Coach Hornsby's Government Class

Media packetCLASS SET!-154940307340-1092201536703428306124416Part I: ScenariosRead the scenarios below and answer the question on your answer document.The Ebola virus spread quickly through Western Africa in the summer of 2014. News organizations covered this outbreak extensively and almost daily. News coverage peaked in Sept-November 2014 with the widespread fear caused by the announcement that three Ebola cases were diagnosed in the US. No new cases of Ebola were diagnosed after October 23rd, and although the virus continued to ravage Africa, media coverage dropped sharply. Hillary Clinton has done more than just stifle Donald Trump’s momentum in the presidential race. She's also established a far clearer path to winning an Electoral College majority than Trump, according to the latest battleground-state polls.In the aftermath of the first debate, Clinton has opened up a lead in vote-rich Florida, according to two polls conducted there. The Democratic former secretary of state is also ahead in post-debate polls in Colorado, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Virginia. And while her lead in some of those states is more precarious than in others, current polls indicate Clinton would win upwards of 300 electoral votes if the election were held today…Source: FBI agreed to destroy laptops of Clinton aides with immunity deal, lawmaker saysImmunity deals for two top Hillary Clinton aides included a side arrangement obliging the FBI to destroy their laptops after reviewing the devices, House Judiciary Committee sources told Fox News on Monday. Sources said the arrangement with former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills and ex-campaign staffer Heather Samuelson also limited the search to no later than Jan. 31, 2015. This meant investigators could not review documents for the period after the email server became public -- in turn preventing the bureau from discovering if there was any evidence of obstruction of justice, sources said…Source: Part II: How often does the news actually cover policy issues?431165278130431165160655Part III: How liberal is the media?Media bias on a political spectrumPart IV: Twitter: the new SuperPAC?The 2016 election has been significant due to the unprecedented use of social media by those running for President. This is a level of direct access never before seen.Bas3999230175260Donald Trump tweets37661851729740-109220303530Hillary Clinton tweets3463290962025-1092201102360 ................

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