Green Line Oberstufe

|Spot on facts Developments in the media |

|Word/phrase |Translation |Usage/memory aid |

|Media in the twentieth century |

|to keep up with |mithalten (mit); Schritt halten (mit)|to keep, kept, kept |

| | |to keep up with = to stay informed about |

|periodical |Zeitschrift |magazine (or newspaper) that is published on a regular basis |

| | |periodical = magazine = journal |

|broadsheet |seriöse Zeitung |FAZ and Süddeutsche Zeitung are examples of German broadsheets. |

| | |broadsheet = quality newspaper |

| | |broadsheet ↔ tabloid |

|tabloid |Boulevardzeitung |Bild is a German tabloid newspaper. |

| | |tabloid = popular newspaper |

| | |tabloid ↔ broadsheet |

|in-depth |gründlich; detailliert |thorough and detailed |

| | |in-depth ↔ superficial |

|factual |sachlich; sachbezogen |dealing with facts rather than opinions |

| | |factual = fact-based |

| | |factual → fact (n) |

|sensational |reißerisch |making sth seem more exciting or shocking than it really is |

| | |sensational → to sensationalise (v) |

|gossip |Klatsch; Tratsch; Gerede |The magazines are full of gossip about celebs. |

| | |usually uncountable, e.g. a piece of gossip |

| | |A gossip refers to a person who enjoys talking about others. |

| | |gossip (n) → to gossip (v) |

|attention-grabbing |Aufmerksamkeit erregend |making people notice |

| | |attention-grabbing = striking |

|to publish |veröffentlichen; publizieren; |to prepare and print (a book, newspaper, magazine etc.) |

| |verlegen |to publish = to issue |

| | |to publish → publication (n) → publisher (n) |

|journalistic |journalistisch |relating to journalism or journalists |

| | |journalistic → journalism (n) → journalist (n) |

|source |Quelle; Ursprung |The source of the river is up in the mountains. |

| | |The source of the problem is inequality. |

| | |What was your source of information? = Where did your information come|

| | |from? |

|channel |Kanal; Programm |Today, people have a lot of choice as there are so many different TV |

| | |channels. |

| | |a TV programme = eine Fernsehsendung |

| | |a TV channel = ein Fernsehprogramm |

|freedom of choice |Entscheidungsfreiheit |freedom of speech, freedom of expression |

|coverage |Übertragung |There is always live coverage of major sporting events such as the |

| | |World Cup. |

| | |news about sth on radio, TV or internet as it happens |

|current affairs (pl) |Zeitgeschehen |Current affairs are discussed in newspapers, on the TV, on the radio |

| | |and on the internet. |

| | |political, social or economic events happening in the world now that |

| | |are important |

|documentary |Dokumentarfilm; Dokumentation |I watched a fascinating documentary about the rainforest last night. |

| | |a television or radio programme (or a film) that gives information |

| | |about real people or events |

|panel game |Ratespiel |Panel games are popular in the UK – a lot of people watch them on TV. |

| | |a quiz broadcast on the TV or radio played by a group of people |

| | |panel is a group of people who make decisions together |

|to replace sth by/with sth |ersetzen |The old car had broken down and was replaced by a new one. |

| | |to replace sth by/with sth → replacement (n) |

| | |Fr. remplacer |

|to access sth |etw. abrufen; auf etw. zugreifen |to get information, especially using a computer |

| | |to access sth → access (n) |

|The changing face of the media |

|landscape |Landschaft |urban/industrial landscape |

| | |landscape ↔ cityscape |

|opportunity |Chance; Gelegenheit; Möglichkeit |The USA has been referred to as the land of opportunity because people |

| | |think that everyone there has the chance to become rich and famous. |

| | |chance to be able to do sth |

| | |opportunity = option = alternative = possibility |

|content |Inhalt |content (sg) = the information or ideas e.g. in a book, film, photo |

| | |etc. |

| | |contents (pl) = everything that is inside sth, e.g. in a box or bag |

| | |stress on first syllable |

| | |Fr. contenir; Lat. continere |

|user-generated |nutzergeneriert |Blogs, wikis, discussion forums and tweets are examples of |

| | |user-generated content. |

| | |created by people who use a particular website |

|to participate in sth |an etw. teilnehmen |to participate in sth = to take part in sth |

| | |to participate in sth → participant (n) → participation (n) |

|to spread |(sich) verbreiten; sich ausbreiten |The news of the accident spread very quickly. |

| | |to spread, spread, spread |

| | |to spread = to circulate = to distribute |

| | |to spread → spread (n) |

|to break |hier: bekannt machen; veröffentlichen|Many news websites send e-mail bulletins with the latest breaking news.|

| | |to break, broke, broken |

| | |to break → breaking news (n) |

|eyewitness |Augenzeuge/ |eyewitness report/account |

| |Augenzeugin |person who sees sth happen, especially a crime or accident |

|news agency |Nachrichtenagentur |news organisation that gathers news reports and sells them to |

| | |magazines, newspapers etc. |

| | |Not to be confused with newsagent = a shop (or person) in the UK that |

| | |sells newspapers and magazines! |

|crowdsourcing |Crowdsourcing |using a large group of people, especially an online community, to get |

| | |information, ideas or content |

| | |crowdsourcing – crowdfunding – crowdtesting |

|to infringe |verletzen; brechen |to break a law, rule or agreement |

| | |to infringe = to violate = to break |

| | |to infringe → infringement (n): copyright infringement |

|to commit sth |etw. begehen |to commit piracy, to commit a crime |

| | |to do sth that is illegal or morally wrong |

|Social media and politics |

|social media |soziale Netzwerke |You can communicate with all kinds of people using social media. |

|activism |Aktivismus |use of vigorous action to promote, change or stop economic, social or |

| | |political change |

| | |activism → activist (n) → active (adj) → activity (n) |

|to run an election |eine Wahl durchführen |to run, ran, run |

| | |to run an election = to organise an election |

| | |to run an election → to elect sb (v) → electorate (n) |

|to provide |liefern; bereitstellen |They provided us with plenty of food every day. |

| | |to give sb sth that they need or want |

| | |provide = to offer = to supply |

|electorate |Wählerschaft |general electorate |

| | |all of the people allowed to vote in an election |

| | |usually singular |

| | |electorate → to elect sb (v), → election (n) |

|voter |Wähler/-in |person who votes in an election |

| | |voter → voting (n) → vote (n) → to vote (v) |

|campaign |Kampagne; Aktion |to run/to launch a campaign, presidential/election/advertising campaign|

| | |organised course of action intended to achieve a goal |

| | |campaign → campaigner (n) → to campaign (v) |

|to customise sth |etw. individuell einrichten |to change sth to make it fit your needs |

| | |to customise sth → customisation (n) |

|to address sth |etw. ansprechen; sich mit etw. |to address problems/concerns/needs |

| |befassen |to think about and begin to deal with a problem or issue |

|target |Ziel; Zielscheibe |target group |

|immediacy |Direktheit; Dringlichkeit |quality that makes a person feel as if sth is happening now |

| | |immediacy → immediate (adj) |

|controversy |Kontroverse; Auseinandersetzung |to create/to spark/to cause controversy |

| | |a public discussion featuring very different and often emotional |

| | |opinions |

|to rely on sb/sth |sich auf jmdn./etw. verlassen |Good friends can always rely on each other. |

| | |to trust sb or sth to do sth |

| | |to rely on sb/sth → reliable (adj) → (self)reliant (adj) → reliance (n)|

|charged (with) |aufgeladen (mit) |politically/emotionally charged |

| | |filled with emotion or tension |

|democratic |demokratisch |relating to or supporting democracy and its principles |

| | |democratic ↔ autocratic |

| | |democratic → democracy (n) |

|process |Prozess |democratic/peace process |

| | |series of actions with a particular result |

| | |stress on first syllable |

|to ban sb/sth |etw. verbieten; jmdn./etw. |He was banned from the party because he had publicly disowned its |

| |ausschließen; jmdn./etw. verbannen |policies. |

| | |to ban smoking in restaurants |

| | |to ban = to prohibit |

| | |to ban ↔ to allow, to permit |

| | |to ban → ban (n) → banned (adj) |

|unrest (no pl) |Unruhen |political unrest |

| | |angry or violent behaviour by people protesting about sth |

|brand |Marke |brand name/awareness/loyalty |

| | |particular product or line of products made by one company and sold |

| | |under a certain name |

|to empower sb |jmdn. befähigen; jmdn. stärken |The campaign empowered women in what, up to now, has been a male |

| | |dominated society. |

| | |to give power, authority, rights to sb |

| | |to empower → empowerment (n) |

|stuff (infml) |Zeug |We've got a lot of old stuff in the garage! |

|Advertising |

|advertising (no pl) |Werbung; Reklame |covert advertising, advertising campaign |

| | |advertisement = (TV) commercial |

| | |advertising → to advertise (v) → advertisement (n) → advert (n) → ad |

| | |(n) (infml) → advertiser (n) |

|billboard |Plakatwand |Billboards are usually found in areas where there are a lot of people. |

| | |large outdoor sign for advertisements |

|consumer |Konsument/-in; Verbraucher/-in |consumer goods/confidence |

| | |sb who buys or uses goods or services |

| | |consumer → to consume (v) → consumption (n) |

|to bombard sb with sth |jmdn. mit etw. bombardieren |After her talk she was bombarded with questions by the audience. |

| | |to subject sb to a constant flow of questions, information, |

| | |advertisements etc. |

| | |to bombard → bombardment (n) |

|search history |Browserverlauf; Verlauf |list of websites a person has visited that is stored on the computer |

| | |search history = browsing history = browser history |

|footprint |Fußabdruck |digital footprint |

| | |mark left by your foot somewhere, e.g. in sand |

| | |footprint → foot (n) |

|viral marketing |virales Marketing |The growth of social networking has increased the effectiveness of |

| | |viral marketing. |

| | |form of marketing that encourages consumers to share information about |

| | |products or services with others online |

|to recruit sb |jmdn. anwerben; jmdn. einstellen; |to find the right people for a job and hire them |

| |jmdn. rekrutieren |to recruit sb → recruitment (n): recruitment agency |

|to endorse sb/sth |jmdn./etw. (öffentlich) unterstützen;|to endorse sb/sth = to approve of sth = to publicly support sth |

| |jmdn./etw. empfehlen |to endorse sb/sth → endorsement (n) |

|overtly |offenkundig |openly, not in a secretive manner |

| | |overtly = openly |

| | |overtly ↔ secretly, covertly |

|covert |verdeckt |covert = secret |

| | |covert ↔ overt, open |

|product placement |Produktplatzierung |Product placement can be a form of covert advertising. |

| | |the use of a product by a character in a film or TV show as a way of |

| | |indirectly advertising it |

|engaging |einnehmend; faszinierend |engaging = engrossing = appealing = gripping |

| | |engaging ↔ boring |


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