History Research Poster Rubric

American Imperialism Gallery Walk Project

Your job is to produce a poster that discusses the importance of American Imperialism at

the end of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Poster Topics include:

1. Acquisition of territory to include Alaska, Midway Island, American Samoa,

Hawaiian Islands, Philippines, Guam, Latin America, Caribbean,

2. Yellow Journalism

3. Spanish American War

4. US Navy and Alfred Thayer Mahon

5. Teller and Platt Amendments

6. Imperialism Debate

7. Philippine Insurrection

8. Roosevelt Corollary

9. Panama Canal

10. America on the World Stage

You will be working in pairs or Solo

• Create a poster or other visual displaying all of your research.

• The information on your poster must be legible and understandable

- Not only I, but all of your classmates, will be reading your poster and taking


• Pictures, always a welcome distraction from words

• Teams – You are being given the flexibility to choose your partner and topic

Things you should consider when making your poster…

• You must include at least ONE hand drawn map.

All maps must be original and drawn by you - A map printed off the Internet will

not be acceptable and do not trace it

• You must configure the essential elements of your research on the poster, but you

MAY NOT simply paste copied blocks of text found on the Internet.


• Furthermore, the information on your poster or visual aid must be legible and

organized in a logical manner

History Research Poster Rubric

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Content - Accuracy |The written response indicates an |The written response indicates |The written response is a brief|The written response is brief |

| |excellent understanding of the topic.|a good understanding of the |summary with few ideas or |and indicates a minimal |

| |Fully supported with ideas and |topic. Supported with adequate |explanations which indicates |understanding of the topic. |

| |evidence from the text, explanations,|evidence from the text, |that the student has a basic |Topic and ideas are not |

| |interpretations, or examples. |explanations, or reasons. |understanding of the topic. |supported with evidence. |

| | | | | |

| |At least 10 accurate facts are |8-9 accurate facts are |6-7 accurate facts are |Less than 6 accurate facts are |

| |displayed on the poster. |displayed on the poster. |displayed on the poster. |displayed on the poster. |

|Knowledge Gained |Student can accurately answer all |Student can accurately answer |Student can accurately answer |Student appears to have |

| |questions related to facts in the |most questions related to facts|about 75% of questions related |insufficient knowledge about |

| |poster and processes used to create |in the poster and processes |to facts in the poster and |the facts or processes used in |

| |the poster. |used to create the poster. |processes used to create the |the poster. |

| | | |poster. | |

|Graphics - Relevance |All graphics are related to the |All graphics are related to the|All graphics relate to the |Graphics do not relate to the |

| |history topic and make it easier to |history topic and most make it |history topic. |history topic. |

| |understand. |easier to understand. | | |

|Grammar/Mechanics |There are no grammatical/mechanics |There are a couple |There are a few |There are several |

| |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical/mechanics mistakes |grammatical/mechanics mistakes |grammatical/mechanics mistakes |

| | |on the poster. |on the poster. |on the poster. |


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