Latin II: Mid-term Exam Review

Latin II: Midterm Exam Review Nomen _______________________

I. Declensions. Review all declensions. Practice declining these words:

good wife new time

N uxor bona uxorēs bonae tempus novum tempora nova

G uxoris bonae uxorum bonārum temporis novī temporum novōrum

D uxorī bonae uxoribus bonīs temporī novō temporibus novīs

A uxorem bonam uxorēs bonās tempus novum tempora nova

Abl uxore bonā uxoribus bonīs tempore novō temporibus novīs

big world

N mundus magnus mundī magnī

G mundī magnī mundōrum magnōrum

D mundō magnō mundīs magnīs

A mundum magnum mundōs magnōs

Abl mundō magnō magnīs magnīs

II. Verb Translations. Review all tenses, both active and passive; review present active/passive infinitive, perfect passive participle.

1) coluerāmus we had worshipped 4) to foresee providēre

2) plicātum est it has been folded 5) having been consulted consultus

3) cognoscent they will learn 6) you (s) can/are able potes

III. Translation. Translate a portion of a Latin passage. Answer grammar questions that follow.

IV. Comprehension Questions. Answer questions about the part of the translation that you do not write (but only read).

V. Vocabulary Review. Multiple Choice: review words, lists 32 – 35.

VI. Qui, Quis, Hic, Ille, Is. Multiple Choice: choose the correct form of each pronoun.


Choose the best answer.

C 1) The tense of occupāvērunt is A) present. B) future. C) perfect.

C 2) “Do not stay in the room, students! A) Nolī manēte B) Nolīte manēte C) Nolīte manēre

B 3) Ex viā carrum movimus. A) abl. of place where B) abl. of place from which C) acc. of place to which

A 4) The Roman god of war is A) Mars. B) Ares. C) Minerva.

C 5) Which Roman king had the deep-sea port at Ostia built? A) Romulus B) Numa C) Ancus

A 6) Who is that goddess? A) Quis B) Qui C) Quae

C 7) The general to whom Caesar gave advice conquered the enemy. A) ad quem B) quid C) cui

B (abl. absolute)8) If that man had been seen, I would not have run into him. A)ille B) illō C) illīs

A 9) The words of these speakers were not heard. A) hōrum B) hīs C) hōs

B 10) We ran to her. A) eī B) ad eam C) eum

C (abl. abs.)11) Signō datō, militēs processērunt. A) A signal was given

B) With the signal about to be given C) After the signal had been given

Translate the first five lines. Then, read the remainder of the translation.

Plīnius, cuius facta bona vōbīs fortasse nōn ante nōta fuērunt, multās litterās scrīpsit quās etiam nunc legere possumus. Audīte factum pulchrum Plīnī. Quondam ad oppidum parvum in quō nātus erat vēnit. Ibi inter multōs hominēs stābat et dē salūte familiārum rogābat. Tum amīcum nōtum cum fīliō cernit. Plīnius puerum rogāvit: “Discipulus es?” Puer respondit: “Discipulus Mediōlānī sum.” Plīnius, commōtus quod puer patriam relīquerat, rogāvit: “Cūr hīc es? Cūr patriam relīquistī?” (Now, read the rest of this translation.) Puer respondit: “Nōn possum hīc manēre, nam magistrōs nōn habēmus.” Tum Plīnius verba fēcit: “Verbīs puerī commōtus sum. Certē lūdum hīc habēre potestis atque dēbētis. Cognōscite cōnsilium meum. Ego nōn līberōs habeō sed tertiam partem pecūniae quam dabitis parātus sum dare. Vōsne parātī estis reliquam partem dare, sī ego tertiam partem dabō?”

Plīnius = m., Pliny nātus = born Mediōlānī = at Milan cūr = why hīc = here sī = if

Pliny, whose good deeds perhaps have been not known to you before, wrote many letters which we are able to read even now. Hear the beautiful deed of Pliny. Once he came to a small town in which he had been born. There he was standing among many men and he was asking about the welfare of families. Then he sees a familiar friend with his son. Pliny asked the boy: “Are you a student?” The boy responded: “I am a student at Milan.” Pliny, disturbed because the boy had left behind his country, asked: “Why are you here? Why did you leave your country?”

The boy responded: “I am not able to stay here, for we have no teachers.” Then Pliny spoke: “I have been alarmed by the boy’s words. Surely you are able to have a school here and you ought to have (one). Learn my plan. I have no children but I am prepared to give a third part of the money which you will give. Are you prepared to give the remaining part if I will give a third part?”

Answer these questions that are based on the passage.

1) Why was Pliny disturbed? __________________________________________________________

2) Why was Pliny willing to offer his cōnsilium? __________________________________________

3) What was that cōnsilium? __________________________________________________________

4) What role must his friend and the son play in this cōnsilium? ______________________________

Identify the case, number and use of each noun underlined in the passage.

Case AND Number Use

1) litterās (1) accusative plural direct object

2) factum (2) accusative singular direct object

3) Plīnī (2) genitive singular possession

4) oppidum (2) accusative singular place to which

5) quō (2) ablative singular place where

6) fīliō (4) ablative singular accompaniment

7) Discipulus (4) nominative singular predicate nominative


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