The Vatican and Extraterrestrials

The Vatican and Extraterrestrials

May 14, 2008, MSNBC News Story: "The extraterrestrial is my brother."

Updated 3:57 p.m. ET, Tues., May. 13, 2008

VATICAN CITY - The Vatican's chief astronomer says that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, said that the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones. In an interview published Tuesday by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures. Funes said that ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom.


From Nephilim Stargates—The Year 2012 and the Return of the Watchers, by Thomas R. Horn, pages 116-119: “…Coast to Coast asked eminent theologian and former Jesuit priest Malachi Martin why the Vatican was heavily invested in the study of deep space at Mt. Graham Observatory in southeast Arizona. Martin said: `Because the mentality, the attitude, mentally among those who are at the highest levels, highest levels of the Vatican administration and geopolitics know that, now, knowledge of what’s going on in outer space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, or ten years’ ”. (The next 5 years from this interview was 2007—the thing approaching--the watched big thing coming down through the planets and stars—most possibly the New Jerusalem. NASA has picked up a huge unknown glistening object slowly descending towards the earth).

“Martin’s historical dialogue is seen as a `sign’ by many Ufologists. If ET really is confirmed, most believe that the Vatican will play an important role

during the Official Disclosure. Learned researchers therefore keep an open ear for hints by the Vatican that disclosure is nearing.”

From The Return of Planet X by Dr. Jason Rand, pages 192 and 193: “Apparently not agreeing with Pope John XXIII’s difficult decision to conceal this `third secret’, close Vatican insiders decided to leak at least part of it to the Italian Press. So on October 15, 1963, the newspaper, Nues Europa, printed what they claimed to be (at least) the third Fatima prophecy…the leaked segment of the `third’ prophecy stated: `For the Church, too, (at the end times) the time of its greatest trial will come. Cardinals will oppose cardinals and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in their midst and there will be great changes at Rome. What is rotten will fall, never to rise again. The Church will be darkened, and the world will shake with terror. The time will come when no king, emperor, cardinal, or bishop will await Him, who will, however, come but in order to punish according to the designs of My Father’….

This partial release of the third Fatima message is only the proverbial tip of the

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Iceberg. Vatican insider, Father Malachi Martin, furnished an even more revealing glimpse into the actual `root cause’ of this upcoming catastrophe contained in the third prophecy of Fatima. Father Martin was a former Jesuit priest and a full professor at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute. He held doctorates in history, archeology, and Semitic languages. A brilliant scholar, he served in Rome at the prestigious Vatican Observatory from 1958 to 1964, where he was the associate of Cardinal Augustine Bea and none other than the Pontiff himself who had opened the prophecy of Fatima, Pope John XXIII. Father Martin was privy to the entire third prophecy of Fatima, and although he would not break his vow to keep secret the exact content…he did inadvertently release the main theme of the prophecy in a nationally syndicated radio…on April 5, 1997 with Art Bell. Father Martin indicated that a large celestial object, possibly a comet, was approaching earth and its affects were going to be disastrous. The end result of this comet’s passage was in fact, going to be worse than anything that could be imagined on earth, causing a global catastrophe on a scale unknown to modern-day humanity. The objects passage would also lead to massive conflicts within the leadership of the Catholic Church and ultimately its absolute destruction. According to the interview, Father Martin mentioned this planetary cataclysm possible taking place within 10-12 years. (Note: 1997-2009 =12 years)”

[The first passing of Planet X by earth is slated for September 18, 2009, a Yom Teruah, beginning 2010 on the Hebrew creation calendar), and its second pass-through to be on December 21, 2012, the ending date of the Mayan calendar.]

Dr. Rand continues: “It is an interesting side note, the Vatican recently built several `state-of-the-art’ solar observatories around the world. Suspiciously, all the doors of these expensive/high-tech observatories are sealed to the public. And further, the Vatican subsequently refuses to discuss the real purpose of these observatories, or what their telescopes are currently searching for. Now why would the Vatican, a religious institution, be so interested in what’s going on in outer space? And why would they need several exotic observatories strategically located at key points around the planet?”

Good questions… We see from Revelation 17 that the “great whore”—“mystery Babylon the great”—a combination of end-time Babylon and Rome, creating the “eighth beast”—will be destroyed by fire.

Oftentimes Lucifier gives his plans ahead of time, to give credibility to certain false illusions—like the appearance of Mary at Fatima, Portugal. But, her first two “secrets” did come to pass—World War I in 1917.

Continuing on in Nephilim Stargates by Tom Horn: “Martin is not the only priest to have believed something is approaching. Argentinean Jesuit priest and astrophysicist, Jose Funes, told an international conference in Rome a couple of years ago that `extraterrestrials exist and are our brothers’.

In April of 2000, Zecharia Sitchin sat down with leading Vatican theologian, Monsignor Corrado Balducci and discovered that the idea of ancient astronauts creating man is `something that Christianity is coming around to’ ”.

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“Ruth Gledhil reported not long ago: There is probably intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe and there is evidence in the Bible to suggest that it could be Christian, according to the Roman Catholic Church. In a document published by the Catholic Truth Society, the official publisher for the Vatican, a papal astronomer speculates that `sooner or later, the human race will discover that there are other intelligent creatures out there in the Universe’.

Brother Guy Consolmagno, a Jesuit, who is one of the Vatican’s leading astronomers, concedes that he could be wrong. Ultimately, he says, `we don’t know’. With so many billions of planets, stars and galaxies, he says, `surely, somewhere in that number, there must be other civilized, rational beings’…

To back of his hunch that aliens will have been subject to Christ’s saving

grace, he cites the verses from John’s Gospel known as the Good Shepherd passage…John 10:14-16.”

Pages 118-120: “Of course, when thinking of the history of the Catholic Church, appearing saviors, extraterrestrial intelligence, flying discs, and signs in the sky, one cannot help but remember the story that gook place in Fatima Portugal, in 1917.” According to on-looker’s reports: “What first looked like the sun, appearing as a flat silver disc revolving on its own axis. The object

plunged towards the crowd, zigzagging erratically across the sky, causing thousands of witnesses…to fall on their faces in repentance. The Reverend General Vicar of Leiria, one of the witnesses, thought it was the Virgin Mary in an `aero plane of light’, an `immense globe, flying westwards, at moderate speed. It irradiated a very bright light’. Another witness, Dr. Almeida Garrett, a professor Coimbra, described it this way, `The sun had broken through the thick clouds. It seemed to be drawing all eyes ad I saw it as a disc which a clean cut rim, luminous and shining, but which did not hurt the eyes. The clouds did not obscure the light of the sun; one could fix one’s eyes on this brazier of heat and light without pin in the eyes of blinding of the retina. The sun’s disc spun around on itself in a mad whirl—the, whirling wildly, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight.’ Many other witnesses at Fatima described the fiery disc that appeared through n opening in the sky, descended in a rush, moved erratically overhead and then flew away”.

From page 147 of Nephilim Stargates: “Vatican officials have gone so far recently (2007) as to release a series of calculated responses meant to reassure Catholics that evidence of ET or sudden visitation by such world not prove `everything we believe in is wrong’, rather, `we’re going to find out that everything is truer in ways we couldn’t even yet have imagined’ ”.

From page 159 of Nephilim Stargates: “Vatican publications…have recently released a series of publication dealing with the possibility of Extraterrestrial or multi-dimensional intelligence, hinting that a greater-than-not possibility of ET contact now exists”.

From Nephilim Stargates pages 207-209: “Official Disclosure (of the aliens) could pave the way for a new religion according to Jacques Vallee:

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`I think the stage is set for the appearance of new faiths centered in UFO belief’. Yet, Vallee senses malevolence in this `salvation from above’. `I believe there is a machinery of mass manipulation behind the UFO phenomenon…In turn this expectation makes millions of people hope for the imminent realization of that age-old dream: salvation from above, surrender to the greater power of some wise navigators of the cosmos’”

“UFO researcher Richard Boylan says of this: `One of the predictions is that there will be a very large rift in human society as a result of ET contact becoming publicly known…`the Aviary’ (a super secret group of government and military officials, according to Bolan) are quite concerned that fundamentalist Christians will experience spiritual…shock at the revelation of

ET visitation…the theological and religious social implications may be the most series ones resulting from open extraterrestrial contact…”.

“The Aviary were reportedly alarmed last year when stories appeared then quickly vanished about Vatican experts briefing government representatives

from several countries on the Fatima Prophecies and what allegedly to be descriptions of ET visitations. According to Boylan, a spokesman for the Vatican verified that the briefing took place. Recent press from Vatican

officials confirms the Catholic Church interest in and concern for the effect upon the world’s religions by Official ET Disclosure. Catholics are being reassured by church theologians including Jose Funes, Monseignor Corrado Balducci and Astronomen Guy Consolmagno that ETs…`are God’s creatures and no challenge to Rome’s authority’. In fact Consolmagno says, `The discovery of extraterrestrial life…might…help us discard the bad ideas in religion—the narrow view, the hubris, and the divisiveness’”.


Since the creation of the Jesuit Order, the goal has been to secure Jerusalem for the Vatican, and to place one of their own on the Temple Mount to rule the world and to be worshipped as God. They have said openly, that they are prepared to put one of their own on the Temple Mount, “for the glory of the god that sits in St. Peter’s Chair”. They have been seriously working towards this goal from their creation of the Illuminati and its plans for world take-over, May 1, 1776. From earlier times, the Jesuit Order infiltrated America, to use it as their laboratory for world government promotion and to use as the funding and promoting wealth of the three part plan of take over. It has been said that America’s capitol is not Washington D.C., but Georgetown—the Jesuit University.

The newly formed Sanhedrin in Israel has invited the Vatican to make Jerusalem the headquarters of world religion, a center where all religions can come together.

It is believed by many that the great deception that Matthew 24:24 and II Thessalonians is talking about, at the time of the revealing of the anti-messiah, has to do with the hypnotic messages given by the fallen angels at that time,

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who will accompany the anti-messiah’s ascendancy to power. It says in Revelation 13:2 that Satan will give him his power, his throne, and great authority. The messages are designed to shake the foundation of belief in Jesus or Yeshua.

The coming of anti-messiah (the “Vicar of Christ”)—the one who sits in the place of messiah—will be accompanied by signs, wonders, and all sorts of deceptive manipulation (II Thessalonians 2:9-12). His entrance will be hundreds, perhaps thousands, of crafts containing his fallen angels. The Nephilim will use this time to also make their re-entrance onto the earth—the giants, the half fallen angel/half human combination, making it appear as if the gods of Greece and Rome has returned. Thousands of cloned bodies are

being prepared for those from the pit--bound by Yahuweh since after the flood (II Peter 2, Jude)--to inhabit these bodies)

If the Catholic Church is preparing its one billion plus members to receive extra terrestrials, then it is very possible that a cloned “Jesus” will appear with a Vatican cloned pope or Jesuit general—to be the false prophet and the anti-messiah.

The anti-messiah may come in the clouds with thousands of his fallen angels in space ships, to counterfeit the return of our Jewish Messiah Yahushua, making a fascinating display of signs and wonders to razzle-dazzle the stupid of the earth that are still stupid after all the created death and chaos that will bring on the anti-messiah. (II Thessalonians 2 and Revelation 13) Or he may come to try to imitate the entrance of our Messiah into Jerusalem at Passover, when He was welcomed as King. When Messiah Yahushua returns, He will come with His entourage of His angels (the Hosts of heaven).

Of course, then there is Avi ben Abraham, head of world cloning and world freezing. He was born in Babylon, full-blooded Jew, and has made medical history by being the youngest doctor to do specific technical surgeries. He is now the head of all the cloning, as well as of the freezing of the dead to bring them back to cure them. He is considered to be a genius by the world community--able to do anything he says he will do. The world elite look to him as to a god. Exxon-Mobile flew him around the world, and everywhere he told them to drill for oil, they did, and they got oil. His friends are in the multi-billionaire/trillionaire group, world rulers. About 2000, he made an announcement to all of Israel, that the next year he would make an announcement of earthshaking proportions. The next year he made his speech. It was put in the Jerusalem Post along with his picture and the pictures of some of the things he has cloned. He was about 40 then, kind of short, black hair, black eyes with a very hypnotic stare. In the speech he said that he was “the resurrection and the life” and that he had all the secrets of DNA, which he was going to give to ten Italian doctors, so that they could heal any disease. He said: “I am the creator”. He said that he could clone anything and that he was going to take the DNA off of “the Shroud of Turin” and clone Jesus and bring

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him back. He then went to the heads of Israel and asked if he could put the DNA/clone of Jesus in the body of a Jewish virgin. They said “NO”. He then went to the Pope and he said a resounding, “YES!” He then took his research to the space station.

About two years later Avi was seen in the White House with his ten doctors and President G.W. Bush. Bush had made a big speech against stem-cell research. After that weekend with Bush and Avi, he came out publicly and said to go ahead with it. After than Avi has disappeared into the woodwork, at least on the surface. Since the 1970s the New Age movement has said that they wanted to stage an appearance of Jesus, so that the Christians would buy into it and think it’s the “rapture”, but they would have the space brothers take them up and out.

Yes, many of the space crafts, which are increasingly being sited over the

world, are fallen angels. However, also Russians and Americans have anti-gravity crafts that go far into space, going to the moon or Mars, or perhaps a moon of Jupiter, where there ARE space bases. They are also planning to remove people in these crafts, to do the hard labor on other planets for the construction of new civilizations. That’s the plan…and it is feasible now.

In a speech, which one of my daughters and I heard on a live T.V. broadcast, President G.W. Bush spent twenty minutes telling the youth of America that they need to prepare to colonize the moon and Mars. It was the strangest speech. We heard it all on the T.V. from Jason’s Deli in Ft. Worth, Texas-- 2004.

I visited the Church of the Visitation in Ein Karem (a suburb of Jerusalem)—home of John the Baptiser—where Mary came to Elizabeth and told her of her pregnancy. Elizabeth was six months pregnant with John at that point. It was here that the “Magnificat” was spoken, which is part of the Catholic rosary.

I went to the chapel on the second floor, and to my right as I entered was a huge picture painted on the wall. This picture was so evil that I could feel the spirits from it. I became short of breath. I ran out of there, and down the hill to the lower street, doing spiritual warfare as I went, praying and praising Yahuweh. It was so evil. Now I know why… It shows Mary riding on an orb—a disc—over the earth. It shows her on a flying saucer/disc. Is this how the Catholic Church also intends to bring Mary to earth?

The Wiccans call Mary, “Isis”—the Queen of heaven”. Indeed the Catholic Church calls Mary the Queen of heaven—a co-redemptress with Jesus. That is evil in itself.

I never thought of the Vatican as promoting the UFO aliens as “Christians”—the “brethren” of another fold--kind, good and benevolent. If they pull off putting one of their own on the Temple Mount, with all this entourage of demons and fallen angels, and promoting them as good, even Christian, then indeed the words of II Thessalonians 2, that he will be worshipped as god, will happen as written. The Roman Catholic Church was called by (St.) Augustine, “The second Babylon”. America is end-time Babylon of Jeremiah 50-51, Isaiah 13,

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47, and Revelation 18, etc., and America is the greatest backer of the Vatican plans, even to joining the Vatican in funding and backing Hitler. Interesting that Jeremiah 50 and 51 pictures the fiery destruction of end-time Babylon—America—and Revelation 17 pictures the fiery destruction of the great whore—mystery Babylon the great. The two are today inseparable.

Further observations: A phenomenon needs to be questioned—the exposure of the Vatican myth, at the same time destroying the faith of the naïve, yet

innocent in their misguided faith. May Father have mercy on the naïve! I take comfort in Hosea 2, where He gives to us the whole story after we are in the Kingdom.

Movies and books like The DiVinci Code, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, and The Last Templar—all discredit Jesus as being simply a human being. The quote on the back of the book jacket for The Last Templar: “It has served us well, this myth of Christ”—spoken by Pope Leo X. This was the pope that dubbed Henry the Eighth as the “Defender of the Faith”.

I believe, since Constantine created the new religion for Rome in 325 CE at the Council of Nicea, that the chief hierarchy of the Church has known that Iesous was a myth. Constantine constantly interchanged the names of his sun gods--whom he called “Sol Invictus”, the unconquerable sun--Iesous (Yesu in Latin, transliterated “Jesus” in English and Mithra--the sun god of ancient Persia that his military men worshipped--depending on who he was talking to.

The Greeks created a god in the mid-first century, breaking away from the teachings of the Apostles, who was a Gnostic-type god. Gnosticism has its roots in the tree of the knowledge (gnosis) of good and evil—Lucifer’s tree. They took from the Apostles certain aspects of the Yahushua ha Machiach, Son of Yahuweh--yet in their Gnosticism, made Him not the Son of Elohim—totally rejecting His adherence to Torah and overlooking His Apostles adherence to Torah. They named him after a Greek god, and gave him the attributes of a good man, yet totally Hellenized him so that he was not the Elohim of Israel anymore who guarded Yahuweh’s Torah. In fact, it is believed that they went after Paul with a vengeance because he was exposing them in his writings.

In books, like The Last Templar, they tell that Jesus left a journal, in which he admitted to not being the son of God, which he supposedly hid under the Temple Mount. Supposedly, according to the modern Gnostics, this journal was taken by the Templars and hidden, until recently. Then they refer to the archeological find in Egypt of certain “gospels”, like the “Gospel of Thomas”, that tell that he was not the son of God, but just a good man. They say Mark, then Matthew, then the other books of the New Testament were written later on to counteract the “truth” of his escape from the cross by the putting up of his twin on the cross.

Madness, I know—but when you depart from the real Yahushua, Son of Yahuweh, and even start calling Him “Yeshua”, which the Greek Gnostics said was their Iesous’ name in Hebrew, thus taking the YAH out of His Name, you

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get an entirely different God—one that uses the Bible for reference but has no connection to the Hebrew Elohim of Israel. Knowing the Elohim of Israel, knowing His nature and His ways, means obedience to the plumb line of His Torah in loving, child like faith, through love for Him and Messiah Yahushua. You can’t say you love Him and then not do what He says—isn’t that what He says? -- Matthew 7:21-23

This perverted madness is being thrust on the public as if it were truth—just like un-provable evolution is thrust on us as truth.

The new “exposure” tells that the Christ of the Catholic Church Christ is a fake—and so he is—but of course, they do not tell us about the real One. It is like the Jewish “anti-missionaries” of today, who are winning over Christians and Messianic people to Judaism. They are telling them about this Christ of the church being a fake, and what they are saying is true—but they are not telling them about the real Jewish Messiah, whose followers guarded the Torah, and whose guarding of it, and the keeping of Matthew in Hebrew, caused the Church to go after them with a sword, and caused the Inquisition as well—to get rid of them. The Church did not succeed in getting rid of them, because here we are, alive and very well!

The Truth will always surface and win! So, now to suppress the truth, they are promoting the old myths as myths, to destroy the faith of the “believers”. I wonder if the anti-missionaries of Judaism are working with the Vatican on this faith-destroying enterprise? Paul warns us in II Thessalonians 2 that great apostasy will take place and the rise of an anti-messiah world ruler, before Messiah comes. The great apostasy has begun! It is possible, since the chief rabbis are in with the Vatican for power and other advantages. They are into Kaballah—the mysticism of Lucifer in a different way—some are also Masons who are in with the Vatican Jesuits—the heads of the Illuminati.

It is a fact that the Catholic Church added, subtracted and changed much of the Messianic Writings to fit their doctrines. In order for the New Testament to conform to their eschatology, for example, they put in two extra Passovers in the book of John, thus making Messiah’s ministry 3 ½ years rather than the 1- year that it was. A second century Greek copy of the book of John shows that those passages were not there. By the 5th century, the Messianic writings were in shreds—thousands of fragments, and the Church ordered a “re-write”.

Yet, with all their attempts to re-write and change it, the truth has been preserved, but now, as we look at Shem Tov’s copy of Matthew from the Hebrew, which infuriated the Church from the 4th-13th centuries when they thought they got rid of it, we see that the Messiah of the Hebrew Matthew is different in many aspects from the Jesus of the Greek translation. You see the “New Testament” was written in Hebrew—not Greek—another thing hidden from us. The Hebrew Matthew shows a very Torah-observant Person with very Torah observant disciples, and places John the Baptizer in his proper role as the rightful High Priest who was not allowed that position by the puppets of Rome.

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When Constantine, in order to unite his empire, institutionalized Iesous, he made Isous equal with the “God” of the “Old Testament”, but he rejected the “God of the Jews”. He created a god that resembled Mithra to please the poor and his military—thus in English we get the Greco/Roman god combination—Jesus, transliteration of Iesous, Yesu in Latin. Interesting that the letter “J” in the English alphabet is only 500 years old, and its sound is not in Hebrew, Latin, or Greek. It was created at the time of the printing press to disguise the name of the Greek god Iesous, and promote an English version of it.

Thus the Masonic secret and the top Luciferic “secret” is the Vatican secret—the original teachings of the Greek religion of Christianity is coming out, that “Jesus” married Mary Magdalene and they had children. By the fifth century one came to sit on the throne of France—Morovee. From their children the great royalty of Europe came to be. In the Crusades, Jeffrey Bullion, who led the siege on Jerusalem for the Vatican, supposedly part of the infamous Movovinian bloodline (from Morovee), was given the title “King of Jerusalem”. He refused the crown, and said it was for another—which most likely meant the world ruler who would come from the Vatican. Today, the world’s top elite believe they are part of this Morovingian bloodline—like Prince Philip, and Juan Carlos of Spain, and Otto Van Hapsburg of Austria. In fact, in the 1990s when Juan Carlos first went to Israel/Jerusalem, in the Spanish newspapers he was hailed as the “King of Jerusalem”. When Queen Elizabeth was crowned Queen of England, the names of different English colonies were also spoken over her. Then in hushed tones, the bishop said, “and Queen of Israel”.

The American presidents have all been interrelated, and all from European royalty. George W. Bush was “knighted” by Queen Elizabeth not too long ago, and he received “The Charlemagne Award”—given to those who stand for the return of the “Holy Roman Empire” and have done much to reunite Europe. Clinton received the award the year before Bush. What these world rulers are doing is to reunite the Roman Empire, with the pope as the ruling Caesar.

Oftentimes to get at the truth, we have to look through a lot of garbage, but truth sticks out clearly for the ones who love it. We throw away the garbage, and retain the truth that endures forever.

The top world rulers are constantly in and out of Juan Carlos’ house—for what reason? Why do the world rulers, including the President of the U.S. and Vladamir Putin, King Abdullah of Jordan, and others go in and out of Juan’s palace? King Abdullah is half English, and a major world player.

Why would the Vatican allow their secret to be so popularized? Is it like the telling of truth in movies--what is seen is very much real, but it is relegated to just a fictional movie? This truth telling via movies and books has been done to us since the 1940s--to reveal truthful secrets under the nose of the naïve, so that they see truth but not recognize it?

Are they revealing things because the revelation of the fake Jesus’ return is about to happen along with the appearing of the Pope on the Temple Mount

with his entourage of fallen angles—and together will be the anti-messiah and

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false prophet? I’ve done studies on this possibility for years, and found that it is a very real possibility. What would cause “even the elect” to be deceived. We are now being dusted with chemicals that can alter our perception of things, and cause hallucination. Indeed there is more to what is really going on that any of us can imagine. The New Age movement, since at least the 1970s, has been talking about, via holograms and other techniques, bringing back a fake Jesus, and at the same time transporting Christians to other planets to

work as slaves. This is a whole new ball game—but all interconnected. We do have bases, “we” being the U.S. and Russia and the E.U., on other planets. I am not just saying this—it is coming out by military intelligence agents who are tired of the lies being told to the public. It is coming to light—as are all the hidden things of darkness. The more research you do, with Yahuweh’s Spirit to guide you into all truth, the more He will trust you to know and understand what is really happening at the end of the age. We are in all out war – the forces of Yahuweh with the forces of Satan. Remember how Gabriel told Daniel about the war in the heavenlies, and how Michael had to come to help him? I am finding the latest technology in the Word, as He is showing me.

The involvement of the Vatican with Lucifer’s plans are becoming more and more obvious. Now the Vatican has observatories all over the planet and are involved with future extraterrestrial appearances.

We know that the Jesuit Order of the Vatican runs the Vatican, and runs the world system—all the world’s leadership is subject to it. This is why the world’s leaders are in and out of the Vatican constantly—most likely for instructions.

The announcement to all Israel about taking the DNA off the Shroud of Turin, and cloning Jesus to bring him back, by Avi Ben Abraham, head of world cloning, has significance (2001-2002). At the end of the movie, The Island, about clones being cloned in underground bases by the thousands—something that is really happening—the Director of the base makes a speech as to why he is doing the cloning. In it, the Director uses the identical words that Avi Ben Abraham gave to all of Israel in a speech that went nation-wide, which I saw written in the Jerusalem Post. The previous Pope was elated at Avi’s desire and allowed him to take the DNA off the Shroud. Then Avi and his ten Italian doctors, to whom, he said, he would give all the secrets for healing via DNA engineering, took the project to the space station. He, and his ten doctors, were last seen in the White House with George W. Bush before Bush gave the go-ahead for stem cell research…about 2002.

We’ve entered the pre-Flood world gone mad. If you think all this is crazy—then you’re right—it is crazy… but it is craziness that comes from the mind of the evil one—using willing humans to carry out his dream—Isaiah 14:12-14—to rule the world and to eliminate all of his opponents who carry the image and likeness of Yahuweh. Willful ignorance is stupidity—not bliss--for what soldier doesn’t need to know the enemy’s positions at all times, and the enemy’s plans? II Timothy 2 tells us that we are to be good soldiers—and endure

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hardness and toughen up. To learn the plans of the enemy is primary to overcoming them! We’ve been programmed into lollypops and cherry soda, cotton candy, and fantasy land—totally toddler thinking. We’ve never learned to grow up into maturity—this is why Christians have the same mind-set as the world’s people. There is “no growing up into Him” taught to us so our actions and reactions are on a childish level that hurt ourselves and others.

It is just that Americans in particular, but the world’s people in general, have

been dummied for so long by lies, deceptions, and hidden truths, shown fantasy and entertained at a toddler-twelve year old level, that anything that is really real appears to be craziness. Christianity refuses to accept the real Jewish Messiah, for He upheld His Father’s eternal Torah—teachings and instructions of the Kingdom, and the church says that was all done away with.

And, from 325 CE, at the helm of the great lie is the Vatican.

The great “secret” to be revealed publicly at the coming of the anti-messiah will come in the mouths of “aliens” (fallen angels) as many believe, and near two billion people, Catholic and Protestant, will lose their faith in Jesus—never knowing about the real Jewish Torah-observant Messiah—whom they were never taught to know by the Church. What a horrible tragedy!

II Thessalonians 2:9: “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power and signs and wonders of falsehood and with all deceit of unrighteousness in those perishing, because they did not love the truth in order for them to be saved”. Most who call themselves “Christians or Messianic” or Catholics, etc., do not love the truth—they love what they believe, what they have been told by their leadership—they do not investigate truth any further than their clergy.

It is up to us who love the real Truth—the whole Truth—to tell as many as possible about the real One, so that lives can be saved for eternity.

When the Apostle said that the “mystery of iniquity is already at work”, he meant the counterfeit religion of the Greeks. “Christianity” is a counterfeit of the real truth of the Hebrew/Jewish Messiah and His Father, Yahuweh.

The Greeks took the name “Christ” from the worshippers of Serapis, a sun god of Alexandria, Egypt, who were called “Christians”, and their leaders called “The Bishops of Christ”. This was disclosed by the Emperor Hadrian, who marveled that in the 2nd century these “Christians” called themselves “Gnostic Christians”. The Gnostics never believed that Iesous, which the Greeks named him, was the son of God, nor any more than a man who escaped the cross and married Mary Magdalene, that he had a twin who died in his place. This is basic Di Vinci Code stuff—Masonic secret indeed!

The Gnostics were very angry when Constantine declared Jesus to be equal with God. But, Constantine was trying to unite his empire under a single god—therefore he made Iesous/Yesu the supreme God, just as Mohammed made Allah the supreme God out of 365 deities of the Arab belief-system of his day. This satisfied all of his empire, except the Torah-observant followers of Messiah Yahushua, and the Jews. He went after them with the sword.

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Thus Iesous usurped the position of Yahuweh, and anything Hebrew was banned under penalty of death. The Torah was banned and the guarding of it. The sword was taken up, in the shape of the Ishtar “cross”, to kill both Torah-observant believers in Yahushua as well as Jews. Belonging to the Church was mandatory under penalty of death, Shabbat was discarded for Sunday (the day of the sun god—Ba’al—whose name means “Lord” in Hebrew) under penalty of death, Easter and Christmas, pagan holidays of the gods, were substituted for

Passover and Sukkot, under penalty of death.

Thus the Church created a new religion: part Greek, part Roman, part Persian, but 100% pagan! The fight between the Gnostics and the Roman Church continues to this day. This might be the answer to the revealing of the “lie” of Jesus and Mary Magdalene—that the Gnostics know that the Roman Church is about to put a world ruler on the Temple Mount, and they are angry.

Constantine put an end to what the Church called “the Arian heresy”—belief that Iesous was just a man. In disclosing through books and movies that he was just a man, the Gnostics are exposing the Vatican lie openly. But, the Vatican is using it—and is telling their people that the aliens are pro-pope, and to listen to them. Lucifer is using both lies to his advantage. Lucifer is gathering and uniting his forces. Sad that the major Evangelical and Charismatic and Messianic leadership of America and the world are also uniting with the Vatican, as well as the top Muftis of Islam, and the top leadership of all religions in general. The one world religion is with us now.

So, the war of the Gnostics against the Church of Constantine is becoming clearer. Yet, the Vatican has been “served well” by the myth of the Greek “Christ”. It has made them rich and powerful. Historians say that Rome never died—it just went into the Catholic Church, where the pope became the new Caesar. Soon the anti-messiah/pope will be worshipped by the world—the embodiment of Satan’s seed. All other religions will be abolished. There will be a remnant that will drive him crazy—the overcoming ones of Yahuweh—HalleluYah!

Bottom line: We praise the Name of our Father Yahuweh, and the real Messiah Yahushua, Son of Yahuweh, who died for us and rose again that we might have eternal life, and that we might know Yahuweh and come into covenant with Him through obedience to His Torah!

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Appendix A below…


Vatican: It's OK to believe in aliens

By ARIEL DAVID, Associated Press Writer

Tue May 13, 4:07 PM ET

Believing that the universe may contain alien life does not contradict a faith in God, the Vatican's chief astronomer said in an interview published Tuesday.

The Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, the Jesuit director of the Vatican Observatory, was quoted as saying the vastness of the universe means it is possible there could be other forms of life outside Earth, even intelligent ones.

"How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere?" Funes said. "Just as we consider earthly creatures as 'a brother,' and 'sister,' why should we not talk about an 'extraterrestrial brother'? It would still be part of creation."

In the interview by the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Funes said that such a notion "doesn't contradict our faith" because aliens would still be God's creatures. Ruling out the existence of aliens would be like "putting limits" on God's creative freedom, he said.

The interview, headlined "The extraterrestrial is my brother," covered a variety of topics including the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and science, and the theological implications of the existence of alien life. Funes said science, especially astronomy, does not contradict religion, touching on a theme of Pope Benedict XVI, who has made exploring the relationship between faith and reason a key aspect of his papacy.

The Bible "is not a science book," Funes said, adding that he believes the Big Bang theory is the most "reasonable" explanation for the creation of the universe. The theory says the universe began billions of years ago in the explosion of a single, super-dense point that contained all matter.

But he said he continues to believe that "God is the creator of the universe and that we are not the result of chance."

Funes urged the church and the scientific community to leave behind divisions caused by Galileo's persecution 400 years ago, saying the incident has "caused wounds."

In 1633 the astronomer was tried as a heretic and forced to recant his theory that the Earth revolved around the sun. Church teaching at the time placed Earth at the center of the universe.

"The church has somehow recognized its mistakes," he said. "Maybe it could have done it better, but now it's time to heal those wounds and this can be done through calm dialogue and collaboration."

Pope John Paul declared in 1992 that the ruling against Galileo was an error resulting from "tragic mutual incomprehension."

The Vatican Observatory has been at the forefront of efforts to bridge the gap between religion and science. Its scientist-clerics have generated top-notch research and its meteorite collection is considered one of the worlds best.

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The observatory, founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1891, is based in Castel Gandolfo, a lakeside town in the hills outside Rome where the pope has a summer residence. It also conducts research at an observatory at the University of Arizona, in Tucson.


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