

| |explained in DCM Z1 667 | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


|9.2.2 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Preferred name for the person|LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

| | | | | |e. g. for pseudonyms. | |

| | | | | |Actual practice in the authority file for the | |

| | | | | |German-speaking countries (GND) differs in parts | |

|9.3.2 |Yes | | | |Yes, if known |Yes |

|Date of birth |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|9.3.3 |Yes | | | |Yes, if known |Yes |

|Date of death |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| 9.3.4 |If needed to differentiate | | | |Yes, if known |If needed to differentiate |

|Period of activity of the |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|person | | | | | | |

|9.4 |Yes | | | |Yes, if known |Yes |

|Title of the person |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

| 9.5 |If needed to differentiate | | | |Yes, if known |If needed to differentiate |

|Fuller form of name | | | | | | |

|9.16 |(1) for a person whose name | | | |Yes, if known |(1) for a person whose name |

|Profession or occupation |consists of a phrase or | | | | |consists of a phrase or |

| |appellation not | | | | |appellation not |

| |conveying the idea of a person;| | | | |conveying the idea of a |

| |(2) if needed to differentiate | | | | |person; (2) if needed to |

| | | | | | |differentiate |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|9.18 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the person | | | | | | |


|10.2.2 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Preferred name for the family| | | | | | |

|10.3 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Type of family | | | | | | |

|10.4 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Date associated with the | | | | | | |

|family | | | | | | |

|10.5 |If needed to differentiate or | |Mandatory | |Yes, if known |If needed to differentiate or |

|Place associated with the |if helpful for identification | | | |(Mandatory if applicable) |if helpful for identification |

|family | | | | | | |

| 10.6 |If needed to differentiate or | |Mandatory as per RDA | |Yes, if known |If needed to differentiate or |

|Prominent member of the |if helpful for identification | | | |(Mandatory if applicable) |if helpful for identification |

|family | | | | | | |

|10.9 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the family | | | | | | |


| 11.2.2 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Preferred name for the |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|corporate body | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

| 11.3.2 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Location of conference, etc. | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary. | |

| | | | | |Current practice differs for series of conferences | |

|11.3.3 |If needed to differentiate | | | |Yes, if needed to differentiate or if known |If needed to differentiate |

|Location of headquarters |LCPS for this instruction | | | | |LCPS for this instruction |

|11.4.2 |Yes for conferences cataloged | |Mandatory for conferences | |Yes |Yes for conferences cataloged |

|Date of conference, etc. |as monographs | |catalogued as monographs | | |as monographs |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | |LCPS for this instruction |

|11.4.3 |in authorized access point if | |Mandatory (in MARC 046 of | |Yes, if known |in authorized access point if |

|Date of establishment |needed to differentiate; (2) in| |authority record) | | |needed to differentiate; (2) |

| |NAR 370 field whenever readily | | | | |in NAR 370 field whenever |

| |available | | | | |readily available |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | |LCPS for this instruction |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

| 11.4.4 |in authorized access point if | |Mandatory (in MARC 046 of | |Yes, if known |in authorized access point if |

|Date of termination |needed to differentiate; (2) in| |authority record) | | |needed to differentiate; (2) |

| |NAR 370 field whenever readily | | | | |in NAR 370 field whenever |

| |available | | | | |readily available |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | |LCPS for this instruction |

|11.5 |(1) for conferences, etc., if | | | |Yes, if needed to differentiate or known |(1) for conferences, etc., if |

|Associated institution |the institution’s name provides| | | | |the institution’s name |

| |better identification than the | | | | |provides better identification|

| |local place name or if the | | | | |than the local place name or |

| |local place name is unknown or | | | | |if the local place name is |

| |cannot be readily determined; | | | | |unknown or cannot be readily |

| |(2) if needed to differentiate | | | | |determined; (2) if needed to |

| | | | | | |differentiate |

|11.6 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Number of a conference, etc. |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|11.7 |(1) for a body whose name does | | | |Yes |(1) for a body whose name does|

|Other designation associated |not convey the idea of a | | | |(in other cases if needed to differentiate or if helpful|not convey the idea of a |

|with the corporate body |corporate body; | | | |for identification) |corporate body; |

| |(2) if needed to differentiate | | | | |(2) if needed to differentiate|

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|11.12 |Yes | | | |Yes |Yes |

|Identifier for the corporate | | | | | | |

|body | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


| 16.2.2 |(+) |Yes |We are unsure why the LCPS is | |Yes |Optional |

|Preferred name for the place |Yes, in the context of RDA 11.2| |required here [Deirdre to follow | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | |up on this]. | | | |


|17.8 |Do not apply chapter 17 in the | |Mandatory as per RDA | |Yes |Optional |

|Work manifested |current implementation | | | |In the first step DNB will implement RDA in Scenario 2, | |

| |scenario; | | | |so there will be no work records. Only works of music | |

| |this core element is covered by| | | |are recorded actually. | |

| |the authorized access point for| | | | | |

| |the work | | | | | |

| |when present in a MARC | | | | | |

| |bibliographic record. | | | | | |

| |See 25.1 for guidelines about | | | | | |

| |this element when the resource | | | | | |

| |is a compilation. | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

| 17.10 |Do not apply chapter 17 in the | |Mandatory as per RDA | |Yes |Optional |

|Expression manifested |current implementation | | | |See 17.8 | |

| |scenario; | | | | | |

| |this core element is covered by| | | | | |

| |the authorized access point for| | | | | |

| |the expression | | | | | |

| |when present in a MARC | | | | | |

| |bibliographic record. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |See 26.1 for guidelines about | | | | | |

| |this element when the resource | | | | | |

| |is a compilation. | | | | | |


| 19.2 |Yes (if more than one, only the| |Mandatory to record all [Note: | |Yes |Yes |

|Creator |creator having principal | |resource implications to be | | | |

| |responsibility named first in | |considered, and measured post | |Agreements for the German-speaking community necessary | |

| |resources embodying the work or| |implementation] | | | |

| |in reference sources is | | | | | |

| |required; if principal | | | | | |

| |responsibility is not | | | | | |

| |indicated, only the first-named| | | | | |

| |creator is required) | | | | | |

| |After satisfying the RDA core | | | | | |

| |requirement, catalogers may | | | | | |

| |provide additional authorized | | | | | |

| |access points for creators | | | | | |

| |according to cataloger’s | | | | | |

| |judgment. | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|19.3 |If the authorized access point| |Mandatory to record all [Note: | |Yes |Optional |

|Other person, family, or |representing that person, | |resource implications to be | |Agreements for the | |

|corporate body associated |family, or corporate body is | |considered, and measured post | |German-speaking community | |

|with a work |used to construct the | |implementation] | |necessary | |

| |authorized access point | | | | | |

| |representing the work | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |After satisfying the RDA core | | | | | |

| |requirement, catalogers may | | | | | |

| |provide additional authorized | | | | | |

| |access points according to | | | | | |

| |cataloger’s judgment. | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


| 20.2 |(+) |Yes for illustrators and |Mandatory for editors, | |Yes |Yes |

|Contributor |For illustrators of resources |translators |translators, illustrators, | | | |

| |intended for children | |arrangers. For other contributors| |Agreements for the | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | |use cataloguer judgement | |German-speaking community | |

| | | |according to NLA Internal | |necessary | |

| | | |Cataloguing Guidelines [note: | | | |

| | | |guidelines on this need to be | | | |

| | | |developed both to indicate what | | | |

| | | |circumstances to record other | | | |

| | | |contributors and how many to | | | |

| | | |record if large numbers] | | | |


| 24.7 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes, if necessary |Yes, if necessary |

|Source consulted |Yes | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|Chapter 25: RELATED WORKS |

|25.1 |(+) |Yes for sequential serial |Mandatory for standard serial | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Related work |(1) Give a contents note (no |relationships |relationships. For other work | | | |

| |limit on number of works in | |relationships, use cataloguer's | |Agreements for the | |

| |the contents note unless | |judgement according to NLA | |German-speaking community | |

| |burdensome). Give an | |Internal Cataloguing Guidelines | |necessary | |

| |analytical authorized access | |[to be developed]. Record | | | |

| |point for the predominant or | |reciprocal relationships | | | |

| |first work in the compilation;| |generally only for serials and | | | |

| |(2) For sequential serial | |integrating resources. | | | |

| |relationships. | | | | | |

| |When giving relationship, give| | | | | |

| |reciprocal relationships when | | | | | |

| |appropriate (primarily for | | | | | |

| |serials and integrating | | | | | |

| |resources). | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


|26.1 |(+) |Yes for sequential serial |Mandatory for standard serial | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Related expression |(1) Give a contents note (no |relationships |relationships. For other | | | |

| |limit on number of expressions| |expression relationships, use | |Agreements for the | |

| |in the contents note unless | |cataloguer's judgement according | |German-speaking community | |

| |burdensome). Give an | |to NLA Internal Cataloguing | |necessary | |

| |analytical authorized access | |Guidelines [to be developed]. | | | |

| |point for the predominant or | |Record reciprocal relationships | | | |

| |first expression in the | |generally only for serials and | | | |

| |compilation; (2) For | |integrating resources. | | | |

| |sequential serial | | | | | |

| |relationships. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |When giving relationship, give| | | | | |

| |reciprocal relationships when | | | | | |

| |appropriate (primarily for | | | | | |

| |serials and integrating | | | | | |

| |resources). | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |


|27.1 |(+) |Yes for reproductions |Mandatory for reproductions | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Related manifestation |Make for reproductions. | |(including facsimilies). For | | | |

| | | |other manifestation relationships| |Agreements for the | |

| | | |use cataloguer's judgement. | |German-speaking community | |

| | | | | |necessary | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |

|Chapter 28: RELATED ITEMS |

|28.1 |(+) |Yes |Follow LC | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Related item |Make for reproductions, bound | | | | | |

| |with, and for special | | | |Agreements for the | |

| |relationships for rare | | | |German-speaking community | |

| |materials if warranted | | | |necessary | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |


|29.6 |(+) |Yes |Mandatory | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Source consulted |Yes | | | | | |

|Chapter 30: RELATED PERSONS |

|30.1 |(+) |Yes for separate identities|Mandatory for separate identities| |Yes, |Yes, if necessary |

|Related person |For different identities | | | |for "Sammelpseudonyme" | |

| | | | | |(in other cases if helpful for| |

| | | | | |identification) | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Sammelpseudonym = two or more | |

| | | | | |persons write (just together) | |

| | | | | |under one personal name | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |Pseudonyms not official or | |

| | | | | |well-known will not be linked | |

| | | | | |to the real names. | |

| | | | | |(special rule for the | |

| | | | | |authority file for the | |

| | | | | |German-speaking countries | |

| | | | | |(GND)) | |

| | | | | | | |

|Element |LC |LAC |NLA |BL |DNB |NCRDA |


|32.1 |(+) |Yes for sequential |Mandatory for immediately | |Yes |Yes, if necessary |

|Related corporate body |For sequential relationships |relationships of |preceding and succeeding | | | |

| |of non-conference corporate |non-conference corporate |entities. Otherwise, | | | |

| |bodies, only the immediately |bodies. |cataloguer's judgement | | | |

| |preceding and succeeding | | | | | |

| |entities | | | | | |

| |LCPS for this instruction | | | | | |


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