ORIENTATION TO MEXICAN CULTURE By Ross and Sandy MeyerTIMEBeing a little late is the norm, not the exception. “Around twelve o’clock” could mean any time between twelve and one o’clock. People are usually not concerned if you are late and expect that you won’t be concerned when they are late.FAMILY TIESFamilies in Mexico are closer than in the United States. It is not uncommon for uncles, aunts and grandparents to live in the same home, usually in different little apartments. There is a great deal of respect for parents and grandparents, with the grandmother’s word usually being final.LATIN TEMPERAMENTThey are more emotional and more romantic than in the United States. Latinos tend to get angry quicker and also get over their anger more quickly. (I.E. Drivers in Mexico City are quick to honk. Latinos may seem angry in conversation when really they’re not.)FOOD AND DRINKMexicans eat spicy food – be careful! Due to heavy smog in Mexico City, food sold in open air is unsafe. It is a good idea to wash fruit and vegetables with bottled water. Americans should drink purified or boiled water due to the questionably safe water supply.MEDICINE AND HYGIENEPoor Mexicans from rural setting have not been educated to wash hands after using the restroom or before eating. At times, the poor don’t have a choice about the cleanliness of what they eat and drink. Disease is spread that way. (I.E. eating from the dump in Juarez) Traditional medicine (from Indian influence) includes various herbal teas. Home remedies are still accepted and used. This has been taught through heritage and it’s less expensive than modern medicine.RELIGIONMost of Mexico is still nominally Catholic. Protestant religions (Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, etc.) are called “Evangelical” in Mexico. The Pentecostal churches have experienced great growth in Latin America, perhaps due to the inbred emotional Latin temperament and Charismatic leadership. Due to the growth of “Evangelical” Christianity, the Catholic Church is warning its members of protestant propaganda. Cults and fringe religious groups are also growing. ................

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