ENEWS April 23, 2014

ENEWS April 23, 2014


President Obama wants the conversation about Obamacare to be over. Yesterday. Not possible. Please consider a generous donation today of $25 or more to help us educate and engage the public to make sure the pressure for repeal never lets up.

On April 17, he held a press conference to gloat. Here are a few of Obama’s comments that illuminate his frame of mind -- and his penchant for tall tales and propaganda:

I know every American isn’t going to agree with this law. But I think we can agree that it’s well past time to move on as a country…The point is the repeal debate is and should be over. The Affordable Care Act is working.

I recognize that their party is going through the stages of grief – anger and denial and all that stuff – and we’re not at acceptance yet.

My point is that we’ve been having a political fight about this for five years. We need to move on to something else. That’s what the American people are interested in.

I don’t think we should apologize for it, and I don’t think we should be defensive about it. I think there is a strong, good, right story to tell.

This shouldn’t be a political football. This should be something that we take for granted, that in this country you should be able to get affordable healthcare regardless of how wealthy you are.

“…this does frustrate me: States that have chosen not to expand Medicaid for no other reason than political spite. You’ve got 5 million people who could be having health insurance right now at no cost to these states – zero cost to these states – other than ideological reasons. They have chosen not to provide health insurance for their citizens. That’s wrong. It should stop.

“We’ve been through this cycle before [with Medicare]….“There’s a lot of fear-mongering and a lot of political argument and debate, and a lot of accusations are flung back and forth about socialized medicine and the end of freedom. And then it turns out that, you know what, it’s working for a lot of folks, and we still live in a free-market society and the Constitution is intact. And then we move on.

It would be fun to take issue with every assertion, especially his idea of an intact Constitution, but I’ll limit myself to the three items that deserve the most attention, lest anyone think Obama might be correct:

First, the Affordable Care Act is not working. Due to his executive actions, done for political reasons, it’s not even operating as written. Thus far, he’s made 22 unilateral changes. When the law is actually fully in operation, he expects to be out of office and off the hot seat. In addition, the federal exchange is not fully built. I’ve read…

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…the back-end financial and accounting operations for financial accountability to taxpayers won’t be completed until summer. We have no idea what’s happening to the money, who’s getting it, or even if they are eligible for taxpayer-funded subsidies.

Second, Medicare is socialized medicine and it is not working. The single-payer system for the elderly worked while there were fewer recipients and more taxpayers. But 80 million babyboomers were born. In 2008, the revenues from payroll taxes were less than the expenditures for recipients. In 2012 the babyboomers began entering Medicare. More than 11,478 new Medicare recipients are added every day. There’s a $34 trillion unfunded liability – twice our national debt. And Obamacare sets in place rationing strategies for the elderly through the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). Health care is not a constitutional duty of Congress and should be left to the States.

Third, States are wise to refuse to expand Medicaid. Under Obamacare, if a state chooses to expand Medicaid, that new population becomes a “mandatory population.” In other words, when (not if) federal spending decreases for Medicaid (from 100% now to 90% in 2016 to X% later), states must continue to provide to this population out of state taxpayer dollars -- or the federal government by law can cut all federal Medicaid funds to the state. Tell your legislators to refuse the Obamacare “honey” pot.

Obamacare was supposed to be Obama’s legacy, but it’s turning into Obama’s biggest nightmare. If he could, he’d dream the last four years away, but he can’t. Obamacare is broken. Even he can’t keep it intact, changing it at will when the going gets tough. It reminds me of a verse from a children’s story: All the King’s horse and all the king’s men can’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

Three new developments have likely heightened Obama’s angst. The sudden departure of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, the head of the Obamacare operation, gives Republicans a new incoming Secretary to grill. A new federal GAO report shows how Sec. Sebelius used her position to raise millions of dollars for Enroll America, an outfit led by former Obama staffers to push Obamacare enrollment (Is this report why she left?). And Judicial Watch has sued to get detailed data on the failure of the administration to set up the back-end accounting and financial systems of before they started distributing millions in funds to individuals and health plans.

This year will be a wild ride for Obamacare. We dare not “move on to something else.” CCH Freedom will continue to share the facts about Obamacare so the public understands that limited choice, fewer doctors, zero privacy, government coverage (Obamacare is not private insurance) and an end to health freedom are the realities of Obamacare. The public is still not in love with the law. The latest Rasmussen poll is 45% for and 51% against the law. Please donate today to help us continue to share the facts and keep the opposition strong. With your help, the Day of Repeal is coming.

Sustaining the debate because of your support,

Twila Brase

President and Co-founder

News to Know


[pic]“The granularity and detail in ICD-10 will show the payer a patient’s complete level of health. ICD-10 will show the payer what the physician deals with in terms of chronic medical management and patient noncompliance. Such information will be key to physician compensation as the industry shifts from volume-based compensation to value-based compensation.” – Julie Chicoine, senior assistant general counsel at Wexner Medical Center, Ohio defining the intrusive nature of the new federal/W.H.O. ICD-10 diagnosis and treatment coding system Congress postponed for a year because most doctors and state governments hadn’t started to prepare for it and major Obamacare-like technical disruption was expected, AIS Health Business Daily, April 17, 2014.


$10 billion – in annual taxpayer-funded federal premium subsidies will go to the Obamacare exchange enrollees, an average of about $2,890 per person, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Press Release

HFM – Obamacare Brings Civil Rights Threat into Exam Room – April 23


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