Latin America – Political Map and Physical Map (K/H)

Latin America – Political Map and Physical Map

Latin American Maps p. 191-193, A10-A13

Bodies of Water – Mexico, Central America, Caribbean

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Gulf of Mexico

Caribbean Sea

Panama Canal

Bodies of Water – South America

Lake Titicaca

Angel Falls (South-eastern Venezuela)

Amazon River

Parana River

Landforms – Mexico, Central America, Caribbean

Yucatan Peninsula

Baja California Peninsula

Isthmus of Panama (isthmus = small strip of land)

Landforms – South America

Andes Mountains

Atacama Desert

Llanos Plains

Patagonia Plateau

Pampas Plains

Amazon Basin

Cape Horn

Islands – Mexico, Central America, Caribbean


Islands – South America

Falkland Islands

Galapagos Islands

Countries Cities/Capitals

Mexico Monterrey, Mexico City, Tijuana, Juarez

El Salvador

Costa Rica


Venezuela Caracas

Colombia Bogotá

Ecuador Quito

Peru Lima, Machu Picchu (NW of Cuzco)

Bolivia La Paz, Sucre

Chile Santiago


Argentina Buenos Aires

Uruguay Montevideo

Brazil Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo

Cuba Havana

Puerto Rico

Dominican Republic




Regional Identification: Create a symbol for each of the following

on the political side:

- Site of 2016 Olympics (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

- the country that speaks Portuguese (Brazil)

- the communist country formerly led by Fidel Castro (Cuba)

Be sure to include TODALSIGS

- Grid for this map will be the Tropics and the Equator


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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