Loudoun County Public Schools / Overview

QUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateLatin 1Latin I HomeworkLatin 2Latin 2 Homework#1TuesdayFebruary 9-Q2 Wrap-Up: Grades, returned papers; review benchmarks results-Q2 Wrap-Up: Grades, returned papers; review benchmarks results#2ThursdayFebruary 11INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Latin Reading: Captions pp. 104-105--Grammar: About the Language I: Personal Endings Review--Grammar: About the Language II: Present Tense vs. Perfect Tense--Captions pp. 104-105 Wrap-Up--Sermones: verb endingsWrap-Up/Quomodo: verb endings--Make vocabulary cards for 7A --Study for 7A mini quiz with verbs+review vocab.WORK DAYJulius Caesar’s Rome: the Republic of RomeJulius Caesar’s Rome: The Age of Emperors#3ThursdayFebruary 18WORK DAY--7A mini quiz with verbs+review vocab.--Activity Master 7.6: What Tense is it?--Read Roman Beliefs about Life after Death pp. 115-118;--Complete Omnibus Workbook 7.8 Verum aut Falsum: Dead or Alive? --Complete Omnibus Workbook 7.10 Roman Beliefs about Life after Death --Parse+Translate: fabula mirābilis p. 106--Make vocabulary cards for 7B --Study for 7B mini quiz with verbs+review plete class work as necessaryINSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Culture: Egypt/Alexandria Intro--Latin Reading: Captions: Quintus de Alexandriā pp. 92-93--Grammar: About the Language I: Genitive Case p. 97--Sermones: recite D1-D2-D3 --Review D1-D3 charts!--Captions pp. 92-93--Stage 16 Test Corrections--Wrap-upMake vocabulary cards for 17A; Study for 17A mini quiz with declension 1, 2 or 3 nouns+ review vocabularyQUARTER 3 QUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#4MondayFebruary 22INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 7B Mini Vocabulary Quiz with verbs+review vocab--Cemetery Gates PPT--Roman Underworld PPT--Discuss OW 7.10 Roman Beliefs about Life after Death--Discuss Omnibus Workbook 7.8 Verum aut Falsum: Dead or Alive? --Discuss OW 7.8 Dead or Alive--Correct Activity Master 7.6 What Tense is It?--Correct Translation: fabula mirābilis p. 106Wrap-Up/Quomodo: verb endingsStudy for 7A full quiz with verbs+review vocab; WORK DAY--Cotidianum: 17A Mini Vocabulary Quiz with declension 1, 2 or 3 charts+ review words--Complete Activity Master 17.3: What Case is It?--Complete Omnibus Workbook 17.5: Language Awareness--Parse+Translation: tumultus i/tumultus ii pp. 94-95--Wrap-upMake Vocabulary Cards for 17B Study for 17B mini quiz with declension 1, 2, or 3 nouns+review vocabComplete class work as necessary#5WednesdayFebruary 24WORK DAY--Cotidianum: 7A Full Vocabulary Quiz with verbs+review vocab--Parse+Translate Decens pp. 108-109--Complete Activity Master 7.1 Decens-- Parse+Translate: post cenam p. 110Parse+Translate: animal ferox p. 112--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: verb formsStudy for 7B full quiz with verbs+review vocabFinish class work as necessaryINSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 17B Mini Vocabulary Quiz with declension 1, 2, or 3 charts+review vocab--Triumvirates: tumultus i/ii pp. 94-95--Correct Activity Master 17.3 What Case is It?--Correct Omnibus Workbook 17.5 Language Awareness--wrap-upStudy for 17A full quiz with declension 1, 2 or 3 charts+review vocabQUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateLatin 1Latin I HomeworkLatin 2Latin 2 Homework#6FridayFebruary 26INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 7B Full Vocabulary Quiz with verbs+review vocab--Roman History: Etruscans--Roman History: Romulus and Remus--Correct Translation: Decens pp. 108-109Correct Translation: post cenam p. 110 --Correct Translation: animal ferox p. 112--Correct Activity Master 7.1 Decens--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: Facts from Etruscans presentationStudy verbs endingsStudy vocabularyWORK DAY--Cotidianum: 17A Full Vocabulary Quiz with declension 1, 2, or 3 charts+review vocab--Complete Stage 17 Practicing the Language Worksheets--Complete Activity Master 17.2 verum aut falsum--Complete and Correct Activity Master 17.5 name that noun--Read Culture: Alexandria pp. 104-110--Complete Omnibus Workbook 17.8: AlexandriaStudy for 17B full quiz with declension 1, 2 or 3 charts+review vocabFinish classwork as necessary#7MondayFebruary 29WORK DAY--Parse+Translate: Metella et Melissa p. 114--Complete Activity Master 7.10 Name that Verb --Complete Stage 7 Practicing the Language WorksheetsWrap-Up/Quomodo: Verb FormsFinish classwork as necessaryINSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 17B Full Vocabulary Quiz with declension 1, 2 or 3 charts --Sermones: Discuss Culture: Alexandria pp. 104-110 and correct OW 17.8--Seven Wonders of the Ancient World ppt--Omnibus Workbook 17.6: Seven Wonders of the Ancient World --Correct Stage 17 Practicing the Language Worksheets--Correct AM 17.2 and 17.5--Wrap-UpQUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#8ThursdayMarch 3INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Correct Metella et Melissa p. 114--Correct Activity Master 7.10 Name that Verb --Correct Stage 7 Practicing the Language Worksheets--Stage 7 Review/Test FormatStudy for Stage 7 TestWORK DAY--Parse+Transalte: ad templum pp. 98-99--Complete Practicing the Language pp. 102-103 in the textbook--Parse+Translate: mercator Arabs pp. 100-101Finish classwork as necessary#9MondayMarch 7(NFLW)WORK DAYStage 7 Objective TestStage 7 Translation TestINSTRUCTIONAL DAY--correct translation: ad templum pp. 98-99--correct Practicing the Language pp. 102-103--correct translation: mercator Arabs pp. 100-101--Stage 17 Review/Test Format--Wrap-UpPrepare for Stage 17 test#10WednesdayMarch 9(NFLW)INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Stage 7 Test Corrections--Review Declensions--About the Language I: Accusative Plurals p. 130--Captions pp. 122-124--Sermones: D1-D3 endings--Activity Master 8.1 Nominative and Accusative--Omnibus Workbook 8.1 Which is the correct accusative--Omnibus Workbook 8.5 bestiae--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: declension endingsMake Vocabulary cards 8A;Study for 8A mini quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocbab.WORK DAYStage 17 Objective TestStage 17 Translation TestQUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#11FridayMarch 11(NFLW)WORK DAY--Cotidianum: 8A mini vocabulary quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab--Parse+Translate: Gladiatores p. 125--Complete Activity Master 8.2 Name that noun--Read Gladiatorial Shows/Animal Hunts/Riot at Pompeii pp. 134-138; --Complete Omnibus Workbook 8.9 Gladiatorial Shows--Parse+Translate: in arena p. 127Wrap-Up/Quomodo: verb forms 8B vocab cardsStudy for 8B mini quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab.INTRUCTIONAL DAY--Stage 17 Test corrections--Declension 1-3 Review--Grammar: About the Language I: review of D2 and D3 neuters--Sermones: Declension endings--Introduce D4+D5--Activity Master 18.6 Name that noun!--Wrap-Up Make vocabulary cards 18AStudy for18A mini quiz with declension charts; Study declension charts+review vocab!!!#12TuesdayMarch 15(NFLW)--INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 8B mini vocabulary quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab--Grammar: About the Language II: Superlative Adjectives p. 132--Omnibus Workbook 8.8 Superlatives--Sermones: Discuss Omnibus Workbook 8.9 Gladiatorial Shows--Translation Check: gladiatores p. 125Translation Check: in arenā p. 127--Correct AM 8.2 Name that noun Study for 8A full quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+ review vocabWORK DAY--Cotidianum: 18A mini vocabulary quiz with declension charts--Parse+Translate: taberna p. 114--Parse+Translate: in officina Eutychi i/ii pp. 116-117--Wrap-UpStudy for 18B mini quiz with declension charts+review vocabularystudy declension chartsfinish classwork as necessaryQUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#13ThursdayMarch 17WORK DAY--Cotidianum: 8A Full Quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun--Video: Gladiators—Bloodsport of the Colosseum--Parse+Translate: venatio p. 128; --Complete Stage 8 Practicing the Language Worksheets--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: facts from video Study for 8B full quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 18B Minin vocabulary quiz with declension charts +review vocab--Declension Review: CAESAR’S CASINO--Translation+Parseing check: in taberna p. 114-- Translation and Parsing Check: in officina Eutychi i/ii p.116-117--Wrap UpStudy for 18A full quiz with declension charts+review vocab; #14ThursdayMarch 17INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 8B Full Quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab--Translation Check: venatio p. 128--Correct Stage 8 Practicing the Language Worksheets--Omnibus Workbook 8.3 in ampitheatrō (parsed) --Activity Master 8.5 One is not enough--Activity Master 8.6 Snake Sentences--Stage 8 Review/Test Format--Wrap-UpStudy for Stage 8 TestWORK DAY--Cotidianum: 18A full vocabulary quiz with declension charts + review vocabulary--Parse+Translate: Clemens tabernarius p. 120--Read Culture: Glassmaking pp.127-130 and Egypt pp. 131-134--Complete Omnibus Workbook 18.5 and 18.9: Glassmaking and complete Omnibus Workbook 18.10: Egypt--Complete Practicing the Language Exercise A p. 125 in textbook (do on notebook paper)Study for 18B full quiz with declension charts+review vocab; Study declension charts Finish classwork as necessaryQUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#15MondayMarch 28WORK DAYStage 8 Objective TestStage 8 Translation Testmake Vocabulary cards 9A; study for 9A mini quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab.INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 18B Full Vocab Quiz with declension charts+review words--Discuss Omnibus Workbook 18.9 and 18.5 Glassmaking --Discuss Omnibus Workbook 18.10: EgyptNoun/Adjective Agreement reviewCorrect Practicing the Language p. 125--Correct Translation Work: Clemens tabernarius p. 120--Wrap-Up#16WednesdayMarch 30INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 9A mini vocabulary quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+ review vocab--Stage 8 Test Corrections--Review nominative and accusative uses (subject and direct objects)--About the Language I: Dative Case pp. 148-149--Captions pp. 142-143--Review noun charts: add remaining endings for D1, D2 and D3 --Sermones: declension endingsMake 9B vocab cards; Study for 9B mini quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocabWORK DAYParse+Translate: pro taberna Clementis pp. 123-124--Review of Neuter Nouns: Activity Master 18. Neuter NounsStudy declension charts (nouns+adj)QUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#17FridayApril 1WORK DAY--Cotidianum: 9B mini vocabulary quiz with 1 verb +1 noun+review vocab--Parse+Translate: thermae p. 145--Parse+Translate: in palestra p. 146--Complete Activity Master 9.4 Getting Personal--Complete Activit Master 9.5 One is not enough-- Complete Activity Master 9.7 Dealing with the Dative--Read The Baths pp. 154-158; --Complete Omnibus Workbook 9.10 The Baths, --Wrap-Up/Quomodo: noun chartStudy for 9A full quiz with 1 verb and 1 nounINSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: noun/adjective pairs--Review Stage 18/Test Format--Quarter 3 PALS review--Correct Translation Work+ Parsing: pro taberna Clementis pp. 123-124 --Correct AM 18.8--Wrap-UpReview for Q3 Vocab TestPrepare for Stage 18 TestReview for Q3 PALS#18TuesdayApril 5--INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 9A Full Quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab--Translation Check: thermae p. 145--Translation Check: in palestrā p. 146--Sermones: Discuss Omnibus Workbook 9.10 The Baths--Correct Activity Master 9.4 Getting Personal--Correct Activit Master 9.5 One is not enough-- Correct Activity Master 9.7 Dealing with the Dative--Quarter 3 PALS review--Wrap-UpStudy for PALS+Q3 Vocab Test (Stages 1-9)Study for 9B full quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab; Translation: in tabernā p. 149-150 WORK DAYStage 18 Objective TestStage 18 Translation TestReview for Q3 PALSReview for Q3 Vocab TestQUARTER 3: LATIN I: 2015-2016: STAGES 7, 8 and 9QUARTER 3: LATIN 2: 2015-2016: STAGES 17and 18DateHomework DueLesson HomeworkExtra Review#19ThursdayApril 7INSTRUCTIONAL DAY--Cotidianum: 9B Full Quiz with 1 verb and 1 noun+review vocab--Translation Check: in tabernā pp. 149-150--Activity Master 9.9 The Wonderful World of Word Order (parsing sentences)--Sign up for retakes/makeups--Wrap-UpStudy for PALS+Q3 Vocab Test (Stages 1-9)Prepare for retakes/makeup’sQ3 PALSQ3 Vocab TestRETAKES/MAKE-UPS SIGN-UPSPrepare for retakes#20MondayApril 11RETAKES/MAKE-UPSStudy for PALS+Q3 Vocab Test (Stages 1-9)RETAKES/MAKE-UPS#21WednesdayApril 13Q3 ENDSQ3 PALS Q3 Vocab Test--Julius Caesar’s Rome: Building an Empire (video excerpts) and study guide--Julius Caesar’s Rome: The Enduring Legacy (video excerpts) and study guideLooking ahead: Roman Empire: The Years of Trial Roman Empire: Years of EruptionRoman Empire in the First Century: Order from Chaos ................

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