Luther's Latin Litany

Latina Litania Correcta


P Ky-ri-e, C E - le - i - son.

Chris-te, E - le - i - son.

Ky-ri-e, E - le - i - son.

Chris-te, E-xau-di nos.


Pater de coel - is Deus, Misere - re nobis.

Fili redemptor mun- di Deus, Misere - re nobis.

Spiritus sanc - te Deus, Misere - re nobis.


Propi - tius esto. Parce no - bis, Domine.

Propi - tius esto, Libera nos, Domine.


Ab om - ni pec-ca-to,

Ab om - ni err - or-e,

Ab om - ni ma - lo, Libera nos, Domine.


Ab insidiis diab - o - li,

A subitanea et impro - visa mor - te,

A peste et fa - me,

A bello et cae- de,

A seditione et simul- ta - te,

A fulgure et tem pesta- ti - bus,

A mor - te per-pe-tua ; Libera nos, Domine.

(Facing page is English translation. Prayers continue on next pages.)

Latin Litany, Corrected

Lord Have mercy.

Christ Have mercy.

Lord Have Mercy.

Christ Hear Us.

God the Father in heaven Have Mercy on us.

God the Son, redeemer of the world Have Mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost Have Mercy on us.

Be gracious to us Spare us, Lord.

Be gracious to us Free us, Lord.

From all sin;

From all error;

From all evil; Free us, Lord

From the snares of the devil,

From sudden and unexpected death,

From pestilence and famine,

From war and bloodshed,

From sedition and rebellion,

From lightning and tempest,

From eternal death; Free us, Lord


Per mysterium sanctae incarnate - onis tu- ae,

Per sanctam nativi - tatem tu- am,

Per Baptismum, leiunium et tentati - ones tu-as,

Per agoniam et sudorem tu - um sangui- ne- um,

Per crucem et passio - nem tu- am,

Per mortem et sepulture - am tu- am,

Per resurrectionem et ascension - nem tu-am,

Per adventum Spiritus Sancti, Pa-ra-cle-ti; Libera nos Domine


In omni tempore tribulatio - nis nostrae,

In omni tempore felicita - tis nostrae,

In hora - mor - tis,

In die ju - di - cii; Libera, nos, Domine.


Peccatores, Te rogamus, audi nos ;


Ut ecclesiam tuam sanctam Catholicam

regere et gubema - re digneris ;

Ut cunctos Episcopos, Pastores et Ministros

ecclesiae in sano verbo et sancta vita serva - re digneris ;

Ut sectas et omnia scandala tolle - re digneris;

Ut errantes et seductos reducere in viam verita- tis digneris;

Ut Satanam sub pedibus nostris contere - re digneris ;

Ut operarios fideles in messem tuam mitte - re digneris :

Ut incrementum verbi et fructum Spiritus

cunctis audientibus dona - re digneris ;

Ut lapses erigere, et stantes comforta - re digneris ;

Ut pusillanimes, et tentatos consolari et adiuva- re, digneris ; Te rogamus audi nos.

(Facing page is English translation. Prayers continue on next pages.)

By the mystery of your Holy incatnation,

By your holy nativity,

By your Baptism, fasting and temptation,

By your agony and bloody sweat,

By your cross and passion,

By your death and burial,

By your resurrection and ascension,

By the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter; Free us, Lord.

In all time of our tribulation,

In all time of our prosperity,

In the hour of death,

In the day of judgment; Free us, Lord.

We sinners; Ask you to hear us.

That you would rule and govern your holy Catholic Church;

That you would keep all bishops, pastors, and ministers of your

church in the sound word and holy life;

That you would remove all sects and offenses;

That you would lead back the erring and deceived into the way of truth;

That you would crush Satan under our feet;

That you would send faithful workers into the harvest;

That you would give all hearers an increase

in the word and fruit of the Spirit

To raise up those who fall, and strengthen those who stand

To help the faint-hearted and to console the tempted We ask you to hear us.


Ut Regibus et Principibus cunctis pacem

et concordiam dona - re digneris;

Ut Caesari nostro perpetuam victoriam

contra hostes suos dona - re digneris.

Ut Principem nostro cum suis

Praesidibus dirigere et tue - ri digneris ;

Ut Magistratum et plebem nostram

benedicere et custodi - re digneris ;

Ut efflictos et periclitantes

respicere et salvare digneris ;

Ut praegnantibus et lactentibus felicem

partum et incrementum largi - re digneris ;

Ut infantes et aegros fovere et custodi - re digneris ;

Ut captivos libera - re digneris ;

Ut pupillos et viduas protegere et provide - re digneris;

Ut cunctis homnibus misere - ri digneris; Te rogamus, audi nos.


Ut hostibus, persecutoribus, et calumniatoribus

nostris ignoscere et eos converte - re digneris ;

Ut fruges terrae dare et conserva - re digneris ;

Ut nos exau - di digneris; Te rogamus, audi nos.


Agne Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Misere - re nobis.

Agne Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Misere - re nobis.

Agne Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, Dona no-bis pacem.


Chris-te, E-xau-di nos

Ky-ri-e, E - le - i - son.

Chris-te, E - le - i - son.


Ky-ri-e, E - le - i - son. A - men.

To give all kings and princes peace and concord

To give to our ruler perpetual victory over all our enemies

To direct and protect our ruler and governors

To bless and keep our magistrates and people;

To regard and save the afflicted and those in peril;

To give pregnant women and nursing mothers a

good birth and generous growth;

To keep all infants and the sick;

To set free the captives;

To protect and provide for orphans and widows;

To take pity on all men; We ask you to hear us.

To pardon and convert our enemies, persecutors and slanderers;

To give and preserve the fruits of the earth;

To hear us; We ask you to hear us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world Have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world Have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world Grant us peace.

Christ Hear us.

Lord Have mercy.

Christ Have mercy.

Lord, Have Mercy. Amen.


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