Science Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Root Words - PC\|MAC

Science Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Root Words

1. a ? (G:) not, no, absent, absence of, lack of (L:) from, away, away, from 2. ab/abs ? away, away from, departing from 3. abys/abyss/abysso ? no bottom, bottomless (from a- = no and bussos = bottom) 4. ac/ad ? to, toward, near 5. acr/agr/agra/agri/agro ? pertaining to land or fields; farming 6. ad ? to, towards, at 7. aer/aero ? air 8. alb ? white 9. alt/alti ? high 10. ambi/amphi ? both; on both sides, around 11. amni ? river, stream of water 12. amoebi/amoebo ? change 13. an ? (G:) no, not, absence of, without, lack, of, not (L:) to, towards, at 14. ana ? up, back, against, again, throughout 15. anem/anemo ? wind 16. angio ? vessel 17. ann ? year 18. anth/antho ? flower 19. anthro/anthrop ? man, human being 20. anti ? against, opposite of 21. anus ? ring 22. ap/apo ? away from, off 23. aqu/aqua/aqui ? water 24. arch/archa/arche ? primitive or ancient 25. as/asco ? bag, sac 26. aster/astra/astro ? star, celestial body, or space 27. asthen ? weakness 28. atmos ? vapor 29. auto ? self, same; one 30. ava/avi ? bird 31. baro ? weight, pressure, heavy, depth 32. basi ? base, bottom 33. benth ? depth 34. bi/bin ? double, twice, two 35. bio ? life; living matter 36. blast ? bud, germ, sprout, generator, cell, primitive 37. bryo ? moss 38. cal ? heat 39. capill ? hair 40. cara ? dearly, beloved, dear, costly 41. ced/ceed/ces/cess ? to go, move, withdraw, yield access 42. centi ? 1/100th 43. centr/centri/centro ? center 44. cephal/cephale/cephalo ? head, front, end, point, source, top 45. cept/capt/cip/cap/ceive/ceipt ? to take, hold, grasp 46. cera ? horn

47. chemo ? related to chemicals 48. chlor/chloro ? green, pale green, yellowish-green 49. chrom ? color, colored, pigment 50. chron/chrono ? time 51. chrys/chryso ? gold, yellow 52. ?cide ? kill 53. cil/cili ? small hair 54. circ/circum ? around, about, round 55. clast ? break 56. clin/cline ? lean, leaning, lie, bend; bed; slope, slant 57. cocc ? berry, seed 58. coel/coelo ? cavity, hollow 59. coll ? glue 60. co/com/con ? with, together, thoroughly; common 61. corona ? crown 62. cosm/cosmo ? world, order, universe 63. cyan/cyano ? blue 64. cycl/cyclo ? circle, ring 65. cys/cyst ? sac, fluid-filled sac 66. cyt/cyte/cyto ? cell 67. de ? away, down, reduce, remove 68. deca - 10 69. deci ? 1/10th 70. dem/demo ? people 71. dendr/dendri/dendro ? tree, branch 72. derm/derma ? skin 73. deutero ? second 74. di ? two, twice, double 75. dia ? double; through, between, apart, across 76. dif/dis ? apart, away, not, to deprive; to the opposite 77. din/dina/dino ? terrible 78. dorm/dormi ? sleep, sleeping 79. duc/duct ? lead, draw 80. e/ec/ecto/ex/exo ? out, outside, away from, outside of 81. eco ? environment or habitat 82. electro ? having to do with electricity 83. em/en ? in, inside; into, cover with, cause 84. endo ? within, inside 85. enn/enni ? year 86. ep/epi ? after, among, at, on, outside, over, to, upon 87. equ/equa/equi ? equal or equally 88. eu ? good 89. evolu ? to unroll 90. flagell ? whip 91. flect ? bend 92. fore ? in front of, previous, earlier

93. fract ? break 94. gam/gamet/gamo ? marriage 95. gastr/gastro ? stomach 96. gen/gene/geno ? birth, production, formation, kind; to give birth, produce 97. geo ? earth; global, soil 98. gibb/gibbo ? hump, humpback 99. gon/gono ? seed, offspring, ovary, testis, that which generates, origin 100. ?graph/-graphy ? recording, writing, written 101. gress ? to step, to go 102. gymn/gymno ? naked, nude, uncovered, bare, exposed, unclad, disrobed, undressed 103. hecto ? 100 104. heli/helio ? sun 105. hepat/hepato ? liver 106. hes ? stick to, cling to, cleave to 107. hetero ? different; other 108. hom/homeo/homo ? like or same 109. hydr/hydro ? liquid, water 110. hygr/hygro ? moisture, humidity 111. hyp/hypo ? under, beneath, less than 112. ign/igni/ignis ? fire, burn 113. im/in/ir ? in, on, upon, into, toward; not, without 114. infra ? below, beneath 115. inter ? among, between, jointly 116. ?ion ? the act of 117. iso ? equal 118. ject ? throw 119. juven ? young 120. kilo ? 1000 121. lat/later/latero ? lateral, side, wide 122. lign/ligni/ligno ? wood 123. lith/litho ? rock, stone 124. ?log-/-logy ? the study of 125. lum/lumen/lumin ? light, shine; torch, lamp; heavenly body 126. lun/luna ? moon, light, shine 127. lys/lyso ? to break apart 128. macro ? long, large 129. mag/magn/magna/magni ? great, large 130. mal/male/mali ? bad, abnormal, badly, harsh, wrong; ill; evil; defective 131. mand ? to order 132. mar/mari ? sea 133. mening ? membrane 134. mer/meri ? division, part, subdivisions 135. merg/mers ? dip, dive 136. meso ? middle 137. meta ? beyond, between, transition, among, with, after, alter; change 138. mete ? to measure

139. meteor/meteoro ? upraised, high up; in the air; heavenly body, atmospheric phenomenon 140. micro ? small, very small, short, minute;1/1,000,000th 141. milli ? 1/1000th 142. min/mini ? small, less 143. mono ? one, single 144. morph/morpho ? shape; form 145. mut/muta ? change, exchange 146. myc/myco - fungus 147. nano ? extremely small; 1/1,000,000,000th 148. nebul/nebula ? mist, fog, cloud, smoke 149. nect/necto/nekt/nekto ? swim 150. nema ? thread 151. nephr/nephri/nephro ? kidney 152. noc/nox ? night, harm 153. nom/nomen/nomin ? name 154. non ? no, not, without 155. nov/nova/novo ? new 156. nucle ? pit, kernel, little nut 157. nutri ? food, nourishment 158. nym ? name 159. oo ? egg 160. organ ? tool, instrument 161. ornitho ? bird 162. ov/ovi/ovo/ovum ? egg, ovary 163. oxi/oxy ? sharp 164. pale/paleo ? ancient, prehistoric, old, early, primitive 165. pan ? all, any, everyone 166. par/para ? to give birth; abnormal, assistant, beside, beyond, near, same as; protection

from 167. path/patho/pathos/pathy ? disease, emotion, feeling, perception, sensation, suffering 168. ped/pede/pedi/pedal ? foot, feet 169. pel ? drive, force 170. per ? through, throughout 171. peri ? around, about, enclosing 172. phag/phago ? eat, destroy, consume, ingest 173. phen/pheno ? visible 174. pher/phero ? bear; carry 175. phor/phoros ? bearer or carrier 176. phot/photo ? light 177. phyl/phylo ? species 178. phyll/phyllo ? leaf 179. phyt/phyto/phyte ? plant, to grow 180. plankt/plankto ? passively drifting, wandering, or roaming 181. plas/plasm/plast ? development; grow, form, shape 182. pod/poda/podo/pode ? foot, feet 183. poly ? many, much; too many, too much, excessive; more than one

184. pre ? before, earlier, ahead of, in front of 185. prim/primi/primo/prin ? first 186. pro - before, for, forward, forth, in front of, substitute 187. prot/proto ? primitive, first, chief 188. pseud/pseudo ? false, counterfeit 189. pyo ? pus 190. pyr/pyro ? fire, heat 191. radia/radio ? radiation, ray 192. re ? again, back, backward 193. retro ? back, backward, behind 194. rhiz/rhizo - root 195. rhod/rhodo ? red 196. saur/saurid/sauro/saurus ? lizard 197. scler/sclero ? hard 198. scop/scope/scopy ? see, examine, observe, look 199. sed ? to sit, to settle 200. seism/seismo ? earthquake, move violently, shake 201. sept/septi ? seven 202. sol/sola ? sun; one, alone, lonely, only; to comfort, to encourage, to cheer 203. son ? sound 204. spec/spect ? appearance, look, see, shape 205. ?sphere ? ball, globe 206. spir ? breathe 207. sta - stand 208. staphylo ? cluster 209. stat ? position, standing 210. stell ? star 211. stom/stoma/stomato/stome/stomo ? mouth, opening 212. stratio/strati/strato/strat/stroma ? horizontal layer; stretched, spread out, layer, cloud

layer 213. strepto ? chain 214. sub - below, beneath, under, lower than, inferior to, up from below 215. super ? higher in quality or quantity; above, down, thoroughly, upon 216. sy/syl/sym/syn/sys ? together, with, same 217. taxo/taxa ? order 218. tecto ? framework 219. tel/tele ? far, distant, at a distance, away 220. temper ? to measure or regulate 221. terr/terra/terre/terri ? earth, land 222. test/testi ? witness, one who stands by; testicle 223. tetan ? rigid, tense 224. therm/thermi/thermo ? heat, hot, warm; temperature 225. thorac/thoraco/thorax ? chest 226. topo - place 227. tox/toxi ? poison 228. trache ? windpipe; rough artery


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