Nature Publishing Group announces the launch of Nature …


3 October 2005

Embargo: for immediate release

Contact: Jason Wilde

Nature Publishing Group

+44 (0)20 7843 4896

Nature Publishing Group announces the launch of Nature Physics

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is delighted to announce the launch of Nature Physics, a new research journal dedicated to publishing top-tier research across the entire spectrum of physics.

The first issue of Nature Physics published in October and available online at naturephysics reflects its broad scope; from Bose–Einstein condensation to quantum information, superconductivity to sandcastles. The journal combines research articles with enhanced content such as reviews, essays, book reviews, commentary, features, research highlights and News and Views articles, that put developments in context for a wide readership – one of the great strengths of the Nature brand.

Nature Physics also represents a first for NPG as it is the first title to work entirely in LaTeX – seamlessly handling articles from submission through peer review, all the way to copy editing and typesetting. It is also the first title to use an XML-first workflow. These innovations ensure that all articles move through the production process as quickly as possible and to the highest standards, whilst improving the quality of equations and symbols in the print journal.

“LaTeX is the standard tool of the physics community," says Alison Wright, Chief Editor for the journal. “Working with LaTeX ensures we engage the whole community and have no barrier to submission. We believe that Nature Physics will become the primary source for the highest-impact research and commentary in physics and will provide a unique forum for the whole community”.

Nature Physics’ launch is timed to coincide with the World Year of Physics' which marks the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein’s “miraculous year”. In 1905, he produced five important papers describing ideas that have since influenced all of modern physics. Then, in 1921 – the year for which Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics – Nature published a special issue celebrating Einstein's general theory of relativity. The issue featured contributions from Eddington, Weyl, Lorentz and Einstein himself, among many others. Nature Physics, with the Swiss Confederation, have made that special issue available online for the first time, to celebrate the work of this Swiss patent clerk and the launch of Nature Physics.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd, dedicated to serving the academic, professional scientific and medical communities. NPG's flagship title, Nature, is the world's most highly-cited weekly multidisciplinary journal and was first published in 1869. Other publications and services include Nature research journals, Nature Reviews, Nature Clinical Practice, a range of prestigious academic journals, including society-owned publications, news content from news@ and scientific career information from Naturejobs.

NPG is a global company, with headquarters in London and offices in New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, Boston, Tokyo, Paris, Munich and Basingstoke. For more information, please go to .

Contact details:

Jason Wilde

Nature Publishing Group

The Macmillan Building

4 Crinan Street

London, N1 9XW, UK

T: +44 (0)20 7843 4896

E: j.wilde@



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