Come, Enter the Mikvah

TRANSCRIPTS OF PODCASTS ON REVELATION CHAPTERS 7 – 10Podcasts XI-XVPodcast XI: REVELATION CHAPTER 7Refer back to Revelation 4 and the three groups of angels before the throne Let’s look at Revelation 4 and 6 in review to quickly clarify the three groups of angelic beings that are before the throne of Yahuwah: 1) cherubim – 4 faces – 4 wings 2) fiery serpentine seraphim (i.e. Isaiah 6) who have six wings and 3) the Ophanim, or “wheels,” that are full of eyes. From Steve Quayle’s and Tom Horn’s new book Unearthing the Lost World of the Cloudeaters, pages 380-383: In Ezekiel 1:15-21, Ezekiel sees the cherubim. He also sees the wheels – or Ophanim. Tom Horn writes: “They are not merely inanimate wheels; they are actually alive. The wheel rims act as a type of body for the angelic spirits.There is an ancient text that actually refers to the Ophanim as a specific class of angels.” These are the three main classes of angels that protect the throne.“The idea of the Ophanim being a particular class of angels is not new or an altogether uncommon idea. The Sephardic Jewish philosopher and astronomer Maimomides wrote that the Ophanim are a 2nd class in the hierarchy of angels. Daniel 7:9: “His throne was like a fiery flare, and His wheels as a burning fire.” Tom asks fascinating questions. He wrote: “Is it possible that different angels from different classes fell? Could it be there was a rebellious group of Ophanim that fell? Could this explain at least some of the UFO sightings today? Is it possible that certain UFOs might actually be alive.” The wheel design of UFOs is very common. We see these 3 groups of angelic beings in several places in the Word… --- Proceeding on to Revelation 7 - READ This chapter is in two parts: 1) the bridal remnant and 2) the martyrsGoing back to Revelation 3:7-13 and 2:8-11 The timing of these two: We’re entering the time-frame of the launching forth of the sealed bridal remnant into her end-time ministry, as finally her transformation that occurs before the death of the witnesses, and during and after the deaths of the end-time martyrs. The number of martyrs is greatly increasing. Millions of believers are being literally slaughtered--almost wiping out the Christian communities in Iraq and Syria for example by ISIS and other Muslim terrorist groups. In 1999, during the year of the O.J. Simpson murder trial and the Jon Bene Ramsey murder case that was on TV daily, millions of our brothers and sisters died in Sudan and Indonesia and no one reported it. Now, another trial of O.J. is on the news daily for another crime – as the bodies of martyrs are piled up, and even sold to meat markets.The Bridal Remnant represented by the assembly of Philadelphia The number 144,000 is a symbolic number, but the percentage of the bridal remnant out of 7.5 billion people on earth today is close to that. 12 X 12 tribes = 144,000. One tribe is missing, and Levi takes its place. With Levi, there are 13 tribes. There are tribes today that are much larger than other tribes, like Ephraim and Manassah, and Judah, too. Asher is large. Judah is countable – 17-18 million – mostly in Israel and the US. Some tribes are quite small, like Benjamin and Levi. Yes, the lineage of all 13 tribes have been found – from when they were dispersed from Israel in 722 BCE or from Judah in 70 CE. Ya’ir Davidy’s and Steven Collin’s tracing of the tribes is accurate. Ya’ir Davidy’s primary work is The Tribes and Steven Collins is The Lost Tribes Found. In the list in Revelation 7, we find that Manassah is mentioned separately and also Joseph. Joseph’s younger son Ephraim became the birthright holder for all the tribes following Reuben’s sin with Ya’cob’s concubine. (Genesis 49 and I Chronicles 5:1-2) Therefore the northern 10 tribes were known as either the House of Israel-Ya’cob, House of Joseph, or House of Ephraim. So, in this list Joseph stands for Ephraim. Joseph’s older son, Manasseh, is mentioned by name.Dan is the tribe that is missing. Some have speculated that the anti-messiah will be from the tribe of Dan, but there’s no solid proof of that. Dan was the main tribe that led the other 9 of the northern tribes into the worship of the fallen ones – from Mount Hermon’s past--the fallen angels that produced the Nephilim (Genesis 6:2-4) before the flood and after. It is highly possible that they also led the other tribes into doing DNA mixing to produce hybrids, as the Canaanites did, Anakim, Amorites, Ammonites, etc. of Deuteronomy 2-3, Numbers 13:30-33, etc – descendents of Noah’s son Ham and his son Canaan and on through Nimrod. These tribes of giants fled from Moses, and later from Joshua, across Europe, into the UK, thus the giant Celts, into and across America, down into Mexico, Central and South America, into Antarctica. So, it could be that Dan is missing because today there is no bridal remnant from this tribe. I am suspicious of that conclusion – you’d think there would be a few at least. Before the final dispersion of the last three tribes in 722 BCE, Dan moved in Greece, then across Western Europe, leaving his name everywhere, like the Danube River and the country of Denmark. It is suspect that they were the Spartans of Greece.And it is also possible that when Eucebius copied the one torn copy they had of Revelation in the 4th century, that, as he admitted, there was a hole there, and Dan was thus missing by reason of the torn piece of the scroll. We’ll have to wait until the Kingdom most likely to end this mystery.THE BRIDAL REMNANT REVELATION 7:1-8 I will be very brief here because of all the articles I’ve written and all the teaching I’ve done on the bridal remnant since the 1990s. In every wedding there are three basic groups: 1) guests 2) attendants 3) bride and groom. Before the foundation of the world, by His foreknowledge, Yahuwah wrote the Book of Life. He knew who would be in each group. He leads us by what He has seen. Psalm 32:7-8, Tehillim Guests are mentioned in Matthew 22 as well as in Matthew 25:1-2. Their eternal position is mentioned in Revelation 21:23-24a – the “saved of the earth.” Guests go to the wedding, but are happy to return to their own homes after it. Attendants are called “the friends of the bridegroom,” as in Mark 2 and John 3. They are also called “kings of the earth” in Revelation 21:24b-26. Refer to: “The Ancient Hebrew Wedding Ceremony” under the mikvah of the heart of Elohim. The Bride is seen in Revelation 22:3-5. This also matches Deuteronomy 15:15-16, Revelation 3:12, Revelation 7:1-8, 14:1-5… she is especially set-apart unto Messiah, her Bridegroom … she never leaves His side. She is as a supporting pillar in the throne room. (story of lady who thought she was in the bridal remnant until I said this and then she said… and then I said…) The 3 groups throughout the Word: The 3 parts of the wedding comparable to the tabernacle and then to the Temple, to our body, soul and spirit, the 30, 60, 100-fold, the 70 disciples, the 12, 3, and 1 … the guests, attendants and bride-groom … and Revelation 21-22--the “saved of the earth,” the attendants (kings of the earth), and the bride who never leaves His side. The whole Word is about a wedding and a family! A bride thinks and acts 100% differently than guests or attendants, especially an eastern bride that was typical of the culture of the Hebrews. She thinks and acts nearly opposite than women of the western world, where love is a feeling, the woman rules, and marriage is not a life-commitment. The divorce rate in America is over 60% now. This bridal remnant is prepared from childhood. She is 100% submitted to obedience to Yahushua. The Ten Commandments are what He wants in His bride. He spoke the Torah of the Kingdom – the teachings and instructions for right standing in His Father’s Kingdom – on Sinai. He is the Word of Yahuwah. He also spoke creation into existence in Genesis 1:1, and the re-creation in Genesis 1:3. “In the beginning was the Word…’ In Hebrew culture, the “bride” is the married women, the wife is the engaged woman. Thus Revelation 19 speaks of the engaged woman prepared and ready for Him to come for her on earth, where the wedding will take place on the 1st day of Sukkot. Read the wedding procedure in “The Ancient Hebrew Wedding …” She does not question her Husband. She does not boss Him, or nag Him. There is total trust in Him. And He has total trust in her. They are friends. They walk together. In Scripture culture - Love is submission--not a feeling –though feelings are definitely involved, they don’t rule decisions. In Luke 14:25-16, the word “hate” is used. In contrast to love, this word simply means “not submission.” You don’t submit to any one of anything that tries to get you to go against the will of the one loved. This theme is also in Matthew 10:34-39, and throughout the Word. Exodus 20:5: “For I, Yahuwah, and a jealous El.” Exodus 34:14: “You shall worship no other god, for Yahuwah your Elohim whose name is jealous, is a jealous Elohim.” Story of the bride on Sukkot day 1 in Jerusalem at the Ich Rheim soup kitchen … Isaiah 66:1-2: “Thus says Yahuwah, `the heavens are My throne and the earth is my footstool. Where is this house that you build for Me? And where is the place of My rest? And all these things My hand has made and all these that exist,’ declares Yahuwah `yet to such a one I look: on him who is poor and bruised of spirit and who trembles at My Word.’ ”Isaiah 57:15: “And thus declares the high and exalted who dwells forever, whose Name is set-apart, `I dwell in the high and set-apart place, with him who has a bruised and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the bruised one.’ ”Matthew 5:3, 8: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…Blessed are those who are pure of heart (single minded) for they shall see Elohim.” The bride is single minded – highly focused on Him. Yet for all: Hebrews 12:14b: “without set-apartness, no one will see Elohim.” All of His children are under the title “servant” also – the good servant humbly obeys his master. Matthew 25:21 vs. Matthew 25:24-30 with Luke 12:42-48 … the punishment on the bad servant. THE MARTYRS REPRESENTED BY THE ASSEMBLY IN SMYRNA andRevelation 20:4READ REVELATION 7:9-17 An enormous multitude stands united in heaven – these have died during horrific tribulation rather than forsake their faith in Yahuwah and Yahushua -- These are the final martyrs of Revelation 12:11 “They overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony, and that they loved not their lives even unto death.” These are those of Revelation 14:7-13 – leading into the coming of Messiah with the wrath of His Father – Revelation 14:14-20. Refer to: “The Day of Yahuwah.” This is the martyr remnant within the bridal remnant. Verse 15 gives us this clue: “They are before the throne of Elohim and serve Him day and night in His Dwelling Place. and he who sits on the throne shall spread his tent over them. faithfulness to him is what sets us apart The chapter concludes with the promises to the martyrs… from Isaiah 49:10, 13-16. The promises match those of Revelation 21:1-7. Today we have millions of martyrs. The 20th century to date has produced more martyrs than in all the previous centuries since CE 1. Abba’s choosing of you set you into a position that Yahuwah wanted you in. He wrote your name in His Book of Life before the foundation of the world, before Genesis 1:1. He knew you. He saw that some would be perfected before Messiah came, and some through martyrdom – through living submission in their loyalty to Him, or submission in death. Either one has fulfilled the requirements for overcoming. Revelation 2:10: “Fear none of those things that you will suffer. Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried. You will have tribulation 10 days: Be faithful unto death and I will give you a crown of life.” Go back and review the podcast on Revelation 2 representing the martyrs of Smyrna. Messiah has nothing bad to say about them. It is the same with Revelation 3 and the assembly of Philadelphia – the assembly of the bridal remnant. Both martyrs and bridal remnant have one chief characteristic – they have died to self-will and are faithful unto death. Yahushua died for us; we die for Him. We die to self, we put away sin and anything thought that crosses His will. We are thus perfected by the transforming of His Spirit fro within. These two groups have brought all thoughts into captivity to the power of Messiah, and thus have the nature of Yahuwah and Yahushua, walking in Their ways and obeying absolutely. Thus both groups have access to the throne – as in Revelation 22:14, and the tree of life which is in the throne room.Matthew 24:21-22: “For there shall be great distress/pressure/tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And if the days were not shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the sake of the chosen ones those days shall be shortened.” Matthew 24:29-35 clearly states that immediately after this pressure, tribulum, Messiah comes to raise the righteous dead – the 1st resurrection (Revelation 20:4-6) Faithfulness is what labels us as “overcomers” … Faithfulness is a daily, moment by moment decision “not my will, but Yours be done.” One of my pastors said: “If you don’t have the victory before you have the victory, before you see the victory, you don’t have the victory.”He means that victory begins with our stalwart faith, our unshakable faith in His Word, in Him, and if we want for circumstances to show us victory – that’s not real victory in our lives. The real victory is the conquering of our will, so that we align our soul (mind/emotions/will) to our re-born spirit, aligning with Him in our total spirit-man. Read Romans 6-7-8. All those promises in chapter 8:28-39 are for you – IF you love Him with all your heart and act accordingly – not as an emotion, but in commitment to Him as Master. If you are born again you have an eternal destination and eternal reward. Make it a good one by your faithfulness and love of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Know Them – for They are Persons who will talk to you, lead you, teach you, and bring you into blamelessness. I Thessalonians 5:23-24: “And the Elohim of peace Himself set you completely apart, and your entire spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah. He who calls you is trustworthy, who shall also do it.” “Being confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it to the day of Yahushua Messiah.” (Philippians 1:6)Shalom: Come Yahushua Come!------------------------ Podcast XII: Revelation 8 - The Trumpet Judgments Begin READ REVELATION 8… Yochanan is in eternity. He is in the throne room of Yahuwah and Yahushua. He sees Yahushua open the 7th seal. Out of the 7th seal come the 7 trumpets judgments. The events proceed one after another in an orderly line. Actually they mesh together as you see from the ending of Revelation 6. Chapter 6 ends with the return of Messiah, yet it also opens the first six seal of judgment. This is because each of the three sets of judgments ends at Yahushua’s coming. It is also encouraging as you read through the three sets of judgments – seals, trumpets, and bowls of wrath – and see that the end of all is the coming of Messiah – the resurrection of the justified, set-apart ones – the 1st resurrection i.e. Revelation 20:4. Yochanan is in eternity – there is no calculation of time in eternity. But, somehow His being shown things has been put “on hold,” “paused,” as one pauses a video or movie on the computer. He is waiting for what comes after Yahushua opened the 7th seal, ending His seal-opening of the scroll He was given in Revelation 4, and began opening in Revelation 6. Yochanan, like we all, estimated how long he was waiting by earth-time. It appeared to him that he waited “about 30 minutes” before the next event came to life before him--before the “action” began again. Everything was in suspended animation for “about half an hour.” Now, there is a change of action--the seals end as the trumpet judgments begin. The trumpet judgments come out of the 7th seal. In Revelation 8:2, the action resumes with seven messengers/malak/angels standing before Yahuwah. As Messiah released the seven seals, so now Yahuwah releases the trumpet judgments. Yochanan sees the décor of the Set-Apart place before the throne of the Most Set-Apart Place. It is just like the second temple that he knew so well. It is the basic first part of the enclosed Temple structure. In the Set-Apart Place the priests ministered to Yahuwah. In there was the table of show bread and the menorah. In front of the huge curtain that separated the two parts of the building was the altar of incense. But here, there is no curtain. Yahuwah’s throne is open to His angelic ministers, the malak/messengers, His servants. Psalm 103:20-21: “Bless Yahuwah, you His messengers, mighty in power, who do His Word, listening to the voice of His Word (Yahushua). Bless Yahuwah all you His hosts, you His servants who do as His pleasure.” Yahuwah gave the blue print to Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness. Exodus 25:40: “So see, and do, according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain.” Hebrews 8:4-5: “For if He (Messiah) were indeed on the earth, He would not be a priest, for there are priests who offer the gifts according to the Torah, who serve as a shadow and copy of the heavenly, as Moshe was warned when he was about to make the first Tent (tabernacle), for He said, `See that you make all according to the pattern shown you on the Mount (Sinai)’ ” The basic blue print was used in the building of the Temple by Solomon. That blue print was of the throne room in heaven. The altar of incense is what is seen here in Revelation 8:2. Yahuwah gives a trumpet to each of the seven messenger-angels. In front of the throne is the Set-Apart Place, minus the curtain. Another messenger comes to that area and stands by the altar, holding a golden censer, filled with the incense that is described in Exodus 34:34-38. This incense, like the special anointing oil described before it, is set-apart to Yahuwah. It is only to be smelled by the priests – never duplicated for smelling by those not authorized to enter the Dwelling Place. Psalm 91:1: “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High (the Most Set-Apart Place on the Ark) abides under the shadow of the Almighty.” Much incense was given to this messenger to put on the fire. He offers it with the prayers of the set-apart ones upon the golden altar, which is before the throne of Yahuwah. It is the exact place that the altar of incense was set before the curtain in the tabernacle and in the Temple which divided between the Set-Apart Place from the Ark where Yahuwah’s Spirit was in the Most Set-Apart Place. The smoke of the incense and the prayers of the set-apart ones went up before Yahuwah. There was no curtain, so Yahuwah smelled the incense and remembered the prayers of the set-apart ones. Note: These were not Santa Claus-list prayers, whiny prayers, prayers with no faith, complaining prayers, or prayers asking for wrong things. These were prayers of the blameless ones which were in line with Yahuwah’s nature, ways, and thinking, the cries of the set-apart ones, the martyrs, those in great tribulation who were calling for His help, calling for Messiah to come, yet holding on to their faith and still praising Him. The only prayers that reach the throne room are those who align to His nature, ways, and thinking--prayers that He can, and will, answer, filled with real faith – as a child crying out for help to a good Daddy. These are the prayers He hears--those that align to His Word all the way through, with no negative emotions of self-pity, yet deep emotions aligned to faith, aligned to His nature – not interpreted by man but taught by His Spirit. The messenger than takes the censer and fills it with fire from the altar of incense and throws it into the earth. This brings forth thunder, lightning and a great earthquake on the earth. Because of the timing of this … we see it aligns to other great earthquakes in the Scriptures that foretell of Messiah’s coming – i.e. in Revelation 6:12-17 and 16:18-21. Then the seven messengers who held the seven trumpets prepared to blow their shofars, and/or their silver trumpets. Instructions for blowing the shofar or for blowing the silver trumpets is found in the books of Exodus and Numbers. Each blast is for a different purpose. When the first messenger blew his trumpet, there came to be hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green glass was burned up. Revelation 7:1-3: “And after this I saw four messengers (angels of Yahuwah) standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds (the four spirits of powerful fallen angels) of the earth that the winds should not blow on the earth, or on the sea, or on any green tree. And I saw another messenger coming up from the rising of the sun (Yahuwah’s messenger) holding the seal of the living Elohim. And He cried with a loud voice to the four messengers (fallen angels) to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea, saying `Do not harm the earth, or the sea, or the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their foreheads.” The fallen angels are under the authority of Yahuwah, as is Satan, and cannot do anything until He gives them the go-ahead, the nod or signal to go ahead. As stated before, these winds/spiritual beings may work through the military, political system, commercial system, and or the religious system, but they can do nothing until Yahuwah tells them they can do something. Revelation 9:4 aligns with Ezekiel 9:4, speaking to other fallen angels who come up out of the pit, “And it was given to them that they shall not harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who have not the seal of Elohim upon their foreheads.” So chapter 8 comes in between the sealing of the bridal remnant and the beginning onslaught of the united evil ones upon the earth. The sealing of the bridal remnant is to protect them until their Bridegroom comes. Then they will go out and join Him in the air as He descends for the wedding. But, everyone else is vulnerable to these ones who come up out of the pit, for it is the beginning of the final tribulum … In chapter 8, at this point, the earth is protected a little longer from the wrath of the fallen angels and their king Lucifer/Satan. But, in Revelation 9:4, the earth becomes subject to the will of Lucifer/Satan/Devil/Dragon. It matches Revelation 12:7-17 when Michael the archangel throws out Lucifer into the earth. As I quoted in the last podcast the quote by Steve Quayle, when the Devil and all the fallen angels and the demons are trapped on the earth with mankind, how long will it take for them to destroy the rest of humanity and the entire earth? At this time, the witnesses will be near the finishing of their short witness period, and soon their death will come from the Beast on the throne – Apollyon/Abbaddon – “the destroyer.” The Beast is frustrated as we learn from Daniel 11 by events that he cannot contain by his power. He can only do so much. The false prophet takes care of his agenda for him. But, when the witnesses are dead, and the bridal remnant translated to protect her, it is then that the Beast is finally free of all opposition to do his worst--which he does. The days are shortened. As Messiah was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights, so the witnesses are lying in the streets of Jerusalem, but as sunset approaches for Tishre 1, the new moon begins to rise for Yom Teruah, Festival of Trumpets, they ascend before the High Priest, Yahushua. We see this also in Isaiah 59:16-21. Messiah mounts His horse, dressed in the garments of the High Priest, as we read also in Ephesians 6:10-18, and comes with the wrath of His Father. This is also Isaiah 34 and Isaiah 63:1-6, as well as many, many other Scriptures in the Tenach and Messianic Renewed Covenant. After the witnesses come before Messiah, from this point, Messiah mounts his horse and Revelation 19 proceeds, either immediately, or on Yom Kippur. See the article, “The Yom Kippur Consideration for the Return of Messiah”/September 9, 2016, in which I present a possible alternative case for Yom Kippur … at any rate, after they arise, He descends not too long afterwards. The first trumpet: There is much speculation on these first four. They could be several things, but one thing’s for sure, either the destruction comes through our sky, which is the 1st heaven, or has its origin outside of our atmosphere in the second heaven. But, it manifests on earth as hail and fire mixed with blood… It could be an asteroid, a comet, or a planet passing very close as some assume, or come from something done within our own atmosphere, like a nuclear explosion or several nuclear explosions at once. Hail mixed with fire is one of the plagues of Egypt… Exodus 9:23-24 Here Yahuwah rains fire and hail mixed down on the earth with thunder and lightning – something Egypt had never experienced before… It may be mixed with blood because it destroys all birds in the air, or hits airplanes, or lands on people on mountains who are blown down to valleys. Right now, dead birds by the hundreds of thousands are falling out of the sky, some even rotten before they hit ground--like recently in Michigan. But, this fire will burn up a third of the trees and all green grass was burned up. This could include crops like barley and wheat which appear as grass in their early states of growth. Barley is planted in November in Israel, for watering by the former rains. In Israel, the former rains are in November and the latter rains in February-March. Barley is harvested before Passover for the wave-sheaf offering of First Fruits. The stage of the barley is what determines the Passover. If the barley is not in the aviv stage before the sighting of the new moon for Aviv, there cannot be a wave-sheaf offering for First Fruits, which occurs on the Sunday following the Passover meal, so an Adar Bet is declared, a second Adar month. Also, the sighting of the new moon determines the timing. So, these two signs are necessary to determine the Passover – whether it will be in March or April. The “aviv” stage is the stage of the grain 2 weeks before harvest. If it is not harvestable within 2 weeks, we have an Adar Bet – a second 12th month of Adar to make sure the grain is harvestable for the wave-sheaf offering. So, in Revelation 8 here, we could be looking at the timing of the barley in its early stages of growth like grass, or the wheat, which comes up looking like green grass – harvestable around Shavu’ot. But, surely the destruction of the greenery is severe, especially the trees, reducing the oxygen content of the air. Trees produce oxygen, so if a third of the trees of earth are burned up, it would greatly affect the oxygen content. The second trumpet is sounded. And Yochanan says it like this “what looked like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood.” This again, could be an asteroid, a meteor, or a planet coming into the gravitational pull of the earth. It is believed that the planet between Mars and Jupiter, named Rahab in Scripture, was destroyed somehow, perhaps by another planet pulling on its gravitational field--leaving only the “asteroid belt” between Jupiter and Mars. Mars was damaged by the flying debris, and possibly earth also during the time of Genesis 1:2. It could have been Yahuwah’s judgment on earth for the corruption of His creation by the falling of 1/3 of the angels who followed Helel/Lucifer in rebellion. But, whatever this great mountain is, it turns 1/3 of the sea to blood. This is important to us now, because the oceans are already turning to blood; they are dying. Multi-millions of fish, and mammal sea life like whales, sharks, sea lions, are washing up on the shores. The basis of sea life, the plankton, is dying underneath. The little fish are dying, and the bigger sea life is thus losing their food supply from bottom to top. Sharks are coming in very close to the shore in southern California – they are hungry. The sea life is becoming aggressive, even like the sea lion that pulled the little girl into the water in May off the Canadian west coast, caught on video. It was very unnatural. Refer to: “Creation Groaning,” which contains a lot of pictures, “Earth is Cracking Like an Egg…” as well as the more recent “Radiation Clouds --Another Earthquake at Fukushima--Oceans Dying – the Earth is Cracking-- “to destroy those that destroy the earth” The third trumpet sounds and a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and fell on 1/3 of the rivers and foundations of water. The name of the star is Wormwood. 1/3 of the waters become bitter, and many people die from the waters because of what made the waters bitter by radiation perhaps. The Russian word for “wormwood” is Chernobyl. April 26, 1986 in the Ukraine the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl blew up and poisoned the rivers and all the water with radiation. The people began dying from radiation poisoning and cancers caused by radiation, causing also birth defects. A similar scenario happened at the Fukushima reactor in Japan, when the reactor was nearly destroyed by a tsunami on Japan and leaking radiation began into the Pacific Ocean at a high level. Then more rods, and even recently too, began to leak, and the radiation washed onto the coast of California. The radiation has been found in fish, in the milk of California cattle, in crops, and also people are getting more and more cancers. The fish of the Pacific Ocean are dying - the Great Barrier Reef off Australia is dying, sea life is dying because the radiation leaking is increasing. The earthquake that caused the tsunami was not a freak of nature--it was done by weather warfare – by the evil ones to release the radiation from the old and unstable reactor. Now many old and unstable reactors, one big one in NYC and on the west coast in the Seattle area are leaking. One was shut down by the governor of NYC, but others in New York are old and vulnerable. I wrote about this in the article “EMP Attack, North Korea, and America’s Fukushima - Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 18.” The Seattle nuclear reactor recently reported, continues to leak radiation. Radiation clouds were seen over Europe recently from an unknown source. Radiation poisoning is being released intentionally. It is a fast and painful killer. The fourth messenger sounds and a third of the sun is struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that third of them is darkened. A third of the day did not shine, and likewise the night. This event is close to the return of Messiah as we read in Joel 2:10-12. There is no indication as to who or what strikes the sun, the moon, and the stars, but whether it is Abba’s doing directly, or He uses a planet perhaps coming close to the earth that does it. Some believe that “Nubiru,” or “Planet X,” is real. It is supposedly a brown dwarf star which has imploded and appears to be a planet. It is surrounded by myth and legend, but something like it could cause such disaster to earth. Of course, this is talking about of our sun and moon that are darkened. The stars falling from heaven, as here and in Revelation 6, could be demonic spirits, for demonic spirits are often called “stars,” as in Revelation 9:1, and 6:13. However, our solar system contains stars which may be thrown towards the earth. About two years ago, NASA reported on seeing a some stars in our solar system flying out of their orbits like someone shot them out of a canon, with no understanding of what made them fly like that. I learned some possibilities in my study of quantum physics, but the heavens are also feeling the strain of the fallen ones as is the earth. All of Abba’s creation is alive in some way, even what is unseen like energy fields and their spikes, called “particles.” All of creation is made of atoms – tiny invisible things to the eye in which protons, neutrons, and electrons move around a nucleus. Quantum physicists question: What is the “gluon” that holds them together in their rotations, and the gluon that holds everything together in the cosmos? The identity of the gluon is found in Colossians 1:16-17. It is Yahushua Himself! By the power of His Word, all things hold together. Colossians 1:12-17: “…giving thanks to the Father who has made us fit to share in the inheritance of the set-apart ones in the light, who has delivered us from the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of His Dear Son, in whom we have redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins, who is the likeness of the invisible Elohim, the first-born of all creation. Because in Him were created all things that are in the heavens and that are on the earth--visible and invisible--whether thrones or rulerships, principalities or powers--all have been created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.” John 1:1, 14: “In the beginning was the Word…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Hebrews 1:1-3: “Elohim, having of old spoken in many portions and many ways to the father by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things through whom also He made the world, who being the brightness of his esteem and the exact representation of His substance, sustaining all the word of His power, having a cleansing of our sins through Himself, sat down at the right hand of the Greatness of High.” Many passages of Scripture talk about the sun turning dark, the moon turning dark and the stars falling from heaven. This event is described in Revelation 6:12-14 in relationship to the opening of the sixth seal. The cosmos is groaning – all of creation is groaning. It is reacting to the nearness of the judgment of Yahuwah upon the reason for the creation in the first place – to give us a place of secure habitation. The attack is on us by the enemy – to erase mankind who was created in Yahuwah’s image and likeness. But all of His creation reflects His nature, so they want it destroyed After the fourth messenger sounds, Yochanan looks and hears a great eagle flying in the mid-heaven crying with a loud voice, “woe, woe, woe to those dwelling upon the earth because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three messengers who are about to sound.” In Revelation 9:1, the fifth messenger blows his trumpet and it opens the pit where demons arise on the earth as locusts, mirroring Joel 2. The sixth messenger releases the four fallen angels bound at the river Euphrates – this corresponds to events in Revelation 16. The final 7th trumpet opens the bowls of wrath, and with it Messiah begins His descent … Revelation 11:15-18. In between the sixth and seventh trumpet sounding much happens. There is much speculation on exactly what these four disasters are. It is clear that they come from the sky – either from the second heaven through our atmosphere, an eruption from within our atmosphere, or something like a nuclear explosion, volcano eruption, or something more powerful that blows from the earth into the outer atmosphere, which falls down on us. But, these great things happen not long before Messiah comes. It appears that He is the one executing these judgments – sometimes using fallen angels to do it, but like these things, perhaps He is going to use His own creation in the cosmos of the second heaven to do it. The enemy is out to destroy His creation, and it says in Scripture in books like Isaiah, Revelation and II Peter, that He will make a new heaven and a new earth – a new cosmos, a new Milky Way, a new solar system for us, and a new earth that the enemy will never touch again. We trust our loving Father to do what is good for us, as Romans 8 tells us. Nothing will separate us from His love, even if we reject Him. So, all that happens is designed to make a way for Him to have His family with Him without intervention from Lucifer/Satan and his fallen angels - ever again. Conclusion: What is our part in all of this? Watching, praying, obeying, submitting – knowing … walking with Elohim as a servant, yet a friend, strong in faith and in action, preparing for the return of Messiah. II Peter 3:10-14: “But, the Day of Yahuwah shall come as a thief in the night in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with intense heat and the earth and the works that are in it shall be burned up. Seeing that all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be in set-apart behavior and reverence, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of Elohim through which the heavens shall be destroyed being set on fire, and the elements melt with intense heat. But, according to His promise we wait for a renewed heavens and a renewed earth in which righteousness dwells. So then beloved ones, looking forward to this, do your utmost to be found in Him in peace, spotless and blameless…” I Thessalonians 12-13: “And the Master make you increase and overflow in love to each other and to all, as we also do to you, to establish your hearts blameless in set-apartness before our Elohim and Father at the coming of our Master Yahushua Messiah with all His set-apart ones.” Shalom! Come Yahushua Come! (June 23, 2017) ------------------------------------ PODCAST XIII: REVELATION 9:1-12 - PART I (July 1, 2017)On June 23, 2017 I did a podcast on Revelation 8 – the first four trumpet judgments. The 4th one was about “Wormwood.” Revelation 8:10-11 speaks of Wormwood – “Chernobyl” in Russian Online dictionary: “Wormwood is the English translation of the Russian word, Chernobyl. If you were reading a Ukrainian Bible, the prophecy would say, “…and the name of the star is called Chernobyl…” On June 27th, the top story on the public news in Canada was a massive cyber attack across Europe, the UK, and into the northeast U.S. – its epicenter being at Chernobyl in the Ukraine. I told about the incident to do with the leaking nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in 1986 in that podcast: “April 26, 1986 in the Ukraine the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl blew up and poisoned the rivers and all the water with radiation. The people began dying from radiation poisoning and cancers caused by radiation, causing also birth defects.” On June 30th, the headlines told of a massive fire epicenter at Chernobyl. On June 30th, a headline from NASA read of the possibility of an asteroid coming incredibly dangerously close to earth in 2029 – “Apophis Asteroid.” SkywatchTV dubbed the story “Is Asteroid Apophis Biblical Wormwood?” That’s three mentions of Wormwood in the news since Podcast XII about the first four trumpet judgments, the 4th being about Wormwood. One thing’s for sure – Abba is letting us know what’s coming. Lovers of truth are attuned to His Spirit, and it says in John 16 that “He will show you things to come.” READ REVELATION 9:1-3The “star” is a “him.” It is a fallen angel of great power and authority. It may or may not be Satan. However, this falling of this “star” could coincide with Revelation 12:7-17, which is the fall of Satan into the earth. It would be natural for Satan to unlock all the final gates to loose his army upon the earth upon arrival. That way, all the fallen ones from the lead cherub down to the demons (disembodied Nephilim) would be on earth with mankind – all of them with what’s left of us – with their “short time” to do their worst. The opening of the pit looses the king of the pit, named Apollyon/Abaddon. With him come swarms of demons like locusts – the loosing of the spirits of Nephilim to take over bodies of the remaining inhabitants of earth. Scriptures tell of this rising one, Apollo – i.e. Nimrod, Gilgamesh, Osiris, Horus, and Apollo – dying and rising sun gods worshipped by the 7 great ancient nations, the 7 heads of the Beast: Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, resurrected/rejuvenated Rome, plus Rome coupled with end-time Babylon (Vatican and America) forming the 8th Beast. (Revelation 17) Rome really never died – historians tell us their power went into the papacy until the time a Caesar would return to take world rule. We see this in Daniel 2 and 7, and in Revelation 13, relating the 7 from Babylon to present day. Apollo was a very real “man of renown,” as in Genesis 6:2-4, another name for Nimrod, who was a Greek god known for many things – even music and poetry. His symbol was the python. In Acts 16:16-19, Apostle Sha’ul cast out the spirit of python from a girl. She prophesied for Apollo in the temple of Apollo in Philippi. The ruling spirit over America is the Python. Its worship cult is centered in Arlington, Virginia. Apollo is also known as the Destroyer as in II Thessalonians 2:3, “son of perdition,” or “son of destruction.” The Greek word here is “apolia.” His equivalent in India is Shiva – the mascot god of CERN – the destroyer of worlds. They both have the goal of destroying the present world in order to rebuild a new world order from the ashes of the old world order – a world in their image and likeness. The goal of CERN and their Large Hadron Collider on the Swiss/French border near Geneva is similar to that of Nimrod and his tower--to open the gates to the 2nd heaven, and under the earth as well, to the dimensions of the dark kingdom and bring whatever is there through into our world. They haven’t been silent about it. Some have thought that they would be the one to bring in Satan as he is thrown out by the Archangel Michael. (Revelation 12:7-17) Perhaps they will be instrumental in opening the pit of the underworld for these “locust” demons to surface. The nations have poured billions of dollars in CERN. They have been equated with the tower of Babel, for their goal appears to be the same. The goal of the new world order is to destroy the old world, our world, and replace it with their hideous creations. In Genesis 1:2 and Genesis 7, Yahuwah destroyed the earth by flood. In our day, He will burn earth and the cosmos with fire--II Peter 3. Revelation 9:11: “And they have over them a sovereign, the messenger of the pit of the deep, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.”Revelation 11:7: “And when they have ended their witness, the beast coming up out of the pit of the deep shall fight against them, and overcome them, and kill them.”Revelation 17:8: “The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the pit of the deep and goes to destruction. And those dwelling on the earth, whose names are not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, shall marvel when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” He “was” – an pre-flood Nephilim. “He was not”: He was sentenced to the underworld. He comes up … Revelation 9:11.II Thessalonians 2:3: “Let no one deceive you in any way, because the falling away is to come first, and the man of lawlessness is to be revealed, the son of destruction/perdition.” Revelation 13:2: “And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads names of blasphemy. And the beast I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority.” [“sea” represents chaos, turbulence, roaring of nations, as in Isaiah 17… in the end, there will be no more “sea.” Rev 21] Out of the chaos of the pit, possibly opening from the depths of an ocean, the demonic spirits go forth throughout the earth--the 1st “woe.” We’ve all heard Matthew 16:13-19 many times over and over. But, the timing of it was not when Messiah spoke it, or even up until present day.The timing has to do when the “gates of Hades” are opened. He spoke those words at the base of Mount Hermon, at the altar of Pan, Zeus, and the Emperor Caesar Philippi in Caesarea Philippi. At that time, no pit had been opened. But, in Revelation 9, they’re all opened! The promise is for us--that the gates of Hades/Hell won’t prevail against His assembly still on earth – but that we have the keys OF the Kingdom to lock or unlock for His purposes. It is to us, as it was for Kepha, to have these keys. We need them now more than ever before to use with Yahuwah’s authority-backing. Quote from Dr. Michael Lake’s article in Skywatch magazine for May: “There is fresh empowerment from heaven to discover THE KNOWLEDGE needed to withstand the Gates of Hell, to turn many to righteousness, and to equip them to walk in Kingdom power and purpose!” “My friends, we are walking in those days that the Hebrew prophets of old longed to understand. There is a new move of Heaven that will enable the Church to withstand the full power of the Gates of Hell. May Almighty God give us His grace to walk in it and to fulfill our Kingdom assignments!” “The gates of hell are now wide open to people on this earth, but also the Gates of the City of Elohim are open to His end-time remnant. We are under the orders of the Captain of the Host – Yahushua – as soldiers of the King.”Dr. Lake speaking of the `gates of hell’ from Matthew 16:16-18: “Ancient gates have chambers in them, just as we see from the back of the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount today. These chambers are meeting places where the counsels of the city gather - the leaders, judges, and power brokers. The gates of hell also are gathering places, as well as being portals onto the earth. In Revelation 9, we see the portal opened for the Joel 2 army to rise up onto the earth.” Dr. Lake said: “In the time that Jesus spoke these words in Matthew 16 concerning the Gates of Hell, key members of the counsel of Hell were still in chains.” But, they are being loosed now. How important are we to Yahuwah? Psalm 8:3-6a: “For I see Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have established. What is man that You remember him? And the son of man that You visit him? Yet You have made him a little less than Elohim, And have crowned him with esteem and splendor. You made him rule over the works of Your hands…” What made Helel, Lucifer in Latin, who became Satan the accuser, rebel? He was the covering cherub of the throne of Yahuwah. What made 1/3 of the angels rebel with him? In my meetings in Canada, session I, I gave this explanation regarding Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:3: “The topic of the cosmic spiritual war and our place in it begins between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 and ends in Revelation 22:21. It begins with Yahuwah plan for His family – and no matter what happens in between, He will have His family! We’re in that final thrust of Yahuwah also. The War of the kingdom of darkness against the Kingdom of Light goes back into eternity after Yahushua was begotten, after the Genesis 1:1 foundation of the heavens and earth. Yahuwah, using the sound waves from the voice of His Son, the Word of Elohim, created the heavens and earth. (Genesis 1:1) The original creation may have been a place that Yahuwah’s trusted cherubim, seraphim, ophanim, archangels, and servant-angels were allowed to inhabit. They left their first estate of heaven to dwell on this new pristine earth, in Abba’s new pristine cosmos. We know that from the beginning, the angels were called `bene Elohim’ (sons of El). It says in Iyob/Job 38:7 that the “bene Elohim” all rejoiced when the heavens and earth were created. Iyob 38:4-7, speaking of the Genesis 1 creation: “Where were when I laid the foundations of the earth?...or who laid the corner stone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of Elohim shouted for joy?” However, when it became known that Yahuwah was going to create a special people in His image and likeness to populate the earth, to be His family, this is where jealousy entered, indignation, pride, and then rebellion. The Chief Cherub, Helel/Lucifer, led 1/3 of the angels in his rebellion. They believed that Yahuwah had betrayed them. They were His friends, members of His inner circle, known as the “divine counsel,” as in Psalm 82. He told them all of His secrets. That’s where they got the knowledge of His technology that they stole. When they found out that He was creating a race of beings higher than them, in His image and likeness, who would be the new “bene Elohim,” they figured He had deceived them. After all from eternity past they were His bene Elohim. So, 1/3 followed the chief “covering cherub” of Ezekiel 28 along with other cherubim, seraphim, ophanim, archangels and angels in general. They all figured Yahuwah had pulled something secret over them, and they would be “replaced.” Thus they let Eve and Adam know that they could not trust Yahuwah, because they didn’t trust Him anymore. They did not know that Yahuwah always intended for them to be friends with His new creation, and that all would be together forever as His children. Oh how presumption can bring false thinking leading to the working of evil. They thought their pristine life in the cosmos and on the beautiful earth came to an end, so they corrupted Yahuwah’s beautiful creation. They ruined earth to the extent that Yahuwah couldn’t place His image and likeness here. They also heard in the heavenly courts something about Yahushua being a Savior for this creation, though they were restricted for any details. So, their corruption resulted in the wrath of Yahuwah and Genesis 1:2. The term “without form” in Hebrew means “ruined,” “destroyed.” “Void” means to be empty. Jeremiah 4 describes this perfectly. The earth was covered with water in judgment and completely darkened. Abba turned off the lights and walked away. Isaiah tells us, He never did create anything dark, or void, or filled with uninhabitable water. But, knowing all things through His foreknowledge, even BEFORE the 1st and original creation, Messiah was “slain” in the mind of Yahuwah for the sins of His creation to come. It was all planned out in detail. The Book of Life was written and we were chosen to be in it. This is how important you are! HE KNEW YOU BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD and wrote your name in His Book of Life! He chose you to be a part of this final time. Yahuwah knew the rebellion of angels would take place – He knew it all. Lucifer and the fallen angels also knew Yahushua, but did not understand the plan of salvation that would come through Him. They just knew who He was, thus the demons knew who He was on earth. (Remember: A demon is a disembodied pre-or post-flood Nephilim or Rephaim who seek a body) They were thrilled at His death, UNTIL they learned of His resurrection and what He took from Lucifer in Hades – the title deed to the earth, and the keys to death and hell. Then they were horrified and turned on His followers. The war began after Genesis 1:1 and before Genesis 1:3. In Genesis 1:3, Yahushua spoke the re-creation into existence--Genesis 1:3-31. Then the war heated up, and now it is reaching its peak… But, Yahuwah was going to have His special family. Genesis 1:1: Bereshith! The “bet” meaning a house, home, family! Now He has His family ready for His Son to return! Today the pit will be opened and demonic spirits like the locusts will surface. These are those also of Joel 2:1-1-11, 25. Look at the similarities of Joel 2 with Revelation 9’s “army” of locust demons who turn military. These demons have the power to sting like a scorpion. They can only torment. They cannot kill. Their ability to sting all is limited to those not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world. Some military men have suggested that the description of these locusts matches some of the U.S. military helicopters and tank weaponry. Indeed, as stinging scorpions with their tail curved upwards over their backs they look like some of the U.S. helicopters. Their armor could be tanks, or some other technology of the military. Yet, they are demonic beings loosed from under the earth. The details will come clearer as we get closer to this event. We know their king is the prophesied returned Nimrod as Apollo of old--a real Nephilim who once ruled on earth from Delphi, Greece. Revelation 9:3-6: “And out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth, and authority was given to them as the scorpions of the earth possess authority. And it was said to them that they shall not harm the grass of the earth, or any green matter, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of Elohim upon their foreheads. And it was given to them that they should not kill them, but to torture them for five months. And their torture was like the torture of a scorpion when it stings a man. And in those days men shall seek death and shall not find it. And they shall long to die, but death shall flee from them.” Ezekiel 9:4: (3-5) “And the esteem of the Elohim of Yisra’?l went up from the keru?, where it had been, to the threshold of the House. And He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s ink-horn at his side, 4and ???? said to him, `Pass on into the midst of the city, into the midst of Yerushalayim, and you shall put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.’ And to the others (the six slayers) He said in my hearing, `Pass on into the city after him and smite, do not let your eye pardon nor spare.’ Revelation 7:1-3: “And after this I saw four messengers standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another messenger coming up from the rising of the sun, holding the seal of the living Elohim. And he cried with a loud voice to the four messengers to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea, saying, `Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees until we have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their foreheads.’ ” The locusts can only torment those who are not sealed. By this time, a majority of the believers who remain loyal to Yahuwah and Yahushua will be martyred. The sealing of the 144,000 is for their protection because they have work to do for the Master until the last 3 days before Messiah comes. Why can’t the tormented ones die? They seek death but cannot find it. It is most likely that Yahuwah keeps death from them as part of their judgment. He is not ready for them to enter hell just yet. But, perhaps it is because they are not fully human, though hybrids can die and humans with changed DNA can die. Revelation 14:9-11 speaks of those who take the mark of the Beast being unable to repent and have eternal life. But, at this point, the Beast of Revelation 9:11/Apollyon has not taken his throne, or He may take it at the time of the tormenting of the locusts. The false prophet wastes no time in initiating the mark that will change human DNA – as in Revelation 13, once the Beast is enthroned. Revelation 8:13: “And I looked, and I heard an angel, like an eagle flying in mid-heaven, crying with a loud voice, “Woe, woe, woe to those dwelling upon the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three messengers who are about to sound!” Revelation 9:12: “The first woe is past. See, two woes are still coming after this…” PART II WILL RESUME WITH REVELATION 9:13-21 -------------------------- PODCAST XIV: Part II - REVELATION 9:13-21-The 200 million man army - July 1, 2017 In Revelation 9:1-12 we read of the rising of Apollyon. He has with him an army, a military-powered supernatural army who act as locusts and scorpions with the ability to torment for 5 months those who are not marked by Yahuwah for preservation. Apollyon has short time as does his army, and they know it. He is not Satan, but he is empowered by Satan who gives him his throne, power, and authority. (Revelation 13:2) Satan, Apollyon, the fallen angels, have no authority other than what is allowed them by Yahuwah. Yahuwah’s authority is much greater of course. The fallen ones are His creation. He gives us His authority-backing if He can trust us as His servants, His warrior-soldiers. He will back us as Messiah backed the 70 in Luke 10, saying to them “I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Dr. Michael Lake quotes on authority is greater than power: “Electricity is `dunamos,’ Greek for `power,’ unlimited power is behind electricity” (unless the grid is shut down). Authority: It doesn’t matter how much power is in a light bulb, or in a tornado, if we use our will coupled with our authority, we can turn it off – we can flick the switch, we can command the tornado back up into the clouds. My input: In the late 1990s, a series of tornadoes went through downtown Fort Worth. I was living with my son and his wife at that time. Pastor Bob Nichols of Calvary Cathedral down town saw the tornado coming towards his church. He went out to face it, and commanded it back up into the clouds, and it went up. I’ve done this, Derek has done this, with miraculous results with tornadoes, storms, rain, and other weather that got in my way of serving the Master. AUTHORITY IS GREATER THAN POWER In Mark 4:35-5:2, the disciples are in a boat on the Sea of Galilee and a ferocious storm came up. Messiah was asleep back in the boat. They disciples thought they would drown. (I know about these storms, I was in one there across the sea – no one can swim in it) Messiah was disgusted with the disciples for waking Him up to calm the storm. He had taught them; He expected them to use their authority to calm the sea. He had given His Word to them “we go to the other side.” Dr. Lake talked about the 3 heavens: sky, planetary universe, and the eternal realm of Yahuwah’s domain. He said: “Man was created to function in all three heavens – representing the physical realm, soul realm, and spirit realm.” “When you are born again, you can once again function in the three heavens.” Dr. Lake said: One of the greatest examples of authority is Elijah on Mount Carmel. “The prophets of Ba’al would not have accepted the challenge of calling down fire if they had not done it before. It is a practice in the worship of Ba’al to call down fire (Revelation 13:12-14)…“Eliyahu’s authority was higher than theirs, for he bound their power and their god had to bow to His God – to Yahuwah. The prophet of Ba’al tried to manifest fire from the second heaven. Eliyahu manifested fire from the third heaven.” *** “When Elijah came on the scene to access fire from the 3rd heaven, the devil/Ba’al refused to show up. He knew he was defeated before the contest ever started.” “God wants to activate your priesthood to begin moving in Kingdom authority.” (I Peter 2:9) We must know who we are, and the ability we have through the re-born spirit to contact the eternal realm of Yahuwah in the 3rd heaven, but also to stand in boldness and rebuke the work of the enemy from his dimension in the 2nd heaven, and to affect change in people’s lives and event on our 3-dimensional level under the 1st heaven. Dr. Lake: ***“All the technology that will be used against mankind is in the 1st and 2nd heavenly realms. If we operate in the third heaven realm, we can shut it down and it will not affect us.” [To learn more from Dr. Michael Lake, go to ] This speaks of the binding and loosing privileges we have using the keys OF the Kingdom that He has given to His servants (Matthew 16:16-18)“Whatsoever you bind on earth has been bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth has been loosed in heaven.” Heaven backs us if we are in complete alignment with Yahuwah’s will!!! READ REVELATION 9:13-21Loose the four angels bound at the River Euphrates. This is one of the OUR rivers that flowed from the Garden of Eden—Genesis 2:10-14. Jordanian archeologists say that the river that flowed out of the Garden was the Jordan River, which flowed from Mt. Hermon down into East Jerusalem. There is a tributary of it there today north of East Jerusalem in the area of Benjamin. When the flood occurred the rivers shifted somewhat to the East. There is still a small tributary of the Euphrates that flows into the Jordan River at Ein Prat … just north of Jerusalem a short distance. I have been there. The Gihon is still the major river under East Jerusalem. It will once again flow south towards Kush/Ethiopia, Africa at the coming of Messiah when the Mount of Olives splits and it races down towards the Dead Sea through the nicely built channel by the World Bank – fulfilling Ezekiel 47 for us. But, realize that ALL SCRIPTURES to do with the Euphrates are talking about the headwaters, now 80 miles east of Damascus in SYRIA – except 1. In Jeremiah 13, Jeremiah is told to bury a girdle and then dig it up after it rots. This is speaking of the tributary of the Euphrates at what is now called Ein Prat. I’ve been there. I’ve seen the caves, the gorge, where Jeremiah was told to bury the girdle. This place is just below the now restored community of Anatot – Jeremiah’s home town – a Levite town. All other Scriptures, prophetic Scriptures, have to do with the headwaters. I’ve done extensive study on all Scriptures to do with the Euphrates and except for this one in Jeremiah 13, they all refer to the headwaters of the Ephrates in Syria – 80 miles to the east of Damascus. The western culture idea of a “greater Israel” including Iraq is just that – western cultural reasoning. Ezekiel 47 and 48 is very clear as to the tribal inheritances in the Kingdom, speaking of the east boundary of the northern Euphrates. Yes, that’s today’s SYRIA. Do you wonder why there is so much turbulence there now? Do you wonder why Damascus is now being destroyed, as in Isaiah 17? Do you wonder why Isaiah 17 speaks of the rushing of nations like the turbulence of the sea? Abraham’s family came from Mesopotamia. Isaac’s bride came from there--now it is modern Syria, northern Iraq. It’s the same reason why the whole world wants one tiny little area that even I can walk over – in East Jerusalem – because of the connection to Yahuwah and His plans for His family’s eternal possessions. In Revelation 9 and 16 it speaks of what is to be loosed at the River Euphrates in Syria. There have been four powerful fallen angels bound there by Yahuwah. They have been specifically set-apart for such a time as this … by Yahuwah, who bound them there, to slay 1/3 of mankind. The four loose a 200,000,000-man army. This is the starting point of the Revelation 16 army that will proceed to the Valley of Jezre’el at Megiddo, and then proceed down to Jerusalem as in Zechariah 14:1-5, Joel 2, and Ezekiel 38. At this point, the fury of Yahuwah will fly up in His face – Messiah will descend, and the blood will run to the horses bridals as He speaks the Word from His mouth and they are slain. [Refer to: “Ezekiel 38 and 39 – Directly Linked to the Return of Messiah”/September 30, 2016] There are several chapters in the Tenach and Messianic Writings -- all linked together about this 200,000,000-man army. This is not an army of human beings like us. It is an army of fragmented, demon possessed people who believe they are soldiers of the anti-messiah’s army, plus giants, hybrids, cyborgs, robot-human chimera – all led and empowered by Satan and controlled by his chosen representative – Apollyon/Abaddon. Revelation 19:11-21… He comes with the wrath of His Father!We will talk more about this army as we proceed through Revelation. But, as Russ Dizdar speaks of in The Black Awakening, this army already has 100,000 fragmented possessed ones to join it, and it is growing by the day. It is interesting that several years ago a company in Texas was making tanks using compressed wood that could burn, as in Ezekiel 39, but also tanks that fire out of the front and the back – the head and the tail – have also been made. So, we could be looking at modern technology, but also spirits of the evil ones that are military in nature and appearance. Both could be true. The locusts and this army are connected – they appear to be military in nature, yet have power that is supernatural. The end time events will be “supernatural.” The kingdom of darkness works in the super natural – the realm above the natural. The Kingdom of Light in the third heaven operates in the eternal realm – with far more power than anything that operates in the 1st or 2nd heaven as Dr. Lake spoke of. We are of the Kingdom of Light. Refer to my last article: “Accessing the Third Heaven,” for more about who you are. We can see where we are in timing because of verses 20-21 – the people would not repent, nor could they. It is the same in Revelation 16:1-9. We’re also looking at Revelation 14:9-11. These have taken the mark of the Beast which has changed their DNA, erased their humanity, and they are not fully human anymore. It is our eternal spirit in our abdomen area, where we are born again, that makes us human. If that is shut off to Yahuwah, there is no more humanity in His image and likeness, for Yahuwah is Spirit, and the Spirit is Yahuwah (John 4 and II Corinthians 3:17-18). The word “sorcery” in Revelation 9:21 is “pharmakia” in Greek, from which we get pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, or drugs… These are totally possessed beings, like those of the Black Awakening, who are possessed with the thoughts of sin. This is comparative to Genesis 6, where mankind was very violent, and their thoughts were on evil continually. These possessed ones have the nature and mind of Satan.These are not fully human beings – but they once were. Compare this with the massive army of Revelation 16:12-21 READ… Do you see the timing of these things? Not long before Messiah comes … Do you see that Apollyon rises from the pit not far before Messiah comes? Another point made: The anti-messiah who sits in rule over earth is there for a very short time. Satan has a short time, as in Revelation 12. Once Apollyon rises, the demon-army of supernatural weaponized locusts torment mankind, then the mankind won’t repent because they are of the Revelation 14:9-11 group – the marked ones. The Revelation 14:9-11 group: “And a third angel followed, saying with a loud voice, `if any man worship the Beast and his image and receive his mark in their forehead or on their hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of Elohim, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone (sulfur) in the presence of the set-apart angels and in the presence of the Lamb, and the smoke of their torment ascends up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worship the Beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name.” It’s a division between the children of darkness and those who have been translated into the Kingdom of Light, into the Kingdom of “His Dear Son,” in whom we have redemption because of His blood shed for us. Another thing to consider is that Apollyon is not the anti-messiah after all … but that someone else has already been ruling over a united earth and a false prophet has subjected earth’s people to a “mark” that would take their humanity from them – corrupt their DNA. It appears that because Revelation 9 is the last of the trumpet judgments before #7 which opens the wrath of Yahuwah and the descent of Messiah, that we’re looking at a time-period later than the rise of anti-messiah. Remember the seal judgments open the trumpet judgments and the trumpet judgments open the bowls of wrath. To a large degree the seals and trumpets parallel also – but when the bowls of wrath are opened, Messiah descends as they are poured out. So, we’re watching an unfolding of seals and signs of the beginning trumpet judgments already. Let us keep ourselves open to the revelation and teaching of the Spirit and not get entangled with the opinions of man, which are not only confusing, but lead nowhere. All opinions of man are faulty. We watch, we ask the Spirit questions. We leave ourselves open to His instructions, for He is Yahuwah and is given to us in our spirit to tell us things to come (John 16) In my article “The Abomination That Lays Waste,” I began my questioning of the timing of things by man’s western standards and found them very faulty. Abba is no sadist. The flood was 40 days and 40 nights, not 7 years or 3? years. Abba acts quickly as any good Father would, and gets the judgment over with. Like good fathers, He doesn’t rejoice in the death of the wicked. He rejoices that His children take on His nature, ways, and thinking, and act as He would act on this earth. Yes, Apollyon appears to be the one in II Thessalonians 2 – the “apolia,” the son of destruction. But, his reign is very short. When Satan is cast out, he comes to destroy the earth entirely. The anti-messiah of II Thessalonians 2 sits as a god on the Temple Mount, acting as if he were Yahuwah Elohim. But, how long is his reign? It’s not any specific time-length – not by the Tenach, which is our foundation of faith. The Beast/anti-messiah is mentioned many times in the Tenach, but without reference to the time of his reign. He is frustrated, as per Daniel 11. His frustration only ends when he finally succeeds in killing the two witnesses. They don’t lie in the streets of Jerusalem more than the time Messiah was in the grave – 3 days, 3 nights - and upon their ascent, Messiah prepares His descent. So, let us take all the Scriptures together on any given subject and learn from the Spirit who gave them to His servants. As you have questions, research in the Word to find answers. Remember, when Abba begins His final judgment it is swift and sudden, and then it’s over. He is our good Daddy – let us pay a lot more attention than ever before to what He has to say to us personally!Shalom, Yedidah - July 1, 2017 ----------------------------------------- PODCAST XV: REVELATION 10 - The Mysteries of Elohim The light shines through the darkness, and in the midst of all that is to soon happen on earth before Messiah returns there will come the time when we finally will enter eternity and time will no longer exist. READ REVELATION 10:1-4 The sixth angel (“malak,” which means “messenger”) sounds his trumpet – the 6th of the 7 trumpet judgments. Yochanan sees another powerful messenger-angel coming down from heaven, robed in a cloud, and a rainbow on his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like columns of fire. A very impressive entrance, I would say! The rainbow: Strong’s Concordance #2463 Greek dictionary--“Iris.” It means a rainbow, but could also mean a halo, as in wearing the rainbow “on his head.” It may reflect remembrance of the covenant Yahuwah made with Noah in Genesis 9. The rainbow symbolizes the promise of Yahuwah not to flood the earth with water again in His judgment. A great angel comes from the throne room of Yahuwah with good news we need to hear. In other words, the rainbow symbolizes the faithfulness of Yahuwah to keep His Word, and so it is draped on the head of this powerful angelic being. In the hand of this awesome being is a little book, which is opened. This “little book” was a small scroll – indicating shortness of time with little left to proclaim. The angel is so big that he places his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land. He cries out as a lion roars. When he cries out seven thunders speak their sounds. They evidently spoke in Hebrew or Aramaic because Yochanan was about to write what they said. The words were clear to him. However, before he could write down what the thunders said, Yahuwah spoke to him out of His throne room saying: “Seal up what the seven thunders spoke, and do not write them.” These words have fascinated Derek and I for years now. We’ve had several discussions about them. The words within the seven thunders were not to be revealed until they are revealed in our day. We concluded that they are most likely instructions from Yahushua to His people in this very last time before Messiah comes, especially for the Bridal remnant, of whom Yochanan the Apostle is the chief representative and chief example for us. It was to Yochanan that Messiah confided what only He knew. (John 13:21-26) Notice, he never did tell Kepha what Messiah said. The book of Daniel is a “sister book,” a cross-reference, to the book of Revelation. Daniel 2:20-22… Verse 22: “He reveals deep and secret thing. He knows what is in the darkness and light dwells with Him.” “He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who possess understanding.” Daniel 2:28: “There is an Elah in the heavens who reveals secrets.” He gives to those who already possess wisdom and understanding. This brings us to Mark 4:25 and Luke 8:17-18: “For whatever is hidden shall be revealed and whatever is secret shall be known and come to light. Therefore, take heed how you hear. For whoever possesses, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not possess, even what he thinks he possesses shall be taken from him.” We must possess our eternal life and invest it by our obedience to the Master. For the days are coming swiftly when great apostasy will take even the eternal life from many of His people, causing Him to have to removed their names from the Book of Life. Read Mark 4. Refer to the article “Scripture Warns…” and look up all the Scriptures. Also, refer to Derek Townsend’s mini-book For the Love of Truth – Possessing Your Eternal Life for an in-depth look at what this means from Scripture. His website is: . It is also on Amazon in booklet form. Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuwah does nothing unless He first reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” The Illuminati as copied this by saying that they do nothing unless they first tell everyone what they are going to do – usually through movies or TV programs, or through various types of news propaganda. Psalm 25:14: “The secret of Yahuwah is with those who fear Him.” From age 7 on, the passion of my life was to learn truth and expose the lies and deceptions. I grew up loving mystery stories – I read all the Nancy Drew mystery books there were available back then (1950s). As I became closer and closer to Yahushua, I wanted to know secrets that He had for me to know. I loved the Word because it contained so much intrigue and mysterious information. When I found out in my study on quantum physics how extra-dimensional the Word is, it helped me understand it from a new perspective, and to understand my many extra-dimensional experiences, dreams and visions, from Yahuwah’s realm that have filled my life since age 4. It also helped me understand the dimension of the dark kingdom that had nearly destroyed my life beginning at age 4, setting me up for a life tormented by the dark kingdom, until I learned the authority granted to me by the Kingdom of Light. Ignorance is not bliss! Ignorance brings incorrect reasoning that leads to incorrect decisions that can lead to ruin. Abba’s secrets are His revelation knowledge to our spirit that bypasses our carnal reasoning mind, and opens up understanding to us from His own mind. Remember: The word “Revelation” means “to reveal.” This book is the Revelation of Yahushua – it reveals Him to us more clearly. I only want to know and believe what is on Yahuwah’s mind. Yochanan was the same. Initially, Kepha/Peter was jealous of Yochanan’s relationship with Yahushua, as in John 21, but we see in the book of Acts how Kepha and Yochanan worked together, and separately, in unity - after they were filled with the Spirit of Yahuwah. (Psalm 133 with John 17) Yahuwah is an exclusivist … a jealous Elohim (Exodus 20:5; 34:14). Yahushua also is an exclusivist, a jealous Bridegroom. His Bride will not have any other gods in His face, nor bow to anyone but Him as Husband/Ishe. He will have a blameless remnant who calls Him “Ishe,” not because of religious sentimentality, or false assumptions, but because she knows Him like He knows her (Hosea 2:16-17, 19-20). His Bride will call Him “Ishe” and no longer “Ba’al,” “the Lord.” All of the false names we’ve called Him will be taken out of our mouths and minds forever. Notice in Hosea 2:19-20 He calls her “Bride,” not wife. The wife is the engaged woman, (as in Revelation 19:7). The Bride is the married woman – that’s Hebrew understanding to this day. The thunders remain a mystery, but they were only for Yochanan’s ears, and will be only for those bridal-hearted, like him, of our day. Closely examining Revelation 10:5-7 KJVKing James Version: “5And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, 6And sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: 7But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophetsThe Aramaic Bible in Plain English: 5And the Angel whom I saw was standing on The Sea and upon the dry land, raising his hand to Heaven. 6And he swore by him who lives to the eternity of eternities, him who created Heaven and that which is in it, and The Earth, and that which is in it: "Time shall be no more." 7"But in the days of the seventh Angel, when he shall sound, the mystery of God is completed, which he evangelized to his Servants The Prophets."The New American Standard 1977: “And the angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land lifted up his right hand to heaven, 6and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, WHO CREATED HEAVEN AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE EARTH AND THE THINGS IN IT, AND THE SEA AND THE THINGS IN IT, that there shall be delay no longer, 7but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, then the mystery of God is finished, as He preached to His servants the prophets.” The Jerusalem Bible, (this 1966 version uses the Name “Yahwah”): “Then the angel that I had seen standing on sea and the land raised his right hand to heaven and sword by the One who lives forever and ever and made heaven and all that is in it, and earth and all it bears, and the sea and all it holds that `the time of waiting is over.’ At the time the seventh angel is heard sounding the trumpet God’s secret intention will be fulfilled just as He announced in the Good News told to His servants the Prophets.” Geneva Bible 1599, Revelation 10:6: “…that time should be no more.” Footnote: “Neither time itself, nor the things that are in time, but that the world to come is at hand, which is altogether of eternity, and beyond all time.” Do you notice that before the angel gives the proclamation that time will cease to exist, he praises Yahuwah as Creator? In Revelation 14:6-7, we read that not long before Messiah comes, Yahuwah will send out a mighty angel flying through the sky above earth with the “everlasting gospel,” calling on mankind to fear Yahuwah as Creator. This puts the timing of the angel’s pronouncements just before the return of Messiah. He proclaims: “There is no further delay.” The time of waiting is over. We are now in the time of “delay,” but we are moving quickly into the time when time itself will cease to exist and we’ll enter eternity when Yahuwah comes to earth (Revelation 21 and 22) When Yahuwah comes, we enter eternity. At this point in our time, the cosmos itself is reversing back to its origin - before Genesis 1:1--before the original creation. We are reversing back to the time when Yahuwah will dwell on earth with mankind. This is not just spiritual theory, but physics reality. Refer to: “Time is Reversing Back to the Original Creation” for details and physics reality. This article includes quotes from: Dark Energy and Time Reversal from “Into the Multiverse, May 19, 2016 with Josh and Christina Peck on SkywatchTV, on Thursdays. Here are some of the quotes: “Dark energy has to do with the expansion of the universe. Every object is moving away from every other object in the universe. Now it is doing this at a faster rate of speed than ever before. This is very strange to scientists. They can’t figure out what is going on. The rate of speed is increasing. “Something” seems to be pushing, or pulling them away from each other fast and faster, and they can’t figure out what’s going on. Out in empty space, a force is making them pull away from each other… Josh Peck said: “A reverse entropy is happening!” Entropy: a slowing down, degrading, the progression of death and decay. Something is reversing this death and decay and backing it up. Right now, more energy is being pumped into the universe expanding it, rather than decaying it.” “As the energy is released, time stops, and backs up. It hits a wall, so to speak, and reverses itself.” Ephesians 2:6-7: “…and raised us up together and made us sit together in the heavenlies with Messiah Yahushua, that order to show in the coming ages, the exceeding riches of His favor in kindness towards us in Messiah Yahushua.” We actually go into His dimension when we “sit together with Messiah.” It is not religious spookiness, or fantasy, it is real. The eternal goal of our Father has been to take His people back to the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve lived in an extra-dimensional state of immortality. They lived on earth but also in a portal that directly linked to the throne room of Yahuwah. The place of the Garden is today’s East Jerusalem with its three main portals of Yahuwah – gate ways into His dimension – at the City of David, which is Zion as per the Word, and Mount Moriah, the place of the Temple Mount, and the Mount of Olives directly in front of it. Today this tiny area, which even I can walk over easily, is the one place on earth that the entire Elite of this world want to possess – i.e. Zechariah 12:2-4. Today, Jerusalem is indeed a “cup of trembling for all people.” Not all of Jerusalem, but only this tiny area and these three hills are the desired prize of Satan and all his worshippers. The book of Jubilees tells of four main portals of Yahuwah – the fourth one being Sinai. It is obvious that the three main ones form a triangle in that small space where the portal of the Garden is still there. We know this because the entire kingdom of darkness, comprised of both fallen angels and humans, want that tiny piece of property. It is where Yahuwah says He will reign forever over His people – Psalm 132:12-13 for example. The angel is announcing the return of Messiah, but looking further to the coming of Yahuwah (Revelation 21-22). He is also saying that at this point, there will be no further delay in the coming of Messiah. This information is explained further in the Podcast from May 2016 in Canada and in the articles: Time is Reversing Back to the Original Creation and Enter In --The Word and Extra Dimensional Travel, Part II, both under the Mikvah of our Eternal Inheritance From “Into the Multiverse” Part XVI: Biblical Time Travel - June 16, 2016: Interview with Gary Stearman of Gary Stearman said that Abba works from the end back to the beginning as well as the beginning to the end. Revelation 21:5-6: “And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new…I AM the aleph and the tav, the beginning and the end…” Isaiah 46:9-10: “Remember the former things of old, for I AM Elohim and there is none else. I AM Elohim. There is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying `My council shall stand and I will do all My pleasure.” Gary Stearman said that Elohim was creating “reverse entropy” – going back to the original, reversing time, reversing aging of any type. Josh reminded him of “dark energy,” where time is going backwards. This energy is increasing in speed. At some point, time will hit a wall and begin to reverse itself – going all the way back to the original creation – back to the beginning of time (on earth) as we know it, when He first created the heavens and the earth. Isaiah 45:17-18: “Israel shall be saved by Yahuwah with an everlasting deliverance. You are not to be ashamed, or hurt--forever and ever. For thus said Yahuwah, Creator of the heavens, He is Elohim, Maker of earth and it’s Maker. He established it. He did not make it to be empty. He formed it to be inhabited. `I am Yahuwah, and there is none else.’ ” Psalm 37:9, 11: “For evil doers are cut off, but those that wait on Yahuwah shall inherit the earth…the meek ones shall inherit the earth.” *Gary cited Einstein, who said: “Time does not exist.” He explained: If you take the smallest division of our earth time--the second-- and begin counting seconds, then go faster and faster in counting the divisions of time to nanoseconds, then beyond that, when you get to 10 to the minus 43 power for every division of time, time disappears and space disappears with it, thus Einstein said, “time does not exist.” …”Gary cites different examples of time travel in the Bible, like with Eliyahu--from II Kings 2 to Matthew 17:1-6, to Malachi 4:5-6, and Revelation 11.” Oh what we lost! From the Garden, His children had to be thrown out of eternity into time, where we began the death process. When Satan and his angels rebelled, they too were thrown into time – into the second heaven. They proceeded to destroy the Genesis 1:1 creation, producing the Genesis 1:2 chaos. They continued to corrupt the family lineage of Yahuwah, beginning with Adam and Eve. But, because of our awesome Yahushua, through the true new birth, we become once again able to access the realm of Yahuwah in the “third heaven.” Refer to the last article: “Accessing the Third Heaven.” From Into the Multiverse Part XIX – The Mandela Effect Exposed: “When Adam and Eve fell, they were in eternity, outside of time. They had been able to enter other dimensions that Abba opened for them – perhaps going above earth or touring the universe as Enoch did. Their minds were much more powerful than ours. It is said we only use 10% of our mental ability. What did they forfeit by listening to the Serpent? – a lot more than religion has told us!!!” The good news is all through the Word – and in Revelation 10. There is an end to the kingdom of darkness, and the Kingdom of our Creator will never pass away! And not only does time cease to exist as in the time we have to wait for Messiah to come, or time in general, “the secret of Elohim” is also ended. Revelation 10:7, The Scriptures: “…there should be no further delay, but in the days of the sounding of the seventh messenger, when he is about to sound, the secret of Elohim shall also be ended, as He declared to His servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He (first) reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” What secret of Elohim ends when Messiah comes? Refer to: “The Ending of the Secret” under the mikvah of salvation. This refers to the mystery of our salvation by faith. Once Messiah comes, faith will be in the Person of Messiah because we see Him. Now it is: “…blessed are those who do not see and believe.” (John 20:29) I Corinthians 1: The secret of salvation is hidden from those who think they are wise, but are not. Isaiah 6 with Matthew 13: Those whose names are in the book of life have all been gathered at Messiah’s coming, and so there is no more secret as to who His family is!!! Romans 16:25-26: “And to Him who is able to establish you by my Good News and the preaching of Yahuweh Messiah, according to the revelation of the secret which was kept silent since times of old, but now has been made manifest and by the prophetic Scriptures has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the everlasting Elohim…” With Satan bound and the false prophet and Beast in the lake of fire, the dark kingdom banished and judged, the full secret of salvation and the Book of Life will be open to all. Comments on I Corinthians 2:7-10: The wisdom of Elohim has been hidden in a secret. It was so hidden that the rulers of darkness made a horrible mistake – they allowed Messiah to die on the stake. If they had known that through His death He would crush the head of the Serpent (Genesis 3:15), they would have tried to stop His death. The “secret” of Elohim, as you will see, is consistently about Messiah--His death and resurrection--to save the remnant of His people. (I John 3:8: “For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested – to destroy the works of the devil.”)***The message of salvation is called a secret because Yahuweh hid Messiah’s redemption-salvation of the ten northern tribes, the salvation of the House of Judah, and who-so-ever will (with conditions), from Satan/Lucifer and his angels, and from all of their human cohorts of the lineage of Cain (the lineage of the Serpent)--the evil, sinful, rebellious, disobedient, wicked, and violent, along with all of the descendants of Ya’cob who have aligned with the Serpent through the ages--the Devil/Satan/Lucifer/”Great Dragon.” Ephesians 3:3-5, 9 speaks of the mystery/secret of Messiah, which was not made known in other generations, but was revealed through Messiah by the Spirit to His set-apart apostles and prophets. I Corinthians 15:51-52: “Behold, I show you a mystery (secret). We shall not all sleep, but we all shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump-- for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” This is the resurrection of the justified at the return of Messiah At the “last trump,” the seventh trumpet of the trumpet judgments, Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father, not before! When that seventh shofar of the Trumpet judgments blows, Messiah descends and the resurrection of the just occurs! The righteous dead rise to meet Him in the air as He descends. Those that are alive and remain, who are also righteous, are caught up to be with Him in the air. He descends to take possession of His earth, His Land, once again, for His marriage and his marriage feast. Then He reigns 1,000 years; then Father comes. Colossians 1:26-27: “…the secret which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His set-apart ones, to whom Elohim desired to make known what are the riches of the esteem of THIS SECRET AMONG THE NATIONS, WHICH IS MESSIAH IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY…” Colossians 2:2: “…in order that their hearts might be encouraged, being knit together in love, and to all riches of the entire confirmation of understanding, to a true knowledge of the secret of Elohim…” Colossians 4:3: “…praying at the same time also for us, that Elohim would open to us a door for the Word, to speak the secret of Messiah, for which I am also in chains.” When the seventh shofar is blown, Messiah descends with the wrath of His Father, during which the resurrection of His people takes place--the redemption of His true family. His goal of redeeming a family for Himself will have been reached! The purpose for which Messiah came, for the “lost sheep of the House of Israel,” will be finished. His redemption of the sons of Ya’cob is finished. Once Messiah comes, the salvation of His people is sealed forever. We receive our rewards. At His coming we receive our final salvation--the “end of our faith is the salvation of our soul.” (I Peter 1:7-9) Yes, there is salvation for the natural people of earth still in physical bodies – but by obedience to Him and relationship with Him alone. [Refer to “Royal Secrets and Exclusivity--The Thinning of the Veil under the mikvah of set-apartness] REVELATION 10:9-10: The Little Book The great angel holds a little book. Yochanan goes and gets it out of the angel’s hand. Notice: Yochanan is not afraid of this huge being, because he represents our Abba. The angels who rejoiced at the creation of heaven and earth in Job/Iyob 38:7 and did not rebel remain bene Elohim. It’s just that we, in His likeness and image, were created higher than the angels, “a little lower than Elohim,” and are also known as “bene Elohim,” the sons of Elohim. This unity is seen throughout Revelation between angelic beings and human beings. Psalm 103 shows that they are ministering servants to Elohim, and to us. So, we are very grateful for the 2/3 that did not rebel, for we shall be together for eternity in peaceful relationship. What is this little scroll/book all about that Yochanan is told to eat? It wasn’t chocolate or vanilla flavored, but its words were sweet to his mouth. It became bitter to his stomach. The Hebrew understanding here is that to “eat” the scroll meant to receive knowledge. Again, Yochanan receives knowledge for himself personally. The thunders could also be personal revelation to him alone – the mystery continues. It is sweet to his taste, but once he begins to digest it, it gives him a sour stomach. We often say “I devoured the book,” meaning we couldn’t put it down because it was so good. I am that way about the Word – it is so good that I can’t stop studying it, and haven’t stopped for most of 54 years. For Yochanan the scroll showed that his future would be sweet, yet when he realized what he had to go through to get to the “sweet,” it became a bitter. Likewise, our future is very sweet, but what we have go through to get there will be very bitter. Notice that this same happened to Ezekiel--Ezekiel 2 and 3--but here Yahuwah fed him the scroll. This scroll, like the one Messiah opened in Revelation 6, was written on the inside and outside. The scroll was sweet in Ezekiel’s mouth also, but once he knew contents of the scroll it was bitter. Read those two chapters. The knowledge of the scrolls caused his bitterness and heart break over and over the rest of his life. We, too, must eat the scroll--the whole of it from Genesis to Revelation. It is sweet, yet to live it out there is much sorrow, hardship, and persecution. Yet, to not eat it is to be left out of its blessings. Revelation 10:11: The bitter part was living out the scroll … The angel tells Yochanan that after he leaves Patmos and returns to Ephesus, “you have to prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings.” Yochanan was 95 years old when he received this revelation, or 96 at the latest. He returned when he was 96--his sentence was revoked by the new emperor. What could he do at that age to reach many peoples, nations, tongues and kings? We know that he wrote I, II, and III John after he returned. Here is a mystery for you to think about… There is no record of the death of Yochanan. It is said they tried to kill him, even boil him in oil, but they couldn’t kill them. John 21 is still a mystery. Adam was not allowed to live more than a day after he sinned—which, as per II Peter 3:8, was 1000 years in Abba’s timing. He lived close to that. But, Yochanan was blameless before Yahuwah, as those in Revelation 14:1-5. The true new birth makes us new creations totally. Thus, we can be fitted for the Garden. For Yochanan to have been transformed and continue on to today would be a testimony to his representing the Bridal remnant. Enoch and Eliyahu were translated into the paradise portal of Elohim, somewhere in that triangle I talked about in East Jerusalem. But, Yochanan may have been the 1st to be transformed--given a new body and continue on this earth as the bridal remnant will. These are some exciting things to think about. We long to know what the 7 thunders are all about too. Stay tuned in to the voice of your Elohim, to His mind and emotions, to what He has to tell you. I emphasize that you study the Word so that He can talk to you in your spirit – study not for knowledge as much as for revelation – the revealing to you of His secrets!Shalom, in His loveYedidah - July 6, 2017 ................

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