A simple reading of the Book of Acts gives a glimpse of the beginning of persecution that would become, by the second century, all out assault by Rome and Rabbinic Jewish leaders who relied on Rome for their protection, on the believers in Messiah Yahushua who guarded the Torah. Yet the more these followers of Yahushua were imprisoned, tortured and hideously killed, the more the assemblies of Yahushua grew in numbers and in strength. Their eyes were on eternity, and the hope of His coming Kingdom blazed in their spirit. Suffering for the sake of Messiah was something to be embraced with fervor by the early believers. The counted it all joy to be identified with His suffering.

I Corinthians 1:8-9--a powerful proclamation by the Apostle Sha’ul: “For we do not wish you to be ignorant brothers of our tribulation which came to us in Asia, that we were weighted down exceedingly beyond ability so that we despaired even of life. Indeed we had the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in Elohim who raises the dead”.

The Spirit of Yahuweh was given to us that we might have His power for suffering in the service of the Master as we go forth to give the Good News of the Kingdom of heaven. Today in approximately forty countries, severe persecution of believers is daily reality. The leaders of the most brutal, sadistic and cruel persecution of believers on earth today are China and North Korea—two nations, along with Russia, that will be used to bring like persecution to Americans.

It is promised to us, that if we live rightly in Him, we will suffer persecution. It is in this that West and East go their separate ways – and never meet. The Western “church” loves its comfort, security, and self-gratification, while holding onto its free ticket out of hell. The Eastern believers know that giving their life to Messiah means identification with their Master--if He gave His life for us, we, in turn, must give our life in His service to bring others to His salvation.

I Peter 4:1-2, 12-13: “Therefore, since Messiah suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so that he no longer lives the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but according to the will of Elohim…Beloved ones, do not be surprised at the fiery trial that is coming upon you to try you, as though some unusual thing has befallen you, but as you share Messiah’s sufferings rejoice, in order that you might rejoice exultingly at the revelation of His esteem”.

II Corinthians 4:11,16-18: “For we, the living, are always delivered to death for the sake of Yahushua, that the life of Yahushua might be manifested in our mortal flesh…Therefore we do not lose heart, and even if our outward man is perishing, the inward man is being renewed day by day. For this slight momentary pressure is working for us a far more exceeding and everlasting

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weight of esteem. We are not looking on what is seen, but on what is not seen. For what is seen passes away, but what is not seen is everlasting”.

The early assemblies thrived and grew through persecution. Today, the illegal house churches in China who refuse to be controlled by the atheistic satanic communist government, are imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and killed for their faith, because they Him who is “invisible” and keep their sight on eternity.

Many Third World believers today understand that following Yahushua their Savior means being persecuted, even to death. It was this persecution that kept the early assemblies growing, pure and set-apart. Persecution has always been a friend of the true believer! Through persecution for our faith we are strengthened and matured in Him, disciplined, and united to Him. Through it we receive reward for overcoming and enduring to the end. The tribulation to come is a friend of the pure of heart—for its suffering will remove the chaff from the wheat, and purify a people that will “do exploits” because they know their Elohim.

Ya’cob (James) 1:2-4: “My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the proving of your faith works endurance. And let endurance have its perfect work, so that you be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”.

Tragically Western believers want freebees without any suffering, but the believers of the East under persecution do not understand freebees any more than Yahushua’s disciples understood cheap grace.

To unite His fragmented empire, Roman Emperor Constantine, in 325 CE, at the

Council of Nicea, declared an end to the persecution of “Christians” as He united the Egyptian/Greek religion of Christianity with the favorite god of his military, the Persian god Mithra and his own god Sol Invictis, into what became known as the Roman Catholic Church, with him as Pontifix Maximus, of course. All who would join together in his new religion were promised freedom from persecution. The only ones who didn’t join him were the Torah-guarding believers in Messiah Yahushua who followed the teachings of His Apostles. Constantine fashioned his sword in the likeness of an ancient pagan fertility symbol (the cross) and went after those renegades to kill them. Before the fourth century closed, the church proudly thought they had killed them all. However, much to their agitation, they didn’t. They kept on growing, and by the thirteenth century the Church instituted the Inquisition to try to kill them. But, that didn’t work either. Today, the number is growing, and the Vatican has plans once again to bring a world ruler of their choice on the scene who will kill us off totally. Only problem is Yahushua has a remnant that can’t be killed. Oh the frustration of the sons of Lucifer who run the Vatican … No matter how hard they try, those who do not fear death will defeat Satan! (Revelation 12:11)

Those who sought the end of persecution and joined Constantine’s new religion, died spiritually. Greco/Roman culture loved ease, comport, the gratification of the mind, the emotions, and especially the body. Rome had no

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use for the teachings of Yahuweh’s Torah, so they banned it as illegal. Heathen Greece and Rome had no knowledge of a spirit that could be re-born to contact the Eternal realm of Yahuweh. But, the believers of the Hebrew culture, and those of Eastern understanding in general, knew that man had an eternal spirit that was separate from the mind and body—a spirit that was eternal. Thus Constantine succeeded in creating a religion that was stagnate and lifeless, but its universal (catholic) appeal did unite his empire.

The Protestant reformation brought a desire in some to spread the Good News of a loving Savior, but the foundation steeped in pagan sun god worship was never totally destroyed. The Greek/Roman disgust for Yahuweh’s Torah also never left the church in general. Now, the major leaders of the Evangelical churches have rejoined Vatican Rome, merged together in a unity of eternal death. (I expose the roots of “Christianity”, in my mini-book “The Foundation of Deception”)

After the Protestant Reformation, the Western church system went on to divide into more than 5,000 denominations and organizations. Every time someone disagrees with a church leader, there is a split. Most theology comes from each choosing a few verses to prove their views, rather than honestly consulting the whole of Scripture to see what Yahuweh has to say is His opinion on the subject.

However, in the areas of persecution, they have few, if any, Bibles, and the ones who have them study them from cover to cover, memorize whole books, and spread the teachings to others. Because they are taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh all agree on almost everything, for their faith is simple and the practice of it akin to the basics of Torah. They have to depend on the voice of the Spirit to lead them, for oftentimes their hearing Him saves their lives. This type of unity among hundreds of thousands, even millions, of believers is unheard of in the West. They are fulfilling the prayer of Yahuweh in John 17!

Those who desire to know the real Elohim of the Scriptures are studying the Word for themselves apart from man, letting the Spirit of Yahuweh teach them. The spiritual fire of the early assemblies can be seen in our day in many Third World Nations of the East under great persecution for their faith in the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Persecution is stoking the smoldering coals, and now the fire is blazing and the Word is spreading in the midst of great suffering. While the idolatrous materialistic West goes on in its fantasy world, the true believers of the East under persecution overcome with a spiritual level of maturity like that of the disciples of the first century. And in the midst of horrendous persecution and death, they are showing the world what it means to be a true disciple of Yahushua Messiah. Their unstoppable zeal and love for Elohim is showing the stark difference between the fake and phony West with its philosophies and self-love, and the reality of the East in their childlike simplicity to believe and obey in the face of death.

Later In this article, I will share a little from the lives of those who today are following in the Messiah’s footsteps, risking their lives for the spread of the

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true Good News of the true new birth from above. The difference between the thinking of the East and the West is so different it is astounding! But, unless believers of the West learn to think like the believers of the East, they won’t survive the persecution that is quickly closing in on us all.

Do you realize that most likely 100% of us are biologically from the House of Israel--from at least one of the twelve tribes of Jacob? (Refer to my article: “Who Are the Ten?”) The marriage Covenant, given on Sinai, was given to all of us. But, because our ancestors rebelled against the Covenant and worshipped other gods, Yahuweh had to scatter all the tribes AMONG the gentiles (pagans, heathen, barbarians, aliens, strangers and foreigners to the Covenant of Yahuweh) at different times. Some were scattered to the north, some to the south, some to the east, but mainly the ten northern tribes were scattered to the west. Thus Hosea 11:9-10 speaks directly to the modern-day descendants of the ten northern tribes, to us, (also referred to as the “House of Joseph”, or the “House of Ephraim”, or specifically “the House of Israel”) of our return to the Land.

Hosea 11:8-10: Yahuweh passionately calls out to us in our day: “I shall not let the heat of My wrath burn, I shall not turn to destroy Ephraim. For I am El and not man--the Set-Apart One in your midst--and I shall not come in enmity. Let them follow Yahuweh. Like a lion He roars. When He roars, then sons shall come trembling from the West.”

Now, a tiny remnant of all the tribes is being restored to the Land of Israel. But, at Messiah’s coming, the great gathering of the whole House of Jacob (Israel) will take place! Our ancestors received Yahuweh most severe punishment—they were thrown out of the East into the West. We were thrown out of our inheritance Land—the final act of His judgment. In pagan lands, AMONG the gentiles, we adopted the culture of Greece and Rome, and lost our identity. (Hosea 2 and 3) Now we are re-learning it, and it is an eastern culture.

So many Christians are trying to add “Hebrew roots” to a Greek/Roman cultural understanding, and it won’t work! Many are trying to play “Jew” and it won’t work. Modern Jews do not understand their ancient culture either—so they mostly teach from the culture they came from, and from their perspective.

Smart people only learn from Him what He wants us to know. For He is the Eternal one, and only He understandings fully to the max what He is saying.

He is calling us back to His mind-set, His ways, His thinking, His nature, and His ancient paths.

Jeremiah 6:16: “Thus says Yahuweh: `Stand in the ancient ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for yourself…’ ” He is calling us out of Greece and Rome, back into the ancient culture of the East, through which He built His assembly through Shem, Eber, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Western culture, which is pagan-based and self-indulging, is relatively new compared to the ancient culture of the East. The culture of the West deals

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with the soul (mind/emotions/will) realm—the flesh—and its lusts. It was in his appealing to the eyes, ears, taste, touch, and smell—the five senses--that Lucifer was able to ensnare Eve into believing His lies. Today, the western world is the result of all of his lies! America is, historically, the final stage of what Nimrod began in Babylon to thrust out Yahuweh and establish a new world order—so actually we are the culmination of, or end-time, Babylon. With America at the helm, leading Lucifer’s plans to their conclusion with Him sitting on the throne of Yahuweh in His City, America is gathering other nations of the West for the final end-game. Thus the West and its Greek/Roman culture is the personification of all that the soul lusts after—the embodiment of the sin nature and its rebellion against Yahuweh.

Little has changed about the East from ancient times. At its root is an emphasis on the spiritual world, for good and bad, which understands that we have an eternal spirit that can reach beyond the world of materialism and contact other worlds beyond. While intellectual superiority leads the thinking of the West, childlike simplicity leads the thinking of the East. While “I Am god--serve me” leads the thinking of the West, “how can I serve you” leads the thinking of the Eastern people. While “self” is the god of the West, reaching out in community to others permeates the mindset of the East. I know these are generalities. Each individual is different. But, at our core if we are born again by Yahuweh’s Spirit, our nature is steeped in the thinking of the Eastern world, which gave us His Word.

I know that this longing of Easterners for the spiritual world, and the longing for the same among Westerners, has led many into eastern mysticism and into Lucifer’s lair through another route. Eastern culture understandings the spirit world. For those who are not born of the Spirit, they understand that they can contact the supernatural world. And so you have Buddhism, Hinduism, and other eastern mysticism that is demonic-based. Much of their spirituality is based in nature worship (pantheism), but also in contacting the world of Lucifer through means of the soul-realm. Eastern “holy men” in India, for example, are often ragged and dirty, and do austere things to their body that gives them power in the demonic world. Their signs and wonders are from the demonic world as well. Some believers dabble in Yoga, but the physical exercises carry a spirit that allures many into the occult world of eastern mysticism. Best not to dabble in what may trap you. The East is a spiritual realm--for good or bad!

But, for those who embrace the Good News of Messiah by faith and are born from above by the Spirit of Yahwueh, they not only contact His realm in Eternity, but understand the moving of the Eternal Spirit of Yahuweh in them, and through them, on this earth to bring His realm into the earth. They understand and love the Word, and personal relationship with Him as a lifestyle. Prayer and fasting are norms. They have no problem with the

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commands to put the flesh in subjection to the Spirit, given so often in the Word.

I did realize until recently that my Father began my training in His culture, and in the ancient culture of the East in general at an early age. One summer when I was four years of age, I was riding in the backseat of my parent’s car, going

down to the beach. I was looking out the window watching the surfers carrying their surfboards, and others walking towards the beach area. I loved the beach—I still do. All of a sudden I watch a clear bubble wrap around me totally, and a soft baritone voice say to me: “You don’t belong here anymore”. I have come to know that voice as the voice of my Beloved. I looked back out the window, and it was as if I was watching a T.V. movie – nothing seemed important or even real anymore – except that my spirit knew He had spoken to me. I turned to my mother and said, “The most important thing in life is God”.

Children have no problems receiving from His realm, neither do they who are childlike of spirit. This is why Matthew 18:1-4!

When I was in college, I joined a group called “Open Air Campaigners”. They preached the salvation message of the Scriptures on the streets of Los Angeles and Hollywood. They used a van with a pullout stage. I often stood on the stage giving witness to my faith. My standard line was: “If I had the world on one hand and Jesus on the other, I would always choose Jesus”. I suppose this was a foretaste of my articles I have written since 2001, emphasizing set-apartness.

Most of us started out on our spiritual journey with faith in “Jesus”. We praise

our Father for His mercy and His promises of Hosea 2, that He will take the names of Baal out of our mouth and we will call Him “Ishe”--husband.

As we progress forward in our passion to know Truth, with His Spirit as our Teacher, He faithfully leads us to know Them as Yahuweh and Yahushua, and to embrace the Covenant of Yahuweh and His eternal Torah.

I hungered continually for the Word and the pursuit of my relationship with my heavenly Father. From age six, I was always witnessing to the salvation of the Savior as a natural part of my lifestyle. By age nine I was working with youth in a Mexican Baptist Church. Seeing people reborn by His salvation was my great passion. Teaching the basics of walking with Him was also my passion—called “making disciples”.

But, from the beginning of my evangelism, my idea of salvation went far beyond praying a prayer and going to church. I understood that serving the Master was the ultimate calling, to which we were all called.

In Middle School I began going on missionary trips into Mexico, and later into the Navajo Reservation. Father called me to the “mission field”, as the Evangelicals call it, early on—but defined my direction with my call to China in the spring of 1961 while watching the movie, “The Inn of the Sixth Happiness”—the life of missionary Gladys Alyward. The “calling” to China and beyond was most dramatically confirmed in the days and years following.

The “call to the mission field” defined all my decisions from that point on.

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Though I didn’t get to China for the first time until 1994, my life was woven around Father’s work. As I began fulfilling the more detailed parts of my calling to several nations, He sent me overseas to the land of Edom to live there for eight years—in Aqaba, Jordan, on the Red Sea. Before that, He built on my knowledge of Hebrew roots I’d had since 1963, and set me firmly in the

defense of the Torah. Around 1985, He began defining and clarifying for me the calling He had for me since the foundation of the world, which explained a lot of my thinking. Most of His training in my adult life was done in the midst of severe persecution for my faith--training that would raise my authority level in spiritual warfare to a high degree. Since 1963, also He began teaching me “things to come”, as He says He will do for us all if allowed. (John 16:13)

In all the Third World countries I have been in, I have felt much at home. The

simplicity of life is wonderful—the childlike faith of the believers, their trust in a great Elohim for everything, the miracles that flow like water, the receiving of His salvation, the baptizing into the Spirit, the healings, the deliverances – all like the book of Acts.

As a child, and even as a youth, I often put up a tent in the backyard and slept out there under the stars. I loved “camping out”. He was teaching me the joys of Sukkot, I’m sure. In the summer of 1964, I spent three months on the Navajo reservation in northern Arizona. I slept in a “hogan” part of the time—a Navajo round mud and stick house. I loved it. Later in Mongolia, I saw the ancestors of the Navajo, who today still live in their own brand of hogan, which is a wood structure covered with goat felt called a “ger”. Families live together in little groups of hogans/gers—from grandma to babies. All work together in community. The older ones teach the younger ones.

Once while out riding in the back of a truck, bouncing over the Navajo reservation with just a bedroll and a backpack, I looked up at the big sky and said to Father: I’d love to spend the rest of my life like this—going from place to place to give the Good News of salvation, carrying just a bedroll and a backpack. I’m almost down to that now. But, the spirit of adventure was in

my heart from early on.

I’ve found that the greatest adventurer of all is Yahuweh. My life is a life of adventure, of miracles, of seeing Him act, of knowing His passion, His sorrows, and His humor. Having a personal relationship with the Creator is fantastic! His Presence is always with me! As I was growing up, I couldn’t get enough of reading the stories of missionaries who risked their lives for the sake of the Good News in foreign lands. My spirit was alive with hunger to know the joys of laying down my life for His sake. I love the magazines and books of The Voice of the Martyrs that tell us the real story of what is going on, that no one else will tell us clearly.

I have asked myself: Why have I always thought differently than almost all of my American peers? Why has the world never impressed me, but bored me for the most part? Why do I feel so at home in “Third World” (the developing countries), where I’ve lived many times in most remote places and in most

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primitive conditions? Why is it that upon returning to America I experience culture shock?

The answers to my questions have finally been answered! I have come to realize that from childhood, He began my training in His culture—the ancient post-flood culture that became the general culture of the East and of the

Hebrews. Because of thinking like an Easterner all my life, you can image how my life conflicted with the cultural normalcy of the West!

The East is a practical world of realism. Life is hard. The art of survival is learned early. Suffering, struggling, poverty, survival skills and faith are all wrapped up together. Childlike simplicity in faith in Elohim causes miracles to abound in the lives of the true believers—healing, deliverance from demonic spirits, spiritual gifts, manifestations of Yahuweh’s Spirit, dreams, visions, and prophetic words from Him are all common place occurrences, as they were in the lives of His prophets and disciples in the Scriptures. Thus has been my life. These things are the norm for me. He is a Person, and He acts like a Person – a real personal Person with a real personality!

As I still read the stories of the persecuted believers of today who are victorious overcoming set-apart ones, my spirit burns with the fire of eternity!

After flying from Mongolia into Beijing, China, in 1996, I was in a bus on the way to a hotel room. We passed through part of the city of Beijing. I rested my head on the window and asked Father to let me feel the spirit of the persecuted believers in China, whose sentence of death emanated from this great city. I thought I would feel grief, sadness, and heaviness. Instead, with tears streaming down my face, I heard the sounds of over 100 million strong, marching through the city with great joy, smiles on their faces, singing songs of overcoming victory. Because of standing for their faith without compromising, they have come out of all the allurements of the world system to stand alone in purity before the onslaught of the enemy. These are our brothers and sisters in faith—and I take great strength and encouragement from them!

In my approximately forty times of going into Mainland China with “illegal materials” (Bibles) I had the privilege of meeting some from the persecuted assemblies, who risked their lives to get the precious Word that I brought. Some travel on foot for great distances in the north to the south of China to find just one Bible that they can bring back to their assemblies—some as large as 2,000 or more.

Through hardship for years, Father taught me absolute dependency on Him. Through times of severe testing, He has never failed me. I do not want to go back to my time of severe training, but I thank Him for the results!

I was trained to trust Him in all things by years of poverty. Ya’cob 2:5: “Listen my beloved brothers: Has Elohim not chosen the poor of this world, rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom, which He promised to those who love Him?”

I’ve seen Him work in my behalf in the most awesome ways to provide food for our family. Once in Africa, I saw Him multiply food. I learned how to praise

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Him when I had nothing, and because praise is the confession of faith, in answer to my faith I have seen Him many times provide most wonderfully.

In the West people are taught to trust man, for man is elevated to the status of gods, especially those who have PhDs and lots of money. Yet, in the East, the believers know that man is not to be trusted, only Elohim. Life is hard, and those who are not believers often prey on the weak. Trusting in man, according

to the Scriptures brings a curse and a trap—a noose around the neck: Jeremiah 17:5-9; Proverbs 28:25. Yet Western society is built around Humanism—the worship of man and his achievements. In times ahead, we will know the weakness of friends, family, and religious leaders, who will betray us to save their own skin.

The Eastern thinking has remained the same, for the most part, since the days of Noah, Shem, Eber, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for good and bad. The West has attempted to bring western knowledge and technology into the East, like Greek Democracy, but the root of their thinking has not changed.

I have been in remote places in Africa where they do not know man has gone to the moon. They know nothing of computers, movies, and animated toys. They have cars and bicycles and western clothing, but the children wind up string in a ball and use it play ball games with. Little children of the “saved” believers

sit peacefully on a blanket for hours, listening to the Word being taught between nursing at mother’s breast. In Mongolia, I saw the happy children playing with rocks on plates—“playing house”. Yes, as children everywhere, they get in trouble sometimes with their parents for being naughty, but their nature for the most part is sweet and unspoiled by materialism. They are taught to do “chores” to help the family at a young age. They are taught community life rather than the self-centered life of being exclusive. In general, parents and the elderly are respected.

The tragedy I saw in Africa was the once pure of heart adults who loved to go and preach the Good News of salvation through hardship and persecution, often walking for days through the jungles to share the gospel with heathen tribes, upon contact with American big-name preachers, then told me they couldn’t go and preach without a stage, a sound system, an electric keyboard, and travel expenses. In Tanzania they told me about going through the jungles, walking even at night to remote villages, that oftentimes the witch doctors that controlled the villages tried to kill them. In once instance, they said they were sharing how Messiah healed people. The witchdoctor brought two blind people to them as they preached. He said that unless their God healed the two blind people, they would be killed for lying. My preacher friends told me that they were scared, but as they put out their hands to touch the blind eyes and commanded them to be opened, that the blind saw and the village as a whole, witchdoctor included, chose to follow the Savior. Then as was natural for them, they sent a delegation to the next village to tell them about the Savior.

But, when the materialism of the West came in with Christian T.V. (TBN: the Trinity Broadcasting Network--the largest television network in the world) –

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into Uganda, for example, most of these pure of heart ones became greedy, wanting to be like T.D. Jakes. I spoke to the American director of TBN in Kamapa, and he was very thrilled that the Africans wanted to be like T.D. Jakes. Talk about spiritual blindness! Instead of having local programming in poverty nations of the Third World, TBN keeps the same programming as for America—showing crystal chandeliers, preachers with diamond rings, and huge

audiences--preachers in business suits and groomed hair prancing around and yelling their messages to the adulation of their audience. Other pastors—the ones I worked with--were horrified, and would not watch such programming. They refused to let their children watch it, too. For TBN’s children’s programs showed boys and girls holding hands, dating before marriage, and to the African believers this is immoral. They told me that the music videos were evil—the women wore scanty clothes and looked into the cameras with emotionless dead eyes, while the music was worldly and even demonic. I

agreed with them. To see such materialistic extravaganza in poverty-stricken Uganda made me angry. But, to see Western believers watching T.V. with sin against Yahuweh paraded before their eyes, making themselves voyeurs—watching others sin and enjoying it—with no conviction of wrong, makes me sick and disgusted. The West is the epitome of the world system under Lucifer. There is no “fear of Yahuweh before their eyes”. Instead of fasting and praying for the salvation of others as they give out the Good News of Messiah to them, they are lazy self-centered “lovers of pleasure”.

I was at a Voice of the Martyrs Conference in Oklahoma. They had smuggled out a women from North View Nam. Her brother was still in prison for his

faith. She said that they were not praying for Communism to come down, but for the Holy Spirit to come down. She related that they would walk through the jungles at night to keep from being detected--to villages where they would share the Good News of salvation. She said that as they walked, a light would appear in their path to guide them. “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path”. (Psalm 119:105)

I remember when I was in China, hearing the believers say that their greatest fear was the materialism of the West. Under persecution they remained pure of heart. Materialism, already at that point, was turning the hearts of people away from the Savior to seek comfort, ease, and freedom from persecution.

II Timothy 3:12: “And indeed, all those wishing to live reverently in Messiah will be persecuted”.

Philippians 1:29: “…to you it has been given as a favor on behalf of Messiah, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake”.

Acts 14:22 “…through much tribulation we have to enter the Kingdom of heaven”.

Most Western believers run from this “favor” as if being pursued by the devil. I am reminded of a church in Kampala, Uganda, where I spoke. During the offering, the pastor told them to chant: “We don’t have to suffer; we don’t have to suffer”. The American missionaries with their prosperity gospel had gotten to them.

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Psalm 103:12: “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us”.

How far is east from west? In going north to south you have a starting point and an ending point. With east to west, you have a starting point, but no ending point. Therefore, he has removed our transgressions from the starting point—Messiah—to infinity.

East and West are opposites in more than geographic layout of the earth. The Word of Yahuweh can only be understood from an Eastern cultural mindset. Where are the roots of our Patriarchs? The roots of the children of Shem through the line of Eber, come from today’s Northern Iraq, Syria, and into southern Turkey—that’s our ancestry! All civilization came from the East. Yet,

history has been written around Greece and Rome to hide the greatest civilizations of all – the great Israelite civilizations of the Eastern world. Let’s return to our roots!

Returning to our roots has nothing to do with lighting candles before Shabbat dinner, or doing other Jewish things, for most Jews are as western-minded as any other westerner. Rabbi Akvia created Rabbinic Judaism under Rome’s approval and protection. Returning to our roots has to do with the core of our thinking, our attitudes, our motivations, our lifestyle, our direction, and what Elohim we fear and trust.

Western culture is based on the teachings of men like Plato. The thinking of

the West is philosophical, conceptual, intellectual (mind/”self” centered), praising science and technology, medicine, art, and mental achievement, raising physical gratification to a god-level, emphasizing and glorifying the mind and the body, “Humanism”—the glorification and worship of human being as a god. It is a world that denies the existence of an eternal spirit, while glorifying the body and exalting the soul—the mind—the intellect, the reasoning powers-- emotions—feelings, and the power of the human will to choose its own happiness. It is a world of materialism, money, position, healthy young bodies, beauty, poetry, theater, entertainment of the mind and body, physical pleasures and gratification of the body, intellectualism, mental order, precision timing based on man’s control—all come together with no need to know the Creator.

While at the Roman ruins of Beit Shean in northern Israel this past April, standing at the top of an amphitheater, I listened to a recording describing the role of theater in the life of Greece and Rome. The actors all wore masks. From this we get the word “hypocrite”—a play actor, one who hides behind a mask. The plays were usually about complicated problems. During the play, an image of a local god was lowered into the theater from above. This god spoke via an actor and gave the answer to all the problems. The recording said that the entrance into the theater was called “the Vomitorium”. The “Vomitorium” is alluded to in the message Messiah gave to John in Revelation 3:15-16. Messiah said that all who would not decide one way or the other to commit to following Him would be vomited out of His mouth. In this context,

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He will vomit “lukewarm” believers into the theater of life--the world system

and its illusions. Is that not a picture of what He said in II Thessalonians 2:9-12? If one does not love truth, but loves deception, lies and illusion, they will reap illusion to the max in the great deception that Yahuweh will send.

The West is a world where pampering the flesh is the right thing to do—because “you deserve it”.

Romans 8 speaks of the stark differences between the world of “flesh” – carnality – and the world of the Spirit. “To be carnally minded is death”; “to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Advertisements tell you what you need, and the mind lusts to get what will fill the need that you’re told you have. Each of the five senses is assaulted by advertisements and commercialism to get you to buy what the eyes, the ears, the taste, the touch, and the smell lust after. Now, with the combining of the satiating of these five senses with the open exaltation of sexual pleasure to gratify the lusts of the body, people of the West are assaulted continually with abominations to Yahuweh that the culture calls “good”.

Isaiah 5:20-21: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil…woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight!”

When the mind shuts down and with it the nervous system in the face of terror that the mind cannot handle, only those that know how to live out of their re-born spirit will survive…for the spirit has a mind of its own, and those who know how to relate to the eternal through the spirit will live and overcome, whereas those who only know how to use their reasoning intellect will go insane!

The financially and materialistic poor believers of the East, who live in primitive housing and eat a meager diet, ride bicycles or donkeys, and yet have the fire of the Word in their Spirit, are free. They are free in the Eternal realm, and the world has no illusions for them. Those believers who love Western culture are slaves of the materialistic system, slaves to debt, slaves to

their houses and possessions, to their employers, to their social status, to the lusts of their flesh, slaves to their mind-programmers, and slaves to their own self-righteous pride. How tragic!

To have little and be free to serve the Master without restriction – oh the joy of such a life! It is to this freedom that our Master calls us, to let go of our labors and heavy burdens, and take on His yoke, and thus find “rest for your soul”.

John 8:31-32, 36: “So Yahushua said to those Jews who believed in Him: `If you stay in My Word, you are truly My disciples and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free…if then, the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed’ ”.

The West is a world under the control of the Luciferic elite who have mind-programmed the people of America from birth to death to be totally under their control. (Please refer to the articles on mind-control like “Mind Control, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain” and “Quiet Wars and Silent

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Weapons” taken from the Illuninati’s own handbook)

Yet, most Americans are proud and arrogant, thinking of themselves as free—

when they are no more than guinea pigs in a giant laboratory, and slaves of their captors. It’s called “patriotism”, but in reality it is pride in slavery.

The Eastern people understand an Eastern-minded Messiah. While western missionaries brought the message of salvation to the world—salvation through the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—they failed to make known His true nature. Thus, the gods of Western Christianity are NOT the Elohim of the Scriptures! Thus a great part of the church system in the “free” Third World nations is westernized. It is western-culture based, and therefore the real nature of the Elohim of Israel and His Covenant Torah is left out of their understanding. For the most part they sing western songs, have a system of

worship that is Roman-based, hear about a Greco/Roman savior with a Greek name. So, for the most part, this westernized religion in the East is only accepted superficially in countries where there is no persecution. This is why missionaries have been grieved over “rice Christians” who accepted the western belief-system for personal gain. After all, across board in the Third World, “white skin means money” and all money can buy. But, if one presents a materialistic gospel, where “Jesus” overlooks sin but hands out goodies, then those accepting this gospel will have, both hands out. The West sowed a religion of “take”—take your free ticket to heaven, and take all the goodies of the West with it. Thus, we have the “pray this prayer and go to heaven” gospel of cheap grace appealing to the world as a whole.

The true salvation of Yahuweh is NOT about asking Jesus into your heart.

Salvation is about forsaking all to commit to follow the Savior in obedience as your Master and Elohim. It is about being a bond-slave, in training for reigning. It is about shunning the world, and embracing hardship and persecution for His sake. It is about entering the “fellowship of His sufferings”. It is about walking with Him as He wanted to walk with Adam and Eve—in personal relationship with commitment to His eternal Covenant. It is a Covenant relationship, like with marriage—not a cheap receiving a free ticket out of hell!

Ya’cob 4:4: “Adulterers and Adulteresses! Know you not that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”.

Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:34-39; Mark 8:34-37 are just a few examples of His demands for those who want salvation from Him.

In Matthew 19:16-21 we see that salvation includes obeying the Torah. The Good News of Messiah Yahushua has an Eastern message – a message of repentance, choosing sides, suffering, persecution, laying down all for a Master, a message about personal relationship—Friendship of mutual trust between Master and servant—about daily hearing the Master, obeying the Master, about being a faithful bond servant, about laying down your life for

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your beliefs, even unto death, as well as yearning for His return and the setting up of His Kingdom.

The Word is an Eastern Book! Its culture is ancient. It conveys the mind and nature of the Creator. It has nothing to do with the religion of the West! Yahuweh and Yahushua have nothing to do with the religions of man!

This is why the assemblies of China, and other areas of persecution, are so strong, so pure--so mighty in the Spirit. Once, by faith, they receive the Messiah as their own personal Savior, they understand that the spirit is re-born, and through the spirit they contact the realm of the Eternal. Some have only a few verses of the Scriptures. Most have no Bible. To be found with a Bible in a country like North Korea is sure death. Some have only a portion of a Bible. But, the Spirit teaches them how to live in obedience to the Savior. This is why they are so strong, even to death. They live in the Eternal, as the Scriptures tell us to do, and thus their life on earth is radically set-apart, as I wrote about in “A Radical View of Set-Apartness” to do with the Qumran community of Essenes. (Ephesians 2:1-7; Colossians 3:1-4)

Persecution keeps us living close to Him. He calls us into His realm to

fellowship with Him. Thus, being heavenly mind we are of the most earthy good, for we take what is from Him and use it to set others free, while we, ourselves, live in peace and contentment. By knowing Him, there is no stress, no anxiety, no fear, no worry—just peace. But, the West offers peace in a pill bottle, a liquor bottle, a beer can, or in sex, and all sorts of satiation of the senses.

Messiah says: (John 14:27): “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you—not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.

Yet, for all the affluence of the West, the majority of Western people, including believers, lead the world in being stressed out, anxious, worried, fearful, whiny, and complaining. He says about 365 times in the Word “Fear not!” Yet the slightest rumor and most fear exceedingly. How tragic! The Word means so little to most, because they only have a head-knowledge of Him. So many cannot “cope” with the man-created demands of life in western culture. (I give understanding of real faith and being led by the Spirit in the article/studies: “Faith Walk”, “Daily Flowing in His Perfect Timing” and “Led”) But note of warning: You can read these articles, but if you do not practice the wisdom in them, the wisdom will be quickly forgotten when your culturally programmed mind takes over in times of fear. FEAR CANCELS FAITH! I’ve warned against fear in several articles. Fear is the root of all the fantasy beliefs of so many now, who won’t face what is coming in reality, but who make up all sorts of Cinderella beliefs of escapism and “they lived happy ever after” silliness.

In the great missionary movement of the 1700s and 1800s, mostly from England

and other parts of Western Europe, missionary societies sent missionaries to colonize. They built elaborate houses with huge stone or concrete fences

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around them to keep the locals at a distance. They went out to evangelize in their western clothes, with their western mind-set, with their western religion,

and their western arrogance.

The great missionaries were servants of the people, and mingled with them—like William Carey and Hudson Taylor. Missionary societies in England mocked Hudson Taylor, who, instead of colonizing in the name of missionary work, grew his hair long and braided it in a queue like the Chinese, wore Chinese clothes, and lived among them. To this day, he was the greatest missionary China ever knew.

Lottie Moon went to China supported by a Baptist missionary society in the United States. She constantly had to buck the dictates of the comfortable leaders of her missionary society, who would not come to the mission field themselves, but who made rules that were foreign to Eastern thought—such as, a woman could not preach to the men. She finally wrote and told them that the men were hanging in the windows of the houses where she was teaching wanting to be saved, and she was not going to keep them from hearing the Good News message. Finally, during famine, when she stayed in China instead of leaving, as her society wanted her to do, she pleaded with the society to send help, but they didn’t, and she died as a result.

The colonizing spirit is still alive among many western missionaries on foreign soil who put up their walls, keeping the community of nationals out, “for their protection” they say. Yet, most have local servants, to whom they pay a small amount to do all sorts of work—like being a gate guard or night watchman, house cleaner, baby sitter, gardener, errand runner, or cook. They live in

western style, while the locals continue to live far beneath their “standards”. Today the missionary industry is big business. Most big denominations pay big bucks to send missionaries, who instead of laying down their lives for His service, receive money to play golf and fellowship with friends, while holding a church service on Sunday, perhaps a Bible study during the week, or to teach in the denomination’s Bible School a few classes a week. Western missionaries are infamous for fighting among themselves, also. Few get out of the confines of their security to minister to the local people in their own homes or in the market place. Hidden agendas, personal selfish ambitions, desire for more money and control--all this is typical of the world of Christian missions in Third World nations. Do the locals resent this attitude? Yes, many do. A few are truly finding salvation and for that we praise our Father! Yet, in many situations where missionaries promote locals to religious positions over others, they become proud and haughty, and take control over their brothers and sisters. The nationals love titles, and they love white-man’s approval. As with the secular world that dumps filthy western sin into Third World nations that receive our money, so the western religious world perverts the simplicity of the faith of Third World believers. Everywhere America goes, it dumps truckloads of western rebellion against the Word of Yahuweh on the people! I speak from first hand experience, not from hearsay!

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The world of the West is foreign to the Scriptures and foreign to those who want to live by the Scriptures! You can never know the Elohim of the Scriptures nor His Messiah by viewing Them through western glasses. The Scriptures can only be understood by the eastern culture of the ancient Hebrews as taught by “the Author and Finisher of our faith”.

The foundation of the western world, built on the pagan cultures of Greece and Rome, were laid for the building of the plans of Lucifer and his one world government under his rule--to destroy the image of Yahuweh and His Torah from the earth and create a race of hybrids of his own. We are in, what is called “the post human generation”.

One fourth of American taxpayer money is given to research in Transgenics and Transhumanism—the mixing of human DNA with that of animals, insects, reptiles, birds, fish, plants and robots. The major colleges of the world are trying to take mankind into a quantum leap of evolution, so that man as we know him now will be no more. Another great part of American taxpayer money goes to fund abortions world wide, for stem cell research using aborted fetuses, for the promotion world wide of pornography, drugs, experiments on human beings that continue the atrocities of the Nazis, and every other hideous, sick, vile evil one can imagine. Is this is the society you call “home”--the land you are so proud of! Yet, citizenship in Yahuweh’s Kingdom seems to be too hard for most – something to be avoided as “strange”.

Hosea 8:11-12: “…Ephraim has made many altars for sin…I have written for him numerous things in my Torah—but they were regarded as strange”.

Here I will share about a few persecuted believers of the East, and how they thrive and grow in the midst of persecution, viewing life and death from an eternal standpoint. These learned from missionaries about the One in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, but who went on to be filled with the Spirit of our Father, and have laid down their lives in accordance with Messiah’s command to forsake all to follow Him.

The Voice of the Martyrs received a letter from a believer during a great persecution of believers in Nigeria. Muslims were burning churches and Bibles, and slaughtering believers. They published the letter. The man who wrote asked for prayer. He said he had seen his wife and eight children killed in front of him because they would not deny the Savior. He was threatened with death too, but he would not deny the Savior. They did not kill him then. He asked for those in the West to pray for him that his faith fail not, for he knew they would return for him. He did not ask for pity, he just asked that he would be able to stand firm for the Master.

Sadu Sundar Singh was born into India’s royal class. He turned violently against the missionaries’ Jesus, until he came to meet with the real One. Like the early disciples who left their nets to follow Him, he also left all—family, home, chance for a respected career, a life of financial security, ownership of land, and etcetera, to follow the Master as a humble bondservant. He had no fear of suffering, and his suffering for the sake of the Good News of Messiah was great.

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He took the Good News of salvation into the most hostile Buddhist strongholds in Tibet, where he was nearly killed many times. Father did many

miracles to keep him alive in such harsh conditions. Because his adventures were so astounding to many, he was invited to speak in the West. Instead of giving in to the spirits of materialism, he withstood them, and so offended many in America with his outspoken rebuke of their culture.

From Sadhu Sindar Singh by Cyril J. Davey, from page 139 and following:

Spoken to an American audience, around 1920: “`I found a stone in a pool among the Himalayas…It was hollow, and when I broke it I found the center

completely dry. So, it here in the West you have lain for centuries in the water of Christianity, but it has never penetrated to your hearts’ ”.

“In America he was bitterly distressed to find, very soon after his arrival, that a

publicity campaign was arranged for him during his stay, and was horrified to discover its promoters expected to make a great deal of money both for themselves and for him during the meetings…The Sadhu found he could not say the same things in the West (that he could say in the East). India was a religious country; the West, it seemed, was utterly indifferent to all spiritual values. His mission was to let them see themselves as he saw them. Hundreds were deeply offended at what they regarded as the presumption and offensively frank judgments of this thirty-year old `holy man’ from the Orient, who knew nothing of the stress of industrial life and the tension of modern business.”

So, it has been said many times, that the modern Western world would not like Messiah Yahushua—for He was a blunt and direct Easterner, who spoke with authority, and cared nothing about offending the wrong. But, then, He has the same personality of His Father, whose open and hostilely bitter rebukes of His people through His Prophets were hard for most to take, even back then.

The suffering “church” uses their persecution as a means of witnessing for the Savior. Auntie Alice was thrown into prison in China for witnessing about salvation on a bus. She was watched for some time, because of her many ways of sharing the Good News. In prison, she was assigned the task of scrubbing the latrines in the prison cell floors. She was so full of joy and love for her Savior that she spoke to the prisoners about Him as she scrubbed. The authorities arranged to move her to another prison and assigned another job, but she begged them to let her scrub the toilets in the cells. They allowed her to do it—and she continued to witness to the love of our Father.

The average time a pastor in China spends in prison and hard labor is seventeen years. I took “illegal materials”—The Word—to a pastor several times who had been in prison for 20 years. He was so radiant and joyful in his faith. Those released from prison are very reluctant to talk about their prison experiences, only about the greatness of their Savior. Brother Lamb was still under house arrest, and the police station was under his second-story house. He slept on a little cot. Yet, his home was a center of continual activity for the Master,

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eluding the police over and over. I have a picture of him standing in the doorway of his home, waving goodbye to me. He could go no further, for the

police watched him continually. You can read his autobiography in the book Bold As A Lamb.

You can read more stories of the believers under persecution who thrive and grow, in books like The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun (Autobiography), If I Perish by Esther Kim, The Church in China by Carl Lawrence, Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret (Autobiography), God’s Smuggler to China by Brother David, and Walking the Hard Road – Wang Ming Tao by Brother David.

During my times in China, I often met with the persecuted believers—and their faith and strength in Him was very, very humbling. In the East, they understand that suffering is a part of following Messiah. Messiah said that no servant is

above his Master.

John 13:16: “A disciple (taught one) is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to become like his teacher and a servant like his master…you shall be hated by all for My name’s sake…”

When Brother Lamb was released from prison, he went to visit another pastor who had just been released from prison after twenty-three years--Brother Wang Ming Tao. This man is also legendary among the believers. Brother Lamb told me that when they met, they laughed at the authorities who considered these two old men to be the most dangerous men in China because after all the years of torture, hard labor and attempts at mind programming, they would not give up their faith in the Savior, but instead used their time in prison to win many to Messiah’s salvation.

Here is a quote from Walking the Hard Road – Wang Ming Tao, by Brother David, page 94-95. Brother David speaking: “As I left him, I had turned and asked a final question, `Uncle, do you have any precious lessons to share with the Christians in free countries?’ I can still see him, framed in the simple doorway, his nearly blind eyes focused on my face. He nodded, beginning to close the door as he answered me. `Tell them’, he replied, a gentle smile on his lips, `to walk the hard road’ ”.

We are commanded to choose the way of suffering, discipline, and “hardness as a good solider of Yahushua Messiah”. He tells us that if we do not yield to His discipline that we are illegitimate children. (Hebrews 12)

While sitting in the Open Doors apartment house in Kowloon, Hong Kong, waiting to go on my next trip into Mainland China to deliver Bibles, I read Psalm 94. Verse 12-13 stood out: “Blessed is the man You discipline, O Yah, and instruct out of Your Torah, to give him rest from the days of evil, until the pit is dug for the wrong.” How good is His faithful discipline, testing, and trying, so that we learn to trust Him and none else!

The concepts of a master-servant relationship and Covenant relationship are

foreign to the West. Therefore, the Good News of Messiah is not understood in the West—discipleship is not understood. The requirements of the Scriptures

are not understood. The Scriptures are ancient and eastern-based, with an

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Elohim that the Hebrews understood. The Scriptures cannot really be understood with the Greco/Roman mindset of Western culture!

In the second century, the most renowned school of Biblical interpretation in Alexandria, Egypt, taught the allegorical interpretation of Scripture. The “church fathers”, leaders of Greek Christianity, taught allegorical interpretation. They rejected anything Hebrew or Eastern. The Roman church continued on in Greek fashion with the idea that they could make the Scriptures say anything they wanted them to say. As the church continued throughout history, it never left off with using the Scriptures as foundation for their man-made doctrines, which replaced the Hebrew understanding of the Word. Even today in the Messianic Movement, many of their teachings mix

teaching of Torah in with Greco/Roman culture and Christianity, since most Jews are a produce of centuries of Western culture, or the culture of one of the industrial power nations, G-8 nations, of the world. Rabbinic Judaism is little more than Roman Catholicism and pagan occultism mixed up in a bag with Torah. (Please refer to my article “Exposing Rabbinic Judaism and Its Link to Rome”) I find it tragic that I know only about three ministers in the Messianic Movement who are going to the Third World to teach the believers the Torah and their Hebrew roots. Most Messianic people are so into the performance of the religious duties, that to give their lives to the spreading of the Good News of salvation—the Good News of the Kingdom--is foreign to them. So few Torah guarding Messianic people even know the Father personally—well enough to lay down their lives in His service.

Eastern lifestyle is based on community--sharing, caring for one another, respect for life and honor of the elderly. There is openness to all. There is none of the exclusivity and isolationist mentality of the West that shuts people out. People live together in community as a family unit. There is not the selfishness, the “me, myself and I” mentality, the “I am” mentality of the Western nations, whose whole culture is steeped in a worship of “self”.

I remember speaking to an African pastor in Kamapa, Uganda, after he went to the U.S. He said he was so glad to get back to his home, a cement block structure with a lot of rooms, where nine children lived, some his own and some he adopted, where people could come as they wanted to for fellowship at

any time without being announced. He said in the states when he was not speaking at a meeting, his host families put him in front of a wide screen T.V.,

turned on TBN, and left him as they went to work. He said he could not understand why they built such big houses for only two to four people. In

Aqaba, it was the same—people sought apartments as big as a whole house, sometimes for one or two people.

In the third world, there is always room for another mat, another mattress, or another bedroll. There is always room for another at dinner, always room for another orphan, another widow, another homeless stranger. The average pastor kept as many as 20-30 orphans under his care. Thus, in their own way, they fulfill the basic spirit of Torah much more than most who obey Torah

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Outwardly, yet are selfish with what He has given them.

Those who are born of the Spirit understand that they are a new creation, and that through their spirit they can contact the realm of the Eternal—Yahuweh’s realm. They understand that they must come out of the kingdom of the supernatural of Lucfier and his demons totally, so they burn their idols, their witchcraft paraphernalia, and openly reject their involvement in it, often burning books and other things associated with it publicly. You read about that in the book of Acts. New believers are openly baptized, which many times causes them to be shot and killed before they come up out of the water, in places like China. They are fearless in their witness to the Truth. They understand that to be born of the Spirit one has a new Master—and that we only have ONE MASTER. They understand the rules of discipleship and have no problem forsaking all to follow Him. Having an eastern cultural mindset, they understand Yahushua’s personality and feel at home with Him. Thus, He speaks to them oftentimes in very open manifestations. I am used to His open manifestations, His Presence coming into the room and speaking to me personally.

I remember one time in Jordan I was typing the end-time prophecies to Joseph from both Genesis and Deuteronomy, in preparation for teaching the Torah the next day. His Presence came into the room to my right. He was greatly agitated with grief and joy at the same time. I stopped typing, wondering what He was saying to me through this emotion. Then as quietly as He came, He left. The next day, I told about this experience as I taught on the prophecies to Joseph. One lady asked what time He appeared to me. I said it was 1:00 PM. She said at that exact time, Arab terrorists had broken into Joseph’s tomb in Nablus and desecrated it. Father’s heart was broken, but His joy was in the fact that what I was typing were the promises He had made to Joseph, which He was fulfilling in the sons of Joseph.

While in China, I was asked by the leaders with Open Doors to take teaching materials for a Christian young woman across the infamous Lo Wu border between Hong Kong and ShenZhen. For her to be caught with them would mean her arrest and imprisonment. I got them safely across. We met at a restaurant, where I gave her the materials. She opened up her heart to me. She said that she and her husband had been married eleven months. They wanted a home and children, but the work for their Master was far more important, so the other would have to wait. She said her husband was at that moment on a bicycle going up to a remote village in the north of China to deliver a load of Bibles. She had to stay in the south to teach new believers.

On February 12, 1995, I was taking a load of “counter-revolutionary materials”

as I was told Bibles were called, across into GuangZhou the same time, Li De

Xian was taking a load of Bibles to a remote village about two hours north by train. He was attacked by Communist cadres who proceeded to beat him almost to death and who took the Bibles. His ribs had been broken. He went

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back to his home to his wife and in three months returned with more Bibles. Again, he was beaten and also many of the believers beaten and arrested. But, this didn’t stop him. The work went on. The enemy can hinder, but he can’t stop the work of Yahuweh!

As Sha’ul lets us know in the book of II Corinthians, there are many hindrances

in the service of the Master, but the work never ceases, and in the end, victory is assured for those who “endure” and do not give up. Once time, when I was in Kampala, Uganda, I had hurt my ankle quite badly, and was unable to stand and preach. My pastor-friend had gone with another lady from Texas who was with me, and she had preached in my place. I lay on a bed with a mosquito netting over me that had holes in it. Not only were there mosquitoes coming through the holes but many roaches were crawling all over me. I felt my spirit sinking through the bed literally, in discouragement. All of a sudden, I saw the cloud of witnesses of Hebrews 12:1-2 over me, as I had before. I saw the Apostle Sha’ul (Paul) come out of the cloud. (I guess I knew who he was like Peter knew who Moses and Elijah were in Matthew 17—by the Spirit). He began to talk to me from II Corinthians about reality. He told me that in the work of the Master, going from point A to point B he was often in peril, like being in the ocean for hours and even days, but that is just the way it is – and I needed to accept that fact. More training in Eastern thinking! He then went back into the cloud and it lifted. As it lifted, I came off the bed with such power and strength of spirit that I felt I could have run around a football field. The next day I preached, and Muslim men came to know the Savior.

When I lay dying of malaria in 1997, I could not remember my own name, but out of my spirit I spoke many passages of Scripture. I was too weak to sit up, yet I was propped up and preached two hours at a time, three times. I heard

His voice in my spirit and I repeated what He said, and the translator translated. I heard Him as usual from the area of the spirit—behind our belly button. I preached hard and fast, using many Scriptures, because it flowed out of my re-born spirit in the “heart” (center) of my being.

This “spirit”, which contacts the Eternal realm, has a mind of its own. The Word says: “We have the mind of Messiah”. Where is this mind of Messiah? Is it in the soul—the intellect, reason, emotions, feelings, or the will of man? No! His mind is to be found operating through the re-born spirit. Our soul is not

evil--it is just aligned to our sin nature and contacts the world around us. It does not contact the Eternal!

I have been preaching in Africa with great enthusiasm, and had Him speak to the mind of my spirit, where He communicated to me revelation pertinent to

my message. I was able to keep preaching, and communicate with Him in my spirit, at the same time. When I presented the revelation He gave me to the

people, they went wild with excitement, for it pierced into their spirit. The mind is constantly in flux as it moves with the desires of the flesh. Therefore, the Eternal realm cannot use the volatile, always changing mind, as its gateway

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of entrance into our lives. He uses the re-born spirit, which He perfects as a temple for His dwelling, at our new birth.

Sometimes I hear from believers who say they had a “revelation”. Ministers on Christian T.V. or Internet talk about having a “revelation”. But, because they are not taught how to live out of their spirit and be led by His Spirit, they mean that while reading a Bible passage a thought came into their mind that sounded good, and so they present this thought-concept as a “revelation”. The word “revelation” means that Yahuweh reveals something—as He did to Daniel in Daniel 2—the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. True revelation from Yahuweh comes into our eternal spirit – and is then confirmed by whoever or whatever He sends to do the confirming. True revelation has to be backed up from Scripture from Genesis to Revelation – AS TAUGHT BY HIM!

Many are having psychic dreams and visions, but they are not from Yahuweh. Yet, because they think of themselves as “spiritual”, they think their deception is from “God”. This is why the bologna for the most part on sites like The Elijah List. These people have no understanding of the Elohim of the Scriptures. And mindless people are running after these false prophets, sending them lots of money, and hoping they get rewarded for it. Pease read Ezekiel 13 and see what He thinks of them! He’s wonderfully blunt!

There have been times in Africa when I was commanding demons to leave His people—whose spirit was re-born, but whose body and mind had not been delivered from their past witchcraft spirits. At times I would encounter those sisters who were filled with the Spirit of Yahuweh, as I would be praying for them in a “prayer line”. As is typical the Africans keep their heads down until you ask them to look at you. Sometimes, as we looked at each other, the Spirit in me and the Spirit in them would rejoice as He moved between us—and we’d hug one another with “oh sister”. Then at times, the spirit of the evil one would growl through the voice of a sister or brother, and they could not look me in the eye. I knew then to command the demon to leave, as He led me in each situation. Many were set free from demonic powers, some healed, too. When the Eternal realm confronts the supernatural realm, the demonic of the supernatural realm knows Yahuweh is in control and they have to obey!

But, this kind of authority doesn’t come easy, nor is it a matter of yelling at the devil like Charismatic Christians too often do. It is a matter of using authority backed by Yahuweh Himself, because of mutual friendship and trust.

This relationship does not come easy – but once one learns to contact the Eternal realm on His terms, then relationship begins.

In the East, death is a natural part of life. In Sudan, when the believers were shot, burned alive, hacked to pieces, starved, and driven from their homes by

Muslims, paid off by America to drive them off rich oil lands, they did not lose

their faith in the Savior. I was with about fifteen of them who had fled to Jordan. They did not whine, but they cried for their families. Their faith carried them through. In India, a friend’s young son was swept away by a swollen river during the monsoon season. The family went to the village where

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he drowned, and preached about the Savior. Many of the fishermen became believers, and a church was established there.

In Africa, in one year my orphanage director died, his two sons died, and his father died. His widow continued on, burying the dead, preaching the Good News of the Savior, and establishing churches in their family village.

In America, we dwell on what someone did to us, our guilt, our hurts, our tragedies, going to classes, to self-help groups, to psychiatrists, and drugs, for relief of our self-centered pain. If we would just reach out and share the Good News of salvation with the lost, our soul and mind would be healed by Him who is in Eternity.

Isaiah 57:15: “For thus says the high and exalted One who dwells forever, whose Name is set-apart, `I dwell in the high and set-apart place, with him

also who has a bruised and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive he heart of the bruised one’ ”.

The Word commands us to be “led by the Spirit” if indeed we are the sons of Elohm (Romans 8:14). To walk in the “flesh”—the soul realm of the sin nature and lusts of the flesh—is death, but to walk in the Spirit via our spirit is life, joy and peace.

Romans 8:6-8, 14: “For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace. Because, the mind of the flesh is enmity towards Elohim, for it does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim, neither indeed is able, and those who are in the flesh are unable to please Elohim…For if you live according to the flesh, you are going to die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, these are the sons of Elohim”.

The Word makes a distinct difference between the soul, which operates through the brain and the body, and the spirit, which operates through the center of us—our digestive/reproductive area. The soul can only contact the natural world. The spirit that is not re-born is dormant, dark, and subject to the soul of the sinner. The spirit that has been re-born is perfected and able to contact Yahuweh’s realm, and also by the working of the Spirit through the Word, to bring into obedience the soul realm. The soul always has the capability of rebelling, but if the spirit is strong, the soul will bow to its orders.

It is in this state that He calls us “blameless”—when the soul is subject to the spirit, and we walk in His Presence in the Light.

These are things Father has taught me since childhood, things I’ve lived and walked out. My lifestyle is to hear Him and obey. Messiah said He did nothing unless His Father told Him what to say and do. This must be true of us too.

We are “bought with a price”—by the blood of Messiah – and we have no rights to our own way anymore.

Father began at childhood to teach me how to live out of my re-born spirit, thus contacting His realm, and thus growing in the knowledge and favor of

Yahuweh. This privilege is yours too, if you are truly born of the Spirit as opposed to merely having a head belief-system—a religion.

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To be blunt, if you do not shed the culture of the West and begin to learn to walk the hard road, letting go of anything that hinders your relationship with Him and your obedience to His commands, and learn to embrace an eastern understanding of life in general, you will never be able to mentally handle the horror-shocks of what is coming. The Eastern mindset can save your life!

Read my practical suggestions in the article “Walking the Hard Road”. Fasting and praying are normal for believers under persecution in the East. Learn to deny yourself what your flesh craves!

I grew up passing out gospel “tracts” in shopping malls, ministering salvation everywhere I went, preaching in homeless shelters, jails, prisons, halfway houses, and on the streets of Los Angeles and Long Beach. I ministered in hospitals, rest homes. My life was filled with seeking the lost, even though I worked in secular jobs and raised young children. I find, especially among those who guard Torah, few care for the eternal salvation of others. There is little witnessing to the salvation of Yahushua. There are few warning others of the tribulation to come. There are few calling for repentance. In nations that have had the Good News for a long time, the believers are ready to learn about their Hebrew roots, but I find hardly any Torah-guarding believers who are willing to go to foreign countries to teach the believers about their Covenant with Yahuweh. Contentment with one’s religious observances has become hardening cement around the ankles of most who guard Torah and believe in Messiah.

Hearing Him is commonplace to Eastern believers who depend on Him for every step of the way. Mark 13:11 tells us that when we are arrested and brought before our interrogators, we must not figure out beforehand what we will say, but the Spirit will tell us what to say at the right time. If you are not used to

hearing Him, you’ll panic if arrested, and probably betray other believers to save your own life. In China, oftentimes, to avoid arrest, the believers have to depend on the Spirit to tell them where to meet. Each hears from the Spirit, they meet, and the cardres are baffled.

“Study to show yourself approved unto Elohim--a worker that needs not to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth”. (II Timothy 2:15)

In China, the persecuted believers told me that when they meet, they have no

time for shallow chitchat—they have no time to “socialize” and eat. They get right into the Word and build each other up in the faith. A knock on the door could come at any minute and they could be beaten, killed, or arrested for holding an illegal meeting.

Here is a quote from Carl Lawrence’s book, The Church in China page 121: “There would not be a church in China today had it not been for those believers who were willing to pay the price…though they locked them in prison, tore families apart, burned their Bibles, closed their churches, those who survived still continued to preach. Rarely will you find a believer in China today who will even consider that the cost is too high. Many still carry physical scars, which some call their `birthmarks into the Kingdom’. Their testimonies, which

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must be practically pulled from them, in that they figure suffering is just part of being a Christian, reveal to all who will listen a glorious chapter of joy and sorrow…” Relating one testimony: “`There were twenty-two people in our cell… We would pray, sing to ourselves, and write sermons in our minds to keep our minds clear. Those who did not know the Scriptures had a very bad time. Those who could not repeat Scriptures back to the Lord often either betrayed the Master and us, went insane, and/or committed suicide. IT WAS THE WORD OF GOD THAT KEPT US FROM DOING ANY OF THESE THREE. We not only survived, but look at us—we grew!’ ” Speaking of their time before prison:

“`We never met for any other reason than to pray, sing, and study our little pieces of Scripture. We often did not even ask for any of the latest news; we did not want to waste our time. We were meeting illegally, and worshipping the Lord was the only thing we had in life worth getting caught for’ ”.

Oh how it disturbs me that Americans have to combine eating and chitchat with the hearing of the Word of Yahuweh, as if His words are an addendum to their socializing. Then after Yahuweh has spoken His Word, more eating, more socializing, and more useless chitchat. The world faces severe famine—learn to fast, your stored food will last longer.

Whether you realize it or not, in America it is on the FEMA law books that it is illegal to believe in the second coming of Messiah, to use the Name of Yahuweh, to have home meetings, and even to witness to others publicly using a Bible. In China, it is illegal to read or speak from the books of Daniel and

Revelation. America is following closely “the China pattern”.

I’ve heard Americans who think they’ll “witness” in prison. Untried, untested-- children love to act brave when life is easy. But, if you’re not witnessing in dangerous places now—you have no concept of what it means to be in a prison overseen by foreign troops—which is what is planned for Americans.

As Jeremiah 50 and 51 records of end-time Babylon, those who will conquer it will have no mercy. But, read further—Yahuweh will have no mercy!

I suggest if you are one of those with noble ambitions of what you’ll do when tribulation comes, that you read the autobiography, The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun and other such books. Many of the foreign troops America will bring in to control the “enemies of the state” (people like you) are Chinese.

Some of the favorite things Chinese guards are famous for doing to prisoners is to tie them down and use their face as a toilet, shock them with stun guns, starve them, and beat them into unconsciousness. During which of these will you witness? I suggest you get reality under your belt!

America is under judgment. He is sending no Moses, nor any angel to grab you out. That’s Walt Disney movie stuff. It is not Scriptural. He expects mature, responsible people to obey His Word—forsake all idolatrous junk, and follow the Master out of the path of Yahuweh’s judgment. We are in the days of Noah, where the prepared ones will survive and everyone else will die.

In 2000, National Security Agency representatives came to us in Aqaba to find n out what we believed about the second coming—this was confirmed to me

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personally by a NSA agent. During that time, every ex-pat in the world was visited and listed according to their beliefs in Messiah. They know who believes what. They know who to round up when the time comes. I don’t care if you live in Nome, Alaska, or the North Pole with Santa, they’ll find you. All the noble aspirations of the tough guys will fail. We have one hope—obeying Yahuweh!

Sundar Singh was very uncomfortable in the West. He longed for the rugged mountains of Tibet, where he was almost killed many times by Buddhist priests, yet where he felt at home giving the good news of Messiah. He longed for the treacherous journeys across the snow-clad mountains, the tests and trials of His faith. The comfort of the West drained him and left him empty. At one point, the missionaries persuaded him that he needed to go to Bible School. It grated against his desire to go out and witness of the Master. Davy writes: “He listened to lectures on the Bible and the Prayer Book, and found then unreal compared with his personal knowledge of Jesus and his easy, natural meditation in the Word…he found his mind wandering across the snow-bridges of the Himalayas.”

Yahuweh is our Teacher! The Eastern seeker of truth takes the time to hear. I remember teachers with Open Doors Ministry in China saying they would teach the believers in hidden places for many hours, sitting on a straw mat, until they were so tired they’d ask to be able to sleep. They would give him a pillow, and he would lie down on the mat and sleep. When he woke up, they were still

there waiting for him to teach them more. Where is this kind of hunger for His Word in the West? There are the few…

Excerpts from I Corinthians 2:9-16: “It has been written, `Eye has not seen

nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of man, what Elohim has prepared for those who love Him. But Elohim has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of Elohim…And we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit of Elohim, in order to know what Elohim has favorable given to us…But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him, and he is unable to know them because they are spiritually discerned.

But he who is spiritual discerns indeed all things…we have the mind of Messiah.”

Father longs to reveal His mysteries (secrets) to us. But, you must study from Genesis to Revelation on a subject, TAUGHT BY HIS SPIRIT to your spirit, else you will make up your carnal mind about what you think He is saying, and go off into a ditch of reasoning. If you think you have some revelation from Him, make sure the whole Word backs it up!

From the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary: “mysticism” – “the belief that direct knowledge of God or ultimate reality is attainable through insight or intuition”. This is a worldly way of saying that we can have direct knowledge from Yahuweh through our re-born spirit that is in contact with His world and His mind.

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In the East the word “mysticism” is not a dirty word. Neither is the word “meditation”.

In Psalm 1:1-2 we read: “Blessed is the man who shall not walk in the counsel of the wrong, and shall not stand in the path of sinners, and shall not sit in the seat of scoffers, but his delight is in the Torah of Yahuweh and he mediates in the Torah day and night.” The word “meditate” in the Hebrew means to chew like a cow chews a cud – to bring it up over and over in your spirit, so that your mind is taught and transformed to think like He things!

In the life of a believer, “mysticism” simply means contacting the mind of Elohim, who reveals secrets, or mysteries, to His servants. The Word talks a lot about His revealing secrets, or mysteries, to His prophets.

The Eastern mind has no problem understanding that “God” speaks to His people. One time my pastor was speaking to the IDF in Ariel, Israel. The meeting was being video taped. During my pastor’s talk, the secular Jewish wife of the Mayor of Ariel grabbed the camera lady very excitedly, saying “Look! Do you see it? It is the cloud—the Spirit of God—coming down on the people”. Now how did this secular woman know that? She saw the anointing presence of Yahuweh and knew who He was … because she knew it was from His realm, not a natural phenomenon. Such is eastern understanding.

I know: the non-believers, the heathen and pagans, contact gods in the demonic world from their dead spirit that enters the supernatural world of Lucifer. They do miracles; they speak in “tongues”. Satan is a copycat. He can’t do anything creative, so he has to copy Yahuweh’s realm and pervert it. We who are born from above have the privilege of living in the realm of our Master with the genuine manifestations of the Spirit. (Please refer to the study: “The Manifestations of the Set-Apart Spirit”)

The Word refers often to the thoughts of Elohim as “mysteries” or secrets. The “mystic” is one who follows the Teacher and taps into the mysteries. Don’t foolishly shun the genuine because of the abominations of the counterfeit!

In Daniel 2, we read that Nebuchadnezzar has a dream. He calls his

astrologers to interpret the dream, but he won’t tell them the dream. Seven times the word “reveal” is used—as the king and his magicians argue as to their revealing the dream. The magicians conclude that no one can interpret a dream that is unknown. Daniel is consulted to interpret the dream. He and his companions go into prayer to ask Yahuweh about the dream. Yahuweh gives Daniel the dream and the interpretation. The eighth time--eight is the number of Messiah and new beginnings “reveal” is used is in Daniel 2:27-28: “There is an Elah in the heavens who reveals secrets…” – who reveals mysteries, hidden things. “He who sees in secret shall reward you openly”, Messiah taught.

In Mark 4:11, 22-23 and Matthew 13:11 we see that indeed He reveals secrets to His set-apart ones—those who have wisdom and understanding from Him

already because of their love of His Word and His ways, and their obedience to it. Those who “have not” will have even the little understanding they have

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take away. Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing except He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets”.

From the word “reveal” we get “revelation”. John received Revelation from Messiah. Yet I’ve read the writings of many theologians who speak of John as

writing the book of Revelation from his own culture of his time—in other words, totally dismissing the fact that John heard directly from Yahushua. The western mind, for the most part, cannot understand revelation knowledge, so they think that “revelation” means something that pops into one’s head when they’re reading the Bible. I’ve had many tell me they got revelation on a verse or passage, and yet what they said was foreign to the rest of His Word, His nature, and even the course of history. The religious mind is an ignorant mind—full of pride, arrogance, haughtiness, self-righteousness, and laziness—following the words of a human being rather than learning from Him, and letting Him bring the confirmation from others He has taught.

Revelation 1:1 is so clear a child can understand: “The revelation of Yahushua Messiah, which Elohim gave HIM to show His servants what is to take place hereafter. And He signified it by sending His messenger to His servant Yohanan”.

This is why Messiah says: “Unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven”.

I remember ministering to the Maya in Saltillo, Mexico. Their simple, humble, child like faith brought many to salvation, but also to obtain healing. My youngest daughter was 11. The Maya were bringing their children to her for healing. She was leading parents and children to salvation. Then she was praying for healing. I was also praying for the healing of adults. They were being healed so fast. One man stopped me from praying, saying that his pain had left and I did not have to pray anymore. The young missionary came up to me with his eyes large with astonishment. He told me that my daughter had prayed for a little boy who had been in a car accident, who had a hole in his lung and whose left hip was crippled, so he could hardly talk. My daughter had prayed for him, and Carl took him out in the parking lot. The little boy ran

around totally healed. Childlike faith—that is the secret to seeing His move in our lives!

In Mel Tari’s account, Like A Mighty Wind, of the Indonesian Revival of the mid 1960s, he recounts miracles in response to simple child-like faith. On pages 43-46 he tells that one day some believers were going to a village in the region of Timor to preach the Good News of salvation. But, it was the rainy season, and the river had swollen to thirty feet in depth and was moving very swiftly. Yet Yahuweh told them to cross the river. Many people tried to stop them, saying it was sure death, but they knew He had spoken. They began to cross. The water came to their ankles, but as they kept walking, they felt solid ground underneath their feet. They walked across to the village and preached the

Good News. Later, pagans who had seen them do this tried to cross, and they were quickly swept away and drowned.

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On page 55 he tells of his first experience with America. “…when I got off the plane in Los Angeles, I began to understand why God had sent me to America. At first I was excited; the airport building was so big and new. After I had walked and walked, I reached a large room where many things were for sale.

Everywhere I looked I saw dirty books, bars with liquor, and people smoking. What’s wrong, I thought, God help me! I got into the taxi, and by that time I was sad and sick. But it got worse. On every street corner there were signs with liquor, and people cursing the name of God…Then I remembered what the Lord had spoken to me, `You have one message for the people of America: that is to get back to the simplicity of the Word of God’ ”. “There are so many people in these last days who try to figure out everything in the Word of God until they have lost the whole meaning…When the Bible talks about physical healing, it is physical, not spiritual.”

In other words, He is calling us to the simple childlike acceptance of what He says without analyzing it, spiritualizing, and neutralizing it! When we just read what He says and let Him tell us what we need to know about it, and then go out and obey it, life is so much simpler!

You might think Mel Tari to be critical and naïve in his assessment of the airport lounges, and the streets of Los Angeles. After all, public gathering for drinking, smoking and swearing, is a norm for us. Believers in Africa, too, are against these things, for they see the misuse of alcohol. But, realistically, too often in our culture, public gatherings in bars and nightclubs, and even for backyard barbeques, can turn into sinful conversation and sinful actions.

I Thessalonians 5:22: “Abstain from all appearance of evil”. We must not open the door for the enemy. We must be always disciplined in our use of alcoholic beverages in the privacy of our homes and in gatherings for His festivals and Shabbat. Many good things can be gateways for the enemy, if we don’t use them rightly! The rule Sha’ul lays down in the spirit of the Torah is that we represent the Messiah in all our actions, laying down our lives for Him, dying to self, and respecting others.

He has called us to forsake all to follow Him (Luke 14:25-33). For those with excuses, His reaction was simply “bye”. He had no time for excuse-makers. He had an agenda – to save your life! What is your agenda? It is to lay down your life, like your Master, to save the lives of others? I hope so…

He won’t be upstaged. If your faith is in man, He won’t fight you on it.

Faith is delicate. Faith can be knocked out by the reasoning mind.

II Corinthians 10:3-6 speaks of bringing every thought into captivity to Messiah, and overcoming reasoning. Our human reasoning mind is our worst enemy. The reasoning mind fights the spirit until the spirit takes control by disciplined continual obedience to the Master, no matter what their head tells

them. Lucifer and man try to control us via the mind. The only way to escape their control is by living via the spirit.

He wants to reveal to us His secrets/His mysteries: Matthew 13:11, Messiah’s

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words to His taught ones: “…it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven…”

Revelation 10:7 and Amos 3:7 with I Corinthians 15:51: “In the days of the sounding of the seventh trumpet, when he is about to sound, the secret of Elohim shall also be ended, as He declared to His servants the prophets…For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets…Behold, I speak a secret to you: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed”. The seventh, or last trumpet, is sounded as Messiah descends with the wrath of Yahuweh, and rewards for His resurrected justified ones—Revelation 11:15-18, as He takes over the kingdoms of this world! He wants us to understand this mystery/secret held back until now, from the foundation of the world! All the seals are off Daniel. All the seals are off Revelation. They can be totally understood IF you are taught by Yahuweh!

He has secrets/mysteries that He wants to show to you personally as you sit in His Presence in prayer and in study of the Word, letting Him show you what He wants you to see. This should be priority in your life! Through seeing things according to His view, you can accept reality.

The eastern mind has no problem with accepting reality. Third World people are born into reality, live reality, and die with reality. Having bouts of being afraid, yet holding tight to the hand of Yahuweh during a trial is normal. He knows we are made of dust. Being in fear before anything even happens is silliness. Because the West lives out of its head reasoning, it is easy for mind controllers to instill fear, confusion, delusion, illusion, fantasy, and fallacious deceptive ideas into their minds, by which to control the masses.

The believers of the East, because they are not raised with Walt Disney’s Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, are not expecting Prince Charming to rescue them from having to suffer. They see where the Word promises suffering to His set-apart ones, so that they might be strong in their trust of Him.

John 16:33: “In this world you will have tribulation. But, be of good cheer! I have overcome the world”. What does He know that we should know… ?

I John 5:4-5: “…everyone having been born of Elohim overcomes the world. And this is the overcoming that overcomes the world: our faith. Who is the one who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Yahushua is the Son of Elohim.”

Very few are truly born from above. Most have a belief system without having their spirit perfected and connected to the Eternal realm. So, what is the true new birth? Study through the Scriptures, with the Spirit, in the in the short study: “The True New Birth”, which gives forty things that He does instantly when we are born from above!

Father is grieved. I am almost at an end of my shofar blowing, for the time of judgment on America has come. Father has had to become an enemy of America—and will soon turn His wrath now upon it as a whole.

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I’ve written a lot outlining the “why” and the history of it. In the Word He is calling out His set-apart ones from the path of His wrath, and they are doing what He is instructing them to do in obedience—the rest will stay to face their lazy un-preparedness and the dyer consequences of their own wrong decisions. We are in the time when what we’ve sowed we will reap!

Only the strong trained ones will survive Yahuweh’s near judgment on the nations. I encourage you to get the instruction manual The Triumphant Church from The Voice of the Martyrs. It gives practical ways to prepare for suffering,

even how to prepare to endure torture. They also have a children’s section in their magazine to train your children to pray for the suffering assemblies of our Savior.

We must toughen up, for the final endgame is here. Will you be a casualty in battle, or be victorious in life, or in death?

Lucifer does not want anyone knowing they have an eternal spirit that can

contact his archenemy Yahuweh. He fears those who know how to live in the realm of the Eternal, yet functioning well on earth too. These are not under

his control. He cannot tempt them. He cannot deceive them. They know their Elohim, and so will do exploits in the face of his world ruler/son.

Daniel 11:32, speaking of anti-messiah and Yah’s servants: “And by flatteries he shall profane those who do wrong against the Covenant, but the people who know their Elohim shall be strong, and do exploits”.

Do you desire to know His mysteries—to be on the inside of His secrets – to be on the inside of His Kingdom? Then you’ll pay a high price for it—but oh the joys of the adventure!

I encourage you to read my article: “Walk the Hard Road”. In it are ways you can toughen up. Please read also “Preparing for the Inevitable”. I speak of lessons to be learned from Richard Wurmbrand, and others who know how to suffer for Him.

And, please read books like The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun. PLEASE don’t just read it and feel sorry for him. He doesn’t feel sorry for himself. Use the book as an instruction book as to how to stand strong when facing torture and death. You can get many of the ones I’ve mentioned from used books section.

Allow Him to discipline you, correct you, test you and prepare you.

Psalm 94:12: “Blessed is the man You discipline, O Yah, and instruct out of Your Torah, to give him rest from the days of evil, until he pit is dug for the wrong”.

The fruit of His nature in our re-born spirit has power for us to overcome—if we let Him use it and control it… The “fruit” comes at the new birth. It is His love pouring through us with His joy and peace, long-suffering, gentleness, kindness, patience, faith, and self-control.

When one is baptized in the Spirit, this fruit is expanded greatly—joy takes over and we have no fear of what the enemy can do to us. His joy is His might—and

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we must stand strong in His might in our spirit. Read Fox’s Book of Martyrs. Men like Polycarp—a disciple of John—sang as he went up in flames, tied to a Roman stake. The spirit of the disciplined has great power when controlled only by Yahuweh.

I will close with excerpts from a wonderful letter from a house church leader among the persecuted believers in China to believers in the West. It is from The Church in China – How It Survives and Prospers Under Communism by Carl Lawrence, pages 93-96.

As a side story, Open Doors recommended that I read this book before going to

China the first time. I had no money for the book—all my pennies were pinched to go into the fund for my plane fare and expenses. I resting on my bed one afternoon, and the Spirit spoke me in His “hurry up” voice: “Get down to

Joshua’s Bookstore NOW!” I rolled out of bed, and obeyed. As I entered the bookstore, to my right was a card table set up with books on sale. A sign said: “All Books $1.00”. There right in the middle of the card table was the book I needed – the one I am quoting for you here:

“On behalf of the brothers and sisters in China, I send greetings to the members of the Body overseas! Today the church here is being greatly blessed by the Lord and the number of people being saved is increasing daily…The growth in the life of the church has been promoted even by the servants of the devil…For if Jesus had not been crucified, then true faith would not become apparent; and if there were no testing by fire, then true faith would not become apparent; and if there were no training, we could not become instruments used by the Lord. If the rock is not split open, the water of life cannot flow forth. So difficulties are the means for promoting life and revival in the churches.

Recently the gospel here has been greatly promoted because ten brothers and sisters were imprisoned, beaten and bound, for preaching the gospel fearlessly.

They regarded their sufferings for the Lord as more precious than the treasures of Egypt.

They started to preach the gospel in the poorest and most barren areas. They preached with tears streaming down, causing the passers by and street sellers, Christians and non-Christians to stand still and listen. Even the fortunetellers were moved by the Holy Spirit and burst out crying. Many people hearing the Word forgot their food, their work, or even to return home.

This went on until evening and still people had not dispersed. The brothers and sisters preached until they were exhausted, but the crowd would not let them leave. When the shops and factories closed, their employees also listened. However, then the authorities made a move and laid hands on them, dragging them away one by one, binding them with ropes and beating them with electric-shock poles. They also slapped their faces with shoes and knocked them unconscious. But, when they came to, they continued to pray, sing, and preach to the by-standers.

There was one little sister, age 14, and when she revived after having been

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beaten senseless, she saw that many people were sympathetic to them in their persecution, so she again began to preach. Her words were few and her voice love, but the people could not stop themselves from crying out and then they repented and believed in Jesus.

When the young girl and her friends were bound and beaten by the authorities, many people noticed a strange expression on their faces, and the crowd saw to their amazement that they were smiling. Their spirit and appearance were so lively and gracious that the people asked them why they did not fear ashamed. They were so young. When the believers in that area saw the young preachers bound and forced to kneel on the ground for more than three days without food and water, and beaten with sticks until they were covered with blood, with their hands made black by the ropes, but sill praying, singing and praising the

Lord, they too, were cut to the heart and wished to share their persecution and be bound with them and cast into prison.

In men’s eyes, this is an unfortunate happening, but for Christians, it is like a rich banquet. This lesson cannot be learned from books…This rich life does not exist in a comfortable environment.

Dear brethren, these saints who have gone down into the furnace, far from being harmed, have had their faces glorified and the spirits filled with power and greater authority to preach the Word and a far more abundant life. The Lord will have the final victory in their bodies…Finally, Satan had no way of making them renounce their faith and they were released.

God has placed us in these last days to wage war so that the number of those saved will increase through us, and that His will shall be fulfilled through us in this generation. He desires us to advance into glory with Him. So making the

most of the very short time left, let us continually do the work of the Lord…Let no one be lazy or idle…May God give you a heart faithful to death until He comes. All who have such a heart will obtain a great reward. The Lord will come soon. Lord Jesus, I desire for you to come. Dear fellow workers, may the Lord give us hearts to pray for each other, so that we may all be faithful…


This letter is simply signed `From a weaker member of the Body, May 6, 1982’”.

Carl Lawrence concludes: “From my padded pew, in my air-conditioned sanctuary, holding my computerized mailing list, an ad for a new version of the Bible, subscription reminders for three Christian magazines, and several invitations to `giant spiritual rallies’ I withhold comment—not because of a lack of words, but an inability to speak”.



August 5, 2009

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